The size of military pensions. Raising pensions for military pensioners in April. Military pensioners will become richer by "one hundred rubles": the April indexation will be very modest. Military pensions: when and by how much will the military pension increase in a year?




















So the euphoria from the "active" actions of Vladimir Shamanov and the State Duma Defense Committee headed by him ended. On December 7, after considering the 2017 budget, draft law No. 15473-7 was adopted in the second and third readings, which directly relates to the indexation of military pensions in 2017.

Chief Defender of the 2017-2019 Budget Anton Siluanov


"On the suspension of the operation of part two of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation" On Pension Provision of Persons Who Have Served Military Service, Service in Internal Affairs Bodies, State Fire Service, Bodies for Control over the Turnover of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Institutions and Bodies of the Penitentiary System, Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, and their families "in connection with the Federal Law" On the federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019 "

Article 1.
1. To suspend until January 1, 2018 the effect of part two of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993No. 4468-I"On pensions for persons who served in military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, the bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families "(Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 9, Art. 328; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 49, Art. 4693; 1998, No. 30, Art. 3613; 2002, No. 27 , p. 2620; No. 30, p. 3033; 2003, No. 27, p. 2700; 2007, No. 49, p. 6072; 2011, No. 46, p. 6407; 2016, No. 27, p. 4160).

2. To establish that the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating a pension in accordance with Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I "On Pension Provisions for Persons Who Have Served Military Service, Served in Internal Affairs Bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families ", from February 1, 2017 is 72.23 percent from the size of the specified monetary allowance.

Article 2.
This Federal Law shall enter into force on January 1, 2017.

The president
Of the Russian Federation V. Putin

Considering that canceled for another year(before January 1, 2018, i.e. the 5th year in a row) indexation of pay for military personnel, also indexation canceledmilitary pensionsnot less than 2 percent from January 1, 2017.

Also silently May Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 604 is not being implemented(dated May 7, 2012) on an annual increase in military pensions by 2 percent above the inflation rate. The inflation planned by the government for 2017 in the amount of 4%, in accordance with this decree, should have led to an increase in military pensions by at least 6%. But from February 1, 2017, military pensions will be indexed by only 4%(72.23 / 69.45 = 1.04). And no further indexation of military pensions is provided in 2017.

All pensioners, both military and civilians, will be paid 5 thousand rubles each at the beginning of 2017 as consolation compensation for the absence of a second indexation of pensions in 2016.

Civil pensions are also planned to be indexed from February 1, 2017, but more than military pensions, that is, in line with the 2016 inflation rate (by about 5.5 percent).

Tighten your belts, dear military retirees. You already live well. And all your past merits, when you risked your health and life, endured difficulties and hardships of military service, huddled in strange corners, remained in the past. The state is trying to forget about them. It’s not easy to forget, but every year, without hesitation, it lowers the standard of living of military pensioners lower and lower and cancels the indexation of monetary allowances and military pensions established by law.

P.S. This situation was already observed in the early 2000s and ended with a massive transition of military pensioners to civilian pensions. But today, while the average military pensions exceed civilian pensions by more than one and a half times, the top, apparently, believe that nothing terrible is happening and military pensioners once again (many, many times!) Can be patient and wait until the oil becomes $ 100 per barrel or as a result of some miracle, the Russian economy will not start working and its growth rate will be at least 5-7 percent a year.

In the Russian Federation, you can become a military pensioner without reference to age: very often people retire at the age of 40 and even earlier. This requires a general experience in certain structures of 20 years or more. Disability received during service or death may also serve as the basis for calculating pension benefits (in the latter case, for relatives). This security is directly affected by monetary allowance, consisting of salaries for the position and rank, as well as other payments that are due to servicemen.

In addition to the basic pension provision, if a soldier is suitable for any of the categories of citizens specified in Art. 38, or Art. 45 of Law No. 4468-1, he is also entitled to a pension.

And if the former military man continues to work "in civilian life", then he will be able to count on. Subject to the conditions (retirement age, availability of the required IPC amount and work experience), he will provide himself with a fairly good increase in the form of a second pension.

