Assembly scheme Massager on the seat in the car. Automotive massager: species, reviews. Massager on the car seat. Choose a massage cape on the chair. From the ordinary chair to the massage salon

Evgeny Sedov

When the arms grow out of the right place, live more fun :)

Net spin, lomit neck, swells muscles - these are far from all static poses surprises, overtaking motorists. You can make a stop every half hour, looking at the eyes of amazed passersby, but it is better to use special linings on the chair, having fun right in the car's salon from an invigorating or soothing massage.

Varieties of massage making

Automotive capes can be divided into two categories, depending on the purpose that you are pursuing - deep massage, as from the hands of a massage therapist, or an energetic shake of frozen muscles. In the first case, roller massagers are suitable, in the second - vibration. And those and others are good in their own way. Almost all models of roller massage capes on the car chair include vibromassage.


Present massage capes for automotive seats equipped with special rollers. The simplest - passive wooden capes massagers for the car. Models without electronic "filling", heating, other frills were invented in last century. They still cut down drivers when the back muscles and the "petition" of the buttocks. Classic performance - Wooden, jade balls or bamboo sticks, strung on a solid thread, more often from the fishing line.

Advanced massage cape for a car chair - electric. Principle of operation: Rollers placed inside the auto blocks perform progressively rotational movements, moving along the back along the spine. Thus, the muscles are swallowed deep into, and if we compare such massagers for a car with a manual massage, the intensity of exposure is average.

In addition to the rolling rollers up-down, the cape Massager on the car seat can make Shiatsu - imitates the pressure of the fingers with circular movements, tapping, neck massage in special head restraints. Features:

  • exposure region, movement speed, widths between the rollers are adjustable;
  • the modes of operation are selected (in the form of ready-made programs);
  • a timer is established;
  • infrared heating enhances the massage effect.


Comfortable in carrying massage cape for a car - vibration type. It is thinner and easier roller. Pillows with electric motors, creating vibration forces that relax muscles, have a soothing effect on the nervous system, are built into the cape for the chair. The more elements, the stronger the effect of massage, but the deep kneading with it does not occur. Most of the vibroscondacles for the chair are equipped with infrared heating, it is possible to select modes, areas of exposure.

How is the back massager on the chair of the car

The massage cape is attached to the car chair using reliably fixing elastic belts. It does not create interference to adjust the inclination of the chair itself, the free space relative to the steering wheel. Many location in the salon massage cape does not occupy, the exception is orthopedic models with a high headrest. Additional load created on the car's chair with vibration capes, minor, which cannot be said about roller. However, the design and mechanism of chairs are originally designed for high vibration, weight loads.

Are there any contraindications

Massage is an excellent remedy for automotive curb, but has a lot of contraindications, ranging from skin diseases and ending with mental. In order not to harm the body, it is reasonable to consult with your doctor, passing a survey for obvious or hidden diseases. If you have everything perfectly with health, then massage is contraindicated:

  • with inflammatory processes in the aggravation stage (ORZ, etc.);
  • pregnancy;
  • intestinal nonsense and poisoning;
  • alcoholic intoxication.

How to choose a massage case on the driver's seat

For a deep massage, roller capes are suitable (most have the function of vibromassage), for surface - vibration. If you need additional heat in the winter, ask whether a massager is equipped with an infrared heating machine. If you spend a lot of time sitting - driving and at work, then the perfect version is a vibration cape. It is more compact, it can quickly move from the car chairs to any office chair - only the adapter is required for 12 and 220 V.

Resperating manufacturers provide a guarantee for goods for at least 2 years. Learn from the seller about the service, the possibility of replacing the cover when wear, the presence of spare parts for repair. Before buying a car cape, it is advisable to personally hold a test drive. That massage that one will appeal to one may become completely unacceptable for another. Appearance, additional features (for example, built-in speakers, genuine leather) is a matter of taste and financial capabilities.

