The living wage of a single mother with a child. Who are single mothers? Who are not recognized as single mothers

The concept of "single mom" is different in labor and social law. In most cases, we mean a woman who has the father is not indicated in the child's documents(or indicated from her words). Additional federal and regional types of state aid (including those related to raising a child alone) for this category of recipients are not too extensive. However, single mothers can count on all the same types of assistance from the state that are required parents from complete families.

According to statistics, in Russia the number of women raising a child alone is approaching 30%.

For such women, there are special allowances and benefits, although there are not too many of them. A complete list of payments and provided types of assistance to single mothers for each specific region must be clarified with the social protection authorities of the population at the place of residence.

So, what benefits, benefits and other types of state assistance can single mothers expect in 2018, what kind of legal status does this have?

In determining entitlement to social benefits a single mother can be a woman whose father is not written in the child's birth certificate or is written in according to her words. Other signs used:

  • a joint application about the registration of the baby at the registry office was not submitted;
  • paternity has not been established through the court on the basis of the available evidence (including the results of a DNA examination), there is no positive court decision on this matter;
  • the child was given birth by an unmarried woman, when the “presumption of paternity” could be applied to the spouse in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 58 RF IC.

When registering a child at the registry office, a single mother is issued a special certificate in form No. 25, officially confirming her status as a single parent. The child's surname is maternal, and the father's full name is written from the mother's words or a dash is put.

Thus, a single mother is a woman with a child who, according to documents, does not have a father.

A single woman raising a child without a husband is generally understood by the term “incomplete family”. If the child formally has a father, the mother can no longer be considered lonely, even if the father does not help her in raising the child and has completely disappeared from their life.

Single Mom Definition By Law 2018

As of 2018, there is a definition of a single mother in the law, which applies on the field of labor law however, it does not apply to the possibility of receiving social benefits. This definition is given in paragraph 28 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated January 28, 2014. "On the application of legislation regulating the work of women, persons with family responsibilities and minors".

A single mother according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a woman who carries out parental duties alone, without the help of her father. That is, it brings up, develops, teaches, supports children (relatives and / or adopted children) in accordance with the family legislation of Russia without the assistance of the second parent. Specific cases may be different: the father died, left his family, deprived of parental rights, disappeared, incapacitated, etc.

That is, in labor law, a single mother will also be considered a woman whose husband (father of the child) has died, is deprived of his rights, etc. She will be able to count on the benefits that concern. For example, benefits in reducing staff, shorter work hours. But single mothers are entitled to social assistance only if the child does not have and did not have a father at all.

Who is considered a single mother (examples)

It is believed that if a child has a determined father, a woman cannot be considered a single mother, even if the man does not participate in the child's life and does not take care of him. After all, there are ways provided by law to force him to do this - for example, through a court.

The table below shows 10 common examples life situations that will help you figure out whether a woman can be considered a single mom to provide complementary social support measures.

Life situation Is a woman a single mother?
Yes No
1 The child was born in marriage, then the parents divorced or the father died, deprived of parental rights, declared incompetent ×
2 The woman gave birth to a child out of wedlock, it has not been established (a joint statement on paternity was not submitted, paternity was not established by the court), there is a dash in the child's birth certificate or the entry was made according to the mother's words×
3 The child was born in marriage or within 300 days after the official dissolution of marriage, the death of the mother's husband, or the invalidation of the marriage ×
4 The same, but paternity is contested (there is a court decision that the husband or ex-husband is not the biological father)×
5 The birth of a child 300 days after the divorce, the death of the husband, the invalidation of the marriage, if the registry office does not submit a joint×
6 The child was born out of wedlock, but there was a joint statement by the parents to the registry office (the father "recognized" the child) or the court established paternity at the request of the mother or father (even if the man does not live with the woman and the child) ×
7 In the column "father" the child has a dash, the mother gets married after the birth of the child, her new husband does not adopt her son / daughter×
8 The same, but the new husband adopts the child ×
9 ×
10 The same, but after adoption the woman gets married and her husband adopts this child ×

In fact, when determining whether a woman is a single mother in order to qualify for the right to, it is worth starting from the fact that the child has a father according to documents, and not from the mother's husband.

By the way, if a child is born in marriage (or within 300 days after its dissolution), the mother's husband is recorded as his father, regardless of whether the man is the biological father or not - until the opposite is proven through the court through the procedure for challenging paternity.

Pros and cons of recognizing a woman as a single mom

The decision to "give birth to a child for yourself" largely predetermines the future of both the woman and her children. Many mothers do not even know what they will have to face in this or that situation. However, in addition to the difficulties, the status of a single mother associated with the paperwork procedure in some life circumstances.

Sometimes registry office employees themselves advise a single woman when receiving a birth certificate for a child, nothing at all do not write in the column "father", and it makes a certain sense. Indeed, according to the law, even a formal (fictitious) father has the same rights and obligations to a child as a mother. For example, when going on holiday abroad, a notarial permission of such a “dad” may be required for the child to be able to leave. There are many other similar situations.

The pros of being a single mother

Unfortunately, a woman does not always turn out to be of her own free will. But if she has a choice: whether to ask the child's father for the acknowledgment of paternity or not to insist, she should understand some of the intricacies of this state of affairs.

What are the benefits has a single mom compared to one who does not want this status for herself?

