Educational games from 1 to 2 years old. Development of sensory perception, play and objective activity. Game for the development of gross motor skills and speech

From early childhood, kids strive to learn about this world in all its manifestations. They ask many questions, are interested in any subjects that come to hand. They love to draw, sculpt figures, imagine. Today you will learn about interesting educational games for children from 1 year old.

The benefits of educational games for children

Developers for babies from 1 year old are aimed at developing a child in several areas at once. Physical activity is the key to the health of your baby. What better way to develop your baby's physical activity than playing games? They contribute to:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • saturation of body cells with oxygen;
  • instilling love for an active lifestyle.
  • improving walking skills;
  • development of running and jumping skills;
  • the development of coordination and motor skills;

Some parents pay a lot of attention to thinking and the development of intelligence, but forget about creativity and curiosity.

Creative educational games for a one-year-old child and older children contribute to:

  • curiosity and study of the surrounding world;
  • development of non-standard and creative thinking;
  • the manifestation of individuality and talents;
  • the ability to apply the gained experience and knowledge in practice.

The ability to find a common language with people around you must be instilled in a child from the first years in life. By playing these games, the child will learn:

  • establish friendships and make friends;
  • resolve and prevent conflicts;
  • behave normally in a team, be an integral part of it;
  • interact with different people.

Physical development games

Throw the ball game

For this game you will need some soft balls and a basket or, for example, a basin. Instead of balls, you can use soft cubes. This game is designed for children 1 year old and older.

  • Place the basket on the floor and around, at a distance of 60-150 cm, lay out the balls.
  • Mark the boundaries from where they can be thrown.
  • Show your toddler how to place the ball in the basket. Accompany each of your actions with an explanation, for example, in poetic form.

We will take the ball with our hand,
Let's raise it up,
Let's look at the basket,
Let's throw the ball into the basket.

  • Then give your baby a try. Start with small distances (60 cm) and gradually build up the challenge. To keep the interest alive, complicate the task by changing the basket, moving it to another place, and also filling it with water.

Game "Day and Night"

Explain the rules of the game to your kid. If you say "day", the baby is free to move around the room, and also runs and jumps, but as soon as you say "night", the baby should freeze in one place and not move until the day comes again. Music accompaniment will help to diversify the game.

Chick chicks

This educational game is perfect for several boys and girls aged 1 year at once. Have the children pretend that you are a hen and they are chickens. They can run away from you, jump and run. You have to catch up with the naughty chicken and put him on the highchair. But, as soon as you leave the baby, he jumps up and has fun. To make it more interesting to play, you can turn on active and fun music.

Repeat after me

The rules of this game are very simple. Your toddler should repeat movements after you, for example, clap his hands, raise his hands up, touch the tip of his nose or earlobe. To get the child interested, ask leading questions, for example: “Where is my nose? And you?" Thus, the baby will not only do a warm-up, but also learn something new.


Invite your child to run a small competition. For example, who will run to the couch or dad faster? Who will reach the ball faster and take it in hand? Who will jump higher? Who will do the best dance? Fascinated by the competition, the kid will be happy to complete your small tasks.

Games to develop creativity


You will need paper and pencil. Draw four circles and have your child complete the picture by adding new details to the circles. The task can be made more difficult by drawing new shapes and abstractions.

Who is this?

Invite your child to draw a non-existent animal. Ask to describe it and come up with a name for it.

What if?

Ask your child some simple but fun exercises. Let your child dream up and share their ideas with you. For example, what will happen if the animals learn to speak or what will happen if it always rains. Let the child voice even the most unusual guesses.

What's here?

Hide an object in the box and ask the kid to guess what is there. Have your toddler ask leading questions. The task can be complicated by hiding the previously guided object in the room. Tell your child "warm" or "cold" whenever he approaches or moves away from the "X" place. This educational game is intended for children 2 years old. The kid not only develops creativity, but also replenishes his vocabulary by learning new objects.


This type of activity is suitable for a little older children. Make a bun or a berry, and over time complicate the task by making a multi-colored snowman or traffic light. In the future, a variety of crafts that will delight both you and your child. Today there are many types of plasticine, including safe if accidentally swallowed. You can also keep the kids busy. This activity is not only healthy, but also delicious!

