Gaskets when urinary incontinence in women. Pasters when urinary incontinence in older women. When can help use such funds

Urological gaskets are a special means of hygiene, which is used in urinary incontinence (incontinuation) due to a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the pelvic bottom. By the method of using urological gaskets are similar to female hygiene for critical days. There is a large selection of urological gaskets in accordance with the desires and needs of different women.


Unlike female pads for critical days, urological gaskets have the following features:

  • larger size (shape and thickness);
  • filler capable of instantly absorb any amount of fluid;
  • hypoallergenic coating preventing skin irritation;
  • absorbent eliminating the unpleasant odor;
  • additional elements of protection (inguinal cuffs, sides);
  • long use (replacement of the gasket is needed less frequently).


Often, urological means of hygiene are used when incontinence with an easy degree. Such a problem may occur after the recently transferred operation of the sexual system during menopause, or after delivery. The pathology of the postpartum incontinence may be caused by violations of the work of the pelvic dna muscles (in 15% after the first birth and 40% after the second), severe traumatic genus or a large number of generic processes.

More urological gaskets can be used with strong discharge during critical days. In the postpartum period, such gaskets are used instead of hygienic, since due to abundance, with the natural process of cleansing and restoring the uterus after delivery, they may not cope.

Men resort to the help of urological gaskets when incontinence caused by stroke, Alzheimer's disease, urolithiasis, increasing prostate gland or weakening muscle tone in old age.

How to choose

Urological gaskets are divided into several types depending on absorbing abilities and sizes. It is necessary to choose hygiene products depending on the individual degree of incontinence, which can be determined by the volume of urine lost per day.

  • At the initial (drip) stage of incontinence, ultra-thin gaskets of the size "Micro" or "Ultramini" with absorption of up to 50 milliliters of liquid are suitable.
  • In the light stage of incontinence, gaskets are used with absorption from 50 to 100 milliliters ("mini", "MIDI", "Normal").
  • When disease, the "Extra" or "Super" pads are used in the middle stage with absorption of 100 to 200 milliliters of the liquid.
  • In the difficult stage of the disease, the Urological gaskets "Super +", Maxi with absorbability from 200 milliliters are recommended.

These hygiene products are sold in pharmacies.

Manufacturers firms


Urological absorbent gaskets of the Swiss brand, inside which the absorbent absorbing moisture is located and delivering from unpleasant odors. For each incontinence, the corresponding size of this product has been developed. For men created V-shaped liners. They are invisible when used and do not cause irritation on the body.

Of the minuses - a weak fastening of linen and induluction in the process of socks.

Seni Lady

These gaskets are designed for women on the initial and easy stages of the incontinencies, as well as in the pre-and postpartum period. They have 7 sizes and anatomical form, at the expense of which they are tightly adjacent to the body and exclude the flow. These gaskets are easily attached to the bottom linen and contain a superabsorbent that does not transmit liquid and smell.

This company produces similar men's hygiene.


Urological gaskets of German production. They are distinguished by the presence of an antibacterial layer and neutral acid-alkaline balance. When using their upper layer remains dry, without causing no sense of discomfort. Before using such a gasket, it is necessary to carry out hygienic toilet procedures. They are also recommended in postoperative and postpartum periods.


Inserts of Abre-San (Denmark) are suitable for people suffering from severe incontinence, since the maximum amount of liquid absorbed by such a gasket is 3 liters. This type of liners has an antibacterial layer and neutralizes unpleasant odors. These urological liners are universal and suitable for men and women.


This species is a special absorbent female and men's underwear of Czech production. It has the form of ordinary bodily color panties with an absorbent layer, only they are used.

Of the minuses - bad air conductivity, so they are better not to use them in hot weather.

How to use

Before attaching this remedy for linen, hygienic procedures of genital organs and arms should be carried out. In the postoperative period, before using the product of this type, you need to process the wound.

Special skills are not required to use this type of hygienic goods. The urological gasket is attached to the bottom linen using a special sticky layer and is replaced as far as filling.

The maximum use of one gasket is 7 hours of continuous socks. After this time, the gasket must be replaced, even if it is not completely filled.

Incontinence of urine (incontinuation) is a pathological condition that may arise in women and men regardless of age. The reasons for the appearance of the symptom are quite different, from stressful factors to serious urogenital diseases. Women are distributed in old age. But it happens during pregnancy or after childbirth.

The disease has different severity. As a rule, incontinative is amenable to treatment, but before complete recovery is preparing to cope with the discomfort and other troubles.