Pension security for military personnel

Military retirees get their pension first through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation(also through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service and other departments). The two main types of retirement benefits for the military are - and. These pensions are assigned under special conditions described in the law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 No. 4468-1. This is the main regulatory document.

Very often there are situations when citizens, upon dismissal from service continue to work: start their own business, go to educational activities or to the security, etc. The law provides for such a scenario, as stated in Art. 57 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 No. 4468-1: no matter what type of income a former soldier has (income from entrepreneurial activity, wages, etc.), a military pension established in accordance with the above law, he will receive in full(excluding allowances for non-working pensioners).

If all the requirements for the establishment are met, the pensioner, who receives security from the security forces, two pensions can be paid: military and old age insurance (without).

How is the military pension calculated?

The amount of this pension is directly influenced by:

  • salary for military rank;
  • salary for the position;
  • additional payment for length of service.
  • 100% of the estimated size (RR) - in case of disability of group 1 or upon reaching 80 years;
  • From 32% to 100% of the RR - if there are dependents;
  • 32% and 64% of the RR - to the participants of the Great Patriotic War who do not have disabilities and to persons who have reached 80 years of age, respectively.
  • 32% RR - among disabled family members there are disabled children, disabled from childhood 1 and 2 gr., Invalids 1 gr. or citizens 80 years old (and older).

For retirement benefits:

  • All allowances applied to seniority benefits.
  • 100% of the social pension - the disability was caused by a military injury (for men 60 years old and women 55 years old).

Increases for certain categories of military pensioners

Military disability pensions, seniority pensions, and the loss of a breadwinner are increased according to Art. 45 of Law No. 4468-1:

  • 100% magnitudes military pension (VP)- Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and persons who have the Order of Glory of three degrees;
  • by 50% VP - Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • 50% VP- Deaflympic, Paralympic and Olympic champions;
  • by 15% VP- persons who have been awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of three degrees or the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees;
  • by 32% RR military pension - to those who participated in the Second World War from among the persons specified in sub. "A" - "g" and "and" sub. 1 p. 1 of Art. 2 Federal Law "About veterans", veterans of the hostilities specified in sub. 1 - 4 p. 1 of Art. 3 of the specified law;
  • by 32% RR- former juvenile concentration camp prisoners;
  • by 16% PP military pension - to persons who, from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945, were in military service for at least six months, as well as citizens who worked for at least six months during the Second World War, excluding periods of work in the occupied territories of the USSR, or were awarded medals and Orders of the USSR for labor and impeccable service during the Second World War;
  • by 32% РР - persons who have the sign "Inhabitant of the besieged Leningrad";
  • by 32% RR- disabled people from childhood due to concussion or injury, which are associated with hostilities in the Second World War or with their consequences.

The size of the second pension (insurance)

In order to count on this type of pension, a soldier needs to be registered with

The onset of 2017 brought several great news to Russian pensioners.

The government fulfilled its promise of a lump sum payment to each citizen of retirement age (5,000 rubles each), and announced the long-awaited indexation.

The latest hike, which was scheduled for September 2016, did not take place. The compensation paid was a one-off event. The issue of increasing payments from this has not ceased to be relevant. The next indexation will be calculated based on the amount of the pension, which is current for February 2016.

The next indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017 will increase the size of pension payments, at least by the percentage of inflation recorded at the end of 2016. The official figure was 5.4% (for comparison: 2015 - 12.9%, 2014 - 11.4%). The Government has every chance to fulfill its obligations. How much will the average pension increase from April 1, 2017? How much will the military and working pensioners receive? Will there be a second indexation in September?

Average pension in the country

The latest news from the Government of the Russian Federation claims that the indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017 will be 5.8%. The increase will take place in two stages: the first - in February (by 5.4%), the second - in April (another 0.4% to make 5.8%). Pensions will be re-indexed from April 1, 2017, and the final percentage increase by 0.4% will exceed the plan.

According to the current legislation, which obliges the Government to annually increase pensions (indexed by the percentage of inflation based on the results of the previous year), after April 2017, the next increase in labor and social pensions will have to wait until next February.

