The tallest Great Dane. Large breeds of dogs. Descriptions, names and photos of large breed dogs

Such dogs are quite difficult to keep in an apartment, they need enough space, so they often live in houses. A common problem with large breeds of dog breeds is the danger of disproportionate development of body parts due to too rapid growth. So, for example, a Great Dane puppy in the first year of life should increase its body weight 100-150 times! Because of such a rapid weight gain in large breeds of dogs, there is a high risk of abnormalities in the bones of the paws. Therefore, literally every day of a puppy's life is important for the correct formation of the body. During this period, the amount of fat in the puppy's diet is limited by increasing the protein content of animal origin.


Large dog breeds have much less heart mass in relation to the whole body, compared to medium and small dog breeds, which means that the load on the heart is increased. Therefore, their life expectancy is one third shorter than that of small breed dogs, and their diet should be rich in B vitamins, potassium, unsaturated fatty acids (fish oil).

The diet of large breed dogs should be balanced to avoid obesity. Walking should help fight this problem.

It is best to strengthen the health of large breed dogs with a fairly long exercise with moderate instant stress.


By temperament, most large dogs are phlegmatic. This is fraught with calluses and even bedsores when the dog lies in one position for a long time. Therefore, experienced dog handlers advise giving the dog massages and making it change poses.

Many curious readers would like to know what the largest dog in the world is, what breed it belongs to, and what its dimensions are. This is indeed a very interesting topic worthy of separate consideration - and what you learn about large dogs will surely give you a flurry of vivid impressions.

Someone is used to thinking that the largest dog can hardly reach the waist of an adult, and this is a diver, or Newfoundland. However, in reality, this is not the case. So, first, let's take a look at what is the largest breed of dog in the world.

The largest dog in the world - the breed decides a lot

The largest dog breed in the world today is Tibetan mastiff... Like most other large breeds, such a dog will delight you with its friendliness, excellent guarding qualities, devotion to its family and owner.

These dogs will not annoy with barking, excessive activity, but they love to play, love to attract attention, require love and care. The Tibetan Mastiff is an extremely intelligent dog, affectionate for its own, and ferocious for enemies, violators of the territory, offenders of the owner. This is a rare and expensive breed that delights connoisseurs.

In addition, it has a history of several millennia, and was first mentioned in the 4th century BC. So the largest dog breed is also one of the most legendary. In the past, one dog was exchanged for 20-25 greyhounds - and not by chance. After all, his hunting qualities are also at their best, and he can become an excellent assistant for a big game hunter.

Cane Corso, Irish wolfhounds, and some other breeds compete for superiority in size with the mastiff. This opinion also has a right to exist, since these species have introduced the world to many large dogs. But it is impossible to judge unequivocally, because a breed is a breed, and each animal is an individual with its own unique capabilities of the organism. And besides, a lot is decided by the conditions of detention, nutrition - especially at the very young age of the puppy. And therefore it is worth giving credit to the individuality of large dogs.

There are also many other dog breeds whose sizes are simply amazing. This is a tall but light deerhound, which was bred to hunt deer without weapons, as well as Leonberger, and many others.

The largest dogs

The breed is decisive, but not everything. The personality of the animal is also an important factor, and considering the question of what is the largest dog in the world, you can see people from different breeds. It should be noted right away that gigantism often becomes not even genetic, but a hormonal disorder due to high synthesis of growth hormone. Of course, this is not so good for the health of the dog, but the issue of the health of large dogs is worthy of separate consideration.

So, the largest dog in the world, a photo of which can be seen even in the book of records, is Zeus, who, unfortunately, died in 2014. The dog weighed more than 70 kg, its height exceeded 112 cm at the withers, and such a pet required about 14 kg of food per day. But even with such a seemingly impressive diet, the dog was rather thin - it was impossible to overfeed it, otherwise the joints would have had an unbearable load. Despite all the efforts of veterinarians and owners, the dog lived only 5 years - here it is, the price for gigantism. Zeus belonged to the Great Dane breed, he loved an active life and games, which, unfortunately, could have a destructive effect due to the large size and weight of the dog, which until the end of his days did not cease to be a puppy in his soul.

