TCA peel: what is it? TCA-peeling: care after peeling, photo. TCA peeling - before and after photos

TCA Facial Peel is a popular beauty salon treatment that leaves skin looking perfect, refreshed and toned. The secret of such cleansing, rejuvenation and healing of the skin lies in the effectiveness of trichloroacetic acid, which forms the basis of the peeling agent. After one medium peeling with trichloroacetic acid, patients look 5 years younger.

What is the procedure

Trichloroacetic acid peel is also called TCA peel. It refers to the chemical type of skin cleansing. The percentage of the acid ingredient is chosen differently (from 5 to 50%), depending on the degree of the problem and the structure of the patient's skin. The more molecules of trichloroacetic acid in the peeling agent, the deeper the effect and the more noticeable the result.

The essence of exfoliation is as follows: an acid molecule penetrates deep into the epidermis, destroys intercellular bonds and dirt particles. Outwardly, this effect looks like a soft tissue burn. After some time, the body starts an active recovery process, the damaged fibers are rejected and replaced with new, newly formed ones.

During the period of rehabilitation and recovery, dead cells, sebaceous plugs and dirt particles that have settled in the pores leave the skin.

Features of the cleansing technique

Trichloroacetic acid has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and drying effect, so this peeling will be useful for patients with problematic and oily skin.

Trichloroacetic acid is considered to be a very toxic and easily penetrating substance, therefore it requires the supervision of a specialist.

TCA peeling is unsafe to carry out at home, exceeding the concentration of acid, prolonged exposure can cause great harm to the patient's health and leave scars on the face.

Pros and cons of exfoliation

The TCA peel procedure has its advantages and disadvantages, which are important to consider when choosing a cleansing technique.


The advantages of peeling with trichloroacetic acid include the following facts:

  • high efficiency of the procedure;
  • ambiguity of the effect. Peeling can solve many skin problems;
  • the result is noticeable after the first session;
  • profound impact on the problem. Trichloroacetic acid easily penetrates into deep layers, like phenol, only the action is less dangerous and softer;
  • there is a pronounced sign (frost effect), by which the cosmetologist determines the degree of exposure to the acid;
  • the exfoliant is easily distributed over the surface of the face;
  • saving time. The exposure time is reduced due to the high activity of the acidic ingredient;
  • in addition to cleansing, a pronounced rejuvenating and therapeutic effect is noted;
  • ease and speed of rehabilitation of the integument after cleansing;
  • the technique can be used in young (over 18 years old) and adulthood.


Trichloroacetic peeling also has disadvantages:

  • cleansing, in comparison with other hydroxy acids, is more painful;
  • it is dangerous to carry out peeling at home, without the supervision of an experienced specialist;
  • the instantaneous passage of acid molecules deep into the skin with insufficient experience of the cosmetologist can lead to an uncontrolled burn and cause complications after peeling;
  • pre-peeling preparation is required, albeit with minimal requirements;
  • an impressive list of contraindications to exfoliation.

The cosmetic procedure requires high professionalism from the performer. Therefore, before peeling, make sure that the beautician has sufficient experience in performing such cleaning. Be sure to ask for reviews about the exfoliation performed in the chosen salon or clinic.

Exfoliant properties and benefits for the face

Trichloroacetic acid, also called trichloroethanoic acid, is a derivative of acetic acid. It is obtained as a product of the synthesis of acetic acid and chlorine, which causes the similarity of these two acids (acetic and trichloroacetic).

Trichloroacetic acid is a strong active substance. The acid composition for peeling has the following effect on the integument:

  • qualitatively destroys keratinized layers, dirt and promotes their rapid removal. In the keratolytic property, trichloroacetic acid surpassed even retinoic and glycolic;
  • enhances the synthesis of its own collagen and elastin in the skin, due to which the pronounced lifting effect persists for a long time;
  • blocks the negative effects of free radicals and heavy metals on the cells of the epidermis, acts as a strong antioxidant;
  • enhances the protective properties of the skin to external factors;
  • deeply cleanses pores from blackheads and comedones, promotes their narrowing;
  • kills microbes that cause acne, acne;
  • evens out skin color, is used to solve the problem of skin pigmentation;
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the cells of the epidermis, accelerates intracellular metabolic processes.

After TCA peeling, the face looks younger and healthier, the color and texture of the skin evens out, oily sheen and problematic acne disappear.

It is worth noting that TCA peeling is more of a medical procedure than an aesthetic one, so it should be taken seriously. It is better to exfoliate when there are indications, and not to refresh the appearance.

Indications for peeling

Signals for exfoliation with trichloroacetic acid are the following skin problems:

  • relief of the skin, the presence of tubercles, wrinkles and traces of post-acne;
  • scars and scars on the face;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • age-related skin pigmentation, freckles;
  • uneven skin tone caused by solar activity;
  • signs of photoaging of the covers;
  • excessive oily skin associated with the development of acne, acne;
  • loss of tone, elasticity of fibers;
  • stretch marks (striae);
  • flat birthmarks, melasma;
  • enlarged pores, comedones;
  • dullness, dullness of the shade of the epidermis.

Ask a beautician about the expediency of the procedure. Despite the relative safety of the technique, for minor skin problems, it is better to turn to less aggressive fruit acids.

Varieties of acid exposure

There are several TCA peels, it all depends on the concentration of the agent used and the desired depth of exposure. Distinguish:

  • superficial - involves cleansing the skin with a solution with a concentration of trichloroacetic acid up to 15%. Despite the low percentage of the acidic ingredient, the effect exceeds the usual chemical peels with AHA acids (lactic, glycolic and others);
  • median - performed with a solution containing 20–35% trichloroacetic acid;
  • deep - rarely used to cleanse the entire surface of the face, often the exfoliant is applied locally, to the problem area. A concentration of 35–50% is used to burn out benign tumors, cosmetic defects within 1 cm in diameter.

