Sweep of geometric paper bodies. Geometric shapes made of paper - we cut out and do

Have you noticed how interested children are from a young age figures from paper? Maybe this is a natural desire of all of us to see the whole world in a combination of simple geometric shapes. And it is all the more interesting to see circles, ovals, squares or triangles in every object that surrounds us. And the child can get acquainted with the volumetric figures long before the school geometry course in a fun, playful way.

Geometric shapes made of paper

In each early development book, along with colors, letters and numbers, the first step is to study the basic geometric shapes. After all, this is how the baby learns to understand what the form of things is, what it is and how it can be characterized. In a playful way, with the help of educational videos, poems, examples from the surrounding things, the child learns to distinguish between a square and a triangle, a circle and a rhombus. Having studied the pictures in the book, the child can remember the names of the figures, but the further task is to consolidate this information in a playful way. Here they will come to our aid geometric shapes made of paper.

We will collect from various shapes. She is the best way to demonstrate to the child that any drawing can work out if you arrange the simple geometric shapes familiar to him in the correct sequence. Here is an applique depicting a clown. For her, you will need to pre-cut the basic shapes from colored paper. These will be multi-colored circles, an oval, a triangle, a star, semicircles. You can stick them on double-sided tape, if the basis is cardboard with a smooth surface. Or you can use a glue stick, which is very easy to use.

Another simple example of geometric appliqué is landscape. On it you can depict a square house with a triangular roof, trees with a round and triangular (Christmas tree) crown, a round sun. Having completed these on their own, the child will be able to better understand how to draw the same landscape with a pencil, that for the house you need to draw a square with a triangle on top, and also equip the dwelling with a square window and a rectangular door.

You can make a kind of symbiosis between and geometric applique by making such a smart train. Cut out a blank from a sheet of standard size paper by first folding the sheet in half. Next, invite your child to glue geometric shapes made of colored paper to their proper places: the yellow semicircle will become the nose of the train, small circles will become wheels, and the blue rectangles will become windows in which you can even draw traveling passengers.

Volumetric figures made of paper

Do not be afraid to introduce your child to volumetric figures from paper it will be early, and he may not understand something. On the contrary, it is a little akin to magic that parents can do with their own hands when a three-dimensional toy suddenly appears from a flat sheet of paper. Such can become a teaching subject, and, for example, part of any structure.

Explain to your child that each flat figure has a relative, a three-dimensional figure, which can be called differently, but necessarily contains the outlines of a flat geometric figure. The easiest way is probably to start with a cube, because it is a classic toy. At first, you can simply draw the child's attention that each face of the cube has a square shape, after that you can begin to get acquainted with the layout drawing.

This word is difficult, however, the child will be able to understand how the cube is ultimately assembled, to see that four squares are depicted on flat paper, exactly as many as needed for the finished cube. Over time, already in school, it will be easier for him to calculate square shapes on checkered paper, because he will receive this knowledge at a young age. To begin with, you can draw the layout precisely on notebook sheets in a box, then moving on to a denser material. You can also buy ready-made lines for almost all geometric shapes in the store, for example, cubes with ready-made letters and patterns on each of the surfaces.

If you are fond of paper crafts like origami, you can fold this two-color paper cube with your child. Fold a square sheet of paper in half, and then in half again to make four parts. Then, following the instructions, fold the edges of the shape so that you end up with a blank with two full surfaces and two sharp corners. You just have to make a second blank and combine it with the first by placing sharp corners in paper pockets.

How to make shapes out of paper

Naturally, we will not dwell only on the cube, because there are still so many interesting crafts ahead. Let's find out how to make shapes out of paper another form.

Each such figure has its own name and it will be easier to remember it if you pick up any associations with this object from the child. Now, for the cube, you don't need to invent anything, the kid already knows the name for his favorite children's toy so well. Of course, we don't need to mention a parallelepiped yet (especially for “advanced” children), but it's easy to think of what a cylinder or a pyramid can be associated with.

