Dhow matinee modern new year. Material on the topic: Scenario of a New Year's holiday for older children “A fabulous journey on the New Year's Eve. Festive matinee for the older group

Musical director Chemodanova I.A.

A holiday in a kindergarten is a joy, fun, celebration that is shared by adults and children. He should enter the child's life as a bright event and remain in the memory for a long time. No wonder they say that the impressions of early childhood are the strongest and most unforgettable.

Perhaps, everyone, turning the pages of their life in adulthood, cannot but remember the joyful excitement, the expectation of something unusual, significant and fabulous on the eve of the children's holiday. A holiday in kindergarten lives in my memory: laughter, fun, games, songs, bright costumes, gifts and the first solo performance. Many have carried away from childhood their favorite song, game, memory of shared experiences with friends, educators, relatives.

In addition, the holiday is an important means of artistic education. This is where the taste of children is formed. Artistic musical and literary material, colorful decoration of the premises, costumes contribute to the development of a sense of beauty and beauty in children. As a bright, memorable event, it is extremely important for the harmonious upbringing of children, stimulates the development of the child's emotional and sensory sphere, has a beneficial effect on the formation of the foundations of his general culture and artistic and aesthetic values, especially musical ones.

Participation in the holiday contributes to the creation of a favorable sphere for children's interaction, for the formation of a communicative culture and emotionally significant interpersonal relations in a specific children's team, for the socialization of each individual.

But how to make the holiday truly fun, sparkling and unforgettable?

Invite a wizard? No! Better to become a wizard yourself.

In my many years of practice as a music director, I have tried many options on how to diversify the holiday in kindergarten. But, perhaps, the most beloved by children and adults is a holiday all day long.

The New Year holidays turned out to be especially bright, truly fabulous.

Children and adults together decorate the group on the theme of the upcoming holiday (Castle of the Snow Queen, town of gnomes, den of robbers, etc.) Parents are required to participate in this event. And from the very morning he meets children and parents "The Snow Queen" (the teacher is already in the outfit of his hero) and welcomes "Snowflakes" , "Beads" , "Gnomes" (children also put on their costumes and immediately enter the image of their hero)... It is interesting to watch how children play with their outfits, there is no limit to children's imagination. And then the fanfare sounds, inviting everyone to the New Year's performance, where the plot of the main magic is tied in a playful way.

But an unusual incident occurs and the development of events is transferred to the street, and then, the presenter invites the children to refresh themselves and gain strength in a dream, in order to defeat the evil spell of witchcraft with renewed vigor.

Thus, children stay in a fairy-tale world all day, which becomes a real magic for them.

Holiday script for older preschool children

"Christmas story" .

Holiday progress:

Morning - children are met by teachers in winter costumes (senior group) and Blizzards (preparatory group)... Children immediately put on their costumes, play with them in independent activities.

After breakfast, the mummers invite the kindergarten staff to a party.

Solemn music with fanfare sounds, inviting everyone to the holiday.

Part 1 - children admire the Christmas tree, present their costumes in the rooms, lead round dances.

Snegurochka exit, phone call, video "Capture of Santa Claus by Barmaley" .

Part 2 - following the trail, children find an island where pirates hide Santa Claus in Africa.

The Yumba - Tumba tribe enters, they play, meet the children, show the children the way.

Supermen defeat Barmaley in a fight, free Santa Claus.

They go into the hall, games with children and parents, riddles, round dances, distribution of gifts.

Hall decoration - the central wall is decorated with tinsel, Christmas tree garlands, snowflakes.

The tree is closer to the central wall.

Requisites: bell, telephone, video projector, snowballs, bananas, oranges, vitamins, spoon bag - 2 pcs., Balls.

Characters: Winter, Blizzard, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Sack, Barmaley, Tumba Tribe - Yumba - adults.

Little Red Riding Hood, Wolf, Cat, Cinderella, Malvina, Pinocchio, Bead, Sweetie, Clapperboard, Bear, Fox, Supermen - children.

To the music "New Year is knocking" - phonorecording, children run into the hall in pairs and stand in a circle. dance performed "Polka" , then, rebuild in a semicircle so that you can see the tree and the parents.

Dear children, dear guests!
New Year is already on the doorstep.
May he be kind
Peaceful and happy for all people!

I wish you health, joy, cheerful mood!

Song: "New Year" - M. Eremeeva.

Reb. Look - guys,
Finally Santa Claus
On a huge all-terrain vehicle
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

Reb. Green!
Reb. Fluffy!
Reb. Resinous!
Reb. Fragrant!

Everything As we like it, the Christmas tree is a beauty!
Reb. Christmas tree, we were waiting for you
Many - many days, nights.
We counted minutes

To see quickly
How the needles sparkle
Winter miracle - silver,
How I wrapped your branches

Santa Claus with snow.

Reb. Like an invisible hand
Someone dressed up a Christmas tree
And like Cinderella from a fairy tale
He turned into a Queen

Reb. As the branches scattered
And the cones hid
And they are watching from there,
How the kids sing.

Song: "The Christmas tree is a beauty" - G. Levkodimova.

New Year! About him in summer
So nice to dream!
Like a magical, wonderful light
The Christmas tree will shine ...

Reb. How do we hang the balls,
The branches are like rain ...
How about Santa Claus
We will sing the song merrily.

Reb. We're all in a hurry today
To say to the tree:
“Mothers made suits for us,
We bought new shoes ...

Everything We need to start the holiday!

Song: "On New Year's Eve" - E. Zaritskaya.

The light turns off, magic music sounds, Christmas tree garlands and a ball are on fire.

In the winter evening the stars are falling
Fall from the sky onto the frosty city.
The stars are falling on the house and paths,
They melt on warm palms in children.

The stars are melting inaudibly - fluffs
And on the palm of your hand they shine like snowflakes.
The children returned home from a walk,
They dreamed of snowflakes at night as a fairy tale.

You can enter a fairy tale by a magical path.

The sound of music intensifies, Winter enters, walks around the hall, stops near the tree.

Winter I - Zimushka - Winter, has come to visit you

And she brought a New Year's fairy tale with me.

The bell is ringing - Who is coming to us from a fairy tale on New Year's?

A phono recording of a blizzard sounds, a Blizzard appears.


I am the Blizzard, Winter's niece.
I was in a hurry to visit you with a surprise
Girls all help me to turn
In white fluffy snowflakes

What to have fun with

Whirl in a whirlwind of dance. (Blizzard distributes tinsel)

Dance: "Blizzards and Snowflakes" - under "Waltz" A. Verstovsky

Winter my magic bell
More fun than a nickname
And in the heroes of different fairy tales
You turn the children around.

