Old dog. Caring for the old dog

Old dogs change in behavior. They are usually complacent, not such energetic, less curious and calmer. Forgetful, love to sleep, hold their habits and irritable.

Poor tolerate the decrease in the situation and hospitalization. In such cases, the dogs are badly eaten, restless, a lot of bark and practically do not rest, and this is very bad at their age.

With the necessary treatment, they need elevated attention on your part, compulsory presence in medical manipulations, which acts soothing and protects and protects against stress. Be sure to visit and take care of the dog 1 - 2 times a day, it is much better than throwing it on the mercy of fate.

Changes in appearance and behavior

With the decrease in the activity and loss of the muscular tone of the neck and the body of the old dog become more awkward and look tone, especially the hips and shoulders. The stomach is lowered (provistent), the back becomes saddle, elbows unfold. Muscle shake can be observed.

Old dogs need regular mione. The absence of daily walks in dogs after 8 years has adversely affects the functions of systems and organs.

Walks increase muscle tone and their strength, keep the flexibility of the joints, are prevention of obesity and support the vigor of the Spirit. During the mice, the dog should not be tired. If the dog leads a sedentary lifestyle or obesity, start with short walks, which gradually increase as condition recovered.

Diseases of the elderly pets

Most of the old dogs suffer from osteoarthritis. The joints in the joints leads to their deformation and weakness, stiffness in the cold, crude soil or on cement coating. Therefore, their place should be located in a warm and dry room. Dogs suffering from arthritis, especially large and raw, should sleep on a soft litter, and dog breeds of the group of that is needed to cover overnight.

Hydodine in osteoarthritis leads to the appearance of muscle pain. Suspend the development of arthritis is impossible, but analgesics, such as aspirin (produced with food), reduce pain syndrome, which allows the dog to lead a more active lifestyle.

The caring owner takes his elderly pet daily to the lake - the pain of arthritis subsides in the water

An old age is noted a gradual decline in hearing, non-treatable treatment. With age, there is a decrease in visual acuity. Often there is an elder (seenile) cataract. In some dogs, after 8 years, the decline in view is associated with clouding of lens. However, it can be caused by a retina disease or other eye disorders.

Surgical removal of cataracts is carried out poorly moving dogs with a loss of visual acuity. If the dog's hearing was not injured, they are perfectly focused on the ground, even if they are blind.

Emerging with the age of teeth and gums interfere with the dog there. With a timely manner, the state of the dog and appetite do not suffer. Swing teeth remove. If the dog can not nibble with dry food, moisten it 20 minutes before meals, use industrial canned foods for old dogs.

Old dogs often observed urination disorders. With age, elevated urea is noted, which is associated with a violation of the inverse absorption of primary urine and the concentration of kidney exchange products. To compensate for this state, the dog is forced to drink a lot. Often a dog with renal failure is forced to urinate at home, especially at night. Therefore, it must be walking more often: in the morning, in the evening and night.

Cardiomyopathy is another known state associated with aging processes. Heart disease develops long before the first clinical symptoms of heart failure. Early signs of heart failure: the appearance of lethargy and weight loss, apathy and indifference to others, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, cough, predominantly at night, after training or excitement.

Old dogs do not tolerate training and emotional stress. Their heart, liver, kidneys and metabolism often do not cope with elevated loads, and can come acute decompensation.

Animal cooling should be avoided. If the dog is wet, it should be wrapped with a dry towel and put in a warm room. Old dog badly tolerates heat. Change of water and feed is undesirable for old dogs. Any changes in mode are entered gradually.

The life cycle of dogs is not distinguished by a special duration, therefore, if the animal reaches a seven age, then it is necessary to assume that it is already becoming elderly. As for small breeds, this figure comes a little later and eleven-year-old age is considered to be completely deep old age. Thus, it is worth noting that the larger the breed, the old age comes to her faster.