If you decide to make a top hat with your child, then ask him what object it resembles. Maybe it's a glass, or maybe a drainpipe. Tell us about the funny top hat wizards or magicians wear in the circus. You can try making a hat like this together. To do this, you will need to take a Whatman paper, and the denser it is, the stronger your cylinder will eventually be. On this sheet, draw a long rectangle, the width of which will be equal to the future height of your cylinder. We retreat from the smaller edge of the rectangle a few centimeters and draw a circle that will touch the rectangle at its top point. Cut out this shape carefully so as not to cut off the circle from the rectangle. Now, we begin to wrap the rectangle in a tube, and the circle covers this tube like a lid. Fix the circle and the edge of the rectangle using scotch tape. Now we cut out another circle, but of a larger diameter, cut a hole inside it, glue this circle to the cylinder. It remains to paste over our craft with colored paper and decorate with an applique.

In our generation, this cone can be associated with a package for seeds, but for our children we need to look for other associations. On the basis of the cone, Christmas trees are made for New Year's topiary, and you can also make funny figures, for example. To do this, you need to draw a circle on a sheet of thick paper with the help of a compass and visually divide it into three parts. On one third in the upper corner in the center, we draw the face of the future snowman, eyes, nose and mouth. Cut out this third of the circle. We smear one of the edges with glue with a narrow strip, bend the cone and glue the two edges together. We twist a small cylinder out of colorful wrapping paper (now we already know how to do this) and fix it on top of the cone. We twist the bundles from black corrugated paper, rolling the paper between our palms. We glue mittens made of colored paper to these bundles, cut out and glue a scarf from the same paper. We consolidate the ability to twist a cone by making it out of a piece of orange paper - this will be a carrot nose, without which any snowman who respects himself will not do.

Make a geometric shape out of paper

Suggest to practice again make a geometric shape out of paper, this time - a pyramid. It can also be created using origami diagrams, but we can go another, simpler way, fastening the finished figure with glue.

The blueprint for the pyramid is a four-pointed star. Since it will not be easy to draw it correctly on plain white paper, you can draw figures on checkered paper, and then transfer to the sheet as from a template. So, draw a square in the center of the sheet. Draw an isosceles triangle from each side of it, providing one of its sides with an additional small strip for gluing. We cut out the finished star from paper and apply it to a sheet of thick and colored paper (you can also use thin cardboard). We bend all the lines between the square and the triangles well, spread the gluing strips with glue and bring all the faces of the pyramid to one point. It's time for the game, after all. On the planes of the layout, we draw images of animals and after gluing we get new pyramid toys: a fish, a cat, a dog, a bird. In addition to the patterns on the pyramids themselves, you can add additional elements to the paper figures.

Pyramids can also make great homemade gift wrappers. The more beautiful the starting material - cardboard, the more beautiful the packaging will be in the end. You can use cardboard from boxes with a beautiful pattern for this purpose. You can see how to mount on a pyramid using a rope in the presented photo. On all planes we make small holes for the size of the fastening cord. We stretch it through all the holes, like a lace, tie the ends to a bow. In order to get the contents of such a package, it will be enough to simply untie the ends of the lace and pull it out of one hole.

Volumetric geometric shapes

Volumetric geometric shapes can be quite complex. Once you have mastered the basics, you can move on to them.

For example, try making an icosahedron - a polyhedron with twenty faces, each of which is a triangle with the same sides. For such geometric figures from paper diagrams require special care, because even a small error in the parallelism of the lines will make the finished shape of a curve. You can also fold half of the icosahedron, also making an original gift box out of it.

An unusual volumetric figure - a torus, will not be difficult to make if in your work you use a special assembly diagram, which you can download on the network. It is a set of ovals of different sizes, on which you need to make many cuts. The ovals are cut out of thick paper, then they begin to be connected to each other using a notch system. As a result, you should have a voluminous donut whose geometric name is torus.

After such fun activities, no geometry will become too difficult for your child in the future schooling process.

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Geometric figures - a cube, a cone, a cylinder, a prism, a ball - may well be useful to you in your work. It is very good to learn how to draw a still life, for a start, composing it from simple geometric shapes. It is also better to try to lay down a stroke on the shape of objects, starting with simple geometric shapes. Ideally, they should be plaster. But do you have a gypsum cone, cylinder, cube, ball? It's good if you have one. And if not .... we will get out of the situation together and I will tell you how.

