Weak curls. How to make a beautiful hair curuy at home, large curls. Video: How to make chic large curls

Hairstyle with playful curls - an excellent option for a festive or evening image, and curls will be appropriate in everyday life. The easiest way to make curls is to take advantage of the catch or shut your hair on the curlers. It is fast, but the hair is very spoiled. Take care of your hair - forget about the curl.

What harm can bring frequent use of hair curlers and curls

Clear is not recommended for daily use. High temperature dries hair, they lose their glitter, become dull, lifeless and more resemble the washcloth, and the sequencing tips are becoming an eternal problem.

Not the best way to make curlers. If the hair is tensioned tight, the exchange process is disturbed and blood supply in the bulbs, because of this they will begin to fall out. Thin and weakened hair can not be coated on big curlers and keep on his head for a long time.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle literally from the remedies and do not harm the hair? We present to your attention 10 different options for creating a curve and curls. Simple and efficient ways that will not take a lot of time and keep hair health.

Top 10 ways to get curls and curls without fluffing and curlers

1. With a hair dryer and combs.

It will take a round comb and hairdryer. Diameter Choose such as you want to get curls, but remember the more comb, the easier it is to do. In a small comb, long hair is easily confused, so be careful.

  • Wash your head and dry the roots;
  • Start making curls from above. Take one strand and screw the comb. Do not take too wide strands, so the curls will be shaped, otherwise you will get a slightly wavy hair and a bulk hairstyle;
  • Well dry by a strand hairdryer. Gently remove it with combs, screw to your fingers and dissolve;
  • Lock the invisible or "crocodile";
  • Slit varnish slightly and leave until you screw all the strands;
  • Take the hair arbitrarily, do not achieve a clear hair separation along zones. If one strand is a little more different, nothing terrible;
  • After you finished with strands, remove all the hairpins, lower your head down and your hands gently disassemble the hair. If necessary, sprinkle with varnishes.

2. Locks with studs

  • Put on the head on your head and go to bed. In the morning, remove the hairpins and disassemble the strands, sprinkle with varnish.
  • At the base, lock the stud. Repeat so with each strand. You must have neat rings;
  • Take strand and twist it inside, as if screwed it on the curlers;
  • Divide into small strands, the smallest they will, the more interesting the curls are obtained;
  • In order to work with hair, they must be wet, wash your head, dry slightly;

3. Make curls with crab

  • Moisten hair;
  • Divide into several parts;
  • Each twist the harness and the base will fasten the grinding;
  • After 6-10 hours, remove the grinders, the hands "spread out" the hair and sprinkle with varnish;

To sleep with them, of course, is inconvenient, so in this way to use it better in the morning, in order to get beautiful curls in the evening.

4. Kudri with gum

For this method, the usual small gum will be needed. If you do not have them, use old categories. Cut them on the strips and make it.

  • Clean and wet hair divide into several parts;
  • Take a small strand, apply mousse for it;
  • Start twist the harnesses than he thinner, the sooner the curls are obtained;
  • Fix each harness with a hair elastic;
  • After time, remove the rubber bands and promote the harnesses. Do not solicate, but disassemble the hands, sprinkle with varnish. Playful curls are ready.

If you have enough time, let the hair dry naturally or make harnesses at night. When urgently needed, dry hair with a hairdryer.

5. Make curls with a dressing for Greek hairstyles

Small curls here will not be, but elegant curls easily. One of the fastest and most simple ways.

  • Wash your head, dried a little hairdryer and apply mousse or foam;
  • Put on your head a dressing for Greek hairstyles;
  • Now take strand and turn it around the dressing. Do the same with each strand;
  • In the morning, remove the bandage, put the curls and fix the hairstyle.

If your hair is soft and thinner, just 2-3 hours are enough, if you are the owner of thick and cruel hair - leave the bandage overnight.

6. Kudryashki with ordinary rags

If you have no hairpins or gum, take the flap of the fabric and cut into small rags.

  • Clean and wet hair divide on strands;
  • For each strand, apply a fixing agent;
  • Screw your hair on a rag and tie at the base on a nodule or a bow;
  • Go to bed;
  • In the morning, remove the rags, straighten the curls and sprinkle with varnish.

Delightful and playful curls are ready without much effort.
Sorry to cut the fabric or did not find a rag? Take advantage of ordinary ... socks. They are softer and sleep with them more convenient.

7. Locks using ordinary paper

Another grandmothers did the curls to themselves in this way. If you have long hair, take the paper of the A4 format, if just below the shoulders will be quite an ordinary notebook. Cut it into 2 parts and twist each half into a thin strip. Fold in half. Ready! Now proceed to curling Locks.

  • Moisten hair with water;
  • Take the strand, apply Mousse and wake her on a strip of paper. It is not necessary to make strands small, there will be 10-12 pcs. on the whole head;
  • Now lock the paper. Take the paper tips, impose into the loop and pull a little to the strands do not jump;
  • In the morning, curls spread their hands and sprinkle with varnish.

