Poems about the relationship of a man and a woman. Poems about relationships Short poems about relationships and understanding

Complete collection of materials on the topic: poems about relationships from experts in their field.

Human needs human,
To drink bitter coffee with him,
Stay close for the night
And to be interested in health.

To smile just like that

So that the heart becomes warmer
There's a draft to worry about
Put on your slippers soon.

Human needs human,

To have a friend, friend, neighbor,

And still sniffing at my side,
Without which there is no happiness in life,
Without which it is very lonely ...

Well, you guys can't understand
What do we need from you in this world ?! -
To love a little, to call us in marriage,
Give us children - that's all! Trust me!

And what many say about money -

We don’t need your millions!
We need warmth, a gentle, passionate look,
And we have full wagons of money!

We just need a strong shoulder

What will support us in difficult times,
Care, affection, devotion still,
And coffee on the tray is sweet in the morning.

And we don't need mountains of gold,

You better be with us more often.
Let the stone mountains, let the simple ones,
But only not destroyed over the years.

We were taught with you to slowly wear out the heart,
And change a dubious shore for a reliable comfort,
But we spent generously, and now there is nothing to keep warm.
We were once paid in love. Now they serve.

You are the only one with me, even if you were innumerable,

You are the only one with me, no matter how many years passed and winters.
The memory will sharpen our pencils almost imperceptibly,
Time will sharpen our profiles - one by one ...

I do not disturb you with a word or sleep every night -

to nothing ... What could I say in my defense?
Your name is hammered into my spine like a peg.
There are a dozen of them. Or more. And I stand on that.

It’s already been established for a long time
This is not the fault of us, not the gods.
We are all destined to fall in love
But love is not given to many!

Love, falling in love, two sisters,

Like twins they look alike
But it's a pity not everyone in life can
Find out different features in them.

Suddenly the heart will tremble, blood will flash,

And a moment of happy illumination
We mistake for love
Blind love is a moment.

Don't say you're cold

That it doesn't hurt so much
Who stopped loving, he did not love,
He was in love, in love, and nothing more.

Do not envy someone else's happiness!
And try to get yours.
You don't know
How many misfortunes and seas
They had to swim across.

You do not know their hard way,

All good things come with difficulty.
Didn't you see how the snow falls
Their house was destroyed more than once.

You didn't know how much tenacity

How many long, eternal steps
They had to apply, in spite of
On the enemies who want grief.

Do not envy happy people

Better become one of them!
All roads are open for you
Your strength is only in yourself.

The man's blood boiled with passion
And a woman with a smile on her lips
Said she would allow herself
Kiss, but only in two places.

Oh, men, holy simplicity!

He moved closer to the woman
And asked to name the places as soon as possible.
She said: "In Rome and Paris!"


Suddenly asked on his deathbed
Before leaving, old man.
And he could speak for now,
Consider, however, too.
Having lived in the world for many years,
The grandfather was respected by all!
“Why didn't you get married?
Open, tell your secret! "

An unexpected grandfather's smile ...
Gathering the rest of my strength,
Although the state was fragile,
Closing his eyes, he spoke.

“The years passed, I didn’t notice,
How old and weak he suddenly became.
Only perfect in the world
I was looking for a woman for myself! "

“I have lived for a century,
On a long life path
I was looking for that woman, and what,
Couldn't you find it? "

And again unexpectedly - replaced
A smile to my grandfather, a tear ...
“I found her that I often dreamed about!
Perhaps he told his secret! "

“But why didn't you get married?
I found whom I had dreamed of for a long time!
What didn't work out
After all, how long have you been looking for her? "

“There was a reason for that.
If the choice is not deprived,
So perfect man
She was looking for the light! "

Is it a fable ...

In a compartment, together: a man is sitting
And next to him is Mlada-beauty,
(Compare piit - "you can't describe with a pen")
A long journey awaited them.

I never paid attention
Read a fresh newspaper, Maine,
At a girl with a sad languid look ...
Already the evening was approaching, changing the day ...