You can see below the approximate drawings, according to which you can independently "cut out" and glue the geometric shapes of the house. And as a ball, you can use a small children's ball, pre-painted in white, for example, with gouache or emulsion paint.

To begin with, you can try to glue layouts of geometric shapes out of ordinary xerox paper or wrapping paper, which will be indicated. You can just practice for now. If everything is in order with the prototyping, you can do the work from scratch right away. But given the right dimensions. Let's say: if the dimensions indicated to you seem small, it is worth increasing them, so that the models of the figures are not small. Or even slightly modify the cone or cylinder - as you like. The more and different in size figures you make, the more you will have a choice - from what to make a still life and what to draw.

1. So, for the final work we need a thick sheet of Whatman paper, you can take cardboard instead of paper. You need to transfer these drawings of geometric shapes to paper. Equip yourself with a pencil, eraser, ruler, protractor and compasses and start slowly working on the blanks of the models of the cylinder, cone and cube.

2. After the drawings of the figures are completed, we do the following: take a clerical knife and make shallow cuts on the bending lines (without cutting through the paper!).

3. After that, with the same clerical knife, you can cut the workpieces from the plane of the sheet. All cuts with a knife are made for a ruler! We cut the curved lines carefully by hand or under the patterns.

4. The cuts that you made in the places of the bends will allow you to bend the paper well along the edge of the bend without wrinkling it.

5. After all this, it remains only to glue the blanks and you will get your own geometric shapes.

Note: if the work turned out to be dirty, then it is possible to cover the shapes with white paint. But in this case, the paper can "lead" from moisture, if your paper is very loose or thin. To do this, initially, you need to pull the paper over the tablet.

By the way, such layout skills will be very useful to you if you want to study, for example, at the Faculty of Industrial Design. There, the ability to make layouts and the layouts themselves are of great importance, so practice and develop accuracy and perseverance.

Cube layout drawing

For a test layout of the cube, you can take in dimensions the length of the edge of 10 centimeters. For solid work, for a cube that you can already use in the drawing, you can take the edge length - 20 cm. Naturally, keep in mind that all the corners of the cube are equal to 90 degrees, which means it is convenient to use both a ruler and a corner when drawing. The drawing of the cube layout is not complicated, quite quickly you will get its layout itself. The main thing is to do everything very accurately: parallel and perpendicular.

Let me remind you: the part of the model on which the glue will be applied is shown in blue. This part will be folded and for a clean, even bend, as a result, use shallow cuts with a clerical knife along the bend line for the corner of the layout. By the way, such cubes, made of colored paper or painted in different colors, can be used to observe the behavior of color in space in color science. To do this, take the colored cubes you made and hang them in the middle of your room or closer to the window. During the course, sometimes look at the cubes - you can observe how the color changes during the day - from morning to night, when the lighting changes or disappears altogether. The color changes not only from the strength of the illumination, but also from its quality - in the morning one shade, by lunchtime the cube acquires other shades; on a hot day, one color, on a cloudy day, another; in daylight, one color, in artificial light, another. And all these gradations can occur only with one of your cubes, but you can have several of them of different colors!

Cone layout drawing

Drawing of the layout of the cone - take the radius of the circle until 5 cm. The angle of the top is 135 degrees. The length of the cube is 13.5 cm high. Perform a test layout first. If it suits you, then the final finishing layout can be done twice as much. To do this, simply double all dimensions. If you want a different shape, then it is enough to increase the height of the cone itself - increase the length of the cone height. It's enough.

Pyramid layout drawing

Pyramid. Everything is simple here. Our pyramid is isosceles, all sides are the same. You can take any size, but 20cm is enough.

Cylinder layout drawing

Dimensions for rough work - the radius of the circle is 3.5 cm., The length of the sweep is 23.5 cm. To increase the size of the cylinder, you need to multiply the values ​​in the desired number of times. Enough 2 times. You can experiment - make the cylinder as tall or grounded as you like. For a drawing, everything will come in handy, experiment, try.