Dogs just as well as people are significantly changing. These changes occur not only at the external level, but also on the inner. Animal significantly changes in nature, it becomes more irritable and significantly reduced the level of energetic.

As for the senses, the animal begins to hear very badly, moving, and its digestive system can very much cope with food.

Consequently, with the arrival of old age behind the animals, it is necessary to hardly care for the maximum will provide him with comfort and so that the dog does not feel flawed.

In order to calculate the actual age of your pet, you can resort to the following three main calculation techniques:

  • The most first two years of the animal can be easily inserted to twenty years of man. However, there is an opinion that one dog year is equal to two human - it is nothing more than a common misconception, which is not absolutely no reason.
  • As for the second main technique, the CES lives the first two years, which can easily be aligned to ten human gifts and each subsequent year is equal in four in the same way. This method can be considered more accurate, but when calculating it is necessary to take into account the breed features and other factors affecting the life expectancy of your pet.
  • As for the third method, it is in most of its own based on breed varieties, therefore, is the most high-precision. Each particular variety of dogs has characteristic features and differences. Thus, how old the old dog determines primarily a rock factor.

What can influence the life expectancy of the animal

As you know, the most basic factors affecting the life expectancy of the pet are the breed affiliation and dimensional indicators of the dog. However, there are also secondary factors that also significantly affect the lifetime of the dog's life expectancy:

  1. - This is one of the factors that can significantly affect the life expectancy of the animal. If this process is correct, clearly balancing the content of vitamins, minerals and useful trace elements, the animal can live long enough without any health problems. Consequently, the old dog will feel much better if in youth it consumes exclusively that have a complete balance of vitamins and minerals.
  2. or . This process is a key to the fact that the dog automatically becomes childless and the risk of a large number of reproductive animal diseases is eliminated as much as possible. It also completely eliminates the possibility of the appearance of oncological tumors of the genital organs of the dog. Therefore, the sooner, the more possibly it is possible that she will live longer and will be healthy. Also is the key to the good behavior of the animal, reducing the level and understanding of its owner.

The sterilization rule concerns exclusively bitches, as for cables, the castration may cause prostate cancer that an animal can kill. Therefore, if you sterilize a male dog, it can cause premature animal mortality.

The most common diseases of old dogs

Caring for the old dog includes mandatory control of the veterinarian, which should be made with a certain regularity. This is necessary in order to maximize accurately and quickly identify the occurrence of any ailments in the animal, as well as in order to properly produce all the necessary measures aimed at eliminating and cure.

The vet must necessarily compile a personal power menu of a pet. This is due to the fact that at the old age, an animal may have such phenomena as diarrhea or not controlled.

As for other senile problems, the animal can very often face the problem of hearing loss or vision, which also limits the freedom of action of the pet.

The most basic thing is that you need from the owner is the maximum of patience, since the animal that moves well enough within the apartment, maybe due to the loss of vision, very badly focus on the street. Consequently, the animal is necessary to help in order to eliminate the possibility of a variety of damage or bruises.

In order to maximize the hygiene in your home, it is necessary to resort to use that were used very often when your pet was still a small puppy. This is due to the fact that the old dog is very poorly controlling his urine and urine can shed across the apartment.

The teeth are also one of the most common problems of dogs aged. During the period of aging, the enamel of the teeth is pretty wearing and the varied, which lead to such a process as. Consequently, it is worth regularly producing rejection and show the teeth of the veterinarian to the timely elimination of a variety of problems. A dog without teeth is a problem for both the pet itself and for its owner, since the process of digestion of food is significantly complicated due to the inability to chew normally.

In order for in the old age, the animal faced with a not so big list of diverse troubles, it is still in puppy age to produce all recommended. This will help maximize the emergence of various infectious diseases.