The second dog in terms of size and dimensions - the record holder is also a Great Dane - apparently, this breed determines the tendency to gigantism. This is George with a height of 111 cm at the withers and a weight of 110 kg, because of him the owners had to move and acquire new housing, which also had to be rebuilt for the dog and its needs. The animal was very fond of playing with other dogs, and had a strange habit of being afraid of cats in panic. George lived for 8 years, this period can be considered normal, average for his breed, which does not have a long life.

The third record holder is Gibson, this is a Great Dane belonging to the Scandinavian type, which is called the Danish Great Dane in amateur circles. He was able to reach a height of 105 cm, remaining an active and inquisitive animal, always ready to play. The dog is friends with Chihuahua, they often walk and play together, surprising all bystanders with the contrast of growth.

Life and health of large dogs

Not every person decides to have a truly large pet. This is quite natural, because a large dog:

  • It will require a large living space, you cannot get along with it in an ordinary apartment.
  • Will have serious nutritional requirements that will not be easy to provide.
  • Training plays a special role because aggression or inappropriate behavior of the animal will have more than serious consequences.

Seeing a large dog with its owner on the street, many people remember their own childhood, feel nostalgia for those times when each dog seemed huge. However, is it so easy to be the owner of such an animal - and the largest dog? This issue has its own other side of the coin.

Gigantism does not allow the animal to live a long life, because the body, its musculoskeletal system suffer and age at an increased rate due to heavy loads. A large animal needs special conditions, otherwise it constantly has to face inconveniences - just like its owners. So being tall and heavy is not only a luxury, but a burden, and it is worth considering many times before adopting a large dog.

Large dogs can bring a lot of joy to the family they love. Naturally, they, like any other dog breeds, have their pros and cons. On the positive side is their wonderful character - large dogs, with proper upbringing, are usually very gentle, loyal and good-natured creatures. They are easy enough to train and do not require a lot of exercise. As for the disadvantages of keeping such dogs, they include quite large food costs, since such large-sized animals require an appropriate amount of food. The most distressing factor is perhaps the fact that representatives of large breeds often have a much shorter life expectancy compared to their smaller relatives.

Despite the present disadvantages and the huge popularity of small dog breeds, many people prefer to have a large dog in their home, which will not only be a loyal and good friend to all family members, but also a reliable protector and guard of the territory.

In this article, we'll take a look at the 10 largest dog breeds in the world. In compiling the rating, first of all, the average body weight of dogs of each breed was taken into account, as well as height at the withers (withers - the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog's body). The top includes dog breeds with an average weight of males of at least 40 kg and an average height of at least 60 cm.

10th place: Leonberger- a large breed of dogs, bred in 1846 in the German city of Leonberg by crossing St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and Pyrenean shepherd dogs. The growth of males ranges from 72-80 cm, and the weight is 54-77 kg. Bitches weigh 45-61 kg, height at withers 65-75 cm. The Leonberger is a large and attractive canine type. They have a unique personality that has earned them a reputation for being the ideal family dog ​​with a special love for children. Representatives of the breed are characterized as loyal, intelligent, easy to train, reasonable dogs with excellent watchdog qualities.

9th place: Moscow watchdog- a large working dog, bred in the 50s of the 20th century in Russia by crossing the following breeds: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, Russian Pied Hound. According to breed standards, the preferred height for males is 77-78 cm (minimum height 68 cm), the preferred height for bitches is 72-73 cm (minimum 66 cm), the minimum weight for males is 60 kg, for bitches is 45 kg. The Moscow Watchdog is a self-confident, balanced, independent and sociable dog. Has excellent watchdog and security qualities. These dogs do not know fear and never back down.

8th place: Boerboel- a breed of service dogs with excellent guarding qualities, bred in South Africa in the 17th century. It is a large, hardy, powerful dog with good reflexes and plasticity. The growth of males at the withers is 64-70 cm, bitches - 59-65 cm, the weight of both sexes ranges from 70 to 90 kg. Boerboels need constant attention and care, which will consist not only in affection, but also in regular training and physical activity.