Making crafts with your own hands is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. However, for adults, a sufficient number of models have been invented, which differ in the complexity of implementation and the time spent on their creation. Recently, adults and children have become interested in creating complex geometric shapes. This type of figure includes the icosahedron, which is a regular polygon and is one of the Platonic solids - regular polyhedrons. This figure has 20 triangular faces (equilateral triangles), 30 edges and 12 vertices, which are where 5 edges meet. It is quite difficult to assemble a regular icosahedron from paper, but it is interesting. If you are passionate about origami, then making a paper icosahedron with your own hands will not be difficult for you. Make it from colored, corrugated paper, foil, wrapping paper for flowers. Using a variety of materials, you can add even more beauty and impact to your icosahedron. It all depends only on the imagination of its creator and the available material on the table.

We offer you several options for sweeps of the icosahedron, which can be printed, transferred to thick paper and cardboard, bent along the lines and glued.

How to make an icosahedron out of paper: diagram

In order to assemble an icosahedron from a sheet of paper or cardboard, you must first prepare the following materials:

  • icosahedron layout;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

When creating an icosahedron, it is important to pay special attention to the folding process of all parts: in order to evenly bend the paper, you can use a regular ruler.

It is noteworthy that the icosahedron can also be found in everyday life. For example, a soccer ball is made in the form of a truncated icosahedron (a polyhedron consisting of 12 pentagons and 20 regular hexagons). This is especially evident if you paint the resulting icosahedron in black and white, like the ball itself.

You can make such a soccer ball yourself by printing a preliminary scan of the truncated icosahedron in 2 copies:

Making an icosahedron with your own hands is an interesting process that requires thoughtfulness, patience and a lot of paper. However, the result obtained in the end will delight the eye for a long time. The icosahedron can be given to a child to play if he has already reached the age of three. Playing with such a complex geometric figure, he will develop not only imaginative thinking, spatial skills, but also get acquainted with the world of geometry. If an adult decided to create an icosahedron on his own, then such a creative process for constructing an icosahedron will help pass the time, as well as show off to loved ones his ability to create complex shapes.

As a child, each of us came across paper crafts: whether it was applications in kindergarten, or airplanes and boats at school, but we all made something with our own hands. Growing up, we are less likely to encounter this kind of "art". But still, some people turn this simple hobby into a professional activity. At the beginning of this decade, such a type of paper art as polygonal modeling, which involves the creation of 3D figures from paper, gained popularity. Nowadays, you can often find such figures as decor, especially in popular establishments. They can be of different sizes or shapes: from animal heads decorating a wall to full-size sculptures that occupy a huge part of the room. It is about the creation of such figures from paper, as well as about other various types of 3D modeling, that we will talk about in this article.

How to make 3D shapes out of paper

For the manufacture of 3D figures, paper is most often used, like thick cardboard. The necessary materials can be purchased at regular office supply stores, or in specialty stores with handicraft supplies. The figure can be either one-color or multi-colored, depending on what you want to get in the end. The main element in the work is a polygonal mesh - this is a drawing transferred to paper, which consists of polygons that bend along lines, and then stick together to form a 3D shape.

When creating polygonal shapes, be sure to adhere to some rules:

  • Take your time when cutting out parts. The more accurately and accurately the cuts are made, the better the figure will be.
  • Consider the direction of the fold. To avoid an irregular shape, use a ruler to shape the curves.
  • Start with small details. To avoid inconvenient situations and not to lose the necessary small parts among the large ones, it is worth gradually moving from smaller parts to larger ones.
  • Handle the glue carefully. To avoid drowning the sculpture in the glue, use a wooden stick. This way, you don't have to clean up the excess and your hands will stay clean.
  • Keep the glued parts long enough. Take your time and patience. After all, if you do not wait for the moment of complete gluing, then your figure may simply disintegrate into components.

To completely bond the parts together and dry, leave your 3D figure in a dry place for a day. Then, if necessary, you can start painting.

Experiment, cut, glue, create your own decor with your own hands, and let everyone envy your skill in turning ordinary things into works of art.

