Steam baths for the face. What are the benefits of steam baths for the face and how to do them correctly

Steam baths are indicated not only for people with problem skin, they are able to improve blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis.

Benefits of steam baths for the face:

  • Helps deal with acne. An internal pimple is formed due to blockage of the hair follicle by pieces of skin and fat. Steam helps open clogged pores, which makes it easier to remove pus and infiltrate from them.
  • Slow down aging. Steam baths heat the skin, which improves blood circulation and activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Due to this, the dermis looks elastic, the number of wrinkles decreases.
  • Remove comedones. Comedones are blackheads that are clogged follicles with sebum and dirt. During the procedure, the pores open, and the dirt comes out of them.
  • Normalize skin color. During the use of the bath, the skin heats up and blood circulation improves. This improves metabolic processes in the epidermis and helps restore normal complexion. The dullness and yellow tint of the skin goes away.
  • Remove toxins. During scrubbing and applying masks, the components of these products do not always get into the deep layers of the epidermis. The steam bath opens the pores, which contributes to its deep cleansing of toxins.

Contraindications to the use of a steam bath for the face

Despite the ease of implementation, benefits and seeming harmlessness, steam baths can cause the spread of an existing infection. There are also other contraindications to the procedure.

Contraindications for steam baths for the skin:

  1. Couperose. The vascular network can become more distinct as blood circulation improves, which is what happens during this procedure.
  2. Purulent acne. If you have a huge amount of blackheads filled with infiltrate on your skin, you should not resort to manipulation. Heating makes the pus more liquid and fluid, this contributes to the further spread of the infection over the surface of the entire face.
  3. Hypertension. With high blood pressure, any procedure using hot water and air is prohibited. They provoke blood flow to the face and increase pressure.
  4. Bronchial asthma. This is bronchial hyperactivity, in which any allergen, dust or small droplets of hot moisture, getting into the respiratory tract, provoke their spasm. During the procedure, the patient has a cough and suffocation.

Recipes for steam baths for facial skin

There are many ways to carry out the procedure. Very often, medicinal herbs, baking soda, essential oils and paraffin are used to prepare medicinal formulations. The composition of the bath liquid is selected depending on skin problems.

Steam baths for facial cleansing

Steam baths are very often used to cleanse the face of dirt and blackheads. When exposed to hot water droplets, the pores open, and it is quite easy to remove dirt from them. To do this, after the procedure, scrubbing is carried out or cleansing masks are applied.

Recipes for steam baths for cleaning the epidermis:

  • With yarrow. Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs into a thermos or saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Close the container with a lid and, if necessary, wrap with a towel. Leave for 15 minutes and strain the decoction. Pour the liquid into a large pot and sit over it. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 5 minutes.
  • With mint. It is best to use fresh leaves, but if they are not available, a dried pharmacy plant will do. Pour a spoonful of raw materials with 500 ml of water and bring to a boil. Boil 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and remove the sediment by straining. Hold your face over the steam, covering your head with a towel. After 5 minutes of being over the steam, you can apply a coffee scrub to your skin. To do this, mix coffee grounds with honey and apply on face, massage for 1 minute.
  • Parsley and string. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a bunch of parsley and a tablespoon of dry string. Leave in a tightly closed container for 120 minutes. Remove the lid and remove the sediment. Sit over a saucepan and put a bath towel over your head so that the steam hits your skin instead of being scattered around. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. Chamomile and string reduce sebum production and have antiseptic and drying properties.
  • With lemon. Boil 700 ml of water and pour 50 ml of lemon juice into it. Add a few drops of tea tree oil. Sit on a chair and sit over the steam with a towel over your head. Carry out the procedure for 5 minutes. The face after the bath should be wiped with any scrub. Remains of dirt and sebum will be removed.

Steam baths for the face against acne

Acne is a common problem among teenagers. At this time, puberty begins, characterized by the release of a large number of hormones into the blood. Because of this, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Pores get clogged and pimples appear. To get rid of them, it is not enough to use masks and lotions. It is necessary to open the pores, and for this you need to know how to make a steam bath for the face.