To the music from the cartoon "Little Red Riding Hood" Little Red Riding Hood runs in, comes out to meet her

Wolf. - Little Red Riding Hood, what are you carrying in the basket?
Little Red Riding Hood - Just a little bit ...
Wolf - Where are you going?
Little Red Riding Hood - I'm going to granny ...

Wolf - Maybe you will sit down to rest?
Little Red Riding Hood - No, no, I'm in a hurry.
Wolf - I willingly escort.
Little Red Riding Hood - No, no, no, I’ll get there myself!

Wolf - Who is your daddy, little girl?
Little Red Riding Hood - Dad sets my traps
To the fox and the wolf ...
Shoots from a gun deftly,

He is in the forest day and night,
He loves hunting very much ...
Wolf - Where is he now, dear?
Little Red Riding Hood - Where I met you:

On a forest deaf path
Wait for him a little ...
Wolf - No, my friend, I'm in a hurry,
I'll run, hello granny! - The wolf walks behind the tree.

Little Red Riding Hood runs around the hall to the music, goes behind the tree.

Cat, Cinderella, Malvina, Buratino come out to the tree.

Friends, look, I'm Puss in Boots!
Boots shine on my feet!
You will not find more cunning around me
I am smart and brave and a true friend!

Cinderella I'm Cinderella, I'm dirty,
I'm used to ash and stoves,
It's very hard for me during the day
And I dream at night.

But I don't cry, I don't cry
I smile and endure.
I believe in happiness and luck
And I regret and love everyone.


I must warn you:
Although I am fragile and tender,
I am strict sometimes
But in friendship I am always faithful.

Friends, I can assure you
I'll never leave my friend
I am not afraid of rain or blizzard,
Not even the greedy Karabas.


I am Pinocchio - Long nose,
I endured a hundred adventures
But in the end he brought
I am the golden key.

(Little Red Riding Hood and Wolf come out)

Little Red Riding Hood

We are very glad to see you, friends.
Wolf Happy New Year to everyone!

Pinocchio We give you a cheerful dance!

Dance: "Czech polka" - arr. V. Rebikov.

Winter Bell ring
Call for toys from the tree.
Come out Sweetie, Clapperboard.
Candy My paper, colorful candy wrapper

Twisted like a bow.
Sweet teeth like me
Because it's delicious
And smartly dressed

Have you guessed? I am candy.
Flappers I look like candy, as it hangs on a branch.
As soon as you touch the thread, confetti will fly away,
Like they'll shoot from a cannon, because I'm a firecracker.

Bead We hang on a thin thread, admire - ka on us

We dance and sing, we live very merrily.

Song - dance "We are funny girlfriends" to the music. "We are funny nesting dolls"

Y. Slonova

We are funny girlfriends
Candy, Bead, Clapperboard.
La - la - la, ha - ha - ha!
Admire me!

We hang on a thin thread
But you don’t pull it!
La - la - la, ha - ha - ha.
Just admire me.

The game: "Collect the beads" - "Needle" "Collects beads" , the beads scatter at the signal. the game is repeated 2-3 times.

Winter Ring the bell,
Call the guests from the forest.
Bear In the summer, I found a golden honeycomb of bees in a hollow.
To you, friends, for the New Year

I brought sweet honey.
Amber and thick honey -
Here is my gift from the forest.
Fox I am not an easy fox

Look, golden fur coat
I am a skilled dancer
Day and night I can spin.

Dance "Little animals" to the music. "Polka" A. Kraseva

Winter Bell ring
Favorite movies
Call your friends.
Superheroes come out to the music from the cartoon.


I am Superman, I am handsome, elegant
I am stronger than any enemy.
I rush to help those who are in trouble.
I'm in a hurry to help out my friends.

The exercise: "Superheroes" (strength exercises)

Winter New Year's holiday has come -

Joyful faces.

We called friends to us,

To have fun.

Blizzard Admire the little animals, don't even be alarmed,

Bear and Fox are friends, Wolf and Cat are friends with friends.

And firecrackers next to them, dolls, beads shine,

The tin soldiers gaze with admiration.

Supermen are brave ...

Yolka really likes that all the guests are delighted

They smile cute.

Dance "Children's ballroom dance" A. Petrova

Icy bell
It has a crystal ringing:
Ding - dong! Ding - dong!
Who are you calling to our house?

The lights go out with the song "Snow Maiden" G. Levkodimova. Snegurochka enters.

Snow Maiden

I came to you from a winter fairy tale.
I'm all snow, silver.
My friends are frost and frost,
I love everyone, good to everyone.

I know a lot of songs
I love a cheerful ringing laughter.
And on the New Year's road,
Congratulations to all your friends!

Congratulations to all friends
And with all my heart I wish
I have the brightest days for you!


Good afternoon, Snegurochka, thanks for the congratulations.
And we congratulate you on the New Year,
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you happiness and good!
But why did you come alone?

Where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden

We were going to see you for a whole year,
Gifts were picked up from the heart.
Getting from the kingdom of ice,
We covered the forest and rivers in ice.

And now they really got there, but
I remembered Santa Claus that his staff
He left among the trees and birches.
He went to look for a staff in the forest, so that there would be no trouble,

After all, whoever touches the staff will turn into ice.
And he sent me to congratulate you,
Happy to celebrate a holiday with you,
So let's sing, friends and dance

And let's not upset him.

Round dance: "New Year" M. Eremeeva.

Snow Maiden And now it's time for us to play, kids!

Knock Knock
Winter Who is there?
Snow Maiden This is me, Snow Maiden,
Winter Where are you from?

Snow Maiden From the forest.
Winter What are they doing in the forest?
Snow Maiden Skiing.
Winter How?

Snow Maiden And here, so - it shows, the children repeat the movements, when they repeat, they play snowballs, dance, shout "Hey!"

Snow Maiden And one more game, aren't you tired, kids?

I walked alone in the forest one winter evening.

The night forest was full of sounds:

Someone howled (everyone howls)

Someone meowed (..)

Someone was grunting (..)

Someone stomped (..)

Someone flapped their wings (..)

Someone hooted (..)

And shouted (..)

And rotated his eyes (..) .

  • well, and someone is quiet - quiet

Everyone sit down, there will be a new game: "What's hanging on the tree?" - answer "Yes" , or "No"

What's on the tree? (names items, e.g. beads, books, boots, crackers, toys, etc.) and the children answer.

