Problems when establishing a contact with the child. Establishing emotional contact with a child with races. I want to wish patience in understanding those

Elena Yanushko

Games with an autistic child. Establishment of contact, ways of interaction, development of speech, psychotherapy

With the case of early children's autism, one of the most complex and mysterious violations of the mental development of children, I ranked ten years ago, having acquainted with a five-year-old ane. Charming outwardly girl with a closer acquaintance turned out to be a strange child with incomprehensible, and sometimes frightening behavior. It turned out that parents lead an Anya for medical advice from two years old, and the girl was raised different diagnoses (including schizophrenia, mental delay). There was time, the girl was brought up at home, and the pathological features of her development were all sharpened.

I volunteered to help. I could not figure out the situation at once, but I managed to find two small, but incredibly valuable books for me - "Children with violations of communication" and "Diagnosis of early children's autism." After reading them, it was possible to put an annex diagnosis - "Early Children's Autism".

However, an understanding of how to educate and teach such a special child, and I did not have practical experience. And I, and the parents of Ani were lost in the situations of affective outbreaks, when the aggression of the girl fell into the people around her ... Takes up of education and training, which were successfully used in working with other children, in this case did not work.

From this meeting there was an interest in the problem of early child autism, to finding ways to help such children. The invaluable experience gave an internship in Sergiev Posad, where in the boarding school for children with impaired hearing and vision I was able to observe severe cases of deep autism complicated by additional disorders. Then there were three years of work at the Experimental School of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education. And finally, private practice: individual classes with special children.

Each new meeting with the syndrome of early child autism showed that over the years the situation does not improve: difficulties arise already in diagnosis, parents do not respond to their questions, and the organization of systematic assistance to an autistic child from various specialists - doctors, teachers, psychologists - is difficult Even in Moscow: still lack knowledge about the structure of this violation, few experienced teachers and psychologists, children's institutions cannot provide such a special child for learning and education, to provide an individual approach. On the periphery, the position is even worse, still lacking information. Although the problem of autism is well known to Western society, we have ever heard about this violation. Close autistic baby are under the press of misunderstanding and condemnation from others.

The book "Games with an autistic child" is a generalization of experience with autistic children, supported by knowledge of the unsatisfactory state of organizing assistance to such children in our country. The main goal of the author - help specific advice and recommendations to everyone who works with autistic children. Another, no less important goal - help experts who first encountered the case of early child autism. I hope the book will allow to engage in work with autistic children of new professionals, and examples from practice will break their interest in this problem. Until the systematic assistance is not organized for autistic children, individual help at home can be a compromise; And for someone from autistic children, this option is the only possible.

Another goal of the book - information: Here are sources of information on this issue (literature, Internet resources), as well as institutions and organizations known to us, where it is possible to obtain advice and help specialists.

In the book are described games and receiversThe use of which will allow you to establish contact with an autistic child, will help him get rid of tension and fears and thereby will prepare the ground for further classes. This is the manual - applied, theoretical aspects of the problem in it are not considered. Those who first encountered the problem of autism, we recommend first to get acquainted with the theoretical description of the syndrome (see Appendix 4. Literature). Knowledge of the features and difficulties of the mental development of autistic children, diagnosis and classification of child autism is the necessary theoretical base, which allows you to choose from the presented arsenal of games exactly those needed a specific child in a particular situation. Understanding the laws of the development of the child in the case of an early child autism will help a specialist to work not only over individual situational difficulties, but also on the normalization of the entire course of mental development. Otherwise, the teacher at any deviation from the normal course of the game turns out to be in a dead end, cannot be flexible to control this move, vary the use of various approaches within one game. Moreover, the incorrect use of the techniques presented in the book (due to the lack of understanding of the psychological picture as a whole) may be harmful to the child.

The device book is focused on the convenience of practical use. Stages of work logically follow one of the other, but it is possible to selectively use certain types of games, taking into account the level of development of a particular child, his desires, goals of classes, etc. The description of the games are detailed, equipped with examples, presented different options for the further development of the game. Provides advice on overcoming possible difficulties during the game. Appendix 1 shows texts used in games (to save time on their search).

The book is conditionally divided into two parts: one is devoted to the work of the parents, the other is the work of specialists.

The task of parents is primarily the organization of the space-time environment (chapter 2, p. 22), in which the child lives and develops, the formation of household skills (section "Household rituals", p. 38), as well as the creation of special conditions for classes (section "Organization of classes", p. 115).

The task of a specialist at the initial stage of training is to establish emotional contact with the child (section "Stereotypical game", p. 52), providing new positively painted sensory impressions (section "Sensory games", p. 55); detection of hidden stress, as well as depressed negative emotions and providing the child an adequate way to get rid of them ("Game therapy" section, p. 79); Detection of hidden fears and the formation of ways to overcome them (section "Psychodrama", p. 97). At the same time, it is preferable to start classes with a child from such psychological work, and directly to training only after improving the overall psychological background of its development occurs.

The book outlines the development paths of the plot-role-playing game (section "Sensory games", p. 55), the organization of interaction and familiarization with the surrounding (section "Joint drawing", p. 103), the formation of elementary presentations about the time (p. 35).

Recall: only the very first, initial, stage of teaching an autistic child is described in the book. In addition, the specificity of child autism syndrome eliminates the standard approach, each case requires an individual selection of methods and techniques of work and their optimal combination. This requires thoughtful and cautious use of the recommendations presented in the book.

Since the early children's autism syndrome is actively studied, perhaps this book will make someone go further, give an impulse for creative search.

1. Early children's autism syndrome

Introduction to the problem

Children's autism is a common violation of the mental development of the child. It has been established that this syndrome is occupied by about 3-6 cases by 10,000 children, discovered in boys 3-4 times more often than girls. The most vivid external manifestations of the syndrome:

autism As such, i.e., the limit, "extreme", loneliness of the child, a decrease in the ability to establish emotional contact, communication and social development. The difficulties of establishing eye contact, interaction with a look, facial expression, gesture, intonation. Common difficulties in expressing the child of his emotional states and understanding the states of other people. The difficulties of contact, the establishment of emotional relations manifest themselves even in relations with loved ones, but the largest autism disrupts the development of relations with peers;

stereotype in behaviorassociated with a stressed desire to preserve the constant, the usual living conditions; resistance to the slightest changes in the situation, the order of life, fear of them; Absorption of monotonous actions - motor and speech: swinging, shaking and cheating with hands, jumping, repetition of the same sounds, words, phrases; Addiction to the same subjects, one and the same manipulation with them: a shaking, tapping, breaking, redeeming; the capture of stereotypical interests, one and the same game, one topic in drawing, conversation;


First of all, it is necessary to establish than the problems of this kind could have been caused, or after which event was lost contact with the child. Having determined the prerequisites of the current situation, parents may try to add solutions on their own. For example, if a child is inspired because of the promise unfulfilled or father, first of all, it is necessary to talk to the baby. The conversation is all the more necessary, if we are talking about a teenager. You should not be afraid to ask for forgiveness from a child - first, parents will be able to show that they themselves are upset because of what happened and want to correct the situation. Secondly, according to psychologists, personal experience is most indicative, that is, the child and himself will be able to ask for forgiveness in the future, experiencing guilt and seeking to establish relationships with loved ones.

