Medium group diagram of origami kite. Abstract of a lesson on designing in the origami technique for the preparatory group "Kite. Basic frog shape

Hello to all lovers of tinkering flying crafts! Today we will tell how even the smallest can make a paper kite... The proposed model is well suited for the first steps in the design of flying. You just need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools, as well as step by step follow all the steps of the instructions.

Materials for constructing a paper kite

For creating paper kite we will need, in fact, a sheet of thin or dense, strong thread, a tape for the tail, scotch tape, scissors, a thread spool (it can be made of cardboard), a stationery knife, as well as colored pencils or felt-tip pens for coloring.

Craft materials

Making a paper kite

To create the case, we need a square sheet of thick paper, which, first, fold it diagonally.
Then, turn the corner of the sheet to the center bend.

Picture 1

and do the same on the other side.
We unfold the workpiece, as in the figure below, and bend the corners marked with arrows to the sides.

Picture 2

We make holes in the places marked with circles in the figure.

Figure 3

Paper kite body - READY.
Now you need to make a bridle, i.e. thread a strong thread through the holes and tie it to the body of the snake.

Figure 4

The bridle should be halfway up the body.

Figure 5

For strength, glue the tied bridle with tape.
In the middle of the bridle (prerequisite) we make a loop.

Figure 6

We proceed to create a tail from a tape 2-3 cm wide and 4-5 meters long.

Figure 7

At the end of the tape, you can attach a paper bow that will stabilize the flight of the kite.

Figure 8

If you don't have a spool of thread, you can make one out of thick corrugated cardboard.

Figure 9

Draw a coil diagram on it, cut it out, paint it for beauty. Wrap 20-30 meters of silk thread on a spool, and tie two at its end (they will be used to fasten with a bridle on a snake).

). Today we will tell you what are the main basic origami shapes.

At the heart of any schemes origami, simple or complex, there are certain initial forms, a kind of blanks, from which the folding of the figures begins. Knowing the basic shapes, you can come up with an origami figurine yourself, which will become a work of art.

Knowledge of the basics is also necessary in order not to overload the diagrams (especially for complex shapes) with additional steps of the same type.

Any origami figure consists of square sheets of a certain size (you choose the size at your discretion, unless otherwise indicated in the diagram). All basic forms at the initial stage are folded in the same way. From a triangle, such basic shapes as a double "triangle", "pancake", "fish", "kite" are obtained. A double square is made of a square, a "bird" and a "frog". From the rectangular "book" shape, "house", "door" and "catamaran" are obtained.

Simple basic origami shapes "triangle" and "double triangle"

The "Triangle" is the easiest shape to fold. The square sheet is folded diagonally. To do this, place the square with a diamond and lower the upper corner, aligning it with the lower corner. You can bend it both "mountain" and "valley" (carefully study the diagrams). You should now have an isosceles triangle.

"Double triangle" - has two triangular planes and is made from a simple basic triangle shape. Bend (that is, bend, then unfold) the square sheet along two diagonals and turn over. Then, aligning the top and bottom sides, fold the square in half. Pressing down on the middle of the square, bend the side triangles inward. Swap the triangles by flipping the shape. A double triangle can also be made in the reverse order. First, bend the square in half, turn it over to the other side, and then bend it diagonally. It remains to fold the sides inward and downward.

Basic origami "pancake" shape

Basic origami shape - pancake

Fold a square sheet in half along two diagonals. Bend each corner in turn towards the center so that they touch.

Basic origami kite shape

Basic origami shapes - kite

Positioning a square sheet of paper with a diamond, mark a line by bending and unbending it diagonally in a "valley" (fold-fold). It remains to fold the sides from the top of the corner to the diagonal line.

Basic form "fish"

Origami basic shape - fish

This shape is made from the basic shape "". First, fold the square along two diagonals. Then fold the top sides to the center line of the fold. Do the same with the bottom, using the kite shape in both cases. Pinch the side corners by folding them in half along the diagonal line. Bend the corners upward, thereby covering the shape along the rhombus lines away from you. Lift the bottom corner up and flip the shape.

Basic frog shape

Origami basic shape - frog

Basic form origami_frog fig. 2

Made from a basic double triangle shape. Fold over one of the corners, aligning the bottom side with the fold line. Fold the corner again, now aligning the side with the fold line. You will have a pocket that needs to be opened and flattened. Line up the bottom sides with the fold, fold the middle section. Lift the bottom corner along the marked lines. All these steps must be done with each corner. Then bend the raised corners down in each plane and flip. Raise the corners in four planes. As you already understood, all of the above basic shapes come out of the simple basic triangle shape. Let's take a look at some basic square-based shapes.