Phone call, speakerphone:

“Snegurochka, Snegurochka !!! Trouble, trouble, soon ...

I was kidnapped by the evil and bloodthirsty Barmaley.

By deceit, he took my staff, and he sent me to Africa, to the island ...

Call your friends for help, and go to Africa as soon as possible.

And to find your way, contact your satellite

Touch the magic screen - you will see how everything happened.

The light goes out, the screen lights up - a video.

The light comes on.

Snow Maiden - rather, to the rescue of Santa Claus!

Winter - Wait, Snegurochka, first you need to find the staff, because without it we won't get to fabulous Africa.

Blizzard - And we also need to refresh and rest, gain strength, because we need to defeat a very strong, most terrible and bloodthirsty Barmaley.

Snow Maiden And during sleep we will confer and draw up a search plan.

Well, well, friends, see you soon, I look forward to waiting for you.

Children go for a walk, following the traces and signs, they find a pointer where the staff is hidden. They take him away and hide him in the hall under the tree.

Evening: To the music "New Year is rushing to us" children enter the hall.

Snow Maiden Well, how did you guys have a rest? Have you gained strength to fight Barmaley?

Did you find the staff? (Children show where the staff is)

  • You magic staff, help

Find Grandfather Frost.

The evil Barmaley outwitted him and lured him to Africa.

You show us the way - the way, we are in a hurry to help him. (He takes the staff, raises it, everyone follows her to the gym - there is Africa).

They walk around the hall, become a semicircle, they are met by the Tumba tribe - Yumba, to African tunes, they dance on the spot.

1 Papuan Beat the drums louder, let it sound stronger there - there

A tribe of glorious Papuans and forests comes out to you.

2 Papuan Everyone is a warrior and a hunter, everyone is agile and strong,

In the jungle, we all know the trails.

All Africa is our common home!

3 Papuan If the hunt awaits us all, so that luck will come to us,

We have a special dance, it instills courage in us.

"African dance"

Leader comes out I am the leader of the Tumba - Yumba tribe, I greet the white guests.

Welcome to Africa. But who are you and how did you get here?

After all, we have Africa, we have a heat.

Winter I'm Zimushka - Winter,

Blizzard I am Blizzard,

Snegurochka I am Snegurochka, and these are residents of the Polevoy village.

We are looking for Santa Claus.

Blizzard He was kidnapped by the evil Barmaley.

Winter Tell us about Africa, where we better look.

"Song of the Papuans" to the music. "Somewhere in this world" from kf "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Somewhere in this world, where it is always hot,
You can see children, a tiger and an elephant,
Antelopes, an ostrich and a cockatoo are running
We love our Africa very much since childhood. La - la

Papuan Now tell us about yourself: what kind of Winter, Blizzard,

And why do you need Santa Claus?

Winter Already I am Zimushka - Winter, but with the Blizzard came.
The wind howls, the blizzard howls, sweeps along the street.
White snow covered all the roads to the village,
All roads are all paths, do not pass, do not go.

Papuan Br ... Something I feel cold ... already horror!

Aren't you kids afraid of the cold?

Reb. Frost does not matter for us, we are not afraid of cold weather,

We wear fur coats and earflaps, and sledding

Papuan How?

Reb. That's how. Show

Papuan And then?

Reb. And then we'll get up on skis and start skiing down the mountain.

Papuan How?

Reb. That's how. Show.

Papuan What else?

Reb. And we also take skates and we run to the rinks.

Papuan How?

Reb. That's how. Show

Papuan, And then?

Reb. and then we play snowballs, we hit very well.

Papuan How?

Snowball game (The baskets contain fabric "Snowballs" stuffed with padding polyester for children and Papuans).

Snow Maiden Here, so the Papuans! You throw snowballs smartly, as if you lived all your life in the north.

If you throw them so smartly, maybe you can also collect them quickly?

Which of you will pick up a snowdrift faster, you or the children?

Competition "Collect a snowdrift" .

Papuan Winter, cold, game, good! But why do you need Santa Claus?

Blizzard How why? New Year is coming! We dressed up the tree, but without

Santa Claus will not come, there will be no holiday, no gifts ...

Papuan Where does the New Year come from?

Song: "New Year is coming to us" Antipina.

Papuan New Year, gifts, holiday, good. All willows are so funny, beautiful, white, stay with us. We will teach you how to climb palm trees, eat snakes and frogs. You are such cute, cool guys.

Snow Maiden What are you, what are you, Santa Claus, has probably already melted on your sultry island.

Yes, and I already seem to be melting ...

Papuan Well, well, I know that it will protect you from the evil Barmaley and the heat of the African

Personal immunity: it protects from everything.

Snow Maiden. Be a friend, give it to us.

Papuan No, I just can't. He must be won in a difficult duel.

Cope - your personal immunity, you can't cope - alas ...

Winter Do you guys agree to compete?

Blizzard We have no other choice ... Yes, we agree,

Papuan You will be collecting bananas. You need to collect all the bananas in one minute,

Look into every nook, climb the highest "Palm tree"

And if after your gathering I find at least one banana - you have lost, you will stay with us in Africa ...

The game: "Collect bananas" .

Your Papuan took it!

And now, I challenge the most dexterous, personally compete with me.

The game: "Orange shooter" (throwing at the target).

Snegurochka Dear Papuan, we have fulfilled all your conditions, keep your promises too.

Papuan Yes, I see you deserve to be possessed "Personal immunity" ... - serves to the Snow Maiden

She puts vitamins from a spoon into everyone's mouth. Barmaley enters.

Barmaley Want to gain strength to get to grandfather (laughs),

But you will not succeed - I will take the immunity now.

Winter Supermen, go ahead and protect our people. - Supermen take two balls and hit Barmaley with them. He defends himself, surrenders, runs away.

Papuan I and my Tumba-Yumba tribe are delighted with the courage and courage of your white warriors. You are really worthy of all praise and we will show you the island where Santa Claus is located. All over me. All line up behind the Papuan, go around with a snake, go behind the screen - Santa Claus sits there in the refrigerator and sings:

“Santa Claus lived under a palm tree and-ah, and-ah-oh!

He had monkeys, and-ah, and-ah, -o!

The monkeys were, were here, the monkeys were, were there.

And all day all round and round, and all day jumping and jumping.

Somersault and jump are monkeys everywhere.