She broke the silence languidly -
“As much as a whole hour from you attention - zero!
There is no one in the compartment ... the two of us ...
You look, you will rub a callus in front of your eyes! "

And he, setting aside reading,
He did not object or argue with her.
Looking at myself feeling playful,
Calmly and confidently he said:

“I managed to see out of the corner of my eye,
That before me sits Mlada-beauty ...
It's better to endure for an hour at most,
How to persuade, sometimes, as much as three hours! "

Agree with me, friend -
Morality is not needed here!
And the fact that he wrote a rhyme,
I'm not sorry for the time ...

The man creates gunpowder,
and a woman - a stew.
She drinks holy water
Well, the man - vodka.
A man knocks on his chest -
what a man I am!
And the woman, she is silent
and breastfeeds her son ...

The wrong man was wise
Who lived under the thumb
And the one who loved a woman
And he shared the throne with her.

Eyes can tell each other a lot
And to answer different questions without words.
And if you could not read something in them:
Not the eyes ... Not the ones you wanted to meet.

Keeping a man is an empty matter
Do not do it with beauty, or children,
Neither a hearty dinner, nor a love spell ...
No matter how hard you try, let it go.
The man himself will stay with you
When he loves and, of course, is loved,
It's much easier when the two of you are silent
Than talking about the empty without stopping.

We are weak and gentle. We are strong and sinful.
We are too vulnerable, then the lionesses are aggressive,
beautiful, playful, unique.
Or we can be evil. Depends on the man.

There are no women who are unloved.
There are unmet people.
Someone passes by
When to sit next to.
When to say a word
And change everything.
Bygone by the light of lightning
Light up like a film.
There are no unloved women.
And everyone is right.
Like pearls in a shell -
In the soul, love is alive.
Everything in the world is fixable
Show me the honor ...
There are no women unloved
As long as there are men.

No need to drip on your brains
Trust me, man.
The funnels will be deep
Like a huge mine.
And here is where the caress and warmth,
Well, let's just say ... "starved out"
Trust me man then
Will roll, for a dear, mountains.

There are no faithful and unfaithful men.

There are no faithful and unfaithful men
There are beloved and unloved women.
So you shouldn't look for reasons either
And give out for treason a slap.

Men rush to the women they need,
Where they are expected, where it is warm and cozy.
With others, they just sin at nights,
And they are left, dressed, in the morning.

With a beloved man is capable of anything
In her thoughts, she settled forever.
With the same passion that burned him,
Just flirting out of boredom nonchalantly.

There are no rules, no laws, there is only one truth,
When you meet your own and dear
It doesn't matter who it is - a friend, a wife,
Something else becomes unnecessary.

A woman's strength lies in her weakness
At least at times, she is deceiving
And in the ability to see joy,
Be mysterious and tempting.
And male strength is in patience,
In inviolability, incorruptibility,
And in a special, masculine skill
Seeing clever in women's stupidity.

I like being myself with you.

I like being myself with you
Without further ado, no false revelations.
And cover your palm with your hand
No regrets, both big and small.

I like watching a movie with you
Where they will talk about love as a miracle.
And still, believe me, it's been so long for me
What could people say about you.

I like to talk for hours
All night long about the future together.
I love so much, holding my breath,
To hug you softly and tenderly.

I love it when you frown
When angry, you are jealous for no reason.
And I, laughing, confess to you again
That there is no better man on earth.

I love it when you eat and sleep
When you make me laugh, you tickle, if I sulk.
When you call "Lapulka" and "Baby"
You kiss on the nose for frowning for a long time.

I like to trust without fear
And feel the general pulse on the wrist.
I'm just afraid to lose it all
That was so easily called "just happiness."

