"I will cool down, my love will go away!" - all about cool down on yourself. When should you perform a magic rite? Conspiracy-lapel from a guy

Cooling down on yourself is an effective way to get rid of obsessive feelings. Quite often, a girl has to resort to magic in order to get rid of her own love for a particular person. It is quite simple to make myself cool down, but it is always worth remembering about the consequences of such witchcraft intervention.

In the article:

When should you perform a magic rite?

This is a witchcraft effect that helps to get rid of love bonds. In most cases, such magic is resorted to when it is necessary to turn the attention of a man from a rival, but more and more often girls do cool down on themselves. This happens in several cases.

  • When there is insane feelings that are dear to only one of you. Feelings that are too strong are not good for anyone. Sooner or later, such strong emotions simply begin to stifle and do not give the strength to move on.
  • When there is not enough strength to break the connection. Quite often it happens that feelings between lovers have cooled down long ago, but no one has the spirit to stop them. In this case, it is most often done to cool down in order not to injure the feelings of the other person.
  • If a loved one - impostor... Girls do not always fall in love with "those" guys, but it is very difficult to force yourself to stop loving even a bad person. If it was not possible to remake the villain or drown out your feelings, then you can use the lapel.
  • When love ended long ago. If a man left, made it clear that the feelings are over, and the relationship has exhausted itself, this does not mean that the girl is experiencing the same emotions at that moment. If a girl does not want to make a love spell and return the object of adoration, she can cool down on herself.
  • When a girl was applied witchcraft... It is not uncommon for the victims to feel that the cause of their intense passion is magical effects. The lapel can help the victim get rid of the witchcraft influence, but in this case it is better to do a purification rite and get rid of what was done.

Cooling principle of operation

Before embarking on a cool down on yourself, you need to figure out what these rituals are and how to carry them out. Such an effect is the purposeful elimination of a strong attraction to a partner..

Be careful when performing the ceremony yourself. In the case of choosing a very strong conspiracy, you may have not only coldness for your lover, but also strong hostility, hatred. Usually, the effect of the ritual is noticeable immediately after it has been performed. At first, you will experience rejection from your beloved, and after that he will cease to interest you at all. There are three types of rituals:

  • coldness on an emotional level;
  • rituals aimed at destroying passion;
  • coldness that affects the thoughts of the victim.

Everyone chooses a ceremony that is within their power and best suited to the situation. In fact, most of the rituals are aimed at eliminating unwanted feelings. Therefore, with the help of rituals, thoughts can be purified, love removed from the heart and passion cooled.

If you cannot decide what kind of ritual is required, use universal chills, which help to neutralize all three components.

Features of the behavior of rituals

Pay attention to what time the ceremonies are held. It is best to perform them on the waning moon. It will contribute to the early extinction of love, and you can quickly get rid of addiction.

If a girl spends cooling on herself on her own, then she needs to carry out the ritual on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. After the ceremony is completed, it is necessary to carry out ransom... This way you will be safe and will not be affected. rollback.

Some chills suggest their own ransom option, but if it is not indicated, it is best for you to come to the temple and light a candle at any icon. The more accurately you follow all the rules and features of the chosen ritual, the more likely it is that it will work efficiently.

The main condition for any witchcraft is faith that it succeeds. If you do not believe in your own strength or doubt your skills, then it is better to seek help from a professional sorceress.

How to make yourself a lapel for water?

Water is used in many rituals. No wonder. It has a strong energy and feeds the magician, enhancing the effect of any rite. In order to cool down on your own, you will need a container filled with ice water. The colder it is, the better the magic will work.

It is advisable to carry out the ritual in a completely empty room with closed windows and doors. Turn off your phone and try to protect yourself from any outside influences. Sit in the center of the room, take a container of liquid and read the text of the conspiracy:

In the blue ocean, on a distant island, there is a large beautiful oak tree. A huge stone lies near an oak, a pike lies on a stone. She eats, eats the grief-torment of the servant of God (your name) For the servant of God (name of the man). So that she does not have a dull, irresistible longing, Burning pain either in her head, or in her heart, or in her soul. My word is strong. My word is strong. No one can take it off. May it be so forever and ever!