Snegurochka Grandfather Frost, I am your granddaughter Snegurochka, but she became very bad from the heat, fell ill. Zimushka, Blizzard, guys, let's blow a chill on Santa Claus, and I'll give him immunity.

Santa Claus Oh, Snow Maiden, guys, how happy I am to see you, how did you get here?

Blizzard These are good friends from the Tumba tribe - Yumba showed us the way.

Winter Santa Claus, let's hurry to the Christmas tree, to the kindergarten. Soon the New Year will come, but we are not there.

Santa Claus Yes, and you, dear, are welcome to our holiday. (the tribe is dancing A-ha!)

Snow Maiden Here is your staff, our children found it in a snowdrift.

Santa Claus Forward, my friends, forward !!! - everyone goes to the music hall to the music,

Become in a circle

Santa Claus Very fun today! The song is friendly, links!

Noisy New Year's holiday, light your lights!

Song-round dance: "Everyone has a New Year" Popatenko.

Santa Claus Oh, what kind of people are following Frost?

The game "Oh, what kind of people?"

Santa Claus I am cheerful today too and I am friends with the guys,

I will not freeze anyone, I will not catch a cold.

The game: "Teaser"

Snow Maiden Everyone is having fun today and dancing until the morning,

But, perhaps, the dance will be more interesting "Lavota"

Dance "Lavota" .

Blizzard We had fun: games, jokes, dancing, laughter.

Santa Claus We have prepared gifts with the Snow Maiden for everyone - he knocks with his staff.

Something my bag is in no hurry. Maybe he sleeps under the tree?

I'd better go after him myself, if he sleeps, I'll wake him up. - leaves, and a bag comes out.

Bag I was already waiting, so I went and walked.

You tell me, friends, maybe you don't need me?

Snegurochka We have been waiting for you all the holiday and now we just called,

You did not come to our call, Frost followed you. - Barmaley is sneaking.

Barmaley And the bag is already here! (touches)

Snow Maiden Oh, do not touch, she will run away!

Barmaley Don't talk your tongue!

The sack You can't handle the sack!

Santa Claus conjured up so that no one would take me.

Barmaley Talk more, bag, I'll chop it into powder (takes out an ax)

Bag Oh - oh - oh, I'll run home soon. -runs away.

Santa Claus Wow, villain, why did you come here?

Barmaley But how why? Well, this is ... Ah, have fun, dance, yes dance.

Santa Claus Have fun? Well, so have fun! (under r.n. m. "Lady" dances faster and faster, suffocates, asks for mercy: “Have mercy, Santa Claus, I didn’t want any harm to you or the children, I just wanted to steal gifts. Oh, I can’t take it anymore, oh, have mercy! "

Santa Claus Oh, can't you? Can you steal other people's gifts?

Barmaley Forgive me, please! I will never take someone else's!

Santa Claus - Well, guys, let's forgive Barmaley?

Children - Forgive!

Santa Claus Evil is over! (knocks with staff), now get gifts. (Gives gifts, and Barmaley helps him)

We will say goodbye to each other and again part for a whole year.

Winter And in a year the blizzard will howl again,

Snowstorm And Santa Claus will come with Winter.

Snegurochka Just don't forget us at all, you are waiting for us, grandfather and I will come.

Santa Claus And again greet us with the same songs, and we will bring you the best gifts.

They go off to the music.

The script for the New Year's holiday in kindergarten.
(The music “Blizzard has blown” is played. Children enter the hall to the music, stand around the tree.)
Leading: Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This holiday is New Year's
We waited impatiently.
Frequent forest, blizzard field
The winter holiday is coming to us.

So let's say together:
All together: Hello, hello, New Year!
Leading : Our dear guests! We hasten to congratulate everyone.
May they come to you in the coming year

Both luck and success.

May for you good people

Not afraid of worries

It will not be just new,

Happy New Year!

1 child: Hello, dear tree.

Again you are our guest

The lights are sparkling again

On your thick branches.

2 child: How nice that today

Guests came to us here.
And without looking at care,

Everyone found a free hour.

3 child: Happy New Year, mom!

Happy New Year, Dad!

Happy Holidays

We are very glad to see you.

4 child: He came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's

We were looking forward to!

5 child: Winter has come merry,

All people are happy with her.

She calls out to the street

Both adults and children.

6 child: Winter has come merry,

A Christmas tree has come to us.

She stands with toys

Smart and bright.

7 child: Snow flies, blizzard sings,

And the New Year is coming.

We gathered at the Christmas tree

In a merry round dance.

(Song "Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus!")

Leading : And now we'll sit

And we'll look at the tree.

(Children sit on high chairs)

Leading: Winter goes around the whole planet

And a fairy tale wanders around the world with her,

On New Year's Eve he comes into the house.

And we are waiting for her today.

Sit quietly, do not make noise

And do not frighten our fairy tale.

(Winter comes out)

Leading : Hello, Russian young girl,

Beautiful soul.

Snow-white winch

Hello, winter is winter!

Winter: Hello adults and children!

I know you are tired of waiting for me

Dressed warmer

I scattered snow everywhere

And it became beautiful around.

With his girlfriend Cold
I froze the puddles

So that in winter it was where

Ride the kids.

The forest stands in a fluffy fur coat

And in snow-white felt boots.

I blushed my cheeks
For little kids.
How beautiful the winter forest is!

There are many fairy tales and miracles in it!

Leading: Winter, quickly lead us to the forest

We want fabulous miracles.

Winter: Miracle, miracle answer!

Miracle, miracle appear!

(Goes to the hut)

Winter: Oh, look, the hut ...

Children: Hey hut, don't be lazy
Turn in front of us.

Baba Yaga: Turn away from them, hut!

You see, Winter is standing here.

Oh, how many guys are here.

They all make noise, make noise.

Winter: Hey hut, don't be lazy

Turn in front of us!

Baba Yaga: There is no rest in the forest again
Are you not taught etiquette?

Before screaming out the window

You need to say hello.

Children: Hello Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Hello, kid!

Oh, you are my little mice!

(Greets each child and says: Baba Yaga.)

Hello to you, tree is a thorny needle!

Halloween, the viewers are parents

Their children are tormentors.

Winter: Hello Baba Yaga!

How is your health, how is your leg?

Baba Yaga: I'm tired of your frost:

The last tooth got sick.

Grandma has nothing to chew

We urgently need to drive the winter!
(Aside in secret)

Baba Yaga: Better take winter
And I will lock it with a key.

