Why cracked heels causes and treatment. What to do if the heel is cracked. Egg yolk remedy

Hello dear readers and friends!

Many people, especially women, have this unpleasant problem - cracked heels. Often, with the onset of summer, when we spend more time in the country or walk, traveling, it worsens. And this is not just a cosmetic defect, but the pain is such that each step causes discomfort.

How to remove cracked heels and what can be done for this at home, we will find out. But first of all, you need to figure out why such a problem arises, because it can be a sign of a serious disease in which the heels crack all year round, and not just in summer.

Cracked heels: causes

Many factors affect the skin. And until you find out the reasons, it will not be possible to get rid of cracked heels forever.

Using folk remedies and trying to solve the problem on their own at home, people often lose time and miss the beginning of a dangerous disease.

I will list the most common situations that adversely affect the skin of the legs.

Lack of vitamins A and E. This may be due to insufficient intake of fats, vegetables, dairy products, especially if you are on a diet.

Excessive cleaning of the heels with a pumice stone, frequent use of scrubs. extremely important. But here it is necessary not to overdo it, otherwise such procedures lead to overdrying of the skin. And be sure to feed the skin with a greasy cream.

Uncomfortable tight shoes. It disrupts the flow of blood, does not allow the legs to breathe, in addition to cracks in the heels, they also appear from such shoes.
Fashionable now flat sandals without heels and backs, slates are also a danger, I even earned from them. She was able to get rid of it only when she realized that she was wearing the wrong shoes.

Thyroid disorders. Fatigue, weakness, pallor may indicate a lack of iodine, which leads to hypothyroidism - a serious illness associated with the work of all organs, and the heels can also crack.

Hidden varicose veins. With this disease, blood circulation is disturbed, and the leg becomes cold even in summer, bright venous nets appear on the feet, and the legs swell in the evenings. Cracked heels are the earliest symptom of this disease.
With varicose veins, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities is disturbed, blood stagnation appears in the legs, blockage of blood vessels occurs, nutrition of the skin of the feet is disrupted, and cracks appear even with a slight load on them.

Diabetes. This disease can be secretive and imperceptible for a long time. High blood sugar is often manifested by problems in the legs, dry skin, the appearance of cracks and ulcers. Moreover, the skin on the entire foot is cracking, its appearance resembles cracked dry earth. Cracks can be very deep.

Renal failure. Signs of the initial stage of the disease: a constant feeling of weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness, apathy, bitterness in the mouth, dry skin.
Again, the nutrition of the upper layer of the skin is disturbed due to an increase in the level of urea in the blood.
A neglected disease often leads to cracked heels, which can also be accompanied by itchy skin.

Gastritis. Heel problems can indicate problems in the stomach due to poor absorption of vitamins, fats and proteins. With gastritis, there is often an increased keratinization of the upper layers of the skin, which is precisely what people mistakenly consider to be formed from walking and try to erase it with pumice and graters. But you can’t do this, the more you erase, the more it grows again.

Mycosisfungal infection of the foot. Most often it occurs in people with reduced immunity. Once such people walk barefoot in the sauna, visit the pool, put on someone else's shoes, and the fungus settles on the skin. It quickly destroys the epidermis, penetrating deeper. The skin loses its protective functions, becomes covered with cracks, a putrid odor appears.


So don't just try to cover up cracked heels. The sooner the disease is identified and treated, the more likely it is to avoid unpleasant consequences.

How to get rid of cracked heels: home remedies

Even if you don’t have such diseases, and if cracks in the heels are just a cosmetic defect, it can be completely removed at home with folk remedies.

Usually make masks or compresses. I like simple recipes with ingredients that are always on hand, from rather nasty but effective to delicious, which I will share.

How to make a compress

  1. First, the legs should be steamed in a soda solution or potato broth.
  2. A little prepared product is applied to a gauze or other fabric folded in several layers.
  3. Apply to the heel and tie the fabric around the leg.
  4. Next, you need to wrap your foot with plastic wrap and put on a sock. So the product will not flow out and will not dry longer.
  5. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes or even overnight.
  6. After removing the legs, they are washed with warm water, wiped dry and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Remedies for cracked heels

Olive oil. It is hypoallergenic and heals well. The oil is applied to a cotton pad and tied to the heel overnight.

Potato. You can use both fresh potatoes, grated, and mashed potatoes, it is good to add half a teaspoon of butter to the latter.