The most common problems in old age in domestic pets

When the animal is in old age, it may face the following diseases:

  • Arthritis - This is a disease that is mainly characteristic of representatives of fairly large breeds of dogs. Most often they can face arthritic inflammations of the joints of the paws, spine and neck;
  • Changing the structure and color of the wool in the face of the face. Sedina can be observed in dogs from about six years of age.
  • Partial or complete hearing loss in the animal.
  • Diverse. These problems can lead to the fact that the dog begins to see very badly, and in some cases the vision can generally.
  • Animal startsIt is necessary to discuss with a veterinarian dentist, since it may suffer because of this can a gastric system due to weak digestion of food and, as a result, cause chronic. In most cases, the loss is due to the old age of the dog.
  • A characteristic weakening of the muscular system of the dog. This problem in most cases arises due to the fact that the animal is not engaged in very active physical activity due to its respected age. Specific atrophic processes in chewing muscles can also be observed, which is also reflected in the process of chewing and digesting food.
  • Maximum reduction in motor activity. An animal with age begins to spend more and more time in the lying state, which is also not very well reflected in the state of the whole organism as a whole. As you know the movement is life.
  • Sometimes with age in dogs, a characteristic weight gain may be observed. This is also due to the fact that the animal begins to move less, and the old dog remains still balanced and the free accumulated calories simply do not have time to be aggravated by a natural way.
  • Noticeable decrease in immunity. This phenomenon may be a certain reason for the emergence of a large number of infectious diseases. This is due to the fact that the pet is not able to independently cope with all the infections that are in the environment or can overtake it because of contact with younger, but sick dogs.
  • The condition of the skin also becomes sufficiently weakened. In most cases, wool starts falling, and skin covers can be sealing or covered with eczema lesions.
  • Animal bone formations also undergo largely large changes, their fragility increases as much as possible, which can lead to numerous fractures. It is also worth noting that the old dogs are quite difficult to cut claws due to this factor of bone fragility.
  • Problems with stomach and intestines. First of all, these problems may arise due to the fact that the teeth of the dog are in a deplorable state, and sometimes there are no in general. There may also be such a phenomenon, like constipation, which aghesives the process of walking in the toilet animals. In order to facilitate the condition, the diet of old dogs should be sure to consist of a certain diet that will help maximize the state of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal.
  • Problems with the genitourinary system. There may be such phenomena as prostatitis or urinary incontinence. Therefore, it is worth the place where the dog is located in order to preserve the maximum hygiene in your residential room.
  • Street tumor processes. These diseases may be a threat to the life of the animal, therefore, it is necessary to consult with the veterinarian and, if possible, try to eliminate the tumor to the operational way.
  • Cardiac disease. At the old dog, just like the old man can undergo some pathological changes. Consequently, the veterinarian must check the heart rate frequency in order not to miss the beginning of the development of pathology.
  • The occurrence of diabetes. Basically, this disease amazes animal large breeds with a large body weight, however, may also meet with old "kids."

How does the character of dogs in old age

The nature of the dog throughout the life cycle may vary several times due to hormonal recreaks in the animal body. However, in old age, the dog may become simply unbearable. A function of mobility begins to slowly subside and even the biggest chalwins become calmer and balanced.

However, with age, a certain relationship between animals and the owner occurs, which may cause the appearance of jealousy, and other manifestations of this relationship. The dog in old age spends a lot of time, sleeved and she did not like it when she wakes it, which can manifest itself with a growl or other rugs of irritability.

If you scribble on the old dog, then it will also be very sensitive to this. This attitude can manifest itself in a certain offense of the animal that it will definitely demonstrate to you. In the elder, as well as in puppy age, the animal requires a lot of attention and a good relationship towards him.

Old pets categorically impossible to overload their psyche too much. Consequently, in order for the old age of the dog as comfortable as possible, the owner should pay a lot of attention and stock up with certain patience.