(Baba Yaga grabs Zim, locks him in the hut and returns.)

Baba Yaga: I will hide the key as soon as possible in a snowdrift,

So that no one can find (thinks)

But in winter there are many snowdrifts

Then find the key, try

I'd better hide the key on the tree (hides)

One, two, three, four, five. (Humming)

I'm cold, I'll catch a cold

Soon I'll turn into an icicle.
I'm glad to give you Winter!

Just dance for me
It's cold for me, kids. (Jumping)

Make friends with Grandma-Hedgehog,
Show fashionable dance.
(Dance of little ducks)

Leading : Guys, let's free our Winter. We will go around the Christmas tree and find the key. (Children find the key and let Winter out of the house.) (Children sit down.)

Winter: Thank you guys for not forgetting
They were freed from the magic spell.

Leading : We will continue the holiday.
Now let's start playing.
Baba Yaga : Oh, forgive me and take me

And I love to play.

Leading me: Children, let's take Babu Yaga to play with us?
Children: Yes!

(Games are held with children.)

(A shout is heard from afar: A-a-a! The Devil runs into the hall, falls, the skis fall. He lies for a few seconds without moving. He gets up, rubs his sides, groans.)

Heck: I-I-I am the best assistant of Baba Yaga, the smartest, the most agile, I know everything, I can do everything. I wanted to go skiing, but I fell. (Scratches the back of his head.) That's all Santa Claus is to blame. He covered everything with snow, let the frost go. Here I am because of him. I’ll complain to Baba Yaga, she will take revenge on this old grandfather and his granddaughter Snegurka. (Threatens with a fist.) Brrrr, something a little cold. (He shrieks, jumps.) What would such a bad thing, ah-ah , came up with. (Suitable for children.)

What kind of tararam is this?

Well, now I'll ask you!
I'm canceling the fun
I'm driving everyone out of here.

You do not expect Santa Claus,

He will not come to you today ...
And gifts, of course,
Nobody will bring you.
I will not let you celebrate a holiday

I will drive everyone away, and I will hide your gifts.

Baba Yaga will praise me for this, the order will give me.
Leading: Do not offend the children!

Do not scare! Don't threaten!
We are not afraid of you, so know it!

We'll clap our hands now (clap)

And we will sink our feet. (Stomp)

Heck: Oh, someone is flying here.
I will hide under a palm tree. (Hiding behind a tree)

(Baba Yaga flies in on a broom)

Baba Yaga: (sniffs) I can smell it, I can smell it, it smells like New Year's spirit. Children, Who was here?

Children: Damn!

Baba Yaga : And where he? (The children show that the Devil comes out from behind the tree.)

Baba Yaga : Oh, what people are without protection!
Heck: Listen, Granny-Yagulechka, let's hide Santa Claus, and Snegurochka, this nasty one, will look for him for a long, long time, they will not get to the kindergarten for the holiday, and we will get all the gifts.
Baba Yaga: Oh, well done! Oh, smart girl! Well, just Damn, not a child. Here is an order for your dirty trick, and I will sweep all the paths in the forest with my broom, confuse all the paths, mix them up, raise such a blizzard that Santa Claus and his granddaughter will get lost. (Waving with a broom.) Spot, spot. my broom!
Let the blizzard rise!
Will sweep all the paths

Frost will not find a way.

Chufyr! Buffyr! Yoriki! Moriki!

(The Devil and Baba Yaga dance and fly away on a broomstick.)

Leading: Guys, we need to save Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. What a holiday without them. Guys, let's help them find their way to us. We will stand in the horvod, we will sing merrily and loudly, they will hear our merriment and find their way to us.

(Song "Sanochki")
Father Frost: We hear, we hear your fun! Let's go! Let's go! Hello children, guests!
Snow Maiden : Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. We were in a hurry for your holiday, but got a little lost, someone, apparently, was joking, the signs changed, all the paths were covered up.

Children: Hello Santa Claus! Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: Thank you guys for helping us find our way. We heard your ringing song and hastened to your holiday. Happy New Year! With new happiness! Both the Snow Maiden and I congratulate you, friends!

Snow Maiden : Congratulations, congratulations,

We wish you to be healthy!

Father Frost : We wish you joy and laughter!
Snow Maiden : We wish you happiness and success!

Together: Happy new year friends!

Father Frost: Ah, that's where my Christmas tree is.
She ran away from the frost
She appeared in the garden herself.
(Baba Yaga and Devil enter.)

Father Frost : And you, Yaga, are here, and your friend the Devil. They took up the old, again they wanted to spoil the holiday for the children.

Baba Yaga : What are you, what are you, we did not offend anyone, we had fun with the kids.
Santa Claus: I know, I know about your tricks. Who helped the Snow Maiden and me to get lost. Aren't you?

Baba Yaga : I confess, there was a case, I was joking.

Leading : Santa Claus, the guys and I forgave her, we had fun together.

Father Frost : Has Baba Yaga really become kind?

Baba Yaga : Good, kind ...

Leading : Children, once again forgive Babu-Yaga and the Devil?
Children: Yes!

Leading : Let's leave them for our holiday?

Children: Yes!
Snow Maiden: In this beautiful, cozy room
We met a forest beauty.

How beautiful her outfit is

But the lights don't burn!
Santa Claus, help us light the lights on the tree.

Father Frost: So that the lights sparkle here

We need to blow on the tree.

Blow once (children blow)

And two, (blowing)

And three (blowing)

Well, Christmas tree, burn!

Snow Maiden : New Year's round dance
Children were waiting all year round

Let's take each other's hands
We will sing a song to the tree.

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
Father Frost: Well done, kids, they sang well.

Winter : Now tell me, amicably, are you having fun in winter?
Children: Yes, fun!

Snow Maiden a: We don't care about frosts!

We are not afraid of the cold.

Father Frost : Aren't you afraid of Frost?

Beware, beware

Well show your hands

Take it behind your back,

Who will I touch

I will freeze it in earnest. (The game)

Father Frost : Oh, how smart they are, they didn't freeze anyone.

Even though I have a gray beard,
But at heart I'm young
And I dance at my leisure.

(Dance with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)

Father Frost : Oh, how great they danced.

Well guys I'm tired

I will rest, while you are
Give the old man a stir.

(Children recite poetry.)

  1. It happens in the world

That only once a year

Light on the tree

A lovely star.
The star burns, does not melt

Beautiful ice glistens
And immediately comes

Happy New Year

2 .At the entrance, on the site

I collected the snow with a shovel.