Tea and laundry soap. Canvas fabric should be soaked with strong warm tea, then lathered with laundry soap and apply this bandage to the heel, wrapping it with polyethylene.

Onion. Scroll the onion through a meat grinder and put this gruel on the pre-steamed feet. This mask is best done at night and alone.

Apples. These fruits are on our table all year round. Do you know that they are useful not only to eat? Apple masks are effective for cracked heels. To do this, gruel from a grated apple should be applied to clean skin of the legs for half an hour, covered with a napkin.

And you can also add a little to applesauce or just rub castor oil on your heels. I always have a bottle at home, it is such a miracle doctor, from everything!

Zucchini. For this kopress, in addition to zucchini, which contains a lot of vitamins, you will need lemon juice, olive oil and semolina.

How to cook:

  • a small piece of fresh zucchini (about 100 grams) rub on a medium grater
  • add a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice
  • to thicken the mass, put three tablespoons of semolina.

Thanks to these tools, small cracks are pulled together, potholes are smoothed out, and the heels become smooth. With them, you can quickly remove cracks on the heels, unless, of course, the above diseases are their causes.


As you probably noticed, most of the causes of cracking are due to malnutrition. Therefore, for prevention, how we eat is important.

  1. Our menu must include products - sources of vitamins A and E: vegetable oils (only necessarily unrefined, why, read), nuts, seeds, carrots, bell peppers, dairy products.
  2. Eat more citrus fruits, kiwi, black currants, sweet peppers - foods containing vitamin C, which helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Do not overeat sweets, regularly measure your blood sugar levels.
  4. To prevent kidney disease, you should reduce the intake of protein and salt.
  5. Eliminate fried and fatty foods, too hot and cold, spicy.
  6. Introduce foods that have antimicrobial effects into the diet: onions, garlic, spinach.
  7. Also, of course, wear the right shoes and take good care of your feet.

I hope my information on how to remove cracked heels was useful to you.

Cracked heels are not only a cosmetic problem, but also a source of constant discomfort and pain. Initially, a patch of dry and hard skin forms on the heel, which eventually begins to peel off and become covered with small cracks. This part of the body is constantly under load and at first small damages become deeper and larger. Over time, the cracks become inflamed and can become infected, constantly reminding of themselves with cutting and stabbing pains.

This problem often makes itself felt in the summer, but its appearance in other seasons is not excluded. After the appearance of deep and inflamed cracks on the heels, every step is difficult for a person, and wearing shoes can become simply unbearable. Our article will help you solve this problem and get rid of debilitating pain, in which we will talk about the causes and methods of treating cracked heels.

Why do cracked heels appear?

Tight, uncomfortable shoes contribute to the appearance of cracks on the heels.

The skin on the heels should be smooth, elastic, strong and thick - it is on it that the main load of all our weight when walking is accounted for. The loss of elasticity leads to the appearance of microdamages, which, under the influence of stress, dirt, infection and sweat, increase in size and turn into cracks.

The loss of strength and elasticity of the skin in this part of the body is caused by overdrying of the skin (for example, in summer a person walks barefoot on hot sand or wears open shoes).

Under the influence of external or internal factors, the upper layers of the skin dry out, and the rough and thick layer of keratinized skin cracks under the influence of the load.

Drying and roughening of the skin on the heels, and hence their cracking, can be facilitated by such internal and external factors:

  • dry skin in summer;
  • uncomfortable or tight shoes;
  • improper foot skin care;
  • lack of vitamins A, E or F;
  • skin diseases (ichthyosis, etc.);
  • disturbances in the work of the digestive organs;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Can a fungal infection cause cracked heels?

They do not cause cracked heels, but these problems can occur at the same time. Such a neighborhood may indicate:

  • peeling of the feet in the form of thin scales similar to flour;
  • red spots and itching in the interdigital space.

When identifying such signs, you should not self-medicate - contacting a dermatologist will help you cope with this problem in a faster time and prevent a recurrence of the disease.

How should heel cracks be treated?

If you find cracks on your heels, you should think about what external cause could cause them. Removing it can save you from this problem.

