Three ways to cord wedding dress: video, photo and process diagram. How to lace a corset on a wedding dress

Every beautiful sex representative who bought a dress for his wedding with a corset on a lacing, is interested in the answer to the question of how to tie a corset on a wedding dress. If you do this procedure incorrectly, then the future wife will feel inconvenience. It is impossible to comprehend the corset excessively. From this you can get a suffocation, and may also fail to work in the work of the heart and stomach. In this case, the woman will not go to her wedding, but to the hospital. And if the corset is alone, he will not emphasize the dignity of her shape, and will not hide the shortcomings.

In the case of a truly tightened corset, the weight of the wedding dress "sits" for the most part on the waist. At the same time, the chest is fixed in such a way that the figure looks as advised as possible. The corset will not be fixed in this way will not interfere with young freely move and breathe. The corset allows you to "make a waist" exactly where it is required. Of course, it is possible without a corset, but it looks not very sophisticated. Usually, in favor of such an outfit, the choice of brides that are already in an interesting position. How to cord a wedding dress? Let's try to figure out.

Corset lacing

Wedding dress lacing photo of which can be found below, is performed using atlas, laces and ribbons. The length of the shoelace and tape can be several meters. It is best if the corset is made of natural tissues and is supplemented with a satin ribbon. In such a situation, the question "How to lace a corset on a wedding dress?" It will be resolved much faster. And if you adhere to certain rules, this process will not deliver the trouble at all.

The lacing of the wedding dress is open or hidden, can be placed in front or rear. Even the corset is often complemented by hidden lightning. She strengthens and supports it. Lightning models are recommended to be used only when pulled out no more than 5-8 cm. So that the lightning does not deteriorate, it is not necessary to spread the lacing before unplugging and fasten. In addition, this will allow minimizing the load on the zipper. This is relevant in case the dress you plan to sell or rent.

So how to lace a corset on the dress?

Before lacing the corset of the wedding dress, it is necessary to purchase a suitable dress: the young edge of the corset should be located at a distance of 3-5 cm. Next follow the scheme:

  1. Put the dress on the sofa or floor and lace out. The edges of the corset must be located apart at the same distance. This distance should be not more than 9-12 cm. Standard folding method - from top to bottom.
  2. Slide the tape into the most upper holes intended for lacing (in the left and right half of the corset). Load crucifably until the middle. Make sure that the length of the tapes are the same in the same way.
  3. In the middle you need to make a loop. They are required two and they must be long. Then continue to cord, as described above. Take the lace to the lower challenges, tie a bow below the corset.
  4. Put the dress on the young. Distribute the lacing so that you can easily move and breathe freely. Next lacing need to be pulled. To this end, one hand hold the ends of the ribbon to be back they do not slide. At this time, we pull the ribbon down the second hand. Act like this:

    A) Crossed ribbons at the point where they intersect delay to themselves index and thumbs, b) a medium or nameless finger (as you are more convenient) to intercept the ribbons, c) pull the crossed tapes in the subsequent point of crossing (do not forget to let go of the middle finger) With the help of index and thumbs, which were released.

If you act on the scheme presented above, then difficulties with solving the question "How to cord a corset on a wedding dress" will not arise. By the way, the video about how to cord the corset on a wedding dress video you can see below. Knowing how to delay the corset of the wedding dress, you can benefit from emphasizing your figure.

How to tie?

How to properly lace a corset on a wedding dress you already know. Now let's talk about how to tie it. Usually this item is executed in the form of a wide belt, and special knuckles are sewn inside into it. If there is lightning in the corset, then it is smashed easier. In the case of a classic wedding dress - an integral attribute. Having made the correct lacing, tie a corset will be easier. Otherwise, the corset will look no harmonious and will also spoil the appearance of the bride. How to tie a corset on a wedding dress?

