Sew a cat out of fabric. Funny cat made of fabric. The cat that sleeps

Hairless breeds, looking for warmth in the bowels of the apartment and on the lap of the owner, become the defense of cat fashion. Clothes for cats are not just a whim of the owner, but a real necessity. So that the pet does not spend his life in search of warmth, you can sew a comfortable suit for him that protects him from the hardships of the winter season.

Nature has taken care of the comfort and warmth of most cat breeds. Even before birth, animals acquire a soft and hardy coat that performs essential functions. This is thermoregulation and protection from wind, moisture and other weather conditions.

But certain breeds were less fortunate in this regard. This is especially true of artificially bred, whose wool is presented in the form of a barely noticeable cannon. These breeds are completely devoid of even the minimum "plumage". In terms of hygiene, hairless breeds have become a lifesaver for allergy sufferers. However, the cats themselves had to pay for the hypoallergenicity. Their body temperature is most often elevated, and the animals themselves are constantly looking for where to get warm. Clothes for cats, which you can sew with your own hands, will be the way out and salvation for freezing animals.

What breeds need clothes:

Woolen pets do not need clothes. However, some owners prefer to dress up their pets in interesting costumes. Well, if the outfit does not interfere with the cat itself, then why not?

What to make for a pet

Fashion for cats is different from human trends. It is not beauty that should come to the fore, but the convenience of the dress. And only after providing the animal with comfort, you can proceed to beauty guidance.

In tailoring clothes for cats, you need to build on three basic requirements:

  • quality. The outfit should be as natural as possible. It is better not to use synthetic fabrics and other dubious products for sewing;
  • simplicity. The costume should not consist of a dozen parts, in which the animal gets entangled;
  • comfort. Even in overalls, the cat remains a predator that needs to hunt, run and jump. The outfit should not hinder the movements of the "mod".

When choosing an outfit for a cat, the owner should pay attention to the most popular tailed wardrobe items.

Table 1. Types of clothing for cats

Outfit elementPictureBenefit
Keeps the cat out of cold and dirt while walking
Warms a bald cat on cold winter evenings
Lightweight outfit for the off season
Decoration for a thoroughbred lady
A feminine element for your cat

As a rule, cats do not need headdresses and shoes. In addition, it will take a long time to accustom them to such outfits.

Taking measurements from the model

For sewing cat clothes, individual measurements should be removed from the model, which will allow you to draw an exact pattern. Using generic templates is not advised, as even animals of the same breed can vary in size.

Just three measurements are required for almost any outfit. Armed with a tape, the cat is fixed in a standing position and the following measurements are taken:

  • neck girth... The neck circumference is measured in its thickest place - at the base. It is desirable that at this moment the cat should be level;
  • back length... This length is measured from the base of the neck to the root of the tail. To do this, apply a tape along the body, avoiding its bends if possible;
  • chest girth... The measure is taken around the body, laying a meter under the front paws of the animal.

Some outfits require additional measurements. For example, determine the distance between the front and back legs or the circumference of the "waist".

The resulting values \u200b\u200bare transferred to paper, writing them into the pattern. When the pattern is ready, it is applied to the animal and adjustments are made so that later not to redo the finished outfit. You can read about what measurements are needed when sewing clothes for cats below.

Universal drawing

Most outfits can be sewn based on just one pattern. To create a universal drawing, you need a sheet of paper and measurements taken from the animal. On the basis of measurements, a pattern is drawn, consisting of a back and a front.

All smooth curves are drawn intuitively and adjusted after the first fitting. Having drawn the proposed pattern, it is necessary to make allowances for the seams, after which the details are cut out and the image is transferred to the wrong side of the fabric.

For convenience, the pattern can be pinned with pins. The drawing is redrawn and cut out. Depending on the selected fabric, a fastener is used when sewing an outfit. If you choose a knitted stretch fabric, you will not need a zipper as the vest can be pulled over the cat's head. In the case of non-elastic materials, a fastener is sewn into the back. You can also use Velcro or buttons, but this will require adjusting the back detail, leaving an allowance for the fastening.

Vest without a pattern

To sew a vest for a cat, it is not necessary to draw complex diagrams. It's enough to arm yourself with an old sweater, scissors and some creative inspiration. The picture shows a dog as a model, but the proposed accessory is perfect for a cat of any breed.

