Proper intimate hygiene during pregnancy. Intimate hygiene of expectant mothers: important nuances

Intimate hygiene is called care for the external genital organs in women - this is the vestibule of the vagina, the clitoris and labia; hygiene procedures also extend to the exit from the rectum and somehow capture the vagina; these circumstances determine the fact of the appearance on the market of special cosmetics for intimate hygiene.

A bit of anatomy

The vagina of an adult woman is a musculo-fibrous tube lined with a mucous membrane. Its upper part covers the cervix, the lower part of the vagina ends in the vestibule. In the normal state, the mucous membranes of the walls of the vagina are in contact with each other, and the vagina does not gape, but on a transverse section it looks like a gap.

Normally, in the vagina of a healthy woman there is a small amount of whitish content with an acidic reaction. An acidic reaction (pH 4.0-4.5) is due to the presence of lactic acid in the vaginal discharge. The fact is that the surface cells of the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa contain a significant amount of a special substance - glycogen. Glycogen has two functions. On the one hand, it serves as a nutrient substrate for spermatozoa that have entered the vagina; on the other hand, glycogen is necessary for the vital activity of lactobacilli, which are an indispensable attribute of the vaginal contents of a healthy woman. Glycogen undergoes enzymatic transformations into lactic acid, thereby creating an acidic environment and preventing the reproduction of other microorganisms, including pathogens.

During pregnancy, there are many changes throughout the body, including, of course, in the genital area. In the pelvic region, blood circulation is enhanced. Due to the thickening of the mucous membrane, loosening of the connective tissue and the growth of smooth muscles, the folding of the vaginal walls increases. The amount of discharge from the vaginal glands increases, the discharge becomes thick and becomes white. The pH value of the vaginal contents shifts to the acid side up to 3.3 as a result of increased formation of lactic acid, which is due to an increase in the glycogen content in the vaginal epithelium. The change in pH protects the vagina from some infections, but the increased glycogen content is associated with an increased risk of growth of the yeast Candida albicans. Along with this, during pregnancy, there are also changes in the work of the immune - protective - system of the body. All this serves as predisposing factors for the penetration and activation of pathogens during pregnancy. In addition, if outside of pregnancy only a woman can suffer due to lack of hygiene, then during the bearing of a baby, it is also a fetus. All this makes the issues of intimate hygiene especially relevant for expectant mothers.

Rules and prohibitions

First of all, the following rules must be observed:

  • You need to wash yourself with pre-washed hands, but not with a sponge or washcloth: the skin in the crotch area is delicate, it is easy to injure it.
  • Water must be flowing. That is, if it is not possible to use water from the tap or from the shower, you should not wash yourself while sitting in a basin - you need to pour it on the area of ​​​​the external genital organs.
  • You need to wash with warm water. Cold water can provoke an exacerbation of inflammatory diseases; in addition, too cold or too hot water can provoke a threatened abortion.
  • It should be washed from front to back in order to prevent the entry of microorganisms from the rectal area into the vagina.
  • Only individual towels should be used, the water should be gently blotted.
  • Tight synthetic underwear provokes the development of inflammatory diseases.

As in any rules, there are categorical prohibitions in the rules of intimate hygiene:

  • You should not douche - introduce detergents into the vagina - without a doctor's prescription.
  • You should not use certain drugs without a doctor's prescription by introducing them into the vagina. Some women practice this before visiting the gynecologist on the eve of taking a smear for analysis. Irregular, incorrect use of medicines will not solve the problem, but it can harm the baby. The results of the analysis will be doubtful, and you will have to repeat the study.

Means for intimate hygiene

To begin with, let's figure out how soap washes. The washing properties of soap are due to its emulsifying action. Soap dissolves sebum (fat) on the surface of the skin and releases adhering dirt. It happens like this. Anions formed in an aqueous solution of soap (negatively charged particles) are collected in aggregates and form a foam. Foam envelops fatty pollution. Fatty contaminants do not dissolve in water, but dissolve in the "core" of such anionic aggregates with the formation of an emulsion. The emulsion particles are carried away with the water. This is how fatty impurities are removed from the surface of the skin. The same applies to cosmetics for skin care, and synthetic detergents designed for washing fabrics. The more alkaline the soap solution is, the better it removes sebum, but at the same time dries the skin.