Disorder is characterized by uncontrolled excrement. At the same time, women suffer from this ailment much more often men due to the anatomical differences of the genitourinary system. According to statistics, women between the ages of 40 and 60 years are subject to the disease, but this does not mean that outside this period will not affect the incontinencies. There are effective methods of treating pathology. In solving problems with incontinence will help women's gaskets urological.

What is urological gaskets?

What are the gaskets, what they are and how to use them, knows every woman. Hygienic products are used daily, larding more intensive absorption gaskets during regulatory and suckers. But under the incontinuations used urological.

Before choosing female gaskets urological, you need to take into account the following:

  • dimensional parameters;
  • material basis;
  • volumes;
  • the intensity of the absorption of the liquid;
  • the use of one product.

From how carefully you are attentive at the time of choosing a hygienic tool depends on the further comfort of its use.

Why incontinence needs special gaskets, explained by the character of the selection. Daily vaginal discharge is usually inherent, have a more viscous consistency. During menstruation, the intensity is enhanced, but also a woman can control the process with each campaign to the toilet. And what about incontinence, which is difficult to control? The answer sounds simple: we use the special use of urological purpose. These include strips, urological disposable and reusable panties for women, diapers and adult diapers.

According to the function, these hygiene products are very similar, the main difference in the form of a finished product.

  1. Women's urological gaskets have a different absorption and differ in design (for different situations). The laying form usually repeats the shape of the body, and the degree of absorption is affected by the size of the product. This is a multilayer product with odor neutralization functions, quick absorption and absorption of selection. All of them have an antibacterial layer. The pads on the edge there is a protective side (from the flow), adhesive base for better fixation with linen. Produce products from special dermatologically safe materials. Mainly used with independent control, lightweight and moderate incontinence.
  2. Urological pants for women are disposable and reusable, in fact, are a substitute for underwear, but having special absorbent properties. The hygiene agent is selected in size. Applies more often by people leading an active lifestyle. Disposable - thrown out, reusable - suggest the possibility of washing. Recommended with moderate and severe form of incontinence.

how Still to choose urological women's gaskets?

Although hygiene urological means looks similar to ordinary layers for menstruation, according to their properties, the product is fundamentally different. This, in fact, is their appointment - to cope with the incontinence of urine. Therefore, if you overtook this delicate problem, use specialized products. Due to the high functionality, you will not experience discomfort, and the problem will be solved very effectively.

It means that the first rule is used in case of urine incontinence exclusively urological gaskets or panties.

The second is chosen by the quality of absorption. Here it is necessary to take into account the degree of intensity of uncontrolled discharge per day:

  • drip - up to 50 ml;
  • easy - 500-100 ml;
  • average - 100-200 ml;
  • heavy - 500 ml and more.

And the volume (thickness, size) of the gasket is not all the quality indicators of absorption. Very important absorbing ability of a special layer. Note that even the best gaskets for menstruation do not possess such properties, and with urological disorders will be ineffective.

If you are worried that too thick gasket will be somehow noticeable under the clothes, it is not worth it. The specialized agent of even large volumes perfectly repeats the contours of the body, is well fixed, has additional levels of protection. The undoubted plus is an absorbent layer.

The third property to pay attention to when choosing urological means is the degree of neutralization of the smell. Urologicality with this task should be copedto very well, regardless of their shape and size.

Four - dermatological protection. All hygiene urological means have a breathable inner layer that does not contain allergens. But to really avoid dermatological troubles (diarming, irritation), when choosing a means, be guided by all the characteristics. As practice shows, the comfort of using those or other urological gaskets (panties) depends solely on the nature of the delicate problem.

Using the example of urological gaskets Molimed (Molimed), let us understand the procedure for selecting the means. So, under the trademark there are 11 species of different in the thickness and the degree of absorption of urological gaskets, as well as urological panties. Immediately it is necessary to pay attention to that women and men's gaskets differ, it means that we are looking for such a mark on the packaging. The amplitude of the absorption is: from 80 (Premium Ultra Micro) to 844 ml (Classic Maxi). According to customer reviews, gaskets with maximum absorption will be useful after childbirth, and you can enjoy minimal during menstruation (although this is not their main purpose).

Molimed showed itself as excellent urological gaskets. This agent has a unique three-layer absorbent pillow: patented top layer material based on thermally treated twisted cellulose; Hellorative superabsorbent inside. They have an antibacterial property, quickly absorbing moisture and transforming it into a gel. Repeat the contours of the body, securely attached to the underwear.

Other popular trademarks producing products of this type:

  • SENILADY: 7-digit dimensional table from easy to medium disorder;
  • TENA: 8 levels of absorption.

