Poem for a little princess happy birthday. Happy birthday greetings to a girl: beautiful and kind congratulations for a child

» Happy birthday to a little girl

Happy birthday to a girl

Birthday today,
The girl is beautiful
With pretty eyes
Such a clear smile.
Let you have
Everything will work out.
In study and in business,
Everything will work out.
Let you have
Many happy days.
And the most, most faithful,
And loyal friends.

congratulations princess,
Happy birthday accept.
Wishes and gifts
Receive from all loved ones.
Be healthy and cheerful
Bright, cute, mischievous.
To magical flowers
The world sparkled bright yours.

Happy birthday girl!
Happy birthday, honey!
Always be beautiful
Be always happy.
Let the sun smile
Let the rain not cry
And everywhere let the beauty
Luck comes along!
You are mommy's sunshine
You are grandma's flower
You are a sweet girl
And daddy's fire!

Happy birthday! You are like a fairy.
Magic, flutter, wind.
You shine like a bright star
Light up the world with a smile.
Always be charming
Be a spring chamomile
Be friendly, cheerful
And the character of goodness.
Be so unique
Both happy and loved.
Happy and boring days
And the outfits are the best.
In achievements - the highest scores,
To shine with success.
Friendship bright, interesting.
And a wonderful fate to you!

At the little princess
Birthday today.
We wish you happiness
And super mood.
And more goodies
Toys and clothes.
But remember, mom and dad
For this you need to listen.
You live brightly, live cheerfully,
Be beautiful, smart.
And all your desires
May it be fulfilled soon.

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish
I am health, beauty,
So that you are happy!
More joyful moments
And nice compliments.
And smiles and dreams
Fulfillment of dreams.

Be the most beautiful and the most diligent,
Be with mom and dad, like a daughter, tender,
Bring home only fives in your diary,
And you read books from cover to cover.
More girlfriends are the most faithful to you,
Less habits unnecessary and bad,
To make going to school fun for you.
And it was nice to hear praise!
Beautiful clothes and shoes too,
So that in them you look like a princess,
And you are a princess, of course.
And we congratulate you just for the honor!
I wish you health, so that your eyes shine,
So that the arms and legs flutter like wings,
I wish you only be friends with friends
And be the happiest girl!

Happy birthday!
I wish you a peaceful sky
Lots of fabulous flowers
Sincere and warm words.
Only joyful events
Achievements and discoveries
understanding, recognition
And everyone's attention.
Be beautiful, be kind
Joyful, generous.
love mom and dad
And always be obedient.

Happy brew day.
Sweets, sweets, cookies,
From message fans
Fulfillment of dreams!
Bring home the "fives"
Help mom clean up!
Brave, groovy, cool
Always be a star at school!
And solve the example at once,
And in everything to be "upper class".

We congratulate the girl!
She is more affectionate than a kitten.
She sings louder than birds
Yes, more beautiful roses bloom.
We wish you various blessings
And we dream a lot
see you grow
Open the world, go
To new plans and dreams.
... to new frontiers in life.
Joyful mood!
It's your birthday.

Happy birthday sms for girl

congratulations princess,
Happy birthday accept.
Wishes and gifts
Receive from all loved ones.
Be healthy and cheerful
Bright, cute, mischievous.
To magical flowers
The world sparkled bright yours.

3 sms - 193 characters

Happy birthday to a wonderful and lovely girl. I wish you, dear, bright miracles and incredible magic in life, sincere joy and cheerful friends, great achievements and personal victories, interesting hobbies and real happiness.

4 sms - 244 characters

Happy birthday to a beautiful, sweet, charming, kind and best girl. I wish you beautiful hairstyles, elegant dresses, fairy tales, funny stories, wonderful girlfriends, wonderful entertainment and happy moments in life.

4 sms - 247 characters

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish
I am health, beauty,
So that you are happy!
More joyful moments
And nice compliments.
And smiles and dreams
Fulfillment of dreams.

3 sms - 187 characters

Happy birthday, I congratulate the cutie, charm, attraction. I would like to wish you many joyful moments, unforgettable adventures, nice gifts, tasty surprises, only joyful troubles, boundless care, attention and love of parents.

4 sms - 247 characters

Happy birthday to a beautiful and sweet girl. I wish you a happy life and sincere joy, fascinating stories and fulfillment of desires, wonderful friends and funny ideas, good miracles and bright victories, good mood and constant good luck.

4 sms - 252 characters

Happy Birthday, Princess.
You shine the brightest.
You are like a joyful play
You give a bright, sonorous laugh.
You only grow with a smile,
Shine with angelic happiness
And you have so much health
So that you do not see the end.

4 sms - 204 characters

Baby, happy birthday!
Good luck and luck
new toys,
Smart girlfriends.
Be a princess from a fairy tale
So that your eyes sparkle
From sweets and cakes,
From gifts of all kinds.
Let everything turn out like in a fairy tale
And only good things happen.

4 sms - 250 characters

Happy birthday to a wonderful and kind girl and with all my heart I wish you happy life stories and great joy, interesting hobbies and unforgettable adventures, cheerful emotions and good friends, incredible victories and good mood.

4 sms - 245 characters

Sweet princess
beautiful girl,
Your holiday today.
You are so cool!
Your birthday is
Cake, candles, crackers,
And gifts, and sweets,
Desirable toys.
Be healthy and beautiful
Happy mom and dad.
And your love for them -
Best Reward!

Happy birthday to a little girl

Your birthday is the best day ever!
On your holiday, lilacs bloom so beautifully,
You yourself look like a beautiful flower,
I wish you happiness, my girl.
Let your eyes shine with happiness
Let bad weather disappear forever
Be beautiful, affectionate, gentle,
May fate be kind to you.

Dear girl, happy birthday,
We wish you joy, fun,
Like a scarlet flower, be beautiful and tender,
We sincerely wish you happiness, peace and kindness.
Let the sun shine bright for you
Let the sky blue
Let them surround with tender love,
Your family and close friends.