Overview of famous manufacturers

The leading positions in the market of massage automotive capeats for chairs occupy the following companies:

  • Casada. Develops massage equipment in Germany for about 17 years, supplies automotive capes to users in 37 countries around the world. Deep and high-quality massage, stylish design, latest innovation - jade rollers.
  • Beurar. German Medical Manufacturer with 90-year history. According to ratings, one of the best car capes are produced under this brand. Popular since 2011 BEURER MG290 CREAM model with neck massage removed from production, the nearest analog is MG295.
  • US Medica. American manufacturer of professional-level massage equipment since 1986. A decent price for automotive capes is justified by high product quality.
  • Belberg (Belberg). Chinese brand, production in Hong Kong. The affordable price of Medical and Massage Equipment Belberg is combined with high technological capeats for car seats not to the detriment of quality.
  • Yamaguchi Electronics Solutions. Founded in 1976, a country of production - Japan. Intellectual capes with bright design, high quality massage.
  • Medisana. The German company engaged in the development and release of innovative goods "home medicine" for 30 years. The line of massage capes includes both simple vibration models and roller with a point massage, intense shiatsu.

Prices for Massager for Car Chair

Massage cape on the car chair can be purchased in stores of medical, household appliances, in furniture and computer salons that implement computer chairs. You can buy a model in the online store by ordering through an electronic directory (add delivery amount to the cost). Average prices in St. Petersburg to popular models (August 2016):

Price, rubles



Selection of modes, intensity, massage zones



23300 Medisana MC-85E

Yamaguchi Yamato.

Swing (Swing)

Casada Quattromed 3.

Ergonomic shape, neck massage, hanger

Belberg DJL-RD01

Canal Ivskorohodov presented a master class about making an orthopedic cape with a filling of the buckwheat husk on the seat of the chair. Convenient and comfortable to sit on them in home and car chairs.

For sewing capes of 50 x 50 cm in size with their own hands, you will need a dense cotton fabric for panties called "TIK", or a crying of 58 x 116 cm in size, and "zipper" with a length of 50 cm.

The cloth over the long side is twisted. On the side opposite to the split, at a distance of 1 cm from the edge, the line is laid 6 cm long, with one and the other. At the beginning and at the end of each seam put "scores", then the blank turns on the front side.

"Lightning" is inserted into this connector. Package on the seam is converted and pinned with pins along the entire length of "lightning", on the one hand. Fabric need to be placed in the center of the cloves. We carry a line, for this we use the paw to sewing "zipper". Now we enjoy the second half of the "zipper" to the second half of the cape. For this, the allowance of the seam will be compatible inside, compatible bend and joke "zipper" to fabric. From the end of the previous seam we carry a line at an angle of 90 degrees. We carry a line forward, back and go ahead. Now turn the cloth 90 degrees and carry a line along the "zipper". At the end of the seam, you need to raise the paw, deploy a cloth 90 degrees and pave a line until the beginning of the previous seam. Forward, back and ahead. Now the "zipper" need to unbuckle and turn the pillow inside out.

The side edges must be combined and paved the line along one edge and the other, at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. Round all 4 corners. To do this, we use a lid with a diameter of 8 cm. We put it on tangent to the seam and carry out an arc. For this arc rub the seam. When all 4 roundings are stirred, the pillow needs to be turned on the front side, straighten all the seams and make markup for future squares. The side of the square is 7 cm. Such markup needs to be done across the area of \u200b\u200bthe lining for the chair.

Choose a massage cape on the chair. From the ordinary chair to the massage salon

A healthy lifestyle is gaining increasing popularity. Now fashionably free time to devote fitness and yoga, ride a bike, rollers and scooters, engage in active and dynamic sports. However, most of the working time, many of us spend in the office chair at the computer or on the road driving a car, and you won't call such a way of life.

Someone copes with a static load, periodically making a warm-up, someone just changes the pose from time to time. And the easiest and most effective way to remove muscle fatigue and nervous tension is a massage. And get a massage session in the office, at home and even in your own car is not at all difficult, it is enough to buy a massage cape.