7th place: Newfoundland (diver) is a popular giant dog breed, native to the northeastern coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen. The webbed feet, water-repellent coat and innate swimming ability make Newfoundlands great lifeguards. Males usually weigh 60-70 kg, females 45-55 kg. Some members of the breed are known to have weighed over 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120 kg. The growth of males ranges from 69-75 cm, and females - 63-68 cm. They are known for their gigantic size, tremendous strength and extremely affectionate character. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions.

As for the enormous strength, this is not an exaggeration: the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Allens Dark Hans, weighing 44 kg, who dragged 2289 kg on a concrete surface in Botella (USA) on July 20, 1979.

6th place: Tibetan mastiff- one of the most ancient breeds, which served in the monasteries of Tibet as a guard dog, as well as accompanying nomads in the Himalayan mountains. Height at the withers: males - 66-81 cm, females - 61-71 cm. The weight of males varies from 60 to 82 kg, bitches - from 40 to 60 kg. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very calm, restrained, obedient dog, combining the ability to guard the house and be a good friend to the family in which he lives. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its amazing cleanliness (somewhat similar to that of a cat). Interesting fact: Hong Dong, a Tibetan Mastiff, is the most expensive dog in the world, for which a Chinese coal magnate paid € 1.5 million.

5th place: German dog is the tallest dog breed in the world. The minimum height of males at the withers is 80 cm, bitches - 72 cm, the weight of males can range from 54 to 91 kg, the weight of bitches is 45-59 kg. The record holder of this breed is the gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on its hind legs, it reaches 2.2 m in height. The giant's weight is 70.3 kg.

These large dogs combine power and nobility, strength and elegance. Great Danes can be described as kind, affectionate, loyal and obedient dogs.

4th place: Pyrenean mastiff is a breed of giant dogs, originally from Aragon, Spain. Originating in southwestern Europe in the company of Asian traders, this breed was originally used as herding dogs. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very large dogs: the height of males is 77-81 cm, bitches - 72-75 cm. The average weight is 70-81 kg, although you can often find males weighing more than 100 kg. The Pyrenean Mastiffs are known to be exceptionally intelligent and reliable dogs. Due to the remarkable qualities that are inherent in dogs of this breed, today they are often used as bodyguards and guards.

3rd place: St. Bernard is a gigantic breed of dog originating from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescuers. They are very strong, large dogs, the height of which is 65-80 cm in bitches and 70-90 cm in males. According to breed standards, the weight of the St. Bernard should be over 80 kg, the most common are dogs over 80 cm tall and weighing over 100 kg. The St. Bernard named Benedictine, who weighed 166.4 kg, went down in history as the heaviest dog. Another St. Bernard named Major F. was recognized as the longest dog in the world, its length was 2 meters 59 cm. Calm, sensitive and friendly character makes the St. Bernards ideal companions.

2nd place: Spanish Mastiff is a breed of giant dogs, native to Extremadura, Spain. Initially, the breed was used to protect livestock from wolves and other predators. The growth of a male Spanish Mastiff ranges from 77-88 cm, weight - 80-120 kg, the height of the bitch at the withers is 72-88 cm, weight - 70-100 kg. This noble giant will be a great friend to all family members and a reliable guardian of the house.

1st place: English mastiff- an old English breed of dogs, which bears the status of the largest dog breed in the world. The average height of these giants is 69-91 cm, and the weight can vary from 68 to 110 kg in males and from 54 to 91 kg in bitches. The record holder of this breed is a huge English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo, who entered the Guinness Book of Records, with a height of 94 cm and a weight of 155.58 kg. Mastiff aristocrats are known for their power, courage, poise and peacefulness. They do an excellent job of both the watchdog role and the companion dog role.

There are dogs in the world that can grow to enormous sizes by themselves. Objectively making the top 10 largest dogs in the world is quite difficult. What is the largest dog breed? Different sources give different information, after analyzing which we got a single picture and the top 10 is offered to your attention.

