Why do girls have one breast larger than the other. Why during pregnancy one breast is larger than the other, it is dangerous

Quite often, young women turn to specialists with the problem of the difference in the size of the mammary glands. Like any paired organ of the human body, the chest cannot be perfectly alike. However, if the difference is 1-2 sizes, the intervention of a doctor is required, since this pathology can negatively affect a woman's health.

Read in this article

The reasons for the difference in the size of the mammary glands

This condition is described in sufficient detail in the medical literature. Mammologists divide all the problems of different volumes of the mammary glands into congenital and acquired.

The congenital difference in the size of the mammary glands depends entirely on the hormonal maturation of the young girl. As you know, breast growth begins at the age of 8-10 years and is achieved at the expense of the stroma. The growth of the parenchyma of the mammary gland begins after the onset of menstruation and ends after the first timely delivery.

The main role in the growth of the mammary glands is played by ovarian hormones. Estrogens are responsible for the development of the cellular composition of the tissues of the female breast, and progesterone affects the formation of a sufficient number of alveoli and milk ducts.

Experts believe that it is various hormonal factors that can lead to a difference in the growth of the mammary glands. At the same time, pediatricians rarely pay attention to the ratio of estrogens and progesterone in a growing body, and girls with a similar pathology are mainly treated by a surgeon with a diagnosis of mastopathy.

With proper control and appropriate treatment, in 70% of cases in young women, the breasts become the same by the age of 18-19. If this does not happen, treatment should be continued, as problems with different sizes of mammary glands during pregnancy will only intensify, which may affect the feeding of the baby.

The reasons for the acquired difference in breast size can be different:

  • In the first place in the occurrence of asymmetry of the mammary glands is pregnancy.
  • The most dangerous reasons for the difference in breast size are mastopathy and / or.
  • Consequences of mechanical impact on the female breast. If there has been an injury to the mammary glands, given the glandular nature of the breast tissue and the massive blood supply, the consequences of the bruise will affect for a long time and be accompanied by edema, while the size of the injured organ will be much larger than that of a healthy breast.

The chest is a rather dangerous organ in a traumatic sense, while bruises received in childhood can adversely affect the growth of the mammary gland during puberty.

Breast asymmetry and pregnancy

The process of pregnancy and childbirth itself does not have any effect on the growth of the size of the mammary glands. For the formation of asymmetry of the mammary glands in a woman, the very process of lactation and feeding of the child is important.

The anatomical structure of the mammary gland is characterized by the presence of a large number of alveoli formed by glands that secrete milk. The milk ducts carry milk from the alveoli to the lactiferous sinuses, where it accumulates before feeding. All of these ducts and alveoli are surrounded by connective and adipose tissue. It is these tissues that give the mammary gland its shape and size.

The amount of milk produced depends on the hormones oxytocin and prolactin, and the release of these substances is directly related to the stimulation of the nipple and areola during feeding. There are several reasons for the different development of the mammary glands during feeding:

  • The presence of cracks and scuffs on the nipple of one of the breasts. Such a pathology causes painful sensations, and the woman feeds only with healthy breast, which leads to her growth.
  • Various diseases of the mammary gland in the history of a young mother. Trauma and mastopathy can lead to a decrease in lactation, which will affect the size of the diseased breast.
  • Poor preparation of a woman for the feeding process. A woman feeds only one breast at night, the process of expressing from different mammary glands proceeds differently, the child prefers one of the breasts, due to a history of nipple injury - all this can lead to anomalies in the growth of the mammary glands.

During pregnancy, there are no special rules to prevent the development of asymmetry of the mammary glands. You just need to fulfill all the requirements for proper feeding of the baby, expression and hygiene of the mammary glands.

It is important to feed the baby from both breasts in the same way: if the baby has enough milk from one breast, the woman must carefully express the other breast, as the inhibitor in the milk can stop the milk from secreting from that breast.

Conducting a daily toilet of the mammary glands and the whole body is a prerequisite for preventing inflammatory diseases of the breast. If a nursing mother develops manifestations of lactostasis or lactational mastitis, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Timely therapy of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland during feeding will help to avoid big troubles with a woman's health.

The difference in the size of the mammary glands as a manifestation of mastopathy or tumors

If the difference in breast size is not related to feeding the baby and has not passed by the time of the first birth, the woman should seek advice from an oncologist or mammologist. Various benign breast processes can lead to an increase in the size of one of the breasts. These include:

  • nodular mastopathy;
  • benign breast tumors.

The main thing in this case is to determine the soundness of the process. If, after mammography, ultrasound and puncture biopsy of the mammary gland, specialists have concluded that there are no symptoms of breast cancer, a woman may limit herself to non-drug treatment. This includes primarily the normalization of sexual and reproductive function. Stimulating the smaller mammary gland will promote the production of hormones and, accordingly, the growth of this organ.

A special role is given to diet correction. The patient should exclude from the diet foods that cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and lead to the development of metabolic and hormonal disorders in the body. Recommended daily consumption:

  • fishes,
  • seafood;
  • coarse bread;
  • dried apricots;
  • raisins;
  • various vitamin and mineral food supplements.

If the process in the mammary gland requires special drug treatment, doctors suggest using the following scheme:

  • hepatoprotectors for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • psychotropic drugs to relieve various phobias associated with breast disease;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • homeopathic remedies to normalize the hormonal background of a woman (especially mastodion and klamin).

Prompt solution to the problem of different mammary glands

If drug therapy is unsuccessful, the problem of breast asymmetry can be resolved. There are many techniques that allow women to enlarge one breast with or reduce the size of their larger breasts.

Such operations can be recommended for women who have had breast trauma or have different breasts since birth. If the imbalances have formed after feeding the baby, modern plastic surgery suggests combining breast augmentation surgery with a simultaneous breast lift.

Any cosmetic intervention on the mammary glands is possible only after consulting an oncologist. Breast augmentation surgery in the presence of mastopathy or benign tumors is often a trigger for the transformation of a benign process into an oncological disease. Any woman wants to look aesthetically perfect, and different sizes of mammary glands do not add to her attractiveness. The main thing is not to miss really serious problems with your breasts in the pursuit of beauty and ideal.

The mammary glands in a woman during the entire period of puberty and throughout life are the first to respond to hormonal release. After soreness during the growth of the mammary glands in adolescence, the most noticeable changes are during pregnancy. Often a woman notes that one breast is larger than the other during pregnancy. Is this the norm and is it worth worrying about?

The asymmetry of the mammary glands is not a pathology. On the contrary, the mammary glands in women are almost always normal of different sizes. This is due to the structural features of the physiological part, and in this case you should not worry. But, what if one breast is larger than the other during pregnancy, what size and difference between breasts is considered normal, and when can we talk about danger?

Causes of different breast sizes

The different sizes of the mammary glands during the period of their growth is explained by the fact that one breast begins to grow faster (as a rule, this is the right one), and the second somewhat later. But, you should not worry in such a situation, over time, both breasts will become almost the same.