  • Check high-quality tape. It must be approaching along with color and by texture. If you wish, you can purchase a tape, the color of which will differ from the color of the corset. By doing so, you focus on lacing. Such an outfit will look unique. It will add the appearance of a special gloss.
  • Load the corset follows one tape. When a few ribbons are used, it is not possible to successfully fix the corset. Therefore it is better to buy a tape with a margin. Often, the dress is complemented by special ribbons, however, they are usually not very suitable for proper launings. I have not spare money for a good ribbon, you are at times transformed with all your festive look. To the selection of ribbons for the corset, come with full responsibility.
  • Decide with the lacing method. It is important to take into account the design of the model. Classic lacing from the back provides the ability to tighten the corset by 12 cm. However, in this case you will need help. And it is better to turn to a person who knows how to tighten the corset on a wedding dress. If you choose the lace in front, then it is quite possible to do without your own. The main thing is that you have the appropriate knowledge. And yet: Do not decay the corset after eating. Otherwise, you will look ugly.

Now you know how to laugh a wedding dress, so feel free to get married!

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Wedding dress with a corset is a win-win option to look slimmer and more spectacular at the wedding event. However, it is not always possible to successfully launch the outfit from the first time. So that the event was not painful for the bride, the bridesmaid girlfriends are better to practice in advance. It will be needed while preparing for the wedding ceremony when the bride needs to help get dressed. The too prolonged tape can deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations, the corset will pull the waist, put pressure and interfere with breathing. So that this does not happen, you should take advantage of the advice on how to properly cord the wedding outfit.

The corset excellently hides the flaws of the figure, emphasizes the waist, the chest, visually makes the hips more rounded. Its lacing can be different: it can be outside either inside; Being in front, or behind. Some models are supposed to zipper "Lightning" in order to additionally support the corset. For lacing there are various ribbons, laces and satin strips of different lengths.

Lace length can be, both small, at the level of the waist and all over the back. And it is better to choose tender, satin ribbons for it, as cords can rub the back of the bride. It is better to give preference to corsets from natural fabric, they will be better sitting on the figure. He also should not squeeze the chest and ribs, but should only pull his waist and emphasize her.

The most important thing is to choose the size of the dress. If the dress is not well sits well, it is better to remove the measurements and give it to the studio on the ear. Wedding dress should be perfectly sitting on the bride. Choosing a dress with a corset, it should be borne in mind that there should be a distance of at least three centimeters between the edges. As well as:

  • The dress before the lacing should be well sitting on the figure, so in the presence of zippers, it is necessary to fasten it first, and then start the lacing;
  • Those who are not confident in their abilities, it is better to start to launch a corset on a dress with a dress, and then tighten it on the figure;
  • Do not need to strongly tighten the corset at the chest level, it should make it easier only the waist area;
  • So that the breast shape looked more beautiful, during the lacing the bride need to hold it from the inside of the dress;

  • If the dress is in the bride with an open back, then it is important to ensure that the tapes do not dock into the skin. Such a lacing looks very ugly;
  • Pregnant brides are better to choose another style of dresses, not providing for a corset, or tighten it very weakly.

Types of corsetov

  • With hinges in which the cord is taking during the lacing. As a rule, these styers have lightning;
  • With holes through which the cord is doing. Lightning in such models is absent;
  • With large loops in which a wide ribbon is doing.

Lowing shot dresses

This method is suitable for those who have never laid wedding outfit. It is much easier to go tape into loose loops, and then tighten them on the figure.

To lace a dress with your own hands, you need:

  • Hang the dress so that it is convenient to work with the corset;

  • Without tightening the corset, start the lacing from top to bottom: to hang the ribbon in the loop and leave a large distance (about 10 centimeters);
  • At the level of the waist, leave two uncomplete loops;
  • Lace a corset to the end;
  • Consolidate tape with a bow;

  • Put on a dress on the bride;
  • Taking advantage of free loops, carefully distribute the lace on the figure of the bride so that it was tightened on the waist, and on the chest is free. The bride needs to hold the chest with crossed hands in order to improve its shape;

  • Secure the ends of the ribbon bow.

Linging Dress on Figure

To properly lace a dress on the bride, it is necessary to have ability and limit accuracy. It is better for this two people.

  • Wear a wedding dress on the bride. If the bride has already taken hair and makeup, it is better to do it through the legs;
  • Fasten the zipper in the presence;

  • The bride should completely straighten and straighten the shoulders;
  • Holding the ends of the cord or ribbon, carefully drag the lacing from top to bottom in the place of the cross. Here you will need the help of the second person: one holds the tape tips, the other tightens the lacing;
  • Tighten the next cross, while releasing the previous intersection;

  • Gently lacing from top to bottom, straightening, if necessary, tape;
  • Check if the corset is sufficiently tightly on the waist, and tie the ends with a beautiful bow. If the lace is too long - trimmed under the bow.

