Tantric sex is the highest form of love relationship. Basic principles of tantric sex

A well-known medium, Ma Ananda Sarita, has written a book called Tantric Love. The article is based on her work. The woman studied and practiced with Master Osho in India. She then traveled the world for many years with her tantric partner and taught seminars.

Tantric love: a story

People's interest in tantra appeared, faded and revived again. Today it is treated ambiguously. But before judging, it is worth understanding not superficially, but in detail what tantric love is. After all, reviews are left by people who delve into the essence of the technique in different ways. Someone only heard about it from others and forms an opinion based on other people's impressions, while someone was interested and studied it personally.

Tantra was first mentioned in the teachings of Shiva five thousand years ago in India. Some of the meditations that led to the state of superconsciousness included sex, which led to the liberation of the spirit. To this day, Shiva is worshiped in India.

In the ancient schools of tantra, young people were taught to communicate with their beloved. Along with practices open to all, there were also closed forms of them, transmitted directly from teachers to students.

Tantra is not a religion. It consists of various currents, the main of which use meditations on death and sex. On the basis of these main ones, other additional ones appeared, colored by the cultures of the peoples where they were practiced.

different currents

Some techniques accept both love and sex. Others reject emotional attachment and accept sex as a way to raise their consciousness. The former are more characteristic of female perception, where the body is known as a microcosm: feeling and realizing what is happening, the student contemplates the Universe.

The second currents are more focused on men. Here it is believed that opening up to love, it is easy to get bogged down in an emotional "swamp" and lose transcendental perception.

In Tibet, tantra developed under the influence of the shamanic religion, so it is associated with death. Masters conduct meditations in cemeteries, representing a partner in the form of a skeleton. It is believed that this method helps to get out of the physical dimension.

But in China, tantra, on the contrary, is associated with life - health and longevity. It is even recommended here to practice certain postures to stimulate and harmoniously merge the masculine and feminine.

All approaches must be distinguished, otherwise confusion arises. Then it is quite difficult to understand the concept of tantra. Usually training is carried out secretly, since an uninitiated person can easily pervert its essence.

Tantra is...

The word comes from Sanskrit and is interpreted in different ways. In a broad sense, it can be translated as "a way to go beyond." Tantra is also understood as the "path", "method", "transformation", "transformation from poison into nectar".

Tantric love offers a variety of meditations, each referring to a specific part of the body and soul. Sometimes people who observe high states think that if they behave in the same way, they will feel the same way. But this is a misleading opinion. Each person or couple must find their own way. Even when using the same methods for everyone, opportunities will open in their own way.

Having gathered courage to open sensitivity and continue to move in this direction, a person gradually comes to superconsciousness, receiving more vitality, intelligence and activity.

Sarita proposes tantric love as a natural path to the liberation of the spirit, developed through meditation and the expansion of awareness.

Meditations and Chakras

Through tantra opens the way to health, an integral perception of reality. Love, supplemented by meditation, makes the relationship between people spiritual and divine.

Lessons of tantric love can be received both individually and in pairs. Any negative emotion such as anger or fear, passion and love can be used in meditation. All experiences will be turned into divine perception through awareness. This is the path to an infinite number of dimensions and the disclosure of your universe.

Meditation helps to eliminate stress, get rid of greed, fear and other negative emotions that poison life. In return, practitioners receive love, increased vitality, awareness of compassion, increased sensitivity, and more.

At the same time, they treat their body like a temple. Therefore, meditations begin after taking a shower, in clean clothes and eliminating various distractions.

In the East, the doctrine of chakras is accepted. These are energy centers located in certain areas of the body and associated with its physical organs. They are revealed through the streams of cosmic energy and spread to the nine energy bodies of a person, as well as the soul.

Opening the chakras in ourselves, we know ourselves. Along with their comprehension, perception also changes. Lessons of tantric love from the very beginning are best done without setting specific goals. After all, no one knows what will be the path of each person individually. It depends on his life experience, accumulated problems and karma.

There are seven main chakras on the human body, these are:

  • muladhara;
  • svadhisthana;
  • manipura;
  • anahata;
  • vishuddha;
  • ajna;
  • sahasrara.

Each of them has its own vibrations and has an energy body. All chakras are important to reach your full potential. It is proposed to study them in oneself, starting from the first (muladhara) and reaching the crown (sahasrara).

Kundalini is the life form. Her unmanifested form is a snake, which is coiled into a ball at the base of the spine. Rising up the spine and opening each chakra, it gives wisdom and reveals new Tantric love that helps to feel.