To increase the depth of impact of the acidic ingredient, cosmetologists resort to a little trick: they apply the product in several layers. This technique guarantees an increased effect, but is also very dangerous for the patient, it can burn the integument, up to the subcutaneous fat. Peeling should be carried out with extreme caution and only by high-class, experienced cosmetologists.


Before exfoliation, it is important to carefully study the contraindications, this will reduce the risk of complications and troubles with the patient's health.

Restrictions in performing such a cleansing apply to clients in the following cases:

Before peeling, the cosmetologist carefully studies the medical history, may require clinical tests for a complete picture of the patient's condition. Such scrupulousness in this matter reduces the risk of post-peeling complications and ensures a quick, trouble-free restoration of the integument.

TCA chemical peels are prohibited from March to October inclusive. High solar activity can cause severe skin pigmentation.

Pre-peel preparation

TCA peeling refers to procedures that require preliminary preparation of the integument for acid exposure. What it is?

Pre-peeling preparation consists in the use of certain cosmetics, taking medications and other subtleties that are important to perform in order to increase the effectiveness of the exfoliant. At the same time, the skin reacts to acid exposure softer, the duration of the rehabilitation period is reduced, and the risk of complications is reduced.

Consider the preparation for the median TCA face peel by day:

  • 4 weeks before exfoliation, remove sponges, brushes, scrubs and sponges from your daily care. Epilation during this period is also prohibited;
  • for 4 weeks before the procedure, regularly apply creams with sunscreens from 50 to the face;
  • 2-3 weeks before the planned cleansing, supplement skin care with cosmetics with fruit acids in the composition (their concentration should be minimal);
  • in some cases, it is even recommended to carry out several superficial peels with AHA acids;
  • take antiviral medication for 3-4 days prior to TCA median peel to reduce the risk of herpes;
  • a few days before the long-awaited procedure, refuse to visit the bath, sauna, solarium, and do not pluck your eyebrows.

The procedure for peeling in the salon

The exfoliation protocol is the same, that when using trichloroacetic acid with a concentration of 15%, that when performing a median peeling TCA 20%. The cosmetic procedure is performed in this order:

  1. The patient's skin is cleansed of make-up residues, dust and grease using a special gel. It is better not to use milk with lipids in the composition, these components reduce the effectiveness of the acid agent.
  2. Applying a peeling solution to the face. The composition is distributed evenly, with a special brush. For TCA peeling 25% acid is applied in several layers. To reduce pain, burning, the beautician uses a fan and directs air flow to the patient's face. Exfoliation with trichloroacetic acid over 32% is performed under anesthesia.
  3. After a few minutes, the skin tone of the face changes - this is the main criterion by which the degree of acid exposure is judged. Pink color indicates acid damage to the upper layers of the epidermis (superficial peeling), light white frost indicates a superficial-median effect. The appearance of a rich white coating is characteristic of the median TCA peel.
  4. After the frost of the desired shade appears, the cosmetologist proceeds to neutralize the acid. This stage is performed using special cosmetic preparations offered by the manufacturer of the peeling agent, or boiled, chilled water. After the neutralization of the acid composition, the burning sensation should disappear, its presence indicates the presence of acid on the face.
  5. To partially soothe inflamed skin, a natural mask with a moisturizing effect is applied to the face. At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist treats the patient's face with a sunscreen with a maximum SPF.

This is where the cleansing procedure in the salon ends, but the next equally important stage begins - post-peeling care for damaged skin.

Skin care after peeling

After peeling, the skin needs competent and high-quality care. Further care after TCA peeling is conditionally divided into 2 stages, which have their own characteristics.

The first stage is the active rejection of fibers damaged by the acid solution and their replacement with new ones. Presumably this stage takes 7-10 days.

The first days after TCA peeling, the patient feels tightness of the integument, swelling and severe redness (erythema) are observed. Within 1-2 days, these side effects may increase. By the fourth day, a dense crust envelops the face. Around the mouth, on the cheeks and chin, crusts may appear a little earlier. You can't rip them off!

To facilitate this stage, use moisturizing and regenerating preparations. It can be panthenol or another regenerating drug prescribed by a cosmetologist for care.

It is forbidden to use cosmetics with abrasive, aggressive chemical particles, fragrances during the post-peeling period, only natural products of mild action. In the early days, it is better to use sprays to minimize contact with burnt tissues.

Until the complete healing of the integument after exfoliation with acid, it is strictly prohibited:

  • make compresses on the face, steam the skin and try in every possible way to speed up the exfoliation process;
  • go to the sauna, pool or bath;
  • play sports, perform strong power loads;
  • apply decorative cosmetics and any preparations not prescribed by a cosmetologist to the face;
  • expose the skin to direct sunlight, sunbathe and visit solariums.

When the inflammatory processes subsided, the puffiness subsided, the second stage of restoration of the integument begins. This period will last another 2-3 weeks. Further care after TCA should provide maximum nutrition and hydration of the skin. Nutrient components, vitamins accelerate the metabolism in cells, stimulate the accelerated growth of new fibers and increase their protective properties.

Side effects and complications

After exfoliation with trichloroacetic acid, especially median exposure, the patient expects several unpleasant, but quite normal phenomena. They do not always require treatment and usually go away on their own without problems. Enough to provide proper care after TCA.

Side effects

Side effects include the following:

  • tissue swelling in sensitive areas. If the patient is prone to allergic reactions, then the cosmetologist prescribes additional antihistamines to reduce the degree of edema;
  • persistent redness of the face (beauticians call this phenomenon erythema) will last for several days;
  • feeling of tightness of the covers, unusual dryness - after peeling, a thin film forms on the face, which eventually thickens and forms crusts. As they peel off, the defect will weaken and disappear altogether;
  • severe peeling and crusting - the intensity of this side effect depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. The main thing is not to rip off exfoliating tissues so as not to leave scars and scars.