  1. If you have uncomfortable or tight shoes, be sure to change them and take care of your feet, applying moisturizing, antibacterial, wound healing and emollients. People who are prone to cracking are advised not to wear shoes with open heels and use special silicone heel pads (choose them according to the size of the foot).
  2. Sometimes excessive care for the skin of the feet (for example, its frequent peeling) leads to the fact that the skin does not have time to renew itself, it becomes thin and easily vulnerable. In such cases, it is enough to correctly schedule care procedures and use special antibacterial and skin regeneration-accelerating agents to heal cracks.
  3. Walking barefoot on the ground or hot sand can also dry out the skin of your feet and cause cracking - always wear shoes outside and take extra care of your feet.
  4. Dry skin on the legs can be caused by an insufficient amount of vitamins that enter your body with food - include in your diet more foods that contain a lot of vitamins A, E and F (liver, egg yolk, butter, greens, carrots, etc.). ).
  5. Normalize your water intake (about 2 liters per day).
  6. Until the crack heals, it is necessary to limit the load on the heel - try to walk less and do part of the work while sitting.
  7. To unload your legs, think about getting rid of (if you have such a problem).

First aid for cracked heels

Keratolytic and moisturizing creams will help improve the condition of the skin on the heels.

At the first cracks in the heel, you can independently take a number of measures to treat them:

  1. Deep and ever-growing cracks can be sealed with superglue (cyanoacrylate-based glue), which can be bought at any store, market or pharmacy. Before applying it to a crack, the skin of the foot must be washed with soap and dried with a towel. Apply a few drops of glue to the damaged area (along the length of the crack) and let it dry for a few minutes. This treatment may seem strange and unsafe to many, but it is recommended and approved by dermatologists.
  2. If the glue has fixed the edges of the crack well, then its bottom begins to heal quickly. No other treatment should be given for about 5–7 days. Next, you gradually remove the keratinized skin on the heels along with the dried glue.
  3. After 5-7 days, start periodically soaking the rough skin on your legs in a warm bath and gently grind it down with a pumice stone (you should not do this at a time, you need to peel off the skin gradually).
  4. To improve the exfoliation of old skin, you can use creams with keratolytics (lactic, glycolic or salicylic acid). They should be applied immediately after pumice treatment.
  5. Apply moisturizing products to the skin during the day and at night (you can wear cotton socks at night to enhance the effect).

After 2-3 weeks, you will be able to notice the positive effect of such activities.

Treatment of cracked heels at the doctor

If all the above methods do not help you, then you need to seek help from a specialist. A dermatologist will help determine the cause of cracked heels and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If necessary, he can refer you to a consultation with an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.

If a number of skin or fungal diseases are detected, the dermatologist will be able to prescribe a course of special treatment and give recommendations on foot skin care. In some cases, with especially deep cracks that can form in other serious diseases, antibiotic ointments are recommended to the patient.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cracked heels

Various traditional medicine recipes can be used to treat cracked heels. These remedies are also recommended by many dermatologists, but only in cases where this problem is not aggravated by complications (severe inflammation or suppuration).

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for the treatment of cracked heels:

Lotions with decoction of elecampane- Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped roots with a liter of water and bring to a boil, pour the broth into a thermos and insist overnight. Make warm lotions or compresses daily - the cracks will heal very quickly.

Baths in nettle infusion- Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs with a liter of boiling water and cover the container with a warm towel. Wait for the infusion to cool, strain and use a warm infusion for baths, which should be performed for 15-20 minutes. Dry your feet and apply 2% salicylic acid ointment to the cracks. Apply a fat cream to the skin of the feet and massage. Such daily procedures will delight you with the result in a week.

Trays with potato starch- Add 2 tablespoons of starch to a liter of warm water and mix. Before going to bed, soak your feet in this solution, rinse with clean water and rub with a pumice stone. Dry your feet with a towel, apply a fat cream and put on cotton socks at night. Baths do daily - in a week the result will be noticeable.

Oil moisturizing compress- after the foot bath that you spend before going to bed, apply olive, sea buckthorn or linseed oil to the skin of the feet. Wrap your legs in cling film and bandage. Leave the compress until morning. In the morning, take another foot bath and rub the heels with a pumice stone (or do another peel).

Compress of oatmeal and linseed oil- boil oatmeal or flakes in water, add a large portion of linseed oil to the porridge, mix, divide into two parts and transfer to plastic bags. Put them on your feet and insulate with a warm cloth. After 2 hours, remove, wash your feet in warm water, dry and apply a fat cream. For a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin of the heels and feet, it is necessary to carry out 3-5 such procedures.