The list with the photo includes the largest and strongest breeds, which are famous for their size, unprecedented strength and devotion. Only one representative will be the leader. It will not be enough to look at the picture to evaluate the parameters. We will analyze the average height and weight of the animal. With the help of the book of records, we will more accurately determine what is the largest dog in the world.

Pictures of large dogs from the list will show their sizes. Top 10 largest dogs in the world will help you deal with large dog breeds.

If you look back, you will notice that the largest dogs in the world were bred as ferocious hunters, defenders of the home, or in order to simply emphasize the high position of the owner in society. For example, royals had large breeds of dogs at court. In such cases, the size and strength of the animal was of paramount importance. Nowadays, more and more often, ordinary people give birth to a large dog, for whom it becomes a pet and a good friend. In today's ranking, the top 10 largest dogs in the world, the largest breeds are represented. Recall that our top 10 is quite subjective, due to the fact that some representatives have a strong body and impressive weight, while others are rather thin, but with high growth rates.

Scottish Deerhound Breed Opens Top 10 Biggest Dogs

This hunting greyhound is made for hunting animals and hunting deer without weapons. This category is better than the rest adapted to catch up with the beast on the ground and kill him. The average height of a dog is from 76 centimeters, and weight from 45 kilograms. The body of the dog is elongated with developed muscles. Its legs are long and slender, with a small elongated muzzle. The coat is coarse and so long that it hangs down from the body. Common colors are gray, sandy and brown. The Deerhound is one of the largest and oldest in the world. She appeared in Scotland in the 16th century. And three centuries later, the fame of Deerheind has spread all over the world. Official recognition was received only in 1892.

For a long time, the Scottish greyhounds were kept exclusively in the know. And today this breed remains rare (see pictures). The noble soft greyhound is quite elegant and attached to its owner. The large size of the dogs prevents their wide distribution.

9th place top-10 - Akita breed

Akita is a huge Japanese hunting dog.

The breed of these animals was bred in the Akita province of the Japanese island of Honshu. Her ancestors are Mastiffs, which were crossed with Chinese Pomeranians. Akita is considered the largest Japanese dog breed. At first she was called Akita Matagi, which means "a good hunter". Akita was used for hunting a bear and as a fighting dog. The male can grow up to 70 centimeters and above. Average weight 54 kilograms. These indicators influenced participation in the top 10. As you can see in the photo, the dogs are densely built with a slightly elongated body. Balanced behavior, easy to train. The breed is proud, reserved, with an independent disposition and loves to run.

8th place in the top 10 largest dogs - Irish wolfhound

It is the largest Irish hunting dog in the world. Known for its large size. This national pride of Ireland was bred by the Irish Celts who needed to breed large greyhounds.

The Irish wolfhound has a muscular, sturdy physique, characterized by light, rapid movements. In addition to fighting wolves, the wolfhound took part in deer hunting. Today, the Irish wolfhound is the ideal pet. He likes to sit back, lie on the couch belly up and feel the caress of the owner. However, this relaxed and calm dog will be able to keep you company during your jog in the morning.

Looking at the photo of the Irish wolfhound, one can assume that this is the largest breed. However, although they are not small, they are not the largest in the world. Dogs of this type are a little constrained with strangers. They enjoy spending time playing with people they know - family members. And even in spite of its impressive size, the Irish wolfhound is not the best watchman. They live for eight years.

Height at withers of an adult male is from 80 centimeters. The minimum height of a dog is from 79 centimeters, and the weight of an average dog is 55 kilograms.

The largest dog from the Caucasus is the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. 7th place in the top 10

It is one of the oldest breeds, dating back over 2000 years. It was bred in the Caucasus specifically to protect herds of sheep, from where it got its name. It has a thick coat with a dense undercoat so that you can stay in the cold for a long time. Dogs with fighting and guard qualities. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a large guard dog. With an average height, at the withers it reaches more than 70 centimeters, and the weight of the dog is up to 85 kilograms.