Intelligence problems

Ask your kid a few quick wits. You can come up with ideas yourself or search for them on the Internet. For example, all cars have disappeared in the city, how can you get to the right place? Or a circus came to town, but they forgot to draw posters. How to tell the townspeople that the circus has arrived?


A wonderful educational game for children 1.5 years old and older. Invite your child to draw their dream house or favorite toy. Dream together about what a spaceship or car will look like in the future.

Games for the development of communication skills

A gift for everyone

Broken phone

This game is familiar to everyone for a long time. The children quietly say a word to each other, and the last in the chain must repeat it loudly for all the players. Then the guys figure out what word they were guessing and where the "phone" went bad.

"I know five names"

A collective game in which the participants throw the ball up or hit it on the ground, saying: "I know five names (cities, fruits, and so on)." For one toss of the ball, one name. If the child is confused or lost in thought, the ball is passed to the next competitor. This and other educational games for children aged 3-4 years will help you have a great time, because the child already has a certain vocabulary.

Edible and inedible

Invite the children to stand in a circle and name any words. If the word means something edible, the baby must catch the ball, if inedible, then the baby beats it off. Anyone who made a mistake is eliminated from the circle until the next game.


This educational collective game is perfect for boys and girls aged 2 years. Invite the children to stand behind each other and grab the waist in front of the person in front. Now, together with them, perform different movements: jump on one leg, squat, walk. Put on some perky music to make your play more fun. The main goal of the game is not to break the chain.

  • Play only the games your child enjoys.
  • It is difficult for kids to focus on one activity for a long time. Change the games by gradually increasing the duration of the game.
  • Give your child small assignments, such as bringing an item.
  • Do not supervise your child, but play with him. In this way, you will prolong the interest of the baby and take his attention.
  • Do not scold your child if he does something wrong. Give him the opportunity to correct the mistake on his own, or gently steer him back on track.
  • Answer all the questions that interest him. It is very important for a child that adults explain everything incomprehensible in this world. Do not dismiss more important matters and remember: there are no stupid questions for a child.
  • Allow your baby to fantasize and invent. This is how his creativity manifests itself. Sometimes babies deceive adults. Try to explain to your child the difference between fantasy and deception.

Educational games for children from 1 to 2-3 years old - video

Children start talking at different times. In order for the child to replenish his vocabulary and in the future he could use it correctly, speech games were invented. In this video, you will learn some interesting developmental activities that will help you replenish your child's knowledge with new words. These educational games are suitable for children aged 1-2 years and older.

In the first year of life, the child actively learns the world, using all kinds of methods for this. It is very important to channel your baby's energy in the right direction in order to actively develop new skills. Tell us in the comments which games did you and your child like?

We offer a small cheat sheet for parents - educational activities and games for children from 1 to 2 years old that you can play at home.

Here it is, a joyful event - the baby is one year old! And even if the little one does not speak yet, he is already walking on his own. What goes there - runs! He strives to get into all the cabinets, drawers of the table, turning their contents upside down, rattle the dishes, and the louder the better; pull off the tablecloth, watching as it rolls off the table along with the phone, vase, cup and plate. And how can you not dive into such a temptingly shiny drum of a washing machine or stick your finger into the hole in the outlet ?! The time when a child is between one and two years old is the most troublesome for parents.

Games with dolls or cars for such crumbs are still incomprehensible and uninteresting - they would rather tear off the toys' arms and legs, hair or wheels than play. Babies will crumple and tear paper books and albums - this is quite normal and predictable. Pencils, paints, and markers are likely to go into the mouth, just like crayons, and stuffed toys are slobbering. And no matter how tired the parents are to clean it all up - it should be so.

At the same time, this age is a period of formation and strengthening of the coordination of movements of babies, the first skills of independent analysis and assessment of the world around them. Only games and activities for this need to select the appropriate. We offer a small cheat sheet for parents - educational activities and games that can captivate the kid.

Thematic material:

Coordination, logic and fine motor skills

Children are attracted by colored moving objects of different shapes and volumes - spherical, square, triangular: balls, cubes, pots. They make good educational toys.