Recipes for steam baths for acne:

  1. Chamomile with salt. Heat 700 ml of water on the stove and pour 10 g of dried chamomile flowers into it. Close the pot with a lid and let it simmer for 2 minutes. Strain and pour the broth into a large bowl. Pour 20 g of sea salt into the liquid and stir with a spoon until the crystals dissolve. Sit over a bowl of solution with a towel over your head. Sit over the steam for 3-7 minutes. After the bath, you can make a scrub from salt with soda and soap suds.
  2. Soda. This recipe is only to be used if you have oily skin with a tendency to breakouts. It is necessary to pour 20 g of baking soda into a bowl with a liter of boiling water. Stir the solution and sit over it. Don't forget to cover your head with a towel, this will prevent the steam from escaping to the sides, and more hot droplets will land on your face. Sit over the steam for 5 minutes and you can apply the yeast mask. It will narrow the pores. To prepare it, pour 20 g of yeast into a bowl and pour in 50 ml of water. When foam appears, simply transfer it to your face.
  3. Nettle. This herb has long been known for its cleansing properties. To carry out the procedure, pour 1000 ml of water into a large saucepan and add 2 tablespoons of nettle leaves. Bring to a boil and leave covered, unheated, for 5 minutes. When the leaves have settled, drain the liquid and sit over the pot of this healing solution. Cover yourself with a cloth and breathe with nettles for 7 minutes.
  4. Calendula. In medicine, calendula is used to treat suppuration and open wounds. It is distinguished by its antiseptic properties. This plant is also used to treat acne. In combination with steam baths, you will be able to quickly remove a small rash or solitary abscesses. To prepare the bath, pour 20 g of calendula flowers with boiling water (750 ml is needed) and let stand under the lid for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and heat again to a boil. Sit over the steam with a towel over your head for 3-5 minutes. Use any lotion.

Steam baths from black spots on the face

Comedones are a common problem not only for teenagers, but also for adults. The appearance of such unsightly points can be caused by overly enlarged pores and a large amount of sebum secreted. It can be quite difficult to remove comedones, even using film masks and special patches. In this case, steam baths for the face are recommended.

Recipes for steam baths for the face from black dots:

  • Linden. To prepare the solution, pour a handful of lime blossom with a liter of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Remove the flowers from the liquid and transfer it to a large bowl. Sit over the steam for 5 minutes, covering your hair with a towel. Sit in front of a mirror and put a patch on your nose, cheeks, and chin. Tear off the patch, the contents of the pores will remain on the adhesive side.
  • Rowan. Take a handful of fruits and grind them in a meat grinder. Drain the mixture on cheesecloth and squeeze out all the juice. You should have 50 ml of orange liquid. Pour it into a liter of boiling water and sit over the container. Cover your head with a towel and sit over the steam.
  • St. John's wort. Brew in a large saucepan 20 g of dry raw materials. Water needs 1 liter. Leave the decoction on the fire for 2 minutes. Strain the mixture and put it on the table. Sit comfortably and cover yourself with a blanket or bath towel. Sit over the steam for 3 minutes. After the procedure, squeeze out the contents of the pores. To narrow them, wipe the epidermis with ice made from chamomile decoction.
  • Serum. Pour a liter of whey from sour milk into the pan and bring it to a boil. Sit over a pot of liquid, covering your head with a veil. Sit over the steam for 5 minutes. Do not rush to wipe your face. Apply a little oatmeal and rub the most problematic areas. Wash the skin and wipe it with tonic.
  • Oil Blend. Pour 1200 ml of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add 1 ml of almond oil and a few drops of orange and mint oil to the boiling liquid. Sit over the pot and inhale the steam for 5 minutes, remembering to cover your hair with a cloth. Wipe your face with ice, and then treat with tonic.

Steam baths for facial skin from wrinkles

Older women should also not refuse steam baths. When used correctly, they can make the skin younger and tone it. To remove flabbiness and smooth out wrinkles, after steam baths, it is recommended to massage with vegetable and essential oils.