In addition to the expected side effects, complications may lie in wait for the patient. Among them note:

  1. The appearance of dark pigment spots - TCA peeling makes the skin very weak, therefore, the risk of pigmentation increases. To reduce this risk, use high SPF sunscreen for 6-12 months. Many cosmetologists even recommend postponing trips to ski resorts and the sea for a year after median exfoliation.
  2. Prolonged persistent erythema - often patients with dilated superficial skin vessels suffer from this problem. The defect can drag on for a year. To eliminate it as soon as possible, it is recommended to adjust the diet (exclude spicy, alcohol), abandon baths, saunas and physical activity, which increase body temperature and increase blood circulation.
  3. The appearance of white pigment spots on the face ("marble skin") - such a complication is typical after a deep impact on scars and scars. This indicates the death of melanocytes (cells that produce melanin, skin pigment). A course of superficial exfoliations with fruit acids can partially correct the problem.
  4. The visible demarcation line is the line separating the area affected by acid and not affected. Special tinting cosmetics will help to hide it, and Jessner peeling will help to eliminate it.
  5. Post-peel scars - are caused by a violation in skin care after exfoliation. Possible causes of the complication: pyogenic bacteria got into the damaged area, herpes poured out, or the crust was simply torn off.
  6. Acne - provokes a surge of acne inflammatory reactions inside the skin. As a rule, a complication is characteristic of oily and problematic skin. The doctor may recommend medical cosmetics and taking vitamins.
  7. Increased sensitivity of the integument, which persists for a long time - sometimes against this background there is a feeling of dryness, "pseudo-wrinkles" are formed. To eliminate the defect, a course of injections with hyaluronic acid or mesotherapy can be prescribed.

In the post-peeling period, follow the instructions of the specialist as much as possible, observe the changes on the face and inform the cosmetologist about this if there is an unusual reaction. Remember, a timely solution to the problem will save you from grief and complications.

TCA home peel

Trichloroacetic acid cleansing is not recommended, but if you are completely confident in your own abilities, you can proceed. Carefully study the contraindications and cleaning technique, prepare the skin for exfoliation, according to the requirements of cosmetologists.

For home exfoliation, you will need the following tools and tools:

  • 15% trichloroacetic acid solution;
  • antibacterial cleanser (without scrubs and aggressive chemical components);
  • skin degreasing lotion;
  • weak soda solution;
  • water (boiled, chilled);
  • moisturizing cream with antibacterial action;
  • paper napkins;
  • cotton buds.

The procedure is carried out in the following order:

  1. Wash off makeup and dust particles from your face.
  2. Pat your skin dry with paper towels.
  3. Perform degreasing of the epidermis with lotion.
  4. Using cotton swabs, apply the acid composition symmetrically to the skin. Start from the forehead area, go down to the chin in parallel. Do not touch the area around the eyes, areas near the mucous membranes.
  5. Keep the product on your face for 3 minutes. Fanning will help reduce the burning sensation.
  6. Neutralize the acid with a weak soda solution after the exposure time has elapsed. Do not be afraid of hissing, this is normal!
  7. Wash your face with plenty of water and apply an antibacterial moisturizer.

Skin care after home peeling should be the same as after a salon procedure.

About cleaning times

All patients are interested in 2 main questions: how many procedures are needed and how often cleaning can be done. Let's look at them in more detail.

One procedure is enough to achieve noticeable results. In rare cases, exfoliation is repeated. To make superficial TCA peeling is allowed again only a month after the first exposure to acid, in the absence of complications and post-peeling defects on the face.

TCA peels can be performed once a year.

Peelings with trichloroacetic acid promise an effective transformation of the integument. The effect after such a procedure lasts 6-12 months.

Trichloroacetic acid peeling is an effective cleansing method that allows you to permanently get rid of imperfections on the face. But keep in mind that the procedure has enough contraindications and a high risk of complications, especially at a more mature age. Plus, pre-peeling preparation, peeling itself and subsequent care will cost a lot.

Medical product exfoliation material for superficial and medium chemical peels based on trichloroacetic acid.
The principle of action of peeling TCAPEEL 15% and TCAPEEL 25% is based on the pronounced keratolytic and stimulating effect of trichloroacetic acid. The depth of penetration of the peeling composition is determined not only by the concentration of the material, but also by the number of layers applied to the skin. When you stop applying new layers of peeling, penetration stops, because. trichloroacetic acid is quickly neutralized as it moves through the layers of the skin, causing proteins to coagulate. Due to the controlled trauma of the epidermis and the irritating effect of peeling, the renewal of the epidermis, stimulation of reparative and metabolic processes is ensured, which leads to an improvement in the physiological status of the dermis, helps to improve its texture, correct defects of the face and body: wrinkles, post-traumatic and postoperative scars, post-acne scars and other disorders skin relief. Acid does not have a systemic effect on the body. The procedure is carried out by a cosmetologist in a clinic, beauty salon, treatment room or other specialized institution.

