Postinor is a drug for early termination of pregnancy. Postinor as a method of emergency contraception

The ability to provoke an early miscarriage with the help of medications is not only the preservation of a woman’s health, but also a guarantee that she will be able to give birth in the future. It is recommended to take the tablets that will be presented below in consultation with a specialist. This is necessary to maintain a full life.

The tool is included in the category of progesterone opponents that block uterine receptors. This is what provokes the rejection of the embryo. This happens in accordance with the following algorithm: a change in size and softening of the uterus is noted, its neck begins to open and the fetal egg comes out. The described process lasts at least 6 and no more than 8 hours.

In order to enhance the characteristic muscle contractions, specific adjuvants (prostaglandins) are used. As part of the simultaneous use of non-steroidal anesthetic drugs, the effect of "Mifegin" becomes less significant.

Despite the fact that there are analogues, the presented tool is one of the most reliable. The degree of its effectiveness approaches 100%, but the side effects are more than insignificant. The probability of formation of even minimal allergic reactions is minimized. The use of the presented drug has been officially authorized by the Russian Ministry of Health since 1999. It will be most rational to use "Mifegin" for a period of no more than 6 weeks. After this period, the degree of effectiveness decreases significantly.

A prerequisite for the use of the presented medication should be considered the exclusion of the possibility of future development of the fetus outside the uterus. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out an ultrasound scan to examine all the organs related to the small pelvis. Adverse reactions that occur in about 15% of cases depend entirely on the characteristics of the female representative and on the period of pregnancy.

In such situations:

  • pregnancy is still developing;
  • the fetus may die, and remaining in the uterus;
  • bleeding becomes active, as a result, there is a need for medical intervention.


Belongs to a category of substances called antiprogestogens. The presented synthetic agent makes it possible to block impulses to progestin-type receptors. Termination of pregnancy through the use of "Mifepristone" involves the use of another remedy. It consists in a set called Misoprostol. The tool allows you to activate such contractions that end in a miscarriage.

Termination of pregnancy with the help of the described tablets is allowed for a maximum period of up to 9 weeks. It is permissible to use the drug, only as directed by a specialist, also for initiating labor. In addition, if it is necessary to interrupt the natural course of pregnancy due to the death of the fetus inside the womb and for medical expansion of the uterine area. Also, "Mifepristone" is shown as part of an operational miscarriage for a period of up to 12 weeks and to enhance the effects of prostaglandins. This occurs from the 13th to the 22nd week.

The described substance will most correctly be used in specialized medical institutions and only after a professional examination. The presence of a specialist - a gynecologist or an obstetrician - is also considered mandatory. After using the required dosage, the patient should be observed for at least several hours. Checking the degree of ultrasonic activity is most often carried out after one and a half to two days.


The tool can be used for a 6-week period. Despite the fact that it is highly effective, the medicine in the vast majority of cases does not provoke even the slightest complications. "Pencrofton" is good in that it creates protection of the integrity of not only the cervix, but also its cavity. The presented form, which helps to cause a miscarriage, does not bring psychological trauma to the female representative, and the use of the remedy will not be fraught with infertility after an abortion.

Thus, the presented technique should be perceived as the most desirable tool to help get rid of pregnancy for those women who have never given birth. It should be noted that this remedy that provokes a miscarriage seems impossible to purchase at a pharmacy.

Penkrotfon is delivered only to special medical institutions, and it is used only in the presence of a gynecologist or obstetrician. It happens like this:

  • a woman after taking three tablets for at least an hour, and even better two, remains under specialized supervision;
  • at this stage, the process of rejection of the fetus begins, and therefore it requires special attention;
  • in the absence of any side effects, a second dose must be prescribed. The most optimal period of time will be 3-5 days.

Of course, in the early stages of pregnancy, the presented method, which provokes a miscarriage, can be considered a good tool. However, it should always be borne in mind that 100% safe types of abortion do not exist and all of them, at a minimum, require the supervision of a gynecologist.


The presented drug has been used for many years for emergency contraception. It is suitable in situations where contraceptives were not used as part of sexual intercourse. The package of the drug includes several tablets, the list of components of which includes levonorgestrel and coatcosin.

According to experts, the remedy cannot give a 100% guarantee that the pregnancy will be terminated.

Realistically assessing this probability, we can only say that it is 85%. The first of the pills is best to use immediately after sexual intercourse has taken place. However, no later than 74 hours, which is very important to increase the likelihood of miscarriage. The next tablet should be taken by a woman after another 12 hours.


The presented tool is suitable for terminating a pregnancy for up to 42 days. The main advantages of "Mifeprex" can be considered a high degree of efficiency and almost perfect tolerability. After using the remedy, a woman is likely to experience slight spotting for the next 2-3 days. If they continue for longer, you should contact a gynecologist.


This medication is made in France. It is perhaps the most reliable of the known drugs that are needed in order to terminate a pregnancy for up to 6 weeks. The degree of its effectiveness reaches 100% with proper use.


Another drug designed exclusively for emergency contraception, which is pointless to use after 72 hours from the end of sexual intercourse. The algorithm for its use is similar to Postinor, but in some cases it may be necessary to take not two, but more tablets. Given their high activity, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Because undesirable consequences are possible, for example, problems with the thyroid gland and hormonal levels in general.

