Foster parents and guardians what is the difference. Pros and cons, differences and legal consequences of different forms of child placement: adoption, guardianship and foster family

What is guardianship and how is it established Guardianship is also a type of arrangement of minor children in the absence of parental involvement in his life. Guardianship is provided for minors whose age does not exceed 14 years. The role of legal representatives in this case is performed by guardians. The child's guardian can represent his interests in situations of legal significance. Guardianship is supposed to be a way of arranging a child at the age of 14-18, in which the persons who have assumed the responsibilities of raising the child must fulfill them in full. In addition, the guardian is obliged to protect the rights and interests of the child from third parties.

Difference Between Foster Family and Foster Care: What Are the Similarities and Differences?

The child has a formal status and cannot fully get used to the family, in addition, other people can adopt him. In this case, the change of personal data is also not possible. Foster families also have their pros and cons. As an advantage, it can be noted the ability to pick up a child from an orphanage without adoption.

Less stringent requirements are applied to foster parents, and systematic payments allow you to provide the child financially. In addition, the child, after reaching the age of majority, can also receive a home of his own. As disadvantages, such as constant monitoring activities, problems with receiving funds can be noted.

Conclusion In general, it can be noted that there is no significant difference between guardianship and a foster family, with the exception of some, especially significant nuances. The most significant difference is the age limit.

The difference between guardianship and a foster family

He will end up in a family where no more than 8 children can be brought up, while this number includes both native and adopted children. It is much better for a disadvantaged orphan to be in the conditions of such a practically full-fledged family than to be on state support in an orphanage or orphanage. In these conditions, though not his own by blood, but still a full-fledged family, he will be able to receive a proper upbringing.
He will always know that there are people who are waiting for him and are ready to take care of him. It should be noted that the citizens who decide to take an orphan into the bosom of their family, the guardianship and guardianship authorities will be entrusted with full responsibility for the state of his physical and mental health, upbringing and education. Citizens who decide to create a foster family for an orphaned child become not just his guardians.

What is the difference between a foster family and guardianship


How are these forms of family education different? It is quite obvious that there is not much difference between these two forms of guardianship over children. Each form is designed to respect the child's right to be raised in a family. Both the guardian and the foster parent are obliged to create normal living conditions for the baby.

The difference between a foster family and foster care is that foster parents express a desire to take the baby and work as parents under a contract, and the guardian is appointed by the OOP, while the duties are performed free of charge. A child left without parental care is placed under guardianship, first of all, by relatives, while children are assigned to a foster family when they cannot be transferred for adoption or care to relatives.

Differences between guardianship and foster family

Such a family replaces the child's stay in an orphanage or shelter with home education and is created on the basis of an agreement between the foster parent (s) and the guardianship authorities. The term for placing a child in such a family is determined by the contract and may be different. In practice, the foster family agreement is concluded until the child reaches the age of majority.

Foster families can bring up from one to 8 children, including natural children (i.e. if you have 2 natural children, then you can take a maximum of 6 adopted children into your family). The foster parent is paid the salary and the seniority is counted. The foster parents are the guardians of the child.

The difference between foster care and foster care

  • children placed in foster families receive money from the state every month in accordance with the prices prevailing in this part of the country;
  • foster families are entitled to benefits;
  • the number of children living at the same time does not exceed 8 people, including the natural children of parent-educators;
  • the contract is automatically terminated upon reaching the age of majority, that is, the age of 18 years.

Guardianship Guardianship is a type of arrangement for citizens of the Russian Federation, whose age is under 14 years old, in which guardians play the role of legal representatives of a minor, performing actions on his behalf that have legal significance, which makes it possible to defend the interests of the child.

How is custody different from a foster family?

After this moment, guardianship is issued. A more difficult difference from a foster family. The essence of the difference lies in the legal status of a person who is ready to take care of the pupil:

  • in the case of registration of guardianship over a child, he is accepted as a child being educated, but can contact relatives, including parents;
  • the guardian can receive a certain allowance from the state, as well as assistance in the development of the ward;
  • and upon reaching the age of majority, this ward can receive his own living quarters, if there is none.