Recipes for steam baths for wrinkles:

  1. With a rose. Pour a liter of water and a handful of rose petals into a large saucepan. Add a few drops of rosemary oil. Sit over the steam for 7 minutes. After the procedure, after blotting your face with a towel, apply a mixture of olive oil and lemon balm extract on it. Move your fingers along the massage lines, avoiding excessive stretching of the skin. In the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, tap with your fingertips.
  2. with juniper. Pour a handful of juniper needles into a metal container and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Put on fire and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain the liquid into another container and sit over it. It is necessary that the steam gets on the face. You need to sit over the saucepan for 5 minutes. After that, apply a rejuvenating cream or mask to your face.
  3. with orange. Take one orange and cut it into small slices along with the skin. Pour an orange into the pan and pour in 1000 ml of water. Put on fire and boil for 2 minutes. Drain the orange in a colander and squeeze all the juice into the broth. Sit over the pot and cover your hair with a sheet. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. After the bath, do not stretch the skin and do not wipe it. Just blot any remaining moisture with paper towels.
  4. with aloe. Peel three aloe leaves from the skin. Grind the pulp in a blender and pour it into a liter of boiling water. Stir with a spoon and sit over the steaming liquid. The procedure time is 5 minutes. To prevent the steam from dissipating, cover yourself with a blanket. After manipulation, wipe your face with an ice cube and massage.

How to do a steam bath

A steam bath is a simple and affordable procedure that does not require certain knowledge and skills. But there are rules, adhering to which you will make it more effective.

Rules for steam baths:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove the remnants of cosmetics and dirt from the face. It is recommended to apply a fat cream under the eyes. The skin in this area is very dry and the steam can damage it.
  • Do not put your face too close to the boiling water, as this will minimize the risk of burning yourself. For the procedure, it is allowed to use a steam inhaler. It will make manipulation safer.
  • For the procedure, it is recommended to use enameled bowls and pans. You can not make baths and prepare decoctions in aluminum dishes. Do not pour decoctions and liquids into plastic containers.
  • To prevent the steam from dispersing around the room and more of it coming out, cover your head with a towel, connecting its edges with the handles of the pan.
  • For women with dry skin, the procedure should be carried out no more than once every 14 days. The fair sex with oily dermis can resort to manipulation once a week. Women with wrinkles should take baths once a month.
How to make a steam bath for facial skin - look at the video:

Steam baths for the face at home are additional procedures that allow you to make masks more effective. In addition, such manipulations open and cleanse the pores.

posted on 03/09/2013

steam bath- one of the most ancient and effective methods of deep cleansing of the skin. Moist steam softens the top layer of the skin and makes it easier to remove, leaving the skin smooth and fresh. The heat increases blood circulation and activates the pores and glands that remove dirt and toxins to the surface of the skin.

Steam baths relieve acne and congestion, rejuvenate the skin, smooth wrinkles, the face becomes fresher and smoother. Steam baths for or aging skin are done once every two weeks, as frequent steam baths dry out the skin. For once a week.

A steam bath can be done in two ways. I find it the most convenient using an inhaler such as "Chamomile".

To prepare a steam bath in this way, boil a glass of clean water, add a tablespoon of water to the water. herbal blend suitable for your skin type, which will be discussed below. Cover and let steep for two minutes. Pour the resulting decoction into a special inhaler container, add 3-5 drops. Then you do everything as you would with a regular inhalation - assemble the inhaler, plug it into the outlet and place your face in a special cup, as in the picture.

If you do not have such an inhaler, you can use the usual saucepan.

To a liter of boiling water, add 4 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs suitable for your skin type. Cover the pot, turn off the stove and leave for two minutes. Remove cap, add 10 drops. Keep your face 30-45 cm from the surface of the water, cover your head and pan with a thick blanket to form a steam bath. 5-10 minutes will be enough.

In no case don't put pressure on your face after the procedure! Beauticians are engaged in mechanical cleaning, it is not recommended to do this at home. Instead, you can use a gelatin mask to remove blackheads (an article will be about it soon).

After the steam bath(masks) wipe the face to close the pores, blot with a paper towel and lubricate. You can use a rich cream, but I prefer it, as the combination of a steam bath and oil rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin.