Gaskets are most convenient to use when you yourself can control the replacement of the hygiene. As well as absorbing panties. There are still forms of urological means as diapers and diapers. They are more suitable for people who are not able to properly care for themselves, during sleep, as well as for bed-bedged.

Use of urological female pads

How to use gaskets, known to every woman. With urological, in principle, we do the same: fix on the underwear and change as needed. It is recommended to change the gasket approximately every 4 hours (plus / minus). At the same time, it is not necessary to conduct water procedures. The used special needs are utilized in the same way as ordinary (some manufacturers have provided individual garbage bags).

Disposable tools are not intended to be reused, they can not be erased. It remains important to the right choice of underwear (no thongs!), And if the gaskets of maximum absorption are used, you need to additionally wear mesh panties.

Inped folded, the product will be perfectly fit in your cosmetic bag. Not intended for use while swimming in the sea or in the pool. For this use other means.

And last. This is not a drug from incontinutencies, but only a means of personal hygiene, providing convenience and comfort. So it is still necessary to treat incontinence. And the sooner you start, the sooner get rid of the need to wear urological gaskets.

With the problem of urine incontinence may face women in the preclimberic period and young girls. Urination disorders are worried during pregnancy and after childbirth. Depending on the severity of the problem, the best solution is selected - urological gaskets for women with the necessary level of absorption.

Types of urological gaskets for women:

  • urological;
  • medicinal;
  • reusable.

The benefits of urological products include reliable absorption, guarantee of protection against the course. Products do not limit the movements are not visible under clothing, provide comfort and self-confidence.

Pads are designed for drip incontinence of urine easy and moderate. They are attached to the linen contained inside the superabsorbent absorbs and keeps moisture.

Among product features:

  • high degree of absorption;
  • elasticity;
  • softness of the adjacent surface;
  • neutralization of unpleasant odors
  • small thickness.

Products represented by famous manufacturers Seni, Tena, Hartmann, Abena, Depend hypoallergenic. The high degree of protection is provided by special side and cuffs. Studying what urological gaskets for women are, it can be seen that products with efficient neutralization of odors are available. Such products are designed for less frequent shift.

What urological gaskets for women are better?

Some mistakenly believe that urological gaskets can replace ordinary products used in critical days. Products developed for people suffering from urinary incontinence has specificity. The differences are in the form, thickness, speed and scope of absorption, in the materials used and the period of wearing before replacement.

Hygiene products from well-known manufacturers are made taking into account all the nuances of the urinary incontinence problem. Urological gaskets faster and larger absorb. They are designed for urine density and do not allow flow.

If you do not know how to choose women's gaskets to solve the problem of urine incontinence, it is worth repelled from the volume of fluid loss per day:

  • the first stage is up to 50 ml;
  • second stage - up to 100 ml;
  • third stage - up to 200 ml;
  • fourth stage - 500 ml.

For each stage in a wide range, specially designed urological gaskets for women are produced, so difficulties where buy products does not occur.

Features of gaskets from famous manufacturers

The domestic market presents a wide selection of products with different characteristics of absorption.

Molimed from Hartmann.

The manufacturer produces a wide range of products of varying degrees of absorption. Products are characterized by a small thickness that ensures good absorption and retention of the fluid. Molimed products are made of hypoallergenic materials with a pH-neutral skin factor. Has an antibacterial effect.

TENA strips

Products are characterized by rapid absorption and reliable deduction of moisture. Superabsorbent turns fluid to gel. Products differ in absorption: "Mini", "Normal", "Extra" and "Super". Buyers celebrate the comfort of use, thanks to the soft top material of the Ten gasket.

Binding level



Drip incontinence

Drip and easy incontinence


Drip and easy incontinence

Tena Lady Normal

Easy incontinence

Light and average incontinence


Light and average incontinence

5.5 drops

Light and average incontinence


Light and average incontinence at night

Light and average incontinence

Seni strips

The products are designed for women with light and medium degree of urinary incontinence, they can be used in the postpartum period. Products are presented in 7 sizes.

Seni's urological gaskets have sidelights to protect against leakage. Anatomical shape provides dense adjacent to the body.

Strips ABENA.

Products allows women with any degree of urine incontinence to lead an active lifestyle. It provides freedom of movements and full protection against the flow, comfort throughout the day. Over the entire length of products there are soft sides. At the bottom of the gaskets have adhesive strips for reliable fixation to the bottom linen. Some models are unisex, that is, can be used and men.

ABENA ABRI series: to Abri-San Premium 4 - for easy and moderate degree of urinary incontinence, from Abri-San Premium 5 - for severe.