Benefits of peeling

  1. Peeling is used to correct a wide range of aesthetic problems.
  2. Depending on the number of layers applied and the concentration of the active solution, peeling can be either superficial or medium
  3. It is an excellent rejuvenating treatment for skin with signs of aging.
  4. Material exposure intensity is well controlled
  5. Does not have a systemic effect

Indications for peeling

  1. aging skin
  2. wrinkles
  3. Violations of the microrelief and macrorelief of the skin
  4. Photoaging
  5. Skin preparation for plastic surgery
  6. seborrhea


  1. Hypersensitivity to material components
  2. Infectious skin diseases (trichophytosis, microsporia, etc.)
  3. Herpes in the acute stage
  4. Violation of the integrity of the skin
  5. Chronic dermatoses in the acute stage
  6. Excessive insolation
  7. Pregnancy and lactation
  8. Tendency to develop hyperpigmentation

Preparations needed for peeling

  1. Cleanser Mousse Medic Control Peel (MCP)
  2. Prepeel Lotion
  3. Material for exfoliation TCAPEEL 15% or TCAPEEL 25% Ingredients: trichloroacetic acid in concentrations of 15% or 25%
  4. Vegefarma MCP Revitalizing Cream

Home care preparations

  1. Cleansing mousse or Gentle Cleanser Mousse Mesaltera
  2. Prepeel Active MCP pre-peeling cream
  3. Vegefarma MCP Revitalizing Cream or Thriphalan MCP
  4. Sunscreen MediScreen MCP
  5. Postpeel Light or Postpeel Active post-peeling cream

Peeling Protocol

I stage. Pre-peel preparation

For 14-21 days at night, the patient should apply Prepeel Light, Prepeel Medium or Prepeel Active cream to the previously cleansed Cleanser Mousse skin. Apply MediScreen sunscreen in the morning.

II stage. Chemical peel

1 step. Cleansing. Apply Cleanser Mousse to the skin of the face, distribute with light massage movements and leave for 15-20 seconds. Wash off with water. Dry the skin.

2 step. Degrease the skin with Prepeel Lotion.

3 step. Apply TCAPEEL peeling material with a gauze or cotton swab on the skin of the face in the direction from the periphery to the center in the following sequence: forehead, temples, cheeks, nose, chin, eyelids. There is a burning sensation and pain. A "frost effect" appears on the surface of the skin. By its intensity, one can judge the depth of penetration, and by its uniformity, one can judge the uniformity of applying the material to all treated areas. In case of uneven application to individual areas, they can be re-treated with the material. The number of layers to be applied depends both on the concentration of the material used (15% or 25%) and on the desired depth of penetration. Between repeated applications, it is necessary to withstand 2-3 minutes. No need to achieve a pronounced “frost effect” on the skin of the neck, décolleté and hands. After the application of the peeling material is stopped, subjective pain sensations cease.

4 step. After peeling, apply Vegefarma MCP or Thriphalan MCP cream.

III stage. Post-peel care

The course of the post-peeling period depends on the depth of the peeling. If 1-2 layers of TCAPEEL 15% are characterized by the absence of crusts and the development of a peeling process that lasts 4-5 days, then after peeling TCAPEEL 25% edema and severe erythema increase within 24-48 hours after the procedure. Films and crusts are formed. During this period, the patient should not wet the skin of the face. Films and crusts spontaneously peel off within 7-10 days. It is necessary to warn the patient about the inadmissibility of their forced removal. When using both TCAPEEL 15% and TCAPEEL 25%, from the first day after the peeling procedure until the end of the exfoliation process, it is necessary to constantly moisturize the skin with Vegefarma or Thriphalan Balm cream and protect it from ultraviolet radiation in the morning by applying MediScreen sunscreen.

Peeling programs

TCAPEEL 15%: the basic course is 3-5 procedures, which are performed at intervals of 2-4 weeks.
TCAPEEL 25%: 1 treatment every 4-6 months.

Expected reactions after peeling

During the procedure, protein coagulation occurs, which manifests itself in the form of a “frost effect”. By its intensity, one can judge the depth of penetration, and by its uniformity, one can judge the uniformity of applying the material to all treated areas. After some time, from several minutes to a day (depending on the concentration of peeling and the number of layers), the “frost effect” is replaced by erythema and edema. If 1-2 layers of TCAPEEL 15% are characterized by the absence of crusts and the development of a peeling process that lasts 4-5 days, then after peeling TCAPEEL 25% edema and severe erythema increase within 24-48 hours after the procedure. The next day after the TCAPEEL 25% procedure, quite pronounced edema, erythema are noted, crusts and films are formed. The skin has a "tanned" appearance. By the second day, the swelling decreases, the film begins to strongly tighten the skin. Intensive peeling starts from 2–3 days and ends by 7–10 days. The skin on the hands flakes off a little longer. After rejection of the coagulation film, the skin acquires a pink color. Similar skin color is
sunburn. After a few days, the skin is completely restored.


Local complications when using TCA at a concentration of less than 30% are rare and fairly easy to correct.

The most common complication is post-peel hyperpigmentation and most often occurs in patients with dark skin (Fitzpatrick types III–VI).
Millia, or small white superficial epidermal cysts, very often occur in the first 3-5 weeks after the procedure. They go away on their own or, to remove them, a light superficial microcrystalline peeling is applied. Another complication is the exacerbation of herpes. Therefore, if a patient has a history of recurrent herpes, it is advisable to conduct a prophylactic course with specific antiviral drugs a week before the procedure.

TCAPEEL is a painful procedure, so a ventilator or fan can be used during the procedure to create intense air currents that alleviate the subjective sensations of the patient.

TCAPEEL 25% does not increase the area of ​​telangiectasia. At the same time, due to the pronounced irritant effect of trichloroacetic acid,
clarity of the vascular pattern. This phenomenon is reversible and disappears within 1-2 months after the procedure. In this case, after the completion of the exfoliation process, it is advisable to prescribe Retioderm cream from the MedicControlPeel line.

Educational-methodical center "Martinex" invites cosmetologists with higher and secondary education to chemical peeling courses. Trainings are held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, cities of Russia and Ukraine.

Price from 6500 r.

