Constipation remedy for dogs. The dog has constipation, how to treat this ailment

All dogs are subject to varying degrees of health problems. Constipation (coprostasis) can become one of them. It can happen both in large breeds and in small ones. The feces either pass through the intestines with difficulty, or do not pass at all. Constipation can lead to more serious health problems for your pet.

First aid can be provided to the dog at home if the characteristic signs of coprostasis appear. If the cause of the problem is in improper nutrition, you can cope with it with improvised means and correction of the diet. If the reasons are more serious, it is imperative to take the animal to the veterinarian.

Constipation reasons

There are 2 types of coprostasis in small dogs:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

There may be several reasons for the disease. In 70% of cases, the problem occurs due to a violation of feeding. But there are more serious reasons associated with physiological pathologies.

Diseases in which constipation can develop in small dog breeds:

  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • impaired liver or kidney function;
  • musculoskeletal system injuries;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • oncological tumors;
  • helminthic invasions.

Improper nutrition is a common factor in the development of constipation in dogs. The problem may arise against the background of the consumption of fatty foods, muffins, smoked meats. The habit of chewing bones often leads to the fact that their particles accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, causing intestinal obstruction and constipation. Eating dry food, lack of fiber in the diet also cause coprostasis.

Stool problems are more likely to occur in older, sedentary dogs. Lack of activity leads to a decrease in muscle tone, including the smooth muscles of the intestine.

If the animal drinks little water, then the risk of constipation increases significantly. With a lack of fluid, the intestines begin to absorb it from the feces, making them drier and harder.

To find out the exact causes of coprostasis, you need to contact your veterinarian and diagnose.

Signs and symptoms

The main symptom of constipation in small dogs is absence or significant stool retention. The rate of emptying in adult dogs is 1-3 times a day, in puppies, bowel movements can occur up to 5 times a day. If this happens less often, and the feces are dry in the form of small pellets, we can talk about constipation.

Other symptoms of coprostasis may include:

  • hard stomach;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • inactivity;
  • whining, spinning in one place;
  • vomiting and white bloom in the mouth in the presence of intoxication.

Home treatment

If you have signs of constipation in a small breed dog, you need to act as quickly as possible. If the condition of the animal is more or less satisfactory and defecation is at least partially present, you can try to cope with the problem yourself.

Note to the owners! If constipation is caused by poor nutrition, you can give your pet some petroleum jelly. It helps to restore intestinal motility. The oil should be warm. It is added to the food of the animal. For small dogs, ½ teaspoon is sufficient at a time. In the absence of appetite, the agent is administered orally using a syringe without a needle.


In the absence of emptying, anxious behavior of the animal, vomiting, it is better to refuse taking any medications.

In other cases, laxatives can be used:

  • Duphalac;
  • Bisacodyl;
  • Laxaton;
  • Magnesia.

To relieve pain, the dog can be given No-shpa or Baralgin.

On the page read about what to feed the royal Pekingese and how to properly maintain a dog.


An enema will help to free the intestines from accumulated feces with functional constipation. If its cause is pathological problems, then an enema can only do harm. It is recommended that you consult with your veterinarian prior to the procedure.

At home, you can do a petroleum jelly cleansing enema. Place the dog in a bath or basin. Heat oil to room temperature. For a small breed, 1-2 tablespoons of the product are enough. The oil is gently and slowly injected into the rectum. If the liquid does not pass, the procedure should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.

Diet change

When a dog develops constipation, you need to change its diet. Dry food and bones, fatty broths, whole milk are completely excluded from the diet. Limit meat intake.

Improves intestinal motility:

  • buckwheat or barley porridge on the water;
  • boiled vegetables (beets, pumpkin, carrots);
  • cellulose;
  • prunes;
  • dairy products.

It is useful to give your pet a decoction of pumpkin seeds, flax, linseed oil.

Preventing constipation in dogs

So that a small breed dog does not have digestive problems, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible the causes that can lead to it.

In the absence of pathological conditions that can cause constipation in an animal, the following recommendations should be adhered to as a preventive measure:

  • do not give small bones, animal skins, fatty foods, baked goods;
  • regularly carry out deworming;
  • walk your pet 2-3 times a day, provide him with an active lifestyle;
  • do not overfeed;
  • provide an adequate drinking regime.

Small dog constipation can happen for a number of reasons. The animal feels discomfort, pain. When characteristic signs of an illness appear, it is imperative to provide assistance to the pet. In some cases, you can alleviate his condition at home. Sometimes self-medication can only do harm, in some cases you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian.

If the pet has problems with stool and is sure that this is not associated with pathological conditions of the digestive system, and the ailment has occurred due to the peculiarities of nutrition, then it is recommended to give the dog some petroleum jelly as first aid. How to do it? The answer is in the following video:

Each healthy dog ​​should normally defecate up to 2-3 times a day, and puppies even more often - up to 5-6 times a day. A single bowel movement should draw the owner's attention to his dog's health. In the event that you note that your dog does not walk on the "big" at all, then this indicates that the dog has constipation and the need to take urgent measures to eliminate the constipation that has arisen.

What is considered constipation in a dog?

Constipation in dogs is an incomplete, irregular, severe, or absent bowel movement:

  • By general estimates, stool with a frequency twice in 3 days or the pain that a dog experiences during bowel movements at normal frequency can already be considered constipation.
  • With constipation, feces accumulate in the intestines, which can dry out, thicken and cause not only discomfort for the pet, but also cause injury to the intestinal wall.
  • Constipation is quite common in dogs, especially in older animals, in animals with a sedentary life, as well as in all ages after feeding the dog with bones.


Constipation in dogs can be caused by:

  1. Violations associated with the diet of feeding and maintenance:
  • Feeding the dog with table scraps.
  • Insufficient amount of fiber and ballast substances in food.
  • Feeding dry food with a small amount of fluid intake.
  • Feeding food cooked in steep broths or monotonous food.
  • General overfeeding of the dog.
  • Giving your dog lots of bones.
  • Dehydration.
  • Obesity and sedentary lifestyle.
  • Rare walks.
  • Misuse of medications - constipation after diarrhea (side effect after prolonged use of astringents).
  1. Dog disease:
  • Diseases of the digestive system (,), liver () and kidney ().
  • Recovering of dogs after suffering infectious diseases (,).
  • Fractures of the pelvic bones.
  • Inflammation, edema, abscesses of the prostate and paraanal glands ().
  • Blockage of the intestine with foreign objects (bones, toys).
  • Volvulus.
  • Intestinal atony.
  • Worms ().
  • Dysbacteriosis of the large intestine.
  • Tumors in the intestines or perineum ().
  • Diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by paralysis and paresis.
  • Spinal injuries.

Effects a dog may have from prolonged constipation

The consequences of prolonged constipation are serious enough. As a result of prolonged constipation, a dog may experience:

  • general intoxication of the body;
  • rupture of the intestinal wall;
  • violations in the functions of internal organs and systems;
  • violation of the nutrition of the skin with the subsequent appearance of itching in the dog (), scratching, places of baldness.

* if a dog's intestines are not emptied within 4-7 days, then a fatal outcome occurs.

Clinical picture... Constipation in a dog is manifested by the following main clinical signs:

  • the dog is pushing hard when trying to empty the bowel, there is a difficult bowel movement or the dog's owners notice frequent urge without emptying the intestines;
  • the released feces have a dry, hard consistency, the feces sometimes come out in small quantities;
  • pain, discomfort, accompanied by whining or anxiety of the dog at the time of attempts to evacuate;
  • due to gas accumulations in the intestines, bloating is noted, on palpation, the abdomen is hard;
  • lack of emptying due to the lack of feces;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general state of oppression.

In the case when constipation in a dog is accompanied by vomiting (), then this is one of the important signs of a complete blockage of the intestine. Under these conditions, the owner can gently insert a finger, wearing a rubber glove and oiled with vegetable oil, into the dog's anus to check for fecal matter in the rectum. Thus, you can distinguish commonplace coprostasis from complete intestinal obstruction, in which there may be no feces in the rectum at all.

What information should dog owners report to the treating veterinarian

When contacting a veterinarian, it is important to provide the following information in more detailed form:

  • the age of the animal and the way of life;
  • when was constipation discovered and how it manifested itself;
  • whether the dog was vomiting, its frequency and frequency, the type of vomit;
  • the usual methods and daily frequency of feeding;
  • a list of the fed food for the last 24 hours;
  • changes in behavior, urination, bowel movements, appetite, thirst.

During a clinical examination of a sick dog, a veterinarian can determine the presence of foreign objects in the intestine, the presence of inflammation of the perineum and anus, problems with the paraanal glands, neurological problems, injuries of the pelvic bones and spine.

For a more accurate determination of why a dog has constipation, in a veterinary clinic, the following can be additionally prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • abdominal x-rays;
  • X-ray of the intestine with contrast to assess its patency;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Treating a dog for constipation

In the event that the cause of constipation in a dog is coprostasis, which has arisen from a lack of fluid in the dog's body, therapeutic assistance should be that the owners make changes in the feeding diet and give the dog plenty of water to drink. We increase the physical activity of the dog through frequent walks. It is necessary for the dog to do an enema or give one of the folk laxatives. We prescribe medications to improve digestion and intestinal motility. For constipation in a dog, petroleum jelly helps a lot, which is given to the dog, depending on the weight, in an amount of 5 to 50 ml per day. Using vaseline oil, without being absorbed in the intestines, lubricates its mucous membrane and makes the feces softer. As a mild laxative, you can use chopped prunes, or use its infusion (prunes are poured with boiling water and insisted for 2-3 hours).

If a dog with coprostasis is additionally constantly worried, then its owners should try to carry out the following activities:

  • Give your dog an enema.
  • Give one of the available laxatives.
  • Give no-shpu relieving intestinal spasms.
  • Normalize the feeding ration.
  • Prescribe medicines for the treatment of possible cracks and microtraumas of the rectum.
  • These therapeutic measures can be carried out if you are completely sure that the constipation in the dog is the result of coprostasis.

In the event that constipation in a dog is provoked by diseases of the internal organs, worms, etc., it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic at the place of residence for medical help.

The veterinary specialist, depending on the cause of the constipation, will carry out the necessary medical procedures.

How to give an enema to a dog at home?

In the event that you are sure that the cause of constipation in your dog is your dietary errors or overeating, then one of the ways to solve this problem at home is an enema.

If you have not had to deal with this matter before, then before giving the dog an enema, you must first consult a veterinarian. The veterinarian will tell you what solutions can be used for constipation in a dog, in what quantity, etc.

In addition, the veterinarian, based on your story, can roughly tell whether your dog should be given an enema at all. Enemas can be deep or shallow in character. You can do a shallow cleansing enema for your dog at home on your own. In the case when constipation in a dog lasts a long time, then only a deep enema can help to eliminate the constipation that has arisen, which can be done so that there are no complications, only a veterinarian.

What solutions can be used for constipation in dogs?

For an enema, dog owners can use:

  • Boiled water.
  • Boiled water with fish oil.
  • Vaseline oil.
  • Soapy water.

How much solution is needed for bowel lavage?

When determining the amount of liquid for setting an enema, the live weight of the dog must be taken into account.

  • With a dog weighing up to 20 kg, the amount of liquid injected into the rectum is about 200 ml.
  • For a dog weighing from 20 to 40 kg, inject about 500 ml.
  • If the dog weighs 50 kg, it is necessary to inject about 1 liter of liquid into the rectum.

For an enema for large dogs, an Esmarch mug is used, which is suspended or held by an assistant at a height of 1 meter. For dogs with low live weight, as well as dogs of small breeds, use syringes or rubber pears.

In order to relax the intestines, relieve anesthesia and relieve spasms with the introduction of fluid, before the enema procedure, it is good for the dog to inject Baralgin or No-silo intramuscularly (0.1 ml per 1 kg of live weight).

Enema technique

  • Before setting the enema, we measure the temperature of the solution used. If constipation is spastic in nature, the temperature should be 37-39 degrees. In the event that your dog's constipation continues for several days, then the solution should have a temperature of 27 degrees.
  • We put the enema on the dog, first putting it on its side, putting on the dog's muzzle.
  • Lubricate the tip of the syringe and the anus of the dog with petroleum jelly or sunflower oil.
  • Insert the tip of the syringe into the rectum no more than 3 cm deep (in large dogs up to 5 cm). During the introduction of the tip, it is necessary to ensure that the dog does not wriggle strongly, otherwise injury to the rectal mucosa is possible.
  • It is necessary to introduce liquid from the pear into the rectum by gentle pressure on its walls. The liquid should flow into the rectum without any resistance. In the event that there is a difficulty with the introduction of liquid, you need to check the tip for the absence of feces in it. In the event that no fluid is poured into the rectal cavity, owners should immediately stop fluid administration and seek veterinary attention.
  • If the enema administration procedure took place in the normal mode, then after setting the enema, the tip is carefully removed from the rectum, and the dog's tail tightly cover the anus. After 5-7 minutes, the dog will be able to get up. Not bad after this procedure, in order to stimulate the intestines, let the dog go for a walk.

Medications for constipation in dogs

Prescribing drugs to dogs suffering from constipation should be carried out by a veterinarian after a clinical examination of a sick dog and an accurate diagnosis.

Pet owners need to keep in mind that drugs with a laxative effect are not prescribed:

  • if there are foreign bodies (bones, etc.) in the intestines;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • pregnancy;
  • sick and emaciated dogs.

When giving a laxative to their dog, owners must strictly observe the dosage, take into account the side effects of the drug.

Magnesium sulfate- a laxative that promotes liquefaction of feces due to the "attraction" of fluid into the intestine and has a pronounced peristaltic effect. It is produced in the form of powder and in ampoules as a 25% solution.

Dose: 1-2g of powder per 1kg of dog's weight or 1 ampoule of 25% solution diluted in 5-10ml of boiled water. We put the dog in the mouth through the toothless edge.

Side effect: increased salivation at the time of taking the drug.

Contraindications: Diseases of the kidneys, heart, cholelithiasis.

Dufalak laxative based on lactulose. Increases the volume of feces, due to increased peristalsis, facilitates bowel emptying.

Dosage: is selected individually at the rate of 1 ml of syrup per 1 kg of dog's weight. Apply twice during the day or at night.
Side effect: possible flatulence, overdose - diarrhea.

Lactusan- is a dietary supplement, a source of lactulose.

Dosage: apply in a dose of 1 ml per 1 kg of the dog's live weight.

Side effect: in case of an overdose, the dog has diarrhea.

Bisacodyl- a laxative, leading to an increase in the amount of mucus in the intestines of the dog and at the same time increasing intestinal motility. The pharmacy has the form of tablets and rectal suppositories, suppositories are a more convenient dosage form for constipation in dogs.

Dosage: rectally suppositories are inserted until they completely enter the rectum. Large dogs insert one candle 1-2 times a day, dwarf dogs - ¼ candles.

Side effects: irritation of the intestines, severe diarrhea and allergies.

Contraindication: diseases of the urinary system and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Mucofalk- is a herbal laxative containing a powder from the shells of psyllium seeds. It is produced in the form of sachets - packages.

Application: the contents of one packet are dissolved in 150ml of boiled water and fed to the dog using a syringe without an injection needle or using a syringe at the rate of 150ml for a large dog, 75-130ml for a medium dog and up to 60ml for a small dog. Following drug challenge, owners should offer the dog an additional drink.

Side effects: allergies, intestinal flatulence in the first days of taking the drug.

Vetelact- is a veterinary drug with a pronounced laxative effect, it contains lactulose, lactose and galactose. The drug stimulates the growth of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in the large intestine of dogs, helps to increase the "water content" of feces.

Application: used for severe constipation

Dosage: give 1 ml of the drug per 10 kg of live weight of the animal for a month to prevent constipation. For therapeutic purposes, it is used in a dose of 2-3 ml per 10 kg of live weight.

When treating constipation in dogs, castor oil should not be used, as it causes severe pain. Also, do not use sunflower, olive and corn oil.

Prevention of constipation

Prevention of constipation in dogs by pet owners should be based on preventing the causes that cause constipation in the dog. Pet owners should:

  • exclude from the diet of feeding small and soft bones, which can be a source of traumatic intestinal damage to the dog;
  • carry out daily active walks with the dog in the fresh air;
  • while walking, make sure that the dog does not grab stones, toys, etc. in its mouth. which can cause intestinal blockage;
  • regularly treat the dog for worms;
  • when feeding a dog with dry food, the dog must have free access to water;
  • add fiber-rich foods (vegetables, bran and cereals) to the feeding diet;
  • do not allow the dog to get injured in the pelvic area and spine;
  • prevent the appearance of diseases of the digestive system, liver and genitourinary system in the dog;
  • provide your dog with a complete feeding ration (,);
  • Prevention of constipation in dogs should include owners' compliance with zoo-hygienic rules for feeding and keeping dogs. Regularly vaccinate your pets against viral infectious diseases of dogs common in your region.

Full or partial stool retention is always an alarming sign that can lead to rupture of the intestines, intoxication, serious damage to internal organs, and even the death of a pet! Of course, not in all cases everything is so scary. But the owner must definitely know what caused it, what to do in such a situation and how to avoid problems with defecation in the future.

To spot problems in time, notice how often your pet goes to the toilet. Puppies empty their intestines up to five times a day. their metabolism is accelerated. Aging pets poop less often, because the metabolism is slowed down - every 2-3 days. Adult dogs are emptied once a day, giant breeds - once every two days. The stool should resemble a sausage, smooth and shiny, of the same consistency and evenly colored.

1. In order for feces to move through the intestines, sufficient peristalsis is necessary (wave-like contractions pushing the contents). The intestines can "stand up" for various reasons - diseases of the internal organs and neurological disorders, infections, obesity or exhaustion, low activity, diabetes. In such cases, signs of constipation in dogs are expressed by constipation - the pet often and for a long time pushes, but the output volume is clearly less than usual, the feces come out in round balls or flakes, the pet whines.

Anesthesia almost always leads to a decrease in peristalsis due to the relaxing effect of the drug on the muscles. To avoid problems, veterinarians recommend a postoperative diet (light food in small portions in the form of mucous cereals, soups) and mild laxatives. It is important to comply with all appointments, since constipation after surgery can cause seams to diverge and severe pain. Difficulties with defecation are possible due to the formation of adhesions during abdominal surgery.

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2. For normal bowel movements, sufficient volume and a certain moisture content of the stool are required. If there are too many feces, they simply cannot pass through the intestines and will accumulate inside. The same happens if the stool is very dry. For example, after the bones happens just for these reasons - dry bones literally clog the intestines.

To avoid problems, the pet needs to be properly fed and monitored the amount of fluid consumed. A semi-liquid menu is recommended for low-drinking dogs. Dry food, contrary to the general opinion, does not provoke constipation in dogs, because in a healthy stomach, the granules quickly turn into porridge. But with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dry food can cause constipation.

3. With obstruction (from "obstruction"), constipation in a dog shows quite severe symptoms - weakness, painful and hard stomach, thirst and poor appetite. The pet is pushing hard, but there is no chair. Sometimes vomiting develops, mucous membranes turn pale. If the condition lasts longer than 3 days, intoxication increases (feces poison the body).

The cause of obstruction can be feces (prolonged constipation leads to drying out of the contents and the formation of stones), a foreign body (toy, bone), a tumor, a large number of worms. In such a situation, the treatment of constipation with improvised means threatens the life of the pet! Enemas, laxatives, and other drugs increase peristalsis and increase the volume of the masses, but the intestinal lumen is closed - the feces presses on the intestinal walls, which leads to damage to the mucous membranes and, ultimately, to rupture.

First aid

When considering how to help a dog with constipation, owners often rely on laxatives from a human medicine cabinet. As mentioned above, in some cases this can seriously aggravate the problem, so any pills and potions - only after a visit to the veterinarian.

Read also: Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils in a dog

If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, you can try to solve the problem yourself:

1. We exclude from the menu muscle meat, meat broths, rice and corn, cheese, eggs, yesterday's sour milk. We feed in small portions, the food is warm and semi-liquid (well-boiled buckwheat in milk or water, stewed vegetable stews from cabbage, carrots and zucchini). You can have a little boiled sea fish, preferably white. We treat the dog with fresh kefir or yogurt (without additives, dyes), raw beets. If you are not allergic, you can give a couple of plums. You can temporarily switch to canned food for puppies or chronically ill dogs (an easily digestible diet).

2. From what you can give a dog for constipation without fear of complications, you should choose one thing (either / or, and not shove everything in a row). Sour milk, cabbage juice (can provoke flatulence), a weak broth of buckthorn, infusion on pumpkin seeds (a spoonful of seeds and half a glass of boiling water, warm for 30 minutes) helps. You can grind flaxseed and mix it with vegetable oil, or buy flaxseed oil. Large dogs take a tablespoon 2 rubles / day, small dogs - a teaspoon. Sour milk instead of breakfast.

3. In many cases, Vaseline enema helps the dog very well. For constipation, lukewarm oil is injected into the rectum slowly, without effort. If the oil does not flow, you cannot continue (perhaps there is an obstruction, and in this case, any pressure is dangerous). For hygiene reasons, the pet should be placed in the bathroom or basin. The volumes are sparing (a glass for a very large dog, half a glass for a pet weighing 20 kg, a couple of spoons for a miniature toy). Having no experience, we strongly recommend entrusting this procedure to a specialist.

Many people should not underestimate stool problems such as diarrhea or constipation. These problems can bring not only inconvenience, but also enormous harm to the pet's body. The disastrous consequences include intestinal rupture, intoxication and even death. Therefore, you should not underestimate the moment when the dog has constipation. Knowledge is power, so if the owner knows what causes constipation, then he will be able to protect his pet from this problem in the future.

Constipation symptoms

It is not difficult to guess that the main symptom is partial or complete stool retention. Partial delay means your pet has less bowel movements. Normally, an adult defecates a lot 1-3 times a day. With constipation, this amount drops sharply, and the duration of bowel movements increases significantly. In this case, the feces are dry.

Also, you can diagnose constipation by the following symptoms:

  1. The pet's belly has become hard. When pressed, the dog moans, as the accumulation of gas causes discomfort and pain.
  2. The dog loses its appetite. Not infrequently, this problem leads to a complete rejection of food.
  3. The pet loses activity. He spends more and more time in the supine position, rarely gets up.
  4. In rare cases, the pet begins intoxication of the body. At the same time, a white plaque with a terrible smell appears on the teeth, and the appearance of gag reflexes is also possible.

The causes of the disease

To a large extent, constipation is caused by one main reason - unhealthy diet. The reasons for its appearance may be:

  1. Frequent consumption of bones. It is very difficult to wet the bones with water. That is, after ingestion and digestion, they become very dry. And in this case, dogs very often have constipation, especially when the belly is just full of this delicacy.
  2. Cellulose. Also damages the body. No, in general it is useful and even many athletes cannot do without including it in their diet. But a little pet is vulnerable to the content of this element in the body. So that the dog does not have an excess of fiber, it is necessary to feed it not only with dry cereals, but also with soup, always monitor the presence of water in the bowl. It is quite easy to do this at home.
  3. Overfeeding also causes this problem as a consequence. It is especially difficult for a pet to tolerate an excess of food if it is difficult for the body to digest.

But not always the cause of its occurrence is improper diet. Sometimes, things get worse. The main focus of constipation may be some kind of disease (swelling in the intestines, diabetes mellitus, etc.).

Treating the problem at home

Typically, a dog has two types of constipation: one that needs treatment and one that doesn't.

In the first case, it is enough to simply exclude some food from the diet, add more soups, water, etc. But if everything is more complicated, then you cannot do without a medical solution.

At home, you can use soft and hard products. Soft include:

  1. Vegetable oil. It helps to lubricate the faecal drainage channels and thus simplify the bowel movement. But such a remedy will not be effective in a severe case of constipation.
  2. A mixture of flaxseed and vegetable oil. Considered a great option (better than vegetable oil alone).
  3. Vaseline oil. It is also considered a mild remedy for constipation. It is best to give it to your pet through a syringe, several times a day. Naturally without a needle.

Dosages of oils are:

  1. For large breeds, at least 2 tablespoons.
  2. For medium breeds of dogs - at least 1 spoon per day.
  3. Small - no more than 0.5 tablespoons per day.

If these funds are ineffective, an enema is used. To carry it out, a rubber bulb is needed. For the procedure, ordinary water heated to a temperature of 30 degrees is suitable.

If possible, it is better to use the same liquid paraffin instead of water.

The amount of liquid for an enema is as follows:

  1. For large breeds, one glass (breeds over 45 kg in weight).
  2. For average half a glass of water (weight from 20 to 25 kilograms).
  3. Small breeds no more than 3 tablespoons.

This is how the answer to the question "What to do at home with the problem of constipation" looks like.

Important. If your dog's constipation persists, you should see a doctor immediately. Do not wait for results a week after the enema. A negligent attitude to such a simple problem (as it seems) can be fatal.

Constipation medication

If traditional medicine is powerless, then drugs come to the rescue. It is not recommended to buy and give medicines to your pet on your own. Initially, it is advisable to visit a veterinary center, where the doctor will prescribe exactly those remedies that will help the body and will not harm the baby.

Anti-constipation agents include:

  1. Magnesium sulfate (magnesia). Very good laxative for pets. Works on the principle of "wetting" the faeces. It attracts fluid to the stool and makes it softer. Increased salivation is often a side effect of this drug.
  2. Laxatone is a paste whose main purpose is to remove hair from the body of an animal. But it has also proven itself as a good laxative. There are no side effects, but when compared with magnesia, the cost of Laxatone is 5-6 times higher.
  3. Duphalac. Likewise, magnesia softens the stool, making the bowel movement easier. Side effects include diarrhea or bloating. The price category is located between Laxatone and magnesia.

Do not be negligent about this problem. Constipation can cause a host of problems that cannot be dealt with when tightened.