The text should be repeated 2 times. After that, exactly ½ of the liquid is drunk, and the remaining half is poured onto your face. Many reviews have been written regarding this ritual. It enjoys its popularity due to the fact that the effect begins to manifest itself within 1-2 days, it lasts for a very long time, and the ceremony itself is very simple.

Candles, nails and water - love will fade away forever!

This simple ritual can be done by yourself. To do this, take:

  • 2 candles;
  • 2 nails;
  • container with water.

Container with water
2 candles 2 nails

The best time to perform the ritual is late at night. Sit on the floor with 2 candles in front of you. As you peer into the flames, visualize the image of your beloved. Take a container of liquid in your hands and now imagine the two of you. Let your paths diverge in vision. Imagine that you are both happy. Only each in its own way, separately.

Take nails in your hand and bring them to the candle flame. Hold them so that the iron heats up well. After that, dip the nails into a container of liquid and say the words of the conspiracy 3 times:

Water-water, cool in me the passion-longing for the servant of God (name), As the iron quickly cools down, so I will be freed from the torment.

When the ritual is over, pour the water as far away from the house as possible, throw the nails on the wasteland and go to bed. Do not think about the ritual performed and never talk about it. This will save you from unwanted consequences.

Cool down on yourself with a snapshot and black bread

This is one of the most powerful ritual options. It takes 7 days. Remember you can't interrupt and skip days... But if this happens, then you have to start all over again. Before carrying out the ceremony, arm yourself:

  • black bread;
  • the image of a loved one.

black bread the image of a loved one

Place the image of your beloved upside down in front of you, and place bread next to it. How it will be done say the text:

Slave (name of the man), stay where you are, bread - lie where you are. I will remember you not with love, but with a cold word. As a slave (your name) I forgot my first steps in childhood, So now I will forget the slave (man's name). May it be so. Amen!

After these words, go to bed. The next day, throw the bread to the birds or animals, and put a new piece next to the picture. This action must be repeated all seven days. When the ritual is over, thoughts of a man will pass, and you will be ready to break the union.

Rite of passage with red candles

A guy's turn away from himself can be done with two red candles. This is a symbol of you and your companion. This ceremony is repeated in the same way as the previous one, for 7 days. After this time, you will be absolutely free from any feelings for the object of adoration.

On the first night, place the candles very tightly together. Light them up and imagine yourself next to your loved one. Imagine that you need to part, and you move away from each other. Each subsequent day, place the candles further and further apart, mentally also move yourself away from your partner.

On the 7th day, imagine that you are both happy, but with other people, each goes his own way and enjoys life. On this day, the red candles should completely burn out. When they go out, your love will disappear forever.

If you conjured, then you need to gradually get rid of the negative that loomed after the magic rite. Herbal tea will be the best way to help refresh the energy. It should include:

  • chamomile;
  • licorice;
  • melissa;
  • mint;
  • dandelion root.

dandelion root chamomile licorice melisa

If you need to cool your feelings, they do it. What is it and in what cases is it used most often? After a divorce, the wife is cooled to her husband, or vice versa, in order to get rid of the feeling of pain and disappointment. If the husband has a relationship on the side, the wife can make a ceremony to cool his feelings for his mistress and thus save the family.

Take off cool on my husband

As soon as you find that your spouse has been chilled by an ill-wisher, take action immediately. You need to remove someone else's magical effect, but don't tell anyone about this, even your closest relatives and friends, because they may turn out to be the very envious person.

The ritual is performed only by the wife and at the end of the week, on Saturday, Friday or Thursday, the rest of the days are not suitable for the ceremony.

