Quiz for preschoolers “The smartest. Plan-outline of the lesson (Grade 4) on the topic: Summer Birthday Day He is a sparrow and she is correct

Target : to give children joy and pleasure fromdevelopmental games; support interest in intellectual activity, desire to play games withspeech content.
Tasks :

    Educational : learn to make words from syllables; learn generalize children; teach them to make independent judgments.

    Educational : develop everything components of oral speech of children; develop free communication with adults and children.

    Educators: to educate in children the ability to take the initiative in order to gain new knowledge, perseverance, determination, ingenuity, mutual assistance, understanding of humor.
    Equipment : balloons of three colors (red, blue, green) to decorate the hall; crossword, cards with numbers from 1 to 10 in two colors (red, blue), tape recorder, audio recordings.Depending on the preparation of children, a reduction is possible assignments.


Children enter the hall to the music, sit on chairs.
Leading : Guys, do you like to travel? Then I invite you to make a trip to the Land of Knowledge. And we will go with you to this country by train, (the phonogram of the whistle of the locomotive sounds), the whistle is already heard, which tells us about the imminent departure, let's get on the train faster. (Children stand one after another, elbows are bent at the elbows). Ready, let's go! (the phonogram of E. Zheleznova "Steam Engine" sounds, the children imitate the movements in the course of the sound of the song).

Here we are, welcome to the magical city. Look, they were waiting for us here, and even decorated the city for our arrival with multi-colored balloons, why do you think there are only three colors of balloons, what these colors can mean (there are balloons near the wall - red, blue and green, children's answers). That's right, guys, we have both vowels and consonants in the alphabet, and they can be both soft and hard. But while we were driving, all the letters quarreled, and I can’t even tell you the name of this city. But you can find out its name if you correctly solve the crossword puzzle. And here are the questions for him (either a poster in the form of an empty crossword puzzle is hung on the board, or you can draw a crossword puzzle on the board).

    A large beautiful building where the king lives (palace)

    What grows in the park? (wood)

    A place where fruit trees grow (garden)

    What grows in the flower beds (flowers)

    Large flat place in front of the palace (square)

    Space between two rows of houses (street)

    Tall, narrow structure that rises above the roofs of city streets (tower)

    Large wide and straight street (avenue)

    The building where children study (school)

Host: So we learned that the city we ended up in is called "Veselinka". Well, well, let's take a walk around the city, but our walk will be unusual, we are waiting for different tests on the streets of the city, and in order for us to cope with them, I propose to split into two teams and see which team is better able to cope with these tasks. (Children are divided into two teams). The first team is called "_____________________" and the second one is "____________________".

Now the jury has taken its place and is ready for fair judging, so, quiz starts. And now we have our first task. In order for us to cope with all the difficult tasks, I suggest refreshing ourselves. Solve "edible" riddles. The teams will guess in turn, without interrupting each other, our jury will also follow this.

This bump beckons us -
Sweet and sour... (pineapple)

Bundles of yellow hang,

There is both taste and aroma.

From tropical countries -

Exotic fruit ... (banana)

It's easy to get a drink

Mushroom fermented milk.

For obedient and bully -

He is good for everyone ... (kefir)

It is obligatory for different cubs -

White liquid is useful, nutritious. (milk)

In spring, the trees are embraced with pink,

Pleasant south sunny distance.

Oval nuts are bitter,

But very tasty in sugar ... (almonds)

What is there on the southern tree? bug

Or a green nut ... (pistachio)

From curdled milk, yellow.

It is loose, melted and hard.

And for a mouse - a real feast,

When he accidentally finds somewhere ... (cheese)

If you don't want meat in pieces, -

Entrecote or, say, goulash, -

Scroll it in a meat grinder

And get fresh ... (minced meat)

Leading : Well, well, we refreshed ourselves, and our strict jury evaluates the answers, and we continue, and the next, second test awaits us. (The facilitator draws the attention of the children to a bush under which a yellow chicken (for example, a soft toy) is sitting). Oh, guys, look what a little chicken. But what is he doing here alone.

scared chicken
He sits under a bush.

He seems to be lost

And squeaks plaintively.

Find my mom

I don't know where she is...

Tell me where is my dad

And my whole family?

The guys are fun

They said, not jokingly:

The heron lives in the swamp

Are you her child?