Women love to be taken care of
Sincere, joyful laughter,
Coffee in bed on Saturdays
Not diamonds and fur.
We need caress and hugs
A few quivering words
Better than a new dress
There will be a bunch of flowers.
Women love attention
Strength, warmth of men's hands,
If there is understanding in love,
You are not afraid of parting.
Women appreciate in a man
Reliability and fidelity of speeches,
Not what car is he in,
Not height and not a fathom of shoulders.
A woman feels with her heart
A woman loves with her soul.
If I opened the door for you,
Keep love and peace.

He will not leave me, he will be with me.
Will not say that my tears are nonsense,
And he will gently shelter from the storm with himself.

Will take 5 minutes to call me
Find out how you are doing, what I ate today.
Will not blame the problems weaker,
A man is stronger, I am unequal to him.

The man who needs me
Will appreciate my main feature - loyalty.
And I will become one for him too,
His motto is called courage.

He will love, respect and cherish,
He will be a man not in word, but in deed.
Wipes all worries off my fragile shoulders
And he will be proud of his soul, not his body.

The man who needs me
In moments of discord, he will not tell me rudely.
Even though I'm not always right,
But he will not allow his beloved to be frightened.

I won't be kept waiting for a date
And he himself will hurry to see it sooner.
Desires can guess in the eyes
Taboo for him than it is possible to offend.

The man who needs me
He considers my naivete a talent.
Will not let him doubt - I am important to him,
And it became the only one, not an option.

He won't let himself disappear and lie
And he will never dare to inflict pain.
And his weakness is the fear of losing me,
He will be able to save, I know for sure - he will be able to.

Farewell (Akhmadulina Bella)

At last I will tell you:
goodbye, do not pledge to love.
I'm going crazy. Or I ascend
to a high degree of insanity.

How did you love? You took a sip
destruction. Not in this case.
How did you love? You ruined
but ruined so ineptly.

The cruelty of a slip ... oh no
forgiveness to you. Alive body
and wanders, sees a white light,
but my body was empty.

Small temple work
still doing it. But hands fell
and a flock, obliquely,
smells and sounds go away.

Echo of Love (Robert Rozhdestvensky)

The sky will be covered
specks of dust of stars
and the branches will bend elastically.
I will hear you a thousand miles away.
We are Echo,
We are Echo,
We -
long echoes of each other.

And I care about you
wherever you are
touching with your heart is not difficult.
Again, love has called for us.
We are tenderness
We are tenderness.
We -
eternal tenderness for each other.

And even in the edge
creeping darkness
beyond the circle of death
I know we will not part with you.
We are the memory
We are memory.
We -
star memory of each other.

The sins of the loved ones, no doubt
Know how to let go with your heart
So as not to wait for forgiveness ourselves
For not being able to forgive.
Don't put pride in
Bluffing feelings on you.
After all, this may happen soon
That you don't master the games.
And so that a fit of regret
You were not touched at a late hour
Know how to give forgiveness to those
Who demands it from you.
Not to myself, but in full voice,
Without pride of barriers.
So that your heart does not fight
With a grudge of reason ... a hundred times.
Know how to forgive as a favor
Not for the sake of form, but on loan.
After all, it may come out that in forgiveness
You will also need

I will beg you from all the gods:
Christ, Allah, Jehovah, Buddha.
Let there be no enemies
And the kiss of Judas will pass from the lips.
I will go around the temples of all religions,
Light up the candles, offer up my prayers
I can ward off any trouble:
Fires, storms, disasters, battles ...
I will beat my bows for you,
Keeping fasts and keeping the Sabbath ...
I didn’t know that I could love this way,
Choking feelings in a whirlpool.
I will beg you from all the gods,
In which, however, you and I do not believe.
May my love save you
Before which you locked the doors ...

I want you very ...
To tears ... to frost on the skin ...
To the bitten lips ... to the longing whining with pain ...
But I live as I lived, I smile at random passers-by,
And I dream ... unrealizable ... just touch the hand.
I want you as if there is a week left for life.
It’s like a few days ... and there’s nothing to be done ...
I haven't lost my mind, it's just that my nerves have long been at their limit ...
It is easier to flare up - and to ashes ...
Than long, painful to smolder. I want you...
I miss you impossible ...
And melancholy eats from the inside, worse than any acid.
Every evening I appoint you a date in a dream,
Seventeen minutes before dawn, at the fifth star ...
Come, we both ... need this meeting! ..
Give me a chance to tell you that there is no more power to hide ...
I want you very much! ..
And from this time does not heal.
Only I myself do not want to forget anything ... ..