Almost 80% of women have mammary glands of different size, which are not visible to others, and only 10% of this difference is obvious.

The reasons why such changes occur during childbearing are, of course, hormonal releases. Depending on the period of pregnancy, a woman notes soreness and some swelling of the bust, it hurts to touch it, some items of clothing are also painful to wear.

However, this soreness does not always appear. As a rule, the most difficult periods in this regard are the first months (approximately 5-12 weeks) and the last weeks before childbirth. In the first months, such soreness is explained by the production of the hormone estrogen and progesterone, and in the last weeks the pain provokes an excess amount of prolactin, which will then be required to feed the baby.

The most obvious changes will be noted in the maternity ward, approximately on the third day after delivery. It is at this time that milk arrives, the colostrum changes to milk and the bust increases by almost 2-3 sizes.


Bust imbalances are often due to the individual anatomical characteristics of a woman. The woman has a pronounced asymmetry in heredity.

The types of asymmetry should be divided into:

  1. Weakly expressed. The disproportion is practically invisible, only a woman can know about the presence of different sizes, in ordinary clothes such a feature is not visible, it is corrected using a bra with a push-up effect.
  2. Expressed imbalance. The bust can be different by one size, which is visually felt. Of course, such a feature of anatomy confuses a woman, causing her suffering. If such a situation is observed in adolescence, it is recommended to use treatment from a mammologist. If the situation is not stabilized during the growth period, then at the time of puberty (after 18 years), the treatment is only surgical.

Impact of pregnancy and breastfeeding

Medicine studies in sufficient detail the effect of pregnancy on a woman's body, and the mammary glands are no exception. Today it is known that the causes of asymmetry during the period of bearing a baby are natural hormonal changes. However, in some situations, it is worth talking about diseases that are important to identify in a timely manner.

During embryonic growth, the female reproductive system signals the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and thyroid gland that additional hormone supply is needed. To maintain the normal course of pregnancy, prolactin and estrogen increase several times, which increases the amount of secretion, contributes to an increase in sensitivity, including the breast.

Breastfeeding is also reflected in the size and volume of the bust. The woman notes an increase in size in the first six months of breastfeeding. After this period, the situation stabilizes, the bust takes on the usual size. Only at moments of milk flow can one or the second part of the bust increase.

How to restore symmetry

If there is a large difference between a woman's two breasts during the pre-fertilization period, then this difference increases with the onset of pregnancy. As a rule, there are no lotions, herbs and alternative treatment options for asymmetry. The only chance to close the difference is to seek treatment before age 21. After this age, it is worth talking only about surgical correction - plastic surgery.


When the asymmetry of the mammary glands is eliminated with the help of plastic surgery, the functional work of the organ is not disturbed. A woman can breastfeed without pain or peculiarities.

How to change the size of the bust while breastfeeding

During pregnancy, any methods of bust correction are not undertaken. In a number of situations, this becomes impossible due to the negative effect of drugs on the fetus. At the time of gestation, it is recommended to use only special underwear, which will visually hide the flaw and feature of the physiological structure of the breasts.


In the pharmacy, it is possible to order special bra pads with flexible inserts. Such a piece of underwear visually hides a defect, a woman feels calm, not feeling unnecessary attention from others.

The size of the breast at the time of breastfeeding naturally changes from feeding to feeding, from milk flow to milk flow. This situation is natural, does not require correction, does not require special drug influence.

It is important to note that during the natural lactation period, the baby is fed alternately. At the moment when there is no milk in one breast, and it will arrive only after a few hours, there is still a supply of milk in the other breast, respectively, the full breast is visually larger.

The woman notes visible changes in the bust only for the first six months. At this point, the body adapts to hormones, in particular to prolactin. Milk production depends not so much on predisposition, but on a set of measures that a woman must carry out at the time of lactation:

  • it is forbidden to smoke abuse alcohol;
  • consumption of pure drinking water (not tea, but water) should be as needed;
  • protein low-fat food, nuts help to normalize the composition of milk;
  • feeding takes place alternately in such a way that no accumulation of milk remains in the part full of milk;
  • feed the baby as needed.


As a rule, a woman has more milk in one breast and less milk in the other. It is also not considered a pathology. This feature depends on the number of milk ducts and glands inside .

Prevention measures

Prevention of bust asymmetry is effective only in adolescence. The mammary glands and their size depend on the fat layer: the more a woman has, the larger the breast size. Of course, the hereditary factor plays an important role.

However, you should not harbor illusions about a magic elixir, a pill that will help correct the situation. As a rule, different bust sizes are not noticed by others, and the correction will visually help correct the situation.

The main thing to remember for a woman who wants to give birth and raise a healthy baby is the benefits of milk for the baby's body. No super expensive and innovative formula can completely replace the composition of breast milk, which changes in its quality composition according to the needs of the baby.

There are no absolutely identical things in nature. And there is not a single person whose both halves of the face and body along the vertical axis would be identical, there is always a difference, albeit insignificant. But if in the case of some paired organs we do not attach much importance to this, then about others we often feel extreme concern.

It is to the second group that the situation belongs when one breast is larger than the other, and the difference reaches 1-2 sizes. Such a pronounced asymmetry of the mammary glands often plunges the fair sex into despair. Often, because of this shortcoming, a woman has to give up many joys of life - from trying on an elegant dress with a deep neckline and ending with intimate relationships.

Is it okay? Why is this happening and what to do to regain a beautiful bust with the correct proportions? Is there a health hazard? the site examines the issue thoroughly:

What is breast asymmetry and what are its causes?

The roots of this phenomenon have long been studied and classified by physicians. In general, they are divided into acquired and congenital... True, it is quite difficult to get to the bottom of the latter: here it may be in genetic disorders, and in hormonal failure, and in intrauterine or birth trauma. Doctors still cannot say for sure why some girls' breasts are initially formed incorrectly. And if in adolescence (13-16 years old) it is too early to draw any conclusions, since during this period the difference in the size or shape of the mammary glands is quite acceptable, then by the age of 17-20 it should become much less pronounced. If this did not happen, then, alas, the problem itself is unlikely to "pass".

But with the acquired asymmetry, everything is much more specific. The prerequisites for such deformation are as follows:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding are the most common reasons in this group, we will dwell on it in more detail below.
  • Mechanical trauma - moreover, damage can be received in early childhood and eventually forgotten, as a result, the blame is "shifted" to congenital pathology.
  • Concomitant pathologies of the spine - kyphosis, scoliosis.
  • Breast cancer (BC) - in this case, one breast begins to grow as a result of a neoplasm growing inside it. You should not be afraid and immediately write off all your imbalances on oncology. But an examination by a mammologist will not hurt - especially since, for preventive purposes, in any case, it must be carried out annually.
  • The consequences of the operation - asymmetry can appear after any surgical intervention in the bust area. Sometimes this is the expected result - for example, with a mastectomy, sometimes - a nuance of the rehabilitation period (uneven edema), and sometimes - an unforeseen complication or a consequence of a surgeon's mistake.
  • Hormonal changes during menopause, during menstruation or in connection with endocrine diseases.