General contraindications and other nuances

Some general contraindications should be noted, in which the use of any of the miscarriage-causing drugs would not only be undesirable. This will be detrimental to a woman's health:

  • either diagnosis of ectopic type pregnancy, or suspicion of it;
  • diseases associated with the kidneys, namely insufficiency of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • prolonged use of corticosteroid-type drugs;
  • the presence of such diseases that are associated with a violation of the process of blood clotting;
  • inflammatory diseases, even the most insignificant, arising in the field of female gynecology;
  • the presence of uterine fibroids in a woman.

Provoking a miscarriage through the use of pills has more than significant advantages. These include the absence of the likelihood of injuring both the endometrium and the cervical region. This is what is very often observed after the implementation of an abortion due to surgical exposure. In addition, psychologists point to a significantly higher psychological tolerance, the admissibility of using in an outpatient setting.

No less advantages are the high degree of effectiveness of the technique (on average it is 95%). And, finally, the most important - the presented impact should be considered the best option for women who have never given birth. After all, again returning to the operation, in the vast majority of cases, it excludes the likelihood of a subsequent pregnancy.

Thus, it should be remembered that in no case should you use these drugs on your own. It would be even more wrong to use several doses in a row or several hours apart in order to increase the effect. It is also necessary to conduct an ultrasound in advance to confirm pregnancy and exclude its ectopic type of development. Because in the latter case, the use of pills to cause a miscarriage is strictly prohibited.

Video - pharmacological abortion

1 tablet contains 750 mcg , as well as anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, potato and corn starch, talc, lactose monohydrate.

Release form

Tablets packaged in blisters of 2 pcs. The package contains 1 blister.

Contraceptive pills Postinor are flat, approximately 6 mm in diameter, with a chamfer, almost white, on one side they are engraved with the inscription "INOR".

pharmachologic effect

The drug helps to prevent pregnancy, causes effects in the body similar to the action of hormones of the corpus luteum of the ovaries, and also suppresses the effects caused by .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What is Postinor?

Postinor is a remedy with a pronounced antiestrogen and progestogenic activity. These properties of the drug make it difficult to conceive at an early stage and help prevent pregnancy.


How Postinor works is not exactly known. Contained in tablets levonorgestrel prevents ovulation and fertilization of the egg if UPC (unprotected sexual intercourse) happened before ovulation (when fertilization is most likely).

Levonorgestrel also causes changes in the endometrium, which make it difficult for a fertilized egg to enter the mucous layer of the uterine cavity. In cases where the attachment of the fetal egg has already begun, the drug does not give the expected effect.

Wikipedia states that the mechanism of action levonorgestrel is most successful when the size of the dominant follicle is 17 mm. Best of all, the drug suppresses ovulation no later than three days before it.

The effectiveness of tablets

The probability of pregnancy after the use of Postinor tablets is 15-42%. The action after taking the better, the less time has passed after NPC.

If the drug was taken within 24 hours, its effectiveness is 95%, in the next 24 hours it decreases to 85%, on the third day - up to 58%. It makes no sense to take the drug later than 72 hours later.

Is Postinor harmful?


Absorption in the alimentary canal when ingested is rapid and complete. In the body, the drug binds to SHBG and albumin: approximately 65% ​​of the dose taken is associated with SHBG, only 1.5% is in the free form.

96 minutes after taking the tablet, the plasma concentration levonorgestrel reaches 14.1 ng/ml. Then there is a 2-stage decrease in Cmax.

The drug is well distributed in tissues and organs.

Its biotransformation is carried out in the liver. The resulting metabolic products (conjugated glucuronates) are pharmacologically inactive.

Levonorgestrel It is excreted from the body exclusively in the form of metabolic products. About half of the dose taken is excreted in the urine, the rest - in the faeces. The value of T1 / 2 varies from 9 to 14.5 hours.

With milk, about 0.1% of the dose enters the body of an infant when a nursing woman takes Postinor.

Indications for use

“Urgent” contraception in case of failure of the chosen method of contraception or after CPD.


A contraindication to the use of the drug is intolerance levonorgestrel or any of the auxiliary ingredients contained therein.

The drug is used in pediatric practice. Data regarding its use in girls under 16 years of age are limited, therefore, in adolescence, Postinor is not recommended to be taken without medical supervision.

Side effects of Postinor: why is the drug dangerous?

In the annotation to the drug, the manufacturer reports that the most common reaction to the use of levonorgestrel is nausea .

In addition, the following side effects of Postinor were recorded during the studies:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • and vomit ;
  • nausea;
  • not related to the menstrual cycle ;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle (namely, a delay in menstruation after taking the pill for more than a week);
  • increased fatigue.

Post-marketing observations have shown that sometimes (quite rarely) the use of the drug may be accompanied by: hypersensitivity reactions ( , the appearance of rashes on the skin, skin itching), , pain in the pelvis and / or in the abdomen, swelling of the face.

What is harmful Postinor?

Reviews of side effects allow us to conclude that the most unpleasant, according to women, phenomena after taking Postinor:

  • bleeding (in some reviews it is mentioned that, not knowing how to stop the bleeding after Postinor, the woman was forced to seek medical help);
  • severe hormonal imbalance and severe cycle disorders (many cases have been described when, after taking Postinor, there are no periods for several cycles; it takes up to a year for someone to restore the regularity of menstruation).