There was at least a little snow.

I blinded the Snow Maiden,
I put it in the corridor,

And she ... melted!
3 .Hello Dedushka Moroz!

We are waiting for you all morning!
Your cold red nose
Granddaughter Snow Maiden!

The Christmas tree is shining, playing

Fun and bright.

Open your bag

Get your presents.
4 .Made by Frost
New Year's miracle

Winter aquarium
From our pond!

For one night

Glazed it with ice

It's a pity that the fish

Difficult to see.
5 ... I want to be an easy snowflake

I won't fly far

I'll sit on my grandfather's eyebrow
To convey your love.

I always want to be by his side

I'm not going anywhere.
Father Frost : Well done, kids.

Good poems told.

I live in the world for many years

I forgot something, children,

What do you play in winter?
What games do you know in winter?

Children: Snowballs! (Game)
Leading : Hold hands tightly,
Stand in a wide circle.

Let's sing and dance

We will celebrate the New Year.

(Song "There was a merry Santa Claus")

Leading: Here is the New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish
Lots of joy, fun

I wish you children!

Winter: May your dreams be any

New Years come true
Let the lights on our tree

Light up brightly.

Baba Yaga : We all felt good

Have fun tonight

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday.

Heck: I wish you success in the New Year

More cheerful, sonorous laughter!

So that you are not afraid of Santa Claus,

We went skiing and sledging a lot.

Snow Maiden: Let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

May he be the best
Most joyful for everyone.

Father Frost : May for you good people,

Not afraid of worries

It will not be just new,
Happy New Year.
Together: Happy New Year!
With new happiness!

Leading: Santa Claus, you brought us a Christmas tree,

Did you bring us gifts?

Santa Claus: Brought! Brought!

Father Frost: Now it's time for us

To you on a holiday in a year

Santa Claus will come again.

Goodbye, guys,

Dear preschool children.

Snegurochka: Well, and you for this year

Grow up a bit

Learn a lot of songs

Wait for us again in a year.

Children: Goodbye, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden!

Goodbye, tree!
We are a Happy New Year
We will not forget for a long time.
Host: Thank you all for your attention,
For the enthusiasm, for the ringing laughter.

The moment of goodbye has come

I tell you: Goodbye!

Until a happy new meeting!

New Year's script for the preschool educational institution.

New Year's party in kindergarten "Visiting Santa Claus" (for children of senior and preparatory groups)

Children run into the hall to cheerful music, dance around the Christmas tree.


A wonderful day is coming

New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and inventions,

A holiday of fairy tales for children!


How beautiful it is in our hall

We called our friends,

Our people are having fun.

Everything. We are celebrating the New Year!


Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

With a song, a tree, a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

With new toys!


Congratulations to everyone in the world,

We sincerely wish everyone:

So that your hands clap

To stomp your feet

To make children smile

They had fun and laughed.

Child. Hold your hands tight

Stand in a wide circle

Let's sing and dance

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Children lead a round dance "New Year is coming to us", muses. V. Gerchik, lyrics 3. Petrova.


New Year, New Year,

And Santa Claus still does not go.

He stayed on the way ...

Child. Maybe go to the forest to see him?


Only a long way, friends,

Aren't you afraid, kids?

Children. No!


Then we sit in the sleigh,

We are rushing along the snowy road!

Children perform the song "Sanochki", muses. A. Filippenko, lyrics T. Volgina. Then the lights go out, a table, a chair, a bag of toys are brought out. The light comes on.

Leading. Well, that seems to have arrived!


Oh, what a wonderful forest -

It's full of miracles here!


Here is a clearing, and here is a tree,

Needles smell like needles.

Look this way

And breathe in the scent! (Breathe.)


Oh guys, look:

Kulkov, a whole cart of toys.

Oh, it feels, it feels my heart:

There is Santa Claus somewhere nearby.

Well, to whom, what a gift

Our Santa Claus will bring -

That, guys, is the question.

Children sing the song "What's hidden under the tree", muses. N. Peskova, lyrics P. Sinyavsky. There is a knock of a stick and footsteps.


Oh, hush, someone is coming, let's hide quickly.

It seems to be Santa Claus.

Children sit on high chairs. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come out.

Father Frost.

In the morning we woke up early

We did some exercises by the couch (stretching).

After all, soon, soon the New Year ...

Snow Maiden. Did you miss the guys, Santa Claus?

Santa Claus sits down at the table.

Father Frost.

Yes, I just sit and dream

As for a holiday, I get to them.

I collect toys for them,

Sweets, cookies, crackers.

He puts everything in a bag. The Snow Maiden is carrying a balalaika.

Snow Maiden.

Come on, grandpa, come on

A better mood for a balalaika

Rehearse ditties soon

To sing them for the kids!

Santa Claus plays and sings "Chastushki".

You play, play by yourself

My balalaika,

We will celebrate the New Year,

Songs to sing and dance.

Oh, winter-winter,

She was snow-white

How I hit my heel -

Immediately the snow will begin to snow. Wow!

Santa Claus is dancing.

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather, you’re gone, forgot that children

They are waiting for you in kindergarten.

They are waiting impatiently for you

Your best friends!

Santa Claus fussed, worried.

Father Frost.

I'll put toys in the bag

Yes, I'll hurry to the guys!

Spins, gathers, wipes the sweat from his face.

Father Frost. Oh, and I'm all exhausted!

Children... And we have been here for a long time, grandpa!

Father Frost.

What happiness, how glad I am, friends,

Greet you children in the fairy forest!

Snow Maiden.

Here's a surprise, wow,

We are always glad to children!

Well in the forest in winter.

The forest is fringed

Quietly the fir tree sways

The old year is coming to an end.

Father Frost.

Let the frost glisten

Let the white snow sparkle!

Children perform the song "First Snow", muses. A. Filippenko, lyrics A. Gorina.

Father Frost.

Hey, animals of the forest,

Squirrels, hares are mischievous!

Meet the kids soon

Songs, dances begin!

Children in costumes of forest animals come out in turn, perform the song "Who hid there in the forest", muses. D. Lvov-Kompaneets, to lyrics V. Viktorov.


Let's say to all forest peoples:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


And here is the beautiful herringbone

So elegant and magnificent!


It's time to celebrate the New Year

We need to light the tree!


Oh, well this is nonsense

Give me the matches!


What are you, Misha, is it really possible

Bring matches to the tree,

After all, it's not difficult to start a fire -

Very hard to put out!

Bear... Well, and the candles are a lighter ...