With the creation of a channel from the sexual center to the parietal region, spiritual rebirth begins, and the seeker proceeds to the next stage - the descent of spiritual light. Neither special techniques nor the possibilities of the mind will help at this stage. Only the spiritual level of a person, worked out life situations and correctly perceived lessons will create the conditions for the onset of this stage.

A whole person is symbolized by a snake that bites its own tail, thus forming a circle, a goal, a source. Everything in the body is interconnected. For the treatment of the head, they deal with the genital area, for the treatment of the groin - with the head. The seventh chakra will open after all the others, when their possibilities are known in all their splendor.

Let's look at each of them and the meditations that tantric love offers in practice.


The chakra is located in the sexual center, has a red color, the sound "U" and a musky smell. In its vibration, the very seed of life is revealed. If a person moves according to his destiny, trusts the path of life, he feels joyful and even enthusiastic. But fear, that is, stagnation here, can also turn into anger, external or internal fury. In the latter case, diseases develop, and in the first case, envy, hatred, jealousy, which even make a person cruel.

Most diseases of a physical and psychological nature are associated precisely with stagnation or improper functioning of the Muladhara. Tantric love can heal this. Meditations can be practiced alone or in pairs.

One of them is called “Pillow Beating”, when they hit the pillow for several minutes, splashing out their energy with anger, and then relax and observe their thoughts, emotions and current energies.

Another meditation is "Energy Flow Awakening" where one feels the energy flowing from the feet and rising up the chakras. Music can help here. Moreover, some melodies, calm and subtle, are included at first, more rhythmic - then. At the end, it is better to turn off the music completely.

At the same time, tantric love teaches to treat the reproductive organs more respectfully and reverently. Ma Ananda Sarita tells how to discover this feeling in yourself, take care of the body and feel being more subtle.


The second chakra is located under the navel. She is orange in color, smells like myrrh, her sound is "Ow." Harmoniously developing svadhisthana gives rise to joy, trust and carefree laughter. If a person has problems with this chakra, his emotions quickly turn into anger, hysteria, tears ... But on the other hand, due to ignorance and a desire to isolate himself from everyone, he can generally forbid himself to feel all emotions. Swadhisthana opens doors to the non-physical. A person who meditates correctly soon becomes balanced, wise and calm.

It is known that every seven years a cyclical revival is experienced. It starts in this chakra.

Here, tantric love is revealed step by step through the meditations “Radiate love”, “Meditation of caress” and “Kajuraho”. With subtle vibrations and warmth, life will be felt differently and its new meanings will appear.

Lovers will be able to rise to a level of intimacy that has never been seen before. This is especially true for men who seek to isolate themselves from emotional experiences.

Yet both men and women alike yearn for deep intimacy. And despite the fact that this can be very difficult to achieve (some even say that men and women seem to be born on different planets), tantric love can tell you how partners should behave.

At this stage, the walls of the ego are comprehended, which seek to protect a person from unnecessary experiences. However, the seeker gradually comes to understand that these are actually only obstacles that prevent you from truly feeling yourself and your partner.


The next chakra is located between the center of the chest and the navel. It is yellow in color, has the smell of ambergris and the sound "Ma". This is where rebirth takes place. With problems with manipura, a person is constantly torn apart by contradictions. Power comes from a slave state and an inferiority complex. During normal work, all opposites are comprehended harmoniously, without destroying individuality. All conventions are removed here, and the doors dissolve to open wisdom. There are great mental abilities. Different energies are balanced, and the person begins to radiate light.

All meditations are aimed at merging opposites, turning on your observer (“Observation of the Observer”) and preparing for the perception of the next level – the Heart.


It is at this center that understanding lies. A wise woman has a spring hidden inside that quenches her thirst to find a man who aspires to tantric initiation. He should yield to the feminine heart.

Between the heart and the soles of the feet, therefore, the opening of this chakra, in addition to meditation, is facilitated by tantric massage, the dance of love. By loving your feet and taking care of them, a person will begin to feel a reflection in the heart. Thus, the divine better penetrates into it, harmonizing the opposites.

In this practice, all personal masks fall off the partners, and the lovers appear to each other as they are, then discovering the god and goddess in themselves.

Anahata is green or pink, its sound is "Ah". The keys to love in all manifestations are found here.

Chakra harmonization meditation is practiced, during which partners visualize or massage, through which tantric love is expressed. This concept is also comprehended through breathing. The heart chakra expands, increases, capturing not only the whole person, but the whole planet, and then the Cosmos.

