Recipes for folk methods of skin care. Folk remedies, recipes of traditional medicine for facial skin care

There are a wide range of cosmetics for the body and face on sale. And, of course, it is always possible to choose a suitable cream or mask for yourself. At the same time, there are folk remedies for facial skin care, the use of which gives a positive result, and women have been using them for a long time. These recipes should not be neglected as their ingredients are extremely beneficial and improve the condition of the skin.

For example, Japanese cosmetologists recommend using scalded and crushed almond kernels instead of toilet soap. With a damp mass of almonds, lightly rub the face and neck (like bran), or put it in a small bag made of thin cloth and lubricate the skin, like a bath mitten or a sponge. The kernels of apricot kernels, scalded and crushed, are used for cosmic purposes as well as almonds.

You can cleanse dry skin with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water in half with milk or liquid fortified cream. Instead of soap, dry skin is smeared with a mixture of chicken egg yolk and a spoonful of butter. After a few minutes, this mixture is washed off with lukewarm water, and the face is blotted with a soft towel. This folk remedy for facial skin care provides additional nutrition to the skin and it gets better every day.

For very delicate, dry skin, make the following lotion: 1 tablespoon of a mixture of plantain, chamomile, mint, brew with a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for 40 minutes, stirring add 1 tablespoon of potato starch. Wipe your face with this lotion before washing. After half an hour, wash off with boiled water or cold herbal infusion. Dry skin of the face is also wiped with this infusion: insist 1 part of St. John's wort flowers in 2 parts of vegetable oil in a dark bottle, for 3 weeks.

For dry, flaky or easily inflamed skin, use wheat bran. They are poured onto a damp palm and this mass is lightly massaged on a damp face. When the skin turns a little pink, it is rinsed with boiled, lukewarm water and gently patted with a soft towel. After several such procedures, the skin becomes soft and smooth. Can be used instead of bran and oatmeal.

For oily, porous skin with acne, it is better to replace ordinary soap with such a composition: grind a third of a piece of toilet soap, add half a glass of boiling water to it and beat the foam. While stirring, add 1 tbsp of camphor alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 tbsp of glycerin and 1 tsp of boric acid. Beat everything thoroughly, pour into a jar with a tight lid and store in the cold. In the morning, 5 minutes before washing, lubricate the face with soapy cream, then wash off with cold water.

It is useful for people with oily skin to wash with water acidified with lemon juice or table vinegar. A hot broth made from clover or chamomile leaves is also suitable - it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass in a smaller saucepan with 1 liter of boiling water, put in another, large saucepan with water (water bath), and boil for 30 minutes.

Using these folk remedies for skin care, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin. After washing or cleansing the skin, a day or night cream is applied to the face. Natural ingredients have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and it becomes soft and elastic.

For dry skin care, plants containing essential oils are used: parsley fruits and roots, lemon balm leaf, medicinal mint, chamomile color, thyme and others. Their combination with mucus-containing ones - mullein, quince fruit seeds, mallow. The herbs are crushed, squeezed out, and used for compresses, or simply applied to the skin, once a day for ten days in a row. A combination with a steam bath will help to achieve the best effect, it can be done every 7 days: take a spoonful of dill, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender, coltsfoot, calendula; pour about 2 liters of water, boil and warm up your face for about 15 minutes over steam. Wrap your hair with a towel. This will improve the condition of the skin and cleanse it well.

Oily skin care

If you have oily skin, use yarrow, calendula, sage, hops, wild chestnut, tricolor violet. Pour 3 teaspoons of one of the plants with one glass of boiled water and let stand for fifteen minutes. To wipe the face with broth at room temperature. For compresses, use the collection of these herbs. Add starch, flour to the thick of herbs and you will get an excellent mask - apply it on your face, wait 20 minutes, rinse.

Apply steam baths of rosemary, sage, linden, chamomile, birch leaf.

Make your own toning lotions:

  • 50 pcs. cornflower flowers, pour half a liter of well-boiling water and leave for an hour - for washing;
  • 20-25 g. Parsley roots need to pour half liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour - wipe your face;
  • pour a glass of strawberries with vodka, insist for a month - wipe your face and neck.

Products for problem skin

Horseradish, parsley, violet, burdock, figs help with acne. Fresh parsley juice, fig juice - to lubricate the affected areas. Be sure to dilute the gruel of horseradish roots with milk so as not to get burned. To enhance the effect of acne treatment, drink decoctions of the herbs listed above.