Simple basic square shape

Basic origami shape - square

Fold a square piece of paper diagonally to form a triangle, which must be folded "valley" to the right. Then bend the upper corner "mountain" to the left. Flip over and repeat the process, ie, first make a valley fold, then a mountain fold.

Basic shape "double square"

Basic origami shape - double square

Fold a square sheet of paper diagonally, matching opposite corners. Flip the sheet over and fold the square in half twice, matching opposite sides. Then fold the paper along the marked lines in the direction of the folds. To do this, bend the side squares inward, folding them in half and lowering the upper part down from you. You will have two visible square planes.

Basic bird shape

Origami basic shape - bird

Complete the basic double square shape. Then bend the product, dropping the sides from the drop-down corner to the fold line. Bend the side parts of the product inward. Bend the closed "blind" corner and repeat the same on the other side. It remains to lift the bottom corners up.

Simple basic forms "book" and "door"

Basic origami shapes - book and door

"Book" - fold a square sheet of paper in half, aligning the sides.

"Door" - in order to divide a square sheet of paper into two equal parts and determine the center, fold it in half (simple basic form "book"). Fold the sides one by one to the fold line.

Basic form "house"

Origami basic shape - house

Fold a square sheet of paper into a "book" shape. Fold the resulting rectangle in half, aligning the short sides. Bend the lateral sides ("door") to the outlined centerline. Then you need to open and flatten the side pockets on both sides.

Basic form "catamaran"

Basic origami shape - catamaran

Fold in the base door shape. Then flip it over and fold it in half. Bend the bottom in the next step. By aligning the top sides with the sides that rise from the middle, open and flatten the resulting pockets. Pull the bottom corners to the sides. Flip and fold the product, matching the bottom and top sides. Opening the pockets, we get a kind of double (or catamaran).


  1. Increase the interest of preschoolers in origami design.
  2. Teach children to construct a kite out of paper using the operation card.
  3. To consolidate the skills of decorating the finished craft.
  4. Develop vocabulary and expressiveness of speech.

Equipment: operational map, squares of colored paper, paper scraps, multi-colored threads, scissors, glue.

Lesson for the preparatory group on designing in the origami technique (origami circle)
Topic: "Kite"

Course of the lesson

1. Org moment

Guys, today we came to our workshop for design. What are we going to design? Listen to the poem by Sergei Mikhalkov.
(a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Kite" is read to children)
(pictures with a kite are shown)

“So guys, what does it take to make a kite? (paper, wood chips, glue).
And what should be the weather for the kite to fly into the sky? (windy)

That's right, today we will design a kite out of paper and launch it into the clouds.
(a step-by-step card and a sample of a kite glued to the depicted cloudy sky are displayed)

Before you is a step-by-step map for designing a kite, let's try to figure it out. What shape do we need a sheet of paper? (square)
What should you do with it first? (collapse diagonally).
And then what? (wrap to the diagonal, the sides are adjacent to each other).

- Well done! And to decorate the resulting kites, we will take colored pencils, colored paper and multi-colored thread for the tail.

Physical education

We cut the paper, we cut it (movement along the dough of strata)
We crumple paper, crumple
We glue paper, glue
And we are carrying it to the exhibition.

Children construct a kite on their own using the step-by-step map.

- Well, guys, we finished our crafts. You have got wonderful kites. How did we make them? Who will tell?

- Now let's launch them into the clouds, like the boy from the poem.

Summary of the lesson on the topic "Folding the basic form of origami


Purpose of the lesson: development of the creative abilities of children of primary school age by ensuring the unity of the solution of game, cognitive and practical tasks.


Educational : working out the skills of folding the basic form of origami "Kite", teach to work according to verbal instructions and demonstration.

Developing : development of students' memory, attention, fine motor skills; the formation of spatial imagination; expanding the active and passive vocabulary of children; development of creative and logical thinking of children.

Educational : vnourishment of attentiveness, solicitude, respect for the mother; to strengthen the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day, the development of cognitive interests, broadening the general outlook

Course of the lesson

    Organizing time

Slide film included

Watching a Mother's Day movie

Slide title

Slide 2

Hello dear guests. Today we are having an unusual class. It is dedicated to the upcoming holiday. Since 1998, on the last Sunday in November, Russia has celebrated the Day of the Mother, Keeper of the Hearth. This is a kind of thanksgiving day, an expression of love and respect for mothers. They gave us life, affection and care, warmed us with love.

Slide 3

Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. For example, the USA, Malta, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia celebrate it on the second Sunday of May, Greece on May 9, and Belarus on October 14

Slides 4-7

Mama! Is there a softer and more pleasant word in this world? Kind mother's hands, the most sensitive and caring heart - it always shines with love, never remains indifferent. It is a clot of universal good, world light. No matter how old you are - seven or forty - you will always need the care and warmth of your mother's look.

Slide 8

The guys have learned poems and now they will congratulate their mothers

    Theoretical part.

Tell, guys, which of you mom calls "My sun". Today we will make gifts for your mothers "Sunshine", which will warm your mothers with their warmth in any weather. (demonstration of crafts )

Prepare paper, cardboard, scissors, glue, pencils.

Let's look at our sun from what parts it consists of: the face is a circle made of cardboard, and the rays

How many rays? What do you think these rays are made of, what material? What is the basic shape of origami used when folding these rays.

One ray consists of two squares of different colors: yellow and red.

Discussion of the work performed. Drawing the attention of students to shortcomings. Thanks to those guys who helped their friends.

    Lesson summary

Slide 12

Mama. With this word, children are born into the world and through the years they carry in their hearts that love that was born in the womb. And at any age, at any time of the year and every hour, this love for the mother accompanies a person, feeds him and gives new hopes and strengths for new achievements! We all love our mothers and on this wonderful holiday we are gathered here to congratulate those who love us and whom we love - our mothers!

Children give their work to mothers


Afonkin S.Yu. Origami lessons at school and at home. An experimental textbook for primary school. M., "Akim", 1995

Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu. Blooming origami garden. St. Petersburg, "Chemistry", 1995.

Sergeantova T.B. 366 origami models. M., Publishing house "Iris-press", 2005.

Children's portal "Sun"

Extracurricular activities in primary school, E. N. Arsenina, L. B. Kislova. Publisher: Teacher, 2006

Basic origami shapes are the basis on which a wide variety of models are created. Some with minimal addition of folds, and some go so far from the "base" that it is even impossible to hijack them! In addition, many of the simplest basic origami shapes serve as the basis for folding more complex basic shapes. Here are six of the simplest basic shapes available for folding preschoolers:

Basic origami shape "Triangle" Triangle
Basic origami Kite shape
Basic origami shape "Pancake"
Basic origami form "Book"
Basic origami shape "Door"
Basic origami shape "Home"

The basic form of origami "Triangle" for children from 4 years old.

Simplest form. Bend a square sheet of paper diagonally. Kids accept this explanation well: we make a “kerchief” out of a “handkerchief”. For neat folding, connect the opposite corners, hold them with the finger of one hand, and smooth the fold with the other hand.

Based on the basic shape "Triangle", you can make with babies, for example, or a model and

Basic origami form "Kite" for children from 4 years old

First, fold the basic triangle shape and unfold it. We have the intended diagonal.
Connect the sides of the triangle to this line and the basic Kite shape is ready.
Based on this basic form, you can make a modular model

Basic origami form "Pancake" for children from 5 years old

Fold the square diagonally to one side first. Expand and fold into another. Expand the box again. We get two diagonals outlined by folds.
The intersection of the diagonals is the center of our square. Bend all corners of the square towards the center.

This is the basic pancake shape.

The basic form of origami "Book" for children from 4 years old

A very simple shape - just fold the square in half.

The basic form of origami "Door" for children from 5 years old

Fold the square in half and unfold.
Bend the edges of the sheet to the outlined center line. This is the basic form "Door"

The basic form of origami "House" for children from 6 years old

This is the most complex of the basic shapes presented here.
Fold the square in half by connecting the upper and lower sides of the square.
Fold the resulting rectangle in half and unfold. We get the center line outlined by the fold.
Bend both sides of the rectangle to this line.
Now the hardest part of the model remains. On one side, take the topmost layer of paper with the fingers of your right hand and begin to unfold it from the center.

Hold the model with your left hand so that the rest of the paper stays in place. When we completely peel back the paper, a triangle roof will form on top. Smooth it out with your finger. Let's repeat the same on the other side. The result is a house with two "entrances".
You can use the basic origami "House" shape to create.
More complex basic origami shapes: square, double triangle, fish, bird and catamaran can be found in the article
To correctly and easily read the diagrams, get acquainted with. But keep in mind that these symbols are intended primarily for you. Children are ready to familiarize themselves with the elements of these signs only after seven years, and they will be able to "read" schemes fully not earlier than 10-12 years old, when they form abstract logical thinking.