The experience that is acquired and new sensations are transferred to everyday life.


The fifth chakra is located in the throat. She awakens consciousness. Through vishuddha, creative abilities are revealed. The chakra is considered masculine, embodying the paternal principle. The color is blue, the smell of incense, and the sound "Aye". Science and art develop precisely due to the correct work of vishuddha. Revealing it, a person receives great abilities for self-realization.

Here the woman becomes a woman and the man becomes a man. Women in our time are accustomed to compete with men, repeating their behavior. But, becoming like men, they lose their femininity, attractiveness and natural purpose.

On the other hand, men become passive. They usually direct their natural active qualities to the rational part and the development of the intellect. Everything else is rejected. In trying to control the outside, men ignore the inside. But that's where the real power lies. Unable to seek and find where it lies, they try to forcefully achieve power, social position, and dominate the family. However, balance will come only when the inner strength is comprehended, which becomes possible through awareness and acceptance of sensitivity and receptivity in oneself. Only a wise woman can help in this.

Meditations on this chakra help to overcome desires, receiving deep wisdom and revelations. Osho's tantric love teaches you to manage energies and achieve such states for which yogis leave worldly life for years. But here meditation does not require such immersion. Partners help each other, thereby enhancing the effect of the directed energies.


Starting from working with the path finder is simplified. Now the sprouts grown up to this time are blooming into beautiful flowers of awareness. Ajna is also ready to blossom. Another chakra is called the "third eye". It is blue in color, smells like jasmine, and has a "Her" sound. The body of this energy center is not affected by prejudice. It is clear, all-seeing, detached. By revealing the ajna in himself, a person becomes a mystic.

Meditation on the senses is common here. Tastes, smells, sounds - all this can be perceived by the heart, discovering new sensations in oneself.

Through ajna, tantric love at a distance is possible. Lovers can communicate, for example, in a dream and control the actions there as if in reality.

A state of sleep without dreams is also achieved, when there is a complete restoration of strength. Opening the "third eye" you need to be prepared for a variety of manifestations. For example, there may be visions of past lives, fantastic dreams, a feeling of infinity, and much more. It is best to do meditation gradually and intermittently in order to maintain a balanced state as much as possible and move into a new one without much shock.

The most common during this period is "Breathing into the chakras", which is carried out singly or together.


Having traveled such a long distance, a person becomes able to move freely through the energy centers. The physical form becomes spiritualized, a creative impulse is acquired. Prana fills the body with the desire to live in full force.

Each chakra has its own frequency. Tantric love (photo, image of the chakras, see below) facilitates the path of their comprehension. The ability to create a flow is acquired, to choose the frequency necessary for communication and communication, and to be released to achieve white color.

In the seventh chakra, lovers create a spiritual union. If until that time they considered each other as very close, but still separate people, then by the joint opening of the sahasrara they become one, reaching unity.

The seventh chakra is sometimes compared to a thousand-petalled lotus, which can blossom only by rooting in other chakras. Sahasrara has a purple or white color, smells like a lotus, sounds like "Ham". The enlightened consciousness now lives and breathes through the physical body.

Spiritual beloveds continue their meditations here as well. They feel and see love both in themselves and everywhere around them. These meditations cannot be comprehended by ignoring all the previous steps. They will simply be incomprehensible and inaccessible due to their state. But having managed to go through such a rich path, the beloved find and unlock the keys to all the doors they were looking for.

If it is quite simple, then this path offers to accept any aspect of a person's life and conditions, to accept and use it for spiritual advancement. Tantra is a very voluminous teaching, it is found in Buddhism and Hinduism (Shaivism, Shaktism), and practices that are classified as tantric are found in any other spiritual tradition.

However, in the West and in Russia, tantra is presented in a psychological training format and is most often used only to reveal sexual energy. This is a very pop version and bears little resemblance to real tantra. In the minds of many people, tantra is strongly associated with sex and the Kama Sutra. But really tantric sex a very small aspect of Tantrism, which was pulled out of the whole direction by Western seekers. Moreover, the practices of tantra are used completely for other purposes, which leads to deep delusions.

I do not undertake to fully disclose this large topic in one article, but I would like to dispel some myths on this issue and point out the main trap of this direction.

In order to understand the meaning of tantra, I propose to consider the complete system of spiritual teachings.

Usually all spiritual directions are divided into 3 steps. These three stages have a place in every religion, although they are called differently: the lower path, the middle path and the higher path.