There is a wonderful, strong conspiracy to cool the wife. Place a pot of water on the stove and boil it. Let it simmer for a little longer, 10-15 minutes. Now brew for your husband his favorite tea, which must be made to drink hot. So, a cup of brewed tea should be held between your palms and a plot should be said to it three times.

how to separate a husband from a wife

Lapel from wife

Make a lapel - simple but strong, for a man, for a woman

What happens then? Water will absorb information and your energy, and then begin to influence someone else's magical effect and remove it from your husband's energy. The main thing is that the husband should drink the charmed tea to the bottom, hot, so choose his favorite type of drink so that he cannot refuse.

This ritual very soon begins to operate, noticeable changes in the husband's behavior will appear in two weeks. However, if the cooling was powerful, the ritual must be repeated by the wife after 14 days.

Ostuda for the spouses

There is a rite that is used to cause quarrels in the family, which ended in divorce. Take a photo of your husband. Prepare a few needles and smoke them over a candle fire, holding them with tweezers. Now read the conspiracy in the photo and at the same time inject the picture with smoked needles.

To complete this ritual, take the punctured image, go to the graveyard and bury with the words of the second conspiracy. Keep in mind that this ceremony should only be performed by the wife.

The needles must be new, you can take large "gypsy" needles, but they must be smoked in the flame of a church candle. Instead of a photograph of your husband, you can take a picture of your beloved boyfriend.

Chill women

How do I cool down on my wife or mistress? For this, there are effective rituals that require the availability of certain materials. We suggest trying the ceremony in the photo, which can only be performed by the wife. You will need photographs of yourself and your husband. If you have a paired family photo, you can use it in the rite, but first tear it in half. Prepare an enamel bowl and water.

Fold the pictures into the dishes, pour water so that it covers them completely. Now you need to take it out in the cold or put it in the freezer, depending on the season of the year. Wait for the water to freeze. Now take a bowl of this ice and throw it firmly on the ground to crack the ice. Read the conspiracy right away.

Now you need to find an intersection, take the photo out of the ice, and tear it into small pieces. Pivot east, north, west, south and scatter some of the remnants and broken ice mixture on each part of the world.

Now go home and wait for the results of the ritual. At this time, do not make any attempts at love games with your husband, so as not to disrupt the action of the ceremony.

Remove cool men

If you find that your husband is cold, you urgently need to remove it. How to do this with the most efficient and quick result? You will be helped by a powerful ritual with salt, which will remove the lovemaker from your family life. The ceremony works not only for a man, but also for a woman, because it destroys the connection between the energy of your man and his mistress.

Take a handful of salt and hold it in your hands so that it gets a charge of your energy, but do not scatter it. Each grain of salt that falls out of your palm reduces the chance of a successful rite of passage for the return of a loved one to the family. So, hold a handful of salt in your palm for five minutes, then read the plot.

Pour the resulting conspiracy product into your husband's food for at least a month, but salt the food with ordinary salt for yourself.

Another ritual must be performed on the waning moon. You will need a church candle, a cup of water, and a pair of tweezers and a needle.

Place a candle in the center of the table, light it with matches, place a bowl of water next to it. Take a needle with tweezers, heat it in a flame, you can use a gas stove, and throw a glowing candle into the water with the words of the conspiracy. At the same time, think about the desired behavior of your beloved man.

Soon you will notice how the lost feelings between you return, so this ritual will help even upon the return of your ex-husband.

Was there magic

There are several signs that a man has a connection on the side, and this woman has been made to cool on you:

  • A beautiful wife is seen by her husband as ugly;
  • Behavior changes for no reason;
  • At night, you have nightmares or insomnia appears, which does not work for sleeping pills;
  • A kind and considerate husband becomes angry and indifferent;
  • Dislike, conflicts, quarrels and suspicions appear in the family out of the blue;
  • Feelings completely disappear;
  • If the husband is near his wife, he feels intense irritation towards her;
  • You are offered a free expensive item as a gift;
  • Strange objects suddenly appear in your home, including sand, wax, piercing or cutting tools, and hairballs.