Ways to facilitate the old age of their pet

In order for the old age of the animal as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to take into account the following principles and produce them for normal full-fledged dog aging:

  1. It is necessary to walk with the elderly pet more often, but the time of such walks must be significantly reduced so that the dog is not overwhelmed.
  2. It is necessary to show their tender feelings towards the dog. Animal should feel your love and care.
  3. The situation in the room where the animal lives should remain unchanged, since the movement of furniture items can enter a petty pet.
  4. It is necessary to try to extend the interest of the dog to you and your family, it is necessary to ensure that homework and processes must be involved.
  5. At night, it is worthwhile to wear special diapers for the animal to feel comfortable enough.
  6. It is worth limiting as possible to the movement of a pet around the house so that it does not fall or did not hurt.
  7. During walking it is worth a constant monitoring of the movements of your favorite.

The right process of feeding the old animal

When a dog is in ancient times the age becomes a question than and how to feed it correctly. This is due to the fact that the feeding of an old dog is a rather complicated process that can be maximally burdened by some negative factors. Such as bad teeth or their complete absence, as well as the emergence of such a state, as due to poor digestion.

In order for the dog to feel satisfactorily in old age, she is needed correctly, which will include all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Consequently, than feeding the dog is a question that should be resolved with the veterinarian.

In order to maximize the problems with the chair, such as constipation, it is worth providing their pet products that will contain a certain amount of plant fiber. Only under this condition, you can easily cope with such a phenomenon as constipation or an unexpected diarrhea in the animal.

Old animals practically do not want to drink. This may cause such a dangerous state as dehydration. Also, certain problems with the thermal control process can also be observed. Consequently, the dog begins to constantly flaw, and certain differences of temperature indicators may be marked.

In order to make it easier to facilitate the feeding process of an old dog, especially if it is very, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules for the proper feeding of the pet:

  • The process of feeding the old animal will only then be correct when the basic diet will contain a minimum calorie amount. This is necessary in order to most effectively avoid the appearance of excessive weight of the dog.
  • In order not to imagine the work of the renal system, it is worth limiting animal consumption of such food that contains a large amount of protein. In most of the meat and fish.
  • All animal fats in the diet of the dog should be replaced with vegetable analogs.
  • It is worth filling the diet of the dog fiber. It is necessary so that the animal does not have problems with the toilet and there were no constant constipation.
  • It is necessary to give preference only to those products that are as satisfied with the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • It is necessary to maximize the amount of salt in the diet of the pet. Salt contributes to the delay in the removal of fluid from the body, which can cause edema.
  • Choose products for dog menu, which contain a large amount of zinc.

Conducting an elderly dog \u200b\u200bdiet, it is worth saying that he must contain smaller meat and fish, as well as to be filled with vitamins, minerals, useful substances and fiber. If you prefer feed in the form of canned food, you need to choose those varieties that are designed specifically for old pets.

Old animals in most cases suffer from a reduced appetite function. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background is changing, the animal begins to advance less, and also deteriorate. Consequently, food for old animals must be the most dilution, in order to eliminate the appearance of dehydration of the pet's body.

Food should offer a dog more often than usual, however, portions should be small. This is necessary in order to ensure the normal process of operation of the animal digestive system.

Use of food additives for old pets

Initially, it is worth noting that nutritional supplements are just a discovery for the diet of dogs aged. This is due to the fact that these elements help to digest food as efficiently as possible and regulate all the processes in the dog's body. Consequently, the amount of these additives should maximize the amount in the feed for young individuals.

The complex of vitamins and other beneficial substances is particularly effectively represented in different nutritional supplements for elderly dogs. Thus, they must be included in the diet of the total nutrition of the pet.

It also takes care that the main feed of the animal includes the necessary antioxidants. It is necessary in order to make the harmful accumulations from the organism as efficiently as possible and other elements that can cause many diseases.

Summing up, it is worth noting that care for the old dog must be comprehensive and consist of care, love and. For a walk with a pet, it is also necessary to walk, but it is categorically not recommended to overwork it. Only subject to these conditions, the health of the pet can be renewed as much as possible.