Contact with the child may be violated due to a variety of factors - children's resentment, too serious punishment, and just intimidate relations that do not have a frankness and confidence. Teachers warned - as a result of ridicule and excessive criticism, you can not only lose touch with your children, but also to experience this Parental Fiasco, when a child, who finally released from under control, cease to listen to the opinion of adult family members. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the child's disbelief in time to the child, to try to establish a relationship.

Talking for souls and a joint search for a situation, after which the relationship of the child and parents was at risk - the first step towards solving the problem. Sometimes the child himself cannot determine why he is offended or does not trust his own mother or father. By joint efforts, identifying the very "stumbling block", you can not only try to establish a relationship, but also try not to repeat similar errors in the future.

Unfortunately, many parents prefer to "burn guilt", buying new toys and modern gadgets to children, as well as highlighting significant amounts for pocket expenses. Such solutions, according to a number of children's and adolescent psychologists, are able to start in a real deadlock - the problems accumulating inside the family will not only be solved, but also aggravated. Children, feeling that parents are inclined to automally compensate for their experiences, they can start manipulating adults on the subconscious level, or even deliberately "offended", waiting for another gift. Teachers are convinced - it is impossible to smooth out the manifestations of distrust, it is important to eliminate distrust and make contact with the child, without bringing the situation to critical.

If you do not work contact with your child, you can seek help from specialists. Assessing the problem in a particular family, as well as talking separately with all its members, psychologists are capable not only to help the Council, relationships. Often, experienced specialists can imperceptibly bring both a child, and parents to solve the problem of distrust - so that all participants will be sure that they themselves found a way out of the situation.

During the receipt of the child in the Dow with a set of groups or translating from one kindergarten to another, the teacher - the speech therapist diagnoses its level of speech development. This task is solved in difficult conditions to adapt.



Receptions for establishing a contact with a child during the adaptation period

IG Shabaev

During the receipt of the child in the Dow with a set of groups or translating from one kindergarten to another, the teacher - the speech therapist diagnoses its level of speech development. This task is solved in difficult conditions to adapt. The child gets used to the group, to new children, to unfamiliar adults, with whom he needs to communicate.

Establishing contact with the child is an important step in further interaction with the teacher. It is necessary to try to organize a situation of communication so that it is a comfortable for a child, supported by pleasant impressions. At first, the child should get the experience of trusting communication, and only then, having achieved affection, we can gradually develop more complex forms of interaction.

The purpose of the speech therapist during the adaptation period is to establish personal contact with the preschooler.

Before direct communication with a small child, it is necessary to find out in a conversation with the educator features his behavior, entry into contact, his personality features that can help when communicating or push the child. When familiarizing with a medical map you need to pay attention to the possible causes of violation of speech development, hereditary factor, disease at an early age, the level of psychomotor development on epicrises.

The work of the teacher - the speech therapist during the adaptation period can be built as follows.

With young children, I begin to communicate in the group, in a familiar setting. In communication occupy an equal partner. ("I do not know how to play with a typewriter. - Teach me. - Show. - Can I come to play tomorrow?"). During the conversation, I take an adequate age of the child a spatial position, trying to meet him and keep it. Communication on the duration is individually dosed, during which I try to identify the potential features of the child. The next day, you can try to show the picture or play the game"Give a task a doll." When a child has confidence in an adult, I invite you to your office: "Want to visit me?", "Let's go to visit me?"

Before examining the level of speech development, I will introduce the baby with the office, so that he is not distracted, considering the new space for him. Showing toys, please call them.

I find out how a child wants to be called how he is used to, as his name is at home. This additionally creates an atmosphere of trust and warmth. You can pay attention to the appearance of the child ("What is your beautiful bow, dress!"), Ask him toy. To encourage a child to speaking, incorrectly call the toy, surroundings, thereby causing a desire to correct.

When entering into a child in joint activities, I am interested in what he is doing (asking him about the game; I show how to play; I play with him). I attract the attention of the child to a new toy "Look, what kind of toy I brought, do you like her? Do you want to play? Invent the name toy. " I propose to make a magic pipe (album leaf twisted into the tube,from one end, the adult looks or listens, but from another child). In the game you can determine the lateralization.

If the child does not come to contact?

The first attempts to communicate should be held without a rush, in very calm conditions, so that the baby has time to get used to the new situation, a new person. It can be swung and loud voice, and sharp movements, and generally excessive activity and fussiness of an adult.

In communication with the child it is better to avoid too direct handling: a close look, active attempts to attract attention, questions and persistent offers to see something, listen, to play with something. At the same time, try that the situation of dating is not and absolutely neutral. It is necessary to give to understand the child that the teacher is here for the sake of him that he is sympathetic and interesting to him, and support his attempts to come into contact. From the very beginning, it is actively imposing his rhythm, its preferences, its interaction logic.

Accordingly, one should not hurry to move to more detailed interaction forms. The child must first "observed" the moment of establishing contact, test your ability to cause another person to communicate. Gradually, such a situation can be "legalized", going to her explicitly, and it is important that the child has experienced pleasure from her, I got used to it, I felt that myself controls the situation: the distance of contact, its intensity and duration.

If the child does not immediately contact, I use techniques:

  1. Moving games (with ball).
  2. Laying the dialogue on behalf of a toy with a change in voice.
  3. The use of puppet or other types of theater, when one toy (character) in an adult, and the other - in a child: "Who will you be? Let me be a teddy bear, and you are Masha. "

If the child does not want to play, I carry out both roles, thereby encouraging him to speak through the hero of the fairy tales. Then re-suggest the role of one of the heroes.

  1. "Phone" ("Let's call mom, friend or toy").
  2. Communication through the child is an intermediary. The child chooses a friend to himself and watches him with a speech therapist, gradually acting into a dialogue, joint subject activity or game.
  3. The plot-role-playing game ("I will be my mother, I will welcome Kasha. Sasha will feed the cat, Masha - a dog, and Dima - Bunny").
  4. Connecting to the dialogue of the teacher of the group and the child according to the issues or tasks in advance.
  5. Communication through parents. This is preceded by a conversation with parents, the goal is explained, the tasks are given "Show how you play at home." Thus, I observe how parents are communicating with the child, that he likes to do.