The lowest path is the most massive spiritual and religious schools.
They are also dvaita (duality), because they assume that man and the whole world are separate from God. They focus on outward worship and ritualism. And they are based on clear rules: this is possible, but this is not; this is good, but this is bad ... By observing strict prescriptions, a person gradually tames his mind and instincts. Thus, he forms for himself the prerequisites for spiritual progress. Such paths are called gradual, because it is believed that a person will be able to receive spiritual realization or come to God through many, many rebirths (as Buddhism or Hinduism says). But Christianity, Judaism and Islam believe that there are no rebirths, but after death a person can go to hell or heaven (which, in fact, is also called rebirth in Hinduism and Buddhism). That is, they do not talk about spiritual realization. Paradise is the limit of all dreams and possibilities of the soul.

The middle path is tantra. Path of efforts and . This path is much faster, because strong intention and special practices can help clear the mind, transform all negative aspects into pure ones, and quickly realize one's true nature. And possibly in one lifetime.

This direction has given rise to a great many. And including tantric sex, which is so interested in the Western world. Almost all the practices that we know: breathing, sound, bodily, steam, mantras, yantras, visualizations, concentration, meditation, etc. - all originated from tantric teachings. And I must say that modern psychology has also taken 50% of all methods (and maybe more) from tantra and yoga.

The tantric direction in the system of theological schools is represented most widely. I will write more about these schools in a separate article. It is even interesting for me to systematize all these directions for myself. Here I also want to add that tantric methods in common religious traditions are a secret level of teaching. And the masses are not given. And, of course, they are not called Tantir. But, due to the fact that the effective methods of working with the mind are the same although they have different names and may have minor differences, they can be found in any spiritual tradition.

Tantric practices include all practices that work with energy, help to release repressed feelings and transform them, learn to control your emotions and instincts. These include all methods of concentration and meditation that work with the mind. Tantra deals with all possible "tense" topics for human society. Such as sex, death, all kinds of pleasures, suffering... And sexual pratiki or near-sexual this is only 1% of everything that tantra gives! Therefore, the meaning that the West attaches to them is too far-fetched. As they say, whoever hurts, he talks about it.

Tantra even works with near-death and post-mortem states. For example, the Tibetan book of the dead or the bardo of death. It is so necessary to be an advanced practitioner to continue practicing at the time of death!

The task of tantra is to accept all aspects of life (including death) and begin. And, on the other hand, stop depending on them, completely renounce all this, realizing them as an illusory play of energies. This is where the trick lies, which I will discuss below.

The highest path is the shortest path. The path of rapid realization of the truth, the path of non-action, self-liberation. This path is considered the path for people who are able to quickly perceive the truth as such, without all the interpretations of the mind. This . There are very few people who follow this path. It is considered the most secret, because people of the first two paths will not be able to understand this path and its methods. But it is from here that the whole meaning of the lower and middle paths is revealed. And it's not pride or a sense of self-worth, it's just suchness. Primary and secondary school students may not understand many of the things they are taught. It is not clear what this is for. But the teacher perfectly understands the purpose of certain methods and information that are given to students. And when you yourself, after graduating from school, enter a pedagogical university, you discover the true meaning of everything that happened at school.

I will also write about this path separately, since this article only indirectly touches on this issue.

Misunderstanding the destination leads to delusions. And it's good if a person has enough intelligence to realize his mistake.

There are several types of people who come to tantric trainings.

Most often these are people who have come for the disclosure of sexuality. And not every trainer/psychologist or tantrist can convey the true purpose of tantra. And if it transmits it, then people blinded by sexual energy are often not even able to adequately perceive this information.

If you have problems with sexuality (intense shame, tightness, tension, rejection, lack of orgasm), then you may find it useful to work with this topic. However, do not forget that sexual energy is the grossest energy and the task of tantra and its methods is to transform it into LOVE and friendliness.

The second type of participants are people fixated on sex. Who want intense sexual sensations: arousal, touch, nudity, permissiveness, etc. Many of them think that this is the disclosure of sexuality, sexual emancipation. However, emancipation means inner freedom not only from complexes, but from everyone. What can not be said about such people who have fallen into the grip of sexual energy.

Tantric practices can help release pleasure as well, but in the heat of banal lust, people tend to forget themselves even more and become even more fixated on sexual pleasures. Which in itself has nothing to do with tantra at all.

It happens that people come for the disclosure of sexuality and. These group members are easy to recognize. They are regulars at tantric parties, they can go to the same trainings for 10-20 years. They tend to change partners frequently, experiment in group sex, and so on. And the saddest thing is that they often pass off their fixation on sex (lust) as "advancement in tantra." They mislead not only themselves, but also other people. And even sadder is that there are such unfortunate trainers who, by their attitude and behavior, create an unsightly reputation for this direction of spiritual growth.