Pityriasis versicolor can be treated in the following way. Lubricate the affected area with onion juice 4-5 times during the day, or wipe it with an alcoholic tincture of calendula. In case of irritation, dilute the tincture with water 1: 1.


There are all kinds of masks made from vegetables and fruits, but do not forget about honey cosmetic products that make the skin velvety, firm and fresh.

  • mix 100 g honey, a spoonful of alcohol and a spoonful of boiled water. Apply the mask 10 minutes before washing;
  • take a spoonful of honey and juice from half a lemon, stir, spread for a quarter of an hour, then wash well with warm boiled water;
  • mix a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of sour cream and raw yolk. Apply the mask, wait 15 minutes. and wash off.

An excellent remedy is honey cream: a teaspoon of honey and ammonia, 3 tablespoons of glycerin, a pinch of borax and half a glass of boiled water. Shake well before use for hands.


Skin cleansers

  • Lemon
    • Oily skin can be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice or just a slice of lemon several times a day.
    • You can wipe your face with a mixture of lemon juice and water (1 teaspoon of juice to 1/4 cup of water).
    • Rubbing with lemon juice is recommended to reduce the greasiness of the facial skin. Before going to bed, lubricate your face with lemon juice, and in the morning rinse with water.
    • For washing without soap, add lemon juice - 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of juice per 1 liter of water. With normal skin - 1 tablespoon.
  • Tincture of chamomile inflorescences
    Pour one tablespoon of inflorescences with 10 tablespoons of vodka, leave for 7 days in a dark glass container with a tight lid, strain. It is used for rubbing oily, porous skin (1 - 2 times a week)
  • Peppermint leaves - 1 tablespoon, chamomile herb (or sage leaves) - 1 tablespoon.
    Brew the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, insist until it cools down, drain. It is used in the form of lotions and rubbing for oily skin, gaping pores, acne.

In the morning it is useful to wash with a decoction of calendula, St. John's wort, butt, mint, string, sage, wormwood. These plants reduce the oiliness of the skin, making it velvety. From such a collection, you can make not only a decoction, but also an alcohol tincture, which, before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5, and wipe your face like a lotion.

  • Salt procedures
    In the presence of comedones (blackheads, inflamed and non-inflamed) on the skin, so-called salt procedures are recommended. With a cotton swab soaked in soapy foam and sprinkled with fine table salt, for 1 - 2 minutes. wipe the face in a circular motion. Salt crystals destroy the blockage in the sebaceous ducts and promote a better release of sebum from the glands, Therefore, after salt cleansing, it is necessary to disinfect the skin with alcohol lotions. Then the face is washed with water. These procedures can be done 2-3 times a week.
  • Nourishing lotion
    Add 1 egg to the beaten egg white, drop by drop, half a glass of cologne, camphor alcohol and quince juice. It is recommended to cleanse oily, porous skin with a cotton swab dipped in this lotion. After the procedure, it becomes soft, smooth, velvety.
  • Quince
    Finely chop the quince, pour a glass of vodka or 20% alcohol, leave for 7-10 days, strain. With the resulting lotion, wipe your face or soak a thin layer of cotton wool and apply a mask (except for the eyes, nostrils and mouth) for 15 - 20 minutes. When the cotton wool dries, re-moisten it with infusion. After the end of the procedure, rinse your face with warm water. Recommended for oily, porous skin.
  • Aloe
    Oily, porous, acne-prone skin can be wiped clean with canned aloe juice. For preservation, add 1 part of alcohol to 4 parts of juice. Store in a cool, dark place in a bottle with a ground-in stopper.
  • Orange
    Grate a whole orange with the peel, pour the resulting gruel with half a glass of vodka, leave for 5-7 days in a dark place, then strain, squeeze the mass and add 1 teaspoon of glycerin. It is recommended to wipe oily, porous skin with this lotion every evening.
    The lotion, made from equal parts of watermelon and peach juices, is used to wipe the face with any skin type.
  • Birch
    Pour the crushed dried bark of young birch with cold water in a ratio of 1: 5, stand for 8 hours, then strain. The infusion is used to wipe oily, acne prone skin, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.
  • Oak bark
    For wiping and lotions with oily, porous skin, prone to acne, make a 5-10% decoction of oak bark, Put 10-20 g of chopped bark in an enamel dish, pour a glass of water, close the dish with a lid. Boil the mixture over low heat or a water bath for 30 minutes, strain and add boiled water to the original volume. The procedure helps to reduce sebum secretion, tightens pores, makes the skin firm and elastic.
  • Strawberry
    To cleanse oily skin, pour 1/2 cup of crushed wild strawberries with a glass of vodka, leave for 1 month, strain, mix in half with water. Wipe your face at any convenient time.
  • For oily skin, it is recommended to wipe the face with a mixture of equal amounts of fresh cabbage and cucumber juices.
  • For oily, porous skin in 10 - 15 minutes. Before washing, wipe your face well with sauerkraut juice.
  • With oily skin and sweating of the face in the summer, rubbing with an infusion of coltsfoot leaves and yarrow herb mixed in equal parts has a good effect. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, strain the infusion after 7-8 hours.