Schemes 3D figure from paper

Option number 1: Fox

Option number 2: Dog

Option number 3: Wolf

Shapes from 3D handles, how they are made

A 3D pen is, in fact, a compact 3D printer, with which you can create not just drawings, but three-dimensional figures. The principle of its operation lies in the fact that there is plastic inside the handle, which melts under the influence of high temperature, and instantly freezes when "drawing", forming the desired three-dimensional figure.

Besides the hot look of the handle, there is also the cold look. Unlike the first, which is a more affordable option, photopolymers are used to refuel the "cold" 3D pen. They freeze much faster, they do not have the unpleasant smell of burnt plastic, and this type of 3D pen is more suitable for children.

This gadget is quite easy to use, but it requires a lot of care and perseverance. You can create drawings both directly in the air and on any planes, simply by moving a magic pen over them.

The 3D pen is multifunctional, it can be used:

  • to create original souvenirs and decorations;
  • for the design of various details (decorative elements, accessories for the phone, clothing decor);
  • for the repair of plastic fixtures;
  • for the development of spatial thinking, both in children and adults.

To get the desired result, avoid common mistakes:

  • Don't drive too fast 3D pen according to the image. In order to prevent the plastic from accumulating at the base of the pen, wait until it starts to come out, and then begin to smoothly display the drawing on the stencil. The same goes for shading.
  • Do not separate colors from each other. If the different colors do not fit closely, then when separating the craft from the stencil, they will be removed separately.
  • Follow the instructions. When using the 3D pen, be sure to read the instruction manual. Pay attention to the necessary plastic, because depending on the type of handle, the material used may also differ.
  • Remember to ventilate the room. It doesn't matter how long you use your gadget, it's best to do it in a well-ventilated room.

Pick a suitable and comfortable 3D pen and start drawing. Having its pros and cons, such a gadget will delight both children and adults.

3D pen stencils for volumetric shapes

How to draw 3D shapes

Having at hand a 3D pen and all the necessary components (plastic for refueling, a stencil), you can start drawing a 3D figure.

First, let's take a step-by-step guide to using the pen:

  1. Take out the handle and using the power supply, connect. Then launch it.
  2. Pick up the correct strand of plastic and insert it into the inlet port of the handle.
  3. Set the appropriate temperature according to the instructions.
  4. Locate the cruise control button, then select the desired mode.
  5. Start drawing, not forgetting about the specifics of the 3D pen.
  6. After use, unplug the handle and adapter from the outlet, after disconnecting the filament.

Observe safety precautions when working with an electrical appliance:

  • Observe the temperature regime, avoiding overheating of the handle.
  • Do not touch the base of the device during operation.
  • Do not allow the device to come into contact with flammable materials.
  • If a malfunction occurs, do not use the handle.
  • Not recommended for use by children under 8 years of age.

Consider how draw a 3D shape in the form of a flower:

  • We take a stencil, or you can draw it yourself. You need to draw each detail separately: each petal, leaves, stem.

  • We turn on the 3D pen, following the instructions, and draw out parts of the flower using a stencil.
  • After they have cooled down, separate them from the template and glue them together.
  • First, it is better to make a bud, and then add a stem with leaves.
  • The field is completely dry, your flower is ready. Enjoy.

With a 3D pen, you can draw various geometric shapes, lettering, animals, details, and more. It all depends on your imagination and desire.

3D drawings of geometric shapes

It is with 3D drawings of geometric shapes that it is better to start the study of a three-dimensional drawing. Some of the simplest geometric shapes are the cube, pyramid, and ball. In order to achieve the volume of the figure on paper, you should use shading, play of light and shadow. It is with the help of this that any artist can add volume and three-dimensionality to his drawing.

It is worth starting drawing geometric shapes from scratch, gradually moving on to more complex elements:

  • Select the shape you want to draw and outline the proportions and dimensions.
  • First, draw its flat elements.
  • After that add strokes and shadows, making it more voluminous.

One of the most popular 3D geometric shapes is the sphere. There are many different ways to depict a sphere, which vary in complexity. But you should always start with a circle. If you don't have a compass at hand, you can circle, for example, a glass.