It should also be noted that this form is different from adoption. The guardian family actually performs the same social functions.
However, the law does not impose such strict requirements on the guardian as for the adoptive parent.

Foster family and guardianship - the difference

What are the benefits for adoptive parents and a child? In addition to the above allowance, which is paid by the state and is intended to provide an orphan with everything necessary, citizens who have adopted a child in their family can count on the following benefits:

  • organization of free meals for the orphan at the school where he is studying;
  • free spa treatment for orphans, however, only in municipal institutions;
  • various benefits for admission to a university;
  • an orphan has the right to join the queue for housing, which, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, he is entitled to, without waiting for the onset of majority, but immediately after getting into the family.

An analysis of statistical data shows that the number of children who, due to various life circumstances, were left without the care of their parents, practically does not change.


What is the difference between foster care, foster care and adoption? More than 650 thousand children grow up without parental care and support. The number is too large even for such a large state as Russia. The worst thing is that more than 110 thousand of them do not know what it is like to have a normal family, where they love you, take care of you, worry about your fate and well-being.

The guys have no idea in their heads about the essence of the concept of "family", "parental feelings". One of the options for reducing this horrifying statistics is the formation of foster families and the permission of guardianship over children deprived of parental care. How is custody different from a foster family? Foster family The term “foster family” is a kind of definition for raising a family of children who have lost parental care or orphans.

How does a guardian and foster parent differ?

But the guardianship authorities have the right to conduct regular checks on the living conditions of the child, they have the right to intervene in case of non-compliance or violation. Also, the secret of transferring the baby to care is not respected, which makes it possible for the child to contact with his blood relatives. In addition, at any time, there may be someone who wants to adopt a child.

Among the advantages of registration of guardianship - there are no strict requirements for the guardian himself and his living conditions. Foster Family Foster parents can take from one to eight children into a family and raise them in their home. This is an excellent solution for children who, for some reason, cannot be adopted or taken under guardianship.

It is important to note that newly-made parents have the right to receive a salary and they have an experience in a work book. The child is assigned a monthly allowance and has a number of benefits.

Recently, the government has paid particular attention to children without natural parental care (OCHC). The issue of family arrangement is of particular priority. Orphanages are being closed in the country, children are transferred to the families of citizens for upbringing. The number of candidates wishing to adopt OBP babies is increasing year after year. A person who wants to adopt a baby for upbringing in a family is faced with a difficult choice: what form of device to give preference to: custody and foster family, what is the difference?

The family arrangement implies the cohabitation of the child and members of the foster family, as well as the actual fulfillment by citizens of parental responsibilities in relation to the baby.

Only children of OBP are subject to the device. This status is assigned to minors whose parents:

  • avoid fulfilling their responsibilities for the maintenance, upbringing, and teaching of children;
  • are limited / deprived of legal capacity;
  • limited / deprived of the rights to children;
  • died / declared dead;
  • are serving their sentence.

The law protects the rights of siblings (brothers and sisters). Their placement in different families is possible only if there are good reasons. But even in these cases it is not encouraged.

Family does not necessarily mean married couple. It is also possible for a single citizen to be a substitute parent.

Consider the main types of placing children in a family:

  1. Guardianship / guardianship.
  2. Foster family.

This is the highest priority form of the device. Its peculiarity is as follows: by a court decision, the child and parents are endowed with all the rights and obligations of a blood family. The only difference is the impossibility to deprive the adoptive parents of parental rights. In relation to the foster family, another measure of responsibility is applied - the cancellation of the adoption.

Differences from other forms of family arrangement:

  1. The child receives a surname and patronymic from the adoptive parents. And for children under 6 months old, it is possible to change the name and date of birth.
  2. At the request of the parents, the adoption procedure can be kept secret. The person who divulged the secret of adoption is subject to liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. However, in recent years, the refusal to keep the fact of adoption secret from the baby is gaining popularity. Important! There are special techniques for informing a child that he is accepted into the family.
  3. The kid and the couple are heirs to each other. If there are other children in the family, there is no difference in hereditary shares between adopted and natural children.
  4. Adoption has no time limit. Other forms of the device cease to be valid when the child reaches the age of majority.