Regardless of the reasons, outwardly a defect can manifest itself as:

  • the difference in the size of the left and right chest. The most common, but, unfortunately, not the only variant of asymmetry;
  • differences in the shape of the glands - including one of them;
  • different levels of the location of the nipples, different diameters of the areolas, their disproportion in relation to the rest of the bust;
  • severe deficiency of adipose or glandular tissue in certain areas of the mammary glands;
  • - when one breast sags below the other;
  • various combinations of all of the above cases.

The good news is that all these violations are successfully corrected, however, the treatment tactics in one case or another can be radically different.

What to do to keep your breast beautiful while feeding your baby

During pregnancy, the female bust undergoes significant changes, but even greater transformations await him during breastfeeding (HB). And, alas, these changes are often not for the better: the mammary glands can increase or decrease unevenly, acquire a different shape, lose the symmetry of the location of the nipples and areolas. This "behavior" of them is due to a number of factors:

Hormones. During the period of bearing a child and HS, prolactin is produced in the mother's body. When combined with estrogen, it can cause changes in the size and appearance of the bust. In addition, due to the rapid growth of tissue, the chest often hurts, and stretch marks can appear on the skin. It is extremely difficult to completely avoid such a situation, you can only reduce discomfort and minimize negative consequences - for this you need to select good supportive bras and be sure to use moisturizing care products so that the stretched skin does not crack and stretch marks do not form on it.

Uneven feeding: it is important to initially build the correct lactation mechanism. If the right and left breasts receive different stimulation, they accumulate an unequal amount of milk. As a result, there is a difference in size, which often persists after the end of this process. It is important to consider and correct the following situations here:

  • One mammary gland regularly produces food for the baby, while the other works intermittently (including this happens due to mastopathy or past injuries). As a result, the woman begins to use the "milder" one, and ignores the second.
  • During the night feed, the mother only gives the baby one breast.
  • The baby, according to his "understanding", sucks one gland well, and the other does not (for example, because of the difference in the shape of the nipple).
  • Cracked nipples on one breast, as a result of which the woman tries to use it as little as possible.

To avoid asymmetry after GV, alternate the glands during feeding, and monitor the uniformity of the milk volume - express "excess" and avoid stagnation.

When the surgeon comes in

If one breast is much larger than the other and this is not an oncology, not a feature of adolescence or an endocrine disease, the defect can be corrected only with the help of an operation. This is a fairly popular area of ​​mammoplasty, so today many techniques have been developed for literally any case, which differ in the way they are performed, types of access, location and models of endoprostheses, etc.

The results of plastic surgery on asymmetric breasts:

For the patient, a big plus is that in most cases, you can choose the direction of the surgeon's work - either increase the smaller breast (and, if desired, the overall size of the bust), or reduce the larger one. Do this in one of the following ways:

  • ... A relatively simple operation, with the help of which almost any type of asymmetry is corrected today, except for the most complex and atypical ones. Depending on the situation and the woman's wishes, either one endoprosthesis is placed, or two, but of different sizes.
  • - transplantation of adipose tissue into the breast area, which is preliminarily taken from the abdomen or sides. Advantages - low invasiveness of the procedure, there is no need for general anesthesia, and own fat, unlike implants, is never rejected by the body and does not cause the formation of capsular contracture. But this option is only suitable for slight (no more than 0.5-1 size) enlargement or small shape correction. In addition, it is impossible in principle for girls of thin physique to undergo lipofilling, since there will be nowhere to get material for transplantation.
  • - reduction of one of the mammary glands. It is carried out if the bust is initially large and it is impractical to place endoprostheses in order to obtain the desired symmetry. The operation is complex, and, as a rule, after it there are visible scars in the lower part of the breast, but there is currently no alternative to it, and in the opinion of most patients, the final aesthetic result outweighs all the disadvantages.
  • ... Allows you to remove asymmetry caused by uneven ptosis (sagging) of the mammary glands, which often happens after pregnancy and feeding. Since the volume of the bust is somewhat reduced as a result of the lifting, mastopexy is usually combined with the installation of implants.
  • ... A simple manipulation that can be carried out both in isolation and in combination with any of the above procedures.

The required operation (or several) is selected for each patient individually and depends on her physique, other physiological characteristics and personal preferences. The only difficulty is that some of these techniques make it difficult or completely exclude further lactation, therefore, for those who are planning to become a mother in the near future, surgeons recommend waiting and postponing the correction until the end of GV.

Cause of asymmetry How to fix
, while the second is normal Enlargement of a smaller gland with an implant
with the optimal size and normal development of the second Reduction mammoplasty
Uneven ptosis - one breast sags over the other Lift, sometimes with endoprosthetics
Ptosis combined with hypertrophy or hypoplasia General mastopexy + reduction mammoplasty or implantation
Differences in the shape and size of the nipples Reduction of the larger nipple and correction of its shape to full symmetry with the second
Areola asymmetry Shrinking the larger areola
Tubular shape of one of the breasts The most difficult case. Usually, at first, the problematic gland is dissected in a special way, and then an implant is placed, along which the incised tissue is straightened.

If one breast has become larger than the other after plastic surgery

This situation is possible for one of three reasons:

  • Uneven swelling. The injured tissues do not recover immediately, and the first time after plastic surgery, the presence of severe swelling is considered the norm. Often it is localized only on one half of the body, and sometimes it can "migrate" from one to the other, even during the day. If this continues for weeks or even months (which is still normal), many become anxious and worried. Here you need to be patient - as a result, after a while, the proportions of the bust will normalize.
  • Surgeon's mistake. A rare, but the most unpleasant option, when the difference in size appeared due to the incorrect work of the doctor. Unfortunately, in order to fix everything, a new operation is required.
  • The patient's expectations are too high. Turning to a surgeon, a woman hopes that after plastic surgery her breasts will become absolutely symmetrical. Nevertheless, this is not always possible to achieve - a small difference in size usually remains even with an ideally performed operation. You have to be ready for this. In the vast majority of cases, the aesthetic result suits both the patient and the doctor, but if the former was initially too fixated on her problem, she can find herself a new reason for dissatisfaction and complexes even in subtle differences.

Answers to important questions

  • Do all women have breast asymmetry? Yes. As we have already said, ideal proportions do not exist in nature. Moreover, there are very few of those whose difference is only millimeters and is absolutely invisible from the outside. The overwhelming majority of women have a "spread" of 0.5-1 sizes, and only very rarely - 2 sizes or more.
  • Is it okay? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. Of course, you shouldn't worry about small "inconsistencies" in the volume or relative position of the right and left breasts. But pronounced imbalances that do not fit into our ideas about beauty can be a good reason for a visit to the surgeon. At the same time, if they do not cause psychological discomfort to their owner and are not associated with this or that disease, there is no point in doing something with them just to “comply with the norm”.
  • Is it dangerous? If we are talking about congenital asymmetry or acquired for clearly understandable reasons (for example, after breastfeeding), you do not need to fear for your health and think too much. Another thing is when one breast has increased dramatically in size for no apparent reason. In this case, it is necessary to urgently be examined by a mammologist and endocrinologist in order to exclude any serious pathologies.
  • Can asymmetry be corrected without surgery? There are a couple of "feminine tricks" that will help if the difference in volume does not exceed 1 size. The most harmless option is to use special bras with pockets for push-up inserts, and one cup - for larger breasts - is left without an enlarger insert. In theory, you can try vacuum massage, which will improve blood circulation, as well as sets of exercises aimed at increasing the volume and strengthening of the pectoral muscles. But doctors look at this with skepticism and unanimously assure that neither sports nor hardware techniques are able to significantly change the size and shape of breasts - all the more if you need a selective effect on only one of them. You should be especially careful when using various corrective ointments and gels. If they give an effect, it is very modest and short-term, and the consequences of their use can have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the décolleté skin.