In 2016, the average old-age pension was set at 13,132 rubles. According to the indexation scheme, starting from April 1 - after pre-indexation - the average pensioner will receive 13893 rubles.

As for social pensions, it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the social pension (it is an order of magnitude lower than that of labor pensions), but also the category of citizens to whom it is charged. In 2016, the social pension was RUB 4,959. It was received in 2016 by those elderly people who did not gain the required insurance work experience. According to the decision of the Government, this type of payments has also been increased: from April 1, 2017, the social pension will be indexed by 5.8% and will amount to 5,247 rubles.

For reference: only citizens who have reached retirement age can receive social pensions (men - 65 years old, women - 55 years old). An exception was made for pensioners who are numbered among the small peoples of the North. For them, the age threshold for both women and men has been lowered by 10 years.

Retired servicemen belong to a separate category of pensioners, since the system for calculating their pension payments has its own characteristics. First of all, the size of the military pension depends on the monetary allowance that the pensioner received before leaving the service. The timing of the indexation of military pensions is also different: the government has undertaken to increase military pensions twice a year (in January and October) plus use an additional - the second indexation in the amount of 2%, regardless of the value of the first indexation. What awaits military pensioners in 2017? Nothing good.

The military pension will not be increased from April 1, 2017. Indexation should not be expected in October either. Nor will there be a 2% increase (for the first time since 2012). These provisions are spelled out in Federal Law No. 430-FZ of December 19, 2016. The reason for the emergence of the law (according to officials) is the lack of funds in the budget. At the same time, this normative act makes some exceptions: military payments will be indexed on a general basis (by 5.8%). The increase will affect only former employees of the prosecutor's offices, military courts and the Investigative Committee.

A significant part of the pensioners who continue to work are recipients of social pensions. The pensioner has to continue working due to the lack of seniority to receive a retirement pension, as well as pension points.

This situation allows counting on relatively little government support. Since 2017, the Government has taken care of working pensioners and decided to freeze the amount of pension payments. The size of the pension for working citizens will remain the same after April 1. The reason for the lack of indexation is still the same - the lack of funds in the state budget.

Throughout 2016, rumors circulated actively about the complete abolition of pension payments for working citizens.

Indexation of pensions from April 1: from next month Kambin will increase social pensions. They will increase by 1.5%, for which 545.3 million rubles / month will be spent from the country's budget, or 4.9 billion rubles by the end of this year.

From 01.04 will begin to index social pensions, taking into account the rate of increase in the subsistence minimum (WL) of a pensioner of Russia over the past year.

“Based on the data on the size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Russian Federation in 2016 (8,081 rubles) and for 2015 (7,965 rubles), the growth index of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Russian Federation in 2016 was 1.015. In this regard, it is proposed to index the size of social pensions by 1.5% from April 1, 2017, ”the explanatory note to the draft government decree says.

Indexation of pensions from April 1: increases in pensions for the military

Since the social pension will be indexed from 01.04, pension payments will be increased to military conscripts, members of their families, participants in the Great Patriotic War, awarded the sign "Resident of blockade Leningrad", those who suffered from radiation and man-made disasters, and flight test personnel. In addition, astronauts will also receive a bonus.

After indexing, the level of pension provision (PA) will increase for approximately 3,900,000 Russian citizens of retirement age. At the same time, 3,100,000 of them receive social-type pensions.

Indexation of pensions from April 1: how much will the social pension increase

On average, the amount of social pension after its indexation will be 8,774 rubles, that is, 129 rubles more. Disability pensions for the military will be increased by 181 rubles, that is, up to 12,343 rubles. The pension of those conscripts who have lost their breadwinner will be equal to 10,462 rubles: an increase will be 155 rubles.

Also, the pension payments of the participants of the Great Patriotic War, state support and disabled people due to military trauma will grow. All of them are paid two pensions, which will increase by 206 rubles and 200 rubles, respectively.

The second pension is assigned when a military pensioner reaches retirement age, that is, 60 years for a man, 55 years for a woman. At the same time, he must receive a seniority or disability pension through the security department. In order for a second pension to be awarded, a person must submit an application to the PF customer service.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017: additional indexation from April 1, by what percentage. Military pensions are considered a priority category of citizens in our state, for whom the government primarily tries to provide a comfortable old age. Former servicemen have defended the inviolability of Russia for many years, many of whom have fought in hot spots. Since March of this year, according to the indexation from 01.02, military pensioners began to receive cash payments by 5.4% more. Will there still be indexing for them?