Although adoption is a priority form of placement, few children are adopted in Russia every year.

These are mainly babies up to 4 years old. Older children of OBP are rarely adopted. Therefore, the legislator has provided for alternative forms of arrangement - guardianship and foster family.

What is custody

Depending on the age of the child, there is a distinction between guardianship and guardianship. Guardianship can be established over young children (up to 14 years old), guardianship over minors (from 14 to 17 years old).

The differences between them are due to the amount of property rights in the baby. The guardian fully exercises property rights for the child, the guardian only gives consent to the ward to exercise property rights.

Features of guardianship as a form of device:

  1. Mostly appointed over relatives. Guardians are usually grandparents, aunts / uncles, older brothers / sisters.
  2. Guardianship is appointed for a certain period until the child reaches the age of majority or emancipation (marriage, employment under a contract).
  3. Guardian and ward are not each other's heirs.
  4. Appointed by an act of a local government body (by order of the head of the district administration or by a decree of the head of the district).
  5. Carried out free of charge.
  6. A toddler can only have one guardian. Appointment of a second guardian is only a last resort and is usually impractical.

A foster family is a special form of arrangement. It is a kind of paid guardianship, which is carried out under a foster family agreement.

This is a civil law contract, on the basis of which children are transferred to be raised in a family.

Features of the foster family as a form of device:

  1. A foster parent can be a relative or an outsider.
  2. For the performance of duties, the substitute parent receives remuneration and work experience.
  3. This is a professional form of the device, which implies the upbringing of 2 or more children, kids with disabilities and those who are 10 years old and older.
  4. Activities are carried out on the basis of an agreement, which is concluded by the district administration (guardianship body) and the citizen.
  5. Foster parents can be a married couple / one citizen.
  6. The period of validity of the foster family is indicated in the contract.

Similarities and differences between concepts

These concepts are almost identical:

  • a foster family is one of the types of guardianship;
  • foster parents have the same rights and responsibilities;
  • both forms of arrangement are regulated by the family code, the law "On guardianship";

The legislation provides for a general procedure for registration for a guardian and foster parent.

This requires:

  1. Contact your district guardianship department for advice.
  2. Build a documentation package.
  3. Submit an application for consideration to the district administration.
  4. Obtain an opinion on the possibility / impossibility of being a guardian / adoptive parent.

Consultation in the district department of guardianship

A citizen who wishes to become a guardian must apply to the district administration (body vested with powers in the field of guardianship) at the place of registration.

The law provides for the possibility of contacting departments located:

  • at the place of permanent registration;
  • at the address of registration at the place of residence.

When contacting another department, specialists may refuse to provide advice.

Collecting the necessary information

The list of documents required for submission to the guardianship department is provided for by law.

Requiring information other than the one listed is prohibited.

List of documentation:

  • medical report;
  • certificate of income for 12 months;
  • autobiography;
  • marriage document;
  • consent of family members living with the candidate;
  • certificate of completion of training at the school of foster parents.

What is the difference between a foster family and guardianship when collecting documents?

Foster parent candidates additionally add:

  • SNILS.

The text of the application must contain:

  • position and full name the head of the guardianship authority;
  • applicant's data (full name, address, passport details, phone number);
  • information about the attached documents;
  • information about family members who live with the applicant;
  • data on the amount and type of pension received (if any).
  • date, signature.

Guardianship and foster family, the difference when drawing up an application is that a citizen must indicate in the text what form of arrangement he has chosen.

The petition and the attached documents are submitted by a citizen:

  • in person, at a reception in the department of guardianship;
  • through the MFC;
  • through the portal "Gosuslugi";
  • through the official website of the guardianship department;

When applying in person, a citizen must present a passport.

Within three days after submitting a full package of documents, specialists of the guardianship authority should visit the citizen's living quarters to conduct a survey of living conditions.