Compress of honey and cabbage- before going to bed, steam the skin of the feet in a bath and dry with a towel, rub honey into the cracks and attach a cabbage leaf to the heels. Secure with a bandage and put on socks. In the morning, remove the compress and wash off the remaining honey with warm water. Repeat the procedure until the cracks disappear.

Compress of milk and leaves of coltsfoot- Boil a glass of milk and add 2 tablespoons of finely chopped grass leaves. Transfer the container to a water bath and leave for about an hour. Cool the gruel from the mother and stepmother, apply it in a thin layer on gauze and attach it to the crack for half an hour. Repeat daily until skin heals.

Ointment with essential oils of chamomile and lavender for healing cracks- Add 2 drops of essential oils to a tablespoon of baby cream or petroleum jelly and mix. The ointment should be stored in a tightly closed container. Apply to cracks three times daily until cracks heal.

Rubbing from curdled milk and butter- beat softened butter in a bowl, add half a glass of yogurt to it and mix everything until a homogeneous consistency. Steam your feet and apply the mixture with light circular massaging movements on the cracks. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. Use this remedy until the cracks heal.

Ointment from egg yolk- beat the yolk, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of vinegar. Before going to bed, steam your feet in a warm bath and lubricate the heels and cracks with ointment. Wrap your feet in cling film and put on socks. In the morning, wash off the remnants of the ointment, and gently rub the heels with a pumice stone.

Use these folk recipes regularly - the result of their use will delight you. If after a week of using this or that remedy you do not notice any improvement or the skin on the heels turns red, suppurates and hurts a lot - do not postpone a visit to a dermatologist and follow all his recommendations for treatment.

Cracks between the toes and on the heels are a type of dermatitis. If the pathology is not treated, delay will worsen the situation and cause complications. Cracked heels indicate a lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body. The skin of the damaged areas dries up, peels off. Sometimes the skin of the feet cracks due to poor quality or uncomfortable shoes. Each cause of crack formation requires high-quality and timely treatment.

Treatment of cracked heels will be effective with the use of petroleum jelly. The drug can be used in its pure form, the properties of the substance help soften the heels, the skin in problem areas becomes wet. Before applying the heel, it is better to steam it in tolerably hot water, after adding a tablespoon of boric acid.

When the legs are steamed, we take it out of the basin with water, wipe it, apply the product to the cracked areas. Feet are recommended to be covered with cellophane, over which socks are put on. Treat heels with petroleum jelly and boric acid until the damage disappears completely.

How to treat fungus on the feet

Sometimes, provoking a painful and unpleasant condition. If you do not start on time, a fungus appears.

If the treatment of the legs did not bring the desired result, contact a dermatologist. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe more effective drugs. To avoid getting a fungal infection into the body, be careful in saunas, pools, baths. After visiting the listed establishments, it is advisable to use an antifungal ointment.

How to treat cracked heels in diabetic patients

If the heels crack due to endocrine diseases, they will have to be treated in other ways. Special creams and ointments contribute to the softening of the heels.

When the heels of diabetic patients crack, it is recommended to steam the legs, moisturizing the integuments.

Digestive problems

Only a doctor will help in the situation. Treatment will be successful if the underlying disease is eliminated.

Ways to treat cracked legs

A ready-made remedy for cracks is purchased at a pharmacy. When buying, pay attention to the composition of the drug. It is good if vitamins A, F, E are present in the finished product. It should be used after applying foot baths.

The disease is treated with drugs based on medicinal plants and derivatives: turpentine, chamomile, plantain. A considerable number of pharmaceutical preparations have been created to help eliminate between the fingers. Balzamed ointment, which includes a lot of healing oils and vitamins, is recognized as effective. The remedy is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of heels. The ointment prevents the formation of corns, has a moisturizing effect.

Ointment for the treatment of cracked heels is easy to prepare at home. The recipe is simple: combine 0.25 kg of fresh butter with marshmallow and cinquefoil root. Then melt the ingredients with a water bath. After forty minutes, the mixture is removed from heat and cooled. The ointment is used after procedures at the end of the day.

What to do in case of formation of deep cracks

In the case of deep cracks in the heel area, experts recommend using an ointment or cream with antibiotics. The ointment is rubbed in a circular motion, it is not necessary to apply a patch or cellophane to sore heels.

Cracks not only spoil the aesthetic appearance of the foot. With the appearance of damage, the risk of bacteria penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin increases, causing complications.