8. Kudri Foil

First prepare foil. You will need squares about 10x10 or 15x15 cm, depends on the length of the hair than they are longer, the larger the square need a square.

  • Take small strands of clean and wet hair;
  • Apply a means for fixing;
  • Screw strands for 2 fingers. Then carefully remove your fingers, and the rings out of the hair tightly wrap foil;
  • If you have little time, use the iron. Each strand literally hesitate between the tongs;
  • Remove the foil, break the curls and sprinkle with varnish.

9. Curry from braid

You can get curls or cute curls with a braid in several ways.

Option first. After the head was washed, braid a spio usual or French. In the morning brush and your curls are ready.

Option second. We are not alone, but several braids. They can be both 2 and 8-10. The more pigtails, the sooner there will be curls. Do not forget to use hair varnish to extend the life hairstyle.

Option third. After the head washed and cleaned the hair, make the usual high tail. Divide it into 2 parts. From each strand, turn the pigtail, inserts in it with a tape. Thus, hair tips will be involved. Wrap every braid, around the tail, it will be "shishchik", and go to bed.

In the morning, spread the pigtails and unleash the tail. The comb with large teeth or simply the hands of "spread out" the hair and sprinkle them with varnish.

10. Kudri-Spirals using cocktail tubes

It turns out a very beautiful and spectacular hairstyle. It looks better on long hair. Make it simple, like previous options. You will need cocktail sticks and pins for consolidation.

  • On the washed and slightly wet hair, apply varnish or mousse;
  • Take the tube, the fold of the bend must be at the bottom and screw the strand for the entire length of the cocktail tube, not reaching the place of the fold;
  • Bend the tube from below and fix the invisible, the top also needs to be stuck in the invisible. The more strand it is, the more beautiful it is a hairstyle;
  • In the morning, remove the hairpins and pull the tubes. Stunning curls-spirals are ready. Leave as it is or slightly walk through the hair. It depends on your desire. Hairstyle sprinkle slightly varnish.

Features of winding depending on hair length

In order for curls and curls to be beautiful and natural, there are some rules when cheating. Basically it depends on the length of the hair.

Short hair

  • Divided into 3 parts;
  • First, screw the top strands, and gradually go to the bottom of the head;
  • If you have too short hair, do not make any curls. Otherwise, the result will be like chemistry at the grandmother. Special beauty such a hairstyle will not give;
  • Stacking experts recommend starting from the top, and end the face near the face.

Medium length hair

  • They are already divided into 3 parts: right, left and occipital;
  • Start twist strands from the back, the occipital part. First curls make top and move down;
  • Do not twist the curl to the base, leave about 2-3 cm from the head.

Long hair

  • Divided into 4 parts: 2 side, upper and occipital part;
  • Start working with the back and upper parts, and then use the side;
  • The curl is formed from the middle of the strands, gradually rising to the roots.

How to extend the result

Make curls and curls only on clean and wet hair. Screw to dirty hair, in vain spend your time. Hairstyle will fall apart literally per minute.

Crying Crying is quick and beautiful. With this simple household appliance, you can create multiple bright images. For example, "Hollywood waves" are now very popular.

But the catch is impossible to use every day. From high temperatures, hair is losing glitter, become fragile and lifeless.

Place the hair of the catch no more than once a week.

1. How to choose a fluff

Cocks are characterized by a coating. Ceramic are considered the safest for hair. Through the puffers most often use professional hairdressers.

Claws are distinguished by the form. With the help of conventional cylindrical poems of different diameters, you can get small or large curls. The cone-shaped curling helps to create roar and playful curls below. Most of the ward-cones do not have a clamp: the tip of the strands should be kept, but it is not climbing. Spiral-shaped curls make the same curls, and two- and three-eyed creates the effect of the corrugation.

Clums differ in diameter. What it is more, the less curl is twisted. The minimum diameter that can be found in the store is 10 mm. Maximum - 50.

The curl of a large diameter will not cope with rigid, as well as dense long hair. Large curls under the weight of their weight quickly straighten up without leaving curling and trace.

Small curls are designed primarily for short hair and cheek curl.

The optimal version for normal hair to the shoulders and is longer - the flux with a diameter of 19-25 mm.

Often the persistence of the curling depends on how correctly the tool is chosen and the screen is met.

2. How to prepare hair

With a twist of the curling, follow three rules:

  1. Hair must be clean. Kudri on the hazard hair will dissolve faster than the flour cooled.
  2. Hair must be dry. Wet wet hair curls - it's like frying bread on a fire.
  3. Hair must be protected. Before cheating on the curl, be sure to process the strand with a thermal protective agent. It seals hair scales, preserves inside moisture and thereby protects against high temperatures. Fine sprays are considered more effective.

3. How to bulk the hair

Hairdressers advise to divide their head on the occipital, temporal and frontal zone and curl hair in such a sequence.

