The child pisses little. Why the breast child pisses little and that at the same time do: the causes of rare urination, treatment options. reasons why breast child does not piss at night

Already from the first days, the baby pediatricians pay attention to the young mother on the fact that it is important to control the volume of fluid consumed and food, urine color and feces. Therefore, when a child goes a little in the toilet in a small or, on the contrary, too often, it is necessary to find out the causes of such behavior and, if possible, consult a doctor.

How many times should the child write a day?

Clear data on how much the child should urinate per day, no. On your complaint that the child rarely goes to the toilet, the pediatrician can only advise watching the amount of fluid consumption. But let's indulgence on the basis of real observations of children

From birth, the baby pisses often (on average 20-24 times a day), rarely there are cases when the newborn from the first days remains all night dry. In 1-1.5 years, the urinary bubble capacity increases, and the baby can remain dry as much as two hours. In the same period, the kid can remain dry all night due to the fact that the filling of the bladder slows down. Therefore, if the baby goes to bed at 21:00 and gets up at 7:00 in the morning, then the day on average child goes 8 times in a toilet in a small one.

At 3.5-5 years, the baby can endure 3-5 hours without a pot, then with this mode for the day it can go 3-5 times in a toilet in a small one. But these data are purely theoretical, as it is necessary to look at the consumption of fluid. If you think the child goes badly to the toilet, then you need to trace how much it consumes on the day of water, tea, compotion, morse, milk, liquid from the first dishes.

For example, in the maternity hospitals, children are given between feeding to drink boiled water 1-2 times a day (no more than 30 ml). Pediatricians also say to water the child with water up to a year 1-2 times a day (no more than 60 ml), especially during the period of illness or heat. But one child can drink water with great pleasure, and the other prefers to drink a liter of milk for the day.

In the summer or in a stuffy room, children drink more often and more, and in winter or in a ventilated moisture room, respectively, the volume of the flowable liquid is less. In this case, of course, there is no reason for unrest, if the child goes a little in the toilet in a small one. Therefore, moms must control the volume of fluid consumed before painting in the pediatrician office.

How to determine that the child goes a little in the toilet in a small?

Weekly observations will be enough for a pediatrician to see if there is deviations in the development of the baby. Any doctor will say that if the baby is cheerful, cheerful and energetic, then there are no causes for panic. If a child goes a little to the toilet in a small one, and it bothers him, causes pain, becomes the cause of whims and mood drops, then you need to contact the pediatrician, urologist, surgeon and pass tests.

A newborn baby for the first time can reckon in the process of childbirth or immediately after them. Most newborn children have the first urination the first 12 hours of life take place. And every 10th child can obey only on the second, or even the third day.

The first three days of life have little urine distinguished in newborns. What is the reason, is finally not installed. However, it is known that the child outside the womb allocates the entire surface of his body, and the liquids receive a little yet. Reducing urine release in the first week of life is called transient oliginia.

In the first week of life, the newborn occurs a transitional state - the urban heart attack. Externally, it is manifested by the color of urine - brick or even red due to the high content of urates. Watering leaves the painted spot on the diaper, but by the end of the week acquires transparency and natural color.

How often does the newborn pissing?

The first week of life has a dead newborn, the daily frequency of urination is 4-5 times, and in premature - up to 8-13 times. By the end of the first week, healthy children per day allocated an average of 209 ml of urine. If its number is significantly lower than the norm, it is not always associated with the diseases of the bladder, kidney or uretera. Increased body temperature of the baby contributes to the reduction of urine isolated, too warm clothes, if it is hot in the room, and it lies next to the heating system. With a diarrhea, accompanied by a significant loss of liquid, urine will also stand out.

If all of the listed states are not violated, and urine is extremely small, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Parents should also alert concentrated. At the same time, the skin of the child pose in the place of urine enter, and diapers are painted in yellow. This is due to the deficiency of the fluid, the child needs to drink more. If the drinking regime is normal, and the urine remains concentrated, the doctor's consultation is necessary.

The first days of the newborn can be observed urine, in which the bladder is full and stretched, sometimes to the level of the navel. In this case, urgent medical care is necessary, regardless of the cause of the delay.

Emergency medical care is needed and with a combination of two symptoms - 2-3 days the child does not urinate, and its bladder is empty. This condition is characteristic of anouria - severe illness, in which the baby becomes sluggish, drone, refuses to eat. In the future, convulsions and comatose state are possible.

Often parents, when baby pisses little, beat premature alarms. Let's try to figure out the standards and other indicators of this process.