Right guys? Of course not!

Answer who are the parents

These babies?

You have seen them, of course.

Goslings, ducklings, mice.

Donkey, foal,

Fox and hare,

Elephant and tiger cub...

And whose son is a puppy?


They shouted back to me:

So it's very simple!

They have no doubt!

The heron has a son - a chicken,

The son of a toad is a foal,

The pike has a son - a puppy,

I couldn't help laughing!

I asked the kids

Enough screaming!

The little ones know

Who are their father and mother!

Guys, name the parents of these kids (the task is offered in turn to each team)

wolf cub - wolf, she-wolf
Elk - elk, elk

Turkey - turkey, turkey

Duckling - duck, drake

Gosling - goose, goose

Foal - horse, horse

Elephant - elephant, elephant

Tiger cub - tiger, tigress

Puppy - dog, dog

Hare - hare, hare

Chicken - hen, rooster

Piglet - pig, boar

Lamb - sheep, ram

Calf - cow, bull

Leading: And now we will check if you know the names of animals.
1st team:
He is an elephant - she is an elephant,

He is a moose - she is a moose,

He is a cat...
Well, of course it's a cat!

Well, you made a mistake

So let's play again

I want to beat you!

2nd team:

He is a walrus - she is a walrus,

He is a hare - she is a hare,

He is a bull - she ....
Well, of course, the cow

Let's play kids again!

1st team:
He is a tiger, she is a tigress

He is a donkey, she is a donkey

He is a goat - she ....

Well, of course, the goat

For the repetition of the game all "for"?!

2nd team:
He is a lion, she is a lioness

He is a wolf, she is a she-wolf

He is a kangaroo - she is...

Well, of course, kangaroo,

We continue the game!

1st team:
He is a hedgehog - she is a hedgehog,

He is a beaver - she is a beaver,

He is a horse...
Well, of course, the horse

Everything is going well for us so far!

2nd team:
He is a sparrow - she is a sparrow,

He is a mosquito - she is a mosquito,

He is a goose - she ...
Not a goose, but a goose

Know it all from now on!

1st team:
He is a hippopotamus - she is a hippopotamus.

He is a sperm whale - she is a sperm whale,

He is a sheep - she ....

Well, of course, the sheep

Played to the end!

Leading: Excellent, all the cubs were foundparents. Now let's take a break and play.Each team is given cards with numbers from 1 to 10 of different colors (one team, for example, blue, and the other red). Children in each team look at their cards in such a way that the numbers are not seen by the members of the other team. Then, to the cheerful music, the children move randomly in the hall, at the end of the music, each team lines up in order from 1 to 10, the team that did it quickly and correctly wins.

Leading : And now we move on to the next, third test. Now we will find out how well our participants know the professions (the task is also given to each team in turn).
All black, like a rook,

Climbing from our roofs (chimney sweep, not a doctor)

Buns to us and kalachi

They bake every day (bakers, not doctors)

Cooks porridge and broth

Kind, fat (cook, not postman)

They talk about paired sounds

At school, you and I (teachers, not firefighters)

Folds, pockets and flat edging -

Beautiful dress sewn (tailor, not a musician)

Under the dome of the circus on a dangerous flight

Departed brave and strong (gymnast, not pilot)

Leading: You know the profession well. Now listen to the poem and tell me how to speak so that everyone understands everything.
Who wants to talk

He must speak

Everything is correct and clear

To be clear to everyone.

We will talk

And we will speak

So right and clear

To be clear to everyone.

So how should you speak so that everyone understands? But to make it clear to everyone, you need to know a lot of words. Do you know many words? And do you know how to pronounce them correctly? This is what we will check now, and the fourth test awaits us (the task is also performed by teams in turn).

Here the old woman is waiting for the goat

At the open crows (gates)

Cake, snacks - pickle

We put on holidays on a chair (table)

To eat soup and okroshka,

We'll take a fork (spoon)

There is a knock in the grove -

Pound woodpecker soup (bitch)

The brigadier sat down for dinner,

On a plate yellow owl (cheese)

For the leaves to come out

The branches of the trees will burst (buds)

I'll draw a school and a landscape

I sharpen a fountain pen (pencil) with a sharpener

There were a lot of mushrooms - on every stump,

And for the winter they were prepared in a daughter (barrel)

The braid has a tail and horns,

A spit drinks water from a bowl (goat)

In the distance you can see the white peak,

And a red raspberry (car) drove nearby

Leading: There are words that are always pronounced the same way, let's try to say the word correctly.
1st team
Every day we are in the morning

We all go down to the met...