To prevent the penetration of bacteria into the body, steroid ointments are used. The use of such drugs is allowed after consulting a dermatologist.

If the formation of cracks on the heels and between the fingers is not associated with other diseases, it is permissible to treat the disease with a cream or ointment designed to eliminate. After waking up, the legs are washed from the remnants of the cream, cleaned with a brush or pumice stone. The article provides recipes for heel creams prepared at home:

  • Egg cream. An effective home remedy is a cream made from egg yolk mixed with sunflower oil and vinegar. The agent is smeared with sore areas of the legs for several nights. After application, the skin on the heels becomes smooth and healthy looking.
  • An ointment based on onions. Onion ointment is considered a popular remedy. Recipe: 0.25 g of crude vegetable oil is placed in a pan, heated, chopped onion is added. Fry the composition until a golden crust appears, then remove from heat and allow to cool. The ointment is applied to the heels, between the toes.

Using baths to eliminate cracked heels

Baths are used as an additional treatment for the legs. The main advantage of the procedure is that it is carried out at home, it is able to relax the legs after a hard day. The skin after the procedure is moisturized and stops exfoliating, the heels become healthy. Treatment with baths is carried out in combination with other methods.

The treatment of legs with the help of potato peel will be effective. Put the peel in a pot of water, prepare a decoction. After remaining, the legs are immersed for several minutes. Instead of the peel, ordinary starch is used. At the end of the procedure, flaky skin is removed with a pumice stone. The areas between the fingers are dried, a remedy is applied to the problem area.

Selected herbs have antibacterial properties. For a decoction that eliminates defects on the heels, they take calendula, chamomile and herbs with a bactericidal property. Pour in water, boil. Then the feet are immersed in a cool broth. Foot baths created at home are allowed to be done daily as a preventive measure.

The use of a compress in the treatment of cracked heels

Along with pharmaceuticals, cracks can be treated with compresses. Recipes:

  1. Honey compress. Mix honey with flour until a cake is obtained. The composition is applied to the heels or between the toes, fixed with cellophane, socks are put on top.
  2. Aloe compress. The aloe flower is mixed with flour, a few drops of onion are added. The cake is applied to the heels and wrapped with cellophane.
  3. Mustard oil. For deep cracks, mustard oil is used if there are no contraindications. Carefully need to use vinegar, which is part of the medicinal mixtures.


Massage helps to restore blood circulation in the legs. Before the procedure, it is indicated to apply oil or cream to the sore spot. Massage movements need to stretch the heels, the areas between the toes. Particular attention is paid to places of strong cracking.

Prevention of cracked heels

To prevent the occurrence of diseases of the heels, you need to properly care for your feet. You should not forget about the rules, even leaving the treatment behind. Here are some examples of preventive measures that help keep your legs beautiful and healthy:

  1. Foot hygiene. It consists in washing and cleansing the feet with a pumice stone. A properly done pedicure helps to eliminate cracks between the fingers, ridding the skin of the feet of bacteria, and prevents dryness. For foot care, it is useful to use heel scrubs prepared at home. The skin is cleared, ceases to be shelled.
  2. The restoration of blood circulation is facilitated by the alternation of hot water with cold. Water procedures are useful not only for problem heels, helping to improve the condition of the body.
  3. Proper nutrition. A well-designed diet is associated with the condition of the heels. You can treat cracks, apply compresses, lubricate damaged areas with ointment. If the skin does not receive the necessary substances from the inside, cracks can occur constantly. Make sure that the diet consists of foods that include the vitamins and nutrients the body needs. To improve the condition of the heels, it is important to consume fruits, dairy products, vegetables, cheese, butter, eggs. Use the egg yolk for masks. Thanks to spinach, apples, grapes, greens, the skin becomes elastic, the listed products contain vitamin A.

Folk remedies give a positive result in the treatment of the disease. If you cannot cope with the disease on your own, it is better to consult a dermatologist. Often the formation of cracks leads to complications, for example, inflammation, the appearance of ulcers between the toes, on the heels. Such defects are treated with antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Self-treatment is highly undesirable, mistakes lead to undesirable consequences.

The problem of cracked heels is known to many. For the most part, it concerns the female representatives, but it can also disturb men. This condition is very unpleasant, the damaged areas hurt, become dry and look ugly. To get rid of discomfort and aesthetic problems, it is important to know how to treat cracked heels at home.

