Three types of Tajik women. The most beautiful Tajik women in the world How women of Tajikistan dress at the age of 61

National customs and traditions of Tajiks. Tajik wedding, Tajik holidays, Tajik superstitions, rites and rituals, circumcisions. The Tajik people, like other peoples of the world, has centuries-old national traditions and customs that were created by their ancestors and have survived to this day in their original form, from generation to generation.

All Tajik traditions and customs, which have evolved over many years, are a very important and subtle part of the existence of the ethnic people - Tajiks. Therefore, in practice, even from birth, ancient customs are established in the subconscious of a small child as the main program of life.

Ancient rituals, superstitions, rituals, traditions and customs - all together formed the eastern mentality characteristic of the Central Asian people. Peoples of about 20 nations live in Tajikistan - hardened Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Assetians, Tatars, Russians (mainly in the country's cities), Ukrainians and other representatives of different nationalities. All these peoples are considered equal citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan, therefore, each person has the right to profess the religion and traditions that they inherited from their ancestors.

Tajiks are the descendants of ancient Indian and ancient Persian tribes and, accordingly, many manners and lifestyle of a Tajik person - Tajik / Tajik women are characteristic of his native East Asian mentality.

Tajik wedding- the national and social tradition of the Tajiks.

A Tajik wedding is a collective ceremony, also the word wedding refers to 2 national events - a wedding wedding of newlyweds and a wedding in honor of the circumcision of a Muslim boy (khatna tui). In Tajikistan, marriage weddings (tuyi arusi-domod) are held in a very unusual way, it is customary to celebrate a wedding at the public level. Hospitality is one of the highest qualities of the Tajik people, Tajiks are hospitable people, both in joy and in trouble, they always support each other.

Tajik families love to share their joy with everyone - with familiar friends and even with strangers, this indicates that Tajiks are also good-natured. Especially in auls, marital weddings are very interesting and original. If they hear that someone’s wedding is planned in a neighboring street, then the weight of the village rejoices, since Tajiks, according to custom, 1-2 days before the wedding, without exception, all relatives and fellow villagers of the bride and groom are invited, the main thing is not to miss, otherwise be offended by anyone. Probably the saying "from 7 to 70 years - everything at the wedding" came from this land. After all, it is really customary for Tajiks to be present on the eve of the wedding, in the process of preparing neighbors or distant relatives for the wedding, supporting and helping the hosts of the wedding.

A modern Tajik wedding is a mixture of ancient and modern traditions. Modern wedding ceremonies in Tajikistan will play very fun and noisy. In Tajikistan, the national wedding ceremony lasts as many as 7 days / stages, as it is very rich in traditional rituals, which Tajik families follow very faithfully. Any Tajik marriage begins with the consent of the girl's parents.

For the “matchmaking” event, 2-3 female matchmakers, close relatives of the guy, come to the girl’s house and explain the reason for the visit, as well as acquaint them with the general situation of the future groom’s family and ask for the girl’s hand. In Tajik families, issues related to the marriage of an adult girl are usually decided by the main family members - grandparents. If the matchmakers are very lucky, then everything will be decided the first time and both parties will discuss all the upcoming events related to handouts. Subsequent visits to the relatives of the future groom are not complete without gifts and goodies. Thus, the wedding day is appointed - in Muslim and the date of the wedding evening. And then the most interesting is yet to come!

The first stage of the wedding ceremony is the publication (safedi dodan, fotiha kardan) about the marriage of the bride and groom. In honor of the marriage, relatives and neighbors of the bride and groom are invited to visit and pilaf is served to them - Tajik national food.

The second stage of the wedding (tukkuz) each side exchanges gifts intended for the newlyweds.

The third stage of the wedding is to bring kalyn-tui, from the side of the groom, a horned animal and other necessary products are sent to the bride's house to celebrate the wedding at the bride (nahor oshi).

The fourth stage of the wedding takes place at the bride's, the groom, accompanied by his friends and relatives, goes to the bride's house. On the same day, the bride also invites her friends to the festive table (choygashtak).

The fifth stage of the Tajik wedding is the oath of the newlyweds before the imam (nikoh), after which they must drink a cup of water. Such a ceremony means that now the bride and groom, according to Islamic Sharia, have become spouses and their marriage is secured by holy suras, which give them the right to be together.

The sixth stage of the ceremony is the long-awaited wedding evening of the bride and groom (tui arusi-domod) in a restaurant (darabkhona or tuikhona). This is a great celebration that every Tajik family dreams of. On this day, the guests and friends of the bride and groom congratulate the newlyweds on their married life and wish their best wishes. At the set wedding tables, everyone is having fun and applauding the wedding guests who have spoken. Young people and other visitors to the Tajik wedding have the opportunity to personally approach the newlyweds and wish them happiness, and people sing and dance until nightfall. Then the newlyweds leave the guests and go to the groom's house by car.