What is a massage cape

This is a convenient and ergonomic device that allows you to get a massage without assistance at any time and in the right place. The massage cape is easily and firmly attached to the back of any seating - whether it is an office chair, a home chair or a car seat. Wherever you are, you can achieve the desired massage effect: take off the tension, normalize muscle tone, improve blood circulation, eliminate pain syndromes.

In addition, the massage cape for the back and neck is able to have a positive impact on psycho-emotional well-being, because a good massage improves the mood, improves performance, gives a charge of cheerfulness and tide of energy.

Usually every massage session with the help of the cape has a specific duration: a light massage can last up to 20 minutes, and intensive - not more than 15. It is not recommended to increase the duration of the procedure, because you can achieve the opposite effect - the muscle tone will increase, their elasticity will be lost, pain may appear Feel.

By the way, one of the useful features in massage capes is the auto-shut-off timer, with which you can set the session duration in the range from 5 to 20 minutes. A longer or continuous use of capes can provoke an overheating of the mechanism, which will entail a breakdown of an aggregate. Therefore, after each session, it is recommended to take breaks.

Another very useful feature is control using the console. Without getting up from the chair and not even changing the postures, you can adjust the intensity of the massage, change the mode or area of \u200b\u200bexposure. The console will bring absolutely indisputable benefits during the installation of the correct anatomical position of cape or determining the point massage zone.

The massage cape for the back is connected to a conventional electrical outlet with a voltage of 220 V. When used in the car, the Massager is connected to the onboard power grid using an adapter or voltage converter.

When using the cape, the same security rules apply as when working with any other electrical appliance. For example, it is possible to use it only in dry rooms, contact with water or wet body needs to be excluded. Roller capes categorically impossible to be used in a horizontal position due to a significant increase in the load on the mechanism.

In the car massage cape can only be used during parking. When moving cars, using a massager unacceptableBecause in case of an emergency on the road, the consequences may be the most serious, up to corporal damage constituting the threat of life. However, this requirement applies only to roller massage capes, and air and vibration, for example, such as US Medica Pilot and Yamaguchi Drive, can be used while driving.

Effect of use

The massage cape is capable of spreading the muscles of the back and neck, alleviate the unpleasant and painful sensations from long-term operation in the pose sitting. Massager is a prophylactic means of pathological processes in the spine, stagnant phenomena in the circulatory system contributes to the elimination of muscle tissue spasms, removal of fatigue, leads the body to the tone, has a tough effect.

However, it is not necessary to use a massage cape under a number of diseases. Contraindications are injuries, acute infectious and inflammatory processes, dermatological and oncological diseases, chronic diseases in the stages of exacerbation, as well as pregnancy. The presence of a pacemaker also eliminates the ability to use the cape. If there are doubts about the appropriateness of the use of such a product as an automatic massage, before Meet your doctor.

Types of massage making

Initially massage capes were passive, from wooden balls or cylinders stronged on thick thread. When changing the position of the body sitting on such a cape, the person himself ensured the simplest massage, the power of pressing the warm-up muscles and stimulating the influx of blood. Now passive nozzles lose relevance, but sometimes they can still be seen, for example, on driving chairs.

For replacing them came active Massage capes. In these electromechanical devices, massage is carried out using soft pneumatic pillows and / or solid rollers. The massage effect from such devices is usually higher. By type of impact on the body, active capes can be two types:

  • Vibrating massage capes Provide relaxation due to wave-like vibration or pulsating massage. The main structural element of the vibration cells are micromotors, which cause vibration massaging airbag body. The number of micromotors in different models can vary, and on average there are from 5 to 10 pieces.
    Vibronakida has a number of significant advantages: it is thin, light and flexible, besides, is not demanding of the user's limit weight. But to accommodate such a cape requires a hard support - a solid back without holes. Another plus of the vibronakda - it can be placed horizontally, laying on the sofa or even on the floor.
  • Impact roller massage making It is carried out with the help of solid rollers, the movement of which mimics the manual insurrection massage. The most important structural elements of this apparatus are massage heads that move on the metal guides. Such an apparatus has a rigid form and can be stable to attach to any chair or chair.