Pour different balls (plastic, rubber, knitted, as long as they do not fit into the child's mouth) into a cardboard box with low sides. Place it in front of the baby. Let him first roll them in a box (it is important for children to feel the object with their hands - this is the knowledge of the world through tactile contact). Then turn the box over, scatter the balls on the floor and call the baby to collect them. For a toddler who has not yet turned two years old, this activity will be enough for a long time. Every day, you can complicate the game by encouraging the baby to put a ball of one color in the box, then another (each time say what color the object is). Then you can add the concepts of "greater", "less". A whole set of exercises can turn out from one game. These activities develop logical thinking, the ability to distinguish colors, volume, finger motor skills and hand movements.

Pyramids and cubes

Cubes and pyramids (you should choose those with large elements made of soft plastic and with large holes for stringing onto the base) are interesting in that high towers, roads, houses are assembled from them. First, you can randomly string them on a base stick, then encourage children to do it in the correct order. Then name the shape of the object and its color. As an example: "Put the yellow circle down, set the orange oval on it" and further by analogy. Or "Let's make the first floor out of a red square, the second out of a blue rectangle, and the roof out of a green triangle." Such activities will be interesting not only for kids from a year. Different pyramids, especially if their component parts consist of several easily interlocking elements, are useful and entertaining for children of four or even five years old.


Pyramid options (reverse order) - nesting dolls, cups and even pots. They need to be put one inside the other: the smaller one into the larger one. The favorite pastime of children is to take out objects and insert them somewhere. So they learn volume, comparing shapes and sizes.

Thematic material:


Wooden abacus - with bright balls (photo 2), which need to be moved to fill the back of the spoke; evenly (mirrored) set the stones on one and the other side, dividing them in half. Make the top row longer than the bottom ... These games stimulate the fine motor skills of the pens, the logic of kids. They are suitable both for home and for a walk (on the playground, as a rule, under a slide, large abacus is installed).

Skills, abilities, comparisons

Children of one or two years old will also be interested in orientation games and overcoming obstacles. They are best done at home at first. These are challenging, but very exciting and interesting activities. Let's take a look at some of them.


We make a road from two rows of books, cubes, cassettes, cords - everything that you find at home, placed on top of each other or next to each other. First, we exhibit objects ourselves, then with the children, teaching the kids to walk between them (without touching the "curb") on a straight road, then complicate it with bends and turns.

The next stage is the installation of an obstacle on the road (for example, put a pencil or a cassette on the track), over which you need to step, closer to two years it will be more interesting to jump over it. The trail can be of any length and width (narrowing, widening). You can walk along it, crawl on your own or together with a toy. For boys, it is more interesting to walk along the path, rolling a car, leading a donkey on a string ... Children are sometimes so carried away by variable orientation classes that they are happy to do them for half a day.


We spread a narrow towel on the floor in a nursery or a common room or put a board (carefully sanded, or better wrapped in a soft cloth). At one end of it is a baby, at the other - a toy. The task of the crumbs is to cross the bridge without stumbling. Such a developmental activity for children from 1 year old can be supplemented with a fantasy component, for example, a fairy tale that under the bridge there is a raging sea, quicksand, and you need to quickly and accurately run along the only possible path so as not to drown yourself and to save the toy. This game will have a double benefit - coordination skills plus the development of imagination.

"Guest house"

This is a game with figures of different shapes, which must be precisely inserted into the slot in the roof of a house, a ball, a wooden or plastic cube. The child will find the correct shape - the figure will go into the necessary groove. If for babies of the first year of life these are rather difficult games, and they try to quickly remove the lid of the "house" in order to stuff a naughty toy there (which is also good - they acquire the skills of analyzing and assessing the situation, and the baby understands that the obstacle can be bypassed), then reaching the age of two, it is more interesting for them to accurately insert the volumetric figure into the corresponding groove.


These are home-made or purchased constructors with sticky elements, which should either be inserted into the appropriate cell, or made from them some kind of simple figurine (for example, a flower, a ball, a sun). The developmental effect can be enhanced by an additional "obstacle" - a fastener (as in this picture). I inserted the peas into the pod and closed them. If you want to get it, open it. A very useful activity.