The seventh stage of the Tajik national marriage wedding is rubinon, an event organized for the neighbors and relatives of the groom, where the bride will show off her outfits and reveal her face. And the guests of the celebration bring the bride various gifts necessary for a young family. And also the bride is congratulated with gifts by the father and mother of the groom - the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the new bride.

The next stage is - chilla, in a modern way - a honeymoon, which will last 40 days. All this time, young spouses should spend under the same roof with the parents and relatives of the husband. This will ensure the safety of the spouses from any ailments, as well as protect the bride and groom from various kinds of problems at the very beginning of their young married life.

Tajik holidays. What are the national traditional holidays in Tajikistan?

Tajikistan widely celebrates religious holidays and national holidays associated with the independence of the state, including seasonal holidays.

The Tajik people most of all love the Muslim holiday - Kurban Khayit, in which people become complacent and kind. On this day, Tajiks traditionally perform sacrificial rites, provide material assistance to families with little property, dress and shoe orphans, visit the sick, and so on. On this day, in every house the table is laid to adequately welcome guests, the hostesses prepare various national pastries and Tajik dishes. Young girls go to the homes of new brides who have recently had a wedding. Brides quench their guests with a variety of sweets and display their dowries.

Another national Tajik holiday of the people is Nowruz- a new day - the equinoxes. This is one of the favorite spring holidays of Tajik girls. On this holiday, girls specially sew dresses from national Tajik fabrics, such as satin, adras, brocade, etc. And there is also the Tulip Festival tradition, which is no less loved by Tajik beauties.

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Being a Tajik is proud, because, according to many, these are the most hardworking, most submissive, most faithful and strongest women of the East.

But being a Tajik is also very difficult, because the family in Tajikistan is almost entirely based on women. They will feed deliciously and dress neatly, and without complaint they will take on all the male cares for the family when their other halves do not return from labor migration for years.

This is how they are brought up by strict mothers and uncompromising traditions, and not yet clear prohibitions, which the girls themselves are aware of from the day they were born.

Eyebrows and freedom of a Tajik girl

Perhaps the strangest Tajik taboo is not to pluck your eyebrows before marriage. And it doesn’t matter what time the girl is lucky enough to start a family. Let it be 30, but you can’t pluck your eyebrows!

By the way, no matter how strange it may sound, there are quite adequate reasons.

Firstly, neatly plucked eyebrows are a sign of married women. And if a young girl suddenly likes potential suitors at some event, then they will be judged not only by their manners, but also by their eyebrows. People will not ask directly if she is married. And unplucked eyebrows just hint at the free status of the girl.

Secondly, in addition to hints, there is another, very important side of the issue - Islam (and 99% of Tajiks profess this religion) does not welcome changes in God's creation. It is canonically allowed to give a well-groomed look, but at the same time it is necessary to catch the line at which the eyebrows will be neat, but their shape will not change.

For a Tajik, a date is a sign of depravity

Before marriage, it is strictly forbidden to meet with men - to arrange romantic dates by candlelight, going to the cinema or walking in the rain. You can forget about it. And it’s a sin to even think about innocent kisses and touching hands.

And how do Tajik women create a family in such conditions? Very simple, because falling in love before marriage is allowed. Choosing a life partner is the same. But it is fanatically important for men that their future half be immaculate and pure.

She, roughly speaking, should belong in body and soul to only one man - her future spouse - and wait for him humbly. Otherwise, a shame not only for the girl, but for all her relatives. And normal families will not come to marry her. And, God forbid, she will remain an old maid. Something like this scares girls in strict, traditional Tajik families.

Dash at 30 for a Tajik girl

There is nothing worse for a mother than a daughter left in girls. No sooner does the girl hit 18 than the parents seriously begin to collect the dowry for their beautiful and unique daughter. And suddenly tomorrow matchmakers will knock on the door. And this, by the way, is quite possible.

And God forbid that the daughter turned out to be stubborn, fastidious and with big plans for personal growth for the future. And after all, such people will be delayed with marriage right up to 30 years with the risk of remaining an old maid. By the way, by this time the neighbor's daughter will have three children running around the yard.

Tajiks are sure that time is gold, if you lose it, you won’t get it back. And marriage, like time, does not spare if you miss your chance. And the chances, of course, are more up to 30 years. After this line, young suitors will go to woo the young, and the old ones too.