In order to add volume to the sphere, it is necessary to shade the surface, defining the corresponding shadow and light areas:

  • First of all, we select the place where the light falls, after which we begin to intensively hatch the opposite side.
  • Gradually reduce the intensity of the hatching as you work towards the lighter part of the sphere.
  • The strokes should follow the shape of the ball, not be sharp.
  • After finishing shading, blend the surface of the sphere with a piece of paper or your finger.
  • After mastering the standard rules for drawing volumetric shapes, you can add more complex elements: highlights, shadows, tilt, etc.

Straight lines are especially important when drawing 3D shapes, so use a ruler for a more complex drawing. Don't forget about line placement and angles. It is best to use a protractor when drawing shapes such as a cube. The main thing is to get your hand on simple elements, and only then tackle integral compositions.

3D cardboard figure

Let's try to delve into the art of 3D modeling out of paper and make some apples to decorate the living room.

To do this, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Make some apple-shaped blanks out of colored cardboard. You can find samples on the Internet or draw by hand.

  1. Cut them out of thick cardboard in the desired color. For one apple, you need 6 to 8 pieces.
  2. Fold all the blanks in half and grease with glue on the opposite side.

  1. Glue all the sides together from the inside out.

  1. Add a dark cardboard handle on top and your apple is done!

You can make several multi-colored apples, put them in a wicker basket and decorate your table. Or hang them, creating the feeling of an apple orchard.

3D LED Acrylic Figures

Not so long ago, we did not even suspect about the presence of LED acrylic figures, and even in 3D. Now, such sculptures are used to decorate the landscape and shopping centers for almost every holiday, and in some places it is completely customary.

In addition to their attractive appearance, such figures also have high safety indicators, which makes it possible for such figures to serve their owners for years. LED figures are often used by designers to decorate New Year's locations. Reindeer figurines and small illuminated Christmas trees are especially popular. They can often be found at New Year's fairs, parks and shop windows.

Also, more and more often, you can see LED fir trees as decorations in the main squares of the city. This spectacle not only attracts the attention of thousands of people who want to acquire new holiday photos, but also much safer for those around them.

LED figures are also great for decorating houses and lots. Give your children joy in the form of a shining Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. And if you have no desire to dazzle your neighbors with such beauty, then you can easily find various fairy-tale characters in the nearest park. And don't forget to take a ride in a sleigh filled with red-nosed reindeer.

3D foam

When creating various 3D shapes, you can use not only paper, wood or plastic, but also foam. This material has a number of advantages: lightness, ease of use, strength and affordability. From it you can make both inscriptions for the photo zone, and various figures, and even columns.

Most often, 3D foam shapes can be found ready-made. In production, special cutting machines are used. This is a rather painstaking process, which becomes more complicated depending on the detail of the figure.

But we will try to create a 3D foam shape at home. First you need to create a sketch of the shape. Consider creating a New Year's snowflake:

  • Prepare a suitable piece of styrofoam.

  • Find or draw a snowflake stencil on paper. Then carefully transfer it with a pencil to the styrofoam without damaging its structure.

  • A regular stationery knife is suitable for cutting. Follow the previously outlined stencil, carefully cutting out all the bends of the future snowflake.

  • Examine the already cut shape for irregularities. Use a knife to trim the edges to achieve the look you want.

  • If desired, paint the finished figure and hang it on the tree, or put it as an interior decoration.

Creating 3D shapes from Styrofoam is not as easy as it might seem. Many three-dimensional figures require grinding for a more presentable look. You have to choose: buy a finished product or make it yourself.

3d human figure, santa claus

On the eve of New Year's holidays, everyone decorates their home. Some are out of love for New Year's traditions, others to raise the festive mood, and some to please their children. In any of the options, the main attribute is a New Year tree, which is often accompanied by the figure of Santa Claus.

We offer you this year to get together as a family and create your own personal Grandfather Frost, and maybe the Snow Maiden, so that he does not feel sad alone.

Santa Claus made of foam

  • Cut out the torso. The figure resembling a cone with a cut off top will serve as the basis for the future Santa Claus.