Today is your birthday
I wish you peace and good, my girl,
You are not more beautiful in the world
Birds send you greetings with their songs.
I wish you a lot - a lot of happiness,
Let sorrows and bad weather disappear
Let life flow like a full river
May you always be lucky in everything.

You're just a baby, my girl,
Birthday, the best holiday for you,
Flowers, gifts and balloons,
On this day your dreams come true.
I wish you to be happy
Like a lush rose to bloom
Destiny appointed road
Pass nicely and confidently.

Birthday, bright moment
Birthday is a glorious day
Birthday is a long-awaited fun,
May luck follow you like a shadow.
May the golden angel keep you
Let sadness not know you
Let bad weather run from you
Peace and goodness to you, dear girl.

Happy birthday, happy to congratulate you
We tell you with admiration
Meeting with you, girl, is a reward for us,
We love you and adore you.
We wish you prosperity and good luck,
Although everyone wants his own from life,
And most importantly, we wish you happiness
So that there was a little, but everything.

Outside the window the sun shines so beautifully,
There is no better holiday in the world,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
My best girl.
May your life be pure
May the sun shine brightly on you
So that life is charm, beauty,
Fate was given to you as a gift.

It's your birthday today
Guests, congratulations and a little excitement,
You are beautiful like a princess, no doubt
May the holiday bring you lots of joy.
Let love come to you bright, big,
May good luck always be by your side,
Let your life be, dear girl,
Pure as spring water.

Daughter, today is your holiday,
Accept a congratulatory verse, you are mine,
In it, I heartily congratulate you,
And with all my heart I wish you:
May your life always
It will be light and bright
Let not only on a holiday,
They give you gifts.

Today is my daughter's birthday
And there will be fun in our house,
Family and friends will gather
To congratulate you together.
I wish you dear
Stay always like this.
I love you so much,
Be happy day and night.

My daughter is dear
Accept congratulations from dad
You became big
Today is your birthday.
I love you very much
I wish you well
And I'll tell you frankly
In the whole world, you are the only one!

The sun shines outside the window
Much brighter today
After all, he cannot do
It is different today.
Our daughter's holiday
Let's celebrate now
Happy birthday congratulations
At this merry hour.

Funny birthday greetings for a girl

You are still a princess.
Be good
Then you will be queen.
You just need to grow up.
Happy birthday!
Be beautiful like a flower.
Like spring, full of fun
And light as a breeze!

Our birthday girl is a wonderful girl:
Kind, open, affectionate, honest.
Clever, beautiful - just a feast for the eyes.
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Please mom and dad, be warm, like the sun.
Grow faster you into a spikelet from a grain.
We wish you much, much joy,
And also gifts and honey sweets.

Mischievous, sweet, very groovy,
Congratulations, our dear girl.
You have a holiday today, a birthday,
Gifts for you, congratulations!
Clever-intelligent, beauty to grow,
May happiness be on your way
Let faith with hope in life help,
And let your guardian angel protect!

You are your mother's helper
You are smart, beautiful.
Do well in school
Don't be sad and don't be lazy!
Always be obedient, sweet,
Be cheerful and happy!
Laughter sounds non-stop.
Happy birsday, my dear!

We wish you to be
The most beautiful,
The most sincere
The happiest!
The most caring
The most agile
The most obedient
Bold, healthy.
We want to be kind
Delicate, simple,
For people to love
You with all my heart!
Happy birthday
Only the best
We wish for you!

Happy holiday, beauty!
Got a year older.
The sun is smiling
Ball queen.
Cheerfulness, health
And big discoveries.
Let there be more
Joyful events.
And funny friends
Only real ones
And success in school
And brilliant victories.
You grow beautiful
Everyone for a look.
Be always happy!
Happy birthday!

Today the fairy tale came to life
And the princess came into life.
That there is no dearer than her in the world,
Everyone says - adults and children.
Let her life be like a fairy tale.
Love, care, a lot of affection!
Let the child believe in miracles
It's a miracle that she is herself.

Beauty baby, a golden ray of sunshine,
Everyone knows you bright, cheerful, groovy.
Stay the same and make us happy always,
May only all the good things bring you years.
May your day be such a significant, most important holiday,
Wishes come true. Go ahead, follow your dream!
Let there be a fairy tale, goodness and miracles around!
Heaven grants health, happiness, affection.

We wish you
Boundless happiness,
Moods are always
The very best.
May good luck every day
Will be a companion.
Not one let a man
Do not judge in life.
Let them wait ahead
ocean of success
Sea of ​​joy, love
And more laughter.

You are daddy's pride, you are a daughter,
which he created,
Kisses not like a son
And giving his tenderness.
You are my mother's joy and the sun,
Warming with your smile,
You shine in the window of the heart,
Don't let him go out.
You listen to mom and dad
Wear fives from school.
And if suddenly something happened,
You ask them for help.
Be happy every moment
More and more, give a smile.
Let the mood be good
Your money will fill!

Happy birthday greetings for a girl

Happy birthday, our dear,
There is no more beautiful girl in the world
No smarter, sweeter and kinder,
There is no more mobile and more fun!
Let the sun smile on you
In the morning it shines brightly in the window,
Let the best birds sing to you
And from happiness - a tear on the eyelashes!
Warmth to you, a lot of joy,
To keep the roads straight
So that you love everyone heartily,
And loved forever!

One beautiful girl
He celebrates his birthday.
To you, fluffy kitten,
I give you congratulations today.
I wish you life, as if in a fairy tale,
So that there was a lot of magic in it.
Good, luck, happiness, affection,
Good friends and health.

Such a cutie, such a beauty
I congratulate you on your birthday.
From a little girl to a young lady
I wish you to turn, my dear.
You are very smart, the smartest,
Be active everywhere and always.
Celebrate your holidays, you are very fun,
As never mentioned before!