This list can include the appearance of "male" signs, metabolic disorders and acne .

Sometimes the consequences of taking Postinor tablets manifest themselves in the form of miscarriage of subsequent pregnancies and infertility.

To minimize harm to the body, the drug should be used no more than 3-4 times a year.

Tablets Postinor: instructions for use

How to take Postinor?

The instructions for Postinor indicate that the contraceptive effect is provided by taking two tablets (provided that the first tablet is drunk in the first 3 days after the NPC). Between doses 1 and 2 doses withstand a twelve-hour interval.

If within 3 hours after the drug was drunk (regardless of whether 1 or 2 doses), you should immediately take another 750 mcg levonorgestrel (3rd tablet).

The tool can be used in any phase of the menstrual cycle. A prerequisite is the absence of a woman's delay in menstruation.

After taking the pills before the start of the next menstruation, it is recommended to use funds barrier contraception (cervical cap or condoms).

Taking the drug is not a contraindication for the continued use of hormonal contraceptives for regular use.

How to understand that the drug has worked?

The tablet begins to act immediately after dissolution and absorption in the intestinal tract.

The evidence that the drug "worked" is menstruation.

Bleeding after consumption excludes pregnancy in about 95-85% of cases if it begins 3-6 days after taking the pill.

What can the delay after Postinor indicate?

If there is no bleeding after taking the drug, or if the bleeding begins later than the indicated dates, the woman is recommended to do and undergo an examination by a gynecologist to exclude pregnancy.

It is worth consulting a doctor not only with a delay in menstruation, but also if, after taking Postinor, the consequences are expressed in the form of unusually strong bleeding for a woman. The causes of such bleeding may be an excess of the recommended dose and the negative impact levonorgestrel on the uterine endometrium .

Sometimes women note that they have brown discharge after taking it. The phenomenon is considered the norm if the discharge appears within a few days, thus completing the menstruation artificially induced by the pills. However, for some women, spotting can last up to a month.

Most likely, this is an individual reaction to severe stress for the reproductive system, but only a doctor can accurately diagnose the cause of the discharge.

Cause for concern are menstrual bleeding lasting more than 14 days, the absence of a full period, the appearance of clots or heavy brown discharge, pain.

When should my period start after taking the pills?

It is impossible to say exactly when menstruation will begin after the use of Postinor. The tablets contain a large amount levonorgestrel Therefore, even a single use of the drug does not pass without a trace for the body.

In most cases, after taking the remedy, the menstrual cycle remains the same. Sometimes bleeding may start earlier or later. Normally, the delay should not be more than 5-7 days. Otherwise, pregnancy should be excluded.

After taking levonorgestrel a woman is advised to visit a doctor who will help her choose the most suitable method of regular contraception.

Is it worth taking Postinor if NPK occurred during menstruation?

Women with irregular cycles are more likely to get pregnant even during their menstrual bleeding. The appropriateness of the use of "urgent" contraceptives, if the NPC occurred during menstruation, can be determined by the doctor.

How often can I take Postinor?

To the question “How often can I take emergency contraceptive pills?” doctors answer that Postinor-type drugs are not intended for systematic use. They are used only in emergency situations and no more than 3-4 times a year.


Clinical picture of overdose hormonal means emergency contraception not described. Most likely, the first signs of poisoning will be nausea and breakthrough bleeding.

Postinor does not have a specific antidote.


In combination with liver enzyme inducers, metabolism is activated levonorgestrel .

The effectiveness of drugs that contain levonorgestrel , may decrease with simultaneous use with:

  • barbiturates ;
  • preparations of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum);
  • rafibutin ;
  • ritonavir ;
  • phenytoin ;

Women taking these drugs should consult a doctor before taking Postinor.

Levonorgestrel-containing drugs can lead to increased toxicity , which is associated with the possible suppression of its metabolism.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

Tablets should be stored at 15-25°C.

Best before date

special instructions

Means of "urgent" contraception are intended for occasional use and do not replace the regular method of contraception.

“Emergency” contraception does not always prevent pregnancy. If there is any doubt as to the timing of CPP, or if an unprotected intercourse has taken place more than 72 hours during the same cycle, the possibility that a fertilized egg has already implanted in the uterine wall cannot be ruled out.

In this regard, the use of tablets at the next sexual contact may be ineffective. If the cycle is delayed by more than 5 days, if atypical bleeding develops on the day of the expected menstruation, as well as if there are other reasons to suspect the occurrence of pregnancy, the fact of pregnancy should be excluded.

After taking levonorgestrel there is a risk of developing ectopic pregnancy . The absolute probability of this is low, since the drug interferes with ovulation and fertilization.

Ectopic pregnancy may persist despite the occurrence of uterine bleeding.

most likely in women who noted fainting or severe pain in the abdomen, as well as in the presence of a history of surgery on the fallopian tubes, , or PID .

Based on this, patients at risk are not recommended to take Postinor tablets.

Taking pills can slightly change the nature of bleeding, but in most cases the next menstruation begins a maximum of a week after the usual date.

With a delay in menstrual bleeding for more than 5 days, it is necessary to exclude the fact of pregnancy.

The drug should not be used in women with serious liver pathologies. The effectiveness of tablets can be negatively affected by severe malabsorption (eg, granulomatous enteritis ).