Antioxidants, plasticizers, stabilizers, dyes and fragrances are attributes of modern soap formulations. Plasticizers and partially antioxidants, as well as stabilizers, compensate for the defects of technology that has not changed since 1945. Variations of other additives, together with the technology, provide the soap with color, smell, shape, consistency, etc.

Antimicrobial, disinfectant, bactericidal and other similar additives give soap medicinal properties.

Of greatest interest is the massive use of so-called cosmetic additives. The division into technological and cosmetic additives is rather conditional. Perfumes not only give the soap a pleasant smell, but also partially increase the plastic properties, facilitating the technology of its production. Cosmetic additives, being in most extracts of medicinal plants, in some cases perform technological functions, similar to fragrances.

It should be noted that the very fact of adding cosmetic additives to the composition of soap plays a greater role in promoting the product to the market, rather than improving the effect of soap on the skin.

More often, the introduction of new cosmetic additives is used by the manufacturer to declare certain medicinal properties inherent in this additive, although in reality the content of the additive in soap can be negligible, that is, the properties of the additives are transferred to the soap itself.

The introduction of impurities such as crushed leaves is also of dubious value. Of course, such soap looks extravagant, but all extraneous inclusions (i.e., non-soap substances, unevenly distributed in the volume of a piece) are ballast for soap and worsen its consumer properties. The consumption of a piece during washing will increase, as part of the soap will be used to “encapsulate” and remove leaves from the washing area. There is practically nothing left for the healing properties of crushed leaves or grains.

A softening effect can be achieved by introducing glycerin into the solid soap formula. The effect of glycerin is known to most women, you can always read about the presence of this supplement on the package. The use of glycerin soap for intimate hygiene is not contraindicated during pregnancy.

However, it should be noted that soap with vegetable and some animal additives always dries the skin less. The main mechanism of action of cosmetic additives is that the free fatty acids contained in any natural additive easily react with the alkali found in soap and weaken its irritating and “drying” effect on the skin. Thus, fatty acids alleviate the main disadvantage of fatty soaps. The action of the additive itself (calendula, celandine, etc.) does not play a big role in creating the healing properties of soap, while the fragrances and dyes added to the soap can cause an allergic reaction in the expectant mother, which will also cause an allergic predisposition in the baby.

Therefore, if during the period of bearing a baby you decide to change the soap that you used before pregnancy, then choose a soap with a minimum amount of additives or stay true to the old hygiene product.

For intimate hygiene, ordinary solid soap, liquid soap or special intimate hygiene products can be used.

The optimal fatty soap formulation includes 75-85% beef tallow and 25-15% coconut oil. Deviations in any direction lead to a deterioration in properties: soap changes not only the appearance - the mechanical strength of the piece decreases, its cracking increases when used, the washing effect also decreases, and soap consumption increases. If you read what is written on the package, it is easy to see that the soap contains sodium and potassium salts of higher carboxylic acids. Moreover, the composition of solid soap includes sodium salts of higher carboxylic acids, and the main component of liquid soap is potassium salts of organic acids. Under the influence of water from soap, an alkali and a weak acid are formed, a slightly alkaline environment is formed on the skin, while the alkalinity can be from 7 to 9.

Special products for intimate hygiene differ from other hygiene products in that they maintain the acidic environment of the skin, their pH is 5.5. This allows the skin to retain normal moisture. This property of intimate hygiene products helps to maintain an acidic reaction in the vagina, thereby preventing the occurrence of dysbiosis. However, once again I would like to emphasize that normally the detergent should not enter the vagina in large quantities. The announced supplements (chamomile extracts, string) are also of an auxiliary nature.

Intimate hygiene products tend to contain fewer fragrances, fragrances, etc. This is important: strongly smelling and bright hygiene products should be avoided during pregnancy, as they are potentially allergenic.

Another important part of intimate hygiene is daily pads. With regard to these products, I would like to say the following: if they do not cause you discomfort or allergic rashes, then you can safely use these relatively new hygiene products. This applies to both regular and scented pads.