Happy Birthday
beautiful girl,
Who is so cute
Maybe not like it?
In a smart dress
With white bows
Behind you boys
They walk in herds.
I wish the princess
Become a queen
But, mind you, don't ask
And don't turn up your nose.
I want to be cheerful
kind and considerate
And then happy
You will definitely.

Always be happy and healthy.
Bloom like a scarlet petal of a delicate rose.
Let your love be blood
Every breath of air sparkles with happiness.
Let the bliss of inspiration surround
Kindness does not leave everywhere.
From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday today
I sincerely congratulate you!

On the girl's birthday, the light is brighter than the sun,
It doesn't matter how old she is today.
She goes with earrings, a fashionable dress,
A good hairstyle for any weather.
She likes to study, she has many interests,
Smile, beauty. You are our princess.

You are a beautiful girl
Oh, what a beauty!
And you laugh very loudly
Infecting with positivity!
Be as wonderful
Sweet, bright, groovy,
To sing joyful songs
Heart on your birthday!

Birthday, your magical holiday,
How many gifts did he bring?
But the most precious gift -
By youth, your growing up.
May this time be happy
All your dreams will come true
Let it be possible by all
Creates your destiny out of joy.

May this day be remembered forever
After all, a birthday is a great thing!
May all your wishes come true
May the world be at your feet!
And let the heart beat in the rhythm of happiness
And never be sad about anything
May the sun always laugh at you
And all good things are remembered!

On your birthday, baby
Let dreams come true.
Let everything be as in the books,
The ones you read.
Your young age is so beautiful
You are just starting to live.
And the view of life is so pure and clear.
Only a child can do that.
Be smart and be obedient
Be healthy and naughty.
Grow big and good-natured,
And always be yourself.

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A girl needs warm congratulations on her birthday no less than gifts and sweets that a child receives on her own holiday. But even if the girl is completely tiny and does not understand everything that has been said, she will feel the main thing - your endless love, and will respond with a charming smile and a happy look.

Beautiful birthday greetings for a girl

Birthday is a holiday that does not belong to anyone except the birthday girl herself. Regardless of the scale of the event, the number of guests and gifts at such a moment, the child is full of happiness, feels like the center of the universe: she is dressed in a beautiful airy dress, she has a special “holiday” hairstyle ... She is waiting for gifts that she saw in her dreams. This time, Santa Claus has nothing to do with it: the hero of the occasion knows that her dreams were fulfilled by loving parents, grandparents, and relatives. But all the same, she is waiting for other testimonies of love, which will make it clear that she is under reliable protection, that the supply of tenderness for her in adults is endless, that she is forever the very best for them. Beautiful congratulations for the girl will become just such evidence and make the feeling of bliss complete.

If you show imagination, you can turn congratulations into an additional gift: write words on a beautiful bright card with the image of your favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters. Older ladies usually adore all kinds of princesses. So, having found out in advance who the idol of the birthday girl is at the moment - Snow White, Ariel, Rapunzel, Cinderella or someone else - you can make it clear who you think she looks like and add joy to the birthday girl.

You're adorable, nerd!

Fun conversation with you

You dance and sing

Giving everyone smiles.

Mischievous eyes shine,

They look at the world with kindness.

Let him submit to you

So that you, like a bird,

Recklessly, freely, boldly

Luckily, she flew!

Birthday today

A nice young lady.

More beautiful and kinder

Not to be found in the world!

May your every day be

Filled with warmth

And the path through life is lit

Lucky star!

Baby! Happy birthday!

Good luck and luck!

new toys,

Smart girlfriends!

Be a princess from a fairy tale!

So that your eyes sparkle

From sweets and cakes,

From all kinds of gifts!

To make cheeks rosy,

So that the lips sing loudly!

Our beauty, dear angel,

This morning we are fussing, busying ourselves.

And the cake with candles is on the table.

You have grown up a little bit.

May your childhood be a beautiful fairy tale,

You will become the happiest princess.

Baby, we love you endlessly!

We congratulate you and love you dearly.

Little angel sits on the roof

He pretends not to hear me.

Calling and calling - no attention!

I don’t hear “Hello” or “Goodbye”.

I want to give her candy

And whisper softly in your ear:

“Beautiful lady, happy birthday!

I wish you happiness and luck!”

Dear angel, my girl,

May happiness always and everywhere await you!

Let the star shine for you, my friend

The horn of the month smiles from the sky.

Happy birthday baby! I wish

Joy, baby, the sea is for you!

Be always cheerful, bright, groovy,

May luck always follow you!

Touching and sincere congratulations

When it comes from the heart, it is felt no matter how old you are. Both a three-year-old baby and a twelve-year-old teenager will respond to such an appeal with all their hearts. A child's heart is especially sensitive not only to the beautiful words themselves, but also to what the person pronouncing them feels at that time. And if he really doesn’t care, or just at this moment his thoughts are busy with something else, and “congratulations” is pronounced almost automatically, it will be perceived accordingly - as a dispassionate record of an answering machine. Therefore, looking into the eyes of the birthday girl, focus on her. In front of you is your beloved girl, who today has become a year older, elegant, solemn and very excited. Freezing in anticipation of your hugs and words. Don't let her down, let her touch your heart and be happy with what she finds there. Perhaps the words will soon be forgotten, but the love that warms them will remain with the child.

Happy day has come

The sun is laughing.

He is not tired of wishing

On your birthday

Happiness, baby, to you!

Let it smile

And then it remains

Forever with you!

The stars in the sky whispered to each other

Choosing the best name for you.

The waves of the sea gently lapped

Music gentle to the beat picking up.

The wind flew over the vast expanse,

Making your life easy and bright.

The sun shone with its warm eyes,

So that fate sends gifts ...

So you grew up kind, charming,

Very smiling, the most beautiful!

So that you become, like in a fairy tale, happy!

Eyes-lakes, cheeks-peaches, lips-petals! You are so beautiful, sweet and gentle! Your sonorous voice fills the walls of this house and gives moments of joy and fullness of life. Be a sensitive, responsive and obedient girl! Health and love! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, dear girl, may multi-colored balloons fly up this day, each of which will contain your dream. The higher they rise, the more accurately it will be fulfilled. So let your balls and your dreams rise higher and higher each time.