Designation, size in cm

Moisture absorption, ml

Abri-Light Ultra Mini, 8x18

Abri-Light Mini, 10x22

Abri-Light Mini Plus, 10x28

Abri-Light Normal, 11x26

Abri-Light Extra, 11x33

Abri-Light Extra Plus, 11x33

Abri-Light Super, 20x44

Abri-San 1, 11x22

Abri-San Premium 2, 11x26

Abri-San Premium 3, 11x33

Abri-San Premium 3A, 11x33


Abri-San Premium 5, 28x54

Abri-San Premium 6, 30x63

Abri-San Premium 7, 36x63

Abri-San Premium 8, 36x63


Abri-San Premium 10, 36x70


Many are interested in how to choose urological gaskets for women from the range of well-known manufacturers. It is always convenient to consult with experts who will select the optimal version of the thickness and absorption, as well as taking into account your preferences.

It should be understood that the classic hygiene gaskets cannot be used when urine incontinence.

Urological gaskets for women help solve urine incontinence problem.

Urological absorbing products differ from others by such indicators:

  • the form;
  • thickness;
  • material;
  • absorption speed;
  • possible volumes;
  • wearing time.

Visually specialized gaskets resemble ordinary. But the difference becomes the form and absorbing material, which ensures the highest possible retention of even significant volumes of fluid. Products are completely invisible and almost not felt.

Manufacturers of gaskets offer several varieties depending on the severity of incontinence. It:

  • drip - up to 50 ml;
  • easy - from 50 to 100 ml;
  • average - from 100 to 200 ml;
  • heavy - from 200 to 500 ml.

The choice of pads should be done, taking into account the severity of pathology.

Urological products reliably protect the woman and from one problem - smell. They simply "lock" inside it, because they completely exclude the contact of urine with the skin. Good products when used are not irritated by the skin, and for the top layer, breathing materials are used.

Popular products

Manufacturers offer a large selection of products. But the following stamps are most popular:

  • Seniledy. Suitable at easy and moderate incontinence. They provide dense adjacent to the skin due to a special anatomical form. Absorbing layer - superabsorbent, reliably holding the smell;
  • TENA. Recommended at drip and easy incontinence format. Gaskets fully meet all the requirements and provide comfortable use;
  • Molimed. The manufacturer offers 10 varieties of gaskets of varying degrees of absorption and thickness. In addition, there are also special absorbent panties in the product line. Thanks to the hypoallergenic filler, they do not cause irritation even with long use.

The problem of urinary incontinence is very common, and not only in old age, but also in young people. Especially acute such a uncomfortable phenomenon worries during pregnancy and after generic activity. Based on what kind of incontinence led to the incontinence and to what the severity it takes place, appropriate therapy is assigned. But before obtaining a positive result, the problem of urine isolation remains, and in order to cope with it, urological gaskets must be used.

Urological gaskets - what is it?

Urological gaskets are specialized hygienic agents that allow you to deal with the manifestations of urinary incontinence. By analogy with familiar to menstruation, they are also attached to panties and due to the presence inside the special sorbent absorb moisture, preventing it.

They exist different degrees of absorption, and they can be both completely indistinguishable and more like a diaper (it will rightly notify that in both extremes the remedy is imperceptible under clothing and does not deliver additional discomfort). Can be used at any age for any sex.

What they differ from ordinary gaskets

Today, hygienic tools are diverse and easy to use, allow you to feel comfortable due to the qualitative implementation of tasks assigned to them. Some believe that if hygiene gaskets for critical days are similar to naurological, they can also well perform the entire spectrum of functions, but in fact it is not. Due to the fact that items were created for different purposes, they have their own specific features. They can differ from each other in shape, the thickness used by materials, the volume and speed of absorption, the deadline for the maximum duration of wearing without replacement.

So, you can allocate such features of urological gaskets:

  • they absorb more and faster. It should be understood that the usual layers for critical days are designed for a liquid of another density, which they absorb gradually, but the urological option is able to instantly absorb liquid urine and prevent its spreading. When choosing, it is worth relying the volume of the problem. So, for the first stage of incontinence of the character of a loss of no more than 50 ml of fluid, for the second - to one hundred, for the third - up to 200 ml, and at the last, fourth stage - until the half-liter per day. For each of these stages, a specific type of protective agent is provided;
  • the presence of additional protective elements (it can be sideboards on the sides, cuffs on the groin, etc.);
  • hygiene urological means are better neutralized by smells and prevent the microbes quickly reproduction;
  • designed for less frequent shift.