At home, it is possible to act easier: fix part of the hair on the top of the top and twist the bottom, and then the upper strands. Or, if it allows the length, you can make a straight sample, split your hair on the right and left part and pushing each.

Whatever option you choose, first separate a strand of about 2 cm wide. The thick of the hair, the thinner should be strands for curling.

If you want the curls to last all day, spray your hair with varnish before cheating on the curl or handle the beer foam.

Drop strand and screw on the curb. Twist strand in the harness if you want the curl to be dense, like a spring.

Try not to tighten too tight and not pinch the tip of the instrument clip. To get spiral curls, keep the fluff vertically. If you want more playful curls, install it horizontally or at an angle.

If you have very long hair, do not screw the entire curl on the curl at once: when the tips are almost burned, the upper layers do not even warm up. First, grab the middle of the middle straight and tighten to the roots. Then get the tip.

Keep every curl on a flock of 10-15 seconds. The junction time depends on the power of the device and the desired elasticity of curly. If the hair is healthy, the curling can be warm up to 200 ° C. Thin and weakened hair is better to curl at a temperature of no more than 100 degrees.

Carefully remove the curl from the cloth and sprinkle with a slightly varnish.

So that still hot curls did not develop under his weight, fix it with invisible to complete cooling.

Give curls to cool for 10-15 minutes. After that, you can comb their comb with rare teeth or flip.

If necessary, lay the curls in and fix with varnish.

4. How to restore hair

To restore weak hair, you can use one of the following masks.

  1. With kefir and aloe. Heat 1 teaspoon of castor oil and connect with 1 tablespoon of kefir, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 1 vitamin E. rubbing the mask first in the roots, then distribute over the entire length of the hair. Hold half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  2. With egg and honey. Mix egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of liquid honey. Add ½ tablespoon of olive oil and apply a mixture on your hair. Hold half an hour, then wash your head.
  3. With banana and glycerin. Make a blender banana puree. Add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and as many almond oil. Apply the composition on the head: from the roots to the tips. Keep a mask for 40 minutes, and after a pretty desire.

How to make curls bigudes

Old good curiors are used both to create curls and for giving volume. Curler on curlers usually takes more time than on the curl. But the hair is not exposed to high temperatures.

And thanks to the variety of modern Biguch, you can make new hairstyles every day. Here, for example, what effect can be achieved using papillotes.

However, due to the tension, which is created during the cheating, the blood supply to hair bulbs may be disturbed. If you use bigudes often, hair can relax and start.

1. How to pick a bill

Large and small, plastic and foam, with clips and without - the range of modern Bigudah is huge. But each type has its own purpose.

Papillary, or boomerangs, are foam or silicone sticks of different lengths, density and diameter. Inside the wire, thanks to which the strands can be checked and fixed in different positions. Suitable for hair of any length: the shorter, the less the diameter needs to be taken. Also, the volume of curls depends on the diameter.

Biguchi Velcro is cylinders of different diameters with a variety of small hooks. The hair clings to them, and additional clamps are usually not required. Velcro is ideal for creating a roasting volume on medium and short hair, as well as for curling the tips of long curls. But you need to be careful: such curlers can get confused in the chapel.

Biguchie-spirals are made of soft plastic and allow you to get spiral-like curls. To do this, you just need to turn strands through curlers using special clamps.

Most Biguch should not keep more than an hour.

Curbed curls are wooden wands with threads that are attached to rubber bands. Cockles are usually used for a chemical curling or to create curls on very short hair.

Foam curlers are fixed with rubber bands or special plastic clamps. The variety of diameters of these soft barrels allow you to wind the hair on them of different lengths.

Electro- and thermal vessels help to make express greed, as they heat their hair. The first charge from the power grid, the second must be boiled in boiling water to melt the paraffin inside them.

Ideally, you need to have in arsenal and combine the curlers of various types and diameters.

2. How to prepare hair

For curling on curlers, hair should also be clean. However, they do not need to completely dry: hair curlers are screwed into wet hair.

Therefore, wash your head, apply the heat protection agent and slightly dry your hair with a hairdryer or give them a little to dry out the natural way.

3. How to bulb the hair by bigudes

According to the classic scheme, wrat the hair on the hair curlers starting from the center of the front zone and gradually descend on the back of the head. For this you need large curlers. After you can curl hair on the sides on the curlers of a smaller diameter.

Using a calcination with a thin handle, separate strand in the middle of the head. It must coincide in width with the Bigudes. Thickness will depend on the pests of the hair: the more hair and what they are harsh, the thinner there should be a strand.

Moisten strand with water if the hair is not wet enough. Then treat it with foam or hair mousse.

Drop, slightly pull and screw the strand. Watch that the tip is not launched. Typically, curiors are perpendicular to the head, but can be experimenting, winding them vertically or at an angle.