Today there is one more star in the sky. After all, the most beautiful girl was born! You brought with you into this world a piece of happiness, joy and even a few miracles. Although you will not remember this day, everyone who has been waiting for your appearance will remember it. Everyone who impatiently counted the days, minutes and even seconds. Now you look like a small ball of happiness that descended straight from heaven. May from this day, your life begin to bring you new and new miracles. After all, with every smile, with every clear look, your parents rejoice like children! So let your little eyes never see the bad. A soul pure as crystal does not experience disappointment. Happy birth to the world!

In a magical country far from evil and grief, where only goodness and happiness live, a girl of indescribable beauty was once born. Everyone just couldn't see enough! And today this girl celebrates her birthday. This is the day when all - all desires come true, you just have to sincerely believe in it.

I'll tell you a secret: the girl I'm talking about, I know well! After all, it's you! You are that little happiness that celebrates its birthday today! You are a miracle that is simply impossible to look at without a smile! On your birthday, I wish you to sincerely rejoice and have fun. After all, there is nothing better in life than once remembering the happy moments of childhood! Happy Birthday, Princess!

The brightest day of my life was your birthday. I was pleased with your first steps, your first words, especially when you called me. The sparks of happiness in your eyes still mean more than anything to me, and always will. I laugh with you and I'm sad when you're sad. Congratulations, piece of my heart!

How to congratulate a girl in your own words

Your girl's birthday is coming soon. A fun holiday awaits her, many guests and entertainment. It will not do without gifts and a cake with candles. Perhaps, in the pre-holiday bustle, you will forget to prepare a special “birthday” greeting, or there will simply be no time for pleasant chores. When you realize that this is exactly what happened, do not panic. Look carefully at your pet, remember what happiness you experienced when she came into this world. Go over in memory all the wonderful moments of your communication with the child. And when you look at the girl - so elegant, cheerful, friendly - the words will pour out of your mouth by themselves. Maybe not everything will go smoothly, but your deep love will definitely compensate for any shortcomings in congratulations. But if you are still afraid that excitement will prevent you from expressing yourself beautifully and solemnly, take a moment and write down your “wish ...” on a pretty postcard. It will be very interesting to get it after many years and remember the noisy children's holiday.

Happy birthday, daddy's daughter! You will soon grow up and turn from my little fairy into a beautiful lady, find yourself a true friend and fly away from your parents' house. So let your choice be right, happiness is always present in your life! But do not forget about your parents and know that you have a house in which you always love and always wait, no matter what happens!

Sweet beautiful princess! It is your birthday today. And this means that the happiest day has come for mom and dad. We sincerely wish you to grow up as a happy, smart, beautiful girl who will only please her parents. You are a real fairy: sweet, gentle, kind. Stay always like this! We wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, excellent studies and a great mood. Be smart, baby!

Happy birthday, darling! I wish you lightness and airiness, a good, sparkling mood, wonderful impressions, travels and discoveries. May life bring many wonderful surprises. Smile, rejoice, experience the world in all its beauty. May there always be people around to help and support. Love, health, happiness!

Sweet and wonderful princess!! Congratulations on your birthday! Be always beautiful like Cinderella, sweet and kind like Snow White, inquisitive and cheerful like Rapunzel! May there be many fabulous moments in your life. To make dreams come true, as if by magic!

My beloved daughter, I congratulate you on your birthday! You are my mischievous and restless sun, my sparkling star! Your charming smile illuminates those around you with a sincere light of kindness and tenderness. I wish you only loyal friends, high marks in school and outstanding achievements in everything that you undertake!

That's how you got older. You learned to get along with people and smile in the face of trouble. You deserve happiness! And we wish it to you from the bottom of our hearts!

My flower, my dear, I congratulate you with all my heart! Today is the birthday of the best girl in the world! Let no life hurricanes knock the ship of your destiny off the right course. Let your environment support you and give you strength in a difficult moment of life. Nothing in the world can replace you for me. You are my treasure, my ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Happy Birthday to You! No matter what happens, know that I am there!

Short congratulations and small poems

Unlike adults, children, even long enough out of diapers, are not able to listen to long welcoming speeches and appreciate the beauty of turns. If you torment the birthday girl and her guests with such things, the moment when you finally shut up can seem like a real relief to the little girl and her friends. So do not abuse the attention of the children's audience, especially if the invitees are not older than ten years. Prepare some kind and funny, but short congratulations. And do not just read from a piece of paper or a postcard, but hide them in different places and invite the hostess of the celebration and her guests to find and voice them in front of everyone. And if you also give small prizes for this, the delight will be complete.

We want to be everyone's favorite

Let success be with you in your studies,

Let classmates, friends appreciate

Let your family be proud of you!

Let a magnificent braid grow to the waist,

Let the girlish beauty bloom for the joy of all.

Let grandma, mom, dad, grandfather be proud,

Let the boys look enthusiastically after.

Be an obedient smart girl, study well -

And the future will be great.

And today rejoice, laugh from the heart,

But to grow up yet, baby, do not rush.

Let the little fairy, who flies to all the girls on their birthday, bring on their small transparent wings the fulfillment of your most cherished desires! Happy holiday, princess!

We wish that a small fluffy duckling turned into a graceful white swan. We wish that a real noble lady grows out of such a gentle little lady. Be happy, grow smart!

Today you are the best, and around you are the most dear people! Let your clear eyes not know the tears of resentment. But you yourself do not become a cause of grief for your loved ones - be a sweet girl with a big kind heart!

You grow and spread every petal

Like a fabulously beautiful scarlet flower.

Let evil flee from your pure eyes,

So that you are always lucky in everything on the way.

Let there be no envious people, there will be only friends,

I only wish you happy bright days.

A holiday is coming - a birthday!
Accept, dear, congratulations!
Grow, daughter, to our joy,
So that everything comes true, what you dreamed about!