  • There is an opportunity to get: tax, labor, some benefits at school and in kindergarten for a child. Although they are not very large, it is better than nothing at all.
  • Not required at registration reference that the father did not receive the payment. This is of great importance when a man is not eager to take any certificates and go to meet a woman.
  • Complete freedom in disposition of movements child. For example, you do not need a father's permission to take your child abroad.

    Many women whose ex-husband or father of the child is “on the run” or simply does not allow them to take their child even to a neighboring country to visit relatives (for competitions, on vacation), suffer greatly from the inability to manage this situation on their own (alone).

  • The consent of the second parent registered at a different address is not required for the child registered at the address of the maternal registration. Also when registering different certificates and manuals you will not need an extract from the dad's house book, there will be less bureaucratic red tape.
  • The consent of the formal father is not required if the woman's new husband decides adopt her child.
  • No chance that a formal father will judge a child (at least until he also proves his paternity through the court).
  • In the future, the child himself is deprived of any commitments in relation to the biological father (to maintain and care for in old age, pay alimony). Of course, this is a dubious merit in social and moral terms, but it also needs to be taken into account when making a decision.

Cons of recognizing a woman as a single mom

In Russia, due to well-established stereotypes, public opinion often condemns women who decide to have a baby alone. There is an opinion that "even if he is bad, there will be a father in the testimony." Therefore, of course, in addition to the advantages, a single woman will also experience the disadvantages of not having a second parent. And the point is not only that the father will not provide the child financially, help in upbringing and share the hardships.

Disadvantages of being a single mom:

However, if a relationship with a man does not develop even before the baby is born, then it is logical not to get involved with a person with whom it will be difficult to agree, if necessary, to make any joint decisions about the fate of the child.

Sometimes independence in the life of a woman and a child is more important than the right to alimony, potential inheritance and other benefits associated with the presence of a “father” in life. Especially if a man initially does not want to recognize himself as such.

What is due to a single mother from the state

Unfortunately, as of 2018, there are no special additional benefits for women raising children without the help of a second parent in the event of pregnancy, childbirth and raising a child. In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are regional types of financial assistance for single mothers. In fact, this area of ​​social support is at the mercy of local authorities (regions and local government).

As far as possible, the state tries to help women raising children without the help of a second parent. There are not so many types of help, but they do exist. From what will be useful in practice:

  • - the same for all federal and, depending on the region of residence - regional;

What child benefits are due in 2018

Single mothers are entitled to the same benefits as parents from full families. In addition to the same throughout the country, in 2018 in many regions there are local payments for singles:

  • most often they have a targeted or targeted purpose: for students, the poor, for the purchase of food or school uniforms for a student;
  • low-income single mothers (monthly, quarterly) are also often paid at an increased rate.

The payments listed below are due all women(regardless of their employment), however, the procedure for registering them for a single mother is slightly different (as a rule, in the direction of simplification). In addition, there are other types of assistance for workers and those who are raising two, three or more children. The details of the terms of their registration will be considered separately.

Payments to a single mother at the birth of a child

In 2018, the amount of the benefit is RUB 16,350.33 It is paid for each child born without any additional conditions and is drawn up strictly within 6 months. after the birth of the baby.

In general, this allowance can be obtained by either parent - accordingly, when a baby is born from a single woman, only she can receive money. The peculiarity of the design is that no benefits are required. But instead it will be needed if it has not yet been submitted to the employer.

There are also. In some regions, singles with children are provided with vouchers to sanatoriums, the priority right to admission to kindergarten and other preferences.

Can a single mother file for child support?

This is one of the ways to support and support the child for the second parent, who is less involved in the upbringing and / or does not live with the family. In the law, alimony obligations are related to the origin of the child. If, according to the documents, he does not have a dad, then there is no one to demand alimony from.

If a loner is faced with the question of collecting alimony, she will have to. Only after its successful completion does a woman have the right to payments from the child's father. It should be borne in mind that the newly-born father acquires not only responsibilities in relation to the child, but also rights. He may demand to see the child, and when drawing up any documents with a notary or when the child travels abroad, the consent of the man will be required.

Paternity of a child whose parents are not married can be recognized as a man voluntarily(when registering a baby at the registry office) or judicially.

  • The initiator of the lawsuit can be the mother or biological father, as well as another interested person (the guardian or the one who supports the child).
  • You can go to court regardless of age the latter, however, in relation to an adult, the procedure is allowed only with his consent (part 4 of article 48 of the RF IC).

Methods of establishing paternity through the court:

  • testimony of witnesses, material evidence (joint photos and others);
  • genetic fingerprinting (the same DNA test that is carried out at the expense of the plaintiff).

The paternity claim is usually filed at the same time alimony claim... Moreover, in most cases, the court takes the side of the mother.

Alimony must be ordered from the day the claim is filed with the court, since in general over the past time alimony is not collected if the plaintiff did not take measures to obtain them (in this case, maintenance for the child can be collected no more than 3 years).

Given that the amount of alimony is usually very small, the mother should think about whether there is any sense in the procedure for establishing paternity, and whether she is making more problems than benefits. After all, after the decision of the court, the woman forever ceases to be a single mother.

Alimony for a single mother from the state

The question that interests many single women with children concerns the following: does the state pay alimony for a child without a father? Unfortunately, such a measure has not yet been envisaged.

In 2014, it was submitted to the State Duma for consideration. In the press, he was presented as a document that would provide the children of single mothers with payments from the state if the father evades alimony (including being wanted and his location is not known even to bailiffs).