The term for making a decision on the application is 10 days. After that, the citizen receives a document giving him the right to select a baby or an act of impossibility.

Having received a positive opinion, the candidate can select a child for adoption into a foster family.

A person who has received a refusal can appeal against it in court.

Difference in payments

Let's take a closer look at how custody differs from a foster family in material payments:

  • the allowance for the adoption of a child into a foster family is transferred to the guardian / foster parent in the same amount, at a time;
  • the child support allowance in a foster family is transferred in the same amount to the guardian / foster parent every month to a nominal bank account;
  • guardianship is free of charge, the foster parent receives a monthly remuneration;

The amount of the payment is established by the legislation of the regions, therefore, it differs depending on the subject of the Federation.

Depending on the legislation of the regions, additional payments and benefits for foster families may be established. At the same time, as a rule, the distinction between guardianship and foster family is not specified.

Having considered how custody differs from a foster family, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • the list of documents for their appointment is almost identical;
  • the rights and obligations of the substitute parent are the same, regardless of the form of the device;
  • guardianship is appointed by an act of the authorized body, the foster family under an agreement with the guardianship body;
  • the adoptive parent receives remuneration under the agreement, the guardian does not receive such payments.

Each citizen who decides to become a substitute parent must determine for himself what type of family arrangement is suitable for him personally. The guardianship authority cannot influence a citizen when making a choice.

In the modern world, quite a few children are left without adult guardianship, including with living parents.

But for the full development of a child as a person and integration into society, he needs his own family, where he can find the love and care of his parents.

No matter how good orphanages are, they cannot replace mom and dad for a child. Only living in a full-fledged family, children have the opportunity to get a chance for a decent life and simple human happiness.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes forms of admission of orphaned children or children left without parental care..

Children can be taken into foster care or foster care, adopted or adopted.

But, first of all, you should figure out how custody differs from adoption. There is quite a big difference between the procedures, both in the design and in the relationship with the child.

The types of control over the upbringing of children, maintenance, responsibility for their life and health, the number of compensations and benefits also differ.

Before adopting a child, you need to think carefully about everything, weigh the pros and cons of your desire.

Perhaps, in some cases, it is better not to adopt a child, but to arrange guardianship for him. For this, it should be well understood how guardianship differs from adoption.

Guardianship and adoption are two concepts that stand side by side, but have certain fundamental differences.

Guardianship is the acceptance of children into a home, left without parental care, on the basis of the rights of an educated person. Custody is established over children who have not yet turned fourteen years old. In this case, the guardian represents the interests of the minor citizen.

The guardian accepts the child into his family, assumes obligations related to his upbringing and maintenance.

But it is important to take into account that the guardian will not have parental rights, and his actions in relation to children are strictly limited.

Adoption or adoption is the placement of a child who is left without the care of his biological parents. Within the framework of this form, a child enters a family with the same rights as blood children.

Adoption is considered a priority form of child placement, which is more beneficial for him. In this case, he feels like a full-fledged member of the family, and the adoptive parents acquire the rights and obligations of parents, blood relatives, in full.

You can adopt a child who is under 18 years old, while the adoptive parent himself must be at least 16 years older than him.

Each of the forms of the child's device has its own characteristics, positive and negative sides. Only after understanding all the nuances, you can decide which is better, custody or adoption of children.

One of the main disadvantages of guardianship is that it is issued for a specific period.

They can pick up the child in such cases:

It is important to take into account that the process of upbringing, maintenance and development of a child under guardianship will be strictly controlled by the guardianship authorities.

Guardians are required to submit a detailed report once a year or quarterly on how they have managed the child's funds and property.

In addition, the child will be aware that he is living with fake parents and is with them temporarily.

His surname will remain the same and he has the right to communicate with his relatives. These are the most significant disadvantages of guardianship.

In this form, the positive aspects are also distinguished. These include:

Most often, guardianship is arranged by relatives or close friends of the parents.