Trichloroacetic acid TCA 15%, 25%, 35%

TCA peeling (Mediderma) is a classic medium peeling, one of the main methods for correcting wrinkles and other age-related skin changes, as well as post-acne scars and stretch marks. Depending on the concentration of TCA-peeling, it penetrates to a different depth, which is necessary in each specific case. This is an ideal peeling for local application in the area of ​​creases and deep wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and various violations of the skin relief.


  • Purse-string wrinkles in the lips
  • Wrinkles of the forehead, bridge of the nose, cheeks
  • Acne scars, enlarged pores
  • Stretch marks (striae)
  • Age-related skin changes: photo- and chronoaging, melasma


  • Individual intolerance
  • Oncological diseases
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Dermatoses
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin
  • Couperose
  • This peeling should not be carried out in spring and summer during the period of solar activity.

Expected effect:

  • intensive skin rejuvenation,
  • smoothing fine and deep wrinkles,
  • terrain leveling
  • elimination of stretch marks, scars
  • elimination of hyperpigmentation

Median peeling usually requires pre-peeling preparation. This may include home use of creams or lotions containing light exfoliating and renewing ingredients such as fruit acids or AHAs. With proper preparation, there is a kind of "training" of the skin before the most aggressive impact, which will shorten the rehabilitation period, improve skin regeneration and get a more pronounced result. Also, to prepare the skin for mid-peeling, it is recommended to go through 1-3 sessions of superficial peeling beforehand.

How is the TCA peel procedure performed?

The TCA peel procedure is quite sensitive. When applied to the skin after 1-2 minutes, a rather intense burning sensation occurs, but it quickly passes. Then the so-called "frost" is formed on the skin - a white coating consisting of coagulated upper layers of the epidermis. It is almost invisible and washes off easily. TCA - peeling may not be accompanied by any redness, so immediately after the procedure, the patient does not observe any changes on the skin. However, a pronounced vascular reaction and slight swelling are also possible and depend on the individual characteristics of the skin. 2-3 days after the procedure, a dark crust forms in the peeling area, which completely disappears within 5-7 days. Young skin after a crust of pink color, within a few days, it gradually acquires its usual color. It is very important to use sunscreen or avoid sun exposure altogether for at least two weeks to prevent the formation of pigmentation in the peel area.

Rules of conduct after the procedure:

  • avoid thermal procedures (sauna, bath, hot shower) for 2 weeks after the procedure
  • avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen SPF 50
  • gently cleanse the skin, with strong tightening, use light moisturizers
  • try to avoid strong tension and activity of facial muscles, as this can lead to cracking of the crust and longer healing

Such a traumatic procedure as peeling with trichloroacetic acid preparations gives an amazing effect, but it takes time and effort for the subsequent restoration of the skin. This is a prerequisite, otherwise the patient may face complications. The care after TCA peel is not complicated. The main thing here is patience and methodical action.

Read in this article

Reminder after chemical peel

In order for the skin of the face to recover quickly after a chemical peel and there are no complications, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations from the memo:

  • The first washing with cool water should take place no earlier than 48 hours after the procedure.
  • For water procedures, use only cosmetics (gels, mousses, and so on) marked "for sensitive skin."
  • In the first 7 days after the procedure, finish water procedures by rinsing the face with acidified water (250 ml of water + 1 teaspoon of 6% table vinegar).
  • Before going outside (even if the weather is cloudy), apply sunscreen to the skin of the face - the duration of its use, the SPF level should be determined by the beautician.
  • For facial skin care, you need to use products that contain acids - this will allow you to save the result for a long time.
  • For 20-25 days, you need to give up sunbathing and tanning in a solarium.
  • After 5 days, it is allowed to take thermal procedures - a hot bath, sauna, bath.

Possible complications after peeling

The skin at the end of the procedure looks burnt, has an unnatural color. This sign will then increase for another day or two. There may be some soreness, a feeling of dryness, a slight swelling.

Then a film becomes visible on the surface, which after a while will begin to peel off in parts, exposing young skin. These are all common consequences of using a TCA peel. But more serious symptoms may also occur, which are already consideredcomplications:

The cause of ailments that worsen well-being and appearance is not only the incorrect conduct of the procedure itself. Complications are provoked by the lack of proper care.

Swollen face after peeling

If the face is swollen after a chemical peel, then only time will help to solve the problem - it is not for nothing that doctors recommend that you stay at home for 1-3 days during the procedure. The tumor is a uniform puffiness without pronounced foci of excessive protrusion, there is no pain and burning.

If the face does not return to normal, and the complication does not become less pronounced even 24 hours after cosmetic manipulation, then you should seek help from a doctor - this is either swelling develops, or some pathological processes such as inflammation occur in the skin.

Irritation on the skin after a chemical peel

During chemical peeling, facial skin is exposed to aggressive effects, so irritation on it after the procedure is considered normal and belongs to the category of non-dangerous consequences. It manifests itself in the form of slight redness, itching and mild burning. These unpleasant sensations disappear on their own for 2-3 days of the recovery period.

Swelling after chemical peel

Injury to the skin during chemical peeling leads to the development of edema after the procedure. It forms almost immediately and may grow/expand within 2-3 days, after which it becomes less pronounced. As soon as you can wash your face, it is worth applying cool compresses to your face every 2-3 hours for 10 minutes - this will speed up the recovery process.

Severe swelling may be associated with a strong fluid retention in the cells of the dermis, so it would be advisable to take diuretics for 2-3 days. But such therapy should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

Hyperemia and swelling of the periorbital region

Erythema after triacetic acid

Erythema after peeling with triacetic acid is an expected complication, which is a pronounced redness of the treated areas of the face. The problem appears literally in the first hours after the manipulation, it can persist for 4 hours - 5 days.