And with his plans for personal growth, he will be left alone with himself.

Of course, in modern society, not all Tajik girls strictly follow these, but they still try to adhere to them.

Tajikistan attracts hundreds of travelers from all over the world because here you can completely plunge into the realm of natural purity and splendor. Mountains and, dizzying with their height, the purest waters of numerous alpine lakes, world's tallest dam, a carpet of millions of irises, poppies and edelweiss blooming on the mountain slopes, crystal waterfalls and amazing wildlife - this is not a complete list of what can make the strings of the soul ring in a gentle tone even in the most inveterate inhabitant of a large city.

Local residents have the ability to exist in harmony with the beauty that Nature has generously endowed them with. Being in Hissar Historical and Cultural Reserve, it's hard to get rid of the feeling that strict lines Hissar fortress arose here naturally, and are not the work of man. The same can be said about the ancient one - a monument of the pre-Islamic era, whose palaces and temples are unique and have no analogues in terms of architectural composition.

However, Tajikistan has been attractive at all times not only thanks to the many legends surrounding it. Marguzor lakes and amazing views Sari Khosor Valley, but also as an important area Great Silk Road- cultural and economic arteries of the past. It was thanks to the merchants who followed it that the world learned about another feature of this marvelous land - numerous healing mineral springs.

Today, lovers of mountain hiking (to the fabulous land of the Fann Mountains) and climbers ( Ismail Somoni Peak/ ex. ), travelers in four-wheel drive jeeps (along the famous alpine), researchers of historical events and ancient buildings, of which there are thousands in Tajikistan, as well as seekers of ancient legends in secluded high-mountain settlements and those who want to climb where no man has gone before.

If your eyes are tired of encountering buildings blocking the sun, if your eyes ask for a horizon that is not streaked with masts of power lines and cellular communications, if there is a desire to enjoy the true beauty and diversity of nature - come to Tajikistan! In combination with the air infused with mountain herbs and the general atmosphere of majestic tranquility, the diverse ones charge the body with vital energy and clear the head of negative thoughts, allowing you to look at the world in brighter and more positive colors. Such a mood remains in the soul for a long time, and everyone who was lucky enough to be here will consider it the most valuable of the souvenirs accumulated in a lifetime.

Useful information for traveling in Tajikistan

General information about Tajikistan.

Location. Located in the southeast of Central Asia, Tajikistan is 93% mountainous and occupies the highest position in the region. No, not in terms of economic indicators and not in infrastructure development, but in terms of their geographical data. At the same time, more than half of the land lies at an altitude of over 3,000 meters above sea level. And the highest point of the region - Ismail Samani Peak (7495 m, former Communism Peak) is located in Tajikistan. There is no need to say that the nature of the region is not just beautiful, but delightfully beautiful.

Square- 143,100 sq. km.

Population- 8,000,000 people. The population density is 50 people per sq. km and is distributed relatively evenly throughout the country.

National composition. Representatives of more than 80 nationalities live in Tajikistan, among which the leading ones are Tajiks (80%), Uzbeks (15.3%), Russians (1.1%), Tatars (0.3%). In addition to Tajikistan, Tajiks also live in Uzbekistan (about 4%), in northeastern Afghanistan (over 3.5 million people), in the border regions of Kyrgyzstan, southeastern Kazakhstan and in the Iranian province of Khorasan.

Political structure. Tajikistan is governed by the President, and the legislative function is assigned to the bicameral parliament - the Majlisi Oli. Both the president and members of parliament are elected for 5 years. There are various parties in the country.

Administrative-territorial division. In Tajikistan, there are 3 viloyats (regions), 17 cities, 62 districts, 55 settlements and 368 jamoats - rural communities. At the same time, 13 districts are under republican subordination.

The city of Dushanbe with its surrounding 8 districts is a separate administrative unit. The population of Dushanbe is 764 thousand people (2013). In the symbiosis of cramped eastern streets and quite modern avenues, one can feel the special charm that always appears in places where different cultures meet.

Official language. The population of the country almost everywhere speaks the state Tajik language. But, nevertheless, even the Tajiks themselves often have to supplement their speech with Russian words. This is due to the large number of dialects (more than 50 dialects and dialects), which are quite different from each other. Thus, the Russian language is often not only the language of interethnic, but also intranational communication.
Tajik belongs to the southwestern group of Iranian languages. The vocabulary of the language includes, in addition to Tajik and common Iranian roots, borrowings from Arabic, Uzbek and Russian. The first written monuments of the Tajik language date back to the 9th century. In the 15th century. for the first time, the divergence of the Tajik language from classical Persian began to occur. At present, the two languages ​​differ greatly phonetically. In addition, the vocabulary of the Tajik language is more archaic compared to classical Persian; in the latter, the percentage of Arabic borrowings is much higher, while in the Tajik in the 20th century many Russian borrowings appeared. Nevertheless, the mutual understanding of Tajiks with native speakers of the literary Persian language is still preserved.