For women suffering from similar diseases, before carrying out emergency contraception it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Postinor tablets contain lactose, which should be warned in patients with lactase deficiency and malabsorption of glucose and galactose .

The drug is ineffective as regular contraceptives and is not an alternative. It should also be remembered that this tool does not replace the necessary precautions related to protection against STD .

If a woman seeks repeated use of Postinor, the doctor should recommend that she use long-term methods of contraception.

Impact Studies levonorgestrel on the ability to drive a vehicle or work with mechanisms were not carried out, but one should forget about the possibility of dizziness. Eskinor-F .

Which is better - Escapelle or Postinor?

Escapelle and Postinor are synonyms. Both are based on levonorgestrel . Only in the first case, its concentration is 1.5 mg / tab., And in the second - 0.75 mg / tab.. That is Escapelle in the case of NPC, it should be taken once, and Postinor - in 2 doses with an interval of 12 hours.

Which is better - Genale or Postinor?

Active substance Jenale - synthetic antiprogestin . The substance is a derivative norethisterone and is used to terminate early pregnancy. Its content in each tablet is 10 mg.

Mifepristone is non-hormonal agent , which reversibly and briefly blocks only peripheral PR (receptors progesterone ). Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the drug prevents the release of luteotropin , delays or blocks ovulation and causes disturbances in the transformation of the endometrium, which, in turn, makes it difficult for the implantation of the egg.

WHO data indicate that the use of low doses mifepristone more effective and safer than emergency contraception using levonorgestrel .

In addition, it has been experimentally proven that the contraceptive effect mifepristone does not decrease with an increase in the interval between NPK and reception Jenale up to 120 hours. This is also a significant advantage of the latter over Postinor.

If necessary "urgent" contraception it is enough to take 1 tablet during the first 72 hours Jenale . The drug is used 2 hours before meals.

Which is better - Postinor or Ginepriston?

active ingredient Ginepriston is also mifepristone at a concentration of 10 mg / tab .. Thus, the drug has the same advantages over Postinor as Jenale .

The tool is highly effective, characterized by the absence of pronounced side effects and can be used for episodic contraception in women with an irregular sexual life.

In addition, the drug is more affordable than Postinor. Its price in Russian pharmacies is about 100-120 rubles lower than the price of Postinor.

Postinor and alcohol

Is it possible to combine Postinor tablets with alcohol? There are no recommendations in the manufacturer's instructions for this.

However, it should be remembered that alcohol is not compatible with the vast majority of pharmaceutical products.

The use of alcoholic beverages in combination with Postinor can cause a sharp expansion, and then an equally sharp vasoconstriction, which in turn will complicate the woman's condition when the drug provokes rejection of the uterine mucosa.

In addition, alcohol increases the level of liver enzymes, thereby speeding up the metabolism. Since biotransformation levonorgestrel carried out in the liver, the contraceptive effect of Postinor while taking alcohol can be very doubtful.

Postinor for early termination of pregnancy is used only as emergency contraception. This is a hormonal drug that, to be more precise, does not interrupt gestation, but prevents it.

Tablets must be taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

The erroneous opinion of many women is that they consider Postinor a contraceptive, or a drug for. It's a delusion.

The instructions for use of Postinor for abortion from the manufacturer indicate that the agent does not protect against unwanted conception, but provokes the release of a fertilized egg from the body after unprotected sexual contact.

Postinor for abortion: how does it work?

Postinor is a potent drug that contains levonorgestrel, a synthetic hormone.

How to take pills? According to the instructions, you need to drink them twice. A woman takes the first pill within 3 days from the moment of sexual intercourse with a man, the second pill - strictly 12 hours after taking the first one.

There are two ways the drug works:

  1. Under the action of the hormone, the release of the egg from the ovary significantly slows down, which makes it impossible for it to be fertilized by a spermatozoon.
  2. If the egg is fertilized, the hormone prevents it from implanting in the uterus for further development. Under the influence of levonorgestrel, the structure of the endometrium, the inner layer of the uterus, changes, which makes it impossible for the embryo to attach to the walls of the organ, and provokes its release to the outside. That is, interruption of gestation occurs.

You can not abuse the use of tablets, and even more so use them regularly as a means of everyday contraception. The drug has many side effects, and, in addition, it negatively affects the woman's body due to a sharp change in hormonal levels.

Can I drink during pregnancy?

Is it possible to drink Postinor to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages? This action doesn't make sense.

The task of the pills is to suppress ovulation, that is, to inhibit the release of the egg from the ovary, or to change the endometrium in order to prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine cavity.

If you take the remedy during an existing pregnancy, this will not affect its course in any way. The drug has no abortifacient effect.

Effect on the fetus

It is not uncommon for a woman to take a medicine without knowing about an existing pregnancy. What are the consequences? Tablets do not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, however, in order to prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. As part of the drug - a potent hormone, it is not known how it will affect the woman's body and the development of the child.

If the examination is passed, the pregnancy develops normally, then the doctor approves the continuation of the pregnancy. In some cases, medical termination is recommended.

On the video about the use of the drug

Side effects

When taking Postinor, side effects are possible due to the effect of the hormone on the body. Likely development:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache and dizziness.


One of the most important contraindications is pregnancy.