There is another category of participants in tantric groups - these are those who overcome the trap of sexuality and move on.
, opening love (the heart chakra) and going beyond the limits of male and female, and generally beyond the limits of human nature, renouncing everything material.

Many people are afraid of the word "detachment", but tantra it is the path of detachment, although it uses all spheres of human life. Tantrik, living a rich life, finding himself in the abyss of pleasure and suffering, turns out to be detached from all this. And the "advancement" of a tantrika is precisely measured in his detachment. For example, the practices of tantric sex were just given only to such yogis who were detached from pleasures and desires, who took sexual energy under control.

How to check whether you have taken sexual energy under your control or not? Take a simple test, answer the following questions:

  1. Can you without irritation, calmly and gratefully, accept your partner's refusal to have sex when you are already at the peak of arousal? And not to masturbate after that, relieving sexual tension, but to translate this excitement into caring for a partner or creativity, or into meditation?
  2. Can you to interrupt sexual intercourse at any time without experiencing an orgasm or ejaculation? Is it just any moment? Without a feeling of regret and irritation, without a feeling of dissatisfaction?
  3. Can you to live without sex for several months or years? And calmly look at naked people at this time? Naturally, sexual desire may arise at this time (from time to time), but at the same time you do not fixate on it, but naturally allow it to transform into friendliness, love, care, creativity, meditation ... In a word, use it for spiritual practice?
  4. Can you, watching a couple intercourse to remain calm and be just an observer? Without feelings of lust and disgust? Seeing others having fun, can you stay calm without getting involved in the process?

Difficult? But this is detachment and freedom, this is the management of one's energy. Only such yogis were given the practice of tantric sex. Only such yogis can benefit from these practices. For others, they will be harmful, because they will confuse the mind and lead away from the original goal - spiritual realization. Therefore, tantric practices have always been given with care and individually.

The symbol of Tantra is shivingam. It is a symbol of the unity of spirit (purusha) and nature (practice), a symbol of the unity of the spiritual and material. The symbol of the unity of all opposites. Therefore, tantra does not reject any aspect of material life, but finds in it a spiritual (non-material) basis. She cultivates pure vision.

Pure vision is the vision of God in everything, the Divine basis. If the lower paths divide everything into white and black, pure and impure and offer to adhere to all the good and avoid the bad, then tantra suggests seeing the good in everything and offers to accept life in its entirety. And for this you need to go beyond acceptance and rejection. Those. transcend all opposites. And pure vision is possible only in this case. Thus, tantra leads a person to an understanding of the Higher paths (advaita, dzogchen, laya yoga, anutara tanra, etc.), which offer a direct comprehension of the Absolute Reality.

But more on that in other articles.

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Question: What is the difference between ordinary and tantric sex?

Osho: Your sexual act and tantric sex are fundamentally different. Your sexual act is a release of energy; it looks like a good sneeze. The energy is released and you feel relieved. It is destructive, it is not creative. From a therapeutic point of view, this is good. It helps you relax, but nothing more. Tantric sex is fundamentally diametrically opposed. This is not a release, this is not an outburst of energy. Here one must refrain from ejaculation, from the release of energy; here you merge into one - from the beginning, not at the end.

It changes the quality of sex, then the quality is totally different. Try to understand two things. There are two kinds of peak, two kinds of orgasm. One kind of orgasm you know. You reach the peak of pleasure, then you can't move on: and the end comes. Excitation reaches a point where orgasm becomes involuntary. Energy rises in you and goes out. You are freed from it, you feel relieved. The load is off, you can relax and fall asleep. You use it as a tranquilizer. This is a natural tranquilizer: after it you sleep well - if your mind is not loaded with religion. Otherwise, even the tranquilizer does not work. Only then can sex be sleepy if your brain is not filled with religion. If you feel guilty, even your sleep is disturbed. Depression will come, you will blame yourself and take an oath that this will not happen again. Then your dream will become a nightmare.

If you are not heavily burdened by religion or morality, then sex will become a sleeping pill for you. This is one kind of orgasm - to reach the peak of pleasure. Tantra is based on a different kind of orgasm. If we call the first kind of orgasm the peak orgasm, then you can call the tantric orgasm the "deep orgasm." With it, you do not reach the peak of pleasure, you achieve the deepest relaxation. Excitation is present in both cases from the very beginning. Therefore, I say that the beginning is the same for both, but the end is completely different.