It is not very common among Americans, so after seeing the photo, the puppies received a lot of praise in the comments. But those who liked these fluffy bears in the picture should understand that such a dog needs a serious owner who will take care of upbringing and training very seriously so that the grown-up puppy protects the family.

Newfoundland is a large Canadian dog. On the 6th place in the top 10

This popular breed in the world was originally used in Canada as a labor force. A huge dog with long thick hair could have white spots on the chest and legs. An interesting fact is that Newfoundland has membranes. In the CIS, this breed is called a diver. This type of Newfoundland was developed in the USSR. The male has a weight of 70 kilograms and a height of 74 centimeters. Newfoundland is a very affectionate dog. It combines the strength of a large Pyrenean dog with the kindness of a Labrador. This dog is cheerful and friendly, treats family members with great warmth. Newfoundland has a positive attitude towards children and strangers. The character of the dog is suitable for the purposes that were originally attributed to him - this is the rescue of people on the water, and in case of fire. This dog has a real talent that allows it to keep people out of trouble.

Neapolitan mastiff from Italy in 5th place in the top 10

The Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino has been popular since ancient times in the south of the Apennine Peninsula. Mastino was exclusively a watchdog. The Neapolitan Mastiff is a descendant of fighting dogs that fought with fighters and hunted animals in ancient Rome. Mastino-napoletano is a large animal of a strong and coarse constitution type, has a powerful skeleton and a short snout. An adult dog at the withers reaches a length of 75-80 centimeters and weighs 75 kilograms.

A loyal calm dog who loves its owner and treats children well. Dominates other breeds, fearless, distrustful of strangers. His already intimidating appearance becomes even more terrifying when the dog is angry. Training for this category of puppies should be started quite early. In no case is it recommended to teach puppies to attack a person, otherwise an adult dog may be aggressive.

Leonberger in 4th place in the top 10

The breed was named after the city of Leonberg in southwestern Germany. The mayor Heinrich Essig, who was engaged in selection, bred a new breed by crossing the St. Bernard and the Landseer. After that, he mixed the Pyrenean mountain dog into the blood of the new breed. As a result, we have a hairy dog, which became the embodiment of the coat of arms of the city of Leonberg. For the first time Russia saw these dogs in 1989. Representatives of this breed have a balanced character and temperament. They are used as a guard.

Male Leonberger is up to 70 centimeters tall and weighs 80 kilograms. It looks huge thanks to its thick, long and abundant coat, which forms a collar around its neck, reminiscent of a lion's mane. However, despite their very impressive size, the dogs are very agile. Leonberger is too big to live in an apartment. A spacious yard with a cool climate is suitable for him. This breed does not require significant physical activity.

The gentle, easygoing nature makes these gentle lions patient nannies for children. Kindness, however, does not prevent dogs from serving in the police and helping to pull people out of the water, avalanches and other troubles.

3rd place in the top 10 largest dogs is the English mastiff

The English Mastiff is the heaviest breed and reaches impressive sizes. English mastiffs have drooping cheeks and sad eyes. The largest dog in the world (pictured above) is the male Zorbro, who weighed as much as one hundred and fifty-six kilograms. Although, according to some, the dog was simply overweight. On average, the weight of a dog can be from 75 kilograms and more, and bitches from 70 kilograms. The growth of an English Mastiff male reaches 75 centimeters.

Mastiffs are large dogs that have incredible self-esteem that goes along with their own greatness. Massive and awkward, however, very docile and responsive. Animals with a docile, gentle disposition, intelligent and intelligent. The kind giant will immediately turn into a real devil when it comes to protecting his family.

St. Bernard is ranked 2nd in the top 10 largest dogs

The St. Bernard is the largest and largest dog in the world. There are two varieties of this breed - long-haired and short-haired. It is believed that the St. Bernards, like the English mastiffs, descended from Tibetan mastiffs, crossed with local breeds.

According to another version, the ancestors of St. Bernard were the Roman fighting mastiffs, which were brought by the Romans during the conquests in the Alps.

The growth of a dog reaches 70 centimeters, weight is 90 kilograms. However, this is the average for the representatives. There are times when individual representatives can grow to enormous sizes and fall out of the general statistics.