From intimate deodorant during pregnancy, it is better to refuse, especially if you have not used it before, but wipes for intimate hygiene, impregnated with a special lotion, should be used only in cases where it is not possible to take a shower.

Let us remind you once again: if during pregnancy you have any suspicious discharge, rashes on the skin of the genital organs, do not try to solve the problem with new hygiene products, but consult a doctor.

The summer baby boom is in full swing. So that the expectation of the baby does not cause physiological inconvenience, and the body pleases with freshness, it is necessary to correct the usual self-care.

And the point is not only in the hot weather outside the window, but also in the fact that throughout the pregnancy in the body of a woman there are significant changes in the hormonal background. As a result, many expectant mothers complain of dryness and hypersensitivity of the skin, increased sweating, frequent urination, vaginal discharge.

All this creates not only personal discomfort, but also favorable conditions for infection with various viruses, bacteria, fungi. To prevent the negative consequences of hormonal changes, proper nutrition, taking multivitamins prescribed by a doctor and a hygienic regimen adequate to the needs of a pregnant woman, which we will talk about today, help.

First of all, the expectant mother needs to change the daily routine so that it becomes less saturated. Slow down and make sure that you have 8-9 hours for night sleep, and 1.5-2 hours for daytime sleep (if necessary), and 2-3 hours for walking in the fresh air.

Before going to bed, the room should be well ventilated. The bed should be comfortable, but not too soft. It is recommended that a pregnant woman sleep on her right side, especially in the later stages, in order to avoid hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the fetus.

And more about walks: during the active sun season, it is better for expectant mothers to walk before 11 or after 17 in the afternoon, be sure to use sunscreen to avoid overheating and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

What other measures and personal hygiene products are mandatory for pregnant women?!

Note to expectant mothers: the basics of hygiene

Oral hygiene

Ideally, it is worth sanitizing the oral cavity, that is, curing teeth and gums, even before conception. During pregnancy, you should also visit the dentist more often than usual, especially if there are any problems in his profile.

Experts recommend expectant mothers to abandon hard brushes and pastes with a rough cleaning base, change the brush every 2-3 months and do not forget to brush your teeth thoroughly 2 times a day, using dental floss if necessary.

The habit of rinsing your mouth after each meal, as well as taking calcium vitamin preparations, will also serve your smile in good stead.

Hand hygiene

Delicate care: hygiene during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are especially sensitive to "diseases of dirty hands." This means that antibacterial cleansers should become your assistants both at home and outside: on the street, in the office, on the road, in the store and clinic, etc. Hygiene products Dettol® useful for all occasions: for use at home when there is water, and where water and soap are not available.

For over 70 years, the brand has been a hygiene expert with a strong focus on preventing hand-borne infections, with products that are hypoallergenic, suitable for daily use and recommended by the European Pediatric Association.

For a walk, on the road, to work and to any other place with a large crowd of people, it is convenient to take hand gel with you Dettol® . It provides 99.9% cleanliness and protection of hands and is indispensable in situations where it is not possible to use water. The gel has a pleasant aroma and is enriched with substances that reduce stickiness and provide a lifting effect.

Dettol® wet antibacterial wipes are also indispensable outside the home - they clean hands and kill 99.9% * of bacteria, do not dry the skin, leaving it supple and fresh.

For home and garden your secret of clean hands will be antibacterial liquid soap Dettol® with convenient dispenser. It also kills 99.9%* of bacteria, including E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. This soap does not dry out and gently cleanses the skin, providing it with gentle care, hydration and nutrition.

Do you want something new in the rituals of purity? Try the innovative No Touch touch system for automatic dispensing of Dettol® Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap. It is practical, portable and economical, easy to use. Vacuum dosing prevents soap drops from appearing on the sink after using the product, and a transparent window allows you to track the remaining amount of soap and put a spare unit on time.

These hygiene products are safe for you and your baby and effective in protecting your health!