The dress with an open back requires maximum caution. The bride should get up as soon as possible, straighten the spin, shoulders. It is necessary to ensure that the tapes are not pulled. It is impossible to allow the cord to drive into the skin; No wedding image will look good if the bride on the back will be tightened folds.

For pregnant women there are special models of wedding dresses. But the bride in the position can also afford a dress with a corset. In this case, you need to cord the wedding dress before the level of the bra line. In this place the bow tie. Next, the lacing is carried out very freely, depending on the size of the belly of the bride. The stomach should not be tightened, and the bride should feel as comfortable as possible.

So, the lacing of the dress is not easy, but quite feasible. To accurately everything happened, it is better to lax the corset in advance on the dress, and then put it on the bride. Wedding dress perfectly emphasize the figure of the bride and make it the most beautiful in a solemn day.

Corset on a wedding dress is able to turn you into a real princess with an ideal figure. It is the cord lacing that will be the main point in the entire dressing process of dresses.

If the corset is laid correctly, then the appearance of the bride will be just perfect. For this process, ribbons with high density and small thickness, silk laces or atlas strips are used. Often the correct way lace up Show during the purchase of the dress. If pre-wedding troubles led to the omission of such issues, follow our advice and the corset of your wedding dress will be laid, as it should.

Problems that may arise
Incorrectly launched wedding dress will slide down during the celebration. But not only bad cord lace is able to become a problem. The bride can face difficulties, if I bought an outfit not of your size. In order not to acquire too wide outfit, during the purchase of the corset you need to tighten as much as possible and try to push the finger under the lacing. If the finger breaks, it means that the dress is great for you.
In case you found that the dress is widely, after the purchase, without fail. If the corset cannot be selected, add straps to the dress.

Types of corsetov
On the corset of wedding dresses there are:
. Loops. In them, during the lacing, the cord has been done. Often, such models of corsets are equipped with a zipper "Lightning".
. Hole. Through them also draw a lace. Lightning in such corsets is absent, but there is usually a tissue liner that allows you to add one or two sizes.
. Large loops. They are designed to launch with a wide ribbon.

Stages of lacing
For any kind of corset, the lacing technique will be similar. The process includes the following steps.

. Wearing a bride dresses
If, at the time of fitting in the cabin, the girl first puts on shoes and a clothesline, then on the day of the celebration, when the hairstyle is ready, starting with the dressing of the dress through the legs, and then the attitude is already worn. Next, in the case of the presence of a zipper on the corset it needs to be fastened. However, if the halves of the zipper converge in bulk, first it is worth tightening the lacing and only after that zipper zipper.

. Inwing a lace or ribbon in a corset
First you need to turn the upper loop and pull the cord so that the length of the ends is equal. So move down and do all holes or loops.

. Tightening corset
Holding the tips of the cord (so you will not give them to slip out of the loop) with one hand, gradually pull the lacing down the second hand in the crosslinking places. It is more convenient to do such a manipulation together - let one girlfriend holds the tips of the cord, while the other will drag it down in turn by two hands. If you have been tightened to tighten the corset alone, keep the lace for the ends comfortably with your left hand, and with two fingers (index, as well as a large) right hand, you should pull the lace in the places of intersection, after which to drag them down the middle finger right hand.
Casting the next intersection with two fingers, you need to pull it up, while releasing the middle finger at the previous crossing of the cords. If the tape is used to tighten the corset, then it will not slip, so keeping it for the ends.

Gradually, drag the ribbon on the loop down, while simultaneously straightening it.
The bride during the tightening of the corset follows the two hands to support the chest so that in the end it does not look too flat. At the same time, you need to hide excess fabric. In the corsets without a zipper "Zipper" you need to accurately straighten the tissue liner. When there is a zipper on the corset, then the excess tissue fill under the bones to the sides so that the fastener is just in the middle of the back.