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 from April 1 will be re-indexed by 0.4% and social pensions will be increased by 1.5%.

Thus, all military pensioners from May this year will receive their pension 0.4% more. The amount of indexing is, of course, minimal. But this is the only category of pensioners who have already been indexed twice in 2017. It should also be noted that some military pensioners, who are also recipients of social benefits, have the right to expect their increase by 1.5% from April 1.

Of course, we should not forget about other social benefits for military pensioners, which no one is going to cancel. This is an opportunity to undergo treatment and rest in departmental sanatoriums, free or reduced fare in transport, and much more.

Appeared on October 25th. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Government to revise the timing of the increase in payments and postpone them to January 1 simultaneously with an increase in military salaries and insurance pensions. The necessary changes to the country's budget should be made in the near future, the Ministry of Finance assured the President that funds for these expenses are available in the state treasury.

  • The military through their department;
  • Civil (insurance) in the presence of the necessary for its appointment and the calculation of the length of service and pension points.

The second pension is subject to indexing also... The indexing level has already been announced - it will be 3,7% , that is, it will cover the expected inflation threshold in 2017.

In accordance with this, the basic units of account used in calculating the amount of the pension will increase:

  • will grow from 78.58 rubles to 81.49 rubles;
  • to retirement will rise from 4805.11 to 4,982.9 rubles... Recall that recipients of two pensions (in particular, military) this do not receive a premium.

Indexation of pensions from April 1

Indexation of military salaries

Whether military pensions will increase in 2018 depends on a decision regarding indexation of monetary allowances for military personnel... According to the plan, it should occur on January 1 at the percentage of inflation over the past year.

According to experts, during the period of the freeze, the earnings of servicemen have depreciated by about 40%, which is fraught with a number of dangerous tendencies for the country's defense capability. Attracting highly qualified personnel, which the modern and largely automated Russian army needs today, is becoming more and more difficult under these conditions.

At a government meeting on October 25, the President instructed increase contentment and at the same time, pensions for the military and persons of equal status. Since retirement benefits are paid a month earlier, the increased amounts should be available as early as December 2017.

Example on indexing military pensions

Ivan Kruglov has been a military pensioner since 2006. The payment was assigned to the man through the Ministry of Defense in connection with the length of service. After leaving the armed forces, the man worked in a private security company and earned the required points and experience to obtain an insurance pension, which he began to receive by age since August 2017.

The current payments are as follows:

  • Military - 15963 rubles(with a salary in the service of 44200);
  • Civil - 5600 rubles.

Let's assume that both payments will increase by 3.2% on January 1. Let's calculate how much the increase will be:

44200 * 3.2% * 50% (for length of service) * 72.23% (reduction factor) = 16474 rubles(an increase of 511 rubles);

It should be noted that Ivan continues to work. It means that labor pension for him will not be indexed... The reason for this lies in the fact that the freeze on the indexation of payments for workers continues to operate.

The most popular question and answer to it on military pensions

Question: After the death of my son in military service, my daughter-in-law and I receive military service. Recently I heard that pensions will be increased from the new year. Will this increase affect us too?

Answer: Good day! Pension granted in accordance with FZ 4468-1 disabled members of the family of a deceased soldier is calculated on the basis of social benefits. This means that its increase will take place as part of the indexation of social benefits, that is, from April 1:

  • upon death from injury - 10481 ruble;
  • upon death from a disease - 7861 ruble.

From 2018, insurance payments and pensions received based on seniority will increase.

In 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation did not fulfill its obligations to pensioners. The second indexation of pension payments, which was to take place in September, was canceled. This issue was discussed by all. The government was not forgiven for this.