  • In fact, he proposed to establish guarantees for the children of divorced parents or those who formally have a father (from whom the maintenance of the child cannot be collected for a number of objective circumstances). In a strict sense, single mothers have nothing to do with it at all - their children are not entitled to alimony at all until it is.
  • Also, the document proposes to install also minimum amount of alimony, equal to the value of the subsistence minimum.

However, as of the beginning of 2018, this document is still under consideration, which may take place already

Increasingly, in the modern world, women are raising a child on their own, without resorting to the help of their fathers. Single mothers are entitled to certain social benefits, but it is sometimes very difficult to decide on obtaining the status itself.

Who can be assigned to this status under modern legislation, and what payments are due to such a lady?

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A whole package of documents must be submitted to the social protection authorities. What kind of securities are we talking about?

  1. Birth certificate child.
  2. Help on the composition of the family.
  3. Original and copies of mother's passport.
  4. A document that clearly confirms the absence of marriage.
  5. Competently composed status application and all payments due.

All these documents must reflect the real situation and not raise doubts.

Perhaps the status of a single mother is still not considered the most honorable, but on the other hand the state is trying to do everything to make the life of such women as easy as possible.

Raising a child alone has long ceased to be something reprehensible, and having taken on such a responsibility, a woman has the right to receive all due benefits and payments.

There are state and regional programs that support single mothers. But few people know exactly which benefits a single mother can claim in 2019 and what benefits she is entitled to use. In the article, we will talk in detail about all payments that are due to this social category, about the procedure for receiving, as well as about tax, labor and other social benefits.

Who Can Get Single Mother Status

Who is single mother (MO)? At first glance, the answer is obvious - this is a woman raising a child on her own (without her husband). In fact, not every single mother has the status single mothers. In modern legislation, there is no official concept of a single mother, but it was in the days of the USSR. First introduced by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on 07/08/1944, and the final version was formed in paragraph 8 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 659 of 08/12/1970. This term is still used today. at a generally recognized level. Who is considered a single mother by law and who is not?

The status of a single mother is understood as a woman who has a child whose birth certificate does not contain information about the father, or the father is recorded according to the mother's words (that is, without establishing paternity, without parental status - p unct 3 article 17 of the Federal Law "On acts of civil status", paragraph 3 of article. 51 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). Such a woman is also given a social status in the registry office - a certificate is issued in form No. 25, according to which she has the opportunity to receive special benefits and enjoy various benefits (tax, labor, etc.).

There are the main criteria by which single women with children receive the status of "single mother":

  • Your baby was born out of wedlock and the fact of paternity has not been established by the court. For example, if you live with your spouse in a civil marriage, but the husband did not recognize himself as the father of the baby, and you did not file a lawsuit with your spouse, then you can get the status of a single mother;
  • The baby is born within 300 calendar days after you divorced your husband (automatic paternity). But at the same time, your ex-spouse contested paternity, about which there is an appropriate court decision;
  • You have applied for adoption, but you are not officially married. Even if you live with your husband without a signature, you can get the status of a single mother. This is possible if you independently carried out the adoption, and your unofficial spouse does not appear in the documents for adoption.

It is quite common for single mothers to try to prove their official status, but are rejected by government authorities. Therefore, it is worth considering separately the situations when the mother is not recognized as lonely:

  • You are divorced, do not communicate with your ex-husband, do not know about his whereabouts, do not receive alimony from him. But in this case, you are not a single mother, since the fact of paternity of your ex-spouse is documented (recorded in the birth certificate). Here we are talking about the ex-husband's failure to fulfill his parental obligations (evasion from paying alimony, for example);
  • There is a court decision in which your spouse is recognized as the father of the baby. The court can make a decision on recognizing your civil or ex-spouse as a father, regardless of whether you live with him or not;
  • There is no paternity in relation to the baby, but the woman is officially married;
  • You divorced your husband (or your marriage was declared invalid), and within 300 calendar days after that you gave birth to a baby. In this case, your ex-spouse will be recognized as the father.

Let us consider the latter case in more detail. Regardless of the wishes of your ex-spouse, even whether he is the biological father, it will be he who will be entered on the birth certificate. It does not change anything if after the divorce you lived in a civil marriage with another person. In order for your common-law husband to be recognized as the father of the baby, you need his decision and a corresponding statement to the registry office.

Often the factor of marriage is overlooked to determine the status, they say, the child does not have an official father, then the mother will be lonely in any case (in the situation with this child). So, the latter loses its status as an MO, although, in fact, it remains the only parent for the child. Some regional laws mention this. So in a bz. 8 p. 1.3. Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 973-PP of 06.11.2007 clearly states that a single mother should not be married.

So, the factors for recognizing you as a single mother are raising a baby outside of marriage and the absence of documentary paternity. Social status is confirmed by a certificate from f. No. 25, which is issued by the registry office on the basis of a birth certificate (in the column "Father" there is a dash or the father is written down from the words of the mother).

Sometimes the social status is confirmed by a court decision. When a single mother is infringed on the corresponding benefits and rights to state support, this status can be established in court.

Previously, the position of the Ministry of Defense was certified by the personal book of a single mother. Currently, such a document is not issued in social security institutions. But if it is, then it retains its strength.

There are cases when in the same family in relation to different children, the same woman can simultaneously be an MO and at the same time not have such a status, because a single parent is determined in connection with a specific child.