Video: What is guardianship and who can become a guardian

The essential difference between custody and adoption is that adoption takes much longer.

In order to adopt or adopt a child, it is necessary to go through the court procedure, since the right to adoption is considered in court.

In addition, you need to do the following:

It is important to understand that the requirements for the personality, income and living conditions of the adoptive parent are quite high..

The disadvantages include the fact that the adoptive parent will not receive any benefits, benefits or compensation, except for those that are due to families with children. Therefore, custody and adoption payments differ.

You can refuse an adopted child only by a court decision, providing good reasons for this.

Sometimes people are tormented by doubts and it is difficult to make the right choice.

In this case, in order not to spoil one's life and not to injure the child, it is advisable to first issue custody, and then adopt.

In addition, in the event of problems with adoption, it is much easier to take a child under guardianship, and then, being his legal representative, file a claim in court.

It is understandable that people who have been preparing for a long time to accept a child and become full-fledged parents may be upset by the need to be a guardian for a while.

But in such situations, when the information about the child is not clear, this option may be the only way out.

Still, the status of a guardian is the right to be a legal representative and to have quite a few rights.

Video: Adoption (adoption) of a child

Reasons why you can't adopt

In the question of which children can be taken under guardianship and which ones can be adopted, the guardianship authorities are not always right.

One of the main reasons why it is impossible to adopt is that the guardianship authorities often try to play it safe. But you can give custody of any child who has lost his parents.

The term and conditions of family accommodation will depend on the specific situation.

Because it's one thing when a mother is in prison or on long-term treatment, and another when she left the child and disappeared.

If a child is in an orphanage, it means he was left without parental care and a family arrangement is possible. Some restrictions on the ability to be adopted are imposed. Therefore, such issues are resolved in court.

You can adopt in such cases:

There are some factors that prevent a child from being passed up for adoption. For example, when the parents are in prison or on long-term care.

This also applies to the temporary placement of a child in an orphanage at the initiative of the parents. At the same time, parents find out about the child, constantly come to visit and send gifts.

Sometimes this is done by people who go to work in other countries and do not have relatives with whom they could leave their children.

The main problem when it is impossible to adopt is that the parents leave the child in the care of the state with a promise to pick it up, but at the same time they do not call or visit.

As a result, candidates for adoptive parents cannot take the child, and his journey home takes months or years.

Thus, the child remains in an orphanage indefinitely.

In practice, the documents required for adoption are also required for guardianship. Citizens wishing to adopt a child or take custody, submit an application to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at their place of residence.

The application specifies the request to give an opinion on the possibility of being adoptive parents. In addition, you must attach the following documents:

Adoption and custody is a subtle and similar concept... They provide some form of childcare. However, the terms vary considerably. Often, guardianship is established as an intermediate form of adoption.

When deciding what is best, you should think carefully about everything, because parental rights are acquired only upon adoption.

Guardianship is a temporary phenomenon, it is terminated in cases provided by law. And it is possible to refuse adoption only in court if there are serious grounds.

The differences are about financial, legal and legal aspects that everyone should be aware of.

Most people know little about the priorities for orphan placement. But no one will dispute that even the most wonderful orphanage can never replace a child's family.

When a married couple, for certain reasons, decides to take an orphanage child, the question arises - what legal form of guardianship to choose?

Consider what is the difference between custody and a foster family.

This form of guardianship allows you to take a child into your family as an educated person. In this case, the child's age must not exceed 14 years. The guardian receives the same practical rights as the blood parent in the education, treatment and upbringing of the child.

For such children, the state pays benefits, and local authorities should, if necessary, help in their education, treatment or health improvement. After reaching the age of 18, they become eligible to qualify for public housing.

But the guardianship authorities have the right to conduct regular checks on the living conditions of the child, they have the right to intervene in case of non-compliance or violation. Also, the secret of transferring the baby to care is not respected, which makes it possible for the child to contact with his blood relatives. In addition, at any time, there may be someone who wants to adopt a child.

Among the advantages of registration of guardianship - there are no strict requirements for the guardian himself and his living conditions.