Masks for oily skin

  • Carrot
    Grate large juicy carrots. If very juicy, mix the pulp with a little talcum powder. Apply the prepared gruel to your face. Recommended for oily, acne-covered, aging, pale skin.
  • Tomato pulp
    Place the tomato slices on your face. Recommended for oily, earthy skin with large pores.
  • Currant
    Crush a handful of white and red currants, mix the juice with 1 tablespoon of potato flour, apply the gruel to your face. Shrinks pores well.
  • Mix the carrots grated on a fine grater with the protein, whipped into a strong foam, add flour until a mushy mass is formed. Apply the mask to face and neck for 15 - 20 minutes. In the evening, wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in cabbage juice.
  • Cabbage
    Turn the cabbage leaves in a meat grinder, mix the gruel with the whipped protein. Apply to face and neck for 25 - 30 minutes.
  • Grape
    Take 2-3 grapes, bite into the skin and wipe the face and neck with the juice. After 15 - 20 minutes. wash off.
  • Apple
    Peel a medium-sized apple, cut into cubes and boil in a little milk until a thick gruel is formed. Apply a warm gruel to the face and after 20 minutes. wash off with cold water.
  • Cucumber tincture
    Grate 2 cucumbers, add 100 ml of vodka, mix and leave in a glass container to infuse for 7 days, strain. Moisten the gauze mask with tincture and apply on the face for 15 minutes. It is used to tighten pores on oily, porous skin.
  • Strawberry
    For oily skin, a mask is recommended, made from a mixture of well-beaten egg white and 2 tablespoons of wild strawberry pulp in a ratio of 7: 7. Apply the mask for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For oily skin with enlarged pores, you can add 1 teaspoon of lemon or grapefruit juice to the mixture.
  • Lemon
    Finely chop the lemon, pour a glass of vodka, let it brew for 8-10 days. Soak a layer of cotton wool with infusion and apply on the face for 15 - 20 minutes. Do not wash your face after removing the mask. The mask tightens pores and smoothes wrinkles.


Dry skin, which is more common in people with light brown or red hair, is prone to premature wrinkles and folds. In addition, it does not react well to temperature fluctuations, changes in the weather - at the same time, spots, cracks and inflammation are often formed on the skin.

At cosmetic care for dry skin first of all, it is necessary to prevent further drying out. When washing your face, especially your face, you should use as little water as possible, as it removes the scarce but much-needed fatty film from the skin surface. In all cases, it is better to use softened water (rainwater, boiled or with the addition of baking soda). For dry skin, the fatty toilet soap "Cosmetic", "Spermacetic", "Baby" is suitable (the latter is the most alkaline soap). It is recommended to cleanse the face with cosmetic milk or fat emulsion cream. Nourishing vitamin creams and creams with hormonal supplements are good for the care of dry skin. It is undesirable to use products containing glycerin or with astringent properties. Conversely, oil face masks are recommended.

Wash your face with soap only when absolutely necessary, it is good to use green cosmetics.

It is harmful to wash your face with cold water in the summer heat - if your face is sweaty, it is better to rinse it with lukewarm water without soap. You do not need to wash your face often, that is, several times a day, unnecessarily.

  • Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants to cleanse dry skin
    For washing without soap, use infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, as well as boiled water with various additives. It is advisable to prepare infusions in 2-3 days. Pour two tablespoons of herbs into 1 liter of boiled water and, covering with a lid, leave for 10-20 minutes, drain. For dry skin, an infusion of peppermint herb, parsley herb, coltsfoot herb, rose petals is recommended.
  • Facial cleansing emulsion
    Take 1 egg yolk, juice of 1 lemon or 1 cucumber, 1/2 glass of fresh sour cream, 1 tablespoon of vodka. Mix everything thoroughly, strain through cheesecloth, pour into a glass bottle and store in a cool place.
  • After washing your face with soap, it is useful to rinse your skin of any type with acidified water (1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in 0.5 liters of water). The soap can be replaced with shaving cream.
  • Eau de toilette for dry skin
    Pour two tablespoons of wheat grains with 1 cup of vinegar or white wine. Leave for 3 - 5 days, then strain and add 1 egg yolk to the infusion. This "milk" is useful for cleansing the skin in the evening.
  • Yolk-oil mixture for especially sensitive dry skin
    Beat half the egg yolk thoroughly with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil until the consistency of mayonnaise. Lubricate the face with the resulting mixture, after 10 minutes. wash off with water.
  • Bran soap
    If the skin begins to peel off, it is better to replace the soap with bran - wheat, oat, rice or almond. Wash your face with cool water. Then put 1-2 tablespoons of bran on the palm, moisten them with warm water and wipe your face with the resulting gruel. After that, wash your face again with cool water. If time permits, the gruel can be left on the face for 5 - 10 minutes and then washed. Bran not only cleanses the skin, but also softens and whitens a little.
  • Milk
    At home, you can wash your face with such a solution: pour 50 ml of milk into 200 ml of boiling water, remove from heat and leave for several hours (overnight) until a precipitate forms. Drain the upper part of the mixture, moisten a cotton swab in it and wipe your face.
  • Linden broth
    If your face is peeling, you can use the following cleansing procedure. Prepare linden broth: 1 teaspoon of chopped linden blossom, pour 100 ml of cold water, bring to a boil, leave for 15 minutes. over low heat. Strain the broth, add 1 teaspoon of flower honey. With this composition, abundantly moisten previously cleansed skin of the face and neck for a week. The procedure is best done while lying down, with the body as relaxed as possible.
  • Orange eau de toilette
    Orange peel, which contains a very beneficial oil for the skin, can be used to prepare eau de toilette. To do this, pour boiling water over the peel, leave to cool, strain. Rinse your face with the resulting eau de toilette in the morning and evening or wipe it with a cotton swab soaked in it.
  • Black bread
    To cleanse and wash your face, you can use a crumb of black bread, which must first be softened in water. Lubricate the face with the resulting gruel, and after 2-3 minutes. wash it off with water.
  • Corn flour
    Washing with a mixture of corn flour (2-3 teaspoons) and sweet almond flour (1 teaspoon) has a good effect on dry and sensitive skin. The mixture is consumed in the same way as the bran.
  • Elderberry flowers
    Pour five to six elderberry inflorescences with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Rinse your face with infusion in the morning and evening with dry, sensitive skin. The procedure is carried out for 2 weeks, each time preparing a fresh infusion. This rinsing softens and cleanses the skin, relieves irritation.
  • Strawberry water
    Strawberry water is suitable for wiping any skin: mash 250 g of fresh fruits with a spoon, squeeze through a thin cloth, add a pinch of soda, a few drops of alcohol to the juice, stir well and pour in 1/4 cup of milk. In the morning, lubricate your face with this mixture and after 10 minutes. wash off with water at room temperature. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.
  • Strawberry lotion
    Stir a tablespoon of pounded strawberries in a glass of cold boiled water, strain through several layers of gauze or cotton wool, add 1/2 teaspoon of glycerin. Cleanses and nourishes dry skin.

