A plan-synopsis of a lesson in mathematics (middle group) on the topic: a synopsis of the ood on the camp "winter games". Synopsis of a lesson in mathematics in the middle group "Traveling through the winter forest

Program tasks:
1. Form elementary mathematical representations:
teach children to compare objects and geometric shapes by two or more properties:
exercise in ordinal and quantitative counting within 5;
develop the ability to identify various properties in objects, name them, abstract and keep in memory.
2. To develop the primary methods of logical thinking (to form the ability to observe, compare, generalize, classify) to develop speech as a means and form of mental activity.
3. To cultivate curiosity, interest in travel as a form of knowledge of the surrounding world.

Abstract of GCD using problem learning on the topic "Winter Sorceress"
Modern realities and the requirements imposed by the state on the quality of upbringing and educational activities in kindergarten imply that the teacher must possess the necessary educational technologies. One of them is the problem dialogue technology.
Problem-dialogical teaching is a type of teaching that ensures the creative assimilation of knowledge by children through a dialogue specially organized by the teacher.
The problem dialogue technology is used in full at school. In preschool education, the use of problem situations is considered, that is, the teacher creates a cognitive task, a situation and provides children with the opportunity to find means of solving it, using previously acquired knowledge and skills. Problem-based learning develops speech, mental abilities of children, teaches them to be independent in the process of learning. Each new knowledge reveals to the child little-known aspects of the cognized object, arouses the question, conjectures.
The formulation of a problematic task and the process of solving it takes place in the joint activity of the educator and the children. The teacher engages the pupils in a joint mental search, provides them with assistance in the form of instructions, explanations, questions. Cognitive activity is accompanied by heuristic conversation. The teacher raises questions that encourage children, based on observations, previously acquired knowledge, to compare, compare individual facts, and then come to conclusions through reasoning. Children freely express their thoughts, doubts, follow the answers of their comrades, agree or argue.
There are certain ways of creating problem situations that a teacher can use in working with older preschool children, since problem statement is an integral part of the cognition of older preschoolers.
To create problem situations, you can use the following methodological techniques:
1. Leading children to a contradiction and an offer to independently find a way to resolve it (For example: In the summer there is a lot of sun and light. In winter there is very little sun and light, and indoor plants do not die. Why?);
2. Inviting children to consider the phenomenon from different positions (For example: In the fall, birds fly away to warmer regions. Why?);
3. Encouraging children to compare, generalize, collate facts (For example: Help Alsou doll choose a piece of furniture. Chair and stool. Children find similarities, differences and, together with the teacher, generalize knowledge);
4. Setting specific questions for generalization, substantiation, concretization, logic, reasoning (For example: What is the difference between animals and plants?);
5. Setting problematic tasks (for example, with insufficient or redundant data, conflicting data, deliberately made mistakes, etc.) For example: How to draw grass if there is no green paint?
We bring to your attention a summary of the lesson for the senior group with problem learning.

Theme: "Winter Sorceress"
Purpose: To systematize the knowledge of children about winter, winter natural phenomena. Fix the name of the winter months; to clarify and expand the stock of specific ideas about the properties of snow.
Educational: foster a caring attitude towards nature and an interest in knowledge; to attach to the elementary generally accepted moral rules and norms of behavior.
Developing: to form the correct idea of ​​winter in children: winter is a sorceress, winter is an artist; develop memory, attention, imagination; improve dialogical and monologic forms of speech, evidence-based speech; continue work on the culture of speech circulation;
Educational: to summarize children's ideas about winter; teach to establish connections and patterns in nature, encourage children to compare, generalize, draw conclusions; develop the logic of reasoning, solving problem situations; teach children to perceive the poetic image of winter by means of artistic and musical expression.
Integration of educational areas: "Reading Fiction", "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Socialization", "Music".
Methods and techniques:
Fictional (character Snowman, surprise moments)
The use of natural material - snow.
Verbal methods (conversation, the use of an artistic word - riddles, poems about winter, search questions).
Equipment and materials: TCO, puzzle pictures, writing, equipment for the experiment with snow - buckets of snow and water, glasses of clean water.
Handout: paper snowflakes
Preliminary work: Conversation about the signs of winter; observation of the phenomena of inanimate nature (snow, snowflakes, icicles, ice floes); experiments and experiments with snow and ice (measuring the depth of snow, freezing colored water, etc.); a series of educator's informative stories on the theme "Winter", "Snow and Ice"; reading informative literature on the topic; solving riddles about winter, snow, winter phenomena, painting winter landscapes, listening to the classical works of PI Tchaikovsky "December Waltz".