The most popular toys for kids! This noisy activity can be directed in a useful direction - give the baby drumsticks and a large surface in his hands so that he can hear from the heart (instead of a soft drum, you can take a regular saucepan, as long as the parents are not tired of the loud sound). Then invite the child to hit the smaller musical instrument with the same stick. The toddler will be forced to focus on a different shape of the object, to match the size of the stick and the thundering (musical) surface. And at the age of two it is not easy to do it! So even noise games are beneficial.

And these are just a few examples. And the baby can also: play in the water, fingering pebbles in his hands, in the sand - sculpting the first Easter cakes, run small hands into the multi-colored cereals placed in bowls in front of him. All these are educational games that are suitable for children from 1 to 2 years old. And the more varied the material from which the toys are made, and their shape, the greater the benefit. The main thing is that parents are there, protecting the playing kids, and not forbidding them to explore the world. Children need to touch everything, look everywhere. Touch and look with them - then the forbidden fruit will lose its attractiveness, and the baby will no longer want to poke a finger into an outlet and gnaw on wires. And its development will proceed smoothly and in stages - in accordance with age.

Educational games for a child at 1 year old

Many parents get lost when it comes to playing with their babies. Many young parents know how to feed, wash, take a walk with the baby, but most do not know what educational games for a 1-year-old child are carried out with a crumb in their free time from these troubles.

Naturally, the main development of a child under one year old takes place in the form of a game, which is aimed at the formation of basic speech skills, coordination of movement and familiarization with the world around him.

This article will detail the basic exercises and educational games for 1 year olds to support these goals. First, we will discuss the characteristics of babies by the monthly period and suitable games at this time.

Games that develop speech in 1 year.

A six-month-old child babbles coherently, pronounces syllables, and by 7 months you can hear an imitation of an adult's voice, that is, individual syllables that were formed by chance or were copied from the speech of an adult. After another month or two, start playing with the baby in imitation of new syllables, pronounce the syllable several times and wait for the baby to answer you. This game trains the articulatory apparatus, and naturally enriches the babbling of the crumbs.

From six months to 10 months. the child is actively developing an understanding of the words of an adult. The child is able to enjoy the voice, and listens to the speech, starting to understand them. This advancement of the baby prompts him to turn his head and look for certain objects with his gaze, either in a specific place, or throughout the entire space of the room.

In accordance with the abilities, educational games for a child at 1 year old are also selected, in which it is necessary to imagine and name the main processes, such as “okay”, “how big!”, “Goodbye”, etc. are suitable, they can be repeated many times while the kid is interested. I think it's not worth explaining the essence of these games, the name speaks for itself.

Already from the age of eight months, educational games for a child at 1 year old acquire a new direction - we teach children to look for a couple of famous objects with a glance, after which we ask them to get the item they are looking for.

In the course of communication and games, it is necessary to refer to the baby by name as often as possible: in the ninth month of life, the baby is able to remember his own name, look for an adult, turning his head, approach the person who calls him by name. Therefore, it is worth playing rhymes with the baby's name or various jokes - parents can come up with such simple games on their own.

Educational games for a child in 1 year: learning subjects

Now let's look at specialized educational games aimed at studying the surrounding objects. The games are again the most elementary ones: put a bulky, colorful and sounding object in its usual place and call it several times until the baby turns his head towards finding the object. For example, putting the baby's favorite toy dog ​​on a shelf, which the baby can easily see, and say: "Where is Deniskin's dog, wow?". Then, taking the little one in your arms, bring it to the toy and let it have fun with it. Try to conduct such activities when the baby is calm and cheerful, and nothing bothers him. Having mastered this game, try to change the usual location of the dog and repeat your question, let the baby look for his toy in the room. Thus, a connection is formed between the word "dog" and the toy itself, and not with the shelf on which it stood. Do this game with other items.

Education can be carried out not on purpose, but using the interests of the child. For example, a child focused on a switched on lamp, be sure to ask: "Where is the light, look?", And do not forget to call the baby by name: “Deniska, where is the light? Here is our light! " All educational games for children at the age of 1 must be repeated several times, from once a baby up to a year will not be able to establish a connection between the event and the explanation, so please be patient and persistent. Over time, such games for identifying objects need to be complicated by adding new objects, for example, a pupa will be added to a dog. The parent should be told, "Look, Deniska, here's the dog, but where is the doll?" Such games form visual memory, introduce you to the world around you and help you focus on a specific thing.