For example, an unmarried citizen of A.A. Spirina, has three children: a son and two daughters. The daughters were born in a marriage (which is currently dissolved) and paternity is not contested (the ex-husband pays child support). And the son was born out of wedlock, without a record of the father in the certificate. So, in relation to the son of Spirin A.A. a single mother, and in relation to daughters, an ordinary mother.

Cash payments: amounts and procedure for registration

Absolutely all mothers (including those raising a baby on their own) have the right to social insurance payments in connection with pregnancy and at the birth of a child, namely:

  • If you, during pregnancy up to 12 weeks, turned to the polyclinic at the place of residence and registered, then a one-time payment in the amount of 628.47 rubles is due;
  • After 30 weeks of pregnancy, the antenatal clinic doctor will write you a sick leave, according to which payments are calculated at the place of work. Together with the sick leave there is a generic certificate with a total face value of 11.000 rubles. It can be spent on medical services in the antenatal clinic, maternity hospital, children's clinic, as well as on the purchase of medicines;
  • At birth, you receive a state allowance, which is paid in a one-time amount in the amount of 16,759.09 rubles. In addition, until the baby reaches 1.5 years of age, a monthly allowance is due, the minimum amount of which is 3,142.33 rubles. for the first child for the next 6,284.65 rubles. It should be noted that such assistance can only be received by the person who actually takes care of the baby, that is, is on maternity leave.

There are also additional payments and benefits for mothers with many children, such as maternity capital, benefits until the baby reaches 3 years old, etc. The maternity capital belongs to the mother at the birth of the second, third and subsequent children. Its size is fixed by law and in 2017 is 453.026 rubles. Regional maternity capital for 3 children can be received not only by a single mother, but also by mothers raising children in full families.

As for the additional payments that are due to single mothers, their amount and procedure for receiving is under the control of the regional authorities. The amount of payments varies depending on the average family income (level above or below the subsistence level). Often single mothers are entitled to standard benefits (like other mothers), but at a higher rate. The question is often how long a single mother can receive benefits. The answer is individual in each case and depends on the number of children in the family, the average per capita income per family member / family income, the child's status (disabled / healthy), as well as the social policy of local authorities. In most regions of the Russian Federation, single mothers receive the following types of financial assistance:

  • additional allowance (one-time) for the birth of a child (this is practiced in the Volgograd region);
  • bonus monthly social assistance for a single mother (for example, in Voronezh its amount is 514.80 rubles, in Novosibirsk it is 478.31 rubles);
  • monthly payments for caring for a baby up to 3 years old;
  • allowance for the 3rd child, which is paid monthly until they reach 3 years of age;
  • assistance for a mother raising a disabled child (can be paid until the child reaches the age of 18);
  • targeted-targeted financial assistance (for example, in Bashkortostan, from 15,000 to 100,000 rubles are allocated for vocational training, for running a personal subsidiary farm, business, etc.);
  • compensation for parental fees when not attending kindergartens (applied in the Ulyanovsk region);
  • long-term payments for children of single mothers from 0 to 16/18 years old (assigned, for example, in the Leningrad region);
  • other cases.

In general, the MO status implies the receipt of standard benefits, additional payments to benefits (increased amount), separate social assistance (targeted for the MO) in cash and in kind, benefits (social plan), guarantees (in medical, labor relations) and various benefits in varied spheres of life.

Contact your local social welfare office to find out what benefits are available for single mothers in your area.

Benefits in Moscow

In order to understand the procedure for providing financial assistance to single mothers, consider the situation with social payments in Moscow.

The amount of payments directly depends on the average family income, namely, on whether the income exceeds the minimum subsistence level or not. If the family consists of 2 people (mother and baby), then the minimum is 31.065 rubles. per month (mother 17.624 rubles + child 13.441 rubles). If you live in Moscow and your income is below this indicator, then you can count on:

  • payment to offset the increase in the cost of living in Moscow. This assistance is paid monthly until the child turns 16 years old (for schoolchildren, university students, technical schools and other day-time educational institutions - up to 18 years old). The amount of assistance is 750 rubles / month;
  • allowance in the amount of 2.500 rubles. It is monthly received by mothers of children under the age of 1.5 years, as well as from 3 to 18 years old;
  • assistance in the amount of 4,500 rubles, which is paid on a monthly basis to mothers of children from 1.5 to 3 years old.

If the income is above the subsistence level, then the above assistance will not be received. But at the same time, you have the right to:

  • compensation payment in the amount of 300 rubles. monthly. Paid until the child reaches the age of 16 (for day students - 18 years old);
  • reimbursement of the rise in food prices (675 rubles per month for children under 3 years old). Mothers receive the same assistance in cases where the former spouse avoids paying alimony;
  • assistance in caring for a disabled child of groups 1 and 2 or disabled since childhood (6.000 rubles per month). The mother receives payments until the son / daughter reaches 18 years of age and only if the child does not work, and if the child is disabled from childhood - up to 23 years.

Also, the Moscow authorities have assigned an allowance for the second child, which is paid as a one-time payment in the amount of 14,500 rubles. All mothers can count on this assistance, regardless of whether they have the status of single mothers or not.

The amount of social assistance to single mothers in Moscow is considered to be quite high in comparison with other regions of the Russian Federation, which in turn is associated with the high level of consumer prices in the capital.