GCD move:
Q: Guys, we all stand in a circle and wish each other good morning.
All together: All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tight
And we will smile at each other.
Hello lovely children
You are the most beautiful of all in the world!
Q: Guys, today I received a letter, but I don't know from whom. Let's open and read it together.
This is how the letter begins:
“I haven't been to you for a long time.
Friends, it's time for us to meet
See you soon, kids! " Snowman.
Q: Guys, why do you think the snowman decided to come to visit us right now? (Because winter)
Q: Guys, do you like winter? (Yes, we love)
Q: Listen to the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Winter Sorceress!"
Here is the north of the clouds, catching up,
He breathed, howled - and now she
Winter is coming sorceress!
Came, scattered in shreds,
Hanged on the branches of oak trees,
Laid down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills.
Frost flashed. And we are glad
The pranks of mother winter.
Q: Guys, what happens in winter? What are natural phenomena? (frost, frost, blizzard, blizzard, snowfall, cold)
- Winter has three sons, three winter months. What are their names? (December January February)
- What is the weather like in winter?
- What happens on water bodies in winter?
- What kind of snow can there be? (light, white, cold, fluffy, prickly, dirty)
A knock on the door. The snowman enters.
S: Hello guys! (Hello)
Q: Come in, Snowman, we are very glad to see you. Oh, why are you so sad?
S: A crow flew in, sat on my shoulder, pecked and said that I was not tasty. I got angry and flew away. And I felt very sad. Why am I not an apple or a strawberry ...
Q: Guys, why did the crow say that? (children's answers).
Experience (the teacher puts a bucket of snow)
Q: Now get up in a circle with me.
The game. White snow fell - we all gathered in a circle,
We will sink, we will sink
We will dance merrily, we will warm our hands.
We will clap, we will clap.
To make it more fun for us, we will jump sooner.
We will jump, we will jump.
Educator: Now, let's see what happened to our snow.
S: Oh, where is the snow, there is only water.
Q: Yes, Snowman, the snow is so loose and fluffy only in the cold. And in warmth it turns into water. And now I will pour this melt water into a glass. And we'll see if the snow is clear? See how much mud there is in the snow, so there is no snow at all. Guys, look, I have clean water in this glass and you can drink this water. Try this water? What does it taste like? (Water has no taste.)
Q: Children, so snow is frozen water, and water has no taste.
Q: Don't worry, Snowman, we will show you and tell you that snow is good and winter time is a time of magic, miracles and wonderful holidays. And first, I will ask you riddles:
He's fluffy, silvery,
But don't touch him with your hand:
Will become a drop of pure
How do you catch in the palm of your hand (snow)
The star spun
A little bit in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.
Guys, what is snow? (Snow is made up of snowflakes)
Snowflake game
Children are divided into two teams. They are given paper snowflakes. Children must find the same snowflake in the opposite team.
Q: Snowman, you are also molded from snow, which means that you are as beautiful as these snowflakes!
Q: But while we were talking about natural phenomena, Zimushka decided to make a joke and prepared riddle pictures for us. Look at the picture and tell me what is superfluous on it, which does not happen in winter?
Q: Well done, you managed to find errors and now the pictures look correct.
S: What smart guys! Everyone knows and, probably, everyone can!
Q: Guys, do you think snow and ice are good or bad? (children's answers). Let's take a look at the screen:
1. Small sprouts of wheat, they are not frozen. Why? (snow keeps you warm)
2. Where does ice form? (on the surface of water bodies)
3. What do fishermen do on the river in winter? (fish)
4. Why does all life not freeze under the ice? (ice also keeps you warm)
S: Guys, it means that snow and ice are very good.
Q: Now the Snowman knows that it happens to us in winter, not only cold, but also good and fun. What holiday do we celebrate in winter? (New Year). Let's give the snowman a song in the Tatar language "New Year" (round dance)
S: Thank you guys! I understood. I may not be tasty, but beautiful and healthy. I have prepared gifts for you (distributes snowman coloring pages). Now I have to go. I will be waiting for you on the street. Goodbye!
Q: Guys, tell me why Snowman was upset? Is snow good or bad? What tasks were difficult for you? I liked how Amir played and answered today. Amir, who did you like? (Children evaluate each other)
Q: Guys, kind words are not lazy
Talk to us all day
Goodbye to everyone, we will say:

1. Selikhova L. G. Integrated classes. Acquaintance with the outside world and the development of speech. Publishing house "Iris - press", 2007. - pp. 33-36.
2. Ladutko L. K., Shklyar S. V. Card file of didactic games and exercises for the development of speech of preschoolers. - SPb .: Publishing house "Sfera", 2008. - pp. 15-17.
3. Kudryavtsev V.T. Problematic learning: origins, essence, perspectives. - M .: Publishing house "Knowledge", 1991. - 80s.
4. Khabarova T.V. Pedagogical technologies in preschool education. - M .: Publishing house "Childhood - Press", 2012. - S. 58.
Course of the lesson
Educator: Today, guys, a wise owl came to our kindergarten. She knows many riddles and wants to ask you one riddle. And you guys, listen carefully:
"She will teach you never to be bored,

Solve problems
And count items

Children: We don't know.
Educator: Then I invite you guys to go on an interesting journey with a wise owl: complete different tasks, play and find out the correct answer to the riddle. Do you want to travel?
Look at an unusual train - let's go on it. (the carriages of the train are highchairs with geometric shapes attached to them)
To get a ticket, please give the correct answer:
- Count how many trailers in total?
- What is the figure on the first trailer? 3m?
- Which car is between the 1st and 3rd?
- On which carriage is the circle drawn?
Well done! Get your tickets and take a seat in the carriage of the same shape.
Educator: Attention! Checking tickets!
- What color is your ticket?
- What figure is on your ticket, Dima?
- Show only blue tickets (green, red).
The children sit down.
Educator. Now we are going to play the game with you. The game is called "Silent"
I will ask you questions, and you will show me the answers to the questions with cards with a number. The most important condition is that you cannot speak in this game (cards with numbers are under the chairs).
- How many fingers are on your right hand?
- How many toes are on your left foot?
- How many eyes does a traffic light have?
- How many tails do two cats have?
Educator: Here is the "Station of numbers". Come out to the edge, guys, I heard that our wise owl knows all the numbers, do you know?
Children count. Direct and reverse counting (up to 5).
Educator: Guys, look, mushrooms and flowers grow in this meadow. They do not grow apart, but together, in groups. Find a group of objects in the clearing that correspond in number to the number 3? 5? (The teacher checks the correctness of the answers).
Count how many mushrooms? (5) And how many flowers? (3) How to make it so that there are as many flowers as mushrooms? (Add 2 more flowers).
Well done, they did the job. Now let's play with you:
Everyone clapped their hands together, more fun (clap)
Our feet pounded louder and faster (stomp)
Let's hit the knees quieter, quieter, quieter
Raise the handles higher, higher, higher
Our hands spun, sank again
Spun, spun and stopped.
Station "Guest". So we circled around and ended up visiting a hedgehog. And the hedgehog needs help. We need to help him collect only edible mushrooms in the basket. The hedgehog will give you a hint on how to identify an edible mushroom.
The task is carried out with Gienesh blocks. Children are given cards with figure coding. Children "read" the encoding and find the block they need (edible mushroom) and put it in a basket next to the hedgehog.
Station "Treats".
Educator: Oh! While we were on the train, we walked along the paths of the fairy forest - all the treats were mixed. Let's see what we have in the bucket here? Whom to treat with something?

Educator: Maybe now you can guess what the riddle was about (reads again): “She will teach you never to be bored
And the shape, and numbers, and color to distinguish,
Solve problems
And count items
But what can you call it in one word?
If children find it difficult - reminds - Where have we been today, and what did we do?
What helped us to cope with all the tasks? Knowledge of Mathematics.
Educator: Well done, guys!