Steam bath ingredients for different skin types.

For any skin type should be added to the steam bath Bay leaf And licorice. Bay leaf improves blood circulation, licorice removes toxins. Other herbs soften the skin and have a healing effect. Essential oils are aromatic and relaxing.

For normal skin: thyme, chamomile, fennel, essential oils of lavender, geranium or bergamot.

For dry skin: marshmallow, chamomile, orange peel; essential oils of neroli or chamomile.

For oily skin: lemon balm, fennel; essential oils of juniper and lemon.

For fading skin: cinnamon, cloves, eucalyptus, nettle; rosemary essential oil.

For problematic skin: burdock root, yarrow, black currant leaf; essential oils of lemon, bergamot, cedar.

If you have very dry, sensitive, or redness-prone leather with protruding veins, you'd better take advantage

Why is such a procedure necessary at all? The fact is that under the influence of hot steam, the pores of the skin open, which allows you to easily remove dirt and black dots from the surface. Regular steam baths for the face increase skin turgor by improving blood circulation. Also, hot steam softens the upper layer of the dermis, and dead skin particles are easily exfoliated.

It is noticed that after such a procedure, creams are better absorbed and the intensity of their impact increases.

Do steam baths for the face it is possible with the use of herbal decoctions, essential oils or simply with ordinary water. If you use decoctions or oils, a steam bath can also have a healing effect, help disinfect the skin.

How to make a steam bath for the face

In a steam bath, you will need a container with a capacity of approximately 3 liters. It can be a saucepan or a wide bowl. The container must be filled with hot water (60-70 degrees) to three quarters of the volume. The face should be tilted over the dishes by about 40 centimeters, cover the head with a towel from above. The procedure time is about 15 minutes.

Before you do steam bath, face must be cleaned by washing with soap. Under the eyes it is recommended to apply oily - there is very delicate skin and it needs to be protected. After the procedure, if your skin is in order, you need to wash your face with cool water and wipe your face with lotion or water with lemon juice.

If you have black dots, then after steaming, you need to blot your face dry and remove the plugs that have come to the surface. To do this, the finger is wrapped with a piece of bandage soaked in a disinfectant solution (for example, hydrogen peroxide) and black dots are removed from the skin.
At the same time, you cannot press them, they must move away on their own. If you undertake to squeeze blackheads on steamed skin, you can seriously damage it.

After you remove everything, you need to wipe your face with the same hydrogen peroxide or water with lemon juice and wash your face. The cream can be applied half an hour after the steam bath.

If the first time it is not possible to remove black dots in a natural way, steam baths for the face you can do several days in a row. Eventually, they will soften and separate easily. This method, however, can only be recommended for oily or normal skin. In other cases, frequent steam baths for the face it is not recommended to carry out, it is better to contact the office.

For steam baths, as already mentioned, you can use herbal decoctions and essential oils. In the latter case, you just need to add the chosen one to the water (10 drops). If you use herbs, then you need to brew them first. You can boil for a few minutes, taking herbs, at the rate of a tablespoon for 2 cups of water, and then add to the dishes for a steam bath. And you can put in boiling water (in bulk or in a gauze bag) some time before the procedure. When the water has cooled to the desired temperature, you can begin.

Steam baths for the face especially useful for oily skin. It has been noticed that with regular use of this procedure, oily skin becomes fresher, pores narrow, acne scars are smoothed out. For oily skin steam baths for the face can be done about once a week, the procedure can take up to 20 minutes.

For skin facial steam baths you should not get carried away, if you want, you can do them no more than once a month. Chamomile, orange, rose can be added to water. The procedure time is no more than 5 minutes. For aging skin, facial steam baths should be done according to the same scheme.

For normal skin, the procedure will be useful if it is carried out twice a month. You can use chamomile, lavender, sandalwood, cloves, thyme, geranium and others. The procedure time is up to 15 minutes.