The duration and quality of the life of the dog depends on many circumstances, but the main thing is the right care and care of the owner. It is in relation to the elderly a pet that can be judged by the attachment of man to his dog.

Behavior and character

Elderly dogs usually behave in power and with great dignity, become conservative in their habits, so it is difficult to transfer the decline shift. They can become disobedient, irritable, welded. Especially often the nature of dogs suffering from serious diseases experiencing discomfort and constant pain.
Some older dogs become timid, buggy, uncertain in their abilities. Others, on the contrary, hurt young dogs, try to save a leading position.
In relation to the owners, the dogs become more obsessive, jealous, offended, they can get closed in themselves and remove from communication. Conducting most of the day in the dawn, at night the "old mans" rushes around the apartment because of insomnia.
Dogs are extremely difficult to endure emotional and physical overloads, stress for them are simply devastating, there are cases when a pretty vigorous dog becomes a stray and helpless after transferred stress (loss of the owner, car accident, etc.).

Aging and illness

Elderly dogs often can not be held the border between age-related changes and pathology. By reducing the function of the immune system, the symptoms of diseases appear "pale" and the owners do not always pay attention to them in a timely manner. But even innocuous symptoms at the old dog may indicate the development of serious diseases.
Some dogs become pronounced meteopaths, their well-being is determined by weather conditions, which can also enter the owners of misleading (malaise is written off on the weather). For old age, animals acquire a whole "bouquet" of chronic diseases. This must be taken into account when selecting and prescribing medicinal therapy in order not to disturb the fragile equilibrium in an aging organism.
Often changes the sensitivity to drugs. The dosage of even the most harmless drug should be sealing with age, as inxication may occur due to the reduction of liver and kidney functions.

Dog on a walk and houses

Many old dogs, especially large, suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Typically, the owners pay attention that the dog is hardly rising and falls, clumsily unfolds, hardly rises and descends on the stairs, easily loses its balance.
The mion is necessary for the old dog to maintain the muscular tone and the flexibility of the joints, but the attitude to walks should be reasonable. In good weather on the street you can stay. However, one should not go on the dogs, to the old age of the preserved temperament and playfulness. It's one thing - to deliver the dog a pleasure, another - not to calculate her strength and bring to exhaustion. It should be remembered that the ligaments to old age become less elastic, and the bones are more fragile. Even minor injuries are very bad, so you need to watch carefully for a dog. After the game or skirmish with other dogs, the elderly dog \u200b\u200bcan "complain" to the feet or spine. In addition, the overvoltage for walks is fraught with weakness, attacks of cardiac arrhythmia and shortness of breath.
During the ice of large dogs, it is better to walk on a trainer and a leash. If the dog's legs come out and it will start falling, it can be supported and soften the blow.


After eight years, the dog is decreasing visual acuity. This may be associated with various diseases: glaucoma, retinal atrophy and optic nerve, but most often - with age-related changes in the lens. About the beginning Cataract says barely noticeable, light bluish "haze" in the eyes of the dog. In order to suspend the process, eye drops are used: Kathotrom - Offanta, Taufon 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day for long courses. With the developed cataract, the operation is shown. If it is impossible, then a blind dog is walked only on a leash, on a familiar route. At home, so that the dog does not injure, do not leave dangerous items on her way.
Reducing visual acuity can occur without visible changes. Then they say such signs as the unwillingness of the dogs to walk in the dark, caution, overcoming with difficulty or with the "reserve" of minor obstacles,
The blindness of only one eye can be riveted to fairly unexpected reactions of behavior - fright or aggression on familiar dogs, unexpectedly found from the sick eye. Or the dog suddenly does not "fit" in the opening of the door or gate.
Explicit signs of vision loss careful gait, sniffing the road. The dog is trying on every step, it stumbles on items, behaves uncertain.
Fortunately, for dogs loss - not a tragedy. They are fairly quickly begin to navigate with the help of other senses, first of all, smelling and hearing. The task of the owner is to reduce the risk of injury and loss, teach a dog to elementary teams (for example, "stand", "quieter", "forward") so that the dog felt more confident and relied not only for himself, but also on the owner.