. Lace or ribbon
Make sure the dress village on the waist is quite tight. Tie the ends of the lace with a bow, and if they are very long, cut over the extensive scissors. It should be left a little in the case of a dress renovation.

In the usual lace, the ends will not crumble and break through, and in the case of the use of an unusual cord, its tips can be treated with transparent varnish. If the corset has no zipper, then you can hide the ends of the lace in the folds.

We recommend to practice in the lacing of the wedding dress in advance so that on the day of the celebration these manipulations have already been familiar to girlfriends.
If the bride is not strongly filtered, it is impossible (for example, it is pregnant), then the top of the corset is tightened, thanks to which the chest is fixed. Next, it is necessary to enter the cord on the cord and the bottom of the corset to lace a little freer.

If the dresses cannot be laid out, contact any wedding salon, where you will show you how to do everything right.

according to the materials of the site

Tradition to celebrate significant events standing was born in the country, known for its free character, in the United States of America. And the word, which gave the name of this tradition, has spread over the worlds in French. Here is such a cosmopolitanity.

Once the corset with lacing was an indispensable detail of the female wardrobe. Now it is practically not used, unless as an element of a wedding or evening dress. Therefore, modern girls will certainly have a question how to cord a wedding dress right? Without having enough practical experience, skills, possessing only purely theoretical knowledge, many cannot properly and beautifully lace a dress with a corset. As a result, the outfit looks awkward, constantly slides or vice versa, too squeezes the chest, it makes it difficult to breathe. The bride feels uncomfortable and cannot fully enjoy the solemn ceremony.

Types of corsetov

The majority that are so like brides have a wide dense belt, with a special "knuckles" in it - corset. Many girls who do not know the subtleties of circulation of the corset, believe that in this case you can buy a model for several sizes more, as it is possible to lax the corset on a wedding dress in such a way that it facilitates the shape tightly. This lies the main error. Even a wedding dress with a corset should be a bride in size differently it will look badly, but the girl will be uncomfortable in it. Therefore, when choosing a model, you should pay attention to the distance between the edges. It should be no more than 4 cm.

There are several corset options:

  • with hidden or open lacing;
  • on the front side of the leaf or on the back;
  • with loops and lightning;
  • with holes for the ribbon to make the tape, made directly in the tissue of the dress, in this case the manufacturers often equip the accessory with a special valve, thanks to which the bride dress can be slightly expanded if it recovers before the wedding under the influence of stressful state;
  • with big loops and wide ribbons.

Any option, if you know how to properly laugh a wedding dress, it will help to emphasize the waistline, adjust several "extra" kilograms, to give a figure of harness and charming femininity.

Preliminary preparation

Before tie a corset on a wedding dress to be held a small preparatory work. And it is necessary to start it while buying a dress. Typically, the product is completed with a special ribbon, a cord, which is braid to be laced a dress. Pay attention to the quality of this tape, its color. It should either be perfectly fitted with a tint of the fabric, from which she sews out or contrast with it. The second option will attract attention to the corset, focus on the girl's waist. This will give the image of elegance.

Since it is necessary to tie a corset on a wedding dress with one ribbon, you should make sure that its lengths will be enough to do not have to suffer during the lacing process so that the dress on the bride is well fixed. It is better not to skit and buy a tape separately. Then the dressing process will pass calmly, without unnecessary problems, and to tie a belt on the wedding dress will be much easier.

And one more important point that needs to be considered at the model selection stage. There will be a bride to wear it herself, or contact a girlfriend, who knows how to cord a wedding dress. If the corset is located on the back, then the process will not succeed independently.

Corset lacing

Regardless of the selected model of the dress and the type of corset, the lacing process will be identical, although, of course, small minor differences are possible. If you have never come across this accessory earlier, but the question is relevant for you, contact Internet resources. Here are the most different materials: how to tie a belt on the waist, how to cord a corset on a wedding dress video rollers will help to cope with any problem.