The phased production of such a vest is presented below:

  1. a sleeve is cut off from a knitted sweater;
  2. draw a curved line with chalk next to the cut - the vest should be shorter on the stomach than on the back;
  3. cut off the excess along the marked line and overcast the edge. You can use both overlock and overlock seams;
  4. the future vest is applied to the animal and the place of the holes for the paws is marked. The closer to the narrow edge the holes are made, the smaller the collar of the vest will be;
  5. folding the sleeve in half, reflect the hole marks symmetrically and cut them out. You can overcast the edge in any way.

After completing the fitting, they correct the craft. It can be sutured if necessary.

Video - Vest for walking

Sphinx dress

You can also sew an original outfit for a cat using a simple pattern. An example of this will be a wonderful dress created with just two pieces.

To begin with, according to the measurements taken, you will need to cut out the main part. For this, the fabric is ironed and folded with the front side inward. A pattern is drawn with chalk on the resulting "sandwich" from the fabric. In the proposed example, the back length is 26 cm. This value can be changed depending on the required length of the dress. The value, equal to 17 cm in the photo, indicates the length of the product on the stomach. The first fitting will help to determine the length, so the fabric is cut with a margin, and later the excess is cut off.

Step-by-step instructions for making a dress for a sphinx consists of a few simple steps:

  1. allowances for seams are added to the part and a pattern is cut out;
  2. by dividing the fabric folded in half, a dress detail with two paw cutouts is obtained. Attaching the detail to the animal, mark the required length and adjust the dress;
  3. the armholes of the sleeves and the bottom of the product can be edged with tape or hemmed on a typewriter, turning the fabric 3 mm;
  4. the item is stitched. The seam should be on the front of the product;
  5. cuffs from any sweater or a strip of elastic fabric can be used as the neck of the dress. The rectangle of the material should be as long as the circumference of the cat's neck. The strip is sewn into a ring and folded in half, after which it is attached to the product.

The dress can be decorated in any way you like. For example, create an applique from fabrics or sew on buttons and other decorative elements.

Video - Denim collar vest with detachable wings for a cat

The tuxedo

A wonderful tuxedo can be sewn as a stylish accessory for a cat. Using a simple scheme, you can make a cape jacket that will not hinder movement and will give your pet comfort.

To work you will need the following materials:

  • white fabric - old T-shirt;
  • black material - any cotton flap of a suitable size;
  • a piece of red felt;
  • velcro for fasteners;
  • scissors, chalk and other tailor's little things.

Step 1. To determine the length of the tailcoat, measure the length from the neck to the tail of the cat. A pattern of the white element is cut out of the white fabric in accordance with the measurements. For convenience, use a fabric folded in half. You will need 2 such parts.

Step 2. The first white piece, folded in half, is applied to the black fabric. The dark element should not be the same size as the white, as the jacket will end up being shorter than the shirt.

Step 3. You can choose any shape of the vest itself. The main thing is that it is symmetrical.

Step 4. A tie is cut out of red fabric, and a collar is made from a white patch.

  1. a tie with a collar is attached to the base;
  2. a vest is attached to the upper white part;
  3. the protruding part of the tie is sewn on top;
  4. velcro is sewn to the elongated neck so that the upper part tightly covers the lower one.

Step 6. The future tailcoat will be attached to the pet's neck and stomach. As a fastener, a rectangular black strip is cut out and its edges are placed 0.5 cm.

Step 7. The resulting strap is sewn between two white details of the tailcoat. The length of the belt is determined by the circumference of the pet's chest. It is best to adjust this length during fitting. The edge of the cut belt is lined. A strong Velcro is sewn onto one end of the tape.

Step 8. The second piece of Velcro is sewn on the opposite side of the white piece with inversion, as shown in the figure. The fastened strap will bend around the chest of the animal. To make the tailcoat look stylish, its edge can be ironed and stitched 1 mm from the edge.

A ready-made tuxedo will serve as an excellent cape for a freezing Devon Rex.

Air skirt

Clothing for cats is needed not only to warm the pet, but also to go out. Thus, exhibition animals often appear before judges in exclusive outfits. Skirts that add femininity and charm to sophisticated breeds are especially relevant in feline fashion.

To create such an unusual accessory, you will need:

  1. tulle;
  2. satin ribbon;
  3. scissors.

The easiest way to create a fluffy ballet tutu requires no blueprints or patterns. To sew a skirt, it is enough to measure the circumference of the cat's "waist" and add 10 cm to this value.