Educational games for a child at 1 year: we develop coordination of movement

The simplest game aimed at developing motor skills in a child is hide and seek in place. For example, a mother throws a small kerchief over her head, or simply covers her face with her hands and asks: "Where is mom?", Then, opening her face, she says: "Here is mom!". Let the child repeat these movements himself, covering and opening his or his mother's face.

At the age of six months, teach the baby the name of the basic movements, thus establishing a connection between the movement itself and its execution. For example, wave a pen with the words "goodbye", and then wave the baby's hand back, repeating the words. All educational games for children at 1 year old are repeated many times, the baby gets used to constant communication and actively advances in learning, in many ways imitating adults.

Do not think that games with babies can only be verbal. From the age of six months, begin to actively explore objects around. Give the child a certain toy in the pens, let him examine it, then show how to knock on other things and what sound comes out at the same time, wave objects, or let the baby throw her on the sofa, such simple games perfectly form the coordination of the baby's movements. Show that the ball needs to be rolled and that rubber toys can compress and expand.

Approaching the first year of life, the ability of children to develop understandable speech is intensively formed, with effective upbringing, the number of understandable words rapidly multiplies. It is worth teaching children to memorize not only their own name, but also the names of adults and children who are next to them. Here are some more interesting educational games for children in 1 year.

All is fair in the game

Educational game for a child in 1 year: "Searches in the sandbox"

All you need for this game is the contents of your kitchen cabinet and a small toy. Take out a jar of semolina - this is our sand - and pour about a kilogram into a spacious saucepan or into a wide bowl and put this simulated sandbox at the mercy of the little one. The surprise and enthusiasm of the kid will be immeasurable, because he loves to learn everything new so much! After he enjoys sowing cereals through his fingers, and tastes unknown grains, take him on an exciting quest. Hide any insignificant toy in the rump, and do not interfere with the toddler's efforts to find the hidden treasure. When the treasure is found, offer your child a wooden sieve and teach him how to use it. So a fascinating educational game is ready, for an hour, and mommy will have time to cook lunch during this period.

Educational game for a child at 1 year old: "Young Explorer"

For this game, your old bag will do, get rid of all the small gizmos and fill the empty sections with all sorts of objects that are interesting to the touch and appearance. Anything close at hand will do: a small toy, a cucumber, a pencil, safe cutlery, a rustling bag, a purse with sections, a keychain with keys, and a ringing phone. All the items that are used in the adult world are extremely attractive to the child, and he will delightfully delve into the treasure bag.

Educational game for a child in 1 year: "Funny faces"

We suggest making a developmental craft with your own hands, for this you just need a plastic cup, an ordinary straw for cocktails (or a spaghetti tube), a cut out cardboard circle, scotch tape and a pencil. Then do the following process: draw a mischievous face on a cardboard circle (five centimeters wide). We attach the muzzle to the straw with tape. And at the bottom of the plastic glass we cut out a hole and pass a tube there so that the face is inside the glass. By moving the tube up and down, you will get a smiling little man jumping out of the vessel. Rest assured, this will greatly amuse your little one.

In general, I think the principle is clear, in developing games with children under one year old, a variety of dishes are suitable: wooden, plastic, small toys for examining, taking out, inserting, etc. Offer to get a seductive toy by pulling it towards you by the string. Buy toys for the baby that roll when touched, for example, balls, cylinders, etc., this encourages the baby to crawl after them, repel and catch up again and again. Offer the baby in the crib or playpen a cloth, ball, ball, light pins for throwing away.

Child development does not require a lot of money, but only your attention and efforts.

Online games for children 1 2 years old - a selection of colorful educational entertainment for babies in the first years of life. Or rather, for their parents. After all, boys and girls cannot play independently in the new series of educational games. And if you value every minute spent with your child, if you consider it important to introduce your child to new words and concepts every day, if you are sure that harmonious personality development is not something that can be left to chance, then this section is for you. It contains the best educational online games for children 1 2 years old. By starting to play regularly, kids will master many unfamiliar words, get an idea of ​​shape and colors, and begin to better understand the purpose of the surrounding objects. The selection is regularly updated and supplemented. All online games are free, and parents of young gamers do not need to spend money on additional educational material. The only condition for access is to set aside 15-30 minutes a day for development games and be connected to the Internet.