As for protection against irritation, it all depends on the quality of the product - good gaskets will not cause rashes, redness, and other unpleasant symptoms (but it is important and to comply with the rules of wearing and replace the tool in time). It is worth noting that urological gaskets exist for men - they can be represented in the form of a small pocket or ordinary overlay.

What needs urological gaskets after childbirth

A list of things that need to be taken with you in the hospital necessarily includes urological gaskets. Some neglect with such a recommendation and take the usual means for critical days, but the night with maximum absorbability, and almost always turns out to be in vain.

It is worth noting that the process of recovery after childbirth is complex and long, and in some aspects is extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable. So, every woman after childbirth faces such a concept like Lochi. These are very abundant bloody seals, they will not do naturally and without them - it is due to such discharges of the uterus can be cleaned and recover after the entire time of toaling and childbirth themselves. In the first days they are particularly abundant, and to two months are completely stopped. It is for succeeds and urological gaskets need, because even the most powerful means of absorption means for menstruation will not cope with such a load.

Gathering in the maternity hospital in the maternity hospital immediately, as it is not for sure that it is exactly that the placement will take place and how often the gasket is changed. Such a hygiene will be indispensable in the postpartum period, and will allow a woman to relax comfortably in any comfortable position, as well as feed the baby, not surviving for leaks. It is worth noting that the first monthly after delivery in most cases is also characterized by special intensity, so that the urological gaskets remaining from the hospital and in such a situation will be very useful.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. So, it is better to take gaskets with greater absorbability - they will be larger in size, but certainly will not allow the discharges to flow. Prefer preference to the means of anatomical form and with additional protective elements. It is important that the upper coating was nonissan and very gentle, and the gasket itself passed the air well (this parameter acquires a special relevance in the presence of seams).

What female urological gaskets better choose?

Faced with the problem of urinary incontinence or abundant selection of a woman as soon as possible, I want to get rid of it. Correct therapy will be extremely important in this matter, but no less important and choose a tool that will provide comfort during treatment. The proposals today exist a lot, and it is worth noting that the price of individual products is high enough, so that experiments usually do not have time or extra money. We offer to get acquainted with the most popular brands in this category of hygiene and their features.

Absorbing gaskets TENA (Ten)

The company has several decades at the market, offering high-quality and variety of urological goods. Inside each type of means - a special absorbent substance that turns fluid into the gel, due to which it is firmly kept in the gasket. For each of the incontinence degrees, its model has been developed: ultra-thin and thin for the first two stages, "Normal" for the third, "Extra" and "Super" for the latter. Separately produced men'sV-shaped products.

Separately, it is worth noting a soft coating in a touch point with body and imperceptibility under clothing. In general, reviews about these gaskets are positive, but individual patients have complaints on a bad fastening to the linen and that they are strongly impaired during the day.

Molimed (Molimed)

To date, under this brand, one of the widest range of urological products is presented - more than ten types of gaskets that differ in thickness and the degree of absorption, as well as special panties. The production of Molimed is its small thickness, which does not reduce the excellent level of moisture retention. In the creation of gaskets used hypoallergenic materials, they have a neutral level of acid-alkaline balance for the skin, endowed with an antibacterial effect - due to everything they do not have to worry about irritation and discomfort even with long-term use. It is also noted that the upper layer always remains dry, which is important For comfortable self-assumption.

Postpartum pads Senilady (Seni Lady)

Urological gaskets are positioned as a means for women with a light and medium degree of incontinence, but on the packaging there is a designation that they can be used in the post-rod. They are produced in seven sizes, so it is possible to choose the most suitable in each particular case. Gaskets have tender side sides, they fit well to the body due to anatomical shape and securely attach to the linen with three adhesive stripes. After childbirth, they are recommended to wear with special disposable panties, but can also be used with conventional linen. A big plus funds is that the tool absorbs very well and keeps moisture, and due to its size, the most protects against unpleasant leaks, allowing the feminine to relax peacefully.

Urological Inserts Abri-San (Abry San) when urine incontinence

This product is designed for patients with different degrees of incontinence. So, models from 0 to 4 - for light and medium shape, and from 5 to 11 - for people with medium and severe degrees of urinary incontinence (the maximum size is able to hold 3.4 liters of fluid). The use of "breathable" materials allows for maximum comfort for the skin, without constant humidity and irritation.

Inside the gasket there is a special layer, which is designed to inhibit the reproduction of bacteria in the selected urine and neutralize the unpleasant odor. Inserts are universal, and suit for both women and men. Country producer - Denmark.