You health and luck
Great love, in the labor of patience
We wish from the bottom of our hearts,
And youth is easy, eternal!

Happy birthday! You are like a fairy.
Magic, flutter, wind.
You shine like a bright star
Light up the world with a smile.

Always be charming
Be a spring chamomile
Be friendly, cheerful
And the character of goodness.

Be so unique
Both happy and loved.
Happy and boring days
And the outfits are the best.

In achievements - the highest scores,
To shine with success.
Friendship bright, interesting.
And a wonderful fate to you!

Girl, we do not have you relatives,
You are more beautiful than everyone and smarter than everyone!
Our child, gentle angel,
Fragile like a wild flower...
Let adversity bypass you
Solid joys in life are waiting.
Smile and move forward
Do not know the scores for your victories! Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you a lot of happiness.
So that you are always happy
And she remained so beautiful.

After all, you are the ideal of beauty,
Today I give you flowers.
These are not roses, not violets,
These are daisies, fortune-telling flowers.

You look just wonderful
You are like a princess, charming!
We want to stay like this
And life always smile
Be open, kind, active,
Protective and positive!
We are happiness, kindness and luck
We wish you a happy birthday! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
With this bright and beautiful day!
I wish you the sun in your soul
Joy, fun full house!

Like today, always be beautiful!
Caress to you, tenderness, love!
So that in life, bright and happy,
All your dreams have come true!

You are a bright, beautiful dawn,
who came down to us from heaven.
You shine with your beauty
You amaze us with your intelligence.

Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you a beautiful path.
Rush to victory and love,
Just expect the best from life.

Happy birthday to you baby
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
With a good fairy tale, a bright book
And make friends with cartoons!
Let them read, look at the pictures
Will never be lazy
And favorite characters
Will be there every day! Baby, happy birthday!
Good luck and luck
new toys,
Smart girlfriends.

Be a princess from a fairy tale
So that your eyes sparkle
From sweets and cakes,
From gifts of all kinds.

Let everything turn out like in a fairy tale
And only good things happen.

In ... years you are so beautiful
The charm of spring
That all the boys are not in vain
Deadly in love with you.

Yes, you have perspective
Even though you are girlishly modest ...
Others say she's beautiful
Others will say that it is smart!

My girl, darling
You've been waiting for this day for so long!
Both happy and elegant
Smiling at the center of the table.
Guests are waiting for expensive treats,
Delicious cake, lemonade and soda.
And until the evening let the entertainment
Amuse your mood!!! Pigtails on your shoulders
Slightly tinted eyelashes
A little more and you will become an adult,
Stop playing with dolls!

Happy birthday to you baby
young beauty,
Let life be like candy
And let your dreams come true!

Happy birthday to you!
May life always shine like a rainbow!
You are not a girl, but a treasure - I know for sure.
What a lucky mother to have such a daughter!
Help her in everything and always,
You are never capricious!
Let fate not skimp on gifts,
All desires are in a hurry to come true at once! Here comes the glorious day
I'm not too lazy to congratulate you.
You, our girl, are so sweet,
So be happy.

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you much love.
Take a gift from me
You need him, he's so sweet!

The sun is shining brightly today
The gloomy clouds are gone
You, dear, gifts
We brought it today!
Let's have fun together
Congratulate and eat cake.
You see happy faces
Heartfelt words flow ...
Grow smart, healthy
And beautiful like a princess!
New impressions for you -
Joyful and interesting!
May your dreams come true on this day
And all the plans come true
Let the smile never leave your face
A new station will open in life

So that you find your happiness in life
And good-natured grew
So that your path is successful
And the success was unequivocal

happy birthday congratulations
And I bless you with happiness
Let luck smile
And touch your hand!!!

Congratulations princess,
Happy birthday accept.
Wishes and gifts
Receive from all loved ones.

Be healthy and cheerful
Bright, cute, mischievous.
So that with magical flowers,
The world sparkled bright yours.

Our joy! You are beautiful,
Carefree and easy
Eat wonderfully with birds
You dance lighter than a moth,
You give generous smiles
The charm is full
And you, our fish,
The whole family is subdued.
Be happy, our joy,
Smart, grow strong,
Fairy luck bowl
Waiting for you ahead. Beautiful girl! Cute angel!
May happiness await you on all roads,
May the Lord grant unearthly strength,
And always in life, let you be lucky!
Let the stars shine for you only from the sky,
The sun warms and gives light,
Let there be only continuous summer in my heart
Without bad weather, storms - many, many years.
Sort gifts: dolls, chocolates,
Bows, hairpins, dresses, bouquets…
Spend your holiday fun and sweet
And now be warmed by the attention of the guests! Girl, sweet, glorious,
Your birthday has arrived!
Today you are the most important
At the center of events, praise.
Eyes shine naive ...
Looking forward to your guests.
May your days be long
But don't rush to grow up! You're adorable, nerd!
Fun conversation with you
You dance and sing
Giving everyone smiles
Mischievous eyes shine,
They want to conquer the whole world.
Let him submit to you
So that the heart, like a bird,
Recklessly, freely, boldly
Fortunately, it flew happily!

Happy Birthday, Princess,
So you're a year older.
Let the world become wonderful
Let him have no worries.

I make your dreams come true
I want to wish now.
And laugh heartily
You should always, believe me.

Be content and happy
Forget what sadness means.
You are beautiful and beautiful
So always be the same!

Happy birthday to a girl in verse

The girl is good, the most obedient
Celebrates the holiday on a joyful day!
We carry balloons as a gift,
To light up a bright light in the eyes!
Let the flowers, like in a fairy tale, fill the room,
The most beautiful cake mom will bake ...
We believe in you so much, we love with you
Let's celebrate this birthday together! Daughter, dear, on your birthday
We wish you well and good luck
Be the sweetest, most beautiful and kind,
Very active, responsive, cheerful,
Be charming, irresistible,
The most beautiful and unique! You are our dear girl, congratulations,
Happy birthday and wish you happiness.
You have a lot of inspiration
So that you walk a happy path through life.