A more specific period depends on the concentration at which triacetic acid was used for the procedure: if it was median TCA, then erythema may be present for 5 days, but with the use of alpha hydroxy acids, the problem disappears on its own after 4 hours.

Erythema is never accompanied by swelling, has an almost clear outline and does not bother the patient with pain, itching or burning.

red spots after chemical peel

The appearance of red spots after a chemical peel may be due to ordinary skin irritation or damage to the walls of blood vessels that are located close to the upper layer of the dermis. In the first case, the spots will have vague borders and will be randomly located on the face. And when the vessels are damaged, they differ in brightness and a visually determined contour, the formation of point subcutaneous hematomas.

If this phenomenon does not become less intense after 4-6 days, then you should seek qualified medical help. Additional therapy may be needed.

Skin care to prevent problems

In the salon, it is not always possible to get complete information about what to do after peeling. In addition, questions about this may arise later. Feelings, external signs at the end of the procedure for many also remain a mystery. So it will be useful to know how tsa peeling will end, care after peeling by day is a particularly important point. It includes several components:

  • external means for the skin;
  • providing an external favorable environment;
  • drugs taken orally;
  • prohibitions.

How to smear the skin

Immediately after the procedure, the surface of the skin is an inflamed membrane. Therefore, the first day it is better not to touch the face and the area of ​​​​the body where the peeling was performed. And if it was a median exposure, you should not touch the surface until 2 to 3 days. You can’t wash your face during this period, you can only gently treat your eyes and rinse your mouth. What cosmetics should be used:

  • After the specified time, Bepanthen or D-Panthenol should be applied to the skin 3-4 times a day, blotting with a napkin after 20 minutes. These are anti-inflammatory and regenerating agents, which, however, may initially cause tingling.
  • At the same time, it is allowed to wash yourself using products that do not contain alcohol, abrasive particles, fats or hydrophilic oils. Ampoule serums and concentrates are best suited. The face after washing should not be wiped, but gently blotted.
  • Later, when the skin is covered with a tightening, dry film, "Bepanten" and "D-Panthenol" can be alternated with formulations containing aloe, witch hazel, zinc. Such skin care after TCA peeling will help preserve moisture, heal damaged tissues faster, and prevent scarring.
  • Those who often have relapses of herpes should be applied 2 to 4 days after the procedure with appropriate external agents - Viferon or Acyclovir.
  • Ceramide products will help increase the level of moisture. Similar post-peeling care is indicated after the film has begun to fall off. It will restore the protective barrier of the skin.
  • Be sure to use a high-level sunscreen to go outside after the weeping stage has passed. This will help to avoid hyperpigmentation, disruption of melanin production.
  • After the whole face is covered with young skin, you can do it. This will be about a week after the superficial peel, 14 to 20 days after the median peel.

Watch this video about what external products to use after facial peeling:

External environment

With such an aggressive effect as TCA peeling, post-treatment care should also include creating a skin-friendly environment. Now neither heat nor cold helps her. Therefore, it is better to spend the first time at home, especially since the appearance of the face does not contribute to going out. Sunlight should be avoided whenever possible.

For this, the procedure is usually prescribed in autumn or winter. At home, high humidity and too dry air are also undesirable.

What to take inside

Recovery after a TCA peel is not a disease. However, it's important pay attention to the following points:

  • for the first 2-4 days, eat chopped food so as not to provoke pain and damage to the skin, and drink the liquid through a straw;
  • all 2 - 3 weeks of the rehabilitation period drink plenty of water to increase skin moisture;
  • it would be good to take vitamin-mineral complexes with zinc to help the formation of new cells;
  • alcohol that interferes with healing should be abandoned.

How to wash after TCA

You can wash your face after TCA only with those products that do not contain abrasive particles, alcohol, hydrophilic oils. The packaging should be marked "for sensitive skin." Beauticians recommend choosing mousses, gels, foams with a light structure - the skin is damaged after aggressive cleansing, so you need to act on it as gently as possible.

We must not forget about the need to rinse the face after the main water procedure with acidified water.

Why wash with acidified water after peeling

After TCA peeling, you need to wash your face only with acidified water (this will be the last stage of the hygiene procedure), since this is how:

  • the process of exfoliation of epidermal particles is significantly accelerated;
  • the period of skin recovery is reduced - for example, the stage of active peeling becomes many times shorter;
  • the skin dries up, which prevents the crusts from getting wet and becoming infected;
  • disinfection of the "wound" surface.

Pharmaceutical products after peeling

To accelerate the regenerative processes in the dermis after peeling, it is worth using specific pharmacy products:

  • Arnica gel- soothes the skin, relieves swelling and redness, moisturizes it, cools and accelerates metabolic processes (metabolism);
  • Bepanthen- hypoallergenic cream, designed to accelerate the healing process of various wounds, stimulates the growth of new dermal cells, nourishes the skin with vitamins (there are representatives of the B line in the composition);
  • spray D-Panthenol- a very convenient form of the drug, because it allows you to treat the face after peeling without touching it with your hands (this is what cosmetologists recommend), accelerates regeneration at the cellular level, normalizes metabolic processes, increases local immunity;
  • ointment Solcoseryl- can replace both Bepanthen and D-Panthenol, has an analgesic effect, activates the "breathing" of dermal cells, which leads to their full saturation with oxygen and nutrients.

All pharmaceutical products are applied on the 3rd day after chemical peeling (unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor), they should be applied 3-5 times a day in a thin layer and left until completely absorbed.

Scrub after chemical peel

If superficial chemical peeling was performed, then the scrub after the procedure can be used literally for 3-5 days. But such a tool should have a minimum of abrasive particles, and after its application, the skin of the face is immediately wiped with lotion / tonic and lubricated with a moisturizer.