Excitation is present in both cases from the very beginning: whether you reach the peak of excitement or the valley of relaxation. In the first case, the excitement must be intense - more and more intense. In the second, arousal is the beginning. And once the man has entered, both lovers can relax. You don't have to make any movement. They can relax in a loving embrace.

When a man or woman feels that the erection is gone, only then a slight movement and excitement appears again. But then relaxation comes again. You can extend this deep embrace for several hours without ejaculation, and then both fall into a deep sleep. It is THIS - "deep orgasm". Both are relaxed and they meet like two relaxed people. During an ordinary sexual orgasm, you meet as two excited beings - tense, full of excitement, trying to "unload" themselves. Ordinary sexual orgasm is like insanity; tantric orgasm is a deep, relaxing meditation.

You may not be aware of it; but it is a fact of biology, of bioenergy, that man and woman are opposite poles. Negative-positive, yin-yang, call it what you will, they challenge each other. And when they meet in deep relaxation, they fill each other with vital energy. And when they fill each other with vital energy, they both become generators, they both feel more alive, and nothing is lost. Just by meeting the opposite pole, the energy is renewed.

Tantric intercourse can last as long as you want. Ordinary sexual intercourse cannot last as long as you want, because in it you lose energy and your body needs time to recover. And when you restore them, you again lose energy. This looks absurd. The whole life is spent on recovery and loss: it's like an obsession. The second thing to remember is that you may never have noticed, never analyzed the fact that if you look at animals, you will never see them enjoying sex. During intercourse they do not enjoy each other.

Look at baboons, monkeys, dogs or other animals. During sex you won't see them blissful or enjoying it - you won't see. This is just a mechanical act, they are pushed to this by the force of nature. If you see monkeys during sex, then after it they just diverge in different directions. Look at their faces: there is no ecstasy on them, as if there was nothing. When the energy pushes them, when there is too much of it, then they throw it out.

Such is the ordinary sexual act, although the moralists say otherwise. They say, "Don't satisfy your desires, don't enjoy." They say, "Only animals do that." But it's not! Animals don't enjoy sex. Only man can enjoy. And the deeper your pleasure, the higher your humanity. If your sex act becomes meditative, ecstatic, then the highest will be affected. But remember Tantra: it is a deep orgasm, it is not a peak experience. This is a deep experience!

In the West, Abraham Maslow coined the term "peak experience"very popular. You go into enjoyment to the very peak, and then you fall. Therefore, after sex, you feel empty. And it's natural, you're falling from the top. But you will never feel that after tantric sex. Then you don't fall. You can't fall any lower because you're already in the valley. On the contrary, you can only go up.

When you come out of tantric sex, you feel a rise, not a fall. You feel full of energy, more alive, more vital, radiant. And this ecstasy lasts for hours, even days. It depends on how deep you were in it. If you move into it, sooner or later you will feel that ejaculation is a waste of energy. It's not necessary - unless you want children. And after tantric sex, you will feel relaxed all day.

One day, we suddenly notice that our sexual relationship has become a standard act of marital duty, performed in haste. We invite you to look into the traditions of the East and get acquainted with the concept of Tantra. This is an ancient theory that helps a person maintain sexual values ​​and achieve perfection in love relationships. Tantric love and tantric sex is widely known and popular these days. Accumulated stresses and negative emotions must find a way out of our energy body and bring the mind to harmony and balance. Tantric love is not limited to sexual techniques, it is built on the principles of unity with a partner, the complete merging of the female "cosmos" with the male.

Tantra appeared 5 thousand years ago. It was a series of stages of esoteric practice - "kundalini yoga". The main difference between tantric sex and ordinary sex is that the tantric act stands for restraint of passion. Tantric laws say that the more peace you bring to lovemaking, the more perfect your enjoyment will be. According to the Chinese teaching, called "Taoism", the loss of the male seed means the loss of life. Therefore, in tantric sex, special attention is paid to restraining emotions at the very peak of pleasure, that is, the ability to stop ejaculation.

Tantra is the main result of perfect unity, harmony between the polar forces - male and female, the main components of the universe. These forces complement each other and build deep trust.

Tantra teaches you to use passion with caution - you can easily lose your rational instincts, and the energy of passion is always fleeting. Love, on the other hand, is distinguished by stability, conscious actions and the ability to feel your partner. People in love should not only be physically close, but also share the feelings of the other. To bring harmony, Tantra reveals to us the secrets of human pleasures.

Here are some tantric paths:

I. Tantric laws require you to respect and value the opinion and interests of your partner, to discuss complex issues at once. The teachings of Tantra urge us to be sincere about the passions of others, and to speak boldly and frankly about our own. The emotional honesty of a partner is very important.
II. There are no barriers and rules between lovers, except for those that you yourself have established. Explore each other, do not be afraid to experiment, observing the taboos you need.
III. You have to fill some time with caresses, touches, breathe slowly and exchange deep sensual glances - this creates a mood for merging into a single whole.
IV. Male sexual arousal usually involves visual stimuli or direct contact with erogenous zones. In women - auditory pathogens. During tantric sex, the couple feels the flows of sexual energy that are exchanged.
V. Tantric love includes many ritual expressions of devotion, lovers give each other gifts - flowers, wine and delicacies.
VI. In tantric sex, different flavors are always used. Since smells can awaken sexual energy, they use aroma lamps and incense candles.
VII. Touch in love and love massage is an opportunity for closer contact, transfer of feelings to each other with the help of hands. Master several massage techniques and you will be able to exchange gentle flows of love energy. Soft strokes have a hypnotic and relaxing effect.
VIII. Carefully and erotically decorate the room for love comforts, this helps to lift the senses. Let it be candles, pillows, flowers and gentle music.
IX. One of the important principles of tantra is unity with nature. According to Tantric teachings, we are part of the entire universe. It is useful for us to go to the seashore, admire the forest, pick flowers and remember that we are all bricks of one big whole.

The human brain only works at 10 percent. We do not know what miracles would be revealed to Man if our mind was involved at least half...
What do we know about love? About Divine love, about love between a man and a woman? It is unlikely that our knowledge in these areas is a greater coefficient than the coefficient of the work of our brain, consciousness.
But what to do? Is man doomed to darkness, is there really no light in the darkness of ignorance? Of course no! And one of the best means of knowing both Human and Divine love is the teachings of Tantra, namely, tantric massage, tantric sex, and, as a climax, tantric orgasm.

Tantric massage allows you to discover real eroticism in the unbroken understanding of the meaning of this word. In practice, you will make sure that your entire body, and not just its individual elements, is a real erogenous zone. Tantric massage will open you a new, unknown range of heavenly sensations, awakening the erotic potential that has been dormant in you for many years.

In the process of tantric massage, you will feel how the problems that existed in reality until now are carried away and you will realize all their insignificance compared to understanding the concept of Love ... Love that your own body generates. Love, which can not do without sexual fantasies, accumulating in the body an unprecedented erotic surge of sensations.

Connoisseurs of the art of love will understand that we are talking about tantric sex - the highest form of sexual relations.
Sexual energy dominates in Tantra on the way to the comprehension of the Cosmic, Divine Energy. Tantric sex is sacred. This is not an ordinary copulation of a man and a woman, which over the years becomes ordinary, bored and turns into a "fulfillment of duty", but a mystical ritual, the culmination of which does not put punctuation marks in the relationship of the sexes, but turns these relationships into an endless line of continuous improvement soaring upwards.
The climax in tantric sex (tantric orgasm) is not the end of a love act, but the highest point, explosive in terms of the power of unknown sensations and emotions, which is brighter and stronger with every step on the path of Tantra.

Tantric love::.

Love is always the same, but the attitude towards it is different. What attitude towards love does Tantra teach? First of all, Tantra teaches the art of conscious love, the attitude to love as the basis of all life on earth. This is by no means only sensory perception and not only spiritual connection. The main thing is the art of giving.
Intimacy in love is aimed not only at procreation, sensual satisfaction, but also at achieving energy harmony between partners, opening the chakras. For a European person, this will sound very unusual, but in Tantra yoga, sexual intimacy is an exercise. This is learned and aspired to perform this exercise so well that the result is the spiritual ecstasy of partners .... And it is impossible to achieve such a result in 2-3 minutes of “normal” sex for Europeans. Tantric men are able to continue sexual intercourse for more than 2 hours. This is helped by the technique of prolonging the act and the technique of controlling male ejaculation, as well as the separation of ejaculation and male orgasm, which were further developed in the Chinese concept of Tao-love.

Another important position is the doctrine of the very process of love pleasures, from foreplay and caresses to movements during the act itself and actions after the onset of orgasm, as well as the language of love, which allows couples to more accurately understand a partner during the love process. For a woman, Tantra is also the art of controlling her internal muscles and, most importantly, the art of controlling her sexual energy, which allows her to control even her monthly cycle (at the same time, it is clear that those who have mastered it have no problems with contraception). At the same time, sex is needed to a decisive extent to achieve harmony with the world, this is not a goal, but only a means to achieve a higher spiritual goal.

The basic Tantric techniques are set forth in greater detail in the Kama Sutra, a treatise on love written around 200 B.C. We know best only later transcriptions, interpretations and adaptations of this sutra in relation to modern conditions and from the position of a European who reduces everything to purely mechanical actions and physical exercises.

The basis of the psychotechnics of Tantra are "psychoplastic dances", which teach a person to feel subtle energy. When you have learned to feel and transmit ethereal energy, you have the opportunity to develop your other subtle bodies and experience any spiritual practice more deeply.

Tantra yoga implies complete sexual freedom, but it is common for Europeans to take from this system only a small part that satisfies their sensual needs and pleasures, turning Tantra into the yoga of sex.

In order for a couple to achieve tantric harmony, 3 conditions must be met: sex, love, abstinence; if there are not all 3 conditions at once, then there is no true Tantra. Sex in Tantra is the physical techniques of postures, energy control and orgasm. Love is the emotional relationship of partners, in which the merging of astral bodies reigns. Abstinence is a time for meditation and detachment from sexual thoughts.

Sex without love will not give satisfaction to a woman and a spiritual man, love without sex will not be understood by a man and will not be interesting to a woman. Sex without abstinence will not give sublimation of sexual energy, love without abstinence will be only sexual and will lose romance and spirituality.

In Tantra, there are 3 periods for abstinence: the menstrual cycle of a woman, the time of the growing moon and the time of aspects of the planets, when sexual desire is great, or the time of a meditative retreat.

During menstruation, women should refrain from any kind of contact, even kissing, and use all free time only for meditation. During menstruation in women, the subtle body is cleansed, and if a man makes contact, this energy goes into him, only experienced students practice the special techniques of the goddess Kali when a woman's menstruation is used for sexual practices.

During a non-sexual meditation retreat, occasionally only hand-to-lip contact is allowed.
During the growing moon, you can engage in any sexual love, except for the contact of the penis and vagina. If you make contact between the penis and the vagina, then the penis must remain still and meditation is done. The time of meditation and the time of sex should be approximately equal.
The woman begins to get aroused in the head, ends the arousal in the heart, and orgasms in the womb.
A man is aroused by the penis, desires by the heart, and satisfies desire with the mind.
Tantra allows a man to experience the stages of a woman's sexual ecstasy and vice versa. If this realization does not happen, you will not be able to meditate. Without love, a woman and a man develop criticism, dissatisfaction, without love there is no sublimation, and without love there is no maithuna (coition) of the lingam and yoni of the heart, vajra with a flower of the heart, a lotus.
Therefore, in Tantra we are not talking about a lot of sexual partners, first we need love, then a partner. Without love, with many partners, energy will be concentrated at the stomach and in the legs.
In Tantric sex, a man is engaged in sublimation, and a woman is engaged in blooming a flower, falling into an abyss.

flower blooming

But it should be remembered that this character of movement is associated with energy. Without love, the energy of a woman from the head will not descend into the womb, and without abstinence, the energy of a man will not rise to the head. Without abstinence, the woman's energy will not return to the head, that is, it will not make a cycle, a circle, which means that the orgasm will not be complete. Without love, the energy of a man who has abstained will not be associated with the energy of the head, the penis will not obey the mind, there will be two parallel consciousnesses.

Physical abstinence leads to psychic sex, that is, it awakens love, and sex leads to the realization of love, which has a range from the heels of the feet to the top of the head.

In India and Tibet there were preliminary practices before the student was ready for Tantra. Tantra works when you have experience of the lower vehicles of Buddhism - Hinayana (asceticism and meditation) and Mahayana (love).

Or it works when you have a causal experience of brahmacharya (abstinence) and grhastha (family love) in India. But you can have the necessary level for tantric practices in past lives, then it is simply important to go through the basic yoga meditations, the preliminary practices of NGONDRO in Buddhism, in order to remember the experience.
If there is no experience, then Tantra will degenerate into sex, into the theory of love, or too much emphasis on classical yoga.

Sex, love and meditation are the 3 main principles of Tantra: bliss, knowledge and being.

Sex gives rise to bliss, true knowledge or wisdom is acquired on the basis of love, life is filled with meditation and opens, like being, being in the Absolute state.

When you base your spiritual practice on the correct flow of these three principles, then your spiritual goals come to rapid realization, and ordinary life becomes harmonious and mystical.