Reviews and comments

  • 9 January 2015, 21:20 - Marina:

Of course, without an operation, this problem cannot be eliminated in any way ... by itself, it will not level out. I had such a problem, one breast was lower than the other ... despite the fact that it was the first breast size, but the asymmetry was clearly visible and did not look aesthetically pleasing. The operation helped me to eliminate this flaw)) And there is nothing wrong with the operation, if a good doctor ... and I was lucky with the surgeon. I found my surgeon on one forum, where the girls discussed the same problems as mine ... and one girl posted a photo before and after the operation, the result impressed me, I had a very similar situation. I immediately called the doctor and made an appointment for a consultation. My surgeon's name is Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko, praise him ... a golden man, just a jack of all trades. My breasts were enlarged to the third size and the asymmetry was eliminated, now everything looks very beautiful. They killed two birds with one stone))

  • 6 February 2015, 19:47 - Anna:

Oh, I also had surgery with the surgeon Maxim Nesterenko))) I had asymmetry and hypoplasia of the mammary glands and my wonderful surgeon helped me get rid of these problems. The asymmetry I had acquired after childbirth, unfortunately, I could not do without sacrifices after breastfeeding. But as it turned out, it was not difficult to eliminate my shortcomings with plastic surgery, I was not even scared ... especially since I was thinking about breast augmentation before giving birth)) I am delighted with the result, everything is very happy and my new symmetrical forms every day cheer me up))) Maxim Leonidovich helped me choose implants that are very close in shape to the shape of a natural breast and thereby returned to me the attractiveness that I had lost during pregnancy.

  • 31 March 2015, 21:33 - Jeanne:

This cannot be corrected without operations. Well, maybe if the asymmetry is small, try lipofilling. And if as in the photo, then you need something more serious. I turned to Gayk Babayan with this problem, he proposed to restore symmetry using implants of various sizes. Both breasts had to be enlarged to make it look the same. I underwent surgery three months ago, now it is clear that Babayan picked up the size of the implants perfectly - it was not for nothing that I took measurements for a long time. In general, the problem is not difficult to solve, subject to contacting an experienced surgeon.

  • 28 June 2015, 21:45 - Margarita:

Girls, at the age of 17 I did not think about my breasts at all))) I also have asymmetry, but 99% of women have it by nature. After giving birth, everything becomes much more deplorable. I always had asymmetry, and when I gave birth, another problem was added to this problem - the size of the boobs became different. And then I could not stand it))) I began to look for a surgeon. But I was operated on only 2.5 years later))) Alexander Grudko did my breasts. If you grow up, you will find out who it is))) It's too early !!) He put me a slightly smaller implant in one breast, and a little more in the other. Plus eliminated asymmetry using the "internal" tightening method. As a result, my breasts are perfect in shape and size !!!

  • 25 September 2015, 11:55 - Olga:

For the first time I hear that 99% of the female population has breast asymmetry)) At least my friends, when I was interested in this, no one has such a problem, if there is asymmetry, then it is so small that it is invisible to others. But unfortunately I became an exception and for a long time I had a complex about this, if it could be hidden in a bra and a swimsuit with push-ups, then without clothes the difference in size was obvious ((After plastic surgery, I killed 2 birds with one stone, enlarged my breasts and the surgeon eliminated my asymmetry, which is no longer my problem) The surgeon was Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko, a good doctor, he coped with all my problems, for which many thanks to him!

  • October 27, 2015 21:22 - Diana:

Quote: Diana

I am 17 years old, I also have one breast larger than the other and the difference is very noticeable, I went to the doctors but no one says anything to me, they only said that it might be formed over time.
I don’t like myself so much for this and I don’t know what to do ..

Hi, my name is Diana too, and I am also 17 years old and the problem is the same, I have completely different breasts, as they took from 2 different girls, I went to a mammologist, he told me that by the age of 18 everything will be fine, but I am already 17 and I don’t think that something can happen in a year, I’m in insane despair, I don’t love myself so much, self-esteem falls terribly, I want love and relationships, and this terrible problem does not allow me to live normally, that I want to cry and how I don’t know further with this, if the plastic is where, as I’m afraid of negative consequences, and I’m only 17, and the plastic is done with 21 as far as I know and how can I live all this time, Lord, why am I, and if without plastics, then I will remain alone ...

  • 1 November 2015, 00:30 - Lili:
  • 5 November 2015, 11:58 - Rosa:

I am planning to do breast augmentation. But I haven’t decided on the surgeon yet. I hope that in the near future I will be able to do this))) now I'm barely gaining one. I hope for a full C.

Quote: Lili

I generally had breast asymmetry. Fortunately, everything was fixed. I had to resort to plastic surgery, but what to do. I just used to be somehow skeptical about her. But they say correctly that it is not worth renouncing, you never know what awaits in life later. But now I'm really happy and don't worry about my bust))

  • 10 November 2015, 21:21 - Karinka:

Quote: Lili

I generally had breast asymmetry. Fortunately, everything was fixed. I had to resort to plastic surgery, but what to do. I just used to be somehow skeptical about her. But they say correctly that it is not worth renouncing, you never know what awaits in life later. But now I'm really happy and don't worry about my bust))

I also had asymmetry. I had plastic surgery six months ago. We can say double. They pumped out the fat and injected it into my chest, because one of my breasts was much larger than the other. I managed to fix it. Results for several years. And then I will decide whether to put the implants or not. maybe I'll do lipofilling again. Have you got implants? After pregnancy, one of my breasts became larger, while the other decreased in size. As doctors, they told me that this was due to the fact that at the level of the child's feelings and sensations I constantly applied to the right breast. He did not want to take the left one into any. So it turned out that my breast was filled with milk, and the other was empty. Although I pumped. But when I noticed it, it was already too late. Now I really like my breasts. Who did you operate on?
  • 13 November 2015, 19:40 - Lili:

Quote: Rosa

It seems to me that every woman's breasts are a little asymmetrical, because there are no perfectly flat, identical breasts. What is the reason for this asymmetry in your case? And how were you corrected for asymmetry? Have you got implants?