  • We divide the body into two parts in a 1: 2 ratio, into up and down, respectively. The upper honor is slightly rounded to the bottom and fastened with glue.
  • Then we cut out the boots. They should go under the body, creating support. And we also attach it to the body.

  • The next item will be hands. Select the mittens closer to the brush. Glue to the rest of the shape.

  • The most difficult component is the head. If you didn't manage to cut the head in shape, then make a ball on which you can draw the necessary elements.
  • The hat can be made in the form of a cone with a bubo at the end. It is better to make the base a little wider so that it does not merge with the head.
  • If you wish, you can cut out the beard, or add it at the coloring stage.

  • Connect all the elements with glue and let the figure dry a little.
  • After that, start decorating. Draw the missing parts to Santa Claus: eyes, nose, beard.
  • The figure itself can be either painted or dressed up in a fabric fur coat, hat and mittens by adding a cotton wool beard.
  • Add a small bag with "gifts" and your Santa Claus is ready. Happy New Year!

Santa Claus made of polymer clay

  • Stock up on clay in different colors, in the right amount, depending on the size you want.

  • We make blanks. Let's say we take four colors: red for the fur coat and hat, blue for the arms and legs, white for the hair and fur, and beige for the head.
  • We make a conical body with a rounded top. Use white clay sticks to frame the fur coat. Add blue felt boots.

  • We form hands from red clay and mittens from blue, fasten them with white clay fur. We fasten our arms to the body.
  • We roll a ball of beige clay, it will serve as our head. We catch eyes, eyebrows, nose and beard on him. Then we attach a red hat with white fur.
  • We insert two toothpicks into the body and attach the head. Santa Claus is ready!

Choose the desired option, size and start creating your wizard with the whole family. Also, if you have the desire and skills, you can create Santa Claus out of paper, wood, felt and any other materials at hand. Do home decoration with the whole family and then a festive mood is guaranteed to you.

Light 3D figures

What do you associate the New Year with? With tangerines, a festive tree, gifts, Santa Claus and, of course, decorated shop windows and streets burning with thousands of lights.

It has already become customary for everyone that in parks and shops there are huge shimmering Christmas trees, Santa Claus with a burning red nose and his faithful reindeer with a sleigh. All of these are light figures that give a sense of joy and an upcoming holiday.

These figures are quite realistic and resemble lights enclosed in an ice shell. Ideal for decorating a winter landscape and immersing yourself in a fairytale atmosphere. You can find light figures not only in white, but also in various other colors, it all depends on the composition and imagination of the master.

The beauty and fabulousness of such figures will not leave anyone indifferent. And what lovely photos you get! Probably, everyone has a couple of such wonderful colorful photographs in the family archive.

You can also purchase LED strips and, which will characterize you and please your loved ones. The main thing is not to forget about the safety rules when working with such materials.

3D modeling is quite an interesting and exciting process. Whether it is figures made of paper, foam, 3D drawings on paper or figures made with a 3D pen - this activity will drag any adult and child for a long time for several hours.

And since the New Year holidays will come very soon, you have an excellent reason to try yourself in something new, or to look for interesting gift ideas for friends and loved ones. Start simple, like paper. Make snowflakes, snowmen, add Santa Claus made of polystyrene, Snow Maiden made of polymer clay, buy a small LED deer and assemble a Christmas tree from cardboard. So the complete set is ready. And how much joy your child will have from so many toys, and even made with their own hands!

Imagine, try new things and happy holidays!

Video: "3D Shapes"

Origami - paper figures that belong to Japanese art and have existed in it for more than one century. Even in ancient times, monks used paper figurines to decorate temples and its halls, as well as to use them for religious purposes (performing rituals).

Every inexperienced master is able to make origami out of paper with his own hands, but the main criterion is perseverance and accuracy of movements. Today you will understand that you do not need to be an ace to make these products beautifully.

Origami tools

The main focus should be on the choice of craft paper. For origami, office, solid paper of different colors is suitable. It is suitable for any scheme, both simple and complex.