The promise to pay each pensioner compensation in the amount of 5,000 rubles at the beginning of 2017, and in February to carry out the planned indexation of labor and social pensions in full (in the amount of inflation for 2016) slightly reduced the level of tension in society. As a result, the Government not only fully implemented the plan, but also decided to carry out additional indexation: in April, the final percentage of pension indexation will be increased to 5.8%, which is 0.4% more than planned (official inflation for 2016 was 5.4%) ...

The large-scale pension reform that has been carried out in Russia in recent years has somewhat complicated the system of calculating payments to pensioners of different categories. Old-age pensions and social pensions, payments to the military, the disabled and citizens who continue to work at retirement age are calculated separately. Also, the officially declared inflation rate for the year is tied to the calculation formula. How will the national average pension change from April 1, 2017? How much will the disabled and the military receive this year? Will the indexation of pensions take place from April 1, 2017 for working citizens?

On the amount of pension payments in 2017

The legislation of the Russian Federation requires that pensions are indexed annually and at a minimum - by the percentage of inflation for the last year. Official inflation in 2016 turned out to be a record - only 5.4%, against 12.9% in 2015 and 11.4% in 2014.

At the beginning of this 2017, the government announced the February 5.4 percent indexation, which affected the pension payments of everyone, without exception. Moreover, the Government decided on the second indexation: the total percentage of pension increases from April 1, 2017 will amount to 5.8%, which will bring the average indicator of old-age pensions to 13893 rubles.

Recipients of social pensions will also receive an increase: if in 2016 the average size of these payments was at the level of 4,959 rubles, then from April 1, the social pension will increase to 5,247 rubles.

Citizens who have not received the required insurance work experience, but have already reached retirement age (women - 55 years old, men - 65 years old) have the right to count on this state aid.

Lack of seniority often becomes the reason for going to work even in old age.

This puts the majority of recipients of social pensions in the category of working pensioners, who, as evidenced by the latest decisions of the Government, will not increase their pensions in 2017.

In 2016, rumors were actively circulated that working pensioners would be deprived of any pension payments. The government explained this by the fact that there is simply no money in the budget.

Many retirees were ready to quit so as not to lose their social pension. By the beginning of 2017, the following decision was made: The government will not abolish social pensions for working pensioners, but it will not index them either.

For employed citizens, the social pension will not be increased from April 1, 2017, but will remain at the level of 2016. For other categories of pensioners, the indexation will be 5.8%.

The indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017 by 5.8% will affect social and insurance benefits received by people with disabilities of various groups and people with disabilities since childhood. With regard to social benefits, the April indexation will increase them:

  • from 2974.03 to 3146.52 rubles for disabled people of the 1st group;
  • from 2123.92 to 2247.11 rubles for persons with disabilities II group. and disabled children;
  • from 1700.23 to 1798.84 rubles for persons with disabilities III gr.

As for the insurance pensions for disabled people, after indexing their size will reach:

  • 12,593.91 rubles for disabled people of the 1st group;
  • 10495.07 rubles for disabled persons II group;
  • 4460.42 rubles for disabled persons III gr.

Former military personnel in the Russian Federation belong to a separate category of pensioners, since the system for calculating well-deserved pension payments is fundamentally different from the formula for calculating pensions for any other categories of beneficiaries and does not depend on inflation.

First of all, here the salary of a soldier at the time of his retirement is taken as a basis. Further, a percentage is taken from this amount (it is set by the Government every year). According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 430-FZ, from February 1, 2017, this percentage was set at 72.23%, which is 2.78% more than in 2016. If we recalculate the percentage of such indexation in monetary terms, then the amount military pensions will increase by an average of 900-950 rubles, which is about 4%.

The average pension for military pensioners in 2016 amounted to 21,000 rubles, therefore, in 2017 this level will almost reach 22,000. Will the second indexation of these payments take place in April or October, together with the main planned indexation of other pensions? The latest news from the Ministry of Finance is disappointing: the budget does not have funds for any indexation after April.

The former military will have to wait for the results of the 2017 financial year (inflation rate) and, as a result, February 2019 - the time of the next scheduled indexation.

Published on 3/29/17 5:03 PM

Raising pensions for military pensioners in 2017, the latest news: the Ministry of Finance proposed to expand the number of banks for payments to military pensioners.