Target:consolidation of knowledge about quantitative and ordinal counting, the names of geometric shapes, temporal representations.


· Consolidation of knowledge of direct counting within five;

· Ability to find the next and previous number from the named and indicated;

· Continue learning how to make a figure from geometric shapes;

· Consolidation of knowledge in the name of the time of day, the names of geometric shapes.

The course of the lesson.


Guys today, I suggest you go on a fabulous journey, we will open the door to another, extraordinary, wonderful world, which is full of miracles.

Do you agree? Only those children who love, fantasize and dream can enter this fabulous world. And I will help you with this.

I have a magic book. It contains many different stories, magical and not very (we open the magic book). And today we learn one such story that happened in a magical forest.

The Forest Fairy lived in this forest. And once she decided to count all the inhabitants of the forest, trees and flowers, but there were so many of them that the Fairy did not remember everything that she considered, even a magic wand could not help her in this. Then Lesovichok came to her aid.

Educator:What do you think Lesovichok could advise the Fairy?

Inferences of children.

Educator:That's right guys, Lesovichok advised the Fairy “In order not to forget how many trees, birds or animals there are in the forest, all this must be written down with the help of numbers. But the trouble is, the inhabitants of the forest do not know what the numbers look like. Guys, I suggest we all go to the forest and help the Forest Fairy. I have a magic feather, which will help us to visit the Fairy. (they stood in a circle, stretched out their hands in front of their palms up, the teacher passes with a feather, strokes, closed their eyes, blew heavily on the feather) the sounds of the forest are heard ( the audio recording "Sounds of nature" is played)

Educator:So we found ourselves in a magical forest, sit down at the forest tables. We won't be able to see the Forest Fairy guys, because she is shown only to the inhabitants of the magic forest. But the Fairy sees and hears us. And is waiting for our help.

1. The game "Count the items".

Educator:Look, the Forest Fairy left her cards, probably those that she could not count. Count the items on the card and indicate the number of items with a number.

(children count objects, stick the desired number next to them)

How many leaves? Show number 5

How many acorns? etc

Educator: Did you count everything correctly? Maybe someone didn't succeed?

(Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the algorithm: when counting, you must not miss a single object and not count a single object twice)

I am very pleased with you. Well done.

2. Game "The numbers are messed up"

The teacher shows the picture Forest.

There was a strong wind in the magic forest. All numbers are messed up.

What numbers are out of place?

Children's answers.

What is the number before the number 5?

What is the number after the number 3?

What is the number between 2 and 4?

Educator:Right. Well done, I and the Forest Fairy are very pleased with your answers.

Educator:Guys, let's take a little rest. Let's close our eyes and listen to the song of the Forest Fairy.

(children lie down on the carpet, the audio recording "Sounds of the Forest" is played).

After listening:

Physical minute "Wind"

The wind blows in our face

The little tree swayed

The wind is quieter, the wind is quieter

The tree grows higher and higher.

(children show all movements)

3Game "Puzzle"

Educator:The wind not only confused the numbers, it also confused parts of the geometric shapes. Let's try to take them apart. Look closely at the geometric shapes and name them.

(children call them)

Well done, now let's add the animals of the Russian forest out of them (at the choice of children). If someone is at a loss, they can look at our card-schemes ("Fold the animal according to the picture")

Educator:What shapes did you use? Everyone did a great job. Well done. Let's leave them as a gift to the Forest Fairy.

Guys in the magic forest, time also does not stand still.

And it's time for us to return to kindergarten, because lunch is coming soon, and since lunch, then what part of the day is full? And what part of the day was it when we found ourselves in a magical forest?

What are all the parts of the day that you know? (morning afternoon Evening Night).

How many parts of a day? (four).

What are the names of the days that have passed? (yesterday).

What is the name of the day in which we live now? (today).

Educator:Guys, I think it's time for us to warm up a little. I have ribbons long and short. If I show you a long ribbon, you will clap, and if I show you a short one, then stomp your feet.

Get ready and be attentive - watch my actions.