You can cool down your husband with your wife, but you will need patience and attention. Do not tell anyone that you are going to perform a cooling ritual. Nobody should know about this, even the husband and close friends. All your actions must be kept secret forever. As soon as you blab out at least once, all your efforts will go down the drain, and after cooling it will be impossible to remove it. Appreciate yourself and do not talk about your family life with strangers.


If you want to conduct a ritual to cool down the relationship between husband and wife, first decide the pros and cons. The article shows the strongest rituals, after which it is quite difficult to reverse, or even completely impossible to reverse your actions.

Think, if you kill love and feelings, if you want to return them later. After all, the return of a man's former feelings will be impossible, and it may be that you suddenly realize that you really need this person, but you destroyed your happiness with your own hands, which then may never be.

Unfortunately, love relationships are not always as rosy and pleasant as it seems to young romantic people. Often, a chill or a lapel becomes the only sure way to get rid of feelings unrequited by the chosen one. Those determined to turn the sad page of a love story have to use ancient magic.

Cool - yes, lapel - no?

To a person who is not associated with the occult and does not have knowledge of magic, such concepts will surely seem identical. After all, “to cool” means to cool, and “to turn away” means to turn away or forget that, in principle, one and the same thing. However, there is a huge difference:

  • In the very understanding of rituals;
  • In the specifics of the conduct;
  • Target audience;
  • In the long term end result;
  • In the possible.

Despite the identity of the components and the similarity of names, they have different side effects and areas of influence.

It is advisable to contact a practicing magician or sorcerer who will help identify the negative influence and explain what to do about it. If there is no way, try to at least study the available information about lapel rituals.

Cooling, compared to a lapel, is the least safe way to heal unhappy love. However, it has a shorter-term effect, from 5 days to six months. With a strong feeling or negative impact, such as damage or love spell, a cold ritual alone will not be enough.

A powerful energy is required, aimed at combating dark forces or a series of similar mysteries, provided that the cold is carried out on oneself.

The contingent who will need knowledge of independent cold rituals consists of a wide circle of people. Among them:

  • young girls and guys in love without hope for reciprocal feelings;
  • confident that their behavior and emotional background have changed dramatically due to outside influence. However, even the slightest suspicion must be confirmed by a specialist;
  • people who have irrevocably lost contact with a loved one. For example, abandoned husbands and wives, abandoned lovers or grieving widow death;
  • persons who have fallen into the power of an unworthy person. For example, gigolo, alcoholic or drug addict. And also people who understand that such love brings nothing but suffering;
  • couples living by inertia, when one of the partners, who has lost their former feelings, does not have the courage to end the relationship.

If you see your problem among the categories listed above, you should learn about the principles of cooling:

  1. Emotional cooling... Cooling, or a slight turn of a person from himself, implies the removal of emotional dependence. Feelings prompting to seek a meeting with the object of passion are dulled. Tenderness and admiration for this person are replaced by hatred and indifference.
  2. Cleansing the Mind... A person differs from individuals living on earth in the ability to think. However, lovers blinded by passion often turn into animals, acting only by instincts. Having removed love attachment from himself through cooling, a person begins to enjoy life, control thoughts and emotions, and also analyze aspects of his behavior.
  3. Removing Sexual Attachment... When the cold begins to act on the sexual chakra, it may turn out that the person does not fit in an intimate sense and there is a lack of satisfaction. The close relationship soon ends. In the absence of the first intimacy, a person ceases to experience sexual attraction and arousal for a former lover.

So, enough has already been said in favor of cooling, so it's time to figure out how to cool myself (to myself) and get rid of obscene love addiction.

The ritual should be performed at night in a closed room with curtained windows. Next, you need a glass of well or spring water and a conspiracy learned by heart.