Example # 1.
Resident of Moscow Samsonova E.D. independently brings up two children - daughter Samsonova S.V. (schoolgirl, 15 years old) and the son of Samsonov V.V. (4 years). The average monthly income of E.D. Samsonova - RUB 41.610 The subsistence minimum for a family is 44.506 rubles. (mother 17.624 + son 13.441 + daughter 13.441). Let's calculate the amount of financial assistance to which the Samsonov family is entitled. Since the Samsonovs' income is below the subsistence level established in Moscow, the Samsonovs can claim:

  • for 2.500 rubles. on the daughter of S.V. Samsonov and son Samsonov V.V., a total of 5,000 monthly;
  • compensation payments, taking into account the difference in consumer prices, 750 rubles each. for a son and daughter, a total of 1,500 monthly;
  • one-time aid for the son of V.V. Samsonov - 14.500.

Thus, the Samsonov family will receive one-time 14.500 and monthly 6.500 (5.000 + 1.5000).

How to get benefits

For payments, you need to contact the social security authority at your place of residence, having previously collected the necessary documents:

  • child's birth certificate (copy);
  • a certificate from the registry office, which indicates that the information about the father was recorded from the words of the mother (if such a fact took place);
  • a certificate from the Criminal Code with information on the composition of the family (confirms that the son / daughter lives with the mother);
  • form No. 25, confirming the status of a single mother (the document can be obtained from the registry office when issuing a birth certificate).

If the status of a single mother has been assigned to the connection due to the fact that the ex-husband contested paternity of a son / daughter born in marriage, then along with the above documents, a copy of the court decision must be submitted to the Social Security Council.

The payment of benefits is assigned from the month when the documents were transferred to the Social Security, so it is in your interests to take care of the provision of papers as soon as possible. The assistance is transferred until the child reaches a certain age, within which the payments are assigned.

Labor guarantees

Labor legislation provides single mothers with social protection in employment, in the workplace, and in the event of dismissal. What are the benefits of a single mother?

  • when hiring, there is a privilege compared to other candidates for the position (although this is more of the moral side of the issue). But in any case, the refusal to find a job cannot be based on the fact that you are raising a baby alone. The employer is obliged to provide a reasonable reason for the non-approval of your candidacy for the vacant position;
  • if you are officially employed, then you have the right to demand from the employer the establishment of a part-time working day (if the son / daughter is under 14 years old);
  • if the baby is less than 5 years old, then you can refuse overtime work, night shifts, work on weekends and holidays. The management has no right to force or apply any disciplinary action;
  • As a single mother, you are entitled to child care allowance in the event of an illness. Its amount depends on your seniority and salary, as well as on whether the child is being treated in an inpatient or outpatient setting.

A single mother cannot be dismissed in the event of a layoff (similar to pregnant women), a change in leadership, in the civil service - upon termination of access to state secrets.

But the employer can dismiss a woman upon liquidation of the enterprise (for example, in connection with bankruptcy), but at the same time he is assigned monetary obligations in connection with the forthcoming employment of the dismissed one.

Tax incentives

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a single mother is entitled to a reduced tax burden in the form of a deduction when calculating personal income tax. If, as a standard, each parent is provided with a deduction in the amount of 1,400 rubles, then a single woman is entitled to a double rate of 2,800 rubles. Compensation is provided for each child under the age of 18. If a son / daughter is studying full-time at a university, technical school, is a resident, cadet, graduate student, then the tax refund for the mother remains until they reach 24 years of age. When raising a disabled child, the mother receives a deduction of 6.000 rubles.

Compensation is provided to the mother on a monthly basis. To do this, it is necessary to transfer to the place of work documents confirming the status of a single mother: form No. 25 or a certificate from the registry office, if information about the father is indicated from the mother's words. Based on these documents, the accounting department recalculates personal income tax on a monthly basis: the tax is calculated based on the total income minus the deduction.

Example No. 2.
Sviridova S.D. independently brings up two children - the son of Sviridov G.P. (25 years old, resident) and daughter of Sviridov E.P. (21 years old, full-time student at a university). Average monthly income of Sviridova S.D. is 14.820 rubles. Let's calculate the amount of tax compensation for each child:

  • despite the fact that the son of Sviridov G.P. is a resident, a deduction cannot be issued for him. This is due to the fact that the son is over 24 years old;
  • on the daughter of Sviridova E.P. you can apply for compensation, since she is under 24 years old and is studying on a full-time basis. The compensation for the daughter is provided in the standard amount - 2.800 rubles.

In general order Sviridova S.D. pays personal income tax from monthly income:

14.820 * 13% = 1.927

After registration of the deduction, the tax will be calculated as follows:

(14.820 – 2.800) * 13% = 1.563

Thus, for the Sviridov family, the monthly savings are:

1.927 - 1.563 = 364 rubles.

In addition to providing a deduction, tax law exempts single mothers from property tax. True, at the municipal level, that is, at the discretion of the legislators of a particular settlement (for example, in Norilsk). There are no benefits at the federal level (on a universal basis).

The situation is similar with land and transport taxes.

Fringe benefits

There are other social benefits for single mothers, the provision of which is guaranteed by municipal legislation (that is, not in all regions and localities):

  • a set of free baby underwear for the baby;
  • providing food in the children's dairy kitchen for children under 2 years old;
  • free massage for children in the clinic (if this service is paid for everyone);
  • preschool admission benefit (children of single mothers enter preschool kindergartens out of turn);
  • free vouchers to children's sanatoriums.

Additional social support may be provided by regional authorities. For example, single mothers in Moscow are entitled to benefits in the form of free two meals a day for schoolchildren. If the baby is studying at an art school, then, according to the Resolution of the Committee on Culture, a single mother pays for studies with a 30% discount.