Well everyone was very attentive.

Educator:Guys, the Forest Fairy left us a letter in gratitude (open the envelope, read the letter) “I am grateful to you for helping me learn numbers, the name of geometric shapes, parts of the day. And for this I sent you a parcel to the kindergarten with gifts. "

Educator:Therefore, it's time for us guys to return to kindergarten. And the magic feather will help us in this again (we do the same manipulations), we found ourselves in our group.

Educator:Guys, where we were today. What did you like the most? (children's answers). Did you like being useful to someone, sharing your knowledge, and coming to help when needed?

You did it today, you were great fellows.

Abstract of the GCD for the development of elementary mathematical representations in the senior group
Topic: "Winter pranks - winters"
Dominant area: "Cognition" (the formation of elementary mathematical concepts)
Integration of areas: communication, socialization
Integrated goals and objectives:
Educational goals: To consolidate the ability to classify geometric shapes according to three characteristics (size, color, shape), to keep counting up and down to 10, to find the previous and last number for each number from 1 to 10; keep an ordinal count, independently examine and compare geometric shapes by the presence of elements (angles), use the generalized concept of "quadrangle", lay out a set with a given number of elements, teach how to perform game actions.
Developing goals: to develop imagination, attention, logical thinking, the ability to understand the figurative meaning of the riddle.
Educational goals: to foster a love of nature, cognitive interest in all seasons.
Material. letter, cards with riddles, number 1-10, multi-colored snowflakes, a Christmas tree with toys, a set of geometric shapes, etc. and "Guess by Description", etc. “Find a pair” individual pencil cases, signal cards, notebooks, colored pencils.
Preliminary work. Reading poems and fairy tales about winter, guessing riddles, didactic games: "What is superfluous?" (classification of geometric shapes according to one or three criteria), "Find the missing number" and "Neighbors of the number".
Course of the lesson
1. Organizational moment.
A knock on the door. The teacher goes out and returns with an envelope
- Guys, look what it is? (letter) Who could write us a letter? Let's open and read it:
Dear Guys,
Winter winter writes to you.
Do you want me to come?
Has it covered everything with white snow?
So that you can build a slide
Katya, Pavliki, Egorki?
So that you can slide off the sled
Vanya, Sonya and Oksana?
Skating on ice?
Do you have a round dance at the Christmas tree?
Complete all assignments
Show you attention
Try and then
I'll roll everything in the snow.
There will be a surprise for you then
From a wonderful winter a prize.
- Guys, do you want a real snowy winter to come? Let's get down to the tasks, but winter is tricky, all tasks "froze", in order to unfreeze them, you need to guess its riddles.
2. Quantitative and ordinal counting
- So, the first riddle:
An asterisk circled
A little bit in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm. (Snowflake)
- Correctly a snowflake. See how many colorful snowflakes winter brought us.
- Count how many snowflakes there are?
- Let's count from one to ten. Ten to one.
- Name the neighbors of the numbers 4, 7, 2, 10.
- What color are the snowflakes? (there are 7-8 snowflakes of different colors on the board)

What is the blue snowflake?
- What is the yellow snowflake?
- What is the green snowflake?
- What color is the third snowflake?
- What color is the fifth snowflake?
- What color is the sixth snowflake?
- What snowflake is between pink and blue? Between white and red?
- We did an excellent job with this task. Let's try to guess the next riddle.