Having wielding the first strand, secure it with a clip, elastic or stud (depending on the type of biguch) and proceed to the following. Try so that the cheating is not too hard: the stretched hair deliver discomfort.

With hair that do not take a fluff and hair curlers can cope the iron. Make from strands curls, wrap their foil and warmly warm.

Having finished the cheating, dry the hair with the natural way or hairdryer. If you are in a hurry, but do not want to harm your hair, use low-temperature mode.

Carefully remove the curiosity when the hair is completely dried. Pour the resulting curls with your hands or calcination and fix with varnish.

Pros and cons of Crying and Biguch

And with the help of a curl, and with the help of Biguch you can make beautiful and very different curls. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages that are visually demonstrated in the following table.

pros Minuses

1. It is not necessary to buy ten bad. It is enough to choose one under your length and hair type.

2. Due to the high temperatures, the curls are formed easily and hold quite a long time.

3. Curling on the curling is quick.

1. You need to try a few to understand how much the curl works with your hair.

2. It is impossible to root often.

3. It is difficult to use on short hair.

4. To minimize harm, need thermal protection.


1. A variety of biguch allows differently to lay hair of any length.

2. Some curlers can be left overnight.

3. Used on wet hair - screwed and do our own business, until they dry.

1. You need a lot of bigwoods of different types and sizes.

2. Jurry with the Bigudes for quite a long time and troublesome (the exception is the thermal car).

3. From frequent cheating on hair curlers can relax.

What do you prefer to make kudri you? Tell me in the comments, what and why you closer.

Large curls are successful and popular for a long time. They do not come out of fashion and remain in demand. Similar type of laying can often be found in famous women's magazines.

In contact with

Beautiful and elastic curls hide face defects and focus on hairstyle.

  • Properly selected laying devices facilitate the curling process. There are many species in the market for hair technology.

How to make beautiful large curls - Video:

To create an image of a fatal or romantic lady with beautiful and lush curls, you need quite a bit. Regardless of the length of the hair, you can always shine and be the queen of absolutely any event!

How to make large curls at home

Make hair curuies at home can be very fast and easy. Large curls easily reproduce almost on any hairstyle.

It is important to comply with certain rules and follow the advice that will be useful to achieve maximum effect:

  • wash your hair with shampoo and balm that are suitable for a certain type of hair;
  • it is advisable to dry your head with a natural way or a slightly hairdryer;
  • use means for laying, as well as thermal protection spray;
  • for convenience, share your hair on zones or parts.

These simple actions make it possible to make a gorgeous laying that can hold out for a long time. Houses should have convenient curling tools. It will save from campaigns to the salon or call the wizard.

To make an adhesion yourself, you may need:

  • puffing;
  • hair forceps;
  • curiosity of various types;
  • styler;
  • iron;
  • hair dryer with diffuser.

You do not need to have all items from this arsenal. The main thing is to choose those with which it will be easy to make laying. A rich assortment will help you choose each girl suitable tools.

Curling curls for short hair

Do not think that simple short haircut can not be different. It is easy to make many types of laying right at home.

Large curls on short hair will add volume hairstyle.

With the help of screws for curling or curlers can be transformed very quickly. It is enough to spend some free time to get a wonderful result.

  • The curl should be medium or large diameter. The device is worth heating in advance. And then everything is simple:

How to Crow Short Hair on Large Biguch - Video:

  • If there is no big curls at hand, it's easy to make big curls.
  1. Hair should be washed and dried. Then handle them with foam to better fixed.
  2. The strand is selected and twisted. Externally, it will resemble hair curlers.
  3. With the help of invisible or clamps, it will be necessary to consolidate it at the base.
  4. It is worth waiting until the hair gets dry, or use the hairdryer. It is better to choose not thin strands, as well as try to make curls of a large size.
  5. At the end, carefully remove the clips and fix the laying.
  • Biguches of a large or medium size are perfectly forming bulk curls. It can be ordinary hair curlers or hair curlers.
  1. Mocked strands to handle with foam or mousse.
  2. The more width strands, the better.
  3. It is necessary to turn each strand, you can start with the nape.
  4. For more curlers, it is possible to place below the strand, they can be fixed by clamps.
  5. Scissown hair hold an hour or dried.
  6. After that, the curls are released and sworn with rare teeth.
  7. So that the hairstyle was lush, it is worth shaking it.
  8. With the help of varnish, fasten the laying, you can focus separate strands.
  • Hair dryer with a large diffuser will facilitate the installation process at home.
  1. It is enough to wash your head and put a means for laying on strands.
  2. Next, the "fingers" of the nozzle must be reduced to the hair and for a while to delay.
  3. Equally walk all over your head. This will allow the volume and turn the strands.
  4. From above can be sprinkled with varnish.
  • A similar effect can be achieved if you use a big brasing comb.
  1. On strand enough to apply mousse or foam.
  2. The strand is captured with a brush and winds up.
  3. From above to it to direct the stream of warm air.
  4. If there is a bang in her hair, then it is better to lay it in the form of a curl or wind the side.