Reducing hearing is another natural change in the old organism. More often, rumors lose dogs having chronic otitis. The loss of hearing is not so obvious as a loss of vision. Having lived a long life with a person, the dog is focused not only to the voice, but also to change the facial expressions, gestures, she "reads" to the lips familiar teams and words. Suspicions are told when the dog does not pay attention to the teams submitted to her, it is lost on walks, despite the names of the owner, runs to the other side.
A dog with a violation of hearing should be walking on a leash. To return the hearing, of course, it is impossible, but the timely treatment of otitis and the proper care of the ears still reduce the likelihood of deafness in old age.

Skin care
The skin loses its elasticity with age, the sebaceous glands produce less secret, dandruff appears. Wool fades, it seems neglected. Regular combing will eliminate the skin from the wool, dandruff, improve blood circulation. The brush must be soft enough so that the scratch does not scratch the elderly dogs easily infected.
Claws are becoming bad, too long, they interfere with walking and cause chromotomot. They must be periodically examined and, if necessary, neatly trim. Old dogs are easily cold, so they wash them in case of extreme necessity. If there is an opportunity, it is better to do with the cleaning of a special dry shampoo.

The focus should be given to the quality of feed, and not its number. It is better to adhere to the usual set of products: a sharp change of food ends with digestion disorder. Dogs suffering from chronic diseases to appoint a doctor can be transferred to diet food, including industrial healing diet. Compliance with the diet is one of the important conditions of the well-being of an elderly dog.
For older dogs, a change in appetite is characteristic. Some become very capricious in food, others are always hungry. Bulimia (fastening disorder) is dangerous not only to overeating, but also by the fact that, by going all in a row, the dog risks poison. And very bad appetite, and the increasing reason for the visit to the doctor.
The organism of old dogs is very needed vitamins. It is advisable to use complexes developed precisely for old age - "Decamivit" or veterinary drugs. When choosing vitamins, it is better to consult a doctor. Some drugs ("gerontog") contain Eleutherococcus and similar substances that increase the vital tone of the dog, but they are contraindicated with liver diseases. Perfectly established "Vitaret" for aging dogs. It improves well-being, increases activity, has a beneficial effect on the state of the joints, and the wool begins to glue.


One of the most common causes of euthanasia of old animals is an uncertainty. Indeed, at some stage, the old dog can lose control over the departure of natural needs and begins to "walk" in the apartment. The teaching to the cleanliness is the skill, which is gradually instilled in the puppy, but in old animals, many conditionally reflex connections fade out that they lead to uncertainty. Scold and punish in this situation meaninglessly, it is better to introduce additional walks.
Many old dogs have an excessive fluid consumption, and this is another of the possible causes of enuresis. Quite often, the thirst is associated with a violation of the kidney activities. Certain this is very difficult, but it is impossible to limit the access of the dog's access to water. It is better to bring it more often that it should not be tolerated for a long time. Increased thirst can be a symptom and other diseases: pyometers, diabetes mellitus, etc. To clarify the reasons, it is necessary to show a dog to a doctor, make tests.

Very susceptible to old age diseases. With age, they suffer from dental and ear pain, arthritis, various diseases of the internal organs are possible. In order to avoid these diseases, mitigate their manifestations or delay - it is necessary to regularly observe the veterinarian, to make vaccinations in a timely manner. Do not neglect the care of ears and teeth affentpincera, moscow Dragon, prague Krysorika etc. It is necessary to brush your teeth and ears competently. About how to do this, read in one of the nearest articles of the site. If the diseases of the teeth still overtaken a small dog to old age, they will have to lead it to the vet and remove the sick tooth - otherwise it will be long to suffer from unbearable pain.