Masks for dry skin

  • Cabbage
    • Boil chopped leaves of fresh cabbage in milk to a state of gruel. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes.
    • Take a few cabbage leaves, scald with a little boiling water until they become soft. Remove the leaves from the water, moisten them with vegetable oil and cover the face and neck with them. In 20 minutes. remove the leaves and wash with a warm decoction of chamomile.
  • Zucchini
    Cut into long thin strips of raw zucchini and place them over your face and neck. In 20 minutes. remove the strips and wash your face with unboiled milk. Recommended not only for dry, but also for rough skin to prevent wrinkles.
  • Head salad
    Head lettuce leaves are finely chopped, ground and mixed with vegetable oil and a spoonful of lemon juice.
  • A tomato
    Mix the grated tomato with a little starch until you get a gruel, add a few drops of vegetable oil. Keep the mask on the face for 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Grind fresh leaves of raspberries, blackberries, viburnum, coltsfoot. Lubricate the skin with a fat cream, put a mask of leaves on top. Keep for 10-15 minutes.
  • Nourishing mask
    A good nourishing mask for dry skin is the following: lemon juice - 20 g, spermaceti - 10 g, beeswax - 10 g, alcohol - 5 g. Apply the mask on the face with a thin layer for 20-30 minutes.
  • One egg yolk, 1 incomplete tablespoon of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Stir, add 1 tablespoon of boiled water.
  • Beat two egg whites until foamy, add 2-10 drops of lemon juice, then 1 tablespoon of warmed honey. The mask has moisturizing properties.
  • Honey and milk mask
    Mix honey with an equal amount of milk (cream, sour cream, cottage cheese). Apply to dull, dry, yellowish skin. Softens the skin, whitens it slightly.
  • Pork lard mask
    To relieve inflammation or saturate dry skin, you can lubricate it with unsalted pork fat. In 20 minutes. wash off first with hot and then cold water.
  • Potato mask
    • For dry, inflamed skin prone to dermatoses, nourishing masks of potatoes with sour cream or cream, which are applied to the face warm for 15 - 20 minutes, help.
    • Stir the mashed boiled potatoes with olive oil, add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the gruel to the face for 20 minutes, rinse first with hot and then cold water.


Cleansers for normal skin

  • Orange juice
    Peel the orange, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or a strainer. With a cotton swab dipped in juice, lubricate the face, neck and chest. After 1-2 hours, rinse the skin with cold water and let it dry without wiping it off. You can also wipe your face with orange juice diluted with water. For the first time, moisten the tampon slightly, and with repeated wiping - abundantly.
  • The lotion, made from equal parts of watermelon and peach juices, serves to wipe the face with any skin type.
  • Birch sap lotion
    Add 20 ml of alcohol or 15 ml of glycerin and alcohol to 100 ml of birch sap. This lotion is recommended for wiping the face and neck in the morning and evening. Rubbing perfectly tones any skin.
  • St. John's wort and chamomile decoction lotion
    • Well cleans and disinfects the skin lotion from the decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile. Before preparing it, mix 120 ml of St. John's wort decoction (1 tablespoon of dry herbs: leaves and flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, strain), 30 ml of chamomile decoction (pour 1 - 2 tablespoons of dry inflorescences with a glass of water and boil 10 min., cool, strain), 30 ml of vodka and 10 ml of glycerin. Store in the refrigerator.
    • An infusion of St. John's wort and chamomile inflorescences (2 teaspoons of St. John's wort and chamomile in a glass of boiling water) has a refreshing, softening and soothing effect on the skin of any type of face.
  • Strawberry lotion
    To cleanse normal skin, prepare strawberry lotion from half a glass of strawberry juice and a glass of vodka. When used, the lotion is diluted with water.
  • It is recommended to wipe normal, sensitive, easily irritated skin with the following lotion instead of washing: add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and 1/4 cup of water to the juice of half a lemon.
  • Mandarin
    Pour the tangerine peel into a porcelain dish with cold boiled water. Cut the crust into smaller pieces in water, leave for 24 hours, then strain. The obtained citrus water is recommended to wipe the face or rinse it in the morning and evening. Refreshes and rejuvenates any skin, tightens pores.
  • Mint lotion
    Pour boiling water over half a glass of dry mint herb, cover the dishes, leave for 24 hours. Then strain and add a tablespoon of glycerin. Lotion to wipe face and neck in the morning and evening instead of washing.
  • Cucumber lotion
    To wipe dry or normal skin, you can prepare the following lotion: pour a fresh cucumber grated on a fine grater with an equal amount of vodka or alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Before use, dilute with an equal amount of boiled water and add a teaspoon of glycerin to 100 ml of the mixture.
  • Dandelion
    • Cook two tablespoons of dandelion leaves for 15 minutes. in 1.5 cups of water. Strain the broth and use to wipe the face in several stages. Recommended for dry to normal skin.
    • Grind the dried roots, leaves and arrows of the dandelion, fill them to half a glass dish, top up with any vegetable oil, close the lid and put in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Wipe dry or normal skin instead of washing in the morning or before bed.
  • Peach
    It is recommended to wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in peach juice or a piece of cut fruit. The procedure refreshes normal facial skin and maintains its elasticity. Peach slices can be applied to the face for 15 - 20 minutes and then rinsed with warm water.