First aid for cracked heels

Cracked heels can occur for a variety of reasons. These can be pathological conditions of an endocrine, digestive, nervous nature, or everyday problems, for example, uncomfortable tight shoes.

The appearance of rough skin and cracks on the heels can be a complete surprise and occur at any time, although the peak of activation occurs during the period of acute beriberi. Therefore, everyone should know how and how to treat cracked heels so that this process is quick and effective.

To begin with, it is worth determining the range of factors that provoke this process:

  • overweight;
  • elderly age;
  • work that requires prolonged standing or sitting in one place;
  • avitaminosis;
  • stress;
  • constant wearing of high shoes;
  • uncomfortable tight shoes;
  • low sole.

Interesting fact:

Cracks can also occur without obvious reasons, due to the characteristics of the skin, for example, in people with dry skin, this problem occurs much more often.

Cracked heels in most cases are accompanied by pain and discomfort. To relieve these symptoms, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If during the day you plan to walk a lot, then the affected area can be sealed with a bactericidal patch. The patch will protect against bacteria and will not injure the painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  2. To reduce pain, you can dip your feet in cool water and hold it for 10-15 minutes. This procedure relaxes and soothes the skin of the feet.
  3. The same effect can be created by rubbing the foot with a piece of ice.
  4. Before going to bed, it is worth applying sea buckthorn oil to the place of damage and wrapping the foot with cling film.
  5. If the pain is severe, you can apply an anti-inflammatory ointment topically or take painkillers.

How to treat cracked heels, if we are talking about pathological factors? In this case, it is worth starting therapy for the primary disease. The process can be chronic, and the heels will crack all the time.

Video "How to get rid of cracked heels at home in 3 days?"

An indicative video that will help eliminate cracked heels at home in a few days.

Treating cracked heels at home

Cracks in the heels, even the largest, are not considered a separate disease. Most often they occur against the background of domestic factors, so hospitalization is not required. Treatment of cracked heels at home includes the use of a variety of folk remedies. Therapy in this case is local in nature: ointments, creams, baths, decoctions and other means are used to quickly heal and regenerate the skin in damaged areas.

Traditional medicine has in its arsenal many recipes that allow you to quickly get rid of this problem. The following methods are very popular.

Hydrogen peroxide - a simple but effective method

Many people know how to treat cracked heels with hydrogen peroxide. This is one of the most effective and popular folk remedies. This substance is used for cleaning and disinfection. First you need to wash your feet, then soak a cotton swab in peroxide and apply it to the crack. You can even pour on a crack from a bottle. If after that foam appeared, then the disinfection process is taking place.

To clean the skin of the feet, which has become dry and lifeless, you can do baths.

For cooking, you need to take warm water and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 6: 1. Additionally, you can add sea or table salt (1 tablespoon per liter of solution). Water should be warm, but not hot, up to 30 degrees. Do the procedure for 10-15 minutes, after which the skin becomes soft and the coarsened parts can be easily removed with a pumice stone. You can use the baths every day until the cracks disappear.


This remedy is used when deep painful cracks form on the heels. It is painless and greatly speeds up the healing process. It is necessary to make a therapeutic mixture from paraffin, for this they take dry paraffin and coconut oil in equal proportions (if it is not available, you can replace it with sea buckthorn oil). Melt paraffin in oil and cool. Then spread on the heels, cover with a film and leave overnight.

Paraffin tends to harden, this is what happens during the treatment. It penetrates along with the oil into cracks, the oil plays a regenerating role.

Badger fat ointment

The fat of this animal is actively used to treat various wounds, burns, injuries, including for the healing of heels. It is very important to prepare this drug correctly. The recipe includes fat as a base, as well as calendula and celandine. You need to take 5 grams of herbs and pour boiling water over them, leave for a few minutes. Put badger fat on fire and boil in a water bath for about 10 minutes.

When the fat is completely liquid, you need to add herbs. Until this time, they should be soft, and the water in which they are dipped should turn yellow. Mix everything and continue to cook for another 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Then strain the mixture, the grass should remain in gauze. The ointment must be kept in the refrigerator. It is better to use at night so that the product can be absorbed freely. Before use, warm up the ointment a little so that it has a semi-liquid structure.

Honey is a universal product

Everyone knows the medicinal properties of this product. It is used for internal use and for local compresses. To keep honey, cakes are made from it, for this it is mixed with flour. It is best, if possible, to use cornmeal. Flat cakes should be applied to steamed legs before going to bed, fastened on the heel and put on socks made of natural fabric. In the morning, remove and refrigerate, the same cakes can be used 3 times.