Arthritis - a common disease of old age little dogswho live in urban apartments and move little. With age, motor activity and at all boils down to zero, but the consumption of calorie and harmful food increases. This leads to an excessive load on the heart and other organs. So walking S. little dogs such breeds, like, ,, etc. It should be regularly and for a long time. A ten-minute walk for "malfunction" does not fill the necessary need for movement! In addition, from early age, and in old age especially, follow the diet of the pet. The ratio of proteins, fiber, vitamins and trace elements must be balanced. You can choose ready-made feed in accordance with age little dog. But the fact that we often poison pets from our table - sweet, oily, fried - from the diet should be excluded completely!

In addition to these breed diseases little dogs, such as, to the old age, urine incontinence are often affected. Naturally, the owners who are accustomed to the pureliness of their pet, it upsets and disappoints. Believe little dog, upset no less than you. But nothing can be done with it. Do not scold a dog, just help her survive this period. It may be necessary to change the litter to disposable waterproof diapers, or think over the reusable oil.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and poor motor activity often leads to such a problem as constipation. Recover the diet little dog, there should be enough fiber. And ask the veterinarian to write you a laxative.

Another unpleasant moment in old age little dog - smell. Skin secrecy regulators little dogs Breeds, break, and this leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Fully get rid of smell or eliminate the problem will not be possible, but you can drown the smell. To do this, spread in half alcohol with water and carefully treat wool and skin little dog.

Naturally, on a walk and at home, or no longer be so cheerful and active as before. Remember this. He will no longer be able to fulfill your teams, bring the ball or stick. Do not force him to run and overcome obstacles, try to avoid stairs and high grass. During the weather, you should not cancel the walk. But take care to little dog It was well dressed - in old age dogs are especially vulnerable to viruses and colds.

To care for the old dog you need:

  • Feed pets with natural nutritional products.
  • Include vegetable and other dietary supplements.
  • Follow the weight of the dog - not to overflow. The number of calories consumed must correspond to the activity of the dog.
  • Make more frequent breaks toilet.
  • Keep your pet teeth clean, brush daily or with the help of other dental products.
  • Care for wool and bathe. With the age of dogs, their skin glands are less than lubricating and moisturizing its branches, which increases the chances of driving and peeling the skin and tangled hair.
  • Support regular moderate physical exertion.
  • If the dog has arthritis, avoid actions that create an increased burden on the joints. Make sure she has a warm and comfortable sleep space.
  • Drive a measured lifestyle and whenever possible avoid irregular procedures - old dogs feel more calm if they know what to expect.
  • With age, the hearing or vision of the dog may decrease, in which case do not close to it too quickly and do not make sharp movements - it can scare a pet.
  • Drive an old friend to the veterinarian for regular medical examinations - at least once a year, preferably once every six months.
  • Make a daily for the well-being of the dog and her health.
    As part of the care of an old dog, you should pay special attention to the following:
    • Food preferences
      If you have noticed a sudden, but persistent change in preferences in the food of your old doggy dog, for example: more eats (either much less), it is difficult to eat dry feed, drinks a lot of water, etc., then you better consult with a veterinarian for possible problems with health.
    • Loss or weight set
      Any sudden loss or weight gain is also an indication of the potential health problems and in this situation a visit to the veterinarian will be very by the way. Watch out for the weight of your old dog by weighing it at least once a month.
    • State of gums and teeth
      Check the gums of dogs and teeth during daily cleaning. Watch out for their appearance and mobility of teeth, by swelling or bleeding from gums, ulcers in the mouth. Check also her breathing. An unpleasant smell of mouth can be a sign of health problems.
    • Wool and skin condition
      Pay 5-10 minutes every day to care for the wool of your old dog, and at this time check the condition of the wool itself and skin. Look for sections of very dry wool or dry skin, sharp hair loss or strange smells. Do your dog massage regularly. Not only can you deliver pleasure, you can still check her body - pay attention to the tubercles, swelling, or non-healing ulcers on the body.
    • Excreta
      Watch out how your old dog goes to the toilet. Look for signs of urine incontinence, chronic constipation, and chronic diarrhea. In addition, watch your dog while he is "doing his own business" to check for signs of pain during urination or defecation. Also, do not forget to check the consistency, color and smell of detergents.
    • Mobility
      It is natural that as a dog aging, her movements are becoming slower, and getting tired faster. But despite this, you should carefully follow the activity of the dog and take preventive measures in advance to prevent, for example, arthritis. If the dog is experiencing difficulties with the movement up and down the stairs, or lame or shows signs of chromotype, you should give him veterinary care immediately. In addition, you should also pay attention to the coordination of movements. And show her veterinarian if she starts to stumble on things or lose balance.
    • Behavioral changes
      Caring for the old dog also includes monitoring any sudden change in the nature of the dog (for example, become aggressive, depressive or suddenly begins to miss), as the sudden changes in behavior may also indicate poor health.