The satin ribbon is cut to length. Tulle is cut into strips 2 cm wide. The length of the stripes is equal to the required length of the skirt, multiplied by 2.

Next, the tulle strips are folded in half and tied on the satin ribbon with loose knots, as shown in the photo. The thicker the ribbons are tied, the more magnificent the tutu will be. To add volume to the product, the length of the strips can be varied. To create color transitions, tulle of various shades is used.

When all the stripes are tied to the ribbon, try on the skirt on the cat. The free ends of the ribbon are tied on the back of the animal and their length is adjusted.

Insulated option for walking

Fashionable clothes for a cat can not only be sewn, but also knitted. A simple vest scheme for an adult pet will help with this.

To make clothes bring comfort and joy, you need to choose natural threads. Acrylic yarn or angora yarn will also work. You will also need knitting needles. Their diameter is determined by the thickness of the yarn, and the recommended tool number is indicated on the packaging of the threads.

On a note! Before knitting, it is recommended to wash the threads in warm water and dry them in the fresh air. Do not use detergent powder with a strong odor. Hairless cats often face skin problems, allergies and other troubles.

Emergency heating

It happens that clothes for a cat are needed urgently. There is not enough time to build a pattern and sewing. This happens when a frozen kitten is nailed to the house in winter. To warm it up quickly, you can create a simple outfit from a regular sock.

What you need:

  • old warm sock without a pair;
  • scissors;

You don't need sewing skills to make a simple vest from scrap materials. Even a child can cope with such a task, since it includes several simple steps:

  1. the sock is applied to the pet and the length of the future product is measured with a small margin (1 cm). The cutting line is marked with chalk;
  2. the sock is folded and ironed, then the excess is cut off;
  3. after that mark the position of the holes for the paws. It is important to draw them symmetrically. To make the vest have a wide collar, holes are drawn in the middle of the sock;
  4. longitudinal holes are cut with scissors. If desired, they can be overcast with a hand seam or use an overlock;
  5. trying on products for a cat. You should check if she is not cramped in such an outfit. To do this, stick a palm under the toe. If the hand enters freely, the outfit is sewn to size. The neck area is also checked.

A sock outfit cannot claim to be a fashion item in a cat's wardrobe. However, in difficult situations, such a suit can warm a small pet and give him a sense of security.

Video - How to make clothes for a cat with your own hands

Summer minimalism

A cat needs casual outfits only in the cold season. In summer, there is no need for insulation, but there is a need for a stylish appearance. To give the cat's image a zest, but not to overdo it with the outfit, you can build a cute accessory for your pet - a bow tie.

By the way! The textile highlight is also useful for photo shoots when the animal urgently needs to find a home or present the cat to the public.

For sewing you will need:

  • dense fabric;
  • collar (you can use a flea collar);
  • needles, threads and scissors.

So that the butterfly does not interfere with the cat's life, you need to choose the appropriate size of the craft. First, the product should not be too large. A bulky accessory will interfere with the animal while eating and make it nervous during the rest of the day. Secondly, the craft should not smell obsessively, rustle and press on the throat.

Step 1. A rectangle with sides of 25 cm and 13 cm is cut out of dense fabric. It is also necessary to prepare a jumper for the butterfly. Its dimensions are 6x4 cm.

Step 2. If your cat is not wearing a collar, a strip of the same fabric that will become the binding will come in handy for the tie. Its dimensions are 50x5 cm. A long piece of fabric is folded in half lengthwise and sewn. A fastener is attached to the ends of the tape.

Step 3. A piece of 25 cm is folded in half and cut into a ring. Further, this part is folded so that the line is in the middle.

Step 4. A small section-jumper is sewn into a miniature ring by hand, going around the main part. The butterfly is straightened and the jumper is fixed in the middle of the craft with a secret stitch on the inside. A piece with fasteners or a collar is inserted under the tape.

Video - Festive butterfly for a cat

How to train a cat to dress

Regardless of the breed, most adult cats react violently and negatively to the appearance of clothing in their lives. If the animal has not been dressed up before, it will be extremely difficult to accustom it to fashion. It is better if the first beauty session is at a child's age. It is easier to teach a kitten not only the rules, but also "manners". It is advised to start grafting culture when the kitten reaches 1 month. The first outfits should not hinder movement and bring discomfort. It is better to choose natural lightweight fabrics in which the cub will be comfortable to run and play with other kittens.