3. Formation of sets with a given number of elements.
Working with demonstration and handouts
She has pegs for clothes: All needles, yes needles.
The animals joke: "Uncle the hedgehog looks a little like her."
Comes with gifts, shines with bright lights,
Smart, funny, for the New Year - the main one. Christmas tree.
- True, a Christmas tree, but not a simple one, but a New Year's one. Look how smart she is (a picture of a Christmas tree with toys is exhibited)
- What kind of toys is our tree decorated with? (round and square)
- Who will help me choose the circle? (one child is called to the board)
- What do we know about the Circle? (the circle has no corners)
- What other geometric figure has no corners? (oval)
- Who will help me choose an oval?
- Who can choose a square? What do we know about him? (the square has four sides, four corners, all sides are even).
- What other figures have four sides and corners? (rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid). How can they be called in one word? (quadrangles)
- Now open your pencil cases and get your cards ready. (cards from two rows)
-Place as many squares in the first row of the card as there are square-shaped toys on our tree.
- In the second row, lay out as many circles as there are round toys.
- How many squares have you laid out? Let's check. How many circles?
- What is more circles or squares?
- Now put in the first row as many squares as there are red toys on the tree, and in the second row as many circles as there are yellow toys. Let's check. Which toys are more: red or yellow? Which are fewer?
- And now the task is more difficult, the most attentive to cope with it.
- What figure is superfluous here? (out of 3 shapes - blue circle, yellow circle and blue square - choose the superfluous one). Why, explain.
4. Physical education "Blizzard"
5. Did.igr "Guess by the description"
- We have already guessed two riddles of Winter and coped with the tasks, let's try to guess the third:
What a ridiculous man
Made my way into the twenty-first century.
Carrot nose, broom in hand,
Afraid of the sun and heat. (Snowman)
- That's right, snowman. Look how many snowmen winter gives us, they are all different. How are they different? (6 snowmen are exhibited, differing in the color of the bucket on their head, with a broom or a shovel in their hands, with a different number of "buttons")
- Let's play, guys, I will describe the snowman, and you have to guess what kind of snowman I'm talking about.
The didactic game "Guess by the description"

6. Did. games "Find a pair"

Guys, who do you think the next riddle is about?
Two sisters
Two braids
Made of fine sheep yarn.
How to walk - put them on,
So as not to freeze five and five. (Mittens)

Do they wear mittens one at a time? No, of course, they are worn in pairs, but our mittens are messed up, help me find a pair of identical mittens. (out of 5 mittens, you must choose 2 identical)
The didactic game "Find a Pair"
7. Work with signal cards. Did. exercise "Is it true or false"
- Now let's play a little and prove to Zima that we are ready to meet her and know everything about her. If what I'm talking about is true, you raise a green card, if it's a lie, a red card.
- In winter, a blizzard blows.
- Lilac blooms in winter.
- In winter you can ski.
- In winter, birds fly south.
- In winter, the bear sleeps.
-In winter streams run.
-In winter you can play snowballs.
- Santa Claus comes in winter.
- Well done, you were very attentive!
8. Work in notebooks. Development of graphic skills.
- And the last task that Zimushka-Zima has prepared for you. Open notebooks:
I will open my notebook And put it with a tilt
I won't hide my friends from you. I’m holding a pencil like that.
- If you connect the numbers from 1 to 7 correctly, you will find out what kind of surprise Winter has prepared for you. (by connecting the numbers correctly, the children get the image of a Christmas tree)
9. Summing up.
- Well done, guys, today you have coped with all the tasks of the mischievous Winter (mark the most active children), and she, as promised, gives you a gift - this is a mathematical lotto.

Reichert Lilia Khakimovna
MBDOU No. 115, Kemerovo

Abstract of GCD on FEMP in the middle group "Travel to the winter-winter"

Purpose: consolidation of mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities through the game - travel.

1. to continue the formation of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification);

2. to form ideas about the properties of objects: color, shape, size;

3. the ability to highlight and explain the signs of similarities and differences of objects;

4. to consolidate the skills of counting within 3, indicating the number of objects with the corresponding number;

5. to consolidate the ability to compare and equalize sets on the basis of counting;

6. to consolidate the acquired knowledge about winter;

7. step up concepts :, large, small, long, short;

8. develop coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills;

9. to develop an interest in mathematics;

Used material: letter; snowflakes with tasks; Magic carpet; "Patches" in the form of a square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle; ; a picture of a Christmas tree with toys; geometric shapes (squares and circles); 3 snowmen, differing in the color of the bucket on their head, with a broom or a shovel in their hands, with a different number of "buttons"; pairs of identical mittens;

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, today I came to kindergarten and on my desktop I found a letter addressed to you. Let's read it! Want to? I wonder what it says and who sent it (the teacher opens the letter)

This is a letter from Zimushka-winter.

“Hello kids!

Girls and boys

I invite everyone to visit

to the ice kingdom,

But the road is not easy

It will be difficult, kids.