It is worth noting that the roller capes are often complemented by vibration functionality. Among the advantages of this type of cape, it is necessary to note a wide range of possibilities that we will tell you more than below. The minuses include relatively large product dimensions, as well as the impossibility of using horizontal position.

Opportunities of modern products

Active massage capes of roller type "can" make several different types of massage. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Rolling. It is based - smooth movements in a straight line on both sides of the spine, relaxing spinal muscular corset, allowing to normalize the tone and improve the mobility of the joints.
  • Swing Built on the wave-like movement of massage heads, whose task to remove spastic phenomena and relax muscles.
  • Melting and rubbing. In the course of this procedure, there is squeezing and displacement of the muscles in order to relax them, improving blood supply, an increase in elasticity.
  • Shiatsu. The impact on acupuncture points activates the reflex endings, contributes to the removal of pain, the best power supply of the cells, normalizes the work of the muscles.
  • Compression Clamps and squeezes the side and lower areas of the body with airbags. Such a drainage allows you to get rid of edema, contributes to the better functioning of the lymphatic system and weight loss, tones the skin and muscle.
  • Vibrating massage. Vibratory impact is annoying nervous endings, regulates their excitability due to oscillations and amplitudes. After the massage course, there are improvements in the field of lymphatic, nervous and circulatory system. Also tones the skin and muscle.

In addition, multifunctional massage capes "are able" to reproduce comprehensive programs in which different types of massage replace each other, achieving a certain result. For example, Relax is a rejection and relaxation program. Or vice versa, Refresh. - a program that helps to cheer up. Or Therapy.allowing you to "restore" muscles and reduce pain after intensive loads.

Well, when the device is supplemented with rollers for massage a collar zone. Such a procedure improves the blood supply to the brain, normalizes lymphotok, removes the stress in the neck and shoulders. Often, roller massagers are complemented by a device carrying a vibrating massage of the buttocks and hips. This process improves the blood supply to the pelvis organs and lower extremities, improves metabolism and is actively struggling with cellulite.

An important advantage of roller capes is the latitude of the spectrum of user settings. These "smart" massagers for optimal work and comfort during the procedure are adjusted in height (taking into account the growth of the user) or in width (relative to the spinal column). Some premium capes also have a body scanning function, based on the results of which the individual massage program is drawn up, taking into account the anatomical parameters of the owner.

The most important consumer characteristic is the manufacturing material. For the outer upholstery of massage capes, durable, stable material is more often used. In most models, these are modern synthetic materials, but some premium brands use natural skin or high-quality velor. It is very convenient if the case of a massage cape can be easily removed for washing or dry cleaning.

Massage rollers are made of various materials: rubber, plastic, ceramics, silicone. In rare cases, mineral stones are used, such as jade. In combination with the heating function in this case, the effect of stone therapy can be achieved.

How to choose a massage cape on a car chair

Buy massage cape on the seat of the car - an excellent solution for those who spend a lot of time. In the car you can accommodate any vibration cape or suitable roller size. The main thing is that the device is equipped with an adapter to the cigarette lighter or inverter.

Often, a massage cape on the car's chair has an orthopedic shape with a head restraint and rollers to support the lower back in a convenient position, as well as an additional soft gasket for protecting the back from solid rollers. Almost every massage cape per car chair has a warm-up option. In addition to the therapeutic effect, it delivers a lot of pleasant sensations in cold weather. And in the heat you will probably appreciate the option of ventilation. Thus, some models of vibration making with blowing have more than one hundred special ventilation channels that pass the cool air through a built-in compressor.

How to choose a massage cape on a house chair or office

The fundamental difference between automobile and household cabs is primarily in the fact that the neck massage is available only in models for the house. In addition, homemade massage capes are with an air-compression massage, which is usually found in massage chairs, but not in any way in cape models for cars. Therefore, choosing massage capes on the house chairs, it is worth paying attention not only to the quality of execution, style and design of the model, but first of all - on the available functionality.