Steam baths for the face- a thing, of course, useful, however, there are some limitations. So, this procedure is not recommended for severe inflammatory processes on the skin, dermatitis and other skin diseases, hypertension, increased facial hair growth, asthma, facial vascular network. In these cases, cleaning is best done in a beauty parlor.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Healthy, well-groomed facial skin is the key to success and a "calling card" not only for women, but also for men. However, this is also serious work: to achieve a really good result, everyday washing and applying cream at night is indispensable. A steam bath for the face is an inexpensive, affordable skin care procedure for everyone, the result of which will not keep you waiting. Details are in the article.

What are the benefits of a steam bath for the face?

Even infrequent procedures (once a month is enough) can have a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Improves blood circulation.
  • The pores are opened and cleansed: the dirt and toxins that accumulate in them are brought to the surface.
  • The skin becomes smooth, soft and hydrated.
  • Improves complexion due to oxygenation and improved metabolism.
  • The sebaceous and sweat glands are activated.

Contraindications for use

A steam bath for the face is contraindicated for persons:

  • Hypertension patients.
  • Asthmatics.
  • Having inflammation and infection on the face.
  • With reinforced hairline on the area affected by steam.
  • With enlarged pores and blood vessels on the skin.

What herbs are used for steam baths?

The steam itself has a healing effect on the skin, and if you supplement it with herbal decoction, the effectiveness of such a procedure will increase several times. For these purposes are used:

  • Bay leaf - such a steam bath for the face will give the skin firmness and elasticity, increase blood circulation.
  • Licorice - removes toxins.
  • Celandine - widely used in facial steam baths for acne. It perfectly fights inflammation, acne, age spots, relieves the skin of herpetic eruptions.
  • Plantain - has tonic and soothing properties.
  • Wormwood - a bitter herb will relieve acne, blackheads, blackheads, dermatitis, rashes, and also cope with fine wrinkles.
  • Burdock - perfectly disinfects, opens and cleanses the pores.
  • Chamomile is a great choice for dry skin. A steam bath for the face with chamomile will cleanse pores, soothe irritations, relieve inflammation and have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Calendula - ideal for owners of oily, problem skin. It has a powerful bactericidal property, dries up inflammation and heals wounds.
  • Oregano - perfectly cleanses and tones.

Steam baths for the face at home

In order to be a beautiful owner of radiant healthy skin, it is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons. A steam bath is available to you at home.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face, be sure to apply a greasy cream, paying attention to the eyelids and the area around the eyes. For convenience, it is better to put the hair under a shower cap or collect it in a high bun.

Well, now about the main thing: how to make a steam bath for the face? To do this, you need any pan or wide refractory cup. In a suitable container, bring a liter and a half of decoction to a boil (herbs should be selected depending on the desired effect), remove from heat and let stand for a minute or two (immediately after boiling, the steam is too hot and will damage the skin). After holding the prescribed time, it is necessary to breathe over the broth from a distance of 30-40 cm, covered with a terry towel. The time of the procedure is selected depending on the type of skin, but more on that later.


What to do after a facial steam bath? After the procedure, it is necessary to wash with water at room temperature, blot your face with a napkin with smooth movements. After 15-20 minutes, it is recommended to apply a regular care cream or a nourishing mask. Owners of oily, problematic skin are advised to continue cleansing: for this you can use a scrub, a spoon of Uno or a mixture of soda + salt. After a steam bath, the pores of the face are enlarged, and the dirt and oil present in them can be easily removed. Such regular cleaning can once and for all get rid of deep pollution, give the skin cleanliness, freshness, even color and health.

Precautions: going outside immediately after a steam bath is highly undesirable, as this can provoke excessive pollution and, as a result, an inflammatory process. It is best to make it a rule to perform this procedure before going to bed. You can also at other times, the main thing is that you have the opportunity to lie down for 20 minutes after the procedure.

Duration and frequency of procedures

The duration of the session depends on the type of skin:

  • Dry skin - steam baths are not recommended. It is allowed, if necessary, to carry out procedures no more than once every two months. Session duration - no more than 3 minutes.
  • Normal skin - a steam bath can be done once a month, duration - about 5 minutes.
  • Oily skin - no more than twice a month, the duration of the procedure is 8-10 minutes.