Do not forget that life is short and minutes are priceless.
That sand runs away in a golden hourglass.
Do not forget that even idols leave the stage,
And relatives, and loved ones, and the right ones have their own term.
There is now". Look into the eyes and penetrate the soul.
If the heart is disturbed by sadness, give vent to tears.
Learn to forgive, understand, and listen carefully.
Hurry to love! So that one day not be late

Woman under an umbrella. Autumn. Bad weather.
Why is the detached gaze foggy?
What are you worried about? Personal adversity?
Or is it a boring rain to blame?
Smile at the woman! Briefly, by the way.
Look in a friendly way, driving away sadness.
Just like that, for no reason. Let it be in a hurry,
Let it not be in your taste, let it not be yours, let it!
Smile at a woman without looking for a reason
Let her look warm to her.
Smile at a woman as a man
You rightfully smile at her strong!
And your smile, like a ray, is marked,
Surprised, he will rise up, pulling his umbrella ...
How little she needs to be a woman again
Feel proud and confident!

You saw a lot ... you loved
But who can condemn the past.
I'm not jealous of those who were
I'm just jealous of those who will.
Give them anything ...
My intentions are good
But ... don't say our words,
Think of different words for them!

Human needs human,
To drink bitter coffee with him,
Stay close for the night
And to be interested in health.

To smile just like that
So that the heart becomes warmer
There's a draft to worry about
Put on your slippers soon.

Human needs human,
Call, listen to his voice:
"And it snowed today.
How are you there without me? I'm worried! "

To have a friend, friend, neighbor,
And still sniffing at my side,
Without which there is no happiness in life,
Without which it is very lonely ...

Well, you guys can't understand
What do we need from you in this world ?! -
To love a little, to call us in marriage,
Give us children - that's all! Trust me!

And what many say about money -
We don’t need your millions!
We need warmth, a gentle, passionate look,
And we have full wagons of money!

We just need a strong shoulder
What will support us in difficult times,
Care, affection, devotion still,
And coffee on the tray is sweet in the morning.

And we don't need mountains of gold,
You better be with us more often.
Let the stone mountains, let the simple ones,
But only not destroyed over the years.

We were taught with you to slowly wear out the heart,
And change a dubious shore for a reliable comfort,
But we spent generously, and now there is nothing to keep warm.
We were once paid in love. Now they serve.

You are the only one with me, even if you were innumerable,
You are the only one with me, no matter how many years passed and winters.
The memory will sharpen our pencils almost imperceptibly,
Time will sharpen our profiles - one by one ...

I do not disturb you with a word or sleep every night -
to nothing ... What could I say in my defense?
Your name is hammered into my spine like a peg.
There are a dozen of them. Or more. And I stand on that.

It’s already been established for a long time
This is not the fault of us, not the gods.
We are all destined to fall in love
But love is not given to many!

Love, falling in love, two sisters,
Like twins they look alike
But it's a pity not everyone in life can
Find out different features in them.

Suddenly the heart will tremble, blood will flash,
And a moment of happy illumination
We mistake for love
Blind love is a moment.

Don't say you're cold
That it doesn't hurt so much
Who stopped loving, he did not love,
He was in love, in love, and nothing more.

Do not envy someone else's happiness!
And try to get yours.
You don't know
How many misfortunes and seas
They had to swim across.

You do not know their hard way,
All good things come with difficulty.
Didn't you see how the snow falls
Their house was destroyed more than once.

You didn't know how much tenacity
How many long, eternal steps
They had to apply, in spite of
On the enemies who want grief.

Do not envy happy people
Better become one of them!
All roads are open for you
Your strength is only in yourself.