So that you finally find your love,
And to live your life happily.
So that every day you only rejoice,
And from all the bad always refused.

I wish you much happiness
In your glorious life, dear!
Girl, let troubles and bad weather
Everyone will pass by, dear!
Happy Birthday! Be as cute
How we know you these years
You will be us forever, you are loved,
And all your troubles will pass! Be the most beautiful and the most diligent,
Be with mom and dad, like a daughter, tender,
Bring home only fives in your diary,
And you read books from cover to cover.

More girlfriends are the most faithful to you,
Less habits unnecessary and bad,
To make going to school fun for you.
And it was nice to hear praise!

Beautiful clothes and shoes too,
So that in them you look like a princess,
And you are a princess, of course.
And we congratulate you just for the honor!

I wish you health, so that your eyes shine,
So that the arms and legs flutter like wings,
I wish you only be friends with friends
And be the happiest girl!

sun bunnies
joyfully shine,
Bright in your eyes
Fires are burning!

Laughter is funny, dear,
Cheeks - a feast for the eyes,
You are a treasure
You are treasure! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday pretty!
May you always be lucky.
There is a note in the voice of a smile
May you always, always live.

You grow, learn, grow up,
Everything becomes more beautiful.
For you - an alley of flowers.
Let your dreams soar!

May everything in life be good
The whole family will be around.
Tone joyful and proud
I congratulate you!

Today you are just a princess!
Or a fairy of a magical forest!
So your eyes shine with happiness
They intoxicate us with charm!
Be always beautiful and kind,
Charming, sweet and cheerful,
Mischievous and laughing loudly -
The best girl in the world! You are young and you are beautiful
Smiling so often
You make your family happy.
I will give today
You have tons of wishes
And magical predictions.
For now, just be happy
And loved and beautiful. How joyfully the eyes shine
Today my girl!
Celebrates his birthday.
Elegant ... proud of herself ...
May happiness last forever
You will meet in the life of a prince ...
And your whole destiny is like a miracle
So beautiful, kind! Happy birthday girl!
We know you from the cradle
And now you've grown up
And mastered the beginning
Informatics and reading
Languages ​​and multiplication...
And today plus one
You add to your years. Happy Birthday!
Eat jam in a jar!
... years (years) is a serious age.
The case is not funny at all.

You, young beauty,
I want fives in school.
And also, so that every hour
Pleased you and us!

Our beloved girl!
Happy birthday, we congratulate you
Happiness and love to you without end,
Sincerely loving you, we wish!

Let your laughter never stop
And murmurs like a stream, your voice,
You are so golden!
On your birthday, accept a poem from us!

Our little, dear girl!
Your birthday has finally arrived.
We hug you tightly
And showered with a series of praise!
Let everything work out very simply,
Change outfits with pleasure.
Appreciate your very young age
And inspire us with your beauty! You are the best today
I hear your cheerful laugh.
You are beautiful and sweet
Both obedient and kind.
You know how to dance
Songs to sing and draw.
You succeed everywhere
You help wash the dishes.
Happy Birthday to You,
Congratulations, love!
May the Lord keep you
Protects from insults. The balls are hung
Cake on the table.
The dress is beautiful
That suits you.

Little lady
Got a little older
Spinning around in the mirror
And you invite your friends.

Congratulations will
Bubbling brook.
Birthday is a holiday
You will frolic to your heart's content.

May you always smile
Will be on the face.
Be beautiful, smart
To the delight of the whole family.

My dear girl
Happy Birthday to You!
Be cheerful but obedient
Proud, but not indifferent.
Let good luck fly to you!
On horseback, let the princes ride!
Or sail on the seas
And they will fall at your feet.
And don't yawn here:
What better choose! I wish you a birthday
So that your life goes without worries,
To the sun every morning
Met you with its light
So that there is always joy in the soul,
So that love lives in your heart,
And so many nice gifts
Life gave you day after day! You are our dear girl
Happy birthday to you!
We wish you unchanging happiness
So that your dream comes true!
Let the desired gifts give
And friends rush to your house
Hug tight, congratulations
With the most long-awaited day!

I want fate
Everything was like in a book
To dry for you
The best boy.
Serenades composed
And played the guitar
So that the whole fabulous ball
You danced as a couple...
Let with the advent of spring
The time for sadness will fade away
Good dreams will be
Waiting for the prince
Meadow flooded with sun
And the grasshopper chirps...
A miracle is near, my friend,
Smile, man!

Children's birthday greetings to the girl

Happy birthday congratulations
We want to be a princess!
To make parents proud
And friends to drive!
Be healthy and happy!
To have enough power for everything.
To admire manners
For the boys to notice!

Congratulations sweet girl
Happy birthday, the most important day!
And we wish you joy, fun
And great and good miracles in it.
Smile, always be beautiful.
Remember, the world rejoices for you.
Be smart and always be happy
May all friends be faithful!
May your dreams come true
Feel free to guess them, wish.
And let sorrows rush away,
Be loved by everyone and dream!

This little beauty has a birthday today.
We send you our ardent greetings with love.
We sincerely wish you good luck in everything
And boundless happiness for as much as 300 years.
Let all dreams come true without delay
And in life there will be many cheerful bright days,
Let various pleasant things happen to you,
Have only true and devoted friends.

Sweet, funny, mischievous, brave,
Good hostess and skilled in everything.
You make your parents happy, you give them love.
Our congratulations - on your birthday.
May your dreams come true, please you.
Stay bright, loving the big world.
Let the smiles of the stars in the sky light up,
Guardian angels will save happiness.

May your birthday
Give a fairy tale!
Add joy to fate
Love and affection.
Let the sun pour magical light
To your window.
And let it lead you to a dream
Your track!

For a little princess
Today all the flowers
Today she has all the songs
Gifts and flowers.
Grow big and smart
For the happiness of all relatives.
Life will not be gloomy
And dreams will come true!