Other reasons not to take synthetic hormone:

  • Age less than 16 years.
  • Irregular periods.
  • Problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Postinor for early termination of pregnancy is used as a method of emergency prevention of fertilization. It is permissible to use it no more than 2 times a year. Before taking, you must read the instructions and make sure there are no contraindications. If the pills are taken during an existing pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor to assess all the risks and decide whether to keep it or not.

Hello! Please tell us how much postinor can affect pregnancy. Not knowing about conception, I took postinor (2 tablets) 2 weeks after conception. applied, I want to wait for menstruation as a fact of the presence of pregnancy or its absence. If, nevertheless, the pregnancy has come, then how harmful is taking Postinor? I am 26 years old, had one abortion at 18, no children.

Julia, Moscow, Russia, 26 years old


If pregnancy still occurred while taking postinor, then it did not have its effect. the drug itself is not dangerous during pregnancy, its cancellation is dangerous and causes premature menstruation - this is the basis of the contraceptive effect of the scheme - taking a large amount of the drug, and then canceling it.

Sincerely, Maria Mikhailovna MALYARSKAYA.

Girls!!! Who has experience of abortion with Postinor, is it effective? What could be the consequences?

The term is approximately 3-4 weeks (the conclusion of the ultrasound), help with advice, it is very necessary! best answer Thinker (7522) 6 years ago At this time, you can certainly interrupt, but the result can be unpredictable, most often there is an incomplete spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), when the remains of the fetal egg remain in the uterus, which will give severe uterine bleeding, result: ambulance and scraping. So why create unnecessary problems for yourself, it’s better to immediately go for a mini-abortion (up to 20 days of delay), if you overdue there’s nothing to be done, then instrumental abortion (up to 12 weeks) is a profession

  • Reviews

Nowadays, the pharmacy chain offers the widest selection of hormonal contraceptives. Despite this, not every woman prefers this method of protection from unwanted pregnancy. But sometimes a situation may arise in which it is simply necessary to resort to the method of emergency contraception. It is for such cases that there are pills for emergency contraception Postinor. Postinor is an oral postcoital hormonal contraceptive.

Before taking the drug, carefully read the contraindications to its use. Postinor is not recommended to take:

  • with diseases of the liver and biliary tract,
  • thrombosis of veins and arteries,
  • genital bleeding of unknown etiology,
  • delayed menstruation,
  • while breastfeeding
  • with individual intolerance to the drug.

It is not advisable to use this remedy during puberty. During breastfeeding, the intake is made according to the strict indications of a doctor.

It is unacceptable to use Postinor as a means of permanent contraception, as this reduces its effectiveness and increases the risk of side effects. In extreme cases, it is allowed to take pills no more than twice within one month. It is necessary to avoid using the drug twice during one menstrual cycle. In case of bleeding, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

When taking the drug, there are many questions associated with the reception. The most common questions are explained in detail below.

Question: I am already taking hormonal contraceptive pills, but I missed a dose, can I take Postinor? Answer: Yes, Postinor is compatible with birth control pills. In this case, in order to prevent the fact of an unwanted pregnancy, you can take Postinor, and then continue taking birth control pills as usual.

Question: Can I use Postinor to terminate a pregnancy? Answer: Postinor is not intended to terminate a pregnancy. Taking this drug 72 hours after the PA does not save you from an unwanted pregnancy, in addition, severe harm is done to the body.

Question: Can Postinor be taken while breastfeeding? Answer: When taking the drug, breastfeeding is not recommended. In order to avoid lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands), milk can be expressed by feeding the baby with an artificial mixture.

Feature and rules for taking the drug ^

The drug is produced in the form of flat white tablets marked "INOR", without a risk (a strip dividing the tablet into equal halves). One tablet contains 0.75 mg of the active ingredient levonorgestrel (Levonorgestrel). This substance is included in many other contraceptives for permanent use. The difference between postinor and them is that this drug contains much more of this active substance. In one package of the drug - only 2 tablets.

Postinor is indicated for emergency postcoital contraception for women during unprotected intercourse, and in cases where another method of protection used cannot be considered reliable. For example, when a male condom slips or breaks (read also what to do if a condom breaks), shifting or removing the diaphragm, unsuccessful coitus interruptus, erroneous calculation of the days of ovulation with a calendar method of protection, skipping three or more birth control pills or rape.

Admission rules: the first tablet should be taken within 24-48 hours after unprotected intercourse, the second tablet is taken 12 hours after taking the first tablet

Here is what doctors say about the correct intake of Postinor:

“In order for the contraceptive effect of the drug to be really effective, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for taking pills. The first tablet should be taken no later than 72 hours (three days) after intercourse. The earlier the medicine was taken, the higher the chance of preventing an unwanted pregnancy. 12 hours after taking the first tablet, you need to drink the second. It should be noted that the time interval between taking the first and second tablets should not exceed 16 hours. To correctly calculate the time for taking a second dose, it is better to calculate in advance the hour expected to take the second pill. Data on the time of using Postinor, possible side effects, etc., it is desirable to enter in a menstruation diary or calendar.

The effectiveness of Postinor tablets after unprotected intercourse, in which contraceptives were not used, decreases over time:

Abortion pills POSTINOR

Love is a wonderful feeling that arises between a man and a woman. Unfortunately, surrendering to passion, we completely forget about contraception. It happens that contraception itself does not provide absolute protection against unwanted pregnancy. What to do if you are still pregnant, but do not want to give birth.