And with me after pregnancy. The problem for most women is that after pregnancy, one breast is larger and the other is smaller. Well, in general, I wanted to do breasts for a long time, so I was not particularly upset. It became an additional reason, so to speak)) I got anatomically shaped implants. And they did everything well, that the scars are small and thin. They are not visible under the chest. And now I have the same volume.
  • 15 November 2015, 00:24 - Tatiana:

Three months ago I underwent a breast lift, along with the elimination of asymmetry ... after breastfeeding, one breast became taller than the other, plus the diameter of the areolas was reduced, which after feeding also suffered and increased in size. I did not install implants, I am 46 years old and I think I have nothing to do with silicone breasts. Moreover, after the lift, the breast size practically did not change, which I was worried about. There are still scars, but they are not felt to the touch, and in appearance they have become much lighter than before. My surgeon says that we need to be patient a little more and they will become equal to the skin ... By the way, I was operated on at Nesterenko Maxim, in my opinion my result is even posted on his website, you can estimate)

  • 17 November 2015, 18:20 - Olga:

Quote: Lili

I generally had breast asymmetry. Fortunately, everything was fixed. I had to resort to plastic surgery, but what to do. I just used to be somehow skeptical about her. But they say correctly that it is not worth renouncing, you never know what awaits in life later. But now I'm really happy and don't worry about my bust))

So, it is quite common that women have breasts of different sizes after feeding? Have you had an operation under general anesthesia? And how long does it take for the breast to heal after the operation?
  • 19 November 2015, 15:51 - Rosa:

Quote: Karinka

What method will you use to increase? How old are you? What kind of implants will you place?

I will be given implants. These will be anatomical, the dimensions are still being determined. The surgeon dissuades me from a big one, but I really want to have a straight C. And the surgeon says that you need a little less, because then the figure will look wretched. I don’t know yet. Although I was at the consultation and those who, without any questions, agreed to my size, the one that I want. It also saddened me and gave me a reason to think about it. So I rush about. I am 27 years old. I hope that by my 28 I will have breasts))
  • 21 November 2015, 15:16 - Karinka:

Quote: Lili

So it happened after breastfeeding. But I initially had a slight difference between the breasts. Although not very noticeable, I generally did not pay much attention to it. Everyone's breasts are imperfect. Yes, even after plastic surgery, the breast will not be even, ideally up to a millimeter. Yes, the difference is no longer noticeable to the eye. But I'm sure, if you really accurately measure it out, then this will not happen. And this is natural. The operation was performed at Chemyanov's in Real Clinics. I went to him right away, because he developed individual methods for breast augmentation. I did not consider lipofilling, because I needed a fairly large volume of implants. Well, I wanted to do it once and for the rest of my life. By the way, how long does the effect of lipofilling last? What did the surgeon tell you? Are the scars left? By the way, an interesting question)) I paid for a couple, so I don’t know))

  • 23 November 2015, 11:12 - Svetlana:
  • December 21, 2015, 18:56 - Agatha:

Quote: Svetlana

Hello! My name is Svetlana, I am 18 years old. I recently noticed that my breasts are not symmetrical, that is, the right one is smaller than the left one and this difference is noticeable ... I would not want to go under the knife, because I am terribly afraid ... Is it possible not to restore it by surgery. In fact, I have it and not big, but still I want to return the previous look (I did not go to the doctors)

Svetlana, you can do lipofilling. But then only the surgeon will tell you how expedient it is to do the modeling with fat. Or you can tighten 1 breast and leave the other one alone. Again, you need to consult a doctor. We assume they have))) I have always had asymmetry, but after giving birth and feeding, it became 2 times stronger. I was not afraid of plastic surgery, since by that time I had already done my eyelids and liposuction. Therefore, I boldly turned to my doctor, Ekaterina Vakorina. She gave me a lift. On both breasts. Now they are the same and the shape is beautiful.

  • 14 January 2016, 23:50 - Anastasia:

Quote: Karinka

They may last from lipofilling for several years. But as I understand it, over time, the effect will subside, because the fat can go away. If necessary, then we will do an additional procedure. There were no scars left, no difference from my natural breast. The puncture sites healed quickly and left no traces.

  • January 16, 2016, 18:32 - Lili:

Quote: Rosa

I will be given implants. These will be anatomical, the dimensions are still being determined. The surgeon dissuades me from the big one, but I really want the C to be straight

Well, this is a fairly common phenomenon when the breast is simply reduced in size. Anatomical, as for me, they are the best. The surgeon gave me such rough texture. Well, in general, inside I do not feel whether they are rough there or not rough. But still, as plastic surgeons say, that is how they attach better, roughly speaking, and grow together inside. Have you already been tested? When do you plan to be operated on? I would advise you to do this in winter in order to walk calmly in compression underwear so as not to sweat a lot. Because I did it already when most people wore T-shirts or light jackets - and this is not very comfortable, because the underwear compresses everything, fits tightly to the body, and this can cause some discomfort.
  • 18 January 2016, 15:51 - Sveta:

Quote: Karinka

I also had asymmetry. I had plastic surgery six months ago. We can say double. They pumped out the fat and injected it into my chest, because one of my breasts was much larger than the other. I managed to fix it. Results for several years. And then I will decide whether to put the implants or not. maybe I'll do lipofilling again.

I also thought about lipofilling at first. But in the end I consulted with the surgeon and decided to install implants, plus I will still have a correction of the nipple and areola. They are slightly elongated, and the border on the areola is not even. Not sure how the incision is made there?
  • January 21, 2016 21:57 - Sveta:

Quote: Lili

Feed with both breasts and you will be happy. Even if the child does not want to take the second breast, is capricious, still insist on taking it. If we plan the second, then I probably will not breastfeed him. Many people can condemn me and throw stones at me, but I don't want to do my breasts anymore. It may sound selfish, but I really want to keep my chest like this. Although Chemyanov immediately told me that even after breast augmentation I would be able to breastfeed my baby, that there would be no problems with this. The implant was placed under the muscle. The surgeon told me that it is better for me. And that the breast, on the contrary, will acquire even more feminine forms. And it should not sag, because after all, the size is not so huge for me that the breasts will immediately sag. As a last resort, you can make a correction. But I don't know, to be honest. Breastfeeding is one of the most common reasons a woman has different breasts. Well, there is still congenital or acquired. But pregnancy is the most common cause. Yes, I underwent surgery under general anesthesia. Heals, as for me, rather quickly, especially when compared with the last century. Two weeks is enough to fully recover. And a month later, the compression underwear is already being removed and you can get a ready-made breast)))))

  • 23 January 2016, 12:16 - Anastasia:

Quote: Olga

So, it is quite common that women have breasts of different sizes after feeding?

  • 24 January 2016, 13:34 - Lili:

Quote: Karinka

They may last from lipofilling for several years. But as I understand it, over time, the effect will subside, because the fat can go away. If necessary, then we will do an additional procedure. There were no scars left, no difference from my natural breast. The puncture sites healed quickly and left no traces.