  1. Gently decompose the outfit on the sofa or hang it at the optimal level, so that it is convenient to work (I have not had to be touched, stretching).
  2. Approom the edge of the corset to each other in such a way that the distance between them was at least 3-5 cm.
  3. The dress is corded either from top to bottom or bottom up. Rent to the most upper or lower loops, depending on the selected option. Left and right ends should be the same.
  4. Crossing and straightening every time a tape, carefully do it in the loop (holes) moving up or down.
  5. Having reached the middle of the belt, make on both sides on one long loop and continue to insert the tape to the end. Tie the remaining ends and hide them under the fabric.
  6. Now the bride should put on a dress. This is done from the bottom up, through the legs, so as not to damage the hairstyle. Then you need to wear the bottom skirts and only after that proceed to the final stage.
  7. If the corset is behind, you will have to attract assistants, as it does not work on the wedding dress on the back. Start straight, straighten your shoulders, back, put on the hips. Girlfriend (assistant) should carefully delay the tape, holding the ends with the hand, so that they do not relax the lacing. If the helpers will be two, then they will make all the work better and better.

It remains to neatly tie a ribbon with a beautiful bow. If a cord or tape was used, then they can be hidden under the fabric.

What to pay attention to

Knowing how to properly lace a corset on a wedding dress, it is not difficult to cope with the task. For the bride to feel comfortably comfortable, follow some nuances:

  • surplus fabrics gently straighten, and carefully, without folding, refuel under corset;
  • if there is no tissue between the lacing and the body (the dress with an open back), then the tape should not be dug into the body, it is not only very painful, but also ugly;
  • the corset must sweep the waist, and not the breast, otherwise the bride just will not be able to breathe;
  • lightning, if it is provided on the model, should run precisely in the middle of the back.

With a properly completed lacing, a finger should be free under the tape. In this case, the dress will firmly facilitate the body, not slipping and not hanging out.

For the bride in an interesting position, on the contrary, you need to leave the waist area, abdomen more free, fixing the dress in the chest area.

Thanks to the wedding dress with a corset, the bride looks like a princess: she is sophisticated, elegant and ... - In short, very good! The corset lace is the moment to pay special attention to, so it will be not bad to study the basics of the correct lacing in advance.

How can a wedding corset

The corset serves not only to hide the flaws of the shape, but also in order to emphasize all its advantages. The lacing on modern corsets can be hidden or open and located both behind and in front. In addition, the corset may have a zipper that additionally supports and strengthens it. For lacing a wedding corset use ribbons, laces or satin fabric strips. The length of them can be from several meters. It is desirable that the corset of the wedding dress is made of natural fabrics, and that tapes are used as a cord: they are sufficiently dense and idle well. Correctly sewn corset will never put pressure on the ribs and create additional inconvenience when sock.

How to cord

The dress should make her waist tightly, otherwise it will crawl down and pull it all the time. If the corset with zipper, then you first need to fasten it and only then start the corset.

If you core the corset for the first time, the specialists advise first to cord the corset on the dress shot, while the edges of the corset must be not closer to 10 cm. After that, the bride puts on a dress and the corset is pulled by the figure.

If you cord the corset for the first time, then you must first lace a corset on the dress with a dress, while the edges of the corset must be no closer than 10 cm from each other. After that, the bride puts on a dress and the corset is pulled by the figure. As a rule, the corset flashes from top to bottom. You need to keep your hands on the waist, fixing the corset. When the lacing is half completed, ribbons or laces should begin to gently straighten up so that they do not twist. Tightening the corset should only be on the waist line, and not on the chest line, otherwise it will be difficult to breathe. To properly tighten the corset, you need to hold the ends of the tape or cord with your left hand, and the right gradually pull the cord down, turning it out in places where its ends form a cross, not forgetting to refill and smooth out the folds of the remaining tissue. So pass on the lacing several times. It is easier to do it together. After completing the lacing, we make a bow or hide the remaining ends.
If the corset is long, then on the line of the waist, we leave two free loops with a length of about 20 cm, then we cord to the bottom and tie the ends of the bow. Free loops on the waist line are tightened and also tie a bow.

So that the breasts had a beautiful form, the bride should during the tightening of the corset to maintain the chest from the inside (folded crosswise with their hands, top through the decollete line).

If the corset is equipped with wide loops and ribbons, and the model assumes that part of the back remains open, you need to ensure that the lacing does not transfer the body, because the lace or ribbon dumped into the body will not only look ugly, but can cause pain.