In the case of a resistant reluctance to a child, communicate with me, temporarily leave a child alone, but I watch him in the regime moments (in the game, in the classroom, when dressing for a walk, for a walk, etc.) and choose the most suitable contacting of contact.

The proposed techniques will help educators during the adaptation period in establishing easier and fast contact with children with various communicative problems.

Prokopieva Svetlana Georgievna
Position: Senior teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU № 95.
Locality: Krasnoyarsk
Name of material: Methodical development
Subject: Practical recommendations for establishing contact with autistic child preschool age
Publication date: 04.02.2017
Section: preschool education

to establish contact with autistic child

preschool age
Authors: Prokopieva Svetlana Georgievna, Senior Educator MBDOU No. 95, Higher Qualification Category. Gurova Tatyana Viktorovna, teacher-psychologist MBDOU № 95, the highest qualification category. Annotation In this manual, methods and techniques of the initial stage of working with children with the disorders of the autistic spectrum are described (RAC). The manual contains general information about the features of children, practical advice to establish contact with an autistic child in the educational environment of kindergarten, as well as actions and measures aimed at adjusting behavior. The material for the manual was taken from copyright techniques and programs for the formation of Teacch communication skills, from different open sources, as well as from their own experience of MBDOV specialists No. 95. Designed to educators, specialists of general educational institutions that implement inclusive practice, parents of preschoolers with races. Explanatory note Distribution in our country Inclusion of children with disabilities (OBAs) in educational institutions is not only a reflection of time, but is the realization of the rights of children on education, which is enshrined by law. Relevant conditions for the realization of the rights to obtain education with children with APV are substantiated by international issues in the field of education, are governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation". According to GEF to inclusive education, it should be aimed at ensuring the correction of violations of various categories of children with ABS, providing them with qualified assistance in the development of the program, their comprehensive development, taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation. The active development of inclusive practice in preschool education has recently leads to the fact that more complex categories of children with OVI are acting on as subjects of inclusion, in particular children with autistic spectrum disorders (RAC). one
Autism is a violation of development, the reasons for which genetic and physiological, and it is expressed in complicated communication with the world, and by other people. Autism is most often determined by external signs - problems with speech, problems with emotions, stereotypical behavior, focus on one action, sensory sensitivity, problems with learningability. Transferring social experience to such children, the introduction of them in culture is particularly difficult, the establishment of emotional contact and the involvement of the child in developing interaction represents the main task of special psychological and pedagogical assistance during autism. Many difficulties are due to the fact that the children need a long period of adaptation to various learning conditions in the educational group of kindergarten and even during this period adaptation in children, inadequate behavior, affective outbreaks, up to verbal and non-verbal aggression in relation to the surrounding and non-verbal . In this regard, today the problem is the absence of the Pedagogical composition (educators and specialists) of experience and psychological readiness to accept a child with races in the educational environment of kindergarten. Teachers do not own information about the features of children with races, do not have specific methodological recommendations for the inclusion of autistic children into the team of usually developing peers and adults, do not have techniques to work with such children and, by virtue of this, they cannot help them. Including inclusive practice, the pedagogical team of MBDOU No. 95 of Krasnoyarsk, faced the problem of autism. There was a need to organize methodological assistance to educators and specialists working with autistic children, to ensure continuity in the activities of parents and teachers in the organization of the educational process. After studying the scientific and methodological literature on this problem and the experience of the correctional and developing work of various educational institutions and organizations, as well as families raising a child with races, we tried to create guidelines for educators, specialists of inclusive kindergartens. Our goal is to help specific advice and recommendations to establish contact with an autistic child at the initial stage of the inclusive route. In the proposed benefit presented by our games and techniques, the use of which will allow not only to establish contact with a child with races, but will help him get rid of tension and fears and thereby will prepare the ground for further classes. This is the manual - applied. The material is described briefly in an affordable form. Practical advice facing close adult autistic children set out the main approaches to the formation of interaction with the child with races, explain how to optimally organize its phased operations, offer options for action in difficult situations. 2.
The material for the manual was taken from copyright techniques and programs for the formation of TEACCH communication skills, author's correctional programs, defectologist's activities and various open sources, as well as from their own experience of MBDOV specialists No. 95. We pay your attention, each recommendation from the manual is transmitted to The initial option as it was formulated by members of the Teamsessian group in collaboration with parents for a particular child. Educators and specialists working with autistic children, focusing on the specific interests and style of the child's behavior, as part of an individual approach it is necessary to decide how much this exercise is suitable for the child and in which part it is necessary to make changes. This allowance should be a source of new impulses for the reader and confirming the practical experience already acquired. Since autists and children who have similar disorders in development, their strong and weak parties, as well as behavior deviations are very different from each other, the need to establish individual learning goals for each child, applying certain methods and approaches. Systematic and at the same time creative use of the described methods and techniques in many cases will make a correctional-developing process more efficient. The relevance of the topic, practical focus and availability of the presentation allow this manual to become a useful contribution to the development of assistance to educators and specialists of inclusive kindergartens. Expected result from the use of data of methodological recommendations: - Improving the emotional state of the participants in the correctional development process; - acceptance of an autistic child as an integral part of the group and overcoming negativism when communicating with it; - establishing contact with autistic child; - Improving the activity of the child with races in the process of communicating with adults and children. All material in the manual is grouped into several sections. Section 1.
General information about the features of children with autistic disorder

The main forms of manifestation of autism in preschool children are described. Section 2.
Features of the formation of communicative skills
It contains a description of the most efficient techniques and methods for the formation of communication skills presented in the form of practical exercises, tasks and game situations.
Correction of behavior issues
Deeds section 3. The activities contained in the section are grouped by the nature of the behavioral problem to which they are suitable, auto-aggressive, aggressive, violate and scarce types of behavior.