The fact that there are no traces left is great. But I can't complain about my thin scars either. Everything healed perfectly, no problem. They are not noticeable at all under the breast. They are not visible under the swimsuit, so I myself have forgotten that I have them there. You know, somehow you get used to it and you get used to it, and you forget that incisions were made under the breast. Where did you get your fat from? Have there been any changes in half a year?
  • January 25, 2016 4:43 pm - Lili:

Quote: Anastasia

I had congenital asymmetry. Finally, I can say that she was and all this in the past tense. Because until recently, I lived with this horror. And I was just glad that both my breasts were not big. And the one that was bigger was only half a size different from the other. But when one breast is of the first size, and the second is practically not, then this is very noticeable. It seems to me that even if I had one breast of the third size, and the other of the second and a half - and then the difference would not be felt and would not be striking. All this time she wore loose clothes. And by the way, up to 23 years old I had to walk like this, when one breast is larger and the other is smaller. Previously, it was not possible to perform the operation. But now I'm happy because I finally got it! And now I am content with my second size and half, and I don’t even think about anything and don’t worry, because my breasts are perfect))) I had 280 ml implants installed.

First, I congratulate you! And secondly, why didn't they do it earlier, if not a secret? Have you operated on for a long time? How did you decide? It seems to me that at this age I still would not have decided on plastic surgery. Have you given birth? Where did you get an incision in order to install the implant? They made me a T-shaped incision.
  • January 25, 2016, 19:49 - Dasha:

Well, is it really impossible to fix it on your own? I'm not talking about homemade recipes and methods, because it is clear that you cannot. But maybe there are some other methods besides plastic surgery?

Quote: Sveta

I have asymmetry due to the fact that at school I was hit hard in the chest. Because of this, an injury occurred, which affected the further development of the mammary gland. As a result, my breasts are larger than the second. Preparing for the operation. I hand over the tests now.

I would not know what I would do to a man who would hit a girl in the chest! And indeed any child! Terrible! Have you given birth? Has this somehow affected the feeding?
  • January 27, 2016 5:22 pm - Dasha:

Quote: Anastasia

I had congenital asymmetry. Finally, I can say that she was and all this in the past tense. Because until recently, I lived with this horror. And I was just glad that both my breasts were not big. And the one that was bigger was only half a size different from the other. But when one breast is of the first size, and the second is practically not, then this is very noticeable. It seems to me that even if I had one breast of the third size, and the other of the second and a half - and then the difference would not be felt and would not be striking. All this time she wore loose clothes. And by the way, up to 23 years old I had to walk like this, when one breast is larger and the other is smaller. Previously, it was not possible to perform the operation. But now I'm happy because I finally got it! And now I am content with my second size and half, and I don’t even think about anything and don’t worry, because my breasts are perfect))) I had 280 ml implants installed.

Is it psychologically difficult? I was just doing breast reduction - reduction mammoplasty. It so happened to me that precisely because my breasts were of the 5th size, I already had one start to sag, the other seemed to be crisp, but the difference in size was already felt. In short, you don’t know what. Here's a fix to my happiness!
  • 15 February 2016, 23:30 - Yulechka:

I think that every woman has slightly different breasts. All the same, it’s just more noticeable for someone, less for someone. My right chest was slightly larger than the left, too. And it has always been like this, I don't even know what it is connected with. But I didn't really care about it. In addition, my breasts were barely the first size, so I turned to a plastic surgeon, Georgy Chemyanov, who just made me an augmentation and straightened my breasts, so to speak. now I have the same one. It is possible, of course, that there is still some small difference, but it means so little that it is not noticeable at all!

Quote: Lili

Feed with both breasts and you will be happy. Even if the child does not want to take the second breast, is capricious, still insist on taking it. If we plan the second, then I probably will not breastfeed him. Many people can condemn me and throw stones at me, but I don't want to do my breasts anymore. It may sound selfish, but I really want to keep my chest like this. Although Chemyanov immediately told me that even after breast augmentation I would be able to breastfeed my baby, that there would be no problems with this. The implant was placed under the muscle. The surgeon told me that it is better for me. And that the breast, on the contrary, will acquire even more feminine forms. And it should not sag, because after all, the size is not so huge for me that the breasts will immediately sag. As a last resort, you can make a correction. But I don't know, to be honest. Breastfeeding is one of the most common reasons a woman has different breasts. Well, there is still congenital or acquired. But pregnancy is the most common cause. Yes, I underwent surgery under general anesthesia. Heals, as for me, rather quickly, especially when compared with the last century. Two weeks is enough to fully recover. And a month later, the compression underwear is already being removed and you can get a ready-made breast)))))

And how much was this difference between your breasts? Is it really so much noticeable? When did you start to notice this? What kind of implants did you get?
  • 16 February 2016, 23:24 - Karinka:

Quote: Anastasia

I wonder if it is possible to get asymmetry if the breast has already been done, so to speak? I hope that this has already been ruled out, so that I do not have to re-operate. Why did you decide to do lipofilling, and not immediately put implants?

I think that it is hardly possible to get asymmetry when the breast has already been done. This is possible, only there is an inexperienced surgeon and did something wrong. But this is generally tough then. Or just 15-20 years later, when the tissues already begin to fall, ptosis appears, and then, perhaps, this asymmetry may appear again. But these are my assumptions, I do not state this. I completely agree that it is necessary to feed with both breasts, or consult a doctor in order to avoid such consequences, and then not resort to plastic surgery.
  • 18 February 2016, 11:03 - Olga:

Girls, I still decided not to risk my health, I consulted with my sister, she sent me to a good mammologist. In general, the doctor examined everything, felt it and said that everything was in order. This is the difference that exists, it really is not at all big. And since my mammary gland has stopped growing a long time ago, no more changes are expected. I’m just like a mountain off my shoulders, honestly!

Quote: Anastasia

If you have such an asymmetry that you really need to look closely, then everything is fine with you. Now, if, like me, there was such an asymmetry that I didn't even need to look closely. And how hard I was going through puberty, oh it at all. When all the girls have breasts, it means that they grow, but I have only one and that is barely. But this is even for the best. When the doctors said that I had such a pathology, I was very glad that my right breast was not growing anymore. I did everything possible, I almost reached the point of bandaging myself, just to stop the growth.

  • 20 February 2016, 16:54 - Lili:

Quote: Sveta

I will be operated at Real Clinics! Only at Alikova's! Wow! Listen, if it's not difficult, can you share your impressions of the clinic? How is the care after the operation? How long did you stay in the hospital? And so the cynic is good, everything inside is so neat, but it's just that those who have already been there, he knows better. How are your impressions? I already had a consultation with a mammologist. And my mother's mammary gland began to change during menopause.

I chose the clinic for a long time. This is not a quick process. But it was worth it. For the most part, I already talked with those women who have already done plastic surgery in Real Clinics, and not only on the chest. I was worried about the post-operative care. And I can tell you that they are courting there, it's over, it's great, I didn't want to leave. Firstly, before the operation, the nurse came to me and brought the dinner menu. So that I would like to eat after the operation, that for breakfast. It is very nice. And indeed, for dinner they brought delicious food, hot, in the heat of the heat. The nurse is always there, if something needs to be pressed, she is on duty around the clock. And at night I called her a couple of times, because I wanted to drink some water, and once inject an anesthetic. They are very pleasant to look after, caring, you feel in good hands. Moreover, after the operation there is still a feeling of weakness, then it hurts, then something is needed. I would like to feel calm. I was in the hospital for 2 days, by the evening or even by the afternoon of the second day I was discharged home. Naturally, after examination by a surgeon.