In order to clearly understand which benefits are given to single mothers and which are not, consider the table.

Availability of benefits Common grounds
Labor benefits
  • job privilege;
  • the right to part-time work (if the son / daughter is under the age of 14);
  • the right to refuse night and overtime work (if the son / daughter is under 5 years old);
  • preservation of a job while reducing staff.
  • reduction in the liquidation of the enterprise is possible;
  • if the child is over 7 years old, then sick leave after the 15th day of illness is not paid at 100% (payment is made in the general manner according to work experience)
Tax incentives
  • exemption from payment of property tax;
  • the right to a tax deduction (2.800 rubles for each child).
if the son / daughter is over 24 years old, then the tax deduction is not provided (even if the child is studying on a full-time basis)
Social benefits Regional / Municipal Benefits:
  • free sets of underwear for newborns;
  • free meals (dairy cuisine - for newborns, two meals a day - for schoolchildren);
  • priority in the queue for admission to kindergarten.

Regional benefits:

  • discount when paying for tuition in art schools, sports clubs, etc .;
  • full support in a kindergarten.

To clarify information about benefits and the procedure for registering them, a single mother should contact the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

How does the loss of MO status affect the receipt of benefits, benefits, etc.

When a mother loses her single status (getting married, adopting a child, etc.), the question of the fate of state aid often arises.

If we are talking about a one-time benefit, then previously received payments are inviolable, they are not refundable, recalculated, offset, and so on.

And regarding the monthly state / regional benefits, the recipient of assistance (MO) must inform about the change in his life situation as soon as possible (in the same place where he applied for benefits) before the next payment is received. Otherwise, recalculation is possible, and if this information is purposefully concealed for a long time, the police may become interested in this fact (at the request of the payer of state / regional assistance about fraud).

Benefits and benefits in selected regions

For the full realization of their material rights, it is useful to know what payments a single mother is entitled to in the region of her residence.

Below is information about benefits and benefits in individual constituent entities of the Federation.

Moscow region

Name periodization the size
child allowance single mother's income is not more than the subsistence level monthly

up to 1.5 years - 4456 rubles.

from 1.5 to 3 years - 6476 rubles.

from 3 to 7 years - 2228 rubles.

7 and older - 1114 rubles.

disabled child allowance a single mother has a disabled child of any group up to the age of 18 monthly RUB 7901
student family allowance single mother is a student monthly 4000 RUB
cash payment for the third and subsequent child low-income single mother monthly the value of the subsistence minimum in the Moscow region
providing recreation and health improvement for children single mother is the only parent in a large family annually provided in kind (vouchers, courses, etc.)
free drug supply by prescription upon receipt of a prescription

up to 3 years of age child;

for mothers with many children up to 6 years of age

1 time per month every child
free travel on city public transport for a single mother with 3 or more children daily a child who is no more than 7 years old
free meals for children of a single mother on the opinion of a doctor permanently up to 3 years of age in kind

St. Petersburg

Name Special conditions of appointment periodization the size
for children of single mothers aged 0 to 1.5 years monthly

for the first -3552 rubles;

for the second and subsequent -4058 rubles.

allowance for the purchase of baby goods and baby food for children of single mothers aged 1.5 to 7 years monthly 1318 RUB
allowance for a child from 7 to 16 years old (or until the end of the educational organization of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, but not older than 18 years) monthly 1225 RUB for every child
allowance for a disabled child under the age of 18 for the purchase of goods for children (adolescents) assortment, baby food, special dairy products single mother is disabled of I and (or) II groups monthly 8641 RUB
compensation payment for children studying in educational institutions of primary, basic, secondary general education and secondary vocational education according to training programs for qualified workers (employees), but not older than 18 years single mother with three or more children monthly RUB 4058
reimbursement of utilities (heating, water, sewerage, gas, electricity) within the limits of the consumption of utilities mother is the only parent raising a large family monthly

30% - if there are 3 children;

40% - from 4 to 7 children;

50% - 8 or more children.

discount on parental fees for babysitting and caring for children in the state. preschool and other state educational institutions the average per capita family income is below twice the size of the subsistence minimum in St. Petersburg monthly 40% of the parental fee for each child,
compensation payment at the birth of a child (adoption under the age of six months) for the purchase of items of baby assortment and baby food lump sum

RUB 28,257 at the birth of the first child;

RUB 37,678 - second child;

RUB 47 096 - third and subsequent children

compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to an increase in the cost of living children from a large family receiving a survivor's pension monthly RUB 3767 for every child
social payment for student mother training at a university, a specialized educational institution monthly 3457 RUB

Krasnodar region

Stavropol region

Name Special conditions of appointment periodization the size
allowance for a child under 16 monthly RUB 728
payment of a mother of many children having 3 or more children monthly RUB 365
allowance for the birth of 3 children and subsequent children lump sum 7795 RUB
compensation for school uniforms a single mother has 3 or more children annually 1040 RUB for every child
compensation for utility bills single mother has a disabled child monthly 50% of the cost of a communal apartment

Voronezh region

Altai region

Name Special conditions of appointment periodization the size
childbirth allowance lump sum

RUB 50,000 - second child;

RUB 7,000 - third and subsequent;

RUB 20,000 - at birth of twins

allowance for children from 1.5 to 3 years old monthly RUB 522
third child birth benefit the income for each family member of a single mother does not exceed the subsistence minimum established in the Altai Territory monthly RUB 5490
student allowance (uniform and accessories) annually