The St. Bernards are very outgoing and friendly, strong men with a strong character. Although they are very powerful and feel confident, they are soft, which makes them playmates with toddlers, with whom they find common language and play in nature.

The St. Bernards are the most powerful dog in the world. In 1978, an 80-kilogram strongman St. Bernard was able to move a load weighing almost three thousand kilograms from its place, at a distance of four and a half meters in one and a half minutes.

Great Dane is recognized as the largest dog in the world

This breed is so large that it is considered one of the largest in the world. Great Danes with impressive size have a rather calm character. Representatives of these breeds can easily knock a person to the ground, simply putting their paws on his shoulders.

Great Dane is a combination of incredible self-esteem, strength and refined elegance. Very smart and physically healthy dogs will be gentle with their owner. Although Great Dane barks do not bark much, they will be very loyal and brave watchdogs.

Great Dane gets along well with children. Needs strict. This is a representative of dogs with late maturation, so it remains a child for a long time, loving to play a little naughty.

This type of dog lives on average nine 9 years, however, with a caring owner and thirteen years is not the limit. The Great Dane is the unrivaled canine Apollo. Having a majestic appearance and power, strength and elegance of lines, grace of forms, it expresses strength, beauty and pride. On the viewer, he gives the impression of a chiseled statue. Dogs of this breed have a calm, affable and affectionate, balanced character, distrustful of strangers. Brave and energetic, not timid at all.

A representative of this breed named George has glorified its owners from Arizona all over the world with its impressive size. At six years old, his weight was 113 kilograms, with the length of each paw 110 centimeters, George's length from nose to tail was 221 centimeters. In 2010, this Blue Great Dane officially received the status of the largest dog in the world, hitting the Guinness Book of Records.

George entered the house of his current owners at the age of seven weeks. Of course, no one could have imagined that he would grow to this size. As soon as the puppy grew up a little, it became cramped in the old house. The family moved to a new home. The Blue Great Dane ate over 50 kilograms of dog food every month. He could hardly fit into the car.

Following George's death in 2013, Zeus, a three-year-old Great Dane from Otsego, Michigan, took over as the world's largest dog. He was noted in the Guinness Book of Records 2013. The growth of the dog from feet to withers is 111.8 centimeters and 2.2 meters in height, standing on its hind legs.

Look at the photo of this handsome man - isn't it a miracle? Zeus bypassed the previous record holder of the same breed by only a couple of centimeters.

A giant dog from Michigan eats fourteen kilograms of food every day every day, weighs 70.3 kilograms.

You have seen many of the breeds on this list more than once in the photo or on the street, but it will be nice to know that you heard some of the facts for the first time.

The range of sizes, proportions, shapes, temperaments, purposes in dogs is simply amazing. Over the centuries, in generations of four-legged friends, all sorts of features have been honed so that they can ideally fulfill the roles of guardians, hunters, companions, shepherds, guards, toys, rescuers, companions, fighters. For some breeds, large size was the most important quality in achieving excellence in solving their problems. He helped them quickly catch up with the game, protect the house from threats, and keep warm in the bitter frost. In the rich variety of the dog world, there are many breeds that are classified as large. Several dozen of them have earned the title of "giant".

There is no strict definition of giant size for dogs. A popular universal criterion is weight over 45 kg and height at the withers over 75 cm. Below is a list of ten undisputed giants - from the tallest to the largest dog breeds in the world among the heavyweights.

German dog

The tallest dog in the world. The breed is characterized by smoothness and elegance, power and nobility. Its representatives have an unforgettable regal bearing. Great Danes are not champions among heavy dogs, but their height is exceptional. The record holder is a dog named Zeus, which, standing on its hind legs, reached an incredible 2 meters 20 centimeters. Great Dane can not boast of longevity as well as growth. Average life expectancy - 8 years... Zeus died of old age at only 5. Despite the frightening size, the owners characterize Great Danes as soft, docile and obedient dogs.