Foster parents can take from one to eight children into a family and raise them at home. This is an excellent solution for children who, for some reason, cannot be adopted or taken under guardianship.

It is important to note that newly-made parents have the right to receive a salary and they have an experience in a work book. The child is assigned a monthly allowance and has a number of benefits.

But at the same time, the guardianship authorities will constantly monitor the guardians and the expenditure of funds. The registration process is also quite complicated. It is necessary to draw up a Foster Care Agreement and an Employment Agreement.

Guardianship, foster family and adoption - what's the difference? The forms of guardianship are distinguished by different levels of responsibility for the life of the child. Adoption has a qualitative difference from such legal forms of guardianship as foster family and guardianship. This is the highest level of responsibility. Adoption is the recognition of a child once and for all. The child receives practically the rights of a blood relative, as if you had given birth to him. Parents have the right to change not only the surname, but even the date of birth of the child. Other forms of guardianship give a high, but not complete, level of responsibility.

Foster family or foster care - the choice is up to the prospective adoptive parents. For a child, family life is a long-awaited dream that every child of the orphanage cherishes.

A guardian family is a family in which a child is taken into custody or guardianship.

Guardianship or guardianship is established over children left without parental care for the purpose of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as to protect their rights and interests. Guardianship is established over children under 14 years old, guardianship over minors aged 14 to 18 years.

Adult capable citizens are appointed guardians and trustees. The guardian and trustee are appointed by the order of the head of the city or district at the place of residence of the minor or the guardian (custodian) 1.

What is guardianship, guardianship?

In modern Russia, we are faced with a number of different foster families: families of adoptive parents, guardianship, foster families, family orphanages, foster families, family educational groups. Their main and common feature is that other people's (non-biological) children are brought up in a family environment. What are their differences?

1. Foster family (adoptive parents).

Adult status - Parent. The status of children - An adopted child is equated to a "native" child, has the right to receive alimony, inheritance. The number of children is not limited. The term of placement in a family is not limited. Age of children (preferred at admission) From 0 to 3 years, 85% - up to 1 year. Normative document - Court decision. Control is exercised by the guardianship and guardianship authorities. State support - Child allowance if the family income is below the subsistence level.

2. Guardian family (guardianship - a child from 0 to 14 years old; guardianship - from 14 to 18 years old). Adult status - Guardian; trustee. The status of the children is Guardian. The number of children is not limited. The term of placement in a family is until the age of majority. The age of children is from 3 to 17 years old. Normative document - Resolution of the head of the local government. Control is exercised by the guardianship and guardianship authorities. State support - Guardianship allowance.

The procedure for registering a candidate for guardianship of an orphan child:

Preparation of documents:

    certificate from the place of work (study);

    certificate of wages;

    copy of the work book;

    copy of the passport;

    certificate of family composition;

    health certificate;

    certificate of no criminal record;

    certificates from dispensaries;

    a copy of a personal account or an extract from the house book;

    written consent of all family members of the candidate (over 10 years old) living in the same living space to be adopted into a family;

    housing survey act;

    it is preferable for candidates to have a health book;

    the last document that is drawn up is a health certificate (valid for a limited period).

3. Foster family

A foster family is a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of the child (children) for upbringing to a family between the guardianship and guardianship authority and foster parents (spouses or individual citizens wishing to take children into a family ).

Citizens (spouses or individual citizens) wishing to take on the upbringing of a child (children) left without parental care are called foster parents; child (children) transferred to foster care. is called a foster child, and such a family is called a foster family.

What children can be transferred to foster care.

A child (children) left without parental care is transferred to a foster family for upbringing:


    children whose parents are unknown;

    children whose parents are deprived of parental rights, limited in parental rights, recognized by the court as incompetent, missing, convicted;

    children whose parents, due to health reasons, cannot personally carry out their upbringing and maintenance;

    children left without parental care who are in educational, medical and prophylactic institutions, social welfare institutions or other similar institutions.