RUB 7,500 for a first grader;

RUB 5,000 - a student of other classes

single mother has 3 or more children on presentation of a prescription issue in kind
compensation of the cost of travel for children on public transport single mother has 3 or more children monthly travel document
compensation for meals for children in educational institutions under 18 single mother has 3 or more children monthly

Sverdlovsk region

Name Special conditions of appointment periodization the size
child allowance a single mother has an income not higher than the subsistence level in the Sverdlovsk region monthly RUB 941
payment for 3 and subsequent children lump sum RUB 10 672
reimbursement of school uniform costs single mother with 3 children or more, with an income below the subsistence level in the Sverdlovsk region Once every 2 years 2000 RUB for every student
compensation for a child's travel in public transport single mother of many children monthly 433 r
free prescription drugs for up to 6 years single mother has 3 or more children on presentation of a prescription issue in kind
discount on utility costs single mother has 3 or more children monthly 30% of the cost
free school breakfast or lunch for children of a single mother with many children entry into the register, issuance of a certificate
parenting allowance single mother has a disabled child monthly 1265 RUB

Irkutsk region

Name Special conditions of appointment periodization the size
allowance for a child under 16 monthly RUB 624
payment for the purchase of a school uniform single mother with many children and needy Once every 2 years RUB 1000 for every student
compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for children under 3 years old monthly RUB 675
compensation payment for a child of a disabled person of I or II group up to 18 years old (up to 23 years old for a disabled person from childhood) idle child monthly RUB 12,000
single mother has 3 or more children monthly 30% of the cost
additional payment at birth one-time RUB 5,000
free prescription drugs upon presentation of a prescription for a child up to 3 years of age issue in kind

Tambov Region

Name Special conditions of appointment periodization the size
additional maternity allowance single mother is no more than 25 years old one-time RUB 3000
child allowance monthly 356 r
payment for the third child and subsequent child low-income single mother monthly RUB 7,025
compensation for childcare fees in kindergartens monthly

20% of the amount for the first child;

50% - for the second;

70% - for the third.

payment for 3 children family's average per capita income is less than the subsistence level monthly RUB 8436
compensation for utility bills single mother has 3 or more children monthly 30% of the cost
free prescription drugs for up to 6 years single mother has 3 or more children on presentation of a prescription issue in kind
free school breakfast and lunch on weekdays (during the educational process) entry into the register, issuance of a certificate
free travel for children on public transport monthly travel document
payment for the purchase of school and sports uniforms Once every 3 years at prices approved by the municipalities
free admission to museums, exhibitions, parks of culture and recreation 1 time per month every child

Yaroslavskaya oblast

Name Special conditions of appointment periodization the size
governor's childbirth allowance one-time

4258 RUB - for the first child; RUB 5677 - on the second;

RUB 7096 - for the third and subsequent children,

RUB 42,720 - when two or more children are born at the same time

compensation for not providing kindergarten to a child per child aged 3 to 7 years monthly RUB 4925
social pension for a disabled child monthly RUB 7,616.10
regional payment for a disabled child the only parent of the child is a disabled person of group I or II monthly 2000 RUB
payment to a single mother with schoolchildren to prepare for the start of the school year low-income family annually 1277 RUB
discount on school meals on school days 50%
payment for food for a nursing single mother monthly up to 6 months baby 284 r

Perm Territory

Name Special conditions of appointment periodization the size
child benefits monthly RUB 323.30
single mother supplementary allowance poor parent monthly 2822 RUB
payment for a nursing single mother one-time 1996 RUB
compensation payments within the framework of the "Mother's Choice" project for non-attendance at kindergarten monthly

RUB 6,091.95 - from 1.5 to 3 years;

RUB 5,172.41 - from 3 to 5 years.

child allowance poor single mother monthly 274 r for every child
disabled child care compensation single mother does not work, is not registered for unemployment, does not receive a pension and is not an individual entrepreneur monthly RUB 5500
first grader allowance poor single mother one-time RUB 5,000
compensation for each family member for utilities single mother has 3 or more children monthly RUB 246.75
compensation to parents for paying music, art and sports schools monthly 50%
provision of school and sports uniforms for schoolchildren low-income single mother with 3 or more children annually RUB 2,496 per year for a boy and 2,474 rubles. a year for a girl
free prescription drugs for up to 6 years by prescription for outpatient treatment on presentation of a prescription issue in kind
free meals for schoolchildren on weekdays low-income single mother with 3 or more children entry into the register, issuance of a certificate
free prescription drugs for up to 6 years by prescription for outpatient treatment on presentation of a prescription issue in kind

For more information on the child benefit of a single mother of regional significance, contact any territorial social security department of the corresponding region.

Question answer

A woman brings up her son on her own due to the fact that the father is deprived of parental rights. Can a woman become a single mother?

No, since the ex-spouse is actually the father, about which there is documentary evidence (birth certificate). Single mother status can only be obtained if the information about the father is not documented.

A woman is raising a daughter who is a disabled person of the 2nd group. At the age of 17, the daughter was officially employed. How much can a mother expect to receive?

Payouts in the amount of 6.000 rubles. are transferred to the mother monthly until the daughter is employed. Assistance ends in the month the daughter goes to work. Social and tax benefits remain in full regardless of whether the daughter is working or not.

The so-called children's allowances are accrued.