If you decide to buy a massage cape on a house chair, most likely all households will be used by this accessory. Therefore, it is important to choose such a cape that has a height and width settings so that the rollers can be adjusted for each family member.

The massage cape on the office chair must first be comfortable, without protruding elements so that your workplace does not turn into a procrusteo bed. Of course, when used in the office, the massager should not deliver inconvenience to other employees, which means you need to choose a model with the smallest noise level.

Best of all the contender for the role of a massage cape on a working chair to search in a group of vibration or roller models with a set of the most necessary functions. It is hardly at work you will have enough time for full relaxation and deep relaxation. Most likely, you will need programs focused on raising the spirit of the spirit, the removal of nervous and muscle tension. And the functions of ventilation, warming up and illumination in the office are likely they will not be in demand.

Manufacturers and brands

Now massage capes are produced in many countries. In the Russian market, goods brought from the Asian continent are widely represented. For example, a brand from Japan Yamaguchi., Chinese brands Hansun, IREST, Fitstudio, Taiwanese Mark. Takasima., as well as Malaysian Ogawa..

Traditionally, brand is confident in buyers US Medica. from the USA, and among European manufacturers are allocated Casada, Medisana. and Beurer. from Germany, Gezatone from France, Massage Paradise from the UK.

Cost of products

As already mentioned, massage capes are characterized by a large variety of design features, functional, custom settings, and even manufacturing material. Therefore, the variation of prices for various models is quite wide. In stores and on Internet sites, you can buy a massage cape and for 2500 rubles, and for 40,000 rubles, depending on the set of specified characteristics.

Each price segment has its own sales leaders. So, a popular sponsor of the economy - American massage cape US Medica Sport. It can be used at home, and in the car. The device "can" make 3 types of massage (vibrating, roller, shiatsu), equipped with 4 massage rollers with the ability to set up the distance between them. The user can choose the intensity of massage and the influence zone. The cost of this model is about 12,000 rubles.

Another reserved representative of this brand is a universal massage cape US Medica Combo., the cost of which is within about 16,000 rubles. It has a broader functionality - this is 4 types of massage (vibration, kneading, roller and shiatsu) and 3 levels of intensity. Possible setting of the area and points of impact. In addition, the cape has the function Rolling (Rolling) and infrared warming.

One of the leaders of the average price segment - a massage cape from Japan Yamaguchi Yamato. worth about 19,000 rubles. This model finds applies and at home, and in the office, and in the car. Massager "knows how to" do both classic massage, and use various techniques: swing, rolling, shiatsu, as well as vibration massage hips and buttocks. Of course, this model has all the advantages inherent in the high-quality technique of this class: infrared heating, 4 adjustable rollers, choosing a massage zone and a point of point exposure. The intensity of the massage is regulated by a removable cape and headrest.

Example of premium level capes Yamaguchi Turbo Axiom. She immediately attracts attention to a stylish ergonomic design, high quality performance and wide functionality. Turbo Axiom "owns" by different types of massage for the effective study of the cerhest-collar zone, back, hips and buttocks - vibration, air-compression, kneading, roller massage, and, of course, Shiatsu.

To choose a user Yamaguchi Turbo Axiom offers three levels of intensity and three branded massage programs Refresh, Relax and Comfort. It is worth noting that massage rollers in this model are made of silicone, which allows for the muscles to work gently and delicately. Besides, in Turbo Axiom. There is infrared heating of rollers and adjust them in height. The cost of premium class capes is approximately 39,000 rubles.

Of course, an unequivocal answer to the question of which massage cape is better not. Each makes the choice itself, relying on your own tastes and preferences. But it is quite obvious that the mass cape - the product is necessary, useful and convenient in all respects.