Practically touching the water with your lips, begin to whisper the conspiratorial text:

"On the blue-blue sea is dry land,
An oak grows on land
A block of stone lies under an oak tree,
The pike guards the tree under the block.
That pike eats all the melancholy
Kruchina, sadness-sorrow destroys
From the servant of God (your name) removes.
So that there is no flammable melancholy,
And no burning passion,
And not a watery slope,
And no deaf sorrow
The servant of God (your name)
According to the servant of God (name of the chosen one).
Not in my thoughts, not in my heart, not in my soul.
My key is in my heart
The lock is on the lips.
Till the end of time. May it be so! "

After reading, drink a third of the glass, wash yourself with the rest of the water.

Almost no cold is complete without water. It is recommended to use the provided versions of self-relief from hateful feelings. Can be used alone or in combination to enhance the effect.

Method 1. Taking a shower before bed, emotionally pronounce the words:

Mother Queen, the Spring Water! Ambulance, cleansing health resort! As you wash semi-precious stones, driftwood and multi-colored plants, so wash away from me the servants of God (your name) all the longing, sadness, burning torment for the servant of God (his name). So that I don’t yearn for him, I don’t think about him in my thoughts. So that the body does not respond to him, and everything that is connected with it, I forget. So be it!

Method 2. Pour warm water to the brim into an enamel container, lower your hand there to the elbow. As you drive clockwise, say:

Mother water, queen of all living things! Cleanse, wash out and wash my soul from anger and attachment, from passion and dependence. Heal the heart, heal the soul. Distract from the servant of God (his name), free him from love for him! Help me get rid of evil, and be born again clean! Amen!

Repeat the text three times. Then do ablution. Standing in the bathroom, pour all the water from the bucket onto the crown of your head, this will cleanse your body and spirit.

Method 3. Buy a washcloth and take a shower. Soap the bath accessory well, wiping the body with it, say:

I wash it off, take it off, rinse it with water - I am freed from hopeless love. I do not want, the servant of God (name), to dry for the servant of God (his name), as the water with mud leaves my body, so that dry love will come out of my heart! Amen!

After the sacrament, the washcloth must be disposed of by burning it at the crossroads.

If you have unwanted feelings for a man that are not so easy to get rid of, use a ritual accessible to beginners.

Get a couple of new church candles, a sharp long nail, and a glass of consecrated water. Place the candles on the sides of the glass, light them. Sit in front of the instruments and try to direct your thoughts to the person you have unwanted feelings for.

Think about how good it is without him, imagine each other individually happy. Start glowing the tip of the nail with the candle flame one at a time. Then dip the end of it into the water and read the lapel text three times:

“Only water will cool the iron, so will my feelings for the servant of God (the guy's name) cool. Cold metal, cold and I, forever extinguished passion, my longing! Amen!"

Don't forget to clean up properly. Extinguish candles, pour water into the street or drain. The nail must be hidden before dawn and only early in the morning thrown into the wasteland.

06.11.2013, 13:21


How cold differs from lapel
First, let's figure out how the cold differs from the lapel.

A lapel is a ritual that is directed to those who have already been the object of the influence of love magic. Simply put - if a love spell is directed at a person, which made him fall in love, then in order to remove this love spell and make it powerless, they direct the lapel. They lead him as those who are tired of a person's love, as well as those who want to save him from magical effects. For example - a wife who decided to return her husband, bewitched by a rival, or a rival who decided that her chosen one is not as good as she once thought.

Ostuda is directed at people who were not previously objects of magic. That is, for everyone who experiences love and sympathy, which must be removed from their hearts. They use it to destroy relationships and marriages, to separate friends, to induce discord in relations between business partners. In general, every time you need to alienate two people, while not quarreling between them (for this, a quarrel is induced), but simply by making them uninteresting to each other, and a cold is induced. But most often, of course, chilling is used to solve love problems.

I will definitely list the main signs of coldness a little later, and I will definitely tell you about how you can make yourself cold (and you can induce it on yourself like a self-eye or self-spoilage). As well as about the consequences of the cold. In the meantime, I will say that in order for a cold to have an effect on a husband, boyfriend, or a cold on a wife, a girl, you should always turn to a very strong witch. Because experimenting with this rather powerful spell on your own is incredibly dangerous.