By the way, a mother cat may not understand a stylish look - it will interfere with caring for a baby. Therefore, it is better to carry out the first try-ons when the cat is gone about his business. And it is better to switch to permanent wear after weaning kittens from their mother.

Attention! Kittens are not very clean creatures, therefore, with the decision to dress up the pet, the decision to wash its clothes should also mature. This is especially true for hairless breeds, whose skin gives off a special secret.

Fashion trends of the cat world

Craftswomen and cat lovers do not get tired of creating new and original models of clothing for cats. Every year, unusual outfits for pets of hairless breeds become a squeak of fashion.

Lace, which is firmly entrenched in the top of the best outfits for cats, does not lose its relevance.

The sweater is a warm classic for trendy pets.

Clothes for a cat are a way not only to warm your pet, but also to give it a unique personality. Even a novice seamstress can sew stylish clothes for a pet. To do this, just arm yourself with a creative mood and simple patterns of cat outfits.

DIY cat clothing gallery

Suit "Hussar"

Suit "Sailor"

Probably, it is difficult to find someone who would remain indifferent to a toy made by hand. For a child, such a toy, sewn with a soul, will always be the most valuable, for an adult, it will become a wonderful souvenir radiating love, warmth and comfort. This section presents patterns of cats. Many people are partial to these affectionate animals. Love for toys and love for cats can be combined. We need some free time and imagination.

Do you have a desire to create a toy, but do not know how to sew a cat? No problem. Our "Workshop" presents a huge number of patterns. You can sew a Sloth Cat, Kitty, Kisula, Murka, Aunt Cat or other toy. Sizes, shapes, colors - it all depends on your imagination. To sew a Cat toy, you need a fabric of any color, you can use plush, faux fur, knitwear, fleece or other fabric. Think in advance if you will be sewing clothes and making accessories (hats, beads, etc.). Pay special attention to the face: the cat can smile, get angry, be seriously thoughtful. Someone likes realistic animal toys, while others like to create fairy-tale or cartoon characters. Your kitty will be just what you like!

Or maybe we will sew a kitten or a cat?

Or maybe you are interested in a cat pattern? Kitties, of course, are very cute creatures, but cats. They can be fat, long-legged tomboy, fluffy babies. Perhaps you would like to sew with your own hands a pattern of a cat from the cartoon "Parrot Kesha", a moon cat, Stripe, Murzik or other toy. Use your imagination, and a famous character in your hands will become completely different. It is not necessary to sew a big cat, you can sew a kitten. Multi-colored, striped, fluffy - they are simply pleasing to the eye.

Many needlewomen are interested in the patterns of tilde cats. Toys in pastel colors, made from natural fabrics, look great in the interior. Often, cats are sewn to couples. They can be connected or stand alone toys.

in section:

The "Kitten" soft toy can be made of absolutely any fabric - felt, artificial fur, fleece and even a waffle towel. To sew a larger cat, you need to increase the pattern proportionally. As a filler, you can use wool, synthetic winterizer, holofiber or synthetic winterizer. You can also use natural bulk materials - buckwheat, rice, peas, in this case the toy will turn into a pleasant anti-stress.

The size: any

  • main fabric to choose from - fleece, velor, terry towel, art ...
  • filler to choose from;
  • two black buttons or beads (or doll eyes);
  • main threads, matching color + black and pink;
  • scissors;
  • pattern.

Operating procedure:

First of all, download and print the pattern:

We transfer the details of the pattern to the selected fabric, leaving 5-8 mm seam allowances:

Sew the middle of the back of the head (points G-B) and the middle of the front of the muzzle (points A-B). The front of the head (and at the same time the back) must be sewn along the points F-E-D-C-B-C-D-B-F.

Sew the two side parts of the body with the breast, leaving open the points K-F (for the head) and R-Q (for the tail). Since the ears are not filled, they must be "separated" by a seam (on the front of the head) from the rest of the head. Now you need to sew the tail made (by the way, you can sew the tail already filled, or first sew along the perimeter of the hole, then fill it with the body).

Turn the head and body of the cat on the front side.

We fill the head and body of the future soft toy and sew up the filling holes.

Probably, it is difficult to find someone who would remain indifferent to a toy made by hand. For a child, such a toy, sewn with a soul, will always be the most valuable, for an adult, it will become a wonderful souvenir radiating love, warmth and comfort. This section presents patterns of cats. Many people are partial to these affectionate animals. Love for toys and love for cats can be combined. We need some free time and imagination.