Where can I buy a massage cape on the chair

Outlets that are engaged in the implementation of various high-tech mass machines, quite a few. Where is it preferable to make such a purchase and why? We addressed these questions Tatiana Goncharenok, a specialist of Yamaguchi, an exclusive distributor of massage equipment in Russia and the CIS:

"Indeed, a fairly large number of companies in the Russian market is engaged in sales of modern equipment and equipment for massage. Planning such a purchase, a competent consumer, of course, will not contact the first online store. It is necessary to understand that massage equipment is a technique that is able to improve health and overall health, and harm with low quality product or improperly use.

Therefore, one of the most important rules when buying expensive and high-tech equipment is to purchase it only from official suppliers who are responsible for quality and provide guarantees of authenticity and product safety. The best option may be the appeal personally in the corporate multi-brand salon. Here you will be able to see all available models, evaluate their advantages, test massage opportunities. If you already have a clear understanding of what you need, you can use the services of a branded online store.

If we talk about the advantages of our company, then we present three leading global brands. Yamaguchi is a Japanese company using advanced technologies and modern equipment for the production of premium quality techniques. These are massage chairs and tables, massagers for legs, head, eye, neck and massage capes.

The US MEDICA brand produces high-quality products in an average price segment for mass consumer. We present a huge range of products of this brand for sports, health and excellent mood. Our third brand Anatomico specializes in the release of massage chairs and tables. This is the original Italian equipment of decent quality at an affordable price. "

P.S. It occupies the leading position in the Russian Relax industry market in terms of sales, the branching of the dealer network and warehouse programs. The online catalog includes hundreds of positions - from high-tech massage and physiotherapy seats to orthopedic chairs and mass makers for different parts of the body.

Opinion edition

Such a specific product as massage capes, it is better to purchase in specialized stores, where the staff can provide you with a qualified consultation. After all, you will probably want to hear the specific, filled with nuances about the functionality, about the proper operation of the product, about the possibilities of use.

Many believe that the massager in the car on the seat is installed only as a decorative accessory. However, professional drivers and those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel are not familiar with the pains in the back, the cervical department and the lower back. Blood impairment and increased fatigue are also often the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, such car simulators are simply necessary, especially since massage capes can be used not only in the car, but at home. The main thing is to choose the best model, the benefit today the choice of products is not limited. You can find on sale as cheaper passive type capes, and more expensive active massagers.


Such products were popular with truckers and taxi drivers in the 80s. Massagers on the seat in the car of this type are spherical wooden or bone elements strung on flexible threads. When the driver changes its position behind the wheel, these products begin to massage the back. Thus, they act only under pressure from human body weight. Therefore, we can conclude that similar massagers for the back are ineffective.

However, they possess several advantages. First, products of this type are much cheaper. Secondly, they can be used as summer cape. Thanks to the wooden structure between the driver's body and the seat, a space is created where the air circulates. Therefore, on a hot summer day, the owner of the car can make it easier for himself. In winter, a wooden massager on the seat is better not to use, as it will be very wrapped overnight. As a result, there is a risk to get back. Therefore, it is better to consider more modern products.


Accessories for this type are characterized by a more complex design, which is driven by miniature electric motors. Aerial bags or rollers from plastic or jade are performed as massage elements, creating vibration of different intensity. Based on the active elements, these devices are three types: roller, vibration and orthopedic.

Vibration models have only point exposure. Roller products are distinguished by greater efficiency, as they do not only point, but also wave and linear impact.

Orthopedic capes are distinguished by their shape. However, they are more expensive than everyone else. Thanks to such an orthopedic back, the human body is in a relaxed state. At the same time, the spine is minimal load. The orthopedic back is considered to be the most efficient. In such products, aircases are installed, which can both vibrate and work in pulsation mode, relaxing the dorsal and buttock muscles.

The seat capes themselves are connected to the vehicle's power supply through the cigarette lighter. At the same time, they can be equipped with a system of heating and other additional options that should be clarified when choosing a product.