Facial skin can be normal, dry, oily and combination. Skin condition is an indicator of human health. Therefore, you need to monitor your skin not only in order to look attractive.

Normal skin evenly colored, smooth, elastic, clean, without wrinkles and cosmetic imperfections: acne, blackheads and whiteheads, enlarged pores. The skin tolerates conventional skin care products well. But this type of skin is quite rare. Unfortunately, after the age of 30, it is possible to reduce the secretion of sebum. The appearance gradually begins to deviate from the norm, resistance to sudden temperature fluctuations decreases. Therefore, even normal facial skin requires cosmetic care.

Dry skin always thin, delicate, smooth and matte. It is extremely sensitive to external influences and irritants - cold and hot water, various types of soaps. After washing, spots, peeling, a feeling of constriction appear on the face. Dry skin is due to the activity of the sebaceous glands and intense evaporation of moisture from its surface. Dry skin requires serious care from the age of 25-30.

Oily skin looks thick, rough and shiny. Sebum, secreted in excess, forms plugs in the openings of the sebaceous glands. Acne appears, which periodically inflame. The most oily skin occurs at a young age and can remain so up to 35-40 years. Oily skin requires special long-term care, appropriate treatment and adherence to a certain diet.

Combination skin(mixed type) differs in that its individual areas on the face can be attributed to dry skin or oily skin. Very rarely, all three previously mentioned skin types can fit on one face. The forehead, nose, chin most often refer to oily skin type, and the cheeks to normal or dry. And although combination skin in most cases is associated with age-related changes, it also needs care.

It depends on many factors. Your cheerful and cheerful mood increases blood circulation, which, in turn, promotes the activity of the skin. In a state of sadness and melancholy, the activity of the nervous system is inhibited. The skin becomes pale, dry, and begins to peel off.

In addition to vegetable, fruit and berry masks for oily skin care, juices, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are used.

Peppermint is used to prepare an infusion of leaves for porous flaccid skin. Proportion 1:30. Masks are done 2-3 times a week. Course - 20 procedures.

From medicinal marigolds, you can prepare an infusion of vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Before use, the infusion must be diluted with water - 1 tablespoon of the infusion per half a glass of water. Masks are done 2-3 times a week. Course - 20 procedures.

Napkins soaked in chamomile infusion, prepared in a ratio of 1:15, are lightly wrung out and applied to the face 3-4 times in a row every 5 minutes. Masks are done 2-3 times a week. Course - 20 procedures.

In the same way, masks are made from infusion of medicinal sage, prepared in a ratio of 1:20. Masks are useful for porous flaccid skin.

A mixture of St. John's wort, coltsfoot, yarrow and sage (all ingredients in equal proportions) pour boiling water, close tightly, wrap and leave until the next day. Then strain the infusion and add a little cologne to it. It will turn out to be a wonderful lotion for treating oily skin.

For combination skin(mixed type) it is better to use decoctions of herbs, with the recipes for which you have already met. Masks should be selected universal. These masks include masks made from strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, cucumbers, peaches. If you have read the quick tips for dry to oily skin care, then guess what to do with the dry and oily skin on your face.

A few words about such a gift from nature as freckles... If you are careful, you probably noticed that the word "freckles" is printed without quotes. This means that there should be no irony in relation to freckles. Freckles are truly a gift. After all, they are very rare. Thanks to them, you have your own face, unique. And before you display them, think again and again about their value. Look at yourself - maybe leave? Why be like everyone else?

If you do make up your mind - a few advice from traditional medicine.

Finely chop the parsley, pour boiling water over, let stand for 20-30 minutes, strain, cool and wipe the face with the resulting infusion 2-3 times a day. From May to August, you can lubricate each freckle with dandelion juice several times a week. When the juice dries, the face needs to be washed and rubbed with sour milk. A decoction can also be made from young dandelion flowers. Pour two tablespoons of flowers into 0.5 liters of water and boil for 20 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain and wipe your face with it in the morning and evening.

A very effective decoction is prepared from the roots and leaves of elecampane. Pour one teaspoon of finely chopped raw materials with a glass of cold water, keep it for an hour, then boil for 10 minutes. Cool and strain the broth before use. Lubricate freckles and age spots 2 times a day until they disappear.

Do not forget about cucumber juice and masks from mashed cucumber.

You can lubricate freckles twice a day with a mixture of juices from lemon, red currant berries and calendula leaves, prepared in equal proportions.

When removing freckles try different formulations. It is possible that not all of the suggested recipes are suitable for your freckles.