Vegetable compresses

Some raw vegetables have wound healing properties, so they are used in the treatment of heels. You can apply gruel from potatoes, onions or apples to the painful point. To do this, grate the vegetables on a fine grater and squeeze lightly. Potatoes retain their properties even when boiled. Therefore, you can boil it, make a liquid puree and wet your heels for 10 minutes.

Decoction of milk and coltsfoot

A bunch of leaves of this plant must be cut finely and pour a glass of milk. Boil in a water bath for about an hour, but do not let it boil too much. Then strain, collect the leaves in a bandage and attach to the crack. You can make a compress several times a day for 20-30 minutes.

Yolk ointment

You need to take 2-3 fresh eggs and separate the yolk from the protein. Add 1 tsp to the yolk. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. No need to cook, just mix thoroughly until smooth. Before going to bed, the heels need to be steamed and wiped, the ointment should be applied in a thick layer, secured with a film and thin socks should be put on top. The ointment can warm, so at night there will be a feeling of warmth in the legs. In the morning, remove the compress and wipe off the remnants of the product. You can do this procedure daily until the skin is completely restored.

Nettle bath

Effective and affordable remedy, easy to prepare. 2 tbsp. l. dry nettle leaves pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Water during this time should acquire a greenish-yellow color. Then dip your feet into the water for 15 minutes. After that, wipe your feet dry and spread with any emollient. You can do such baths systematically, then the skin on the heels will be soft and silky.

Pharmaceutical remedies for the treatment of cracked heels

Pharmacy products are a great option for those who do not have time, but have a problem. Today on the pharmacy shelves you can see a lot of different ointments for cracked heels. Most of them are of homeopathic origin.

The most popular pharmacy products that are famous for their effectiveness:

  • Sea buckthorn cream "Green Pharmacy". Means of natural origin with a healing effect. Quickly relieves pain, softens the skin, relieves calluses and cracks.
  • Panthenol. The cream contains dexpanthenol, this substance, getting into the skin cells, turns into the form of panthenolic acid and promotes rapid skin regeneration.
  • Radevit - topical ointment with vitamin A, based on petroleum jelly. Creates anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • AlgaSan. This is a modern complex preparation, created on the basis of pine oil, chamomile and turpentine. It is used to heal wounds, including cracks in the feet and heels.
  • Zazhivin 911 - a tool designed to eliminate cracks. It contains vitamin F, milk thistle, sage, tea tree. Thanks to this composition, the ointment disinfects cracks, makes the skin softer, heals wounds and deodorizes the feet.

There are many pharmaceutical products and methods of traditional medicine, everyone can choose what he likes. The main thing is not to start this process and not wait for the formation of cracks. Treatment should begin when the skin on the feet becomes dry and the first discomfort occurs.

Video "How to make a cream for cracked heels at home?"

An indicative video with a recipe for making homemade cream for cracked heels, which is natural and has an excellent effect.

Cracks on the heels bring a lot of trouble, giving the feet an unaesthetic appearance, passing the infection under the skin and exacerbating health problems. Initially, cracks are barely noticeable, the process begins to develop with small notches, which gradually grow. In the area where the crack has formed, a wound appears, bleeding and causing discomfort. If the heels are cracked, it is important to start treating them in a timely manner.

Causes of cracked heels

A lot of people are faced with the fact that the skin of their heels is rough, getting rough all the time. For some, this problem appears at certain times of the year (winter, summer), while for others it haunts all year round. This feature depends only on the factors of the occurrence of such cracks, which develop due to internal or external problems.

Rough skin and cracks

To start treating the disease, you need to figure out why cracks appear on the heels:

  • Wrong care. Often, most people do not pay attention to the heels. With constant walking, coarsening of the skin of the feet occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the top layer to prevent hardening.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes, the presence of synthetic insoles.
  • The constant stay of the feet in closed shoes, which leads to a lack of vitamins. Such a loss should be restored using fortified creams.
  • Excess body weight puts stress on the feet, being the most common cause of cracks. The action of a large weight contributes to a change in the shape of the heel.
  • causes cracked heels.
  • The period of pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • . Heels can crack if a person is worried about the lack of support, support.
  • The presence of various diseases in the body - diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis, frequent heartbeats.