Large curls on medium hair

At home, perfection is actually very easy. Make spectacular laying on medium hair in a small segment of time. It is enough to gain patience to become even more attractive.

  • Modern devices initially can be designed for different types of laying. They may have additional nozzles or a special heating element, which makes it easier to achieve the desired effect.
  • Biguchi Velcro will greatly cope with this task.
  1. In advance on the strand it is worth the foam or mousse, and then divide the head to the zones.
  2. Each strand is hung on the curlers and on top is fixed by the clamp.
  3. So that the process goes faster, it's worth a little to dry your hair, and then carefully remove everything from my head.
  4. You can finish laying with varnish.

This is a method for hard or naughty hair.

  • Crying is easy to achieve an excellent curling.
  1. It is better to share the head on 6 sections using clamps.
  2. Tongs must be a large diameter. They must be connected in advance to electricity to heated.

    The device must be kept perpendicular to the head. The strands are hugged almost from the roots and stretch a little. It is important to capture the tip so that it is under the edge of the device.

  3. Twen hands are usually started to do from the occipital zone, and then go to the temples.
  4. The upper strands are rotated by the latter. If there is a bang, then it can be turned it out or put the gel side.
  5. When all curls are screwed down, it is worth tilt the head and shake the hairstyle. Then finish laying with varnish.
  • Also with this task greatly cope with "magic curlers". They are easily screwed into medium hair. Magic Leverage curlers are ideal for curling at home.

How to make curls for long hair

You can use a comfortable cloth when you need to quickly make a hairstyle at home. It is better to choose nippers with a large diameter so that the curls are voluminous.

  1. The instrument is included in the network so that it is heated.
  2. Hem protection means to handle strands.
  3. The upper part of the hair is to stick from above and highlight the lower strands.
  4. Large curls are checked on a spiral curl.
  5. The tool is worth keeping vertically and perpendicular to the head.
  6. After one row is fused, it is necessary to move to the next one.
  7. Strands at the face are screwed up later.
  8. With the help of wax, you can split the curls and give them the maximum effect.
  9. If necessary, take advantage of varnish.

For long hair, large hair curlers are usually used so that the curls are voluminous. They must be turned on the hair that are moistened. In order for them to keep, it is worth consolidating the clamp.

Magnificent hair can be achieved if you do not use the means for laying. It is enough to wait until the strands are dried or dry them with a hairdryer.

  • You can also use boomerangs with a large diameter. They allow you to make beautiful waves at home.
  1. They stand first to sprinkle with water, and then handle foam. The devices are applied to the entire head. So that they do not interfere at night, it is worth tie a handkerchief.
  2. In the morning, strands are spinning.
  3. Locks can be combed to comb with rare teeth, and then handle varnish.
  • If you use an iron straightening, excellent curls are obtained. The easiest way will be the next one.
  1. Treat strand heat protection.
  2. Separate strands throughout your head.
  3. Choose strand and roll it in a tight harness.
  4. Iron to spend several times.
  5. So do with all strands.
  6. Locks are not needed combing.
  7. They can be carefully divided by hand and fix with varnish.
  • Hair dryer and brush brush will quickly make big curls. Comb should be a large diameter.
  1. You need to wash your head and remove an extra moisture towel.
  2. On the straight to apply thermal spray, as well as mousse.
  3. Hair is stuck on the back of the head and start working with the bottom strands.
  4. The strand is winding on Brasing, and then dried with warm air.
  5. The curl can then be released and lacked.
  6. Just do with all strands.

This styling takes quite a bit of time, and the effect of it is amazing!

The beauty and heritage of the hair consist not only in their length, but also in appearance. Beautiful and bulk curls convert any hairstyle.

The greatest advantage of curled curls is that they are not only incredibly spectacularly look, but also look very natural. All natural is very fashionable!

Any girl wants to be attractive. Therefore, following by ordinary advice, so just achieve perfection. This is an extra reason to compete with beauties from fashion magazines!

Beautifully falling volumetric curls - one of the bright examples of laying, the relevance of which does not depend on time and fashion trends. Large curls are appropriate not only on a romantic date or a solemn event. Such a hairstyle will not seem too fristed and on any weekday. It suits girls with hair of different lengths, but at the same time it is characterized by nuances of laying. You can make large curls in the home setting in several ways, ranging from the curb, curiosity, and ending with the infirous means: invisible, rim or sports gum.

What are large curls

Volumetric curls are a constant classic that gives the image tenderness, femininity, romanticism.They can be specially elegant, elastic or lungs, wavy, lush, look as much as possible.

Such styling emphasizes individuality and suits almost all girls.

However, in the choice hairstyles, it is not possible to navigate not only on your own preferences, but on how much it is suitable for the form of a face.