To fix the paper, you need to purchase a glue stick or PVA glue. Other types of glue are also suitable, the best option would be those that do not leave marks, and if they did, they can be easily removed.

Buy paint cans to give the desired shade to products with gray or plain white paper.

A cutter is suitable for straightening the edges of origami, just do not forget about the neat behavior with it.

Also, to create toys, you need rulers, pencils for drawing diagrams. To add creativity and originality to your origami, you can decorate it with beads, bugles, rhinestones, ribbons.

Varieties of paper figures

Apart from the classic look, there are many more different alternative types:

  • Classic simple origami - it is worth starting with it for those who first decided to do paper figurines. An example of this style is the figurine of a crane.
  • Origami from modules is more complicated than the first type. Several parts (modules) must be connected by simple folding. The product lasts long enough.
  • Aerogami - paper airplane figures.
  • Kirigami - figurines are created using scissors. For example, postcards.
  • Kusudami - volumetric origami, parts of the product are connected to each other using threads and glue. The shape of the figurine often resembles a large ball. This type was often used to decorate the entrance to the temple.

Paper cranes

It is a classic type of origami. There is a legend among the people that if you make a thousand cranes, then what your heart wants will come true.

Let's take a closer look at how to make this wonderful figurine.

  • Bending the sheet diagonally, cut off unnecessary paper so that a sheet resembling a triangle remains.
  • We bend it again. There should be 2 triangles. From the resulting triangle, straightening we make a square. We do the same procedure on the other hand.
  • Keep the edges on top and bend them strictly to the center.
  • Bend the upper triangle too. And immediately we straighten the fold, we get a contour.
  • Bend the corner that is lower than the others horizontally.
  • We make a rhombus (we smooth the edges to the center of the side). We do the same maneuvers on the other side.
  • To shape the neck, grab the lower part and start bending where the inner contour is. We use the same method to make a crane's tail.
  • Where the neck is, we bend the beginning, so we get a beak.
  • We fold its wings, using bending to a small angle.

If desired, the crane can be painted or immediately take colored paper. The origami crane is ready.

Rose by origami technique

More attractive and easier for most beginners and origami masters alike are origami flowers. A common figurine is a paper rose.

Consider the step-by-step instructions and a photo of this origami:

  • We take colored paper, preferably red, fold it in half, then again.
  • Open the layer of paper that is at the top a little so that we get a bloated top.
  • We turn over to the other side, and repeat the action described in the previous paragraph.
  • We take the corners and bend them to the upper corner.
  • We bend the triangle that soon turned out in half, until the outline appears.
  • We open the triangle by pulling both corners down.
  • Holding the top of the pockets, fold it down.
  • We do points 4 to 7 on the other side.
  • Bend the top corner.
  • We unfold the lower part like a book.
  • We bulge so that we get 2 triangles.
  • We turn the product over.
  • We carefully bend the lower right square from the upper to the lower edge (strictly diagonally).
  • Turning 180̊ and doing step 13.
  • We grab the origami walls with our fingers, and without fear we twist it 360̊ until we see the resulting petals.

Paper swan

This technique is more complex than the others as it uses the modular origami method. In order to make a voluminous swan, you need:

  • Make approximately 460 triangles with white paper and 1 red for the beak.
  • Insert the corners of the two triangles into the pocket of the third.
  • We add two more. We put all the corners in our pocket.
  • We make three such rows. You need to take about 30 modules for each row. Close the circle.
  • Insert blanks for the next two rows.
  • We press in the center so that it slowly turns out.
  • With all this, we wrap the edges up.
  • We make the rows further, but do not forget about the checkerboard order of the modules.
  • In the 7th row, we make modules under the wings. We plant 12 blanks, making a pass for 2 corners, attach the same number of blanks. In the places left, we make the tail and neck of the swan.
  • In the 8th row for the wings, the number of blanks becomes 1 less.
  • We do this with the subsequent rows, until 1 module remains in the last row.
  • The tail is made by reducing the workpieces by one in each row.
  • We assemble the neck from 10-12 modules, and the head from one red blank. Create the neck by gradually arching it.
  • When the neck is ready, we put it together with the body together.

DIY origami photo