Progress does not stand still, in our time there are many means to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, for example, postinor abortion pills, which belongs to the "emergency" contraceptive drugs that terminate the pregnancy "the next morning." Looking ahead, it is worth saying right away that Postinor has a very powerful effect and it is absolutely necessary to consult a gynecologist before using it.

The action of the drug

Postinor is a triple action drug. It stops or delays the process of ovulation - while the egg does not leave the ovary into the fallopian tube, and this stops the process of conception. Postinor interferes with the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. The drug changes the structure of the inner surface of the uterus. But when pregnancy occurs, it has the effect of abortion.

The composition of Postinor includes the synthetic hormone levonorgesterel, which should be taken according to the instructions for the drug. The first postinor tablet is used within 72 hours after intercourse. 12 hours after taking the first tablet, take the second.

If you vomit more than 2 hours after you took the pill, then you should not drink a second dose, as the first one has already worked. To reduce the chance of vomiting, you need to take the tablets after meals. Pharmacists estimate the drug's ability to prevent unwanted pregnancy by 85%. The chances of successfully terminating a pregnancy from the time of taking the drug after intercourse look like this: 95% of successfully terminated pregnancy - the drug is taken within 24 hours after intercourse. 85% successfully terminated pregnancy - the drug is taken within 25-48 hours after intercourse. 58% successfully terminated pregnancy - the drug is taken within 49-72 hours after intercourse.

Application, indications and contraindications

Remember that postinor refers to postcoital (used after intercourse), it can be taken no more than once a month. Since the use of postinor in the blood increases the amount of the progestogen hormone, which is responsible for the inner surface of the uterus. Bleeding may occur if you take 2-3 tablets in a short time. If you have severe bleeding, contact your gynecologist immediately. Less commonly, postinor causes headache, feeling of weakness, dizziness, fatigue. As a rule, this will all disappear after 24 hours. In addition to bleeding, postinor can cause lethargy, vomiting, and headache. If you have severe vomiting in the first two hours, you should consult a doctor, as the drug may not work and not terminate the pregnancy. It is undesirable to use postinor if your cycle is irregular. This is also stated in the instructions for the drug. For many women, menstruation comes on time or a few days later or earlier. It happens that postinor has the opposite effect - the absence of menstruation. In this case, you should not postpone going to the doctor. If you have a delay of 2-3 weeks, then this may be pregnancy or the effect of the drug itself. If you have a disease of the gallbladder or liver, if you have had Botkin's disease, then postinor is contraindicated for you. The drug is dangerous for adolescents during puberty, as it causes irreparable harm to the hormonal system. Postinor abortion pills in many countries are not sold in open pharmacies, and you can buy it only after a doctor's recommendation. If postinor is used frequently, the risk of ovarian dysfunction increases, which can lead to infertility. Postinor costs an average of 300 rubles. But first of all, you should think not about the price, but about the consequences that taking the drug can cause, what harm you will do to your health if you do not consult a doctor and do not follow the instructions. In family planning centers, in antenatal clinics, you can get specialist advice. You can consult on the regular use of contraceptives in order to avoid emergency assistance.

Abortion pills Postinor

Postinor tablets, intended for rapid termination of pregnancy, belong to the group of hormonal contraceptives. They have sufficiently pronounced gestagenic properties, which prevents the development of an unwanted pregnancy for a woman.


Postinor is used as an emergency contraceptive to terminate an existing pregnancy. Postinor is used for abortion immediately after sexual intercourse in women with a constant, regular menstrual cycle.


The process of tablet termination of pregnancy with Postinor refers to a medical type of abortion. In order to prevent pregnancy, a woman should take 1 tablet (750 mg), and no later than 48 hours after sex.

Only after 12 hours after the woman takes the first tablet, take 2 tablets. The time of taking the drug in no way depends on the specific day of menstruation, provided that the last menstruation was timely.

The drug can be used both before and after meals. Tablets should be drunk without chewing and drinking plenty of water.

Side effect

Taking this drug can in some cases cause vomiting and diarrhea. Often, after taking Postinor, women talk about menstrual irregularities and the appearance of tension in the mammary glands.


The main contraindications for taking the drug are:

  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • current pregnancy.

During lactation, the use of the drug is still possible, but only under strict medical indications, since an indirect effect of the drug on the baby is possible. To avoid this, a woman should drink 2 tablets immediately after breastfeeding.

The article discusses the termination of pregnancy in the early stages. We tell how abortion occurs at home and in hospital, what are the consequences of this procedure. You will find out reviews of women who have used abortion pills, as well as the cost of drugs.

Early abortion methods

Not always 2 strips on the test bring happiness to a girl. Therefore, many women are looking for different ways to end a pregnancy early. This may be due to the reluctance to become a mother or the danger of pregnancy for women's health. Every woman who decides to terminate a pregnancy has her own good reasons for this.

In the early stages, there are several methods of abortion:

  • surgical.

The drug method involves taking drugs that cause the expulsion of the fetus. This technique is used for up to 6 weeks and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

The surgical method consists of vacuum aspiration or curettage. Vacuum abortion is performed for up to 5 weeks under anesthesia. With the help of special equipment in the form of a vacuum pump, the contents of the uterus are sucked out.