  • The ancestors were bred to hunt wild boars.
  • Newborn puppies weigh less than a kilogram. They grow so fast that you can sometimes notice a difference in their size after a long sleep.
  • An adult dog does not need a lot of food to feed. Two to three cups of dry food per meal is sufficient.


Looks like a greyhound overgrown with wool. Deerhound is an ancient breed from Scotland, the clear standards of which were described as early as the 16th century. It was ideal for unarmed deer hunting, for which it was appreciated by the Scottish nobility. In the past, it was forbidden to own such a dog to a person below the count's title. The exclusivity of these dogs almost became the reason for their disappearance.

Deerhounds are among the largest dogs due to outstanding height: males reach 80 cm at the withers and weigh about 50 kg. Their temperament is truly aristocratic: they rarely bark, are friendly to people, restrained in relation to their relatives. But thanks to a strong hunting instinct, they are extremely partial to other animals.

  • Observation Hound (pursues game, relying on sight, not scent).
  • Learns slowly, requires consistency and patience.
  • Poor heat tolerance.

Irish wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound, like the Deerhound, belongs to the group of greyhounds. The breed is much older than the history of the country that gave it its name. There are many dark spots in its origin. It is known that the ancient Celts bred gigantic dogs, similar to the modern wolfhound, using them to hunt big game and protect their homes.

This breed can compete in growth even with a Great Dane. If we take the average size as a criterion, then the Irish wolfhound can be considered the tallest dog in the world. At the withers about 85 cm with a weight of at least 50 kg - imagine a huge dog the size of a donkey. Despite the harsh destiny, these are quite quiet and good-natured dogs.

  • Good digger.
  • Unimportant caretaker due to lack of mistrust and aggression towards strangers.
  • Spends a lot of time on sleep and rest.


Working dog. Unlike many large breeds designed for protection and hunting, Newfoundlands are designed to help fishermen. Large and muscular dogs are capable of towing boats, pulling nets, return items that fell overboard rescue drowning people. Besides the fact that they are excellent swimmers, Newfoundlands have one more quality that is irreplaceable in their work: these dogs are extremely calm and comfortable to be in passive contemplation. The latter is very important in order not to accidentally rock the boat while sailing. Representatives of the breed grow up to 71 cm and can weigh up to 70 kg.

  • Received the nickname "nanny dog" for his special love for children.
  • Has webbing between the toes, swims in a special style.
  • Has a huge lung volume.

St. Bernard

A powerful, gigantic dog, whose history is surrounded by myths and legends. Traditionally, it is believed that the breed was bred at the monastery of St. Bernard in the Alps around the 11th century. Experts believe that its appearance took place a little over half a century later. Before the Beethoven movie was released, the St. Bernard was famous as a dog with a barrel of brandy around his neck, which was also an artistic fiction.

It is a breed with outstanding rescue ability. and a sense of the threat of an avalanche. St. Bernards are able to find the victim in the snow, warm him up while waiting for help, or drag him to a safe place. Now they are kept mainly as companion dogs. Adult St. Bernards weigh at least 50 kg and grow up to 90 cm.

  • It takes a long time to mature, up to three years.
  • Barks very rarely.
  • Due to the large salivation, he needs to drink plenty of fluids.


The correct name would be the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. A very ancient breed with a history of 5000 years. It was not created by man, but arose as a result of serious natural selection on the territory of the Great Silk Road from China to the Caspian Sea. Dogs were used to guard caravans, hunt, protect property, and livestock. Alabai often took part in dog fights.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is hardy, fearless, intelligent and self-sufficient outside the home. A healthy adult male Alabai must be at least 70 cm at the withers and not lighter than 50 kg. Champion among the Alabaevs became a dog named Bulldozer from Russia. Its weight is 125 kg and is over two meters tall in a stand on its hind legs.

  • Successfully fights snakes, Lego carries their poison.
  • Possesses exceptional hearing, is able to catch the slightest rustle.
  • Likes to run away from the yard: makes tunnels, jumps over fences.