Do you have a desire to create a toy, but do not know how to sew a cat? No problem. Our "Workshop" presents a huge number of patterns. You can sew a Sloth Cat, Kitty, Kisula, Murka, Aunt Cat or other toy. Sizes, shapes, colors - it all depends on your imagination. To sew a Cat toy, you need a fabric of any color, you can use plush, faux fur, knitwear, fleece or other fabric. Think in advance if you will be sewing clothes and making accessories (hats, beads, etc.). Pay special attention to the face: the cat can smile, get angry, be seriously thoughtful. Someone likes realistic animal toys, while others like to create fairy-tale or cartoon characters. Your kitty will be just what you like!

Or maybe we will sew a kitten or a cat?

Or maybe you are interested in a cat pattern? Kitties, of course, are very cute creatures, but cats. They can be fat, long-legged tomboy, fluffy babies. Perhaps you would like to sew with your own hands a pattern of a cat from the cartoon "Parrot Kesha", a moon cat, Stripe, Murzik or other toy. Use your imagination, and a famous character in your hands will become completely different. It is not necessary to sew a big cat, you can sew a kitten. Multi-colored, striped, fluffy - they are simply pleasing to the eye.

Many needlewomen are interested in the patterns of tilde cats. Toys in pastel colors, made from natural fabrics, look great in the interior. Often, cats are sewn to couples. They can be connected or stand alone toys.

Cats are very popular pets, it is rare to find a person who does not like these funny four-legged pussies. The toy cat will be a pleasant gift for both a child and an adult. Moreover, toys of different sizes can be sewn: from a pin cushion or a kitchen souvenir to a large and cozy pillow. Having a minimum of materials and tools at hand, it is easy to make such a product as a cat out of fabric. You will find patterns in this article.

Pillow cat

Sewing a cat pillow is very easy and affordable even for a novice craftswoman. The material for the toy will be needed depending on which model you want to make - a tiny pincushion or a real full-fledged pillow.

One way or another, even a novice needlewoman will take very little time to sew a cute cat. Easy to make from fabric. We will tell you how to make a pillow with your own hands right now.

For manufacturing, we need, in addition to a sewing machine, needles, thread, paper for patterns, a pencil, fabric and filler - synthetic winterizer, holofiber or synthetic winterizer.

We make a pattern. To do this, select any simplified drawing of a cat standing on its hind legs you like, draw its silhouette on paper in the required size. The drawing can be symbolic. Since this will be a pillow, the body should be quite plump, with short legs.

We sew a pillow on the sofa

The easiest way is to draw an oval that will serve as both a head and a body; from the side of the head, draw two triangle ears, make the lower part slightly wider than the head. Draw oval legs on the sides on both sides - in general, the pattern should be such that after you cut out the fabric parts according to the pattern, they can be easily sewn and turned out. Alternatively, draw a plump cat with a slightly curved body. Patterns of fabric toys-cats can be of different shapes.

  • Having drawn the outlines of your future pillow, transfer them to the fabric. Do not forget to fold it in half with the right side inward to get two identical parts. One will serve as a front piece and the other as a back for your cat.
  • After you have cut out both parts, remembering to leave seam allowances of 0.5 cm, we start sewing. Carefully sew both parts face-in along the contour, remembering to leave an unsewn area for stuffing.
  • Slightly notch the fabric in the corners, so that when turning out there are no creases on the parts, turn it out.
  • Fill your cat with filler by pushing it into its paws and ears with a round stick or pencil, sew up the hole
  • On the finished pillow, mark with light strokes on one side the eyes, nose, ears, navel, the smile of the cat, and on the other side - a small tail. Sew the drawn details along the contour with a stalk seam with a suitable color of thread. The spout can also be sewn with a stalk stitch or a needle-forward stitch from a piece of non-crumbling fabric such as felt.

Having spent quite a bit of time, you have sewed a cute toy-pillow in the form of a cartoon cat. Choose any fabric - plain, in a cage or in a small flower. And if you sew a few more cats from different fabrics, then you can end up with a set of pillows that will fill the room with special comfort and warmth. Do not forget that the pattern of a cat made of fabric can be arbitrary.

Sweet couple

Alternatively, you can sew a couple: a cat and a cat - which can stand on their own. At the same time, they can be made as a souvenir, made large enough and also used as pillows. A nice gift for Valentine's Day will be a cat made of fabric. The patterns are simple, the main thing is to be patient.