Currency unit- somoni. The national currency is the only legal tender in Tajikistan, all payments are made in somoni. One somoni is equal to 100 dirams. The Tajik monetary unit got its name in honor of the founder of the first Tajik state, Ismail Samani (in the Tajik transcription "Somoni").

Religions. The vast majority of citizens are Muslims. Of these, 85% are adherents of Sunni Islam, and 5% are Shiites. The remaining 10% of the population follow other religions. Most of them are Christians (Orthodox), there are 5 Baptist communities, 2 Roman Catholic parishes, a community of Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses and Lutherans, two communities have a Song Min church originating from South Korea, there are also 4 Baha'i communities, one Zoroastrian and one Jewish community. Many representatives of non-Muslim confessions in Tajikistan live in the capital of the republic.

Standard Time Zone: UTC/GMT +5 hours. There is no changeover to winter time.

Electricity. Hotels can be equipped with both modern European-type sockets with thick sockets and grounding, and standard Soviet ones. The voltage in the network is the same - 220 volts with a frequency of 50 hertz.

Climate of Tajikistan.

The climate of Tajikistan, like any mountainous country lying in the southern latitudes, is very diverse: subtropical in the low valleys, moderately warm in the middle tiers of the mountains and cold in their high parts.

Mountains here they serve as a barrier to cold winds and make significant changes in the distribution of heat. In particular, when climbing Fergana depression on the Gissar-Alay ridges, the average air temperature drops in summer and winter, and when descending to the Hissar depression, and from it - to the Vakhsh valley - it increases. This phenomenon is associated with the flow of air masses through the ridges, during which they are compressed, and the heat released during this heats the surrounding air. In the Pamirs, average monthly temperatures decrease when moving from west to east, where, due to an even greater distance from the Atlantic Ocean, the continentality of the climate increases.

The maximum amount of precipitation occurs in winter and spring; in summer and autumn it rarely rains. From October to May, strong snowstorms(temperatures can drop as low as -45°C, making climbing almost impossible), and on the plains sandstorms usually occurs between June and October. These winds can last for a week or more, which should be taken into account when planning a trip to these parts. Strong winds also occur in winter, turning the notorious 2 degrees below zero into -10.

Summer, which comes already at the end of the calendar spring, is quite hot, but thanks to the same mountains, high air temperatures are observed only in the valleys.

As in many other countries of Central Asia, it is better to come to Tajikistan in spring and autumn. Optimal time for climbing and mountain hiking- summer. Average air temperature in winter in the valleys does not fall below -5 degrees, and in summer does not exceed +38.

How to dress in Tajikistan.

Dressing in the country should be in accordance with the time of year and the area where the visit is made. In the cold season, it is important that the clothes reliably protect from the piercing wind, while in the summer, light cotton outfits are enough. Hats are also required in summer.

On the part of the authorities, there are no requirements for choosing a style of clothing, but do not forget that the people of Tajikistan are quite religious, so even shorts that are not very revealing can cause discontent and unhealthy interest. You should pay particular attention to the above when going on excursions to mosques and other religious places - in this case, you need loose, not tight clothing that covers your arms to the elbow and legs below the knees. Equipment for mountain hiking must comply with the general rules adopted for this sport.

Cuisine of Tajikistan.

Dishes of Central Asia in different countries have many similarities due to the mutual penetration of cultures and culinary traditions of peoples. There are many similarities in the cuisine of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, but in the Tajik versions of dishes there is that pronounced special note that could have arisen only under the influence of the great Pamirs.

Gorgeous manti, pieces of meat and fat in which they seem to melt, barely touching the tongue; crumbly, sprinkled with pomegranate seeds, introducing that sourness, which is so lacking in pilaf of other peoples; kovurma lagmon, with its oily threads gleaming on a plate, exuding a spicy aroma of spices - all this is done so tasty that it is impossible to refuse.

Pro spices it is worth mentioning separately - they are added here a little more than in neighboring Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. This makes the cuisine of Tajikistan a little similar to the Caucasian one. Local culinary traditions also stand out with the use of more onions. Whether it's onions in manti or green onions in shurve, it perfectly blends into the overall flavor of the dish, ennobles it and makes it more juicy.