visual schedule when teaching children with races
considered in Section 4. The applications present an exemplary visual material. 3.
Section 1
General information about the features of children with

disorder of the autistic spectrum
Children with early child autism doctors are singular. These kids are truly distinguished from their peers as a feature of the perception of the world and behavior. The surrounding is very difficult to contact them, the problems are also inevitable in the family in which such a child was born. Due to ambiguous approaches to the assessment of the autistic spectrum disorders in different countries, the prevalence of autism in children ranges from 4 to 26 cases by 10,000 children's population. According to statistics, autism is more common in boys than girls, and corresponds to 4: 1. The term "Autismus" appeared thanks to the Swiss Psychiatrist Bleiler in 1911, he used it when describing schizophrenia symptoms. The basis of this term, he put the Greek root of AUTOS, "himself", thereby emphasizing the care of the patient into his inner world, isolation from others and immersing into the world of own fantasies. For the first time about early children's autism spoke in 1943. It was then that the American Children's Psychiatrist Leo Kanner introduced the term "early children's autism" and gave its clinical description. This disease is also called Kanner syndrome. Autism is a violation of mental development, which is characterized by diverse manifestations, first noted in infant or childhood. The disease is characterized by a pronounced shortage of social interaction and communication, as well as limited interests and repetitive actions. All these signs are manifested under the age of three. Peak severity symptoms of autism - pre-school age. Lack of social interactions, communicative violations, specific interests and stereotypical behavior of the child with races. For such a child, a peculiar speech is characterized, by the type of repetition of the heard phrases, he does not utter the word "I". Some children are silent at all, this is the so-called full damp. The games of such children are also special, they are not role-playing, do not carry a creative start. Prefer to play non-chairs: candy, ropes, paper, but not toys. Stereotypical activity is manifested in everything. If children play cubes, they laid them only with one color and only in a row. They walk along the same routes, selectively eat one and the same food, etc. For them, motor stereotypes are characterized - aimless waving hands, turning out with fingers, jumping, bouncing. There is a tendency to routine order. A characteristic symptom of autism, when children do not distinguish live and inanimate. All the same, doll in front of them or a person. No imitation is also specific for these children. four
In the appearance, with ordinary delicacy, the look appeals to the void or in itself, the look past, look through the interlocutor, through the items, sliding a look through the space. Evasion from visual contact, the inability to withstand the "eyes to the eye" view may be the result of the problems of sensory perception. One of the features of sensory perception with autism is the so-called "single-channel", the inability to perceive two or stronger sensory incentives at the same time - also leads to the fact that the child with races can take a glance to be able to listen. It should be remembered that commonly accepted techniques, methods, forms of interaction, which we use in everyday work with children are not suitable for children with an autistic spectrum disorder. These are children who live in their own world and is important not to break the verge of this fragile world. It is important in our practice to learn to see the difference in external manifestations (Appendix No. 1). Section 2.
Features of the formation of communicative

The main disadvantage of autism is a violation of a child's communication with the outside world. Therefore, the formation of communicative skills is one of the leading directions of psychological and pedagogical correction of the autistic spectrum disorders. It is difficult to find a complete description of the psychological and pedagogical correction system with detailed practical recommendations. In this regard, specialists who study autistic children often arise about the content, directions, organizational forms and receptions of correctional work on the formation of communicative skills. It is important to start S.
Watch for a child for several days. First, watch passively and imperceptibly, minimizing the movement around the room. After passive observation, try to become a more active observer. Pay attention to the nature of the trajectory and the rhythm of the movement of the baby around the room, see which items are attracted; whether it reacts equally negatively to touch to different parts of the body; Does he like poems, songs; Does he love when it is tickling, throw up or sway over the floor. Evaluate whether the child is equally looking at you from different distances and in different poses. Keep in mind that many children avoid contact with their eyes. You should not expect from the child of joyful exclamations and expressions (even probably) requests to continue those of your actions that caused him a reaction of interest. Perhaps he will change something in his behavior for a few seconds - gives you a glance at you, or simply suspend a stereotypical game, or somehow sound (whether it is beeping, if the words). All that not 5
It caused a sharp negative reaction immediately, for example, a cry or crying may become a bridge to a child. Next can be connected

Item / Toys Requirement
Objective: The formation of the ability to ask the subject / toy. Stimulus Material: Ball (anyone interested in the child). Claudion: Inflate the ball and keep it in your hands without passing the child. Look at him and wait when he expresses a request. If the child makes it difficult, let him a hint: "Let the ball", "throw a ball." When the child expressed a request, immediately give the ball, encouraging his communicative statement. Repeat a similar exercise a large number of times with various subjects, reducing the number of tips.
Request for help
Purpose: The formation of the ability to ask for help. Stimulus material: bank with candy. Struggle: Give the child a tightly closed jar with his favorite candies. When a child made some unsuccessful attempts to open the jar on his own way up, stretch his hands up so that the child handed you the box, and give him a hint: "Help", "help open." When a child expresses a request, immediately open it and give back. Repeat similar exercises many times, reducing tips.
The answer to the greetings of other people
Purpose: The formation of the ability to express a greeting. Stimulus material: absent. Strussment: Every time I started the classes, please greelly with the child, calling him by name (for example, "Hello, Yegor", "Hello, Egor"), and stretch his hand for a handshake or raise her up so that the palm is facing in The side of the child (for cotton). If he does not react or repeats you, tell him: "Hello, (teacher's name)". Hello with the child at each meeting, reducing the hint. When conducting classes in a subgroup, help children take up his arms and form a circle. The funny voice of the Narasphev is saying "hello-those" and wait for their reaction. If children do not respond, tell me - start saying a greeting and give them the opportunity to complete it: "Zdra- ... - Those". Continue this exercise every occupation.
Refusal of the proposed subject / activity
Purpose: Forming the ability to express refusal. Stimulus: Any item, activity that causes a negative child's reaction. Strugging: Offer the child that type of activity (subject) to which he belongs is negative. For example, show a box with cubes or pictogram 9
With the image of the cubes and offer, calling the child by name: "... Let's play in the cubes." If a child makes it difficult to express a refusal to adequately (for example, silent or exhibits an outadaptive behavior), give him a hint: "No", "I don't want", "I don't want to play cubes", etc. Increase the value of the statement using the intonation of discontent, gestures (negative heading head). When a child expresses a refusal, immediately remove the cubes, reward communicative statement. Repeat similar exercises many times until the child can express the refusal to the adequate way.
Expression of consent
Purpose: The formation of the ability to express consent. Stimulus Material: (Favorite baby game). Claudion: If you see that he wants to play, then ask, calling him by name: "... Do you want to play?". If the child makes it difficult to answer your question, then give him a hint: nod your head and tell me: "Yes," Yes, I want, "" Yes, I want to play ", etc. When a child will repeat your statement and gesture, help him. Repeat similar exercises many times, reducing the prompts, until the child can independently express consent.
Comments in response to an unexpected event
Purpose: The formation of the ability to give a comment in response to an unexpected event. Stimulus material: air ball, toy cup with water. Claudion: In the process of a joint game with a child, you are unnoticed by a ball, or overturn a toy cup with water or provoke any other unexpected event. When the ball burst either, water out of the cup, slightly bounce back and say "oh!". Try to make the child imitating your actions and statements. Periodically provoke similar situations, (for example, drop the package) until the child can give a comment independently in response to an unexpected event.
Ability to call various characters from books, cartoons
Purpose: The formation of the ability to call various characters. Stimulus material: TV, video recorder, video tapes with favorite cartoons, children's books. Claudion: Include a child his favorite cartoon about Winnie the Pooh recorded on a video film. Each time another character appears on the screen, click on the "Pause" button and name it (for example: "Rabbit", "OSK IA"). When the child understood the principle of your actions, once again press 10
On the "pause" and look at the child, waiting for an answer or asking the question "Who is it?" If he independently answers the question, then give a hint. Once the child answered, continue viewing the cartoon. Continue to spend the game until the child can call the characters shown on the screen. To form this skill, use the following techniques:  Call the characters depicted on the illustrations of the child's favorite books;  Color and call your favorite characters, etc.;
Determination of own belongings
Purpose: The formation of the ability to determine the belonging of your own things. Stimulus Material: Backpack, Personal Baby Things - T-shirt, Socks, Toy Machine, etc. Classes move: decompose the child (on the table, on the floor) a few of his personal things and ask to remove them in the backpack. Stretch your child in turn every item. Every time the child takes any thing, comment on his behalf, for example: "My T-shirt", "My Socks", "My Machine", etc. When a child repeats the phrase, give him this thing. Gradually reduce the tips, giving a child the opportunity to continue the statement: for example, "My ..." - "... hat." When a child can comment on their own, denoting the belonging of his own things, complicate the task. Take the next item and ask "Whose Teddy bear?" If the child makes it difficult to answer, tell him: "My Teddy bear", etc. Repeat the exercise until the child can respond independently to your question.
The ability to call familiar people by name
Purpose: The formation of the ability to call familiar people by name. Stimulic material: photos with the image of familiar people. Travel course: Spread pictures of familiar people in front of the child. Pointing to one of them, ask the question "Who is it?". If the child did not answer or repeated the question for you, then give a hint: "This is Mama - Irina" or "this dad - Vova", etc. Repeat a similar exercise until the child can call familiar people alone.
Commenting actions, message information about actions
Purpose: Forming a skill comment on action, report information on actions. Stimulus material: markers, scissors, paper, water bottle, plasticine, constructor. Claiming: Follow the various activities for him with a child, activities. For example, give him paper and markers and offer him 11
Praise. Suspend the drawing process and comment on the action (on behalf of the child): "I draw". When the child repeated the statement, praise it and continue to draw. Comment every time various actions with various items: "I cut (paper)", "I drink", "I plow", "I play the designer." Repeat a similar procedure many times by reducing the hint. For example, say: "I ..." and give the child time to continue the saying. When a child learned to comment on his own actions on his own, complicate the procedure. Once again, suspend the work and ask, turning to the child by name: "... What are you doing?" If the child makes it difficult to answer the question, give him a hint: "I play the designer." Repeat similar exercises many times until the child learn to respond to your question.
Specification formation sequence commenting actions and