We wish you today
Fun, joy, enthusiasm.
So that sadness never knew
There was no end to happiness.
Grow healthy, be happy
Make your family happy every day.
Go through life positively
And let laziness not become a friend.
Always be a bright ray
Happy, bright, mischievous,
Love your friends and be kind.
May your life be simple.

Happy Birthday, Princess!
Be always gentle, young,
Do what's interesting
Not wasting a second.
Have fun, have fun
Don't forget the serious
Write, dream, learn
Play around a little.
You will succeed in everything in life
Everything will work out - you believe
Only happy thoughts
Keep it in your head now!

Today you are quite a princess,
Gifts and poems for you
You smiles, congratulations,
Flowers, sweets, grooms.
To you all the stars, all the planets,
We wish you the whole world
And life as bright as a comet
And so that success loves you!

Flowers for you today
And even the sun shines brighter.
May all dreams come true
Good luck let you notice.
May grief not meet you
On the path of youth.
Health and smiles sea,
Walk hand in hand with happiness!

Happy birthday greetings to a child girl

We'll set the table now
We will be waiting for your guests
Let's arrange a birthday
Dress up quickly!
Accept flowers, gifts,
pour lemonade,
May this day be bright!
Have fun, come on! One beautiful girl
He celebrates his birthday.
And like a fluffy kitten
I give her my congratulations.

I wish you life, as if in a fairy tale,
So that there was a lot of magic in it,
Good, luck, happiness, affection,
Good friends and health.

Princess - do not take your eyes off ...
How fast time flies...
How do you manage to grow up?
And you get better all the time.
Not a girl - a fashion picture,
Beauty and our pride.
May happiness enter your life
And he follows you!
May your birthday
Give you everything you dream of
And the best among all
You will definitely be soon! Today Malvina is joyful,
Pinocchio laughs out loud
Pierrot no longer cries,
The dog Artemon jumps with happiness!
And even the furious Karabas
Puppets do not scold today,
Happy birthday now
Congratulations to our princess!
We wish you a happy occasion
I would help you very soon
Find the golden magic key
To open the city of happiness to him! Happy birthday dear daughter
Beautiful, unique.
We respect you, we love you very much,
We will always surround you with warmth.

What to wish you - we will wish everything,
What will bring happiness, grace to the house,
So that your life is essentially a paradise,
We always promise to help.

You are so sweet and direct
And the fragility of a tender flower.
Your dreams are still childish
But youth is so far away ...
My naive girl
I wish you on your birthday
May all wishes come true
What do you believe with all your heart! be a girl you are funny
And always mischievous
Today is a holiday for you
And loving you all the words

I congratulate you on your birthday
And I wish you inspiration
Happy life, bright days
And get more fun

Let your eyes burn with happiness
We'll make a parade for you
Happy Birthday dear
Girl you are naughty!!!

Grow like a princess from a fairy tale
And bathe in our caress
Don't be sad about anything
And meet good luck

I congratulate you on your birthday
And I wish you much joy
Become more fun
Well, definitely stronger

We will arrange a carnival for you
And we send a flurry of emotions
you have fun today
And take care of your dream!

Like a violet, you gently grow
You also expect tenderness from others.
On our birthday, we wish friends
So that you live calmer, more fun.
Let love fly to you like an arrow
And it will be adorned with your emerald fate. Happy Birthday Baby!
Your life is like a fairy tale book.
Do not rush to flip through the sheets -
Enjoy every one.

Kindergarten, school, institute -
Years will pass quickly.
Childhood is the best page
- Every bird will say.

Be healthy, be nice
Be always cheerful.

Happy day - well, just a dream
A little passed, what do you not regret,
It's not just your birthday
A bright anniversary of youth.
In its difficult and thorny path,
You will withstand the obstacles to spite everyone
Do not lose heart, dear daughter,
You know, I'm very lucky to have you.
Learn to find true friends
And you will be happy throughout your life.
And if you yourself are faithful to friendship,
Your price will skyrocket.
While be obedient, study approximately,
Never be lazy to help around the house.
Grateful for good advice
And you will live many more years! The best girl!
Let your eyes shine
You will become smart and courageous,
How everyone dreams about it!
You will be famous and bright,
The first beauty in the district.
The most desired gifts
You certainly deserve it!
Well you're a star girl
You will always be happy
You are guaranteed success
And for you it will be forever

Today is a holiday for you
All friends will gather
There will be many congratulations
Well, wish you joy

And I congratulate you on your birthday
And I bless you
I wish you a lot of happiness
And send good luck!!!

For you to be healthy
And the beautiful grew
To happiness a pood bale
You found yourself.
And a bag of laughter
And a kilo of smiles.
To everyone you know for fun
Smile here and there!
And let with your smile
The sun rises in the sky
And the soul of a magic violin
You always sing! Dad's smile, mom's eyelashes,
The legs of a ballerina, the grace of a firebird.
The best of the world is taken piece by piece,
Gathered in you all this little once.

And congratulations today! You are a year older
And more beautiful for a year, and a year smarter.
You grow up healthy, enjoy the days,
Our sweet, dear flower girl!

There will be sleepless nights
And many happy days.
Let the daughter grow up
For the joy of his family.

Become your own,
The most beautiful and gentle
Gift for mom and dad
A sea of ​​boundless delight.

You grow beautiful
More beautiful every year!
I believe you will find yourself
When you get older
look at yourself,
Give us our charm!
Let the dream come true
The one you believe in! happy birthday congratulations
beautiful girl,
And we want to be loved
Everyone in the world loves it!
And we wish you happiness
And the house is full of toys
To joy and fun
We lived together in that house!
So that you can be friends
She was very affectionate
And in the family, like a flower,
You grew up with mom and dad! Be generous, affectionate, beautiful.
With others polite and sweet.
And also have a good heart.
After all, compassion is the whole point.

Let everything in life be like in a fairy tale
There will be no lack of affection.
Let sadness bypass
And let everything turn out.