A special attitude to buns and other bakery products makes Tajikistan a paradise for lovers dough products. It is here that unique kulcha cakes, starting breakfast with which it will be difficult to switch even to appetizing pies with greens and golden chuchvara. By the way, the very name of these cakes speaks of their small size and is translated as “palm”. This shape and volume allowed the mountain shepherds (shepherds) to use all the bread at once, without leaving broken pieces. After all, the attitude to bread in Tajikistan has always been sublime. It is never put down “face down” and is broken as carefully as possible, without crumbling. When a dispute arises, when evidence is required, but there is none, the Tajik takes a piece of cake in his hand and swears by bread, which means his maximum conviction that he is right. This is done extremely rarely, and only in cases where the oath is of particular importance. Deliberately throwing bread in the house means inflicting a serious insult on the owners.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the high role fruits. They have always been consumed in large quantities. It is even allowed not to offer meat to the guest, but a vase with dull gleaming grapes, poured apples and peaches exhaling a languid aroma will always adorn the dastarkhan.

An equally important distinguishing feature of Tajik gastronomic traditions is the attitude towards food in general, which is divided into "cold", "hot" and "medium" types. No, here we do not mean the temperature or the method of preparation, but the nutritional value, normalization, useful properties of a particular product in relation to the time of year and each individual person. The basics of a peculiar local dietology were first voiced by Abu Ali ibn Sino. The effect of many of them can be observed even now in the rules for serving and alternating dishes.

The cost of food in Tajikistan.

The cost of food in Tajikistan will cause clearly positive emotions. Compared to European countries, it is not just low, but strikingly low.

The reason lies in the insufficiently well-developed economic standard of living of the people, in which prices of a higher order would simply become unacceptable for most people. Thanks to this, a hearty lunch in the republic costs no more than 8-10 US dollars.

Visa and registration.

Tajikistan is interested in attracting foreign tourists. Right to visa-free entry citizens of Russia and the CIS countries, except for Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, can use it.

It can take about a month to get a visa to Tajikistan at the embassy (more details). Before the document is issued, the consular department from Tajikistan must receive visa invitation. Upon arrival in the country, each foreign citizen must fill out migration card and register with the migration service within 3 working days. Citizens of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan can stay on the territory of Tajikistan without temporary registration for up to 30 days. Those citizens who have a tourist visa (T) can also stay in the country for up to 30 days without registering. Holders of other categories of visas must register within 3 working days.

The received certificate of registration and migration card will have to be returned to the border control officers upon departure, the presence of registration can also be checked by policemen on the street. For lack of registration, there are quite high fines even by European standards.

Certificate of registration- this is a separate document with the seal of the migration service, which indicates the name of the foreigner, his passport number and the validity period of temporary registration.

Make temporary registration you can do it yourself at the migration service (OVIR), and if you are staying at a hotel, then this can be done by the hotel staff. However, it should be borne in mind that not all hotels of the Republic of Tajikistan, even those in the capital, can issue temporary registration, it is better to clarify this issue in advance, before entering the country. The registration fee is not included in the cost of staying at the hotel, it is considered a separate service and is paid separately.

In order to visit the sights in the border regions (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Khatlon Region, Pamir), you need to get a special permission(permit).

Customs regulations of Tajikistan.

Not very different customs regulations of Tajikistan from other countries of Central Asia. Pornographic materials, narcotic drugs, weapons, ammunition and printed publications, which can be interpreted as threatening the political order of the state, cannot be imported here. It should be noted separately that even those medicines that contain any narcotic substance cannot be imported. The exception is the presence of a prescription.

For foreign citizens The ban also applies to the import and export of somoni. Otherwise, you can export everything except food, precious stones, gold and minerals. If you want to buy any jewelry as a souvenir, you must first obtain permission to export it. The same applies to handicrafts. If any particular copy is more than 50 years old, you will have to obtain written confirmation that it does not represent a cultural or historical value.

Import of cash foreign currency is not limited. If the imported amount is more than 5000 USD or equivalents in other currencies, then it must be declared. However, upon entry, we recommend that all imported money be included in the declaration, because in any case, a foreigner has the right to export cash currency from the country no more than the amount that he imported.

When leaving the country, the amount of more than 500 USD must already be declared. But even here there is a nuance: it is allowed to take out up to 2000 USD in cash from Tajikistan without any documents. When exporting more than 2000 USD, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the legality of the origin of the amount to the customs authorities. This document is, among other things, customs declaration, confirming the import of cash foreign currency or currency values ​​into the Republic of Tajikistan.

Currency in Tajikistan.