Sveta :

  • 25 February 2016, 20:58 - Yulechka:

Quote: Sveta

I have already realized that no other methods will help me. Therefore, I firmly settled on plastic. I have already been to the consultation several times, I am aware of what they will do and how. Alla Alikova told me almost everything in stages. Now I have already passed the tests, the date of the operation has been set. And she, by the way, in 2 days! I'm a little worried, but I keep myself in control. Still, this is such a crucial stage in my life that, of course, it does not pass without excitement. I will have 280 ml Allergan implants. Plus, I will undergo correction of the areola and nipple. My contours are also not even, after all, if you do, then let it be done as expected. The incisions will be made just around the nipple and with a T-shaped incision. I hope that my fabric will heal well and there will be no particularly visible traces left. Has anyone, by the way, done laser resurfacing after breast augmentation? Or is it not really necessary?

Good luck to you! Yes, I was operated on in Real Clinics. I didn’t do laser resurfacing. Although even before the plastic surgery I was definitely convinced that I needed it, and that after the plastic surgery, in 5-6 months I will do myself a resurfacing, but no. My scars are not visible, which I am very happy about. And don't worry, everything will go fine. The main thing is to tune in correctly and be confident in the surgeon.
  • 28 February 2016, 16:16 - Lili:

Quote: Karinka

What a nightmare! I just have no words how people can act like this! But don't worry! I think plastic surgery will help you. Have you already been for a consultation? What did the surgeon advise you to do? Have you already decided exactly what you are going to do? Why did you decide to stop at Alikova?

Yes, everything has already been decided, and even a date for the operation has been set. After the operation, I will definitely tell you about my impressions and emotions. Although they are already overflowing me. One of my mother's acquaintances did a circular facelift with Alla Alikova, therefore, in fact, I did not have much choice about who to do the breasts. I'd rather go to a trusted specialist. Well, plus, of course, I read a bunch of reviews and comments, so I have no doubts about the surgeon.

And now I can’t even believe that I was “worried like that”! Now everything is over and now I have normal breasts! Still, you need to contact a surgeon by acquaintance, then the result is guaranteed. In addition, a woman will always understand women - this was another argument in favor of Alla Alikova! And the work must be watched!

  • May 9, 2016, 23:08 - DolceVita:

In my youth, I had a beautiful, tall, furry chest. Symmetrical. But my skin is dry, thin, I didn’t go in for sports, my chest began to sag. But this is not the whole problem. She sagged asymmetrically. So one is taller than the other and both looked terrible. Maybe for some it's okay, everyone is not getting younger over the years. But I was wildly uncomfortable, I am not yet old to hide my body. It was necessary to fix it with an operation. Yes, that operation is bad. One consolation, general anesthesia, that I would fall asleep and wake up beautiful, without constraining my body. The operation was carried out by Ekaterina Vakorina, in Moscow. It was she who brought me into shape, now the breasts are the same, beautiful. It was worth it. Yes, it’s a little expensive for me, but I love and value myself, so I don’t spare money. It is important to me how I look. The chest lifted, formed into beautiful hills. The shape is even better than I was in my youth, it seems to me.

  • 15 January 2018, 05:43 - Ksenia:

Quote: Anatoly

My girlfriend also has different breasts, I like that. You get very hung up on your chest. Most men don't care about breasts ...

Men may not be important, but we want to be beautiful.
Which is quite realistic to do, especially since now the quality of implants is similar to the breast tissue and its behavior during movements.

Asymmetry of paired body parts is quite normal. If you look closely, then the eyes, ears, feet, hands are more or less different. However, we do not attach special importance to some parts of the body, while others become a cause of concern. It is to the latter that the female bust belongs.

Many women of different ages wonder why one breast is much larger than the other. This problem, of course, requires attention, because we are talking not only about aesthetics, but also about health.

Why are breasts different in size?

Medicine has thoroughly studied this phenomenon and classified the reasons for its occurrence. The latter are congenital and acquired.

Congenital asymmetry. Unfortunately, it is not known what influences the deviation. In this case, the glands develop differently during puberty, one can significantly outstrip the growth of the other.

Usually, by the age of 20, this difference becomes very insignificant. But if by this time the dimensions are not equal, natural recovery is unlikely to occur. In this case, the condition may worsen after pregnancy.

Acquired asymmetry. Mechanical trauma may be a prerequisite for deformation. It is possible to damage the mammary gland even in childhood. This fact will soon be forgotten, but will make itself felt in the future. The size of the bust can be affected by swelling.

In this case, it is necessary to take decisive action, because as a result of the growth of pathological tissues, iron becomes more of another. In addition, pregnancy greatly affects volume, size and shape.

Impact of pregnancy and breastfeeding

If one breast is larger than the other during these periods, the reasons are hidden in the mechanisms of lactation. When the left and right glands receive unequal stimulation, different amounts of milk accumulate in them, resulting in a mismatch in size.

Why does the size change during lactation:

  • Milk is expressed, but in one of the glands this process is more productive;
  • Night feeding with only one breast;
  • The kid sucks only one well, but does not want the second;
  • Lactation of one breast is suppressed;
  • One of the mammary glands produces less milk, for example, due to trauma, mastopathy, etc.;
  • Cracked nipple, the woman herself stops giving the damaged breast.

How to restore symmetry?

Before you can give the desired proportions to this part of the body, you need to find out the reason for the difference in size. First of all, you need to contact a specialist and exclude the presence of oncology. If there are no problems in this area, check for other pathologies.

If there is a suspicion of a tumor, visit a gynecologist or mammologist. The doctor will order a biopsy if a neoplasm is suspected. Based on the results of the study, an individual treatment plan will be developed.

When asymmetry is caused by pregnancy and lactation, you need to take a number of the following measures: monitor hygiene, be sure to apply the baby alternately to both breasts, do not give the other until the first is completely empty, even if the baby does not like it.

If the causes of asymmetry are hidden in trauma, a congenital feature, the only way out of the situation is plastic surgery. It is resorted to in the case when lactation has long ended, but the symmetry has not returned.

The big advantage of the surgical intervention is that you can independently choose the direction of the operation: enlarge a small gland or reduce a large one. There is a large selection of implants, so the ideal shape and size can be ensured. After feeding, the operation also allows you to tighten the sagging skin and make the bust elastic.

Asymmetry in a teenage girl

Puberty entails active growth and development of the mammary glands. This process begins from about 10-13 years old. Many girls notice that the bust is growing at an uneven rate and sound the alarm about this. But it is not worth doing this prematurely.