How to choose a massage cape

When choosing a simulator that is installed on the chair of the car, it is worth considering several nuances:

  • Pay attention to the wooden elements of passive mass makers. If a resin is present in the tree, then in contact with the warm body of a person, they will allocate harmful evaporation. It is best to give preference to simulators or beech. It serves longer and do not crack.
  • The form of active cape should be approached not only for the chair of the car, but also the person himself. The best are capes, equipped with an additional pillow with a massager and side support.
  • Testing products must be made of high-quality material. Artificial and fabric foundations are distinguished by low cost, but genuine leather will last longer.
  • Specify the set of options for an electric simulator. The more functionality it will be, the more comfortable the driver will feel behind the wheel. Therefore, preference should be given to models working in modes: kneading, patting and studying deep muscles. Better if massage zones are somewhat.

Not superfluous will be the control panel and infrared heating, which has not only a common soothing, but also an anti-inflammatory effect. Built-in timer will help avoid the device overload.

Of course, the additional feature will cost additional money. However, you can find inexpensive, but high-quality products.

Best models

It is worth highlighting several mass makers who are most popular with drivers.


The massage cape from the German manufacturer ZENET will cost about 3,000 rubles. The electrical product consumes 20 W and has 10 working elements that are located vertically.

Adjustment of the mode of operation of the capes is carried out using the control panel. In addition, the product is equipped with a system of infrared heating. The device is perfectly relaxing with cervical vertebrae, lower back muscles.

In addition, the healing effect is achieved due to 8 built-in magnets that stimulate capillary blood circulation. A special field is created between magnetic elements, which has a regenerating effect on the entire body as a whole.

In addition, the device is equipped with a timer. Weighs the model of 1.6 kg.

Sanitas SMG151

This budget compact model weighing 0.6 kg is not more than 1,800 rubles. For this price, the German manufacturer BEURER offers a minimum set of functions, but they are enough for riding a car did not bring fatigue and back pain.

Massager works in 2 modes, relaxing and stimulating the neck, back and hips muscles. Motor power unit 16 W.

In contrast to the previous model, Sanitas SMG151 carries out massage in the same points, so it will not work independently to choose. There is also no control panel. But the heating function is.


Cape from another German manufacturer Casada will cost about 30,000 rubles. This cost is due to the fact that nephite elements are used as roller massage products. Natural stone gradually heats up and has a positive effect on the human body, in particular, improves blood circulation and the work of the lymphatic system.

In addition to roller massage, the device also works in shiatsu (kneading) and vibrating massagers. In this case, all modes of operation can be combined, additionally connecting heating.

Thanks to the control panel, you can configure the device so that the massager is turned on after a certain period of time. In addition, you can turn off the automatic mode of operation and go to passive work. In the event of the rollers will massage the back and neck when changing the position of the driver.

The spine is maintained in an optimal anatomical position due to additional carbon inserts.

The unit of 9 kg weighs, and the power consumption is 25 W. At the same time, the product can work both from the cigarette lighter in the car and as an ordinary roller massager, because it can be used at home.

In custody

Despite the numerous advantages of these massage products, it is worth considering that they are not recommended to those who suffer from chronic or current skin diseases. In addition, capes should not use pregnant women and people with spinal injuries. Kidney disease and inflammatory processes are also incompatible with such massagers.

Often the tempo of modern life, which a person is forced to adhere to no place to rest and relaxation. We have no sufficient time to stop and listen to your body. After all, such an occupation, as a concern for yourself and your health, is missing in the usual listed list on the day of most people. But do we think about it?

Fortunately, today there are many ways to take care of yourself between the case, because where there is a demand, there will always be an offer. So, a massage cape, dressed on the seat of your car, will automatically help relax, remove fatigue, and remove the load from the spine, whereas you will rush to affairs without being distracted by foreign factors. That is why this attribute is very useful and convenient at the same time.

Massage cape on the car seat need you if:

  • you spend a lot of time driving;
  • you have a "sedentary" work, during which there is no possibility to stretch the back;
  • you have diseases associated with the spine;
  • you rarely manage to visit the massage salon;
  • sometimes you have inexplicable back pain;
  • you often get tired during the day;
  • the chairs of your car are not too comfortable.