Even if the Internet is full of statements from those who say that nothing threatens you if you cool down, and the same coolness on your rival will never return to you with a ricochet, this is far from the case. The slightest mistake, and you spoil your energy so much that you will never be able to love anyone, and no one will ever be able to love you. Therefore, if you do not want to live your whole life alone or next to a person to whom you will not harbor even a hint of warm feelings, then always order cool from me.

But let me remind you that I am engaged not only in pointing, but also in removing the cold. And very often it is my help that will be the only way to save your marriage or relationship with your boyfriend, if your spouse or spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, unexpectedly for you, is carried away by someone else on the side!

Classic signs of coldness

How to understand that the cold is aimed at you or your soul mate? To do this, I will list the main signs of coldness, which will help you find out exactly whether someone conjured to destroy your union or not.

How the cold manifests itself on a wife, girlfriend:

1. A sharp disappearance of affection, love, sympathy for a man, without whom she could not imagine her life yesterday. At the same time, the man himself does not change, does not get worse, does not begin to offend or change.

2. An unexpected change in sexual priorities. So a woman with a cold can overwhelm her beloved, or she may experience severe pain or dryness during intercourse with him. And sometimes she may develop a very real physical aversion to sex.

3. The mental assessment of the dignity of her man also changes. A chilled woman suddenly begins to see in him a huge number of flaws, each of which seems so terrible to her that she decides to part with the man.

4. If a girl or a man's wife is tempted to cool down on a rival, then the woman, first of all, begins to feel sorry for the person who was left by her lover or sex friend. And besides, to hate the person whom they loved so much yesterday.

5. Thinking about the future with this particular man, a woman with a cold see in him nothing but troubles and problems. Agree, if you think that your relationship is devoid of prospects, you are unlikely to try to develop or maintain them.

6. Quite often the induction of cooling forces a woman to commit adultery, because after the induction of such magic, a woman, as the people say, “becomes weak on the forefront”. Moreover, she herself does not particularly hide her betrayal, therefore the man leaves her.

How the cold manifests itself on a husband, a guy:
1. The first thing that coldness affects in men is the sexual plan. A man with this particular woman turns into a real impotent, while with all others he is still sexually strong.

2. A man has aggression towards his beloved woman yesterday. She begins to annoy him, to make him angry. This leads to accumulating discontent and scandals, which are gradually occurring with increasing frequency.

3. Likewise, a man no longer feels love, which literally evaporates overnight. He falls asleep happy and in love, and wakes up indifferent and very confused.

4. And the husband, on whom the cold is directed, can start drinking, disappear from the house. And if you don't drink and disappear, then go to sleep in another room - separately from your wife.

5. In addition, it was noticed that a man with a cold ceases to be of interest to other women, as if he was labeled "untouchable."

6. And such a man constantly thinks that something is behind him, subordinating his consciousness and emotions to his will. True, the last sign of coldness happens only if the spell was cast by a very strong magician or a very strong witch.

So now you know how the cold has the consequences, and why, if you suddenly feel that such magic is directed at you, the cold should be removed immediately. But before we talk about taking off the cold, let me remind you how to cool yourself or yourself.

Can I cool myself or myself?

Induced by the coolness to oneself or to oneself, it is very similar to self-evil eye and self-corruption. And it is induced for the main reason - you are too afraid to trust the person you love, or you are not sure that a happy future awaits you. Experiencing strong insecurity and fear, you give birth to a powerful wave of energy, the main charge of which can be described by the words “I don’t want to love him !!!” (well, or "love her" when it comes to men). Since you do not send the charge created by you anywhere, then, briefly hovering in the air, it falls on you, completely changing the state of your thoughts and your soul.

As a result, you yourself are killing the love that could live in you forever, and which was written in your destiny. And I must say that a chill on oneself not only has all the signs of a chill induced by a strong esotericist, but also much stronger than any chill on a husband or boyfriend and any chill on a wife or girlfriend. That is why it is so incredibly difficult to remove it.