  • an extended extended oval will be beautifully framed by bulk waves;
  • the face of rectangular or square shape will decorate large horizontal books;
  • kruglitis girls should prefer uneven styling: bulk curls in roots, small - tips;
  • the owners of the oval person can be safely experimenting with any kind of large Kudrey.

By the way. Large curls are an excellent basis for a wide variety of hairstyles both for every day and by exclusive, festive occasion.

Features of laying for hair of different lengths

The process of creating large kudrey can not be called too simple. Much depends on the ability to use hairdressers: catch, iron, diffuser. Do not forget about curlers that are much less harmful hair than hot tools.

And absolutely simple options are weaving flavors, braids, winding on the gum - differ ease and simplicity, and therefore suitable for every day. The choice of a curling method affects what the curls turn out: clearly modeled or negligent, in the form of an elegant wave or an elastic curl.

On long hair

It is with such a chapeluor, large curls look more spectacular. You can make stacking along the entire length or only on the tips.

In the latter case, the hair is often pre-collected in the tail. Perseners strands screw the catch or applying curlers. A rubber, fixing the tail, cut, getting natural curly curls.

To create volumetric letters on long hair with curlers, you need to remember these features:

  • products "Velcro" will not fit. They are confused in strands, make them disheveled;
  • middle diameter rollers should be selected. Under the weight of long hair, curls will be promoted;
  • holders of thick, heavy chapels you can take products of a small amount, not to use styling means;
  • if you screw the strands in different directions, the hairstyle will come out more interesting;
  • the same effect can be obtained if using rollers of different diameters;
  • doing wet hair, you need to slightly dry the tips, otherwise the curls quickly straighten.

On average

The average length is optimal for a variety of styling. Such hair quickly turn into a beautiful hairstyle. Having big curls from the unnecessary strands can be independently using a fluff, iron, styler or curlers (including thermo).

Light waves are obtained using a brash and a hair dryer. If you need to make clear, voluminous American curls, it is worth splitting the hair with oblique sample.

Council.Hook the curls follows in one direction.

On short

Large letters give an additional volume required by short haircuts.However, the possessors of the face in the form of a triangle or square is better to abandon the curly hairstyle.

With such a laying of chin and neck remain open, visually taking the face. Wide forehead and cheekbones will seem wider than it really is.

Large waves or curls will become an excellent addition to the short chapels, especially if it has a clearly defined cut line. Hair is cheapest faster, easier, and the curls hold longer.However, to secure the result, it is still worth using means for fixing (varnish, spray).

How to do at home

Speed \u200b\u200bcreation hairstyles, curl shape directly depend on the selected method. But no matter what you prefer, make the laying you need to purely washed hair.

It should be prepared in advance to prepare a thin comb for separating the strand, the brush to give volume, invisible or clamps, styling agents: varnish, foam or mousse. If it is planned to use a thermal car, curl, iron, hair dryer, then do not do without thermal protection. It may be shampoo, air conditioning, and in addition - varnish or spray.

With the help of a curl

You can create a hairstyle with a special catch, designed for laying precisely large Kudrey. The optimal diameter of the tool is from 3.3 to 3.8 millimeters.

A cone device is suitable. And although the curls in this case will be slightly smaller, but the roots will have an additional volume.

  1. Separate a narrow strand.
  2. Having retreated 2-3 centimeters from the roots, hold it between the instrument plates.
  3. Slowly lead the tool throughout the straight, not pressed, without stopping, turning the iron at 180 ° C.
  4. Repeat the same with the rest of the hair.
  5. Carefully spread out the hair to the crest with rare cloths.
  6. Link.

Thermosphere is applied immediately before laying, and only if the strands are purely washed, dried.Not all of them are suitable for styling. Many, on the contrary, contributes to straightening strands, give them smoothness.

Important, To lacquer, spray or mousse not only protected the lead from the effects of high temperature, but also preserved the shape of the Kudrey.

With the help of bills

To create hairstyles with large curls, different big-diameter curves are suitable, about 4 centimeters:

  • "Velcro"- Not recommended only for long or overwhelmed hair. Checked on a wet lap;
  • thermo - Optimal for all types of strands, except soft and thin. The head must be dry;
  • boomerangi - suitable for use at night, do not have restrictions;
  • "Magic"- apply to wet strands, model volumetric spiral curls 3D;
  • velvet - prevent confusion, form beautiful big books;
  • plastic- Allow large soft waves.

Screwing technique:

  1. Divide all hair into several pieces: Mc, heading, sides. Starting cheapest need from a dark zone.
  2. Thin grape separated strand, the width of which does not exceed the length of the bill. Drop it.
  3. Tensioning this part perpendicular to the head.
  4. Screw the tip strands, then wrap the roller inside.
  5. At the maximum, close aigv to the roots, fix if necessary.
  6. Perform the same actions with the rest of the strands, moving from the top to the sides, then to the back of the head.
  7. Dry head with a hairdryer or natural way. In the case of termobigudi - wait for their cooling.
  8. Gently unwind the papillos, acting in the opposite direction: bottom up.
  9. Spray with varnish.