report information about actions:
 commenting on own actions;  Message information about own actions;  Commenting the actions of the surrounding people, animals, items;  Message information on the actions of the surrounding people, animals, items;  Commenting the actions depicted in pictures;  Message information about the actions depicted in pictures.
Ability to describe past events
Purpose: The formation of the skill to describe the events. Stimulus material: pictures, photos depicting various activities. Claudion: Every time, together with the child, make a schedule schedule: lay out pictures and photos depicting various activities in a specific sequence. After completing each type of activity (tasks), put the mark (tick, cross) opposite the corresponding schedule item and comment on the child name: - I played in the mosaic. - I looked at the book. - I picked up, etc. Make sure that the child repeats each of your statement. When a child gets used to a similar course of events, complicate the exercise. After the completion of the next type of activity, ask the child a question, turning to it by name: "... What are you (c) did?". If the child makes it difficult to answer, show him to the appropriate photo and tell me, for example: "I played in ...". Give the child the opportunity to complete the saying "... in a mosaic." When he replied, praise it and proceed to the next task. 12
At the end of each lesson, once again pay attention to the child to the schedule and ask: "What did you do today?". If it makes it difficult to answer, then tell him, alternately showing each photo. Repeat a similar exercise a large number of times, reducing the prompts until the child can answer the question to the question "What did you (c) did?".
Request information about the subject (which ___?)
Purpose: The formation of the ability to ask the subject of the subject. Stimulus Material: Box, Ball, Toy typewriter, Teddy bear (any objects of interest to the child). Claudion: Before the start of the classes, hide in a box interesting toy (for example, ball). Attach the child's attention to the box - shake it, demonstrating that there is something inside. If the child is interested, tell him: "What in the box?". When the child repeated the question, immediately give the answer: "In the ball box" and lower it so that the child can see and play it. Repeat a similar exercise with other objects (toy machine, plush teddy bear) until the child can ask the question to independently.
Ability to express joy
Purpose: Formation of the ability to express joy, report joy. Stimulus Material: Toy helicopter (any items, the game with which brings the child joy). Struggle: Stand up opposite the child about the distance of three steps and launch his favorite toy in the air - a helicopter. When he took off, express joy with the help of appropriate statements, intonations, facial expressions and gestures: for example, smiling, exclaim "Hurray!" And praise in your hands. When the helicopter landed, continue to express joy so that the child would have the opportunity to imitate your actions. Then, looking at the child, say: "Fun!" When the child repeated your statement, continue the game. Model similar situations as long as the child learn to adequately express its own emotions and report them. To form this skill, use the following techniques and methods:  Observe the child during the class, commenting on its emotional states, for example: "I am fun", "great", "I'm glad."  Pay attention to the child and comment on the emotional states of other people, for example: "Mom laughs, she is fun," etc.  Comment on the emotions of people depicted in photographs, drawings, for example: "The boy smiles, he is fun."  Call emotions depicted on pictograms. 13
 Use imitation games in front of the mirror: imitate with your child emotions with the help of facial expressions, gestures and comment on them: "I am fun!"  Use dance games: "Fun, having fun meet New Year!" When a child can adequately express emotions and report them, then it is necessary to begin the next stage of the correction work - the formation of an understanding of the causes of emotions.
Expression of pleasure / discontent
Purpose: Formation of the ability to express pleasure / discontent. Stimulus Material: Strussment: In the process of classes, offer the child various types of activities that cause him a feeling of pleasure. For example, spoite the song "We are going, we go, we go to distant edges." Pay attention to the child's reaction. If he liked it, then comment on this emotional state: "Like", "like to sing", strengthening the meaning of the Intonation, Mimici, gestures. Make sure that the child repeats your statement, then continue the game. Repeat the same procedure many times so that the child is better realized the meaning of the word "like". Then offer the child various types of activity that he does not like. For example, put markers and a sheet of paper in front of it. Pay attention to the child's reaction. If he expresses discontent, comment on his emotional state: "I don't like", "I don't like to draw", strengthening the meaning of the Intonation, Mimici, gestures. When he repeats the comment, immediately remove the felt-tumbers and paper. Repeat a similar exercise many times. When the child has an understanding of the meaning of the words "Like" / "Dislike", complicate the exercise. Take several pictures (photos) depicting your favorite and unloved activities of the child. Spread together with the child pictures in two corresponding stacks. Comment on your actions: "I like to play the ball", "I don't like to play cubes", "I like to ride the car", "I don't like to swim." When the child understood the principle of exercise, put another pictures in front of him and wait for his reaction. If it makes it difficult, ask him a leading question: "Do you like to swing on a swing?" When the child responds, help him put a picture in the appropriate stack. Perform similar exercises until the child can sort pictures to independently depend on what he likes and does not like.
The ability to support the dialogue, sharing information with the interlocutor
Purpose: Formation of the ability to support a dialogue, sharing information with the interlocutor. fourteen
Stimulus material: designer, toy dog \u200b\u200band hippopotamus. Claudion: Collect the lodge of the designer in the classroom with the child and play: put there toy animals, as if they live there. When his mother (dad) goes to the office, give the child a house and ask to tell what he did today: "Tell my mother what you did." If the child makes it difficult, tell him: "Mom, I made a house." When mom pushes a child, ask to tell who lives in a house. If the child makes it difficult, tell me: "In the house lives ... dog and hippopotamus." In such a situation, it is important that mom (dad) performed the role of the "listening" interlocutor, while the teacher would perform in the role of an assistant giving a child to the tip. Play similar situations many times until the child can share information independently.
The ability to ask a question on the topic of conversation
Purpose: The formation of the ability to ask a question about the topic of conversation. Stimulus Material: Cards with question words "Who?", "What?", "Where?", "When?", "Why?". Struggle: Explore the card on the table with question words. Sit together with the child at the table opposite each other. Invite an interesting conversation for a child, calling him by name, for example: "... Let's talk about the topic of toys." Then ask him to ask you questions on this topic: "Ask something about toys." If the child makes it difficult, then show on the first card with the question "Who?" And wait for reactions. If a child can not ask a question again, tell him, for example: "Who plays the toys?" Make it so that he repeated your question, and immediately answer. Then go to another question. Examples of questions:  "
Plays toys? "  "
Such toys? "  "
Buy toys? "  "
We will play with toys? "  "
What for
Need toys? " When a child can ask the questions to independently, using the cards, remove them to ask the question without tip. Perform an exercise until the child can specify various questions on the topic of conversation. Use in the process of psychological and pedagogical correction of practical recommendations in the form of exercises, tasks and game situations, contributes to the effective overcoming of communicative violations in 15
Children with autism under the condition of systematic, consistent and continuous learning. Section 3.
Correction of problems of behavior
There are the most common categories of special behavior of autistic children and children with other similar development disorders:
Harm behavior: biting your own hands or heads head;
interrupting activities through the throwing of objects, a cry or departure due to the table;
Conduct shortage: a brief duration of attention and inability to change habits, impulsive grabbing of objects;
Aggression: biting other persons.
Having harm himself