If the gestational age is minimal, then a mini-abortion can be performed in the antenatal clinic using local anesthetic injections. It is extremely rare that bleeding occurs after vacuum aspiration, while the duration of bleeding is no more than a week.

The most popular method of terminating a pregnancy for up to 3 months is curettage. Because of the pain, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure is an artificial expansion of the uterine cervix, followed by curettage of the organ cavity using a curette.

The duration of the scraping is approximately 20 minutes. After that, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist for two to four hours. This procedure is the most traumatic. Of the possible consequences after it:

  • damage to the uterine neck;
  • the appearance of endometritis;
  • infertility;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • trauma to the endometrium;
  • the appearance of an extensive wound in the region of the internal uterine cavity.

Below we will talk in detail about which pills will help get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages with pills

Elimination of pregnancy with the help of pills refers to a medical technique. Can this method be called safe for women's health? Yes, if the procedure is supervised by a specialist. But self-administration of drugs can cause irreparable damage to your health, ranging from severe bleeding to infertility or death.

Also, the possible consequences of medical abortion include:

  • non-rejection of the embryo - in such a case, pregnancy cannot be maintained; curettage is used to eliminate the fetus;
  • severe bleeding, which requires surgery;
  • unbearable pain, decrease or increase in blood pressure, nausea, deterioration of well-being.

The only advantage of this technique for eliminating unwanted pregnancy is the absence of surgical intervention. As a result, injury to the uterus and its cervix, as well as possible infection, are impossible.

If you want an abortion with minimal negative consequences, pay attention to the medications that we will discuss below.


This is a steroid and antiprogestogen medication that is best used at 3 weeks of pregnancy, since at this time the result is maximum. The action of the pill is aimed at preventing the functioning of progesterone receptors and disrupting its regulation in the case of attachment of a fertilized egg. After taking the pill, mucus begins to collect in the cervix, which forms an unfavorable environment for the continuation of pregnancy.

The cost of the medicine is from 350 to 500 rubles.


This drug is used for up to 6 weeks. It is used together with Mirolut. Miropriston neutralizes progesterone, which provokes detachment of the fetal egg. Mirolut stimulates the contraction of the uterus, causing the embryo to come out of the uterine cavity.

The drug has contraindications, which must be read.

The cost of the medicine is from 1900 rubles.


As with other drugs, the action of mifepristone is aimed at blocking the production of progesterone. The tablets do not contain hormones.

It is best to take the drug for a period of 4-6 weeks. For medical reasons, the drug can be used for up to 22 weeks inclusive, while using additional methods to activate uterine contractions.

In some cases, after taking the drug, incomplete abortion is observed. Therefore, after medical abortion, ultrasound monitoring is necessary.

Cost - from 5000 rubles.


The active substance of the drug is levonorgestrel. The effect of the drug depends on the time of administration. For this reason, gynecologists distinguish 2 types of his work:

  • Use in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, which allows you to delay ovulation. In this case, the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy is reduced from 1 to 3 percent.
  • Application in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, caused by unprotected intercourse. In this case, levonorgestrel blocks the production of estrogen, provoking a decrease in the ability of the endometrium of the uterine cavity to accept a fertilized egg. A possible consequence of taking the medicine at this time is the early onset of menstruation.

According to studies, about 2 percent of women were able to get pregnant after taking Escapelle. And this makes this medication a very effective tool for protecting against unwanted conception.

The price of the drug is from 350 to 600 rubles.


Postinor is a medication used for emergency contraception. The effect of its use occurs only if the pill was taken within three days after unprotected sex. At the same time, gynecologists do not recommend using this medicine on their own.

The product contains levonergestrol, corn and potato starches, magnesium stearate.

Experts do not advise frequent use of Postinor, as it causes severe harm to the female hormonal system.

The cost of the medication is from 300 to 500 rubles.

Other tablets

In some cases, to eliminate unwanted pregnancy, the following drugs are used:

  • Mifeprex - used for pharmaceutical abortion for up to 42 days of delay. The tool is highly effective, while practically does not cause any harm to women's health.
  • Pencrofton - the drug contains mifepristone. It is recommended as an emergency remedy for abortion in childless women. After taking the medication, in rare cases, gynecological complications or infertility are observed.
  • Mifegin is a French-made drug, it can be used for up to 6 weeks. Highly efficient.
  • Mifolian - after taking it, rejection of the tissues of the uterine cavity occurs along with the embryo.

Injections for early termination of pregnancy

If you do not want to go through the procedure of surgical or medical abortion, you can try to get rid of the embryo through injections. To carry out the abortion procedure, an injection of calcium chloride is used. Under its influence, fetal death occurs, followed by miscarriage.

If within 2 days after the injection there are no signs of abortion, then the specialist prescribes tests and ultrasound. Based on them, the doctor decides on curettage, otherwise a strong inflammatory process is likely to appear, leading to sepsis or death.

Some women believe that you can get rid of an unwanted pregnancy with a mixed injection of ascorbic acid and No-shpa. The efficiency of this method is only 10 percent.

The safest injection of all drugs is the use of oxytocin. It causes cramping contractions that lead to miscarriage. At the same time, in early pregnancy, oxytocin is used only in emergency cases, if there are contraindications to surgical abortion.