In the article "Skin Care After 30, Folk Remedies", we will tell you how you can take care of your skin. 30 years is a wonderful age, you are still young, but you already understand that you need to start taking care of your skin in order to keep your skin fresh and beautiful for years to come. There are many recipes for "eternal youth", you just need to look at your face in order to choose a program that suits you.

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Photo gallery: Skin care after 30, folk remedies

When a woman is after 30, she already knows everything about her skin, how to take care of it, and what type of skin she has. With age, the skin undergoes many changes, time and lifestyle leave their mark.

Morning facial, skin cleansing
For such a procedure, lotions and cleansing creams are used that can dissolve fats, creams, paraffin and others. In the morning, the skin is not considered perfectly clean, because it breathes, moisture, fat are released, the fibers of the pillow stick to the skin.

To cleanse oily skin, use tonics and lotions that contain a lot of alcohol. After cleansing the face with tonic, the face remains fresh and cool.

For dry skin, the toner should not contain menthol, alcohol, these substances tighten pores, remove excess oil, and are more suitable for oily skin that is prone to acne formation.

For oily skin, you need to wash with chamomile infusion or cold water.

If the skin is dry or normal, then instead of washing, it is wiped with a piece of ice or eau de toilette.

How to make ice?
Pour mineral water or herbal infusion into plastic molds, at the rate of a tablespoon of chopped, dry herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, only you need to choose the right herbs.

Herbs and their properties
- calendula, mountain ash, birch leaf, nettle - disinfects and tones,
- chamomile can relieve inflammation,
- lavender has a calming effect on irritation,
- oregano, mint - gives a feeling of freshness for a long time,
- sage can soften the skin,
- raspberry leaves and lime blossom, they need to be taken in a tablespoon of herbs in one glass of water, used to prevent wrinkles.

Also, ice may contain juice of grapefruit, carrots, lemon; you need to add a few drops of juice to freezing water.

Wash properly
When washing with cold water, the vessels are narrowed by cold water, causing dry skin, losing its elasticity.

When washing with hot water, excess fat is washed off, blood vessels expand, and the skin turns red. If you wash your face with hot water, then the muscles of the face relax, the skin becomes flabby.

Cool water that is close to room temperature is suitable for washing. We wash the face skin with warm water and rinse it with cold water, so we alternate several times. This procedure causes vasoconstriction, then expansion, and for the face is a kind of gymnastics.

The ideal option would be to wash your face with rainwater for any skin. Ordinary water contains calcium salts. When washed, they combine with the fatty acids of the soap, and form insoluble salts, which interfere with cleansing the skin. If there is no rainwater, you can get soft water by boiling water, or by getting it from snow.

Effective remedies
To rejuvenate the skin of the face, you need to wipe the skin with milk, and do not wash it off for a while.

To smooth out fine wrinkles and improve complexion: warm up the herbal infusion, wet a canvas rag in it and put it on your face several times. Thus, the skin will receive nourishment and blood circulation will increase.

To reduce flabbiness and puffiness, we wipe the skin with aloe juice, it is useful to do 15 to 20 sessions. Before starting these procedures, cut off the thick leaves of aloe and keep them in the refrigerator for 10 to 12 days. Squeeze out the juice and rub your face every other day.

If, well, you really need to rejuvenate for one evening: take a handful of jasmine flowers, dried flowers are suitable in winter, pour half a glass of boiling water, infuse for 30 minutes and add ½ teaspoon of honey. Then strain the composition. If you wash your face with this infusion, then you will look ten years younger, the effect will be amazing.

Protecting your skin
After washing with eau de toilette or ice, in order to protect the skin from atmospheric agents, we apply a hydrating or semi-oily cream, even if you will not leave the house, this must be done.

How to apply the cream?
After washing, apply cream to a wet, damp face. Be sure to apply to the neck and apply to the eyelids with your fingertips. Apply the cream along the massage lines of the face. If the cream is not completely absorbed after 15 minutes, blot the excess cream with a paper napkin, then do make-up.

For the prevention of early wrinkles
- Make a dough of rye flour and put it on your face for 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.
- mash the yolk with half a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of glycerin. Let's hold the mask on the face for 20 minutes,
- mix a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of oatmeal, add whipped protein, and hold for 20 minutes,
- Heat 100 grams of honey over a fire, add two tablespoons of water and two tablespoons of alcohol, mix until smooth and put on your face for 10 minutes. We do the mask 1 or 2 times a week,
- Lubricate the face with petroleum jelly, which we mix with juice from aloe leaves,
- wipe hands and face, both in the morning and in the evening, with an infusion of leaves and roots of parsley (a tablespoon of chopped parsley), boil for 15 to 20 minutes, with the addition of two glasses of water.