Problem: His Hand Biting Analysis: Bodying is a way to which the child reports stress. This is what he achieves from others what he wants to have, or they refuse their claims. He needs another way to signal stress. You must recognize this message and find a compromise (for example, provide greater support, reduce the task, replace it that it cannot do, etc.). Training goal: The child must learn to report his displeasure in the way that makes biting unnecessary. Event: Carefully watch the child during the classes so that you can intervene before it starts to bite. Quickly grab his hand when he carries her to his mouth, remove her under the table and tell me: "Hand down!". Require it to imitate you. Shake your head and tell me: "No, not work!" Or "No, I want to candy!" - Depending on what his mood is. When he imites, agree and tell me: "Well, I will help you" or "well, again and I will give you candy." Problem: Batting Head Analysis: Batting about the wall The child attracts the attention of others. He does not care about whether he is on anger or punishment, or about concern or location. He knows that the heads of head lead to the fact that the requirements take off and he does what he wants. Target goal: Baturation heads need to be stopped by reaction rejection, i.e. Do not contact him immediately and do not remove the requirements. Event: Put the table and a child's chair during the classes so that it can not get his head to the wall. When he begins to beat his head about the surface 16
Tables, move the training material to yourself and turn away from it. Consider up to ten, turn again to him and return it the material. First help the child. Praise if he continues the exercise. Each time react in a similar way if it beats his head, but do not interrupt the tasks until you graduate from it. You can reduce the exercise if the child is especially excited on this day, but make sure that he independently make the last step and to know that due to the beat, the exercise is not interrupted. Problem: Beats an adult to face Analysis: a child expresses displeasure to his blow. This is his reaction to an increased requirement. Since communication is the most important educational goal for children with races, let's not take away from him to express your feelings, and show him another way to declare myself. If he is able to show his needs, he will not need to beat more. Target Goal: The child must learn to show the gesture that he is tired or distorted, and that he needed a break. Event: Always when the baby wants to hit you during class, hold his hand and tell me calmly, but firmly: "Do not beat!". Teach it another sign to stop the action (for example, horizontal directed to the movement of both hands palms down). If he makes such a sign, then praise it, and let him take some time that he wants. Then continue the lesson, but choose the action that he owns well. Treat him enough help and often praise it. Let he give a sign about the break when you notice that he wants to hit you. Let him interrupt the exercise for a short time, after he does this sign so that he saw that you understand it. When a child learn to be explained during the class at the table in this way, teach it to use this sign in other daily situations when it feels overwhelmed.
Interruption of activity
Problem: Throwing items Analysis: Throwing items, a child can interrupt the task at any time and prevent you from instill new skills. This behavior is dangerous for him and for others, since it cannot appreciate what is valuable, divided or dangerous. He will not learn to suppress this behavior if it does not understand that it entails unpleasant consequences. Target goal: wean from throwing objects during class. Event:  Remove all valuable items beyond its reach;  Keep it in sight and pay attention to him before he takes the subject to throw it;  Do not pay attention if it really gives something. 17.
In the classes, do it as follows: let's only easy tasks. Every time something throws something (cube, wand, ring, etc.), react immediately, telling him a solid tone: "Do not throw!". Then take his hands, lower them down and press it tightly to his body. Turn your head to the side and count to 30. Then let go of his hands, turn back to him and give him the next item with which it should work. Do not get up to raise an abandoned object. Have enough material to finish the exercise without climbing. In this way always when it leaves something. When he does not throw objects, praise it with the words: "Made well!". Smile to him and climb. Problem: Creek and crying for the slightest requirements Analysis: the child does not have a fairly clear idea that he actually wants, except that he wants to keep control over the situation. Promises for the future are not sufficiently attractive to overcome the momentary reluctance, which is associated with the change in its behavior. Tutorial: Elimination of crying and screaming during the requirements of the event:  ignore the cry and crying;  Render the child a lot of support, carefully leading it with your hands and touching them. Twice a day, sit down with the child at the table and let her a small task, when executing which you do not need to talk (sorting, combination, drawing, etc.). Put the remuneration and explain that he will receive him as soon as the exercise finishes. Ignore any protest and immediately start the exercise, make the first stage yourself. Help him when performing the following. Do not give speech instructions, but smile when it works. Do not pay attention to its expressions, and often provide him with support, taking his hand if it stops activities.
Defection of behavior
Problem: short period of care, poor impulsive control. Analysis: lengthening the child's care period, that is, the period of time for which it performs one action before you distracted, is the necessary prerequisite for progress in the field of language and vital skills, as well as to visit the preschool institution. The best opportunity when he can learn to improve his attentiveness and contact to rule its impulsely, give a brief and e tasted classes on which he knows exactly what should do and what will happen after that. A clearly tangible organization of the game "First work, then play" shows him the differences between the situation in which he can do what he wants, and the situation in which he must keep his activity under control. eighteen
Educational goal: to lengthen the period when the child sits and concentrates attention to the execution of the task. Events: Equip the workplace so that the child can see exactly where he should work and where he can play. Start with a simple classes, which he owns well (for example, folding a picture of 4-parts). Put the picture compiled on the table and take one part so that he inserts it again. Call him to the table, help sit down and ask him to insert a part of the picture. Praise it. Then let it go to play it. After 20 seconds, call it and tell you to repeat the task. Praise and encourage him again, finally let go play. When a child gets used to this process (about 60 repetitions), extend the task, forcing it insert two parts of the picture. Teach it to insert all parts of the picture, praise it every time, and then let go for a walk. Thus, you can extend the time when it works before he gets up again. Do not extend the task until it is to cope with short tasks without help. Problem: impulsive grabbing of items. Event: Keep the material so that there is no obscure objects that the child can take. Leave only two sorting dishes in the reach field. In your hand, keep something edible to encourage: nut or raisins. Repeat the following steps until the exercise is over.  Tell me: "Hands under the table!" "And wait for the child to remove them from the table, calm down and look at you."  Put one of the items for sorting on the table and tell me: "Put it here!". If he puts it in the right dish, hold his hand and tell me: "Made perfectly!" And "hands under the table!".  When both hands again lie on the knees, praise the child.
Problem: biting other persons. Event: If a child suddenly bits you or someone else, then immediately stand up, lift it up (keeping under the mouses) and take it to another chair, which is in the corner of the room. Put it quickly and confidently on the chair face to the wall. Then leave him, saying nothing. Ignore his cry. Return to it in 10-15 seconds and move it to the table to continue working, as if nothing happened. Think that he may not understand your words and that your curses will not succeed. Causes of success: The child does not want to be worn away. After several repetitions, he was able to understand what this happened due to the fact that he was biting people. Because of the short period of care, it was important to leave it on a chair for no more than 10-15 seconds, otherwise he would forget why he sits there. Permanent transfer of it to another place after each bite will be essential for the success of this event. nineteen
Section 4.
Application of visual schedule