No, then there is trouble again,

Here, guys, Santa Claus

We need magic words.

Father Frost.

Yes, for guests, for children

I will light the lights on the tree.

I'll touch my staff: one, two, three ...

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, shine!

The tree lights up the lights.

Snow Maiden.

Well, cheerful people,

Become a round dance.

Children perform in a circle near the Christmas tree a mass dance "Polka", muses. N. Sizova.

Father Frost.

How friendly, all together

You have pleased me with a cheerful song!

Children sit on chairs.


And now it's a game for everyone

Everyone will love her.

Santa Claus, come out

Take the club as soon as possible!

Just mind, friends,

I'll be at the gate!

The game "Hockey" is being played.

Father Frost.

Well, animals, well, children,

You are a master at playing hockey.

Be on the alert now -

I'll read you poems now.

I ask everyone to answer:

First, I'll ask everyone:

Who here loves songs, laughter?

All children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Father Frost.

Answer in chorus in an instant:

Who is the most mischievous here?

Children(are silent).


Well, grandpa, there is an answer:

We don't have such kids!

Father Frost.

Who is used to order here, -

Exercising in the morning?

Children. It's me (continue).

Father Frost.

Who does not know a toothbrush,

Forgets to wash?

Children(are silent).


Again, grandpa, there is an answer:

And there are no such kids!

Father Frost.

And one more question:

Which one of you doesn't wash your nose?


We have one answer:

There are no such guys, grandpa!

Snow Maiden.

And now I will ask you:

Do you like children in the winter forest?

That you would come to us - Grandfather and I did not know,

But the forest was decorated as for the arrival of guests:

White snowflakes sparkle

Icicles and ice-stick friends are ringing.

Children in costumes of ice and icicles run away behind the Christmas tree. Bells and triangles are ringing.

Snow Maiden.

Hear, in the forest he is heard -

This magic, enchanting ringing.

Icicles and ice floes are playing today

At our New Year's tree!

"Icicles" and "Ices" are performed on triangles and bells "New Year's Polka", muses. A. Alexandrova.

Father Frost.

In the New Year's forest, look, it spreads

Light, transparent, white blizzard.

A snowstorm girl with a gauze white scarf runs out. They will perform a dance to the soundtrack.


I, blizzard, as I notice,

I will bring all the roads.

And we are not afraid of you

Because we are having fun.

You can talk about the New Year a lot and for a long time. But, whoever and whatever may say, first of all, the New Year is a holiday of childhood. It is enough for us, adults, to remember with what eager impatience we were waiting for it. With what tremulous excitement they climbed under the tree in the morning, because they could not survive until midnight. And how we rejoiced at the candy gifts and various varieties that the caring Santa Claus gave us!

The main task of adults

And today, having become adult uncles and aunts, it is very important not to waste that feeling of festive expectation that accompanies children throughout the preparation for. And, of course, do not deceive the expectations of your children.

Gifts placed under the tree are wonderful. But it is worth recalling that the New Year is a fabulous holiday. And therefore, at this time, a variety of miracles can occur. And in order for these miracles to really happen, you should carefully prepare for their appearance. Specialists can help with this. Children's New Year's Scenarios.

How to entertain children for the New Year

No one will argue that the most important guest at the children's party is Santa Claus. Without it, the gifts are not so interesting, and the holiday itself may seem boring. In the family circle, it is worth considering who exactly will be this "highlight of the program". Or you can call the artists - Santa Claus and Snegurochka - and develop a script around their visit.

It is clear that these artists will not be able to stay in the house for a long time. But today there are very different scenarios for children's new year holidays... And in these scenarios there are a lot of contests, charades or jokes with which you can fill the time before the appearance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And after the most basic representatives of the New Year's program leave, it will be possible to slowly seat the children in their places.

Scenarios can be written independently, or you can find a ready-made version. Of course, not every person can come up with an interesting dynamic children's scenario. But, as practice has shown, our mothers sometimes show simply miracles of creativity, creating out of the blue the most real masterpieces of the entertainment industry. And all this is done only so that their only and most unique child in the world rejoices from the heart and receives a lot of positive emotions from the New Year celebration.

In the event that there are no creative ideas, they can be borrowed from professional leading children's matinees and holidays. In any case, a holiday organized from the heart will definitely turn out bright, colorful and very interesting.

New Year's party script

"The Adventures of the Snowman Mailer!"

Target: Creation of a festive mood in children, a positive-emotional uplift and the formation of a festive culture.


Expanding children's ideas about the traditions of the New Year's holiday, about its organization;

- Demonstration by children of their talents and achievements;

Disclosure of the creative abilities of children;

Improvement of the monologue, dialogical speech of children, its intonational expressiveness;

Creation of an emotionally positive mood among those present;

Organization of interaction between children and adults;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism;

Show parents how they grew up and what their children have learned in six months.



Scenario move

Children sit on high chairs in the hall.

In the middle of the hall there is a Christmas tree entangled in cobwebs, the lights are off.

Solemn music sounds, the presenter enters the hall.

Leading: Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

We are glad to welcome you to the most wonderful holiday - the holiday of the New Year tree.

For a whole year, the beauty of the forests gathered to us for a holiday.

She quietly dressed up in the hall, and now her outfit is ready.

(turns to the tree, walks around it)

Look guys,

Our tree with a head

All covered with gray hair.

Dressed up all day

And rested at night

Her frost wrapped in a snow

And the tree fell asleep.

What should we do, how to wake up the Christmas tree? Who will help us?

Children's answers.

Leading: Let's write a letter to Santa Claus so that he will come to us as soon as possible and help wake up the Christmas tree.

Guys, we need to draw Santa Claus on the envelope so that the letter reaches him. Will you help me.

Game "Santa Claus"

Children from parts collect Santa Claus.

Leading: Well done guys, while you were playing, I wrote a letter, listen.The facilitator reads the letter:

Dear Santa Claus! We are looking forward to your visit. Come quickly and help us wake up the Christmas tree. Guys.

(puts the letter in the envelope).

Leading: Guys, do I know who you can trust to deliver a letter to Santa Claus?

Snowball on a snowball and a carrot instead of a nose

he is not afraid of frost. Knows, small and largethat's for sure ……… (snowman)

Snowman, snowman is the best mailer.

That's right, let's make a snowman.

Music game "Snowman"

To the music, the presenter pronounces the text of the game and shows the movements, the children repeat after him.

We rake the snow with our hands, sculpt, sculpt a large lump.