Another time. To the old age little doggy Passed in calm, comfort and warmth, you should not start a new puppy before her death. First, an old friend will feel his closer and understand that he is inferior to the opponent in all respects. Secondly, the puppy will climb to the old dog, there is from her bowl, noise and fool. Do not make the dog worry! Let her last days be cloudless and happy!

We have a dog about 12. I began to hear badly, I sleep a lot and lee just lies and looks at all. Ordinary osranion. Smart and affectionate. How to keep it in old age who have experience, share! Nikolai.

All dogs have old age at different times. That is, large dogs are growing earlier than small. For example, at Toy Terrier and Chihua-Hua, the signs of old age appear only by 12-13 years old, but the Dogs and Wolfhounds for seven years are considered elderly dogs. And older dogs, as a rule, require special care, reduce loads, balanced nutrition and adding to vitamins and minerals. Here we will talk about it.

The character of an elderly dog

In old age in dogs, character changes: they become slow, jealous and offended. An elderly dog \u200b\u200bloves to rise in his corner and do not like when she is worried. Such a dog is easily offended, poorly tolerate the decor, departure of the owner.

Old dog can not be loaded physically, unnecessarily disturb emotionally. Just surround the pet care and attention, not forgetting how much joy he brought you when he was young.

Diseases of an elderly dog

An elderly dog \u200b\u200brequires frequent viscosion inspections to not view the starting disease. Each owner should know that deafness and blindness often develops in dogs.

Elderly dogs, often cease to control urination, cannot tolerate for a long time. Therefore, a dog living in the apartment may need absorbing bedding.

Teeth problems can begin. If the dog has a toggic pain, she rubs the face of a paw, trembling, does not touch the grazing.

Very dangerous for an elderly dog, so vaccinations are necessary as well as before (if there are no contraindications).

Care for an elderly dog

Since the elderly dog \u200b\u200bis dry skin, and the wool is broken and thin, while swimming you need to use air conditioners and balsams. And so that the paw pads are not crackdown, they need to be lubricated with a special cream. Claws become brittle, so they need to trim in time.

Patients teeth are usually removed in the vetclinite, and, if possible, insert ceramic teeth. And in order to prevent caries and loss of teeth, it is necessary to remove the ultrasonic device from time to time (such a service is in veterinary clinics).

Walking with pet is needed as ever, as the movement improves muscle tone and joint flexibility.

It should be remembered that the elderly dogs are susceptible to colds, so warm overalls or backup are needed in frosty days.

Nutrition elderly dog

In old age, the dog is predisposed to completeness, so in the diet should include a sufficient amount of vitamins and fiber, which is contained in vegetables (to avoid constipation). It is necessary to reduce the amount of meat that can be replaced with easily digestible cottage cheese and eggs.

Those who feed the dog are ready-made feeds, should know that there are currently dry food intended for older dogs.

This is necessary for an elderly dog. And you think your pet has deserved worthy old age!