when teaching children with races
Various phenomena of the surrounding world and events taking place with an autistic child often are not associated with certain temporary frameworks. He does not have a time structure, he's "lost" in time. As a result, the understanding of the sequence of events is incumbent. He does not know when and what to do, can not independently plan one's own time, which often leads to violations of behavior. The tendency to stereotypes ensures certain safety to autistic children. It is for this purpose that the schedule is used. The schedule is a visual tip that is present in the environment constantly, which directs a person to perform a particular action or a sequence of actions. As symbols for the schedule can be used: drawings (drawn or typographic method), photos (the child himself performing a certain type of activity, image of the required subject that causes an association with a specific activity or a moderator), combined forms (items glued To cards, subjects along with drawings, inscriptions under the pictures). For autistic children, PECS cards are effectively used, which become the only possible means of self-expression and communication. At the initial stage, it is better to use not abstract black and white pictures, but real images (photos) of items that surround the child and in which he constantly needs. It should also be remembered that the cards must be reliable and convenient (Appendix 2). The selection of the schedule depends on the age of the child, its functional features and tasks that adult confronts the child. Depending on the possibilities of a child, these schedules can be very detailed and phased. It is important when making a schedule to know: 1. What a child sees the image. Ask a child to shock the picture, glued on the sheet, if the child shows, then distinguishes the image. If it makes it difficult, then you need to show him - "This is a picture" and to seek while the child will begin to show himself. 2. To successfully learn the schedule, the child must relate the same items. Put in front of the child, for example, a spoon and tell me: "Show", after the child will show, blow to find the same subject outside the field of view of the child. 8 out of 10 attempts - coped. 3. Skill correlating picture - The subject says that the kid knows that the picture shows a real object and can find it. twenty
Child learning the meaning of symbols may take several weeks, so you should start with the simplest schedule and follow him day after day. It is necessary in the first schedule for the smallest preschoolers to include a task for social interaction, for example, to show the picture on the page where you need to approach the adult and ask you to "take it on your hands." The child will cope quickly with a visual schedule if you start with the actions that he already knows how to perform, for example, fold the pyramid or sort geometric shapes. The schedule of the preschooler may include, for example, such tasks as:  Collect a whole of parts (split picture);  Collect a pyramid;  Draw (item);  Ask for the educator hugged (action on the formation of social interaction). (Appendix No. 3) After all items of any schedule, the teacher should loudly, clearly praise the child: "Great!", "Well done!", "Well, coped!" and encourage your favorite toy, game, etc. Schedule can have various forms. The initial option is better to present in the folder with the files, in the album for the photo. To do this, insert the cardboard into each file, it is desirable that the cardboard is one color. In the center of the cardboard, better on the velcro, glue the picture, so you can change the pictures on the sheet in the process of changing the schedule. The size of the album depends on the motor skills of the child in another form of the schedule, the location of the cards on cardboard, board, tablet in a row from top to bottom or from left to right. For children who love to consider photos, you can make photos of themselves for the main classes instead of using characters (or adding). In this case, make sure that the photos are understandable and unequivocal. It is useful to start a small box or pocket for folding the cards used (Appendix No. 4). Ta to and m about b a z o m, visual remedies increase the independence of children with races. The more independent children become, the less they have failures and problems in behavior. The smaller stereotypical models remain in their behavior as a result of more active participation in various activities, the higher their chances of integration in society.
"For those who want to help autistic children