In order to purchase various goods and pay for services rendered in Tajikistan, you must use somoni- local currency. Foreign currency exchange (US dollars, euros, rubles, tenge, Uzbek sums and Kyrgyz soms) is carried out by banks in large cities and numerous exchange offices, which can be found in almost any locality of the republic.

Sometimes tourists face an unusual choice. It lies in the fact that the rate tends to fluctuate quite noticeably, and the probability of finding much more favorable rates a day after the exchange is very high.

Therefore, you can buy somoni in parts, as you spend. You should not engage in foreign exchange transactions on the streets and bazaars. Private money changers do not have the appropriate official permits.

Bank cards Visa And MasterCard can be accepted for payment in some hotels and supermarkets only in Dushanbe and Khujand. ATMs are also found only in these two cities.

Internet in Tajikistan.

The quality of the Internet in Tajikistan depends on the locality - the larger the city, the better the Internet in it. In small towns, it may not exist at all. Wi-Fi is available in some hotels and restaurants in Dushanbe and other major cities. Internet cafes are also common only in large settlements.

Photography in Tajikistan.

It is forbidden to take pictures and shoot videos at military installations and airports in the country. Having gone on an excursion to the border areas, you must first clarify with the accompanying persons what exactly can be filmed and what is not. In addition, it is not recommended to take pictures of local residents on the street without their permission. To a greater extent, this applies to women, especially those who are dressed in national clothes. Additional fees may apply for photography and videography of some attractions.

Souvenirs of Tajikistan.

When it's time to choose souvenirs and gifts, the first, undoubtedly, catch the eye gold embroidery. Local craftswomen can argue in this matter with the famous gold embroiderers from Bukhara itself! It seems that the breath of the Pamirs himself was put into the product, and the threads were taken directly from the great canvas of History.

Perhaps the elements national clothes, brought from here, are unlikely to be worn at home, but even stored in a closet, they will help to remember this amazing mountainous region. For those who seek a more practical approach to the choice of souvenirs, all kinds of handmade scarves and handkerchiefs. In this case, the concept of handmade extends not only to decoration, but also to the material itself. The people of Tajikistan have always been famous for their textiles, produced by local craftsmen.

The second thing that a souvenir lover can rejoice at is leather products. What is not here! Keyrings, wallets, small straps, shoes and much more - all this is made by the masters with their own hands and decorated with all sorts of embossed patterns and inserts from other materials.

Pottery technologies, not forgotten by the people of Tajikistan today, will allow you to proudly put on your table ceramic products, for example, a skillfully made salt shaker. Or you can hang a dish of indescribable beauty on your wall, giving the apartment a kind of Oriental charm.

Since the East is a delicate matter, it is better to go shopping to the bazaar with a person who will distinguish the real work of local masters from the stamping that came out from under the press in Uncle Lee's cellar. Of course, in souvenir shops there is less risk of getting a fake, but you won’t be able to bargain there, and what is the East without bargaining?

National holidays of Tajikistan.

Now about 64 holidays are celebrated in Tajikistan, the most common and solemn of which are:

. Independence Day - September 9;
. Navruz - March 21-22;
. Holidays of Kurban and Ramadan Hayit;
. New Year - January 1;

These days all citizens of the republic have a rest from 2 days to one week.

In addition to the above holidays, the following days are solemnly celebrated:

The remaining holidays are either celebrated as professional ones, or not in all regions of the republic. During professional holidays, employees of the "nominal" profession usually have a rest, while others celebrate these days in their own way.

State symbols.

The state symbols of the Republic of Tajikistan, as, in principle, of many other countries of the world are the coat of arms, the flag and the anthem.


State flag of the Republic of Tajikistan is a symbol of state sovereignty, an indestructible union of workers, peasants and intelligentsia, friendship and brotherhood of all peoples living in the republic.
The national flag of the Republic of Tajikistan is a rectangular panel consisting of three horizontally arranged colored stripes: the upper red stripe and the lower green stripe equal in width, as well as the middle white stripe, which is one and a half width of the side stripes.
A gold stylized crown and a semicircle of seven stars above it are depicted on a white strip at a distance of half the length of the flag from the staff. The ratio of the total width of the flag to its length is 1:2. The crown and star fit into a rectangle whose sides are 0.8 vertically and 1.0 horizontally the width of the white stripe. Five-pointed stars fit into a circle with a diameter of 0.15 and are arranged in an arc with a radius of 0.5 of the width of the white stripe.
The date of adoption of the national flag is November 25, 1992.