The first time the kid can pee during childbirth or immediately after them, and maybe after some time - even in a day. None of these indicators are considered a deviation from the norm. Later, the baby pisses about 15 times a day, but if it happens less often, then you need to think about it.

On average, the baby distinguishes about 200 milliliters of urine per day, the amount below can be a reason for excitement.

There are certain norms characteristic of each age:

  • the newborn and the baby under the age of 5-6 months should allocate from 300 to 500 ml of urine;
  • from 6 months to 1 year - up to 600 ml of urine;
  • from 1 to 3 years - in volume from 780 to 820 ml.

These data gives an understanding of parents, in sufficient amounts pisses their kid. Many nuances should be taken into account, for example, as a child eats, as far as mobile, the ambient temperature. At the same time, the urine is not always not always indicated by any disease.

Causes of rare urination

Consider the reasons when the infants have little pissing that are not confirmed by the presence of any disease:

  1. Excessive warmth. You should not wear too warm baby or heat the room where children are. This leads to dehydration of the body and, as a result, to small urine release.
  2. Insufficient amount of water in the diet. If a small child is already on artificial feeding, then in addition to the mixtures it requires water.
  3. Transition from thoracic to artificial feeding. During this period, the kid urinates less, but it is not necessary to worry about it, a short-term impairment of urination can be observed.
  4. Hot and hot weather. When there is a high temperature on the street, never forget to steer the baby with ordinary clean water.
  5. Diapers. After the child cease to wear diapers, problems are possible with urine release.
  6. Insufficient fat content of maternal milk. This factor is more often affected by three to four months from the genus. How to increase fatty milk? Be sure to adjust the nutrition and introduce useful fats in the diet.

If there were no above-described reasons for small urination, it is best to contact the pediatrician to establish a diagnosis.

What is worth paying attention to insufficient urination at the kid

Urinary color

With sufficient flow of fluid in the body and normal conditions, the color of urine in the child will be yellowish, translucent. Great danger carry bloody splashes in the urine. If urine has bright yellow color or dark shades, then this is a confirmation that the child lacks the liquid.


Time when the chest kid pisses at night. If this does not happen, then, most likely, that he lacks milk or the dose of artificial nutrition is incorrectly chosen.

The ambient temperature also has an important meaning. If indoors at night it is too hot, then the moisture from the body can go from the sweat, and the baby will not write. In sultry days a child is better to give more liquid or more easily apply to the chest.

Nightwear for the kid should be made of natural materials and very easy. Watch out for artificial nutrition, it should not have a lot of salt, which can cause small urination.

If there is a suspicion that the baby has problems with urine release, then it takes a few days to observe his urination. Then be sure to contact the medical institution and conduct diagnostic research.

Symptoms that may indicate the presence of the disease

Some symptoms should alert the parents, namely:

  • increased body temperature, even half a degree;
  • the appearance of capriciousness and lethargy, constant drowsiness, no energy;
  • "Abnormal" urine color;
  • the baby worries or even crying when she pisses;
  • sharp and unpleasant urine smell;
  • eveniness, especially in the morning, that is, the emergence of the so-called "renal edema", which after sleep immediately pass.

If the baby pisses little from time to time and no suspicious symptoms are observed, then most likely, in this way, the individual features of the body of the kid are manifested.

If at least one of the symptoms is present in newborns, then in no case should not be engaged in self-treatment, you must contact the pediatrician and go through all recommended studies to identify the cause of rare urination.

What diseases may indicate the symptoms of rare urination

First of all, a small amount of urine can say that a child has a kidney problem. It is this body that is responsible for filtration processes, and if failures appear, the kidneys immediately begin to reduce urine release.

Infectious diseases may cause urination disorders. In particular, the infection is dangerous under the age of 3 years.

The baby is being worried when he pisses, and at night practically does not do it. It is possible that the baby has pinching of the urethra or there is a stone or sand in the genitourinary system.

Neglecting the instructions of the doctor in the process of treating other diseases, that is, the use of a large number of diuretic drugs.

An important situation in the house has an important meaning - if constant emotional stress is observed, then the kid may have problematic urging.

Fimosis is a disease that are more often sick infants. The disease is characterized by the narrowing of the extreme flesh of the penis. The disease is most often hereditary, very rarely acquired.

Types of surveys

All diagnostic measures are built according to a single principle - from simple to complex. Therefore, for the beginning, the pediatrician will appoint a study of general urine analysis.

If even the analysis does not give a real diagnosis, then it will still be possible to decide on further diagnostic methods:

  1. Urine analysis in Nechiphenko. This study allows us to determine the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the urine.
  2. Winning urine analysis. Determines the exact amount of urine allocated to the baby throughout the day.
  3. Ultrasound or tomography - research, allowing to examine the anatomy of the child.
  4. X-ray using a contrast agent. The method allows to determine the nature and speed of urination.