If a medium or deep chemical peel has been performed, then it is strictly forbidden to use scrubs until the skin is completely restored. In the future, there are no special features in carrying out procedures with these funds.

Watch this video about what not to do after a chemical peel:

Masks after chemical peeling at home

After chemical peeling, you can and should use masks that are prepared at home - they soothe irritated skin, help moisturize it, which causes rapid exfoliation of epidermal particles and healing of the surface.

You can not use complex recipes and simply treat your face with cosmetic oils - for example, from grape seeds, peach, almonds. It is best to spray them over the surface in order to comply with the recommendations of the beautician regarding the exclusion of contact of fingers with the face.


To prepare an alginate mask at home, you only need an alginate mixture powder (sold in pharmacies or specialized stores) and mineral water without gas. It is necessary to prepare a mixture that visually resembles a thin cream. It is applied to a pre-cleansed face (after chemical peeling, it is simply wiped with a lotion without alcohol in the composition) and left for 20 minutes, after which the skin is removed and wiped with a light, soft tonic.

Alginate mask

Alginate mask:

  • moisturizes;
  • accelerates exfoliation of epidermal particles;
  • relieves swelling, redness;
  • speeds up regeneration.


To relieve discomfort after a chemical peel, you should use a soothing mask based on milk, honey, egg yolks and aloe pulp / juice. Suitable combinations are:

  • 1 tablespoon milk + 1 tablespoon honey + 1 chicken yolk;
  • 1 teaspoon of oatmeal + 2 tablespoons of milk + 1 teaspoon of honey + 5 drops of aloe juice.

You can start using such funds from 3 days after the manipulation and provided that the cosmetologist has given permission for this.

Why does my face not flake after a chemical peel?

After a chemical peel, the face may not peel off, the reasons may be as follows:

  • peeling was gentle - cosmetologists perform this if the patient first got this procedure;
  • glycolic and fruit acids were used as the main means - they allow only superficial cleansing of the dermis;
  • peeling went almost unnoticed - this happens to those people who constantly monitor their face and regularly perform cleansing procedures;
  • human skin is resistant to damage.

The absence of peeling does not mean that the peeling was ineffective.

Herpes after peeling: what to do

If a person has a history of herpes, then after peeling it is likely to worsen. This can only be prevented by taking antiherpetic drugs 1-2 weeks before the cosmetic procedure and within 10 days after.

All the rules for facial skin care after chemical peeling remain the same, even if after the manipulation this disease has sharply worsened. All appointments must be made by a doctor.

Do I need to apply moisturizer after exfoliation?

After peeling, it is imperative to moisturize the skin of the face, but in the first 3-5 days, only cosmetic oils can be used for this. They are sprayed with a spray gun over the surface, so as not to injure the integument once again. Moisturizing creams are allowed for 7 days, but they must be applied very carefully:

  • not a thick layer;
  • do not rub;
  • do not rub;
  • do not massage with fingertips.

What Not to Do

Facial care after tsa peeling will become easier if you follow some prohibitions:

About what not to do after TCA peeling, contraindications and causes of complications, see this video:


How often can a TCA peel be done?

TCA peeling can be done no more than once every 10-14 days. More accurate indicators depend on the speed of skin recovery.

How many TCA peels are needed?

To achieve the effect of rejuvenation, lightening, cosmetologists recommend a maximum of 4 TCA peeling procedures.

How many days will skin peel after TCA peel?

The skin after TCA peeling can peel for 4-10 days, depending on what type was performed (superficial, median or deep) and on the level of skin susceptibility to external stimuli.

Tore off the skin after peeling: what to do?

If you accidentally rip off the skin, a wound surface opens under it, droplets of blood can come out - together this is the “entrance gate” for infection, so doctors recommend constantly treating the wound with antiseptic solutions (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine), use wound healing agents such as Bepanten, Panthenol.

Is it possible to do facial massage after peeling?

Facial massage in the early days is prohibited. It will be safe and useful only with a completely healed dermis.

How many days after peeling can brushing be done?

Why can't you wash your face after a TCA peel?

Water can be a source of infection, viruses, which almost instantly penetrate the wound surface of the face. This is a direct path to the development of the inflammatory process, which can provoke the formation of abscesses, scars. Therefore, doctors prohibit washing in the first 2 days after TCA peeling.

Can I use foundation after a TCA peel?

The foundation can be applied only after the active peeling after the TCA peel has stopped. Firstly, decorative cosmetics will not hide the problem, and secondly, it will close the pores and will slow down the process of exfoliation of epidermal particles.

Can I use almond oil after a TCA peel?

This oil belongs to cosmetic, safe and moisturizing products. It can be used in skin care after TCA peeling literally on the second day - spray over the surface, and on the following days lubricate the affected skin.

And more about the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic facial peeling.

Care after median peeling is generally the same as after the completion of surface exposure. Only the recovery period lasts longer. You can wash your face from the 4th - 5th day, start using regular cosmetics for care - from the 14th or 20th.

I'll warn you right now - this photo is not for the faint of heart. But I have to show them so that you understand if you are ready for this.

I have such a teenage habit - picking pimples, and this habit has been with me since adolescence. One day, looking in the mirror, I realized that I had “finished it” - in some places the skin became bumpy, the pores were enlarged, post-acne, and there were even two wrinkles on the forehead

Something had to be done about this. Home remedies, purchased masks gave only a slight, short-lived effect.

I began to search on the Internet how I can improve my skin, it was very important for me to even out the relief. So I found information about peelings.

I am 25 years old, I have not done peelings and have never been to a beautician at all. I just heard of its existence.

Most of all, according to the description, I liked the TCA peel, because it is so promising!

Cleansing properties - the acidic environment perfectly cleanses the surface layer of the epidermis, making the skin smooth and clean.