  1. Draw the silhouette of a cat with pear-shaped ears, with a flat bottom.
  2. Cut out two pieces from the fabric for each cat with seam allowances - front and back.
  3. Sew the details neatly, leaving the bottom flat part unstitched.
  4. Fill both silhouettes with suitable filler to the desired fullness, then place the resulting figurine on a piece of paper and outline the outline. This will be a pattern for the bottom of the future toy. Cut the piece out of the fabric, keeping in mind the seam allowances.
  5. Draw a slightly rounded ponytail, transfer to the fabric and also cut out two tail pieces for each cat.
  6. Tie together the details of the tail, leaving an unsewn place for stuffing at the base, turn it out and lightly fill with filler.
  7. Secure the finished tail with a pin at the desired point, sew it in, at the same time stitching together the parts of the finished body and bottom with a blind seam.
  8. Draw or embroider faces for animals, sew a bow tie for a cat, and sew a string with strung beads for a cat. Decorate them as you see fit. You can also draw and embroider paws for finished toys. As an option, cut out two parts of each foot separately, fill them with a little filler and sew them with a secret seam to the bodies of our sweet couple.

The cat that sleeps

A cozy sleeping cat pillow can also be sewn very easily and quickly. Simple patterns of fabric cat toys are used here. A sample will help you create a beautiful toy.

  • To do this, draw a silhouette of a cat standing on short legs with a plump tail raised or curved upwards.
  • Transfer the design to the fabric and cut out two parts in the mirror image.
  • Gently sew both parts right side inward, backing from the edge of the pattern 0.5-1 cm, cut the seam allowances in the corners of the pattern for better twisting of the fabric. Remember to leave a piece unsewn so you can fill the toy with filler.
  • Use a stick or pencil to push the filler into the legs, ears, and tail, and then fill the entire torso to form a cat figurine.
  • Carefully sew up the hole and embroider the Splyushka's face with floss threads, making it to your liking.

Cat with flowers

This funny toy will be a great gift for a child or a souvenir for an adult cat lover. Maybe a romantic cat made of cloth. The patterns can always be enlarged if you want to make a larger toy.

To make it, take a light-colored fabric for the torso, a bright one with a pattern for flowers, and a piece of chain for a necklace.

Draw a free silhouette of the cat's body or use a pattern. The body and head should consist of one single piece; for sewing a cat, you need to cut out two parts - the front part and the back.

Details are sewn together, turned inside out and stuffed with synthetic filler.

The cat's front legs are cut out and sewn separately, then sewn to the body with a secret seam or attached to it from the back using a pair of light buttons. Remember, a fabric cat pattern can be of any size.

Accessories for a cat with a bouquet

The cat's muzzle can be painted with acrylics or embroidered with threads; also decorate the strips on his forehead and cheeks with threads or paints. Place stitches at the base of the ears to slightly separate the outline of the ears from the head.

Make flowers out of bright fabric and sew all over the cat's body. Tie the thread on which the beads are strung - this will be a necklace. The bouquet is made of paper miniature flowers.

Tilda cat

Cats, made in the style of a tilde doll, cannot leave anyone indifferent. They are easy enough to sew, and the very process of making them fills a person with joy and good mood. And the finished toy will become a source of pride and a beautiful interior decoration. It is easy to sew a cat from fabric. The patterns will help you make a toy in a short time.

A characteristic feature of a tilde toy is dotted eyes and browned cheeks. You can choose the one you like or draw it yourself, giving it any pose - walking, sitting, flying. Choose a suitable natural fabric for the figure itself, sew a cat. Decorate the muzzle in accordance with the main signs and make beautiful clothes for your cat. The legs and tail should be fastened with buttons - this is how they will move.

A little patience and imagination, and you will have your own special toy - a tilda cat, a talisman and a talisman for your home or a great gift for friends.

Simple cats

This toy will delight any child. You need to find an unnecessary sock. Better if it is colored. Do everything as shown in the picture - and you will get an amazing creature.

Patterns of coffee cats from fabric are also quite primitive. After the toy is ready, it must be immersed in a saturated coffee solution. Then place the product in the oven for 15 minutes.

Cats will decorate your home and will be a great gift for animal lovers. Patterns of fabric toys for cats can be arbitrary. Now you know how to make an interesting gift. Create and please your loved ones with pleasant little things!