Terminating an early pregnancy at home

Traditional medicine offers a large number of remedies for eliminating pregnancy at home. Remember, you can use them only after the permission of the doctor! In addition, after the use of folk remedies, there is a risk of deterioration in well-being, the appearance of intense bleeding or partial abortion.

Below we will talk about the most popular traditional medicine for terminating early pregnancy. But remember, any means for terminating a pregnancy at home for a period of 3-4 weeks cannot be safe for your health. Even if you are up to 3 weeks pregnant or more than a month, it is better to seek help from a specialist.


Many women seek to terminate their pregnancies with iodine and are at great risk, especially if pure iodine is used. After all, this alcohol solution has a toxic effect on the entire body.

After taking pure iodine, a deep burn of internal organs is likely, causing severe harm
thyroid gland and a powerful change in hormonal levels. And all this is possible after using only 3 g of the product.

But at the same time, there is an opinion that the composition of iodine and milk will help to eliminate unwanted pregnancy. Such a mixture does not cause such a toxic effect as pure iodine, while after application the death of the embryo, in most cases, still occurs. That's just the dead embryo remains in the uterus, since it does not contract. In the future, this leads to the development of sepsis and inpatient treatment.

In addition, the milk-iodine composition does not always help to get rid of the fetus, and in the event of the birth of a child, severe pathologies appear.

Sometimes, after consuming iodine, it is possible to open bleeding, which no physician can handle. And this is fraught with the death of a woman.

hot tub

This method of terminating unwanted pregnancies was quite popular until the advent of medical and surgical abortion. Although at present, many continue to practice it, but less so, because after it some women feel worse.

Why do girls choose this method of abortion? The answer is obvious - availability and free of charge, except for possible health problems. This technique is practiced only until the 3rd week of pregnancy, since after this period the embryo is sufficiently developed for a miscarriage to occur due to this method.

Using a hot bath after 3 weeks of pregnancy has a number of negative consequences for a woman. Therefore, it is better to practice it immediately after confirmation of pregnancy.

Using a hot bath causes the blood vessels in the uterus and pelvis to expand. These vessels put pressure on the vessels that are located next to the uterus, as a result of which they burst.

The embryo present in the uterus comes out of it along with the blood. Vaginal bleeding is the main sign that a miscarriage has occurred.

What should be done for a miscarriage? It is enough to be in hot water for 3-4 hours, while it is important that the hips are in hot water. If the procedure takes place in the bathroom, then you need to constantly add hot water. One procedure is enough to terminate the pregnancy, since with repeated it is possible to open severe bleeding.

Candles for abortion in the early stages

Sometimes, to eliminate unwanted pregnancy, women use vaginal or rectal suppositories, which are contraindicated during childbearing. Such drugs cause uterine contraction and, as a result, miscarriage.

Applying them according to the instructions, you can cause uterine bleeding. But this doesn't always happen.

Herbs for early abortion

Herbs - Another product that can cause termination of pregnancy. Below we will talk about the main herbs that are used for miscarriage.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf is one of the herbs that are not recommended for expectant mothers due to the high risk of miscarriage. Bay leaf is an abortive product that can terminate a pregnancy.

When using a decoction of bay leaves in early pregnancy, there is a risk of bleeding. Together with the blood secretions, the embryo comes out of the female body. This method can be used up to 8 weeks of gestation. The effectiveness of using this method largely depends on the personal characteristics of the body, but it is possible to eliminate pregnancy with lavrushka.

The sooner the laurel decoction is taken, the higher the likelihood of abortion. To prepare a decoction, pour 100 g of bay leaves with a glass of hot water. After that, boil the composition for a quarter of an hour. Cool and strain through cheesecloth.

Drink the strained decoction before going to bed. Wrap bay leaves in gauze to form a tampon, then insert it into your vagina overnight.

After the procedure, a miscarriage should occur within 1-2 days. At this time, there may be pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding. If after 2 days there are no changes, the method turned out to be useless.


The use of a decoction of tansy flowers provokes an active uterine contraction, followed by the expulsion of the fetal egg. But remember, such a product is very toxic, it can cause intoxication, liver failure, convulsions and vomiting. In addition, with severe bleeding from the uterus, the probability of death is high.


The use of oregano affects the production of estrogens, which support and maintain pregnancy. The use of this herb disrupts the normal female hormonal background, because of this, the course of pregnancy fails, and the growth of the embryo stops. In the future, this leads to a miscarriage.


Below are the reviews of women about medical abortion and the use of folk remedies.

Elena, 29 years old

When I found out that I was pregnant, I was in a stupor for a while. I already have three children, and my husband and I did not plan to replenish the family. I went to an appointment with a gynecologist, chose medical termination of pregnancy. The doctor prescribed Mifepristone for me, there were no side effects after it.

Alena, 33 years old

I want to tell all women who practice folk remedies to eliminate pregnancy. Girls, take care of yourself! It is better to take a pill or go for an abortion, but do not drink bay broth and do not sit in a hot bath! After these funds, uterine bleeding opened in me, I barely survived!

Your health is in your hands! Do not self-medicate. In the event of pregnancy, think twice, you may want to keep the baby. If not, then seek help from qualified specialists to terminate the pregnancy.

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