Kids really need

Riding to school...

And from school we go home

We're coming back...

Well, then to the section

Getting meth...

Even though it's old,

Doesn't let us down...

2nd team

I don't lie one bit

What did the kangu see...

Early in the morning sometimes

Met a kangu...

Right in your own backyard

Juice gave kangu ...

And mended the hole

I'm in a kangu's pocket...

To not have a hole

On a kangaroo pocket...

In the middle of the yard

Kangu had fun...

Thunder suddenly woke me up -

I said goodbye to kangu...

1st team
Autumn, rain, umbrellas around -

It's time to put on your fingers...

We go to the store under an umbrella

We go with mom for a finger...

Here is the end of the whole tights -

I'm riding in a new one...

Ah, what a beauty

Five finger pockets...

And when I grow up

I will give my brother a finger...

2nd team
Glory will only wake up in the morning -

Here's a glass for him...

Slava was brought from school -

The baby is drinking again...

Grandfather went to visit with Slava -

They serve there...

It's time to go to sleep Slava -

You need to remember what...

Drink it all and then

Sleep soundly.

Leading: Well done guys, you got the job done. Look, the words are written here, but somehow it is not clear, all the syllables are mixed up. Let's try to put everything back in place, and this will be the fifth task (representatives from each team are invited to the board in turn, confused syllables are hung out, the task of the children is to correctly compose words from the confused syllables, the task is given from simple to complex, i.e. first words, consisting of two syllables, then two, then three)









U, KA, LIT (Snail)

Leading: Our quiz is coming to an end, and now our jury will announce who is the winner. In the meantime, the jury is conferring to make the final result, we will play a little (here it is possible to perform a dance-staging from the repertoire of E. Zheleznova, or poetry for attention)
Putting flippers on my feet,

Gymnasts swim under water. (scuba divers)

Small net for fish

The craftsman wove a spider (flies)

Ducks sleep at night

In a kennel or a booth (dogs)

Cream, butter and cottage cheese

Give the kids a rhinoceros. (cow)

We play football well

We score goals often (balls)

For duvets and pillows

Soft fluff is given by frogs (geese, ducks)

In dogs and cats

There are always eight legs (four each)

Chatted for an hour without a break

Boys (girls) in colorful dresses

When they beat us with a belt for pranks,

We all ask "More please" (sorry)

Eating all the cabbage from the garden,

The lion (hare) ran away into the woods

In the sandy desert

In any heat
With a heavy load

Kangaroos (camels) roam

In tea is sweeter than our Olya

We put five spoons of salt (sugar)

How many letters does the alphabet have?

Everyone knows this:

Thirty-six native sisters,

Bold and brave (33)

Leading: And now the jury is ready to name the winner of the "The Smartest" quiz.Announcement of the winner, awarding.

Elena Kushnareva
Quiz for preschoolers "The smartest"

Target: to bring joy and pleasure to children from educational games; maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical and speech content.

Educational: learn to make words from syllables; teach children to generalize; teach them to make independent judgments.

Educational: to develop all components of oral speech of children; develop free communication with adults and children.

educators: to educate in children the ability to take the initiative in order to gain new knowledge, perseverance, determination, ingenuity, mutual assistance, understanding of humor.

Equipment: balloons of three colors (red, blue, green) to decorate the hall; crossword, cards with numbers from 1 to 10 in two colors (red, blue, tape recorder, audio recordings.

Depending on the preparation of children, tasks may be reduced.

Children enter the hall to the music, sit on chairs.

Leading: Guys, do you like to travel? Then I invite you to make a trip to the Land of Knowledge. And we will go with you to this country by train, (the phonogram of the locomotive's whistle sounds, the whistle is already heard, which tells us about the imminent departure, let's get on the train faster. (Children stand one after another, elbows are bent at the elbows). Ready, let's go!

Here we are, welcome to the magical city called Veselinka. Well, well, let's take a walk around the city, but our walk will be unusual, we are waiting for different tests on the streets of the city, and in order for us to cope with them, I propose to split into two teams And see which team is better at coping with these tasks.