But I undertake the removal of all, even the most difficult cases of such self-curse. After all, as an experienced witch, I know what this coldness has consequences. And to bring it down on yourself is tantamount to closing your heart from love forever, at the same time making yourself absolutely uninteresting to any member of the opposite sex!

But I also clean other types of cooling, including such as cooling for a rival, or cooling for friends, relatives, children. And not only do I clean, as mentioned a little earlier, but I also put them on!

What do you get by contacting me

And so, if you have a chill or you think that a chill for a rival can save your marriage, and a chill for a specific person - your child from a hobby that is too thoughtless, and sometimes destructive for his fate, then feel free to contact me! As a very experienced witch, I will cast such a powerful spell that the person on whom I direct my magic will not even show signs of cold. He will simply lose love, throwing it away from himself, like an unnecessary thing. And therefore, no one will ever say that he was bewitched.

Higher Forces allow me to interfere in other people's destinies for the reason that I am engaged in safe magic. After all, if I have directed the cold, there are no consequences that could ruin a person's life. It is only among inexperienced witches that people bewitched by them begin to drink, get sick, lose their will to live, and sometimes even their mind. I never allow such a thing, due to which, be cool with a husband, boyfriend or woman, or girl, I succeed in any ritual.

If you need coolness for yourself - you want to stop loving a person who does not reciprocate with you, or a marriage (civil union) with which you consider not promising, despite the love reigning between you, then such magical help is quite within my power. True, to everyone who turns to me with such requests, I advise you to pre-order fortune-telling from me for the future. What if it turns out that they are giving up their one love, and there will be no other in their life?

Men can be ordered from me to cool for a wife, girlfriend, sister, daughter and even mother. But so often older women are carried away by various marriage swindlers, whose goal is to profit from them. In general, I do not refuse anyone, and therefore I am ready to perform any cool. The only thing I want to warn you about is that the stronger the love that I need to dispel, the more it will cost you to order the ritual that I will have to perform.

But don't worry! It will not cost too much! Indeed, in matters of price, I always manage to find a common language with my clients and clients, offering a compromise that will certainly suit them!

As a rule, the question of how to make a wife's lapel from her husband is of interest to women in the event that love arose for a married man. The turning ritual in this case is aimed at breaking up the family. This is a sin, and, therefore, such an impact cannot go unpunished. Therefore, before deciding to carry out the lapel of the wife from her husband at home, you should weigh the pros and cons.

Features of lapel rituals

When a woman loves a married man, she is tired of being in the status of a mistress, and to all this she is confident in the reciprocal feelings of the chosen one, then the negative consequences in this case will be minimal. This is due to the fact that a man, simply because of a sense of responsibility, does not leave the family, in which, in addition to obligations, the sincere love of his wife can also keep him. This means that the wife's lapel from her husband at home will help cool the spouse's feelings and speed up the decision to leave the family. Knowing how to make the wife's lapel from her husband correctly is very important. This will avoid mistakes and prevent possible negative consequences. Such influences are very difficult to perform, because they contradict nature itself and require strong energy. Like any other rituals whose action is aimed at breaking up relations, it is necessary to read the wife's lapel from her husband during the waning moon. There are both simple and complex rituals in their own way. execution. But all rituals require complete focus on the goal and a positive attitude. In no case should you have dislike for a woman who is targeted by a magical effect, designed to awaken in her a strong inner dislike for her own husband. You need to read a wife's lapel from her husband in full confidence in your righteousness and natural capabilities. It is also imperative to believe in the power of magic, with the help of which you can change your destiny.