Steam Bath Recipes

There are many recipes for preparing infusions used to maintain beauty:

1. Steam baths for oily skin (1 tablespoon of raw material per 1 liter of boiling water):

  • Chamomile + mint.
  • Sage + coltsfoot + horsetail.
  • Juniper berries, calendula, birch bark, chamomile.
  • Oak bark, mint, chamomile, lime blossom.

Each decoction can be supplemented with 2-3 drops of essential oil. For oily skin, it is better to use tea tree, lavender, sage and pine.

A steam bath for the face with soda has a beneficial effect: it perfectly softens pores, relieves inflammation, and fights peeling. In addition, after steaming, oily skin must be subjected to further cleansing. To do this, you need to use a swab dipped in boiled water, soak it in soda and salt (preferably sea salt) and “walk” along the massage lines all over your face, removing black dots, cleansing the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

2. Steam baths for dry skin (the proportions are the same as in the previous recipes):

  • Chamomile + licorice + bay leaf.
  • Orange peel + comfrey + rose + dandelion.
  • Linden + hawthorn + sage.

3. Steam baths for normal skin:

  • Bay leaf, marshmallow, carnation, fennel, rose, chamomile.

These herbs can be used both individually and in combination with each other (1 tablespoon per liter of water). You can give yourself additional pleasure from the procedure by adding essential oils of sandalwood, lavender or bergamot to the decoction.

4. Steam baths for combination skin:

The choice of herbs in this case depends on what type your skin tends to be: if it is drier, then herbs should be chosen that are suitable for dry skin, if oily, then vice versa. Owners of the combined type can afford a steam bath every ten days.

5. Steam baths for aging skin:

  • Licorice, ginger, nettle, mint, eucalyptus, bay leaf.

For aging skin, steam baths with the addition of cinnamon, fennel, lemon zest are ideal. Rosemary or sage essential oils can also be added. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 5 minutes. Steam baths for aging skin should be done no more than once a month. Such procedures contribute to the fact that the skin is saturated with moisture, acquires elasticity and firmness, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

8. After a steam bath, it is advisable to wash with cool water, with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

The duration and frequency of the steam bath for the face:

If you have:
The procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a month and its duration is 8-10 minutes.

If the skin is normal:
The steam bath should be done once a month and its duration should be approximately 5 minutes.

If the skin is dry:
For dry facial skin, steam baths are not recommended, but if they are so necessary for your skin, then they should be done no more than 1 time in 2 months and the procedure should take no more than 3 minutes.

Recipes for steam baths for the face.

Steam baths for oily skin:

Of course, steam baths are designed specifically for oily skin, since with the help of this procedure, the facial skin softens, the pores expand and cleanse, and sebaceous plugs and blackheads are removed much easier.

In order for steam baths to most effectively affect oily skin, it is recommended to use special herbs or fees:

  • and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of mint into a thermos and pour boiling water, after 30 minutes pour it into a vessel and cover with a towel for 10 minutes.
  • in equal proportions, brew sage, coltsfoot and horsetail
  • you can try this collection: chamomile, calendula, birch bark, juniper berries
  • or this: linden light, chamomile, oak bark
  • ethereal, pine, lavender and sage

Steam baths for dry skin.

  • bay leaf, licorice, chamomile;
  • comfrey, dandelion, rose, orange peel;
  • sage, hawthorn, linden.

These herbs and flowers can be used singly or in any combination.

Steam baths for combination skin:

If you have dry skin on most of your face, then choose steam baths designed for dry skin, if oily, then, respectively, steam baths for oily skin .

Steam baths for normal facial skin:

  • rose, fennel, chamomile, marshmallow, carnation, bay leaf;
  • essential oils of lavender, bergamot, sandalwood.

Again, you can use them separately, or make different mixtures.

Steam baths for aging skin:

  • bay leaf, licorice, eucalyptus, ginger, mint, nettle.

When is a steam bath for the face contraindicated?

  • If the skin of the face is very problematic: a lot of inflammation, closely spaced vessels,;
  • If there are enlarged pores on the face;
  • With hypertension and asthma;
  • If there is a lot of excess hair on the face;
  • If the skin of the face is dry, then the procedure should be carried out with caution.