Note to expectant mothers: changes in the usual self-care

Delicate care: hygiene during pregnancy

Body hygiene

The sweat glands of expectant mothers work more actively, as they help the kidneys, the load on which increases with the bearing of the baby, to remove toxins and other unnecessary substances from the body. Therefore, a daily warm shower with mild, hypoallergenic detergents is essential.

It is forbidden for pregnant women to wash with hot water, take long hot baths, steam in a sauna or bath, so as not to provoke dizziness, fainting, and overheating of the fetus. Another topical tip: lay a rubber mat so that you do not inadvertently slip in the shower or in the bathroom.

You will have to fight with unnecessary "vegetation" on the legs, under the armpits and in the bikini area with the help of the good old shaving - chemical depilatory creams are banned due to the aggressive composition.

Take care of the skin: nourish, moisturize, exfoliate it - you should also use hypoallergenic products. It will not be superfluous to use cosmetics for stretch marks as a preventive measure, apply, especially in the heat, thermal water for the face and body.

Most women carefully monitor their appearance - they visit beauty salons, cosmetologists, makeup artists, nutritionists, etc.

And rightly so, because in order to become successful and attract the attention of the opposite sex, you should always be impeccable.

However, devoting too much time to their appearance, many forget about the issue that concerns the more intimate side - the care of the genitals.

Some of the women may wonder: what's so difficult about it? However, in this matter there are a large number of nuances and rules that will help to avoid many diseases associated with the genital organs.

Find out how to properly wash a woman: how often, how many times a day you need to do it, what is best to use - soap or special gels, what products are needed for this every day - gynecologists' advice on all intimate issues!

Importance of care

A few years ago, the topic of intimate hygiene caused embarrassment and, as a rule, was not discussed.

Many girls were embarrassed to address this issue to the doctor, and therefore followed the recommendations of their mothers, who advised to wash once a day with soap.

As a result, in ignorant girls, the water-alkaline balance of the vaginal mucosa was disturbed, followed by thrush.

The whole point is that the vaginal mucosa is a very delicate and sensitive area which requires careful and careful care.

The uterine cavity is the most sterile place in a woman's body. The mucosa in this area is regularly exposed to pathogens.

As a result, they begin to multiply, causing inflammatory reactions. As a result, the development of chronic adnexitis () and other diseases no less dangerous for women.

Therefore so it is important to carry out the washing procedure in accordance with all the rules which, unfortunately, many women do not pay attention to.

What can be used

For today the pharmaceutical market is replete with various means for intimate hygiene. Therefore, it is difficult for the buyer to make the right choice.

In no case should you wash with ordinary or liquid soap. Many of these products dry out the skin and contain fragrances that can irritate the vaginal mucosa.

Besides, soap has the ability to flush out beneficial bacteria contained in the microflora. As a result, an artificial pathogenic environment is created, which is an excellent place for the spread of microbes.

Ideal for these purposes special gel for intimate hygiene. The product must necessarily contain a pH level ranging from 4-5, and lactic acid, which contains beneficial lactobacilli necessary to maintain the vaginal microflora.

Important nuances

Be sure to pay attention to the absence of dyes, fragrances or alkaline compounds in the composition of the product.

Do not use washcloths or sponges in the process of washing. These items can damage the mucous membrane and leave behind microcracks.

It is necessary to wash only with hands. The palms must be clean.

Basic Rules

The procedure should be carried out twice a day- in the morning and in the evening, as well as before and after sexual intercourse.

Being in an inconvenient place for this process - at school, work, nature - it is recommended to use special sanitary napkins.

Water should be warm, the optimum temperature is 30 degrees. Cold water can lead to the development of inflammation, and too hot - to a burn of the mucous membrane.

The jet of water should be directed from top to bottom, that is, to the anus from the vagina. When acting in the opposite direction, there is a possibility of infection.

How to properly wash women inside? It is not recommended to direct the jet directly into the vagina. This action will help flush out all the beneficial bacteria.

Many women may be indignant: how is it, but douching? This procedure is generally contraindicated by many gynecologists or is recommended only for medicinal purposes and only with the use of medicinal herbs.

The towel should only be used by one woman and not used for other purposes. It should also be kept clean. Ideally, it is better to boil the towel and iron it every time.