For the prevention of skin aging
Honey and milk mask, with aging and sluggish skin.
We dilute honey with milk in a ratio of 1: 1, apply this mask to the skin, after 15 minutes wash it off with warm water.

Yolk and flour mask for aging skin.
We dilute a tablespoon of flour in a small amount of strong tea, milk or water, until a thick mass and grind this mass with yolk. Apply the mask to the skin of the neck and face, after 20 minutes rinse it off with warm water, and then apply a nourishing cream to damp skin for half an hour.

Butter egg mask, for aging skin
Take 50 grams of ghee, 2 yolks and grind, add 3 teaspoons of vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of glycerin, grind the mixture and slowly pour in 50 ml of chamomile infusion and 30 grams of camphor alcohol. Apply the mask to the skin of the neck and face, after 20 minutes, wash it off with warm and then cold water.

After all the masks, apply a moisturizer to the face.

Our grandmothers recipe
In the old days, the juice of flowers and fresh berries was rubbed into the skin against wrinkles. In the first week it was mixed with honey, in the second week rice flour was added, in the third week vegetable oil was added.

Evening facial, cleansing
For cleansing, we use tonic, lotion or cleansing milk or cream. Remove the rest of the cream with tonic or lotion.

Remove makeup correctly
Movement when cleansing the skin of the face should be directed upwards, should be smooth, you should not scratch and stretch the skin. We pay great attention to the neck, chin area, near the nose.

We use cleansing creams to remove mascara from eyelashes. We especially carefully remove makeup from eyelashes and eyelids, do not pull the skin. Dip a cotton swab in lotion or cream, close the eye and lead the cotton swab along the upper eyelid to its outer side. We open our eyes, turn the tampon over, rub the lower eyelid, now we bring the cotton swab back to the nose. And so we repeat until the surface of the face becomes completely clean. We “blot” the excess cream with a soft paper napkin.

Apply the toning lotion to a cotton pad and rub your face from bottom to top. After applying the lotion to the face, put a tissue on the face with a slit for the nose, pat it with your fingers, so that the excess moisture is absorbed.

Moisturizing is the main procedure that we do in the morning, afternoon, evening, it will help keep the skin naturally youthful.

There are many moisturizers now, but the best effect is given by emulsions - liquid moisturizers. This is not a thick cream, it is well absorbed by the skin and for several hours there is no dry skin.

Before using, we will warm the cream, squeeze it onto the tips of our fingers. We apply it on still damp skin so that the active ingredients act on the skin more effectively. Use your fingertips to drive the cream into the skin of the neck, face, skip the eye area.

Beautician advice
After 30 years, your cells are renewed after 40 days, usually the first wrinkles appear near the mouth or on the forehead. This, alas, is susceptible to everyone, and these are signs of aging, but at the same time we must avoid:
- solar (ultraviolet) rays,
- toxins from our environment,
- depression, stress,
- lack of oxygen,
- sleep deficit.

Lead a healthy lifestyle: adequate exposure to air, quitting smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation, sleeping at least 8 hours, eating vitamin-rich foods. Not getting enough sleep on a regular basis can affect your skin. The diet should include salads, vegetables, fruits.

After 30, the skin produces less and less fat. The skin needs peeling once a week, you need to do a course of anti-wrinkle treatment. At night, you need to use a cream with provitamin A, which accelerates the process of skin renewal and increases cell activity.

Tips from the stars
Laima Vaikule
- apply the skimmed cream from the walls of the milk bag on the face for ten minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Every morning you need to wipe your face with a piece of ice, tightens and tones the skin. Love yourself, do not forget, at the same time, that a woman is always right.

Oksana Pushkina
Exercise daily until you sweat, then take a cold shower. do face masks from oatmeal, bread twice a week. Regularly put grated carrots on your face or apple, grease your face with kefir or strawberries. It is imperative to get enough sleep, especially for those over 30, otherwise all fatigue will remain on the face in the morning.

Now you know how to take care of your skin after 30, what folk remedies to use. Take more time for yourself, take care of yourself, so you will look great for a long time to come. Youth and beauty to you.