The increase in pensions in 2017 in Russia, the latest news: the media found out to whom and how much they will increase their pensions from April 1

On April 1, 2017, Russia will host the second indexation of pensions this year. As I wrote earlier, all types of pensions, including social payments and payments to military pensioners, will grow by 1.5%.

Earlier, the Russian government set an indexation limit based on the size of the living wage of a pensioner. It was originally intended intkbbee increase pensions from April 1, 2017 in Russia by 0.38%, but then the figure was increased to 1.5%. Ultimately, the average social pension will increase by 129 rubles and after the increase will amount to 8774 rubles.

The increase in pensions from April 1, 2017 in Russia will also affect the category of military pensioners. At the same time, it is expected that the average size of the disability pension for conscripted military personnel will increase by 181 rubles and will amount to 12343 rubles; the pension for the loss of a breadwinner to families of military personnel will grow by 155 rubles - up to 10,462 rubles.

Pensions for disabled pensioners who were injured in hostilities and for participants in the Second World War who receive two pensions will be raised by 206 and 200 rubles, respectively, and the amount of payments for outstanding achievements and special services to Russia will increase by 247 rubles - to 16,723 rubles.

Pensions for working pensioners from April 1, 2017 in Russia will not increase, but after such a citizen leaves his labor activity, his payments will be indexed in full, taking into account the past periods.

Indexation of military pensions in 2017, the latest news: the Ministry of Finance proposed to expand the number of banks for payments to military pensioners

According to the RF Ministry of Finance, the range of banks for military pensioners will be significantly expanded. A corresponding bill to expand the range of banks serving military pensioners was proposed by the department.

Now military pensioners receive social benefits through the Savings Bank of Russia or through the "Russian Post" transfer. However, it is expected that even commercial institutions will be included in the circle of banks. For example, Gazprombank, VTB and Rosselkhozbank have already applied to the government with a proposal for cooperation.

The head of the social security center of the military commissariat of the Penza region Alexey Andreevich Kachan answers the questions of the readers of "ML".

I am a military pensioner, a major in reserve, I live in Kamenka. I know that the military pension should increase by 2% annually since January. Should military pensioners expect an increase?

An increase by 2% of the monetary allowance established when calculating the pension until reaching 100% of its size was provided for by part 2 of article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 No. 4468-1 "On pension provision for persons who have served in the military, service in the internal affairs bodies , State Fire Service .... ".

Until January 1, 2018, this provision is suspended. Consequently, there will be no increase of 2% from January 1, 2017 to military pensioners.

However, in accordance with Federal Law No. 430-FZ of December 19, 2016, the size of the monetary allowance, which is taken into account when calculating the pension, will increase from 69.45 to 72.23% from February 1, 2017. In this regard, the indexation of military pensions from next month will be about 4%.

I am a military pensioner, reserve lieutenant colonel, living in Penza. In the summer I would like to relax with my family in the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Anapa, then visit relatives in Krasnodar for 20 days. I am interested in whether the money spent on travel will be reimbursed if the date of arrival back to Penza is not at the end of the voucher period, but 20 days later and from Krasnodar.

In accordance with Article 20 of Federal Law No. 76-FZ of 05/27/1998 "On the Status of Servicemen", officers dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health status or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military whose service in preferential terms is 20 years or more, and with a total duration of military service of 25 years or more, regardless of the basis for dismissal, they have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport for inpatient treatment in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission or in sanatoriums and health resorts and back (once a year).

Travel expenses to the place of spa treatment and back are reimbursed based on the availability of direct direct communication, and in its absence - with the least number of changes along the route of the shortest communication.

At the same time, the right to travel along a route that differs from the shortest, with payment of the difference in the cost of travel, is provided only to military personnel when going on vacation. For persons dismissed from military service and their family members when traveling for inpatient treatment to medical organizations in accordance with the conclusion of a military medical commission or to sanatoriums or health institutions and back (once a year), such a right is not established.

Funds spent on travel along the Krasnodar - Penza route are not subject to reimbursement, since travel along them was carried out from the place of temporary stay in Krasnodar to the place of residence and is not associated with sanatorium treatment.

Yulia Izmailova