Regenerative properties - when exposed to the deep layers and cells of the dermis, their proliferation (the birth of new cells) increases, which ultimately leads to an increase in the barrier properties of the skin.

Anti-inflammatory effect - the effect of acid and other active components of the composition significantly narrows the pores, reducing the secretion of fat by cells.

Stimulating effect - the expansion of blood capillaries during deep peeling enhances metabolic processes and stimulates the production of collagen.

Antimicrobial action - the acidic environment of the composition destroys all pathogenic flora, which causes inflammation in the skin.



I was looking for a beautician on Instagram using hashtags.

TCA peeling cost me 2200 rubles.

Made in Saratov.

Preparation is required before TCA peeling, otherwise the effect of it will be weak.

I came to the beautician for a consultation. Picked up a mousse for deep cleansing of the skin. I used it for three weeks before peeling.

Two weeks before the procedure, you can not use mechanical scrubs, keep in mind.

Came at the appointed time. It was very exciting, after all, for the first time)

The cosmetologist told me in great detail the subsequent care: for the first 3 days, neither wash nor cook (steam), do not touch your face with your hands, drink through a straw (I'm serious), it is advisable to put a clean towel or pillowcase under your head for the first 3 nights. On the third day, you can wash your face in the morning and evening, then wipe your face with chlorhexidine. On the fifth day, you can wash your face with soap for intimate hygiene (she argued that such soap contains a different ph). On day 7, you can use a moisturizer. All the time of healing after washing, you need to wipe your face with chlorhexidine to neutralize. Bepanthen and similar drugs did not prescribe, because she believes that the skin should heal itself, that's the whole point. There is no talk of cosmetics and tonal products, I hope you understand.

Peeling was done for me at 15%, although initially they agreed on 25%. The cosmetologist argued that 25% is serious for unprepared skin. And what's better to come to TCA 25% when I'm 34 years old?

Peeling from a Russian manufacturer - Medic Control Peel.

So, about the procedure itself: I lay down on the couch, they took off my makeup and, as I understood it, wiped it with an antiseptic. The composition was applied with a cotton swab all over the face, without affecting the area of ​​the eyelids and neck. It almost did not burn, which I was very glad about. The face tightened a little. After 10 minutes, WITHOUT WASHING the first layer, the second layer was applied, but not on all areas, but only where the frost (a white coating, indicating that the composition had penetrated the skin) appeared to a lesser extent. There was already a fire! Of course, the fan helped, but I really missed the fan right above my head. In fact, it doesn't hurt at all. The skin burns, but there is no pain itself. I didn't cry at all. The beautician said that I was just patient)) By the way, after the second application, the skin became so tight that it became difficult to speak.

After 5-7 minutes it burns much less, after another five it disappears altogether. The face is no longer tight.

I was surprised that the first layer didn't rub off. The beautician explained that in the original technology, this is how this peeling is done. TCA Medic Control Peel is made using this technology.

All this time I didn’t have to be bored, I asked the beautician about different procedures)

When the redness subsided (after 15 minutes), I went home. The face was slightly pink and very shiny.

After peeling, it is better not to wear a hat, mask, because the skin may sweat, and moisture should be avoided..

Every day I will write down my feelings and appearance.

My skin before peeling.

Upon arrival home, after a while, the face became redder. I don’t always remember about the straw, and I already drank tea straight from the glass a couple of times.

You also need to eat carefully, and taking into account the fact that the face is tight, this is not easy. There is itching, especially near the nostrils, I can hardly restrain myself from scratching.

First day after peeling.

Second day.

The skin has become darker, it is not so shiny anymore, the tightness is not so strong. It still itches from time to time. By the evening the skin began to change color.

Third day.

The skin darkened, but not uniformly, somewhere darker, somewhere lighter. Near the mouth, the film began to crack. Hooray! Funny sensations First, it always cracks in places where facial expressions are most used.

By the way, some argue that a crust appears on the face, I would say that this is a thick (dense) film.

It's hard not to wash. I need water! Therefore, for the third day I have been using a cotton swab dipped in cold water. I rub her eyes.

Fourth day.

The face is strongly constricted. Uncomfortable. I would like everything to peel off. While it is shelled, basically, around a mouth. In some places the skin is too pink, just like after a burn. I still decided to use panthenol for these places.

Panthenol moisturized the skin, washed away all peeling. In these places the skin is pleasant, very moisturized.

Fifth day.

The middle of the forehead peeled off. Panthenol I apply only on pink areas of the skin. On the face of the rash, they appeared even under the film, I kept thinking what kind of bumps they were. But they appeared only in the T zone. Most likely, such a skin reaction is an increased production of sebum.

Sixth day.

I bought Lactacid intimate hygiene gel. I will use it 2 times a day, then wipe the skin with chlorhexidine, Periodically lubricate the skin with panthenol.

Day 7

Almost all the crusts are gone. I'm already out on the street. You can't see anything with loose hair

By the way, before going outside, it is necessary to apply a cream with an SPF of 30 or more on your face. I have SPF 50.

The complexion is still different from the color of the neck, has a more pink tint. This is normal, full rehabilitation after such peeling is 3 months.

Skin after 2 weeks.

For clarity.

What only one peeling with trichloroacetic acid gave me:

1. Post-acne has become significantly less

2. The complexion has evened out, the general appearance has become more pleasant.

3. Most importantly, the pores have narrowed very much, due to which the relief has evened out.

4. 1 peeling tsa 15% replaced 5-6 analog medium peels for me.

5. Inexpensive and effective.

The only thing is that the wrinkles on the forehead remained, the peeling did not help me in this, although it promised ...

Of course, the skin has not become perfect, but it has become much better, I plan to do it 1-2 more times in the autumn-winter period.

I definitely recommend this peel.

If you have questions, ask.