Attention! Technology is universal for most types of curlers, but not suitable for "magic" products. To turn the curls with the use of these soft spirals, you need to use the hook that is included. With it, they cling the edge strands and stretch the future curl through the case.

With a hair dryer

To make bulk curves with the effect of negligence at home, use the disaffuser's nozzle.Pre-apply a styling to the wet chapel, and then:

  1. Tilt your head back.
  2. Place your hair in the diffuser.
  3. Let's start drying, approaching and removing the hairdryer.
  4. Continue until you twisted the whole head.
  5. To fix sprinkle label.

Council. The shorter of the hair, the smaller the "fingers" of the diffuser should be.

Another way assumes using a hair dryer in combination with Brashing:

  1. Divide the hair, forming 4 zones: Mc, sides, heads.
  2. Pick up all the strands except in the occipital area. From them and start cheating.
  3. Separate a small part, the width of which is not more than the width of the round comb.
  4. Mix the tip strands to Brasing. Perform several rotational movements. It is important that the hair is stretched, otherwise they are confused.
  5. Cool the curl with cold air, but do not let go, and turn it off to the end.
  6. Sweep and cool again.
  7. Then carefully remove the brush, trying not to promote curls.
  8. Repeat across your head and fix the laying of varnish.

Concentrator nozzle is suitable for creating large curls. Keep hair dryer, observing the distance: 2-3 centimeters from the chapels.

With a rim or gum bagel

Original methods allow you to abandon the destructive impact of the catch or iron and make bulk curves using a screwdriver. If you have a rim or sports gum, follow these actions for laying:

  1. Put on the accessory on the head, having previously finished dry hair with styling tool.
  2. Alternately wrap around the gum (rim) all strands, starting from forehead. First on the right, then on the left.
  3. Each next part of the hair should capture the previous one.
  4. Leave curls at night or a few hours.
  5. Remove the rubber band (rim).
  6. Curls fold, treat with varnish. The method is suitable for owners of unnecessary strands.

You can put on a sports gum on the top, forming the "wreath" from the hair at the top.

Another accessory - roller or bubble gum "Bublik" - You can use not only to create hairstyles, but also for the formation of large curls:

  1. Take a tail.
  2. Throw it through the "Bublik" so that the gum is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tips of the strand.
  3. Wrap your hair around the "bagel", moving from the inside until you form a bundle.
  4. Secure invisible.
  5. Run kudry a few hours later (or in the morning, if you did a hairstyle on the eve of night sleep).

Locks look volume, romantic, create the effect of thick hair, participate in a variety of hairstyles and styling. Therefore, it will be impossible to learn them on their own, the more ways to create curls incredible quantity. You can use iron, curls, curlers and other devices. At home, it is easy to make a variety of curls: from mischievous and small curls to luxury waves. It remains only to choose the appropriate option.


General Principles and Curler Rules

Locks are beautiful, but sometimes very harmful. This applies to the wrong use of heating appliances: hair dryer, iron, cloth. Be sure to use thermal protection, as well as adhere to the temperature modes specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

Basic curling rules:

  1. Hair must be clean. If the head is not a mice of 2-3 days, the roots are fat, then the laying will look ugly, make the volume will not work, the resistance will decrease.
  2. When you chew strands, it is important to pay attention to the tips, straighten them and accurately lay them. Otherwise, at the end of the curl will appear, or it will just hang around.
  3. With long and thick hair, you do not need to choose a small diameter of forceps or thin curls. Handling strands will take too much time, and the result in any case will not last more than two days.
  4. You should always use funds for fixation, especially in the cold season and in windy weather. It may be mousse, cream, foam. Polish is applied to the finished laying.
  5. Warm and fresh curls are undesirable to immediately straighten and even more comb. It is necessary to give them time to strengthen, it is desirable to leave alone for 30-40 minutes.

Locks can be made using different devices, but much depends on the length of the hair. On the short haircut it will not be possible to use the iron, and very long hair can get confused in small and thin curlers. Therefore, from the whole manifold, choose your own method, which will give the desired result with the minimum time and strength costs.

Curls of the Creek

Crying, it is also curled nippers, is considered one of the most convenient devices designed to create curls. The working shaft has different thickness, length, shape. There are tongs ordinary, as well as in the form of a cone, with a nozzle corrugation. In any case, smaller strands are used for curling, the process alternately and with long hair takes a lot of time. But but the catch can be made ordinary or spiral curls, it is suitable for bangs or rapid winding of the ends already in the hairstyle.