Now the jury has taken its place and is ready for fair judging, so, quiz starts.)

Leading: (The host draws the children's attention to a bush under which a yellow chicken is sitting (e.g. soft toy). Oh guys, look what a little chicken. But what is he doing here alone?

scared chicken

He sits under a bush.

He seems to be lost

And squeaks plaintively.

Find my mom

I don't know where she is.

Tell me where is my dad

And my whole family?

The guys are fun

They said not kidding:

The heron lives in the swamp

Are you her child?

Right guys? Of course not!

Answer who are the parents

These babies?

You have seen them, of course.

Goslings, ducklings, mice.

Donkey, foal,

Fox and hare,

Elephant and tiger cub.

And whose son is a puppy?


Shouted back to me:

So it's very simple!

They have no doubt!

The heron has a son - a chicken,

The son of a toad is a foal,

The pike has a son - a puppy,

I couldn't help laughing!

I asked the kids:

Enough screaming!

The little ones know

Who are their father and mother!

Guys, name the parents of these kids (the task is offered to each team in turn)

wolf cub - wolf, she-wolf

Elk - elk, elk

Turkey - turkey, turkey

Duckling - duck, drake

Gosling - goose, goose

Foal - horse, horse

Elephant - elephant, elephant

Tiger cub - tiger, tigress

Puppy - dog, dog

Hare - hare, hare

Chicken - hen, rooster

Piglet - pig, boar

Lamb - sheep, ram

Calf - cow, bull

Leading: And now we will check if you know the names of animals.

1st team:

He is an elephant - she is an elephant,

He is a moose - she is a moose,

Well, of course it's a cat!

Well, you made a mistake

So let's play again

I want to beat you!

2nd team:

He is a walrus - she is a walrus,

He is a hare - she is a hare,

He is a bull - she is.

Well, of course, the cow

Let's play kids again!

1st team:

He is a tiger, she is a tigress

He is a donkey, she is a donkey

He is a goat - she is.

Well, of course, the goat

All for replay "per"!

2nd team:

He is a lion, she is a lioness

He is a wolf, she is a she-wolf

He is a kangaroo - she is.

Well, of course, kangaroo,

We continue the game!

-th team:

He is a hedgehog - she is a hedgehog,

He is a beaver - she is a beaver,

He is a horse.

Well, of course, the horse

Everything is going well for us so far!

2nd team:

He is a sparrow - she is a sparrow,

He is a mosquito - she is a mosquito,

He is a goose - she is.

Not a goose, but a goose

Know it all from now on!

1st team:

He is a hippopotamus - she is a hippopotamus.

He is a sperm whale - she is a sperm whale,

He is a sheep - she is.

Well, of course, the sheep

Played to the end!

Leading: Great, all the cubs found parents.

And now we move on to the next, third test. Now we will find out how well our participants know the profession (the task is also given to each team in turn).

All black, like a rook,

Climbing from our roofs (chimney sweep, not a doctor)

Buns to us and kalachi

Every day they bake (bakers, not doctors)

Cooks porridge and broth

kind, fat (cook, not postman)

They talk about paired sounds

At school, you and I (teachers, not firefighters)

Folds, pockets and flat edging -

Beautiful dress sewn (tailor, not musician)

Under the dome of the circus on a dangerous flight

Went bold and strong (gymnast, not pilot)

Leading: And now the jury is ready to name us the winner quiz"The cleverest".

Announcement of the winner, awarding.

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Characters: Alyoshenka, Varenka, Goblin, Spiderman, Baba Yaga, Winx Fairy.

/The curtain opens, the lights come on, cheerful music sounds, the good fellow Alyoshenka appears on the stage with a beautiful large box in his hands, puts it on the floor. Alyoshenka, to the sounds of "Varenka", begins to dance around the box, crouches, takes out a photo of her beloved Varenka, and kisses her. Draws attention to the hall and the audience./

Oh, guys - hello! My name is Alyoshenka, I'm returning from the service, I'm in a hurry to my bride (gently) Varenka, but the path is not yet close. I’m bringing her a gift - a box, do you like it? (answer)
Only this box is not simple, but magical ... (mysteriously) Shh ