The timing of the payment of a one-time benefit at the birth of a child. What documents should be prepared? What benefits and payments for pregnancy I can get

This question is very relevant, and occupies the thoughts of the future young mother, along with concerns about the acquisition of the necessary children's little things. To help understand the terms of such payments and learn about the peculiarities of state social support for motherhood and childhood.

So, when paying maternity, before childbirth or after? Lawmakers respond to this question. Definitely: pay for maternity leave before delivery. And not just before childbirth, but, adhering to the established rules.

How decreh is paid

Before childbirth, the future mother will have to stand up for medical records, and if she will do it in the early periods (before the occurrence of 12 weeks of pregnancy), then on the basis of a certificate issued by medical institution, will receive the first incentive posture for pregnancy and childbirth at the place of work, which makes it up from 01.02 .2017 613.14 rub. This is a fixed payment, and its size is periodically indexed, as reported in legislation.

If extended hospital

It happens that after childbirth, the need to extend exemption from work (for example, the birth was unexpectedly complex or two children appeared). In this case, the decree's term is extended to the established limits, and the periods of payments remain the same - 10 days from the moment of submitting a sheet of disability to the company. Naturally, this surcharge is already carried out in the postpartum period.

So, we answered the question when decaring are paid, before childbirth or after. It must be said that after the birth of a child, a woman (or spouse) is entitled to get a one-time allowance for the birth of a baby and make a paid leave for care for him to the age of 1.5 years. But these payments are carried out already in the postpartum period on the birth of a child.

The current system of state support for families with children provides for the provision of several types of social payments to women on the occasion of pregnancy and the birth of a child. Their basic fixed sizes installed in 2015 will additionally index from February 1, 2016 in accordance with last year's actual inflation, and for the current 2016 the indexation of the benefits will be carried out not earlier than 01.02.2017.

The procedure for accruals and the deadlines for the implementation of payments are provided for by the Federal Law "On State Guidelines for Citizens, Having Children" (Social Insurance Manuals at the Place of Work or FSS and Budget).

What benefits are pregnant women In Russia in 2016? These include:

Maternity benefit

These one-time payments are carried out by a woman in the enterprise with its care on maternity leave. It may have the following duration:

  • In the case of the birth of one child - 70 days before delivery and 70 days after childbirth (or 86 "postpartum" days in the event of a complication at childbirth - cesarean cross-section, generic injury, etc.).
  • At the birth of two or more children - 84 days before delivery and 110 days - after.

The manual includes a payment of 100% of the average earnings of the future mother in 2 previous years. In addition, in the event that a pregnant woman works at several enterprises at the same time, it can choose which it will be convenient for her to get money. At the same time, its overall earnings in all enterprises are taken into account.

Women who have fallen under the reduction and inserted in the prescribed manner in the employment center are also eligible to receive this manual, but it is paid in 2016, in the amount of 581.73 rubles. per month Regional copies of social protection, which corresponds to:

  • 2714.74 rub. - with ordinary childbirth (140 days per sick leave);
  • 3025.00 rub. - with complicated childbirth (156 days of disability);
  • 3761,85 rub. - with multiple pregnancy (194 days).

Pregnancy and childbirth benefits

Since 2011, the size of pregnancy benefits and childbirth. It is determined based on the magnitude of the average women's earnings over the past two years. When it is calculated, the periods are not taken into account when the woman was on vacation (maternity or childcare leave), on a hospital, and also absent in the workplace with salary preservation.

If a woman worked at several enterprises during this time, then the income received by it is summed up. And if the average salary for it is less than the minimum wage established by the state (in 2016, Mrometa is equal 6204 rub.), for the average monthly earnings, the size of the minimum wage is taken. Similarly, if the insured experience of a woman is less than 6 months.

In addition to the minimum guaranteed size, it is also set maximum possible amount of incomeFrom which the average earnings are calculated:

  • in 2009 and 2010 - 415 thousand rubles;
  • in 2011 - 463 thousand rubles;
  • in 2012 - 512 thousand rubles;
  • in 2013 - 568 thousand rubles;
  • in 2014 - 624 thousand rubles;
  • in 2015 - 670 thousand rubles;
  • in 2016 - 718 thousand rubles.

Documents for decrehe

In order to make payments, a working woman must provide in the frame staff the following documents:

One-time payment to women who have stood in medical institutions in early pregnancy terms

For women who have made medical records in early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) provided for 543,67 rubles.

To obtain it, it is necessary to provide an employer, a medical certificate, indicating the period, registration, and the appropriate statement.

This money must be paid simultaneously with or within 10 days from the date of application. Read more about the manual in the early stages.

A one-time allowance of a pregnant woman whose husband passes service

The wife of a serviceman passing the service consideration, after the onset of the 180th day of pregnancy, receives the size of which in 2016 is 22 958.78 rub.

These payments are carried out by regional offices of social protection of the population in which, for its design, it is necessary to submit next package of documents:

  • Statement;
  • A copy of the marriage certificate;
  • Certificate from a medical institution on the formulation of a woman into account;
  • Help from the part in which the husband is called (indicating the service life).

Pregnancy is a special condition, time of change - physical and moral, which radically change the life of almost every woman. During this period, the health of the representative of the beautiful half of humanity is very vulnerable. Any chance, the slightest stress, overwork - all this can harm the future kid. Unfortunately, not all so respectfully belong to a person within which a new life is developing. Each young mother should know what is pregnant free.

Pregnant woman and work

When a girl finds out that he will soon become a mother, her soul overflows positive emotions. She begins to represent how the crumb is developing in the stomach, how will it be, what a name will give him. To fully enjoy new for her condition prevents it - work! The future mother must continue to work smoothly until the 30th week. It is important to know what is necessary for pregnant women for free:

  • The employee of any enterprise, which is in an interesting position, requires doctors and take tests. The employer must provide her for this paid clock.
  • If the future mother performed a heavy, harmful and dangerous work before the pregnancy, it is obliged to translate into favorable conditions without reducing wages.
  • Such an employee does not have the right to send on business trips, delay at work and cause work on weekends.
  • The employee must release on maternity leave when the 30 week of pregnancy is reached.

In some organizations there is a wider list of what is prescribed by pregnant women for free. Among other things, they get preferential food. According to the law, the interesting position of the woman is not the reason for its dismissal or non-accomplishment. If the future employer says: "You are a good specialist, but it makes no sense to take you to work, since you will soon leave on the decret, and we will have to pay it," you can safely serve him to court.

Studying and medical services

What is made pregnant women for free? Of course, the help of medical professionals. As soon as she begins to guess the possible conception, it immediately comes to the reception to the gynecologist at the place of registration. He will put the future mother for accounting and will observe her all 9 months. The list of medical services includes: Consultation of the patient, appointment of necessary analyzes, pressure measurement, abdomen and body weight. In the first trimester, it will be necessary to visit doctors with a narrow specialization: a dentist, therapist, an oculist. They will appreciate the state of the health of women and determine whether something is preventing something full of fetus and natural childbirth.

The list of services also includes:

  • Ultrasound at the 19th, 30th and 36th week;
  • blood research, feces and urine;
  • diagnosis for the identification of pathologies of the fetus;
  • cardiogram with decoding.

In some clinics, it is proposed to pass an analysis to identify bacteria and microorganisms - for a fee. This is a direct non-fulfillment of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 62. In order not to get caught on the trick of scammers, each future mother should be aware of what the law is allowed for pregnant women for free.

Action of the generic certificate

The list of what makes pregnant women for free by law, includes a generic certificate. It acts from the 30th week of development of the fetus until the child has been achieved by the child of 12 months. If there is such a document, the patient may:

  • take advantage of budgetary medical services;
  • having a child in any perinatal center of your city and getting observing him before reaching 1 year.

In fact, certain payments that experts for the services will receive are already programmed in this document.


Hurt in 2017 expensive. And create a family - even more expensive. The body of a woman who wishes to make a healthy child should be filled with useful minerals and substances. Therefore, it is very important to obtain a timely consultation of the obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist about which vitamins are pregnant free. This list includes:

  • Folic acid. It is necessary for the regulation of metabolic behavior, the formation of the nervous tube of the fetus, the full growth of all cells and tissues. Fills the lack of vitamin B9, which is involved in the synthesis of DNA. It is recommended to take it 3 months before the expected date of conception and the entire period of pregnancy. Vitamin E. His drawback is manifested by anemia, weakness, convulsions.
  • Iron. Assign if during the pregnancy period the woman decreased the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Potassium Yodid. Doctors recommend the entire service life of the baby and lactation to take "iodomarine". This component is very important for the future mother, its disadvantage can lead to spontaneous abortion, miscarriage or premature childbirth.
  • Polyvitamins. Support the functioning of all patient organs.

In some polyclinics, employees do not prescribe a direction for free medicines. Such unscrupulous employees, the patient should show an order in which it is clearly spelled out which vitamins are pregnant free.


From the moment of conception until the end of the generic activity, a double load is carried out on the body. Accordingly, immunity weakens and becomes susceptible to diseases, infections and bacteria.The authorities adopted an order to support the health of the future mother. A list of drugs made by pregnant women for free for 2017 consists of 60 points. It includes medicines as: "Vitruum", "Hexavit", "Zitruum", "Multi-Tabs", "Supradin", "Ferrovit", "Elevit", "MegaDine", "Malto", "Redean "and many others.

If the future mother suffers from chronic diseases, it has budget food.

When visiting a pharmacy, many are unpleasantly surprised by high prices for pharmaceutical products. Beforespend your own, it is advisable to see a list of which medicines are pregnant free.You need to make a purchase for your funds only if there is no definite name in it.

How to get a budget medicine?

If a woman found that she was prescribed medicines or vitamins, put pregnant women for free, then she should do the following:

  1. To come to any budget medical institution, providing specialist services that are watching the baby to wear the baby or receive childbirth.
  2. Present an insurance policy and demand to write down the necessary drug.
  3. The doctor should examine the patient and determine whether such treatment is really suitable for her. If necessary, it adjusts it.
  4. Further, the specialist is a recipe on the form in accordance with the standards, which indicates a list of drugs and the code of the preferential category.
  5. With this document, the patient can come to any social pharmacy and get the necessary drugs.

Every doctor should know whether free medicines are laid pregnant and, if necessary, offer a woman to write a recipe on them. If for some reason he does not do this, then it is worth reminding him of the law "On the basics of health care for citizens of the Russian Federation".

One-time cash benefits

What is supposed to be pregnant women for free? Of course, cash payments. At the first stages of the development of the baby, the young mother will not be able to work, respectively, this period it should be on public security.

First of all, it is paid by a hospital leaf. It is calculated on the 140th days (70 days before delivery and 70 days after childbirth). The exceptions are complex labor, multiple pregnancy or pregnancy with complication. This amount is accrued at the same time. Its size depends on the experience of the work and the average salary size.If she did not work, then this amount is calculated based on the minimum wage.

If the patient rose to the 12th week of pregnancy, then it has the right to additional payout - 581.73 rubles.

Another one-time allowance from the state is provided for the birth of a child. This is a fixed amount. For 2017, its size is 155,12,65 rubles.

Some regions also provide gubernatorial benefits. Their size in all areas differs and ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that any of the above allowances is issued at the place of registration. Only one parent can count on it. That is, if the mother is drawn up, the father must provide a certificate that these benefits have not been paid to him.

Long allowances

In the list of what is pregnant free,long-term cash payments that can be issued in state institution on social issues, at the place of registration or work. Namely:

  • Benefits paid for child care for children up to 1.5 years.
  • Baby benefits up to 14 years old. Designed for those families whose income is below the minimum subsistence level in the region.
  • If the child did not get into kindergarten, then an additional payment is appointed in the amount of 709 rubles.
  • Many mothers prefer natural feeding. They laid additional benefits for this. They are accrued until a child reach for 5 months. To obtain them, it is necessary to take that the newborn is on breastfeeding.

All these benefits, like a child care vacation, are prescribed only to one parent.

In terms of morality

We are all humans. Therefore, should understand each other with understanding. If a person sees a woman in the transport in an interesting position, he must definitely give her his place. It is worth understanding that public transport can negatively affect the health of the future kid: it may chance other passengers, it can not be drained to grab the handrail, also there is a fairly weighty load.

From the point of view of morality, pregnant women need to skip to the checkout in the store without a queue, to give way to all public transport. Seeing a lady, having a baby, should not talk to her on elevated colors and insult her. At this stage, it is quite susceptible to everything because of the unstable mining of hormones.

If you see a pregnant woman with a big and heavy bag, then do not hesitate to offer her help. If it is hard to descend along the steps, then offer your hand. If it is hard to stand, then give way. Baby tool is a very complex and long-term process. It is respectful to those who increase the number of our nation!

Benefits for Moscow and Mo

Separately, it is worth talking about what is prescribed for free in Moscow.

Certain categories of citizens are provided free food. We are talking about future mothers suffering from chronic diseases, namely, diabetes mellitus or hypertension. In the Moscow region such benefit may be issued any woman. To do this, she needs to provide a certificate of pregnancy and an extract from the house book. The dietary list includes: dairy products, natural juice and vegetable puree.

Also for people living in the Moscow region, additional payments are intended.

Benefits for St. Petersburg

Additional privileges are established regarding what is supposed for pregnant women for free in St. Petersburg. These also applies additional food. You can get it throughout the entire period of pregnancy and within 6 months after delivery, provided that the baby is on breastfeeding. It is worth noting that such a benefit is provided only if the woman stood up before the 12th week. The volume of products is calculated in proportional dependence on the period of pregnancy. For the first trimester - 1.5 kg per month, for the second - 1 kg per month, for the third 0.75 kg per month.

Additional nutrition can be issued for future mothers suffering from body weight deficiency, anemia, osteoporosis, diabetes, lactase insufficiency and other diseases associated with the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Assistance to foreign citizens

Often, foreign citizens are arranged on the territory of the Russian Federation. What if such a person becomes pregnant and plans to go on the decret? What payments to she are provided?

If she was officially arranged, then a hospital leaf must be paid in obligatory and up to 1.5 years. Does she have rights to free medical care? Yes. But only if it has a temporary registration, a mandatory health insurance policy and SNILS.

Children's allowance to the newborn will be only in the event that he has Russian citizenship. For example, if he has a foreigner's mother, and the Father is Russian, or vice versa, then this status is assigned automatically. He will be considered Russian in the event that it was born in the territory of this country, and parents refused him. In other cases, his citizenship will be the same as the parents. There may be 2 citizenship if the father and mother are natives from different countries.


To prevent any extra expenses, each future mother should know that pregnant is free. What are these benefits for? Such a project was developed by the authorities in order for our nation to become more, stronger and stronger. Railing a child at present and create a family is expensive. Government benefits allow you to smooth out some of these costs. Summing up, it is worth saying that the budget list is mandatory included: cash payments, medical care, nutrition, medicines and vitamins. This privilege data can be issued strictly at the place of registration if there is a certificate of pregnancy.

Waiting for a child is the most touching and exciting process. Thanks to the care of the state, we can feel reliable!

Increasingly, among future mothers, issues related to the interests of state support for future parents. This is also due to frequent changes in legislation, and due to the legal uneducation of the population, as well as due to weak campaigning, concerning changes in government programs. Fortunately, all information is sufficiently available, if you know where to look for it. Below are answers to the most popular questions about what payments for pregnancy and after childbirth are laid.

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A lump sum payment when registering on early term

This is a one-time payment of money issued together with maternity benefits, its size varies around 581 rubles. In order to issue such a payment, it takes quite a bit. First, to officially register your pregnancy in a female consultation or a different medical institution at twelve weekly from the day of conception -, secondly, to provide a certificate to your real work activity, along with a maternity hospital sheet. In cases where for any reason, the reference time is violated, this is carried out within six months after the end of the vacation due to childbirth.

Maximum pregnancy and childbirth payments can be 248,164 rubles, depending on the average wage of the female in the last two years. Payable, directly, the organization in which labor activity is underway. Social pregnancy payments and childbirth are put on all wonderful sex representatives insured in compulsory in social service. The procedure for the purpose of the payment of hospital for pregnancy and childbirth is as follows:

  • 70 days before birth or 84 days in the case of multiple pregnancy;
  • 70 days after childbirth or 86 days in the case of complicated pregnancy, or 110 days in the case of multiple pregnancy.

To obtain the maximum amount of maternity benefits and childbirth, it is necessary to provide a sheet of disability at the place of work, which is issued for 30 weeks of pregnancy in a medical facility. The timing of pregnancy benefits and childbirth depends on the timeliness of filing all the necessary references and documents.

In addition to ordinary payments, a woman can get pregnancy payments and fees on part-time - this is if she worked immediately from several employers. But at the same time, the decret charges will only go from one place of work, at the request of the woman herself.

Women who, before going to the hospital, worked for half a year and less will receive the minimum pregnancy benefits and childbirth. It equals approximately 5.5 thousand rubles. Also accrued and it will be minimal.

Slightly different from standard payments for ordinary citizens.

One-time benefit at the birth of a child

This payment is provided, directly after the birth of a child, its size is 14,497 rubles, Regardless of the size of wages and work experience of a woman. For registration of such material support will have collect and prepare all documents without exception by list:

  • Application for providing a one-time payment;
  • a document confirming that the birth of a child was recorded by the registry office;
  • passports of the father and mother of the child with attached duplicates;
  • certificate of birth of a child with attached duplicate;
  • notice from the employer of the second parent that this type of payments was not previously accounted for.

Staffed is provided in the accounting department of the organization in which labor activity is carried out, payment is made within ten days after the supply of securities.

Payments for the second child

Due to the ambiguity of material support accruals, the weakly procured segments of the Russian population often arises the question of one-time payments and. And so, in order:

  • Multiple material support on the early childbill - 581 ruble;
  • Material payment for pregnancy and childbirth - from 21 547 to 248 164 rubles. How to calculate pregnancy benefits in this case? The manual is calculated depending on the average monthly salary for the last one - two years.;
  • The one-time payment of cash on the birth of the second child and all subsequent children, at the time of 2016, is 14,498 rubles, regardless of the magnitude of the wages and the experience of the women in labor.

A set of documents and the deadlines for its submission in these cases are the same as in the first birth and pregnancy.

Manual non-working pregnant

Such representatives of excellent sex are not eligible to receive material payments, if they were already unemployed before conception. The exception is the moment when the dismissal occurred during the battery period and is associated, for example, with the reduction of state.

The future mother, which in such a situation, should be applied to the local labor exchange, to establish as a applicant to receive pregnancy benefits unemployed before maternity leave.

Pregnancy payments are unemployed:

  • One-child female payment:
  1. in those situations toi have been employed only by dad baby, then such material support for the birth is paid to him at the place of his employment employer;
  2. if the unemployed is both dad, and a child's mother, or they are trained, then such a payment is carried out in the department of social protection population, at the place of registration of one of the parents;
  3. not employed mother-of-alone families receive such material support in the social protection bodies of the population at the place of registration.
  • Monthly material support - paid to unemployed women only in the case when they were not recipients of unemployment benefits, the social protection department at the place of residence. The amount is paid monthly until the child will reach the age of 1.5 years.

Documents for registration of one or another payment are necessary as well as working mothers, the exception is only a certificate from the labor exchange on the absence of unemployment benefits. The entire package must be provided in social protection at the place of registration.

This is the situation for 2016. Legislation and government support programs to the population are adjusted annually in order to improve their effectiveness. At the moment, the package of documents on any of the payments is minimal, and the timing of its collection can be designated as the shortest. Perhaps in the near future it will happen that the amount of payments will be much more substantial in order to largely secure the future of the small but significant cell of society. Now you need to be aware of any innovations in order to understand what program to rely on what program and have time to prepare for it.

Tip lawyer about payments:

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Consider what is each of the payments.

Pregnancy and childbirth (BIR)

By law, an employed woman can leave when the term of pregnancy will reach thirty-weeks. If ultrasound shows not one child, and twins, then the time of going on vacation is shifted two weeks ahead. From this time, pregnant can stay at home, and its wages are replaced by a maternity benefit and childbirth.

But not only employed have the right to pay for pregnancy. For money from the state, those who have lost their work from the liquidation of the enterprise, student-books, servicemen under the contract, can apply. In addition to pregnant women, this manual may arrange adopters that relate to the categories listed earlier.

Payments by childbirth will not be made if the woman left one decree in another and is already getting money to care for the first child. You can choose only one of the payments. Compare which methods will be higher in cost, conveniently using a declaration calculator.

You should not count on monetary assistance if you refuse to go to the decree in favor of the workplace. The assumption of the benefit will begin only after writing a vacation application.

A decree will be paid to the employer or the social protection department. For its design it is necessary to write a statement to which a maternity hospital sheet is applied. You can get the latter in women's consultation. It is issued on the term of thirty or twenty eight weeks of pregnancy.

To calculate the maternity payments from you, you will need to make a certificate of average earnings from all employers if you are decorated in several organizations. Documents can be provided personally or send by email.

Pregnancy and childbirth is paid entirely, it's a lump sum. Working women allowance is transferred to the card along with the nearest wage, disabled - by mail or bank account until the 27th of the month following the one in which the statement was written.

The calculation of the manual is determined by the employment option. For those who work, it is equal to average earnings, for those who have lost work due to the liquidation - 613.14 rubles, for students - the size of scholarships, for contract soldiers - the amount of monetary satisfaction. However, if you work on the spot from which it goes on vacation, less than half of the year, then the amount of payments is limited to the minimum wage.

The minimum value of payments in 2018 is the size of the minimum wage, and the maximum is limited: 282 106.70 rubles. - with ordinary childbirth; 314 347,47 rub. - with complicated childbirth; 390 919,29 rub. - with multiple pregnancy.

Read more about the payment of children's manuals Read

Question answer

Could get the Bir Father's Child?

Father and another family member can not, as this manual is intended only to women.

What is the appeal period?

For the benefit, it is better to apply immediately upon receipt of a hospital sheet in counseling. It is not worth tightening, as the term is limited to the achievement of a child of a six-month age.

When is the manual get on hand?

Pay allowance either up to the 27th in the next after the submission of the application month or on the day of wages.

To count, it is necessary to calculate the average income over the past two years and multiply it by the number of decree days (140/156/194). This can be done with the help of our calculator.

Will the salary for what period is taken into account in the calculation and are hospital, vacation in this period?

Revenues are taken into account for those two years, which preceded the decree. For example, went to the decree in 2018 - revenues for the years 2016 and 2017 are averaged. Vacation also includes calculations. The exceptions make up the days of hospital and maternity leave and child care. In the case when one decree follows the other without going to work, this period can be replaced in the calculation by other years when wages were accrued.

Is it possible to fire pregnant and where can I contact the payment if the enterprise went bankrupt?

If you are in a position, you can only fire for bankruptcy and liquidation of the organization, but the benefit will still be paid. To do this, you need to apply and the necessary documents to the social protection bodies, having appropriate references.

How are maternally calculated if the woman worked on two works?

When combined throughout the previous decree, both employers are required to pay benefits.

How will the allowance change if I worked on the Polish?

If the woman worked on the decree on the Polish, then the allowance will also be twice as fewer than when working at a complete rate.

Will the allowance be given if pregnant gets education in high school?

Full-time students allow the benefit based on scholarship size.

Where to apply unemployed?

Payment of benefits to unemployed pregnant women are carried out by social protection authorities.

Baby allowance

If the maternity payments of the Bir are issued and charged even before the child appeared, then this payment can be obtained only after his birth. A guide is provided to any of the parents and is a one-sighted payment. If you were born not alone, but at once two children or more, then the amount is put on each of them. With accidents when a child is born dead, it is not paid.

Today, minimum payments are 16,350.33 rubles. The amount may increase from multiplication to the district coefficient depending on the area of \u200b\u200bresidence. From income, experience and other factors, this payment does not depend.

To get money due, it is necessary to apply to the accounting department at its enterprise or to the nearest FSS department with the relevant statement. You will be asked to make a birth certificate, which is issued when discharge from the maternity hospital, and a certificate that the child's father did not make pay. Non-working when contacting the social protection service also need to have an extract from the employment record, if any.

Read more about the decoration of the child's birthday Read more

Question answer

When should I submit documents for a benefit?

The application and certificates must be filed no later than the child will be half a year.

When should the allowance pay?

Payment is listed no later than ten days after writing a statement or up to the 27th day of the next month.

How are maternally calculated at the birth of a child?

One-time allowance is calculated by multiplication to the basic and district coefficient, the number of children born is also taken into account. Calculator will help calculate them quickly and accurately.

If I am unemployed, and the husband is employed, is it possible to make a benefit on it?

Yes, it is allowed to pay any of the parents. But then he needs to provide a certificate that you did not receive this money and do not apply for them.

Child care allowance for one and a half years

As soon as it comes to an end to the end of pregnancy, mother's mother or his other relative (optionally close) can issue leave to care for him, which will last until they reach the age of 1 year and 6 months. The allowance that relying on vacation is accrued no longer at the same time, but monthly. It is designed to replace wages to a man who is sitting at home with a baby.

Monthly decrehs need to be issued until the child achieves the age of two years. They are paid after drawing up a statement to which the child's birth certificate is applied. If you take a child for adoption, then it is necessary to confirm this testimony.

Additionally, you need to make a certificate that another parent (or both, if another relative sits with a child) this manual does not receive. If over the past two years you have managed to change the place of employment, it is also necessary to take a certificate from the former employer with the amount of wages. This reference will be required to calculate the size of the decret. All documents can be filed not only personally, but also via the Internet.

For ten days after submission of documents, you are assigned a manual that will be paid monthly until the baby is 1 year and 6 months old. The day of payments coincides with the transfer of salary.

This allowance depends on the average income for two years and is 40% of its magnitude. However, options for paying a fixed amount are possible. In 2018, minimum payments are as follows: for the first child - 3788.33 p., for the second and subsequent children - 6284.65 p. per month. Maximum limited 24536.57 rubles / month.

Read more about the intricacies of making benefits for child care to 1.5 years Read

Question answer

Can someone other than a child's mom, receive benefits?

In addition to mom's baby, any relative may arrange leave for care. For example, if the salary of the wife is more than her husband, it is more profitable for her to go to the workplace, and on the spouse to make a maternity leave.

How are payments calculated?

Monthly payments are calculated as averaged amount of daily earnings over the past two years, multiplied by 40% and indicator 30.4. The amount of earnings itself cannot be higher than the established control values \u200b\u200bthat change annually and fixed in the FSS basis. Simplify the calculator's decrehensive settlement allows our calculator.

What if another child is born in the maternity period?

At the birth of another baby, mom can choose the manual that it is more profitable to receive. Payments on the second child are usually higher, so often women choose this option. The law is permitted.

Do the benefits continue to pay, if I go to work, and the maternity leave has not ended yet?

If you go on the whole working day, the allowance is stopped paying. However, it can be reduced in just a couple of minutes, and the benefit will be maintained, since the law does not register how much the abbreviated shift should last. Only the minimum plank is limited - 4 hours. Such a scheme is possible only when the manual pays the same employer to which you exit.

How are maternity decret on employment on two jobs?

Payment you are laid only in one employer. Who exactly, you choose yourself. Also take the certificate that the allowance was not paid in another place.

What to do with the liquidation of the enterprise?

It is necessary to apply for the manual to the organs of social protection.

We present an excerpt from the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with the motherhood"

Article 11.1. Conditions and duration of monthly child care benefit

  1. The monthly care allowance for the child is paid to insured persons (mother, father, other relatives, guardians), actually caring for a child and being on child care, from the day the child's care leave until a child of the age of one and a half years has been accomplished.
  2. The right to a monthly child care allowance is preserved in the event that the person on child care leaves works on an incomplete working time or home and continues to care for the child.
  3. Mothers who are eligible for maternity benefits, in the period after childbirth, has the right from the birth of a child to receive either maternity benefits, or a monthly child care allowance with a testament for pregnancy benefits and childbirth in case the monthly size Child care benefits are higher than pregnancy benefits and childbirth.
  4. If the child's care is carried out simultaneously by several persons, the right to receive a monthly child care benefit is provided to one of these persons.