Snowflakes will show you the way

I will wait for everyone

And I look forward to meeting you! "

Departure to Zimushka-winter.

Didactic game "Let's fix the flying carpet"

Guys, I suggest you go on a visit to winter on a magic carpet-plane.

(The teacher shows the "flying carpet")

Oops, guys, it was gnawed by mice. We urgently need to fix the “flying carpet”. I have geometric shapes on my tray.

(Children take turns applying and determining which patches are suitable for carpet repair.)

What patches did you need to repair the rug?

("Patches" in the form of a square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle.)

Our carpet is ready to fly. Now, friends, all aboard.

On the carpet we race together

We will enter the world of winter

We will find snowflakes there,

We will go through all the tasks.

Q: Guys, here we are in the winter forest.

Didactic game "High-low", "Big-small"

Hear how quiet and beautiful it is in the winter forest! How much snow the winter has covered - winter.

What beautiful trees!

What is the name of this tree? (herringbone)

What is she like? (high)

And this, what kind of tree? (also a Christmas tree).

And what is this tree? (low).

Look, is there something lying next to the Christmas trees in the winter meadow? What is it?

D: snowflakes

Snowflakes come in different sizes.

What are snowflakes (large and small)

Q: Find me a big snowflake.

How many big snowflakes? (2)

Take one small snowflake each.

How many little snowflakes do you have Fedor? (3).

Do you have Darina? (1)

Let's give a big snowflake to a big Christmas tree, and small ones

snowflake little Christmas tree.

V-. Oh guys, I saw someone's footprints. Who could have left them on

snow? (children's answers)

Let's follow the trail and find out where they will lead us.

Who is this sitting on a tree stump? (Bunny)

The first snowflake "Help the bunny to collect snowballs"

Here is the first snowflake. We need to help the bunny.

He made a lot of snowballs out of the snow for his friends, but they all crumbled. You need to help the bunny to collect them. (2 children collect snowballs)

How many snowballs did Egor collect (4)

And Masha (3)

Well done!

Well done boys! The snowflake says that we must move on.

Oh, again someone's footprints.

Who do you think left them? (children's answers)

Let's follow the trail and find out where they will lead us.

What kind of forest dweller is this? (fox)

Q: Let's ask her what happened.

Chanterelle, why are you sitting sad.

The chanterelle says that she is afraid of the wolf, but there is nowhere to hide.

Q: Let's help Chanterelle

Let's make Christmas trees from geometric shapes.

You are probably already frozen. Let's get some rest and warmth.

Physical minute. "Let's get warm"

So that the throat does not hurt, we will stroke it boldly.

(Stroke your neck with your palms with gentle movements from top to bottom).

In order not to cough, not to sneeze, you need to rub the nose.

(Rub the wings of the nose with the index fingers).

We will rub our forehead too, we hold our palm with a visor.

(Place the palms on the forehead with a "visor" and rub it with movements to the sides - together).

Make a "fork" with your fingers, massage your ears skillfully!

(Spread the index and middle fingers and rub the ear area).

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we are not afraid of colds.

(Rub your palms together).

Didactic game "Find a Pair"

Guys, what do you think the next Snowflake riddle is about?

Two sisters

Two braids,

Made of fine sheep yarn.

How to walk - put them on,

So as not to freeze five and five. (Mittens)

Do they wear mittens one at a time? No, of course, they are worn in pairs, but our mittens are messed up, help me find a pair of identical mittens.

(A didactic game "Find a Pair" is conducted)

Fourth snowflake. Didactic game "Find the Differences"

We have already guessed three riddles of Winter and coped with the tasks, let's try to guess the fourth:

What a ridiculous man

Made my way into the twenty-first century.

Carrot nose, broom in hand,

Afraid of the sun and heat. (Snowman)

That's right, snowman. Look how many snowmen winter gives us, they are all different. - How are they different?

And how are they similar?

How many Snowmen are there on the board? (3)

Work in cards "Fill in the number 3"

You have cards on your tables. Color the number 3


Well done, guys, today you have coped with all the tasks of the mischievous Winter.

It's time to go back to kindergarten.