How women wash themselves correctly - how many times a day it is necessary to carry out the procedure, what is the best way to wash every day, the video about washing will tell:

Washing during menstruation

In this responsible period for a woman, as carefully as possible to monitor the intimate area.

In this case, the choice of gaskets is also required. They should consist of natural materials and do not contain fragrances.

The benefits of sanitary pads for every day

Probably every woman knows firsthand about daily sanitary pads. This is very convenient, especially if you are far from home. However, not everything is as rosy as it seems.

Panty liners should be changed every 3-4 hours, as vaginal secretions accumulate on their surface, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

But that's not all. Many manufacturers claim that pads should be used daily - this is fundamentally wrong.

Gynecologists say that daily use can lead to irreversible consequences.

And it's all about the gaskets. Most of them made from pressed cellulose, which does not allow the skin to breathe.

The result is a greenhouse environment that is ideal for the spread of bacteria.


This issue should also be treated responsibly. After all improperly selected underwear can lead to the development of various diseases.

Nobody argues that beautiful thongs with lace add sexuality to a woman, which is important in relationships with the opposite sex.

However, daily wearing of such panties can be harmful and dangerous to a woman's health.

That's why for permanent use, it is better to purchase linen consisting of natural fabrics. The regularity of changing panties is also important.

It is necessary to change clothes daily, and in the presence of heavy discharge - twice a day.

What to do during pregnancy

The body of a woman in this period is the most vulnerable Therefore, it is very important in this case to monitor intimate hygiene. This is due to the fact that global changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, which also affect the genitals.

And just before the birth itself, a woman in position has a discharge that must be washed off so as not to infect the infection.

Ideally, a pregnant woman should wash herself after every trip to the toilet and after sexual intercourse.

However, in the last stages, it is quite difficult for expectant mothers to carry out this important procedure. Therefore, gynecologists advise at every opportunity use disinfectant wipes.

Otherwise, all the rules for caring for the intimate area are the same.

A brief overview of the most effective means

Most girls prefer use ordinary soap or shower gel for intimate hygiene. Doctors warn that this is fraught with a violation of the water-alkaline balance.

The fact is that this very balance is straying towards more alkaline, while the environment in the intimate zone should be acidic. As a result, the microflora of the vagina is exposed to pathogenic microorganisms.

It should be noted that the means for washing women intended for intimate hygiene do not contain soap at all. Moreover, they should have a pH level of 4-5. These indicators correspond to the natural pH of a woman.

For example, in baby soap, the pH reaches 7, and in regular or liquid soap, up to 9. In other words, the risk of harming the vaginal microflora is quite high if you do not use special products.

"Intimate Natural" - gel from Nivea

This product does not contain any dyes or soap, but the gel contains a fragrance. True, it is completely harmless and almost imperceptible.

"IntimateNatural" has a deodorizing effect, but usually does not cause allergic reactions.

Contains lactic acid and chamomile which can reduce inflammation and soothe irritated skin.

"Lactacyd Femina"

One of the most common and used means for intimate hygiene. "Lactacyd Femina" is sold only in pharmacies.

In the gel contains lactic acid and whey called "lactoserum". This component is very important for maintaining normal microflora.

The advantage of the product is that it is consumed very slowly. A few drops are enough for one application. The texture of "Lactacyd Femina" is also pleasing - tender and soft.

Carefree Sensitive

The gel is intended for daily care of the intimate area. Despite the low price, the product is quite effective and suitable for sensitive skin. "Carefree Sensitive" has a slight deodorizing effect.

Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel

Quite expensive, but very effective gel for the care of the intimate area. Contains burdock extract, hyaluronic acid and panthenol able to soothe irritated skin.

In addition, "Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel" relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane and also prevents the development of thrush.


Another effective tool designed for intimate care. The product has a low pH - 3.8.

Manufacturers claim that the gel is suitable for young girls, who mostly have a slightly acidic balance. That is why the pH is slightly lower.

SebaMed has a slightly perceptible fragrance. Contains only natural ingredients - betaine, panthenol, virginia nut ester.

"Epigen Intimate"

The difference between this tool and others is that "Epigen Intim" does not contain lactic acid.