The final diagnosis can be made at the age of 20-25, when the formation has already ended. It is necessary to consult a doctor with a teenager only if the girl is worried about the seals in the glands and discharge from them.

When the difference is 2 sizes or more, it is imperative to show the child to an endocrinologist. You also need to monitor the nutrition of the teenager. It should be complete and balanced, include the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding

The question of the size and shape of the bust during gestation, as well as during and after lactation, arises very sharply. It first increases in size, then decreases, it can become asymmetric, saggy, etc. When the period of breastfeeding ends, this part of the body should return to more or less the same size.

How to change the size of the bust while breastfeeding

Efforts are directed to increasing the stimulation of the smaller breast and decreasing the larger one. This is fairly straightforward, for example if the difference is due to one-sided night feeds.

The following measures should be taken:

  • Start feeding with a smaller one, then give a larger one, then again a smaller one;
  • When the child is asleep, sucking on the breast, then you need to try to give him less at this time;
  • At night, feed from the lesser.

If discomfort arises in the larger gland due to its less use, you need to apply the baby to it for a short period until the discomfort disappears. The above measures will lead to the fact that all the milk will be sucked out of the smaller gland, therefore, over time, there will be more of it.

At the same time, milk will always remain in the larger one, which will lead to a slight decrease in its production. As soon as the bust becomes symmetrical, you need to try to apply the baby on both sides in about the same way.

Perhaps one breast has become larger than the other because the baby is sucking on one of them incorrectly. Then the difference in size can only be corrected by changing the attachment. Even if the nipple is flat or inverted, you can teach your baby how to grip it correctly.

Help in this matter can be in the antenatal clinic, or you should ask a pediatrician. As soon as the baby begins to grasp both nipples correctly, you can proceed with the above measures.

Sometimes a breastfeeding mother needs to express milk. It often turns out that more is expressed from one gland than from the other. In this matter, you need to consult a specialist.

First, the question is raised about the real need for such an event. If pumping can be stopped, a counselor will help you do it right. Together with the patient, he will draw up a special program to reduce expression, taking into account the difference in size.

If lactation was suppressed in one of the glands, or a woman underwent surgery on it, there is no guarantee that the previous symmetry can be restored. They resort to the listed measures to reduce and increase the stimulation of milk production.

If this does not help, do not despair, because the child can be fed alone. In this case, it is recommended to end breastfeeding as smoothly as possible, then the mammary gland will most likely return to the same size and become equal to the other.

Sometimes it happens that a woman has one breast larger than the other, and it is not known for what reasons such a violation occurred. Basically, the mammary glands, like any organ of the human body, cannot be exactly the same. But only those cases when the difference is very small are considered the norm. If the difference is in 1-2 sizes, inspection and intervention by specialists is required. Such violations can have a negative impact on a woman's health.

Sometimes it happens that a woman has one breast larger than the other, and it is not known for what reasons such a violation occurred

Modern medicine knows a large number of cases when one breast differs in size from the other. Mammologists have divided the problems of the appearance of this defect into 2 groups: congenital and acquired.

In the first case, it all depends on the hormonal maturation of the girl. If, in the process of development, the body is faced with disorders or the appearance of ailments, there is a visible difference in the size of the mammary glands. During the examination of the patient, specialists should pay special attention to the correct ratio of two important hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

This is due to the fact that they are responsible for the correct growth of the breast. Estrogens play a major role in the proper development of cell structure. Progesterone is responsible for the formation of the required number of alveoli and milk ducts.

Unfortunately, during the examination and examination, not all specialists pay attention to the correct ratio of hormones. If you choose the right course of treatment, a girl's breasts become the same by the age of 20.

As for the acquired violation, in this case, experts have identified a number of decisive factors. Pregnancy ranks first on the list. It is for this reason that most often one breast is larger than the other.

Modern medicine knows a large number of cases when one breast differs in size from the other.

More dangerous causes of this disorder are mastopathy. The appearance of benign breast tumors quite often leads to a difference in breast volume. In this case, the woman needs to be regularly examined by a specialist in order to avoid complications.

The reasons for the appearance of asymmetry are often mechanical stress. The consequences of such violations are quite pronounced: edema occurs, the size of the injured gland differs significantly from the normal breast.

If one breast is larger than the other (video)

Asymmetry during pregnancy

Quite often, the causes of asymmetry are pregnancy. This process rarely has a profound effect on the growth of the mammary glands. The appearance of the difference is influenced by the period of lactation and feeding of the baby.

This is due to the anatomical. It is known that the breast contains a large number of alveoli, which are formed by glands that secrete milk. The ducts drain fluid into the lactiferous sinuses. It is in this part that milk accumulates before feeding. Connective and adipose tissues are located around the alveoli and ducts, which determine the volume of the breast.

Quite often, the causes of asymmetry are pregnancy.

As for the appearance of milk, its production is directly dependent on oxytocin and prolactin. There are several reasons why there are different breast sizes during lactation:

    the presence of cracks in the nipples;

    the development of diseases of the mammary glands;

    improper preparation for the feeding process.

Basically, in order to prevent the development of asymmetry during pregnancy and lactation, you need to adhere to the basic rules prescribed by your doctor.

A young mother needs to feed the same from both breasts.

A prerequisite is the regular holding of a breast toilet. This prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

Development of mastopathy and tumors

Often the reason that one breast has become larger than the other is mastopathy. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a mammologist. Benign breast tumors cause one breast to be much larger than the other. In this case, the specialist who examines the patient is faced with the task of determining the good quality of the process.

If during laboratory tests no cancer episodes were detected, the doctor prescribes drug treatment. The use of therapy is aimed at restoring the correct functioning of the body, especially with regard to sexual and reproductive functions. Over time, the breasts will return to their normal size. This is explained by the active production of the necessary hormones.

Correction of the diet will help to cope with such a problem as breasts of different sizes. From the daily menu, you need to exclude foods that cause disorders and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Such changes lead to the appearance of hormonal changes. This also applies to metabolic processes.

In order for the bust to acquire the same size, it is recommended to include fish, seafood, dried apricots and raisins in the diet. A prerequisite is the use of vitamins.

How to get rid of violations

If a woman has different breasts, medication is most often used to solve this problem. To eliminate this problem, special hepatoprotectors are used. The action of these drugs is aimed at the rapid normalization of metabolic processes in the body.

In the course of treatment, various psychotropic drugs are used. The use of drugs is mandatory in situations where the patient suffers from various phobias regarding diseases of the mammary glands.

Vitamin complexes will help improve the condition. Homeopathic medicines are often used for treatment.

Surgical intervention

If the breasts differ not by one, but by several sizes and the woman is experiencing severe discomfort, the only way out of the situation is plastic surgery. To begin with, the doctor must establish why the breast differs from the second in size and whether the surgical intervention will not be dangerous for the patient's health.

Often, the operation is used if drug therapy has not brought special results.

Today there is a huge list of techniques that can eliminate this problem. Even if the mammary glands differ significantly from each other in size, plastic surgery will allow you to quickly and efficiently restore the normal volume. For this, a special implant is used.