Methods for increasing the amount of urine

Before starting treatment, it is best to complete a complete study of the child's body in order to fully eliminate the likelihood of diseases of the urethra.

If pathology is excluded, then you can resort to the following techniques:

  • give an increased amount of water to the child;
  • virtually completely eliminate salty products from the diet;
  • if a child has a high temperature or a heat in the street, then also increase the amount of water in the diet.

It should be explained to the child that he should not hold back the urge to go to the toilet "on the little". The baby needs to be taught to immediately report what he wants to the toilet.

Attention! Stripping urination leads to the opposite effect: urine is pushing back into ureters and other departments that are located above. If this happens constantly, a ureteral reflux can develop, in extreme cases - renal failure.

In case of suspected inflammatory processes, it is recommended to take seated baths, daily and at the same time. The baths are accepted sitting, the water temperature must first be 27 ° C and gradually rise. You can use the compresses that are superimposed at the bottom of the abdomen or on the whole body. Drying can be carried out only by appointment of a doctor and in the presence of pain when urinating.

Be sure to follow the diet of the kid, it should have enough water and little salt. Constantly monitor the state of health of your child, especially in the "Milk" infant period, because at this time of life, the child can not even complain about their problems.

Usually the first time a newborn baby pisses during childbirth or almost immediately after birth, in the first hours of life. Many kids can survive only after a day, when a day or two will go. The first days, as a rule, urine is allocated in minor quantities. Many mothers often ask: why a little baby is little and intermittently writing or not at all pissing at night in a dream? Therefore, it is worth considering questions: how much should the infant to write, what cases are the norm, and which are signs of the disease.

What is the norm?

In the first days of life, healthy, born in the period of kids piss about fifteen times a day, and born before the set time - up to twenty times. Usually, about 200 milliliters of urine stands out in 24 hours. If it is less - this is not a reason to panic.

Main reasons

There are different causes of rare urination. To begin with, it is worth analyzing various factors.

  1. The kid can be dressed in too warm clothes or be in an overlooking room. With a liquid chair, a child also stands out of little urine;
  2. Solve the problem helps changing feeding mode. This is especially true of the children of "artificials". If the baby is powered by a mixture, then it is necessary to give it to drink clean water, except for the usual food. It pisses little due to the lack of fluid;
  3. When moving from maternal milk to artificial nutrition or at the beginning of the attachment, urination often occurs. There is nothing terrible here - the body is simply rebuilt on the digestion of another food. The child can write rarely or with interruptions;
  4. In the heat, a newborn baby receives little liquid. Do not forget about clean drinking water;
  5. A similar problem can provoke a refusal of diapers.

If the specified reasons are excluded, it is better to refer to the pediatrician to establish an exact reason.

Urinary color

Also, mothers and dads should pay attention to the color of urine. If the kid drinks enough liquid, then it will be a translucent yellow color. Water should not be with blood. Dark or bright yellow color speaks of a liquid deficiency.

The correct reason will help you quickly determine how to solve the problem, choose treatment.

Urination at night

Often parents note that the child does not piss it at night in a dream. This happens due to shortness of milk. If the baby gets sufficient food, then it is vigorous, active, growing rapidly and gains weight. Often the absence of urination at night, when the child is sleeping, due to the small number of food.

The ambient temperature has urination in a dream. That is, if the house is hot, when the child sleeps, the liquid can go to the next, and the baby at night in a dream will not write. Baby need just to give more water. If the child is powered with breast milk, then it is necessary to apply more often to the chest. To sleep, it is necessary to choose light clothes from natural fabrics.

Little to write at night in a dream kid can during teaching him from the diaper. Rarely such a problem arises from the abundance of salted food during the day.

There are cases when the baby does not piss at night in a dream due to the dehydration of the body during the disease. In such situations, it is necessary to immediately contact the pediatrician and treat the disease.

What you should pay attention to?

Watching urination infants need regularly. When identifying delays, when a child sleeps, or too small urine, it is necessary to check the presence of other symptoms:

  1. Heat. Temperature above 36.8 ° C is already a reason for anxiety;
  2. The emergence of high capriciousness, drowsiness, lethargy;
  3. Dark urine color when obtaining enough drinking;
  4. The child is crying when he pisses or stew;
  5. The appearance of edema on the face, under the eyes;
  6. The child pisses with blood.

Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to conduct an organism survey. Almost any disease of the urethra can be diagnosed with urine analysis. For a deeper examination, ultrasound of the genitourinary system or X-ray study is prescribed.

Possible diseases

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We will also consider the disease, because of which baby pisses little:

  1. Kidney problems. The kidneys is a kind of fluid filter in the body, if the "failures" of their work begins, then very little urine is produced;
  2. Infection. It can manifest itself in a person of any age, but the kids are most prone to three years. This leads to a violation of urination and the main reason that the baby does not piss at night in a dream, it is still in urinary or writing intermittently;
  3. Formation of the urethra of sand or stones;
  4. Pinching of urethra;
  5. An unfavorable psychological atmosphere for a child leading to constant nervous tension;
  6. Overdose with diuretics. It arises as a consequence after or during the treatment of other diseases.


Beast boys often occur in phimosis. It consists in the narrowing of the extreme flesh of the penis. This disease is congenital (in most cases) or acquired.

Treatment in each case individually. Some children take the disease itself over time, for several months, and some kind of surgical intervention is required. In any case, with the initial symptoms of such an illness, it is necessary to immediately contact the pediatrician. The main signs of phimosis:

  • the child crying while she pisses;
  • the baby pisses rarely, thin flowing;
  • pisses intermittently;
  • does not piss when sleeping;
  • take care during urination.

Upon the assumption of such a diagnosis, it is impossible to engage in self-medication.

Home therapy

Immediately it is worth noting that it is necessary to treat self-medicate very carefully. To begin with, it is necessary to undergo a survey and still exclude various diseases of the urethra. We describe the main methods of treating rare urination at home.

Warm bath


Proper nutrition

Urination directly depends on the nutritional nutrition. It is necessary to exclude all the experiments with a lure, give the child enough liquid. Especially during the first months of life.


The procedure for the purpose of the pediatrician!Apply when urination is accompanied by cutting pain.

Most importantly, parents always need to remember that their health is completely in their hands. And the newborn child requires a particularly attentive relationship and proper care.

He cannot say about his problems and concerns, so it is necessary to control the slightest changes in its behavior, actions, the appearance of whims, poor mood.

Often the disease is easier to prevent in the early stages than long to treat. Do not miss the time when you find any problems to go to the hospital. The most important thing is a healthy kid!

If you have noticed that the baby urinates little to a year, you should not beat the alarm ahead of time, it is better to revise the lifestyle of the child. This condition in children often cause nutritional disorders, psycho-emotional shocks or pedagogical errors. In other cases, this may be a sign of a serious disease of the kidney or development pathology.

Children to one year old need to pay special attention, because they, unlike more adults, cannot complain to pain, report discomfort cry and cry. It is impossible to write down such behavior only on banal colic or teeth, it should always be understood as anxiety. Otherwise you can skip the first symptoms of a serious illness.

If the baby has little and rarely pisses, you need to consult with a pediatrician

Urination rate in children depending on age

Water is very important for health, its lack can cause serious pathological changes in the child. The characteristic symptom is characteristic of the fluid, or insufficient urination. It can report that water cannot normally leave the body - the kid consumes enough liquid, but less pisses, which is also fraught with severe consequences.

At the urination of a child to one year old age, parents should pay special attention, especially at night. Normally, during the night, the child must urinate at least 2 times, after a year it happens less frequently. Insufficient urine can talk about a serious impairment in the body. However, often all problems can be solved by simple nutritional and drinking mode.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color of urine in a child, it is normal in normal yellow. The lack of fluid in the body says dark or bright yellow color.

The norms of how much kid should write per day:

The age of the childDaily urine volume, mlDaily quantity of urinationUrine volume for one urination, ml
0-6 months300-500 20-25 20-35
6-12 months.300-600 15-16 25-45
1-3 years760-820 10-12 60-90
3-5 years old900-1070 7-9 70-90
5-7 years old1070-1300 7-9 100-150
7-9 years old1240-1520 7-8 145-190
9-11 years old1520-1670 6-7 220-260
11-14 years old1600-1900 6-7 250-270

Causes of rare urination

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Sometimes you can see that the baby has become less likely to write at night, in the morning diaper or diaper dry, but this does not mean that he learned to control urination. Babies up to a year for this are still not capable.

Any changes in the food mode kid can affect the amount of urine

Why does the inferior of the urine allocated decrease? Often, natural, physiological reasons are facilitated by this:

  • transition from breastfeeding to the mixture;
  • mother has little milk, or it is not enough fat;
  • the beginning of the feeding, the transition to the adult table;
  • disruption of drinking mode, drinking low liquid volume;
  • hot weather or strong shutting of a child, because of what he sweats overly;
  • accustomed to the pot and teaching the diaper.