Chill the senses with candles

If you love a man who is not free, are confident in his feelings for yourself and want to speed up his departure from the family, then you can carry out a very simple ceremony with a church candle. It must be purchased at the church shop on the day of the ceremony. When visiting the temple, you need to light candles for the health of all those who will be affected by the magical effect. It is also necessary to pray near one of the icons, asking for forgiveness for the fact that you are going to completely separate people. Around midnight, you need to retire in a separate room, where you turn off the light and light a candle brought from the church. Holding it with both hands, carefully looking at the flame, you need to say the magic words nine times with deep feeling. They sound like this:

"As the wax melts, so my love, the Servant of God (my own name) melts to my husband, the Servant of God (the name of the husband)."

Be sure to wait until the candle burns out to the end. After the ritual, the cinder is buried away from your own home, and if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to let it go along the river.

With a joint photo

You can make a more complex lapel of the wife from the husband. But at the same time it is important to remember that in this case it is necessary to follow all the rules of the ceremony. For the ritual you need to have a joint photo of two people. Having retired in a separate room, you should tear the picture into small pieces. And in the process, emotionally pronounce these words:

“With all my strength and will I wish that the Servant of God (the name of the man) and the Servant of God (the name of the woman) beat each other hard and never forgive each other for this and parted forever. My words are strong, no one can change them. Amen".

The scraps of the photo must be put on a metal dish and set on fire. At the same time, the following words are pronounced:

"The relationship between the Servant of God (the name of the man) and the Servant of God (the name of the woman), as I wished (s), are burning to ashes."

After that, you need to open the window and blow off the ash, so that the wind picks it up. In this case, you need to pronounce the following words:

“As the ashes from the burnt photograph easily scattered in the wind, so the Servant of God (the name of the man) and the Servant of God (the name of the woman) moved away from each other forever”.

This ritual requires full concentration on one's actions, if something interferes, then the rite will not be effective.

Lapel consequences

Lacking a wife from her husband can have very bad consequences if a man loves a woman. An abandoned husband can lose interest in life and withdraw into himself. Persistent depression can lead to the development of an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Therefore, you can read a wife's lapel from her husband only when you are sure that a man's feelings for his wife have completely cooled down. Carrying out the ritual, you should know that it is not harmless. To carry it out, you will need large energy forces, and it will take a long time to recover after that. An emptiness forms in the soul, which will not be able to be filled soon even if a loved one is nearby. To speed up the recovery process, it is necessary to visit the temple after the ceremony. It is necessary to light candles for the health of all participants in the ritual. And most importantly, one should not wish evil on the woman who is being influenced in order to cause her dislike for her husband. When the wife is turned away from her husband, the consequences associated with poor health can be observed in both spouses. And very often they can be very serious. It should be understood that by making the wife's lapel from her husband, you can harm the woman by any wrong action. If the negative message is very powerful, then it can severely damage the protective energy shell. Outwardly, this will manifest itself as apathy and indifference to the outside world. Exacerbation of chronic diseases that can cause irreparable harm to health is very dangerous for the victim. That is why, if you observe such a reaction of your victim, after the ceremony you have performed, then you must definitely visit the temple. There, you should ask for forgiveness near one of the icons for what you have done, and ask the Almighty Forces to correct the situation. It is imperative to light a candle for the health of the victim of a lapel. You should know that even if a man does not have strong feelings for his wife, the lapel ceremony can also harm him. Indeed, in a marriage, people have very strong energy ties. As a rule, in this case, men develop aggressiveness. Therefore, you need to mentally prepare for the fact that after the ceremony for some time you will not recognize the person who will be next to you. The desire to be close to your beloved man is always very strong, especially when there is confidence that the man loves you, although at the same time and not free. But at the same time, one must always remember that there are no cuffs, even with good intentions, without negative consequences. Such a ceremony is also dangerous for the performer. If the ceremony was carried out incorrectly or you did not calculate your own strength, then the consequence of the ceremony can be a generic curse, which can affect a wide variety of life spheres. At home, it is very difficult to put reliable protection against a reverse wave. Black lapels are especially dangerous, which are not recommended to be carried out on your own. If, nevertheless, it was decided to conduct a lapel ceremony in order to cool the wife's feelings for her husband, then it is better to turn to a professional magician.