An important reason why the heels are rough and cracked is the lack of vitamin A. Retinol promotes protein synthesis, participates in tissue regeneration, strengthening them. Vitamin deficiency indicates dryness, roughness, loss of skin elasticity, cracks.

It is not without reason that such symptoms signal changes in the body. Retinol deficiency signals that the heels are cracking, as a result of:

  • Poor diet, lack of foods that contain vitamin A in the diet
  • Lack of zinc, vitamin E that helps retinol to go into its active form
  • Applications of Mineral Oil Dissolving Vitamin A
  • Hormonal disorders

After the examination, the doctor will find out why the heels are cracking, what diseases caused this, after which the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. Having been treated, the skin on the heels will no longer burst.


Persons who suffer from this ailment and do not undergo proper treatment complain that the skin on the heels dries. Cracked heels are said to be in case of type 3 diabetes.


If the heel is cracked, there are a number of reasons:

  • The predominance of a large amount of sugar in the blood vessels, which leads to the multiplication of infection
  • Not enough fluid in the body
  • Damaged nerve endings, as evidenced by very dry skin on the heels

Love delicious food

The cause of obesity is the most common when dry skin appears, and subsequently cracked heels.

In addition, there are cases when excess body weight leads to coarsening, flaking. Peeling and cracks bring a lot of discomfort while walking. Heels can also hurt in a calm position.

Binge eating

This is due to the fact that obesity leads to excessive levels of cholesterol in the circulatory system. Therefore, blood flow and metabolism are disturbed. The circulatory system is clogged with plaques that appear from cholesterol, contributing to the violation of the connection of the legs with the central nervous system. Why the skin on the feet becomes thin and prone to developing cracks.

To get rid of the problem, you need to lose weight and normalize nutrition.


As a rule, the heels peel and crack due to a lack of vitamins A, D, E in the body.

Basically, beriberi is active in early spring, while it can occur at any time as a result of an unbalanced diet. Especially with a deficiency of kerotene and retinol in food. When cracks appeared on the heels for this reason, then to speed up the healing process, you need to include more greens and fresh vegetables in your diet, add olive oil to the salad.

Vitamins A, E, which are contained in large quantities, will help remove dry heels and cracks:

  • in the liver
  • Milk
  • In orange fruits and vegetables
  • in nuts
  • in vegetable oil

If you are concerned about dryness, cracks and flaky heels, you can drink a complex of vitamins, which include the content of vitamin A


The infection can penetrate the skin when visiting the pool, baths, pedicure services. The fungus multiplies due to weakened immunity, infectious diseases and disorders in the circulatory system.

In the presence of small cracks, treatment can be carried out using. They relieve inflammation, anesthetize.

In advanced cases, if an abscess appears, a surgical solution to the problem is possible.

Prevention of cracked heels

Cracks in the heel

There are no specific preventive methods, since cracks are not a separate disease. At the same time, if recommendations are used in practice, it is possible to reduce the development of pathologies in which this symptom appears. There are a number of conditions such as:

  • Do not wear uncomfortable and poor quality shoes
  • Choose shoes according to size, from natural materials
  • Change insoles regularly
  • eat well
  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day
  • Do not wear synthetic socks
  • Before taking care of your heels, soak your feet well in hot water.
  • You need to clean your heels with a pumice stone, a metal or abrasive brush
  • Heel care procedures can be alternated to achieve the desired result, and after manipulation put on cotton socks.
  • After each procedure, a moisturizer should be applied, including at night.
  • In order not to injure the skin when walking, do not walk in flip flops and sandals

All these procedures, as well as personal hygiene, will help prevent, and if available, get rid of cracked heels.


Together with the use of drugs for cracked heels, which helps to improve blood flow in the legs and feet.

Heel massage

The massage procedure is carried out using a cream or Vaseline. It is necessary to use emollients so that a mechanical effect is not produced on the skin, which can cause peeling, and subsequently cracks.

Movements should be smooth and penetrating. If you do massage constantly, you can observe a positive trend. Your health will improve significantly, and your heels will stop cracking.

If the heels crack, this leads to various troubles, so treatment must begin immediately.

Cream for cracked heels

Pharmacies have a large number that help with cracked heels. According to the manufacturers, it is possible to get rid of the problem in 7 days. Cracks can be treated with healing ointments at home, after a doctor's prescription. It is necessary to use the cream after the water procedure and at night.