  • For children 1-2 years old

    A collection of educational games for toddlers. Color from memory coloring pages, collect puzzles to train attentiveness, develop thinking.

  • A collection of easy children's html5 coloring pages with very simple gameplay. Shade pictures and develop fine motor skills on which speech depends.

  • Coloring book for kids 1-2 years old

    A collection of 16 coloring pages featuring various animals. Fill with 1 click, shade, paint on mobile devices.

  • Fascinating fun for developing a sense of color, thinking, attention in kids. Arrange items of 4 colors in their respective containers.

    In the game, kids will learn to distinguish objects by shape and color. Children need to arrange the shapes in containers of the same color with a suitable sign.

  • For children 1-2 years old: big, small

    Exercises for the development of a sense of size, reaction speed, attention, the ability to determine the shape. Arrange the ducks of different sizes from largest to smallest.

  • A very easy puzzle for children that even a 1 year old baby can play. Assemble a nice picture with a hedgehog from 4 pieces.

    Collect a picture with adorable doggies. Try combining 4 or 9 pieces using a background picture.

    This game will make visual riddles for kids, and children will need to determine by the shadow that it is from 5 objects.

  • For children 1-2 years old: edible or inedible

    With the help of this game, parents will introduce the kid to edible and inedible objects. Choose one of two pictures.

  • For kids 1-2 years old: build a house

    The lightweight constructor invites the smallest to build a house. For construction, several parts are given that must be folded correctly.

The child's need for emotional contact with loved ones is still very high. It is with the help of positive emotions and the approval of an adult that the baby begins to move actively, gain new knowledge, consolidate and improve the previously acquired skills. Educational games for a child at the age from 1 to 2 years, as well, are different. For children of this age, you can offer play together, use household items, or offer purchased toys and use them to meet the basic needs of the toddler.

Meeting the need for emotional communication between the ages of 1 and 2

Care, affection and love are important for a child since. The first year is no exception.

1. Care and affection. Sit next to your child and place a couple of their favorite toys nearby. Talk to them, picking them up: "How good you are, affectionate." Invite the child to pick up the toy as well. Say, "I like your white fur, bear." Hug the child, also hugging him, say sweet words to him. Encourage the child's interest in such games, help find the right words.

2. We are sorry for the bunny. Have pity on the toy that ends up on the floor first. Tell a rhyme about a bunny that the hostess threw, maintaining a pitiful tone. Have pity on the bunny together. Then take the baby in your arms and, rocking, sing to him any song that you both like. Skin-to-skin contact, empathy builds trust between you.

3. One, two, three, boom! Play helps to increase bodily contact and promotes familiarity with your own body. Put the child on his knees facing you, say: "One, two, three, boom!". Gently press the forehead of the baby with your palm, and then the nose, cheeks, hands, naming these parts of the body.

Also very effective at this age.

Movement development at 1 year

1. Pushing... Choose a few objects to push, such as a gurney, stroller, stuffed toy, or car. Give the command: "One, two, three, push!", And then push one toy forward. Play on your own and wait until the child wants to take part in the game. This is a good way to develop strength and coordination of movements.

2. The boat is sailing, sailing ... Sit on the rug facing the baby, bringing your slightly apart legs together to create a “boat”. Take his hands and swing back and forth until the child touches the floor with his back. that this game will be more effective if accompanied by the swinging rhythmic verses.

3. Bean bags. The pouches can be made by yourself and sewn up to prevent the contents from falling out. It is pleasant to touch them with your hands, fold a turret out of them or organize throwing with bags at the target. Walk around with the pouch resting on your head or shoulders. Lying on your back with your legs raised, balance with bags placed on each of your feet.

4. Satisfied legs. Walking barefoot is an involuntary foot massage. You can choose and make different walking surfaces: wash buttons on a strip of cloth and walk on them. You can sew on smooth sticks or fill a cloth bag with pebbles or sand. It is best to walk on natural surfaces: grass, sand, asphalt. When walking, name the sensations that the child experiences: soft surface, smooth, cold, etc.

5.Move toys. Show your child how you carry one filled basket of toys to the other end of the room. You can drag it or push it. Transfer the toys to another basket and say, "That's it!" If you like the game, this movement of toys can be repeated several times. Additionally, mention the words "empty" and "full".