i want to wish patience in understanding those

who is so much like us. After all, our

life "These children come to check us with

you are on humanity. "

R. Schneider - teacher and philosopher
Literature: 1. Practical recommendations for the formation of communicative skills in children with autism: educational and method. Manual / Avt.-Cost. A.V. Haustists. Ed. T.V. Volostovets, E.N. Kutetova - M.: Rudn, 2007. 2. Auticious child - problems in everyday life (Methodical recommendations for training Socially - residential skills) Moscow, 1998. 3. Morozova Svetlana Sergeevna Autism: Correctional work with severe and complicated forms. Manual for a teacher-deuterine. Vlados, 2007. 4. Eric Schopler, Margaret Lanzind, climbed Wats "Support for autistic and lagging in the development of children." Collection of exercises for specialists and parents. Publishing House Belapti - "Open Doors", Minsk, 1997. 5. Satmarari P.S21 Children with autism. - SPb.: Peter, 2005. 6. Mac Clanakhan, Patricia Krantz "Schedules for children with autism." Moscow op goodies, 2013. 7. Lori A. Frost and Andy Bondi: an alternative communication system with cards (RESS) 8. Seminar I.V. Sukhorukova, I.O. Baranova "Working with children with races. Organization of accompaniment. " Appendix Appendix 1 22
Appendix 2 23.
RESS Toys Appendix 2 24
RESS people app 2 25
ResS bad app 2 26
RESS Good Appendix 2 27
Schedule Schedule Dress / Share Appendix 3 29

Behavioral analyst about where to get started with a child with races

Building a rapport with a child also known as the "combination with pleasant incentives" is the first and key step at the beginning of the training of any child with autism. The combination is an applied strategy based on encouraging, during which the therapist develops friendly relations with a child using his interests. Such interests may include sweets, cartoons, music, video games, toys, physical activity and so on. The purpose of the combination with pleasant incentives in creating relations based on trust, motivation and mutual interests of the therapist and child.

At the simplest level, the combination means that you become the incarnation of toys. When I manage to spend a successful combination, I feel like a giant toy. The child pulls and drags me, trying to interact with me, or even commands ("No, sit with me Miss Tameik!"). The child is rejoicing when I come, and it is upset when I'm leaving - along with Miss Tameyka to do everything more fun.

Therapeutic relations should always begin with the construction of a rapport. Even if you already know this child, you can never just pounce on it and throw in instructions. A combination with pleasant incentives is a process, during which the therapist establishes the steering control, learns more about the interests of the child, conquers his confidence and associates himself with encouragement (gradually turning into encouragement).

If you decide to "skip" the process of combining with promotion, it can lead to an increase in problem behavior, kill the leading control and spoil the relationship of the therapist and the child. If I did not spend the right combination with encouragement for a new client, if I just came to the class and started giving valuable instructions, then how can the child do what I say? What kind of child can be motivation to approach and play with me?

Without the right combination with promotion, you can involuntarily create a situation where the child performs tasks only with one goal - to get rid of you. You prevent instructions, the child is responsible, you provide him with encouragement for the correct answer, and the child is trying to leave / leave the room / run away. And this is definitely not the situation in which you are interested. There is nothing pleasant in working with the child, which you have to constantly catch up to return to the lesson.

You will understand that the combination has passed successfully if the child often fits or approaches you and does not try to leave or run away from you. Any situations from the series "I will play alone, turning back to you" - this is a disturbing bell that you need to still work on the rapport. If you went to the room and started to get the materials, and the child stringly rushed into your direction, then your combination process was successful.

A combination with pleasant incentives is not something that is enough to do in a few days with new customers, and then you can forget about it. This procedure must be re-repeated each time a specialist and child relationship will weaken or worsen. Often the repetition of the procedure is necessary after the holidays or prolonged disease, when the new specialist appears in the team, or if the child recently aggravated behavioral problems.

This is normal if the child does not experience permanent delight on classes with you. Nevertheless, if it reached the fact that the child regularly expresses the disapproval of your classes ("no!"), Runs away from them or difficulty goes to work, then in the relationship of a specialist and child obviously there are problems and it's time to return to a combination with pleasant incentives.

Steering Control is the process of establishing a specialist authority. During a combination with pleasant incentives, you position yourself as a source of good and pleasant items and phenomena. Do you think that these two concepts contradict each other? In fact, it is correct that the combination with pleasant incentives helps you to achieve guidance control. The reason is that during this process, I restrict access to the most motivating subjects for the child, I control them, and the child needs to somehow interact with me to get them.

Finally, there is another plus of the combination process, which is often forgotten. The successful process of combination with pleasant incentives teaches a child that with me in general and the whole fun, and when I appear, there is something good. So in the future, if we have an unsuccessful lesson or a child will hate the program for which I am trying to work, he will be able to separate the task from me itself. In other words, he may not like what I ask him to do, but he will still like to work with me.

Here is an example of a plan for a combination with pleasant incentives with a new client so that you better imagine how this process takes place.

Combination with pleasant incentives

The first day. Imagine a child. Watch him during the day while wearing classes. Be more like an observer than an active participant. Be close to your parents when they interact with the child to communicate with a pleasant child. The child is presented 0 requirements.

Second day. Greece your child. Start uniting yourself with famous promotions. If the child loves swing, then shake it when he swings. Praise the child for independent and relevant behavior, for example, if he looked into the eyes or shared ("Thank you for sharing with me!") Interact as much as possible with the child in a game form, do what the child wants to do. Comment as much as possible or repeat the child (if it is verbal) during the game. Follow the initiative of the child.

Day Three. Greet the child and tell me a response greeting. Limit access to promotions by controlling interesting items. Give the items to the child, without requiring nothing, throughout the lesson. Start add social encouragement to the game, for example, pretend that the doll kisses the child. Praise relevant and independent behavior, as often interact with the child in a game form, do what the child wants to do. Comment as much as possible or repeat the child (if it is verbal) during the game. For example: "We paint a picture." Continue to follow the initiative of the child.

Day four. Greet the child and wait until he answers. Bring with you a bag of objects for encouraging and place them during the class. Limit access to encouragement, exposing minimal requirements for their preparation. For example, if a child wants to play with a tape measure, then ask him to twist it once (tell me if you need), and then immediately praise him and give him a toy. If a child says, ask him to call it the items that you give him (stretch the baby a ball, but do not let go of his hand, while the child does not say "ball"). Increase the volume of social rewards during the lesson to several within an hour. For example, lift the child into the air and tell me: "Now you are a plane!" Make the child to follow your initiative. For example, during the game, jump and shout "catch up with me!", And then run away in the next room. Award the child for being followed by your tick.

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