Tibetan mastiff

None of the existing records can determine the exact time of the origin of the Tibetan Mastiff. But we can say with confidence that this is one of the oldest breeds. DNA evidence suggests the dog existed decades ago. Cynologists consider him a possible ancestor of all mastiffs and bulldogs. ... Traditionally was the guardian of monasteries in the Himalayas and was used for grazing by herders in India, Mongolia and Nepal.

The largest Tibetan mastiff was called Lio Chang and he weighed 120 kg. In addition to size, the breed holds records for "Most Expensive Dog" thanks to two well-known purchases of puppies from breeders for $ 1.5 and 1.6 million.

  • Bitches are more ferocious than males.
  • Prone to nocturnal lifestyle.
  • Not indifferent to birds. It hunts all birds, regardless of their type and size.


A beautiful, fluffy, powerful working dog, a descendant of dogs from ancient Japanese burials. At home, the breed has a special meaning. The Japanese government has awarded the breed the status of one of the national treasures. There is a custom to give the parents of a newborn child a small figurine of Akita as a talisman of health, happiness and longevity. Named after Akita Prefecture, where the breed was bred to hunt big game in deep snow, including a bear ... Dogs grow up to 70 cm at the withers and gain up to 50 kg.

  • Features webbed feet to relieve pressure on snow.
  • Feline obsessed with the cleanliness of our fur.
  • If you do not add kelp to feed, you may suffer from iodine deficiency.


It resembles a St. Bernard crossed with a Newfoundland. This is exactly how the breed arose, if you do not take into account the admixture of the Pyrenean mountain dog in it. Its creator pursued the goal of creating a dog that looks like a lion. Events took place in the German city of Leonberg in the first half of the 19th century. Leonberger dogs are huge companion dogs weighing up to 77 kg and growing up to 80 cm. It should be added that the representatives of the breed can handle any tasks: from saving people to grazing livestock. The Leonbergers were supported by many famous noble persons: Emperor Napoleon II, Empress Elizabeth of Austria, Prince of Wales, Bismarck and King Umberto of Italy.

  • Possesses sexual dimorphism like lions: males and females differ markedly in appearance.
  • It is used more often than any other breed for the search and rescue of people.
  • Fastidious in food, can go without food for several days.

English mastiff

If the Irish wolfhound can be compared to a donkey, then the English mastiff looks like a pony. It's huge. This is the same undisputed champion in weight among dogs, as the great Dane is the record holder in height. Sizes of males: 75-90 centimeters at the withers, 70-130 kilograms of weight. And this is not the limit for outstanding individuals. The largest mastiff was called Zorba, he weighed 155 kg with 95 cm in height.

The distant ancestors of the English Mastiff were fierce dogs, not at all similar in temperament to the current benevolent hippopotamus. The breed was formed in ancient times for war and participation in battles with animals. The rivals in the arena were other dogs, lions and bears. Modern mastiffs are smart, calm, balanced and obedient, for which they received the fame of excellent family dogs.

  • Very prolific. Record holder for the number of puppies in one litter. In 2004, a mastiff bitch gave birth to 24 puppies at a time, twenty of which survived within one week.
  • Does not have the characteristic canine odor.
  • Very gluttonous. Almost disappeared after the First World War due to food shortages.

This is the end of a dozen of some of the biggest dogs in the world. It is impossible to describe all the giants in a brief overview. The list should be supplemented with a champion in one more nomination: the strongest dog in battle.

Bonus: fila brasileiro

This controversial primacy can be divided by several breeds of dogs. A worthy contender for the title of invincible fighter is the Fila Brasileiro, a giant dog bred to defend against jaguars and catch runaway slaves.

The breed is endowed with such undeniable fighting qualities that its representatives are prohibited from participating in dog fights. In many countries around the world, in order to maintain a fila brasileiro, a special permit is required. There are frequent government bans on the import of these dogs. The fila is not subject to the dog show rules on disqualification for aggression towards judges - extreme intolerance towards strangers is one of the qualities of the breed. Fila brasileiro males weigh at least 50 kg and are about 70 cm tall.

Yes, the largest dogs in the world are strong enough to pose a significant threat to humans. But most of them are docile and endlessly loyal to their masters.

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