The man's blood boiled with passion
And a woman with a smile on her lips
Said she would allow herself
Kiss, but only in two places.

Oh, men, holy simplicity!
He moved closer to the woman
And asked to name the places as soon as possible.
She said: "In Rome and Paris!"

Do not envy someone else's happiness!
And try to get yours.
You don't know
How many misfortunes and seas
They had to swim across.

You do not know their hard way,
All good things come with difficulty.
Didn't you see how the snow falls
Their house was destroyed more than once.

You didn't know how much tenacity
How many long, eternal steps
They had to apply, in spite of
On the enemies who want grief.

Do not envy happy people
Better become one of them!
All roads are open for you
Your strength is only in yourself.

Yes, he used to write how you can't live without her,
and she replied that she desperately needed him.
And now if he writes, then: "Bread, as always, did not take."
And she replies: "What are you going to have for dinner today?"

They may not see each other for days, but in the evenings,
Leaving everything, she rushes to his apartment.
There comes a time when you get used to your hands
accommodating in them, at least, good half of the world.

Yes, he used to give her flowers all the time,
I seized every moment to be with her.
Maybe there is less of that beauty in her?
Which attracted all male looks ...

Maybe she lacked a little mind,
to halve all his ideas?
Or, probably, winter has just come
after which it will not get warmer at all.

Yes, he used to write to her "Just be with me!"
And here she is, laughing: "You have a cold with me!" ...
Time passes, falling in love gives love
This does not mean that someone is less needed.

He just calls her "Wife" now,
And she tenderly calls him her Husband.

© Red Hope

How scary the loneliness together
When only everyday life unites.
There seems to be a husband, and I am a wife with him,
But loneliness shows through all the cracks.

And there is no one to share my grief with,
And they won't understand your happiness either
You can't talk heart to heart
Afraid that they will find it annoying.

And so I wanted to share the fate,
And thoughts, and desires, and dreams,
But why then, I do not understand
For a long time already with loneliness on "you".

And I don't have the strength to knock on a blank fence,
And hurt my heart on the fragments of phrases,
Only occasionally catch, like a thief,
A little warmth from hard eyes.

And how did it happen, why,
Perhaps we will understand someday.
How difficult it is to build happiness alone
How terrible the loneliness is together.

© Marina Tikhonova

Promise that you will be there - with a look, a gesture, a word, a line,
In our distant kingdom, where love and anger are in installments,
Where verbs with wind / sky / snow rhyme,
Nobody's injections are scary, if only you are near.

Without asking permission - neither from the devil / nor from God,
Someone created an equation where we have only one road,
Where the verbs of parting burn the verbs of our meeting:
"I miss. Come back. The evening is so long without you. "

Away with incorrect predictions, changes in light / shadow,
Don't beat me for tears and trembling knees
Smiling at the door, promise to return - with a look
Everything will go away - trouble, anxiety ... if only you are near.

© Irina Vasilenko

A "stranger" man is a stranger,
What's good about it? Tell!
And his own, he is warm, he is dear,
With him everything is different, understand!

"Stranger", you know, does not care,
What's going on in your soul.
He should take you to the movies,
But he is afraid to "light up".

With "family", believe me, at least where.
He'll bring you breakfast in bed
With him, even grief does not matter.
He will be with you in your tomorrow.

Don't tame the crane
He is also that bird, I can tell you.
So as not to regret not a day later,
Hold on tight you tit!

© Svetlana Chekolaeva

They don't leave their relatives, they don't lie to them, they don't strangle them,

Relatives don't get calls to scream on the phone
And they do not say "I am with you, as in captivity."

Relatives are hugged tiredly at night.
Relatives do not shout "You got me so!;"
Relatives do not smoke out of evil on the balcony.
Relatives do not break all the dishes in the house.

They dress their relatives so as not to freeze.
With relatives they walk at night under the stars.
They don't abandon their relatives, they don't lie or strangle them,
Do not change, in the case that comes across.