Requirements for adoptive parents:

Adoptive parents (parent) can be adults of both sexes, with the exception of:

    persons recognized by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;

    persons deprived of parental rights by the court or limited by the court in parental rights;

    dismissed from the duties of a guardian (curator) for improper performance of the duties assigned to him by law;

    former adoptive parents, if the adoption was canceled due to their fault;

    persons with diseases, in the presence of which it is impossible to take the child (children) into a foster family.

The rights and obligations of adoptive parents:

The guardian (curator), foster parents of the child have the right and are obliged to:

    to bring up a child under guardianship (guardianship);

    take care of his health; physical, mental, spiritual and moral development;

    has the right to independently determine the methods of raising a child, taking into account the opinion of the child and the recommendations of the guardianship and guardianship authority, as well as subject to the requirements provided for by the Family Code.

They are the legal representatives of an adopted child (a child under guardianship (guardianship)), protect his rights and interests, including in court, without special powers.

Their rights cannot be exercised in contradiction with the interests of the child (s).

Guardians and trustees, foster parents have the right to place children in educational institutions on a general basis.

Number of children placed in foster care. The total number of children in a foster family, including relatives and adopted children, should not exceed, as a rule, 8 people.

Formation of a foster family.

A foster family is formed on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of the child (children) for upbringing to a family. The agreement on the transfer of the child (children) is concluded between the guardianship and guardianship authority and the adoptive parents in the form.

Legal implications between foster parents and children.

The placement of children in a foster family does not entail the emergence between foster parents and foster children of alimony and hereditary legal relations arising from the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for organizing a foster family.

Persons wishing to take a child (children) into foster care shall submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship body at their place of residence with a request to give an opinion on the possibility of being foster parents.

The following documents are attached to the application:

    a certificate from the place of work with an indication of the position and the amount of salary or a copy of the declaration of income, certified in accordance with the established procedure;

    characteristics from the place of work;


    a document confirming the availability of housing for a person (persons) wishing to take a child (children) for upbringing in a foster family (a copy of the financial and personal account from the place of residence and an extract from the house book (apartment book) for tenants of residential premises in the state and municipal housing stock or a document confirming the ownership of the residential premises);

    a copy of the marriage certificate (if married);

    a medical certificate from a medical institution on the state of health of a person (persons) wishing to take a child for upbringing in a foster family (reference to the order of the Ministry of Health on honey osvid).

A person applying for an opinion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent must present a passport, and in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, another substitute document.

To prepare an opinion on the possibility of being foster parents, the guardianship and trusteeship authority draws up an act based on the results of examining the living conditions of persons (persons) wishing to take the child (children) into foster care (under guardianship or guardianship).

Based on the application and the act of examining the living conditions of persons (persons) wishing to take the child (children) for upbringing in a foster family (under guardianship or trusteeship), the department of guardianship and trusteeship within 20 days from the date of submission of the application with all the necessary documents prepares an opinion on opportunities to become foster parents.

Taking into account the personal qualities of persons wishing to become foster parents.

Of course, when preparing an opinion, the department of guardianship and trusteeship takes into account the personal qualities of people who want to take a child into a family for raising a child, their ability to fulfill responsibilities for raising children, and relationships with other family members living with them.

Placement of a child with poor health in a foster family

In cases where the person (s) expresses a desire to take on the upbringing of a child with poor health, a sick child, a child with developmental disabilities, a disabled child, then it is necessary that the adoptive parents (guardian or trustee) have the necessary conditions for this.

Child's consent to be transferred to a foster family

When transferring a child to a foster family, the guardianship and trusteeship body is guided by the interests of the child. The transfer of a child to a foster family who has reached the age of 10 years is carried out only with his consent.

The model of the escort service for the guardian family.

Today, the task of creating an effective system of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support for a guardian family is urgent.

Accompanying a guardian family is a special type of activity aimed at creating social and psychological conditions conducive to the successful development and effective functioning of the guardian family.

Social support for foster families includes supervision of the family, social and pedagogical patronage, consultative assistance, individual psychocorrectional work with parents and children