These are harmless reasons that can be easily adjusted, they will pass quickly and without consequences. However, in some cases, rare urination occurs due to illness or developmental abnormalities:

  • infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • kidney pathologies in the newborn;
  • excessive tensile bladder when the child suffers for a long time, does not go to the toilet;
  • fimosis, narrowing of the extreme flesh in boys (more in the article :);
  • nervous tension, hysteria, frequent stress;
  • excessive reception of diuretic drugs, especially taken without the appointment of a doctor or in an overestimated dose;
  • head injuries or spine;
  • dehydration, diarrhea and vomiting during the period of intestinal infection.

Concomitant symptomatics

The baby for 2-3 years is already able to inform parents that he has something hurts. For the condition of a newborn baby and baby needs to closely monitor not to miss pathological symptoms. Symptoms that should be alerted by parents and serve as a reason to appeal to a specialist:

  • urination becomes rare, jet pressure is weak;
  • the baby pisses often, small portions, on the droplets (we recommend reading :);
  • the process of urine isolation occurs only in the same position and causes burning, thread and pain;
  • the kid urinates little at night - the overall diaper is dry.

If the symptoms described are also accompanied by signs of the inflammatory process, you need to immediately apply to the doctor:

  • increase body temperature, even up to 37 ° C;
  • general weakness, lethargy, malaise;
  • changing the smell and color of urine;
  • urine with blood;
  • crying, capriciousness, anxiety during urination;
  • morning swelling.

Quite often, respiratory infections (angina, influenza, etc.) lead to inflammatory processes of the urinary system.

An infectious-toxic shock can develop, in which emergency medical care will be required. Its symptom is a significant reduction in the amount of urine allocated. Especially dangerous angina, it is able to give complications to almost all organs and systems.

Survey to identify pathology

When baby pisses little, a specialist will be appointed a survey for understanding the reasons for this violation:

  • urine analysis: common, nichiporenko, in winter, bacterial sowing;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Uzi urinary system organs;
  • CT and MRI;
  • x-ray using a contrast agent to identify the pathology of the structure of the kidneys and other organs.

What if the child does not rarely urinate?

The diseases of the urogenital system should be treated under the supervision of an experienced specialist

Such diseases are easier to cure at the initial stage, so at first symptoms should immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment. Such violations are engaged in a nephrologist or urologist. It will appoint drugs aimed at eliminating the disease that caused rare urination. It is not necessary to take medicines or make procedures. Diuretic drugs are capable only to worsen the condition of the infant.

Usually, with urinary bubble and kidney diseases, a specialist appoints:

  • drugs, they are discharged strictly individually and accepted according to the schedule developed by the attending physician;
  • sitting baths for 15 minutes, the water temperature gradually rises from 26 to 30 ° C (see also :);
  • soothing compresses on the bladder area;
  • therapeutic diet with reduced salt content, baffle salt in prures should be completely eliminated;
  • drafting or urination through the catheter - these methods are used if the selection of urine is painful for the baby;
  • droppers are used with severe dehydration;
  • operational intervention with serious pathology, the presence of stones or sand in the kidneys.

Prevention measures

Since the diuresis violation occurs most often for physiological reasons, this state can not be allowed to be observing uncomplicated rules.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the child's drinking mode and teach it to drink clean non-carbonated water.

For the prevention of rare urination, the baby needs to carefully follow its condition:

  • if the replacement of baby food occurred and urination decreased, the mixture should be changed and consult with a pediatrician;
  • observe drinking regime - drink enough water: Children on breastfeeding up to 6 months there are enough liquid in maternal milk, but in hot time it is possible to give water, and it is simply necessary to kids on the mixture;
  • nursing mother adhere to a special diet so that the fatness of milk does not suffer;
  • introduce the lore with small volumes and one product, according to the recommendations of the Children's Doctor and WHO;
  • in the summer, in the heat of the kid, you need a lot and on demand, always take a bottle of walk or to the clinic;
  • carry out all the necessary hygienic procedures on time;
  • the kid can refuse to drink when he does not like the heel or a bottle, in this case one should choose another dishes;
  • inciting to the pot, you should not put pressure on the child, to make walking on it, it is better to get the one that he likes (we recommend reading :);
  • in respiratory and intestinal diseases give enough liquid, it is more likely to apply to the chest to avoid dehydration;
  • in time to turn to the pediatrician and treat infectious diseases, especially heavy (flu, angina, etc.);
  • take medicines only for the appointment of a doctor, carefully read the instructions before use.