Coat of arms.
Coat of arms of the Republic of Tajikistan is also a symbol of freedom and independence. It is an image of a stylized crown and a semicircle of seven stars above it in the rays of the sun, rising from behind mountains covered with snow and framed by a crown made up of wheat ears on the right, cotton branches with open bolls on the left. At the top, the crown is intertwined with a three-strip ribbon; in the lower sector, there is an open book on a stand.
In the color image of the Tajik coat of arms, the crown, the sun, mountains, ears of corn, the book and the stand are golden; the stems and leaves of cotton are green, the stripes on the ribbons are red, white and green, respectively; book cover - red.
The right to use the image of the coat of arms of the republic by enterprises, institutions and organizations can only be given by the government of Tajikistan. Persons guilty of desecration of the state emblem of the Republic shall be liable in accordance with the law of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The coat of arms of Tajikistan was adopted on December 28, 1993.


The National Anthem of the Republic of Tajikistan is an expression of the inviolability of friendship and brotherhood of all peoples and nationalities of the country.
The sacred duty of every citizen is worthy respect for the Law on the National Anthem of the Republic of Tajikistan.
During the performance of the anthem of Tajikistan, the participants of the mass event listen to it while standing.
Persons guilty of insulting the anthem of the republic are held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Anthem text(words by Gulnazar Keldi, music by Sulaimon Yudakoa):

Original text:

diyori armandi mo,
Ba bakhti mo sari azizi tu baland bod,
Saodati tu, press tu begazand bod.
Zi duria zamonao we are spreading,
Bazeri brocades to saf kashidai, kashidai.

Zinda bosh hey Vatan,
Toikistoni ozodi man!

Baroi nangu nomi mo
Tuaz Umedi raftagoni mo nishona,
Tu bari vorison aoni ovidona,
Chazon namerasad ba navbaori tu,
Ki masrai wafo buwad kanori tu, kanori tu.

Zinda bosh hey Vatan,
Toikistoni ozodi man!

Tu modari yagon,
Baoi tu buwad baoi honadoni mo,
Maromi tu buwad maromi ismu oni mo,
Zi tu saodati abad nasibi bridge,
Tu astivu ama aon abibi bridge, abibi bridge,

Zinda bosh hey Vatan,
Toikistoni ozodi man!

Translating to Russian language:

Our beloved country
We are glad to see your pride.
May your happiness and prosperity always be.
We've been walking towards this day since ancient times,
We stand under your flag.

Long live my Motherland
my free Tajikistan!

You are a symbol of the hope of our ancestors
Our honor and dignity
You are eternal peace for your sons,
Your spring will never end
We remain loyal to you.

Long live my Motherland
my free Tajikistan!

You are a mother to all of us
Your future is our future
Your meaning, the meaning of our soul and body,
You always give us happiness
Thanks to you, we love the world!

Long live my Motherland
my free Tajikistan!

Telephone codes in Tajikistan.

International code of Tajikistan: +992 (8-10 992)
To call Tajikistan, you need to sequentially dial + 992 - city code - phone number.

Telephone codes of city lines of large cities of Tajikistan:

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In Tajikistan, each of the districts has its own national costume. In terms of cut, it is approximately the same everywhere, but differs in color, embroidery, and the presence of jewelry. Young people are increasingly wearing European clothes, but national tajik costume is still very popular among the villagers.

Tajik men's and women's national clothes are very similar in cut - tunic-shaped, loose, well hides the figure. Most Tajiks are adherents of Islam and do not welcome excessive fitting in clothes.

Tajik national clothes are distinguished by brightness. The costume of Tajiks reflects the degree of well-being. The more luxurious the outfit, the more expensive decorative details it contains, the richer its owner.

Separately, it should be said about the fabrics. Tajiks live in a hot climate, so they prefer cotton and silk fabrics. Purely national Tajik matters include alochu(iridescent striped fabric in different colors, made of cotton and silk), snipes(semi-silk, striped or patterned) and brocade(silk fabric with gold and silver threads).

Since the traditional Tajik costume is multi-layered, the lower layer of clothing is usually sewn from cheap fabric, and the upper layer is made from more expensive.

National clothes of Tajik men

The traditional costume of a Tajik man includes: a cotton shirt - "kurta", trousers, a dressing gown and a wide waist belt. The shirt is sewn from one piece of fabric. It is wide and does not restrict movement. Men wear it loose, gird it with a long narrow cloth or a special scarf folded diagonally. The scarf performs several functions: it is both a belt that supports trousers, and a kind of pocket.

It is interesting that you can learn about the well-being of a man from the belt. So, young poor guys wore belts twisted from square scarves with embroidery on the edges of the "miyonband" or "belbog". And wealthy men could afford wide velvet belts ("kamarband"), embroidered with gold thread.