And once again we rake in, sculpt, sculpt a second lump.

We sculpt, we sculpt the third lump, you will be a snowman

Eye, eye, nose - carrot.

The mouth is a large bucket upstairs.

A snowman enters to the music.


Oh, how many children and girls and boys there are!

Hello my friends! I came to your aid.


Hello Snowman, you will be a children's mailer.

You will take the letter to the winter forest and go.

Find Grandfather Frost, and hand him the letter.

(gives the letter to the Snowman).

The light in the hall turns off, the Snowman walks around the Christmas tree to the accompaniment of mysterious music, looks around, fearfully backs away and collides with a fox.

Fox: Snowman, what are you doing alone in the forest?

Snowman: Here (shows an envelope)the guys wrote a letter to Santa Claus. And I,(looks around, whimpers)seems lost.

Fox: Let me take the letter.

Snowman: No, this is the most precious thing to me.

Fox: And I know that Santa Claus has a big bag.

Snowman: with gifts?

Fox: Well, what are you tastier: with a chicken, with a duck(licks his lips).

Fox: Goes beyond this letter(turns away from the snowman, rubs his paws)

Santa Claus will give me a big bag with anything I want.

(thinks out loud) How can I steal a letter from a snowman ... .. But I came up with it.

Guys, you want to play with me.

Children's answer.

Fox: Snowman, and you, that you will stand like that, will not play with us?

Snowman: And I want, I will too.

Fox plays with children (The game is played to music).

The game "WE BREAK"

It's frosty outside -

Well, everyone rubbed their nose! ...

(Three noses)

We don't need to beat our thumbs

Everyone quickly took up their ears! ...

(We grab the ears)

Twisted, twisted,

So the ears flew off! ...

(We twist the ears)

Who did not fly away,

(We wave our hands)

They shook their head! ...

(Shake our head)

They knocked on the knees! ...

(Knock on your knees)

They patted on the shoulders! ...

(Clap on the shoulders)

And now they have drowned! ...

(We stomp)

We all dance without fail

Best dance ...


During the game, the snowman releases a letter, the fox picks it up and runs away.

Snowman: (looks around, fusses)

Guys, you haven't seen the letter(examines the guys from all sides).

Guard the letter the fox-deceiver stole, what to do(cried).

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters and sings a song.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, hello parents.

On New Years, no one should be sad. Guys, who offended the snowman, why is he crying?

Children's answers.

Snowman: The cunning fox deceived me and stole the letter that the guys told Santa Claus to hand over.

Snow Maiden: Do not be upset, snowman, Santa Claus is a real wizard, he will definitely figure it out himself.

Guys, let's make the snowman happy, for him ... .. (dance dance, sing a song, show a fairy tale depending on what the children have prepared).

Solemn music sounds and Santa Claus enters the hall, followed by a fox.

Father Frost:

Hello guys! Boys and girls!

Guys, I was in a hurry to see you.

I didn’t want health or strength,

I almost fell into a snowdrift on the way,

But, it seems, he came to visit on time.

Fox: Santa Claus, I brought you to the guys, I gave you the letter. Give me your bag.

Father Frost: Wait fox, take your time. I love that everything is in order.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, the guys have been waiting for you.

They sent a snowman to you with a letter.

Father Frost:

Yes, I received the letter, but the fox brought it to me. Where is the snowman?

It turns out, embarrassed, a snowman.

Snowman: (stuttering, says)Santa Claus, the guys fashioned me, they sent you for help with a letter, and the fox outwitted me. Don't give her the bag, she didn't deserve it.

Father Frost: Oh, you are not good, ah, you are a deceiver.

Fox: And I did this because I really, really wanted a chicken, a duck. What guys(addresses the guys)when you really, really want something - you are not cunning?

Children's answers.

Fox: What, really do not be cunning, then I will no longer. Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, guys, forgive me.

Snow Maiden: Forgive her guys.

Guys answer.

Snow Maiden:

Dear grandfather, hurry up

Wake up the Christmas tree for children!

Father Frost : (walks around the tree)

For the magic to happen, I guys need your help. Children's answers.

Then repeat after me:

I will melt snowflakes(We stamp our feet 3 times)

I will remove the cobweb. (Clap our hands 3 times)

Well, Christmas tree, smile!(turn around)

(closed their eyes with their palms)

Wake up from this dream soon!

(a fox with a snowman removes the cobweb from the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, and the lights on our Christmas tree are off.

Father Frost: Let's guys say the spell together:

One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree.(the presenter on the tree lights the lights)

Snow Maiden:

Herringbone is a beauty,

The guys really like it.

Again you are our guest.

The lights are running, sparkling

On your thick branches.

Father Frost :

Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

Dear kids! The holiday is joyful, cheerful

It's time to start!

Snow Maiden:

We have been waiting for this day for a long time

We haven't seen each other for a whole year.

Sing along, sound under the tree

New Year's round dance.

The guys stand in a circle. The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

After the song, the guys stay in a circle.

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys, you sang the song with me. Tell me, guys, are you cold in winter?

Children: no.

Snow Maiden:

Frost does not matter to us! The cold is not terrible either.

Father Frost:

Aren't you afraid of the frost?

Beware, beware

Well show your hands(children show hands)

Take it behind your back,(children put their hands behind their backs)

Whoever I touch, I will freeze those joking.

Game "Freeze".


Kind Grandfather Frost! And also play the game "Snowballs" with the guys.

Snowball game

Children throw paper snowballs.

Father Frost:

They greet the New Year with a song

They greet the New Year with a dance

And who knows the poems about the holiday?

Let him read them now.

Children read poems near the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys.

Father Frost: And now it's time for all of us to dance together again.

Dancing block: Santa Claus walked through the forest; Icy palms.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the guys sang, danced, it was time to read poems and give gifts.

Father Frost: You're right, granddaughter. It's time to please the guys with gifts. Snowman and fox, help me guys give gifts.

All the heroes give out gifts to cheerful music.

Father Frost :

We gave you gifts, and we give you the order,

Snow Maiden:

So that you are all healthy, prettier every day!

Snowman: To have in your life

Fox: And fun and laughter.

All heroes:

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all! Everyone! Everyone!

Father Frost: Don't forget about us, wait for us in a year!

Snow Maiden: And now it's time for us to hit the road.

All heroes: Goodbye kids!

Leading: We wish you all a good journey from the bottom of our hearts!

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye. I want to wish everyone Happiness, joy, good luck, never lose heart!