However, this gel contains glycyrrhizic acid, which is excellent at fighting bacteria.

That's why the product is not intended for daily care, but only in problem situations - after intercourse, during the treatment of thrush, during menstruation, etc.

Compliance with all rules for the care of the intimate area help maintain health and self-confidence.

Hygiene rules for expectant mothers, why should they be observed?

Changes in the vagina that occur during pregnancy

Before conception, a specific environment is maintained in the woman's vagina - acidic, thanks to lactic acid. It protects against various harmful microorganisms. In the normal state, vaginal discharge is slight, clear in the form of mucus or slightly whitish in color.
After conception, everything changes. The woman's body tries not to lose the fetus and prepares for labor, the level of some hormones increases. Changes also occur in the vagina - the mucous membrane thickens, more folds appear, the connective tissue becomes looser, the discharge increases and their color changes slightly. The immune system is weakened. An environment is established in the vagina that is more vulnerable to infection than before.

Pregnancy hygiene rules

Washing away

This frequent and simple, at first glance, procedure during pregnancy is of great importance. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to do this correctly during the period of bearing a baby:
  • It is better to wash without using a washcloth. Its rough surface can damage the epithelium of the intimate zone.
  • Water must be running, of the appropriate temperature. Extremely cold or hot is not allowed.
  • It should be washed in such a way that the microflora that is in the rectum and near the anus does not enter the vagina.
  • Genitals should be washed at least 2 times a day.
Douching should be done only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Intimate hygiene products, which ones to choose

Most cosmetics, including those for intimate hygiene, contain many different additives that can harm a woman or her unborn baby during pregnancy.
For body care, you should choose products that contain a minimum set of all sorts of ingredients - flavors, antibiotics, dyes, preservatives, odor enhancers, etc. The presence of glycerin is allowed, it does not have a negative effect on the intimate health of a pregnant woman and the fetus. At the same time, it softens the skin.
You can resort to the use of special cosmetics for intimate hygiene, but you should take into account the situation and abandon those products that contain a large number of various additives, both to improve the aroma and the quality of dirt removal.

How to dry yourself after washing

You can only use the towel that no one uses. It must be clean and dry. An intimate place should be carefully wiped, blotting with water. You need to change this hygiene product at least three times a week. Wash in very hot water.

Panty liners

They are not prohibited for use during the period of bearing a baby. If the body normally perceives their presence, does not react with allergies, then there will be no harm. It is only necessary to remember that pads should be changed frequently (4 times a day), not worn alone all day and periodically give the skin a rest.


It is better to wear comfortable, loose underwear made from natural materials during pregnancy. By no means synthetic, tight and irritating, for example, thongs. Needless to say, it must be clean. It is advisable to change linen daily.

The difference between the hygiene of a pregnant woman before childbirth

Immediately before childbirth, many experts recommend shaving hair in an intimate place. Today, not all clinics insist on such a procedure, but it is necessary. So it is easier for obstetricians to control the process of childbirth. If you need to sew up, then the hair will not get into the wound and will not create unnecessary problems.

How to shave?

It is difficult to do it on your own, but it is possible. If there is no one to help, it's not scary. The whole process goes like this:
  • Change the cartridge in the razor or take a new machine.
  • Treat hair with shaving foam.
  • Gently shave against hair growth, pulling the skin.
  • At the end of the procedure, treat with any antiseptic that does not cause allergies.
  • You can apply aftershave cream.
If you did not have time to carry out the procedure at home, take all the supplies with you to the hospital.

Hygiene outside the home

If you have to visit for a long time or somewhere on a trip, take all your personal hygiene products, a clean towel, with you. Do not use other people's accessories. Wash your hands frequently. In the toilet, pay attention to the cleanliness of the toilet bowl. Insist that bed linen is fresh and clean. Avoid crowds where people smoke and drink. After being in a public place or transport, you should, upon returning home, thoroughly wash your hands and change clothes.
It is imperative to observe intimate hygiene during the period of bearing a baby. The changes that occur in a woman's body require more attention to herself, the purity of the body. After all, now not only their own health depends on the future mother, but also her baby.