6.Hit the hole. For development of coordination of movements use a wide-necked dish such as a saucepan or salad bowl. Attach a small fish-shaped object to a rope 15-20 cm long and show how to lower it into the container. Gradually, the neck of the dishes can be offered narrower, which develops the child's eye. You can use the ready-made game "Fishing" with fish and a fishing rod.

Self-determination games

1. Do you recognize yourself? Stand in front of a large mirror with a child, holding it in your arms, and ask: who is this wonderful baby? When looking in the mirror, change your facial expressions by giving it different expressions. Wave your hand and ask the child to do the same. You can make different movements. , explaining that he himself makes such movements.

2. Where are you? Play this game while your child is sitting in a high chair. Pretend you can't find it, look in the drawer of the desk, around the sides, in your pocket, etc. Ask: "Where is (child's name ?!"). After that, “find” him and express surprise and joy “There you are!”.

3. Hide and seek. Close your eyes with your palms: "Where is my (baby's name)?" Cover your face with a handkerchief or blanket. Now cover the baby's face. You can hide behind a large toy or curtain. Rejoice every time you meet eyes!

Relationship game in 1 year

Give it back to me, please. Sit in front of the child and offer to take any toy. "This is for you". After playing with it, ask the child to return the toy. Because you want to play too. You can exchange toys.

Creative games

1. Doodle game. Offer your child crayons or felt-tip pens to draw. Show how you can draw. The scribbles will remain on the paper. Praise his work. Select individual shapes, for example: "I love this blue ball in your drawing." Encourage people to paint indoors and outdoors.

2. We draw different shapes. Draw a circle on a large piece of paper with a pencil. Give the pencil to the child, and move it with your hand with the pencil, tracing a circle along the contour. Praise: "What a beautiful picture." On other days, draw a square or diamond, use a different color. Do not forget to name the shape and color of the figure, praise if the child depicted them on his own.

Sound Perception Games

1. Knock-Knock. Pour pebbles into a metal jar, and metal bottle caps into another. Offer to shake the can and listen. Pay attention to the different sounds. Look together what is in the bank. Shake it again and ask what it sounds like. If the kid could not remember - show it again. If he still cannot speak, then ask to find a jar of stones or a jar with lids by the sound. To draw attention to the game, you can shake the cans rhythmically while humming the melodies.

2. Let's go... Sing songs with your baby, changing your voice from the harshest to the most subtle squeaking. Young children maintain a stable attention if the sounds of the voice are high-pitched (female and children's voices). Sing along with the characters. Let's sing a song like a mouse, like a cat, like a bear.

Color Perception Games

1. Selection of items by color. Choose two cars of different colors for the game: red and blue. Drive cars - each his own, and then swap cars. Make wide paths for cars out of colored paper. Put each typewriter on its own path. Constantly name cars and paths, repeat tasks, training the child in the correctness of finding the color.

2. We collect toys of the same color. Choose a toy of a specific color and find all the other objects and toys in the house that are the same color: Mom's dress, Dad's shirt, cup, book, watch, etc. The next day, fix the name of the color and then introduce it to another color.

Smell Perception Game

1.What smells? Draw the child's attention to the smells in the kitchen: "What smells so good?" This is especially easy to do when baking something in the oven. Get the food out of the oven and smell it together, name the smell: vanilla, apple, spicy.

2. Orange. Take an orange in your hands and name its color: orange. Offer to smell and remember the smell. Oranges and lemons have a strong scent that a child can remember. Give the orange to the baby and repeat the shape and color. Let him smell it and touch it. Give a bite to taste and try it yourself, peeling it and breaking it into wedges. In the same way, you can introduce different products, but not everything needs to be tried: onions and garlic can only be sniffed.

Educational games for children who are one year old should be done daily. You can repeat the same games at short intervals, which contributes to better memorization of the material. It is important that the knowledge of the surrounding world and the development of the baby take place unobtrusively and naturally, with the participation of an adult, who can promptly prompt how to do a particular task correctly. It is necessary to praise children, to encourage their independence. And then there will be no need to invent games: the child himself will tell you what interests him the most and what he would like to do.