How to twist the hair by the catch:

  1. Wash, dry your hair, it is advisable to use the balm, apply to thermal protection.
  2. Heat the puff. Typically, the temperature ranges from 160 to 200 degrees, depends on the thickness and features of the hair, the device itself.
  3. Separate a small strand, thoroughly combing.
  4. Capture your hair at the base, wrap around the curl to the end, if you need to get a spiral curl. Or simply shut a strand into the roller, for ordinary curls.
  5. We warm the strand, carefully remove from the curl. Push the remaining hair, put into the hairstyle, fix with varnish.

Tip! It is the CLOOT that will correct the mistakes in her hairstyle. If some strand is ugly sticking out or simply not twisted on the curlers, you can quickly warm the tongs and twist it. In the total mass of the hair, the difference will not be much noticeable.

Using Ironing (Rectifier)

An important condition for using the iron is dry and clean hair. If moisture remains, they are very easy to burn. As a result, instead of beautiful and flowing curls, hard, dry, damaged strands are obtained. It is important to dry hair not only after washing, but also after applying thermal protection.

Step-by-step technique:

  1. Thoroughly comb your hair, separate the top, stick on the painter.
  2. Heat the iron to about 180 degrees.
  3. Separate the front strand, take off the roots, spend once before the tips to straighten and warm up.
  4. Redue to the bottom, scroll the nippers around your axis together with hair and stretch the whole strand to the end, release from the iron.

As soon as the bottom hair is run out, it is previously shrouded in such a way.

Usage Ironing with Foil

Another way, how at home to wind the curls are ironing. It is good because it allows you to apply a rectifier even on a small length. In addition to ironing, they will need pieces of ordinary food foil. It is advisable to make them in advance so that the creation process is hairstyle not tightened for a long time.

How to spin hair with foil:

  1. Separate a thin strand. Cut around a finger, pencil or other suitable object, but not tight.
  2. Gently remove the hair closed into the ring, wrap into a piece of foil, press so that nothing has spun. Immediately you can spin all the remaining hair.
  3. Heat to 180-200 degrees iron. Alternately warm up all the swirling hair through the foil. Cool.
  4. Gently remove foil, straighten with your fingers.

The same method can be used to obtain fashionable lifrics. In this embodiment, the strand is not screwed onto the finger, but it is a zigzag, then also packed into the pieces of foil, heated with an iron.

Important! Regardless of the curling method, combing curls, you need to fingers or crest with rare cloths. If you use a conventional brush, the hairstyle will quickly lose attractiveness, the curls will break down, will hang around in different directions.

Video: Creating large curls with ironing

Biguchi: Terms of Use and Types

One of the oldest ways to make curls, it is also considered the most careful and safe. Exception - hot curlers (thermo, electric). Their action is similar to the operation of the forceps and ironing. Ordinary hair curlers are cooked with a cold way. Most often, they are made of plastic, woven material with velcro or wood. Also on sale you can meet Papillary from the foam rubber, sometimes with a flexible rod inside.

How to wipe hair on hair curlers:

  1. Separate strand, sprinkle with water or apply stacked foam, combing a cream with small cloths.
  2. Pull the hair, attach curlers to the tip, shield directly or on the helix, fix the clamp.
  3. Dry hair naturally or hairdryer.
  4. Remove billwords, give curls to grasp.
  5. Put curls into hairstyle.

Rods, Ribbons (Homemade Papillary)

Alternative to Papilets - Rods and Ribbons. It is also an old way to get small, but strong and elastic curls that can hold out a few days. It is suitable for any length, you can change the thickness of ribbons, screwed by strands. Hair does not spoil. For curling, you need ribbons or rags 15-20 cm long, the thickness is arbitrary.

How to wind the hair on the ribbons:

  1. Combing strand, sprinkle with water.
  2. Attach the tape to the tip, carefully spin the hair into the cross.
  3. Tie ends together, thereby fixing the ribbon.
  4. Dry hair, unleash ribbons.

By the cons of this method, it is possible to include high time. Soothed hair will dry for a long time, you will have to do twist from the evening, leaving for the whole night.

Video: Large curls on socks

Hairdryer and Brasling

Hair dryer can be used to accelerate the drying of the curle, but it is also drawn with it. This method is used after washing the head or need to sprinkle hair with water. Additionally, Brashing will be required. This is the name of a round brush having densely planted teeth. It is thanks to the bristle that the entire strand is screwed, separate hairs do not fall out and stick out. It is important to use Brasing correctly, you do not need to wink strands, as if on the curlers, otherwise there is a high probability to confuse them.

How to wipe hair with a hairdryer:

  1. Washing hair to dry the towel, divide into several sections.
  2. Raise one strand of the roots, slip the brush, scrolling down to pull down to the very end. Repeat one more or twice.
  3. During scrolling on top to direct the hot jet of air from the hair dryer.
  4. To secure the result, repeat the winding, pulling the hair with a cold jet of air.

The popularity of this method forced producers to release electric wicker. It can be an independent device or just nozzles on a standard hairdryer. Such a device simplifies the creation of curls, allows you to get a chic laying in a few minutes.