Moscow social payments Rely for single mothers who have a residence permit in the capital and are registered with the regional USZN. These benefits are not paid to mothers at the place of study, service or work. The size of social payments in the current year to residents of the capital, including single mothers, remains at the level of 2016 in accordance with the decree of the Moscow Government No. 816-PP.

It is worth noting that, as a rule, the definition of "single mother" means a woman whose father's full name is written from her words on her baby's birth certificate, or a dash is put.

It is noteworthy that additional state aid in the form of child allowances for single mothers is not so extensive, but they can count on the same social benefits as complete families. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Legislative aspect of the issue

The issues of providing single mothers with social benefits are regulated by the following metropolitan laws:

Types of financial assistance

In the capital, single mothers are entitled to the same regional one-time allowances, which are also assigned to Muscovite mothers from complete families after the birth of a baby, namely:

The aforementioned state opportunities are listed on.

In addition, single mothers are entitled to additional monthly government payments if her family is. It is noteworthy that in 2010-2011, according to the decree of the Moscow Government, a family was considered poor if its income was less than 8,000 rubles. In early 2012, the cost of living was used instead of this value.

Therefore, if the average per capita family income is less than the subsistence minimum, then she is poor, which means that a single mother in this case is entitled to the following additional social benefits:

  1. Monthly state allowance for families with minor children. The following amounts are charged depending on age:
    • 0-3 years - 10 thousand rubles, for single mothers (fathers) - 15 thousand rubles;
    • 3-18 years old - 4 thousand rubles, for single mothers (fathers) - 6 thousand rubles.
  2. The monthly state compensation payment (EKB) to compensate for the rise in prices for food for babies under 3 years old - 675 rubles.
  3. EKV for children under 16 years old to reimburse the costs of improving the standard of living (for students of general education institutions - up to 18 years old) - 750 rubles.

It should be noted that application for provision It is best to write all the listed social payments so that the time of its submission does not coincide with the last 3 months. Otherwise, the payments accrued for it will be taken into account when calculating the family's income, because of which it may become significantly higher than the established value. It is noteworthy that if a single mother gets married, but her husband does not adopt (does not adopt) the baby, then his income will not be taken into account when calculating the state grant.

If the average per capita income of family members exceeds the subsistence minimum, then a single mother has additional social benefits in the following amount:

  1. EKV for children up to 16 years old to compensate for the costs of increasing the standard of living (for students of general education institutions - up to 18 years old) - 300 rubles.
  2. Monthly compensation to compensate for the rise in the price of a grocery basket for crumbs up to 3 years old - 675 in the national currency.

Registration procedure

Previously, in order to receive additional Moscow social benefits, a single mother had to submit to the USZN (Department of Social Protection of the Population) the necessary package of documents, including an F-25 certificate, which confirms the status of a single mom.

However at the moment registration of regional state awards conducted only through the Internet portal of city services of the city of Moscow.

List of benefits

If a single mother rents housing in the capital under a lease agreement, then she can receive compensation for its cost through RUSZN. In this case, landlords must pay taxes to the state on income from rental housing.

Also, for single mothers there is a 30% discount on tuition fees for their children(until he turns 18) in children's music, art and other art schools in the city of Moscow.

Other social guarantees

In addition to the listed benefits, single mothers and their children (as well as complete families) are entitled to the following privilege:

Large families

Single mothers with many children the following social benefits are due:

  • one-time social allowance - 14,000 rubles for the third child, 50,000 rubles for triplets. If the mother is not 35 years old, then she is charged 48,000 in the national currency for each baby;
  • monthly compensation for the cost of communication services - 250 rubles;
  • the annual state payment for the purchase of a school uniform is 5,000 rubles.

Women who raise babies without the help of men are supported by the state in various ways. Single mothers in 2019 are entitled to the following benefits and benefits:

  1. After the birth of the baby, mom will receive a one-time payment, the amount of which is fixed at 17,000 rubles.
  2. For pregnancy and childbirth, a single mother is entitled to a lump sum, the amount of which is calculated based on the average earnings (100% of the average wage summed up over the past two years).
  3. A young mother will receive an allowance from her employer in the amount of 40% of her salary. She will receive monthly payments until the baby reaches one and a half years.
  4. Single mothers who do not have an official place of work will receive monthly compensation from the Employment Center in monetary terms - 3,000 rubles. for one baby. If two or more children are born, the amount of the allowance will increase to 5800 rubles.
  5. Single mothers have labor benefits. For example, they cannot be fired by their employers (except in situations in which employees violate labor laws and discipline) until their children turn 14.
  6. Women raising children on their own can ask for a 2-week unpaid leave at any time that suits them.
  7. Federal legislation provides for early retirement for such women.
  8. Single mothers with children under the age of five cannot be forced to work on holidays or weekends by employers, and they must not be forced to work overtime.
  9. Single mothers have the right to take advantage of additional benefits, for example, to receive free underwear for newborns, temporarily not pay utility bills, purchase medicines with a 50% discount, etc.
  10. If a woman has a low-income status, then she must receive a cash payment until her child reaches 36 months. The amount of the monthly allowance will be equal to the subsistence minimum established in the capital.
  11. Until 2022, the Government will pay all women from 10,000 rubles. for every firstborn born. Mothers will receive money until their children reach one and a half years. For every second baby, mothers should receive 6,200 rubles. for three years from the moment they were born.
  12. A single mother who has given birth to a second baby can receive uterine capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles.

For state aid to single mothers, see the following video.