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Daughter, dear, on your birthday
We wish you well and good luck
Be the sweetest, most beautiful and kind,
Very active, responsive, cheerful,
Be charming, irresistible,
The most beautiful and unique!

Happy birthday

I want to wish you a happy birthday
A girl for all to see!
Be smart, kind and beautiful,
Truly happy.

happy birthday congratulations

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish
I am health, beauty,
So that you are happy!
More joyful moments
And nice compliments.
And smiles and dreams
Fulfillment of dreams.

For a little princess

For a little princess
Today all the flowers
Today she has all the songs
Gifts and flowers.
Grow big and smart
For the happiness of all relatives.
Life will not be gloomy
And dreams will come true!

birthday girl

You are still a princess.
Be good
Then you will be queen.
You just need to grow up.
Happy birthday!
Be beautiful like a flower.
Like spring, full of fun
And light as a breeze!

beautiful girl

One beautiful girl
He celebrates his birthday.
To you, fluffy kitten,
I give you congratulations today.
I wish you life, as if in a fairy tale,
So that there was a lot of magic in it.
Good, luck, happiness, affection,
Good friends and health.


Today you are just a princess!
Or a fairy of a magical forest!
So your eyes shine with happiness
They intoxicate us with charm!
Be always beautiful and kind,
Charming, sweet and cheerful,
Mischievous and laughing loudly -
The best girl in the world!

Happy brew day

Happy brew day.
Sweets, sweets, cookies,
From message fans
Fulfillment of dreams!
Bring home the "fives"
Help mom clean up!
Brave, groovy, cool
Always be a star at school!
And solve the example at once,
And in everything to be "upper class".

Princess Wishes

congratulations princess,
Happy birthday accept.
Wishes and gifts
Receive from all loved ones.
Be healthy and cheerful
Bright, cute, mischievous.
To magical flowers
The world sparkled bright yours.

Dad's smile, mom's eyelashes

Dad's smile, mom's eyelashes,
The legs of a ballerina, the grace of a firebird:
The best of the world is taken piece by piece
And in you, baby, once collected.
Baby, congratulations! You are a year older
And a year more beautiful, and a year smarter.
So grow up healthy, enjoy the days,
You are our own flower girl!

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday, Princess!
How the outfit suits you!
May you be together today
Congratulate everyone.
Cake with candles, gifts
From friends, family, friends.
May your holiday be bright
May life be happy.

Mom's helper

You are your mother's helper
You are smart, beautiful.
Do well in school
Don't be sad and don't be lazy!
Always be obedient, sweet,
Be cheerful and happy!
Laughter sounds non-stop.
Happy birsday, my dear!

The one who said that small children do not understand anything at all, and they generally do not care what you say to them as a congratulation on the holiday, can be publicly accused of lying or ignorance. Small children, and even more so girls, take verbal congratulations, perhaps even more seriously than adults. The fact is that the kids have not yet been spoiled by the foundations of the consumer society. For them, the spiritual is often more important than the material. So your birthday greetings to a little girl should be as beautiful, touching as possible, but at the same time childishly understandable.

If you choose poetry as a form of congratulations, you will hit the bull's-eye. Poetic birthday greetings for a little girl are the perfect option that you can only choose. And it would be foolish to refuse it, especially since in this section you can freely replenish your arsenal with a dozen colorful congratulations.

Show a little patience, take 10 minutes to select the right rhyme, and everyone will enjoy it. And the little birthday girl, and her parents, and guests, and even you. We guarantee you this!

Poems for you today

May your dream come true
Life will be bright and wonderful!

Resentment, adversity and regret ...
So that you bloom like a flower.
Happy birthday!

congratulations princess,
Happy birthday accept.
Wishes and gifts
Receive from all loved ones.

Be healthy and cheerful
Bright, cute, mischievous.
To magical flowers
The world sparkled bright yours.

Happy birthday to you!
May life always shine like a rainbow!
You are not a girl, but a treasure - I know for sure.
What a lucky mother to have such a daughter!

Help her in everything and always,
You are never capricious!
Let fate not skimp on gifts,
All desires are in a hurry to come true at once!

Happy birthday! You are like a fairy.
Magic, flutter, wind.
You shine like a bright star
Light up the world with a smile.

Always be charming
Be a spring chamomile
Be friendly, cheerful
And the character of goodness.

Be so unique
Both happy and loved.
Happy and boring days
And the outfits are the best.

In achievements - the highest scores,
To shine with success.
Friendship bright, interesting.
And a wonderful fate to you!

You are our beauty
Which can not be found!
You are the most beautiful in the world
There is none to match!

We want all gifts
Life sent you...
Fate beautiful, bright
And sincere love!

Our joy! You are beautiful,
Carefree and easy
Eat wonderfully with birds
You dance lighter than a moth,
You give generous smiles
The charm is full
And you, our fish,
The whole family is subdued.
Be happy, our joy,
Smart, grow strong,
Fairy luck bowl
Waiting for you ahead.

For you to be healthy
And the beautiful grew
To happiness a pood bale
You found yourself.

And a bag of laughter
And a kilo of smiles.
To everyone you know for fun
Smile here and there!

And let with your smile
The sun rises in the sky
And the soul of a magic violin
You always sing!

Happy holiday, beauty!
Got a year older.
The sun is smiling
Ball queen.

Cheerfulness, health
And big discoveries.
Let there be more
Joyful events.

And funny friends
Only real ones
And success in school
And brilliant victories.

You grow beautiful
Everyone for a look.
Be always happy!
Happy birthday!

Birthday is a special day and a good occasion
Congratulate the dear little man.
And bows to her face, and a colorful rim,
Like a swallow, like a berry, happy holiday to you, our girl.

We are glad to see you every day, every hour,
You are our gold, our treasure.
Accept congratulations from all of us,
May there be happiness and harmony in your life.

Poems for you today
Beautiful little princess!
May your dream come true
Life will be bright and wonderful!

There is not enough room in it for evil,
Resentment, adversity and regret ...
So that you bloom like a flower.
Happy birthday!