(The teacher and the children stand behind each other and imitate the movement of the flight).

We raced together on the carpet,

We returned to kindergarten,

We found all the snowflakes

All tasks have passed.

What did we do for Zimushka-winter?

Whom did you meet?

What did you like the most?

Summary of GCD on FEMP for the middle group "Winter Games".

Target: consolidation of mathematical knowledge and skills through the game.

Tasks : Exercise in counting and counting objects within 5. Form an idea of ​​equality and inequality of two groups of objects on the basis of counting, equalize unequal groups in two ways. Exercise in the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle. Fix spatial directions, designate them with words on the right, left, above, below. To consolidate the idea of ​​the sequence of parts of the day.

Equipment and materials:geometric shapes of different colors, pictures "Parts of the day". Handouts: "Colored ice floes" (blue and red circles), punch cards "Christmas trees", colored pencils.

Preliminary work: didactic games "Count - do not be mistaken", "Parts of the day".

Integration of educational areas:"Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development"; priority area - "Cognitive development".

Stroke: Psychological attitude: (Children stand in a circle, holding hands.)

We folded palm to palm And offered to be friends to each other. We will study, play, To become kind, smart. Motivation: Educator: Children, I want to read you a beautiful poem, and you will help me to continue it: White snow, fluffy Whirling in the air And quietly Falls to the ground, lie down. And in the morning with snow The field turned white, Like a shroud Everything clothed him. A dark forest that covered a wonderful hat And fell asleep under it Firmly, soundly ... This poem was written by I. Surikov; what is it called? (Winter). What time of year does this poem talk about? Children: About winter. What are the signs of winter? (Answers of children). Several snowflakes flew through the window. Let's count them. Children count (5 snowflakes in total). Several more snowflakes flew in.

Exercise for the development of speech breathing... I suggest that the children take a snowflake in their hands and blow on it so that it flies off their hands. Children pass and sit at tables. What happens to the water in winter? (The water freezes and turns into ice). Winter froze to us multicolored pieces of ice. What shape of red pieces of ice? (round). What shape of blue ice? Place 5 red pieces of ice on the top strip of the card. Count them. How many red pieces of ice? (5). Put all the blue pieces of ice on the bottom strip from right to left. Count them. How many blue pieces of ice? (4). Which pieces of ice are more? (red), which pieces of ice are less? (blue). How to make the number of blue and red pieces of ice become equal? (two ways of equalization: remove the extra red piece of ice or add the missing blue piece of ice). We are discussing the methods of equalization. The teacher suggests using one of them.

Musical physical education. "We are making a snowman."

While we were making a snowman, I found many more colored pieces of ice. They are all different colors and shapes. They look like geometric shapes. Let's play with them. I will name which geometric shape and which color each of you will take. Julia take the red circle, Ilya the blue square, etc. Well done, Before the ice melts, fold their basket. Children go to the tables.

And what is the favorite winter holiday for children? (New Year). For the new year, everyone is decorating a Christmas tree. Let's dress up the Christmas trees too.

Working with punched cards... At the verbal instruction of the teacher, the children paint the balls on the tree: the ball on the top of the tree is red, yellow is at the bottom, blue is on the right, green is on the left. Check each other correctly. Did you color the balls? Evening will come and colorful balls will light up on the Christmas tree with beautiful lights. Let's remember the parts of the day.

Did. The game "Parts of the day".Children call parts of the day (let's start in the morning). Suddenly the wind blew and the pictures changed places. Did. ex. "What has changed places."

Reflection: children go out onto the carpet. Did you like our winter games? What did we play with today? (with snowflakes, with colored pieces of ice, with pictures "Parts of the day"). What did you like most about the lesson?

Well done! Everyone played well.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

OOD abstract on the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" in the preparatory group: "My dad is the Defender of the Fatherland" The abstract was developed by the educator Yudina A.G.

Develop observation, the ability to notice the characteristic features of a person's face (dad) and convey them by means of drawing (shape, proportions); - encourage children to combine different ...

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Speech skills for constructing a short narrative story based on previously acquired knowledge; - To enrich and expand children's ideas and knowledge about science, about space.-Attention-ability to speak ...