In addition, such a massage cape can give you a lot of pleasant sensations from massage, and fulfill additional useful functions. To date, there are many varieties of massage capes that can be placed in a car: from the most primitive and economical wooden, to the miracle of technological progress - vibromassage cape. Depending on what functions you want to receive from the goods, and at what price at the same time you can calculate the optimal option.

Today we will consider such types of massage capes for the car, like wooden, vibromassage and thermomassage. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, moreover, it is necessary to pay attention and not the price when choosing a product.


Wooden massage capes for the car

What does a massage cape look like on a tree car seat? It looks like an unusual rug on the shape, which consists of many small wooden balls. It is these balls due to their ability to move freely into the right and left side, and also turn around their axis create a massage effect. The advantage of the presence of such a thing in the car is that it can perform the function of the seat cover, which, accordingly, leaving a freight look at them.

And what is the benefit of such a massage cape for a person? It performs a number of functions that help the driver and passengers of the machine remain in the tone:

  • creates the effect of roller and point massage;
  • takes part of the load of the spine;
  • supports uniform blood circulation along the back;
  • ensures fatigue and allows for a long time to feel full energy.

Tip! Many car owners who often have to go driving praise a wooden cape not at all for its massage properties, but for creating a ventilation effect between the body and the seat of the machine, which allows you to sweat less in the summer heat.

Also, the wooden cape on the seat is the most accessible to purchase. Its prices range from 300 to 500 rubles, and useful qualities are indisputable. It is known that the greatest load on the spine happens just when a person is sitting, and the massage cape from a tree will help relieve this work to him.

Cape with Vibromassage Effect

What does a massage cape look like with a vibro effect? Such devices exist a variety of species and colors. Being successfully selected, they can fit very organically into the design of any car, or even diversify and decorate the salon. Classic black cape for all occasions, elegant white-beige, or gently pink for election women, specially designed devices for high people and experiments that have a small increase ... The range is very large and can please anyone, even the most demanding taste.

Modern automotive capes with vibro effects use three interesting massage techniques:

  1. Shiatsu - point (finger) massage. This Eastern technique allows you to choose the points most in need of stress removal and work with them more intensively.
  2. Roller massage - It is uniform wave movements that pass along the entire spine.
  3. Vibromassage is the most modern way of massage, which positively affects not only the spine, but also internal organs, and the overall condition of the body.

Such devices operate from the network, but often have small energy costs, because they are designed specifically for cars, with the calculation of the fact that a person will be convenient to use the goods in the destination.

The vibromassage cape possesses such functions:

  1. Owns three different massage techniques.
  2. Massage many different points of the human body can be massaged: starting with the neck and ending with the hips.
  3. It has sets of massage programs (their quantity can be different depending on the cape model).
  4. A microcomputer is built into the device.
  5. Has a remote control panel.
  6. It often has a warranty of 1 year.
  7. It has a timer, thanks to which the device is capable of turning on and off automatically when it is convenient for you.
  8. Relaxing man.
  9. Promotes cure in diseases of the spine.
  10. Strengthens the immunity of the body.

The price of automotive capes with the effect of vibromassage is not so democratic as on similar wood products. But it is quite possible, your costs compensate for positive changes in health.

Capes with heated

Heat always positively affects human health. It can be cured by many diseases: ranging from a cold and ending with back pain. Thermacid for car chairs is the perfect option for people suffering from diseases of the spine. And you will reserve the presence of this item in your car when winter cold will come. Buy the cape with heating and, while driving a car, you will feel as if we moved to live in the tropics. How does a similar cape look like? Almost the same as the cape with the vibromassage effect. After all, the main difference is that one of them has a function of heating, and the other is not. Thermonakida almost always knows how to perform all the same functions as its vibromassage analog. So, buying such a product, you just get another additional feature.

Important! In the summer you can easily use a massage cape with heating, because the heating option is easily turned off.


All massage capes differ from each other for destination and functions. Wooden option - allows you to protect the car covers from erasing and makes a passive massage. The product with the function of vibromassage replaces a paid massage therapist. And the thermacida allows you to warm up in the winter.