Trousers("ezor" and "ishton") are also sewn quite wide, but tapering towards the bottom. Men wear a robe over their shirts. chapan") of swing free cut, as a rule, striped. Mountain Tajiks prefer chapans made of undyed wool, with an embroidered ornament on the collar.

The bathrobe can be quilted, if it is a winter version of clothing. Classical chapans have become museum exhibits, and their place has been replaced by modern analogues made of velvet. The main advantage of the classic chapan is that it retains heat in winter and coolness in summer. Since ancient times, men have been given a chapan for important events - weddings, birthdays and even funerals. At the wedding, the bride's brother will not allow her sister to enter the husband's house until the groom's relatives give him a chapan.

And today, in the 21st century, young Tajiks on the first day after the wedding go out to people in chapans, and not modern suits. But in ordinary life, modern men are increasingly combining traditional clothes with European ones. For example, they can wear bloomers with a jacket or a chapan and dress pants.

Women's national clothes of Tajiks

Traditional Tajik women wear long shirt dresses ( kurts) and loose-fitting double-layer bloomers. Shirts with sleeves expanding towards the bottom are decorated with embroidery and have different names depending on the type of collar. In the old days, gussets (inserts, wedges) of a different color were sewn into such shirts, this had a magical meaning and, by giving it, provided the woman with fertility.

The shape of the neckline depended on whether the Tajik woman was married: young girls wore dresses with a horizontal neckline and ties at the ends of the slit. And after marriage, women began to wear dresses with a vertical neckline, decorated with embroidered braid. As underwear, women wore white dresses with a stand-up collar. At the same time, the cutout of the top dress was such as to show the embroidery on the collar, but nothing more.

The outerwear of women is a quilted robe (tsoma) of the same tunic-like cut as that of men, or a munisak, which is slightly different in cut (there is no sewn-on collar, and there are gathers under the sleeves). Older women, starting from the 19th century, wear munisaki without braid and lining, they are simply hemmed with a narrow strip of fabric of a different color.

Separately, it should be said about the veil ("faranji"). Tajik women wore them mainly in cities where there were many strangers. The paranja symbolized purity, chastity, modesty and fidelity. Today it is an indispensable attribute bride's attire. In addition, it is believed that the veil protects a pregnant woman from dark forces. And, finally, such an element of the costume allowed a woman to feed her child even in public.

Tajik headwear

Male headdress - skullcap. In cold weather, men wear fur hats or wrap their heads with a woolen scarf. A turban is also still popular, which is worn over a skullcap or a "kuloh" hat.

Women traditionally cover their heads with a dress of three components: turbans, hats and "lachaka" - a kind of scarf. Sometimes these elements can be used separately from each other.

The head of the bride is still decorated with an embroidered scarf covering her face, neck and chest.

Recently, women have begun to wear skullcaps (totsi), which was not particularly accepted before.

National Tajik shoes

For Tajik townspeople - both men and women - soft boots "makhsi" are habitual footwear. They were worn with leather earpieces. Quite popular were ichigi (light boots with a soft toe and a hard back), made from goatskin and famous for their durability.

The villagers had a more varied selection of shoes. In particular, both men and women, in addition to light shoes, wore high-heeled boots or wooden shoes with three legs, the so-called "kafshi chubin".

National Tajik jewelry

Tajiks are very successfully combine traditional decorations with modern ones. Women are very fond of wearing necklaces, pendants, earrings and rings.

Jewelry can be seen not only on the neck and ears, but also on the headdress. It can be all kinds of pendants, brooches and beads.

Traditionally, national Tajik jewelry - forged and chased, is made of silver, and is distinguished by some massiveness. It is considered normal to wear 3-4 jewelry at the same time, or even more!

Do Tajik men wear jewelry? At different periods of history, Tajik men in some regions wore beads with pendants along with women. Previously, men also wore headbands and earrings, they indicated belonging to a certain ethnic group and the status of a person in society. Today only women wear jewelry.

This is, in general terms, the national dress of the Tajiks. Nowadays, it has certainly undergone changes, but traditional skullcaps, bloomers and shirts of various colors are still very loved by Tajiks, including young people.

The government of modern Tajikistan popularizes the traditional Tajik costume in a very peculiar way - representatives of ministries are regularly called upon to strengthen control over the wearing of national clothing.

hopes among employees and not to allow propaganda of alien - European - clothing. Special fashion shows and competitions for fashion designers are actively held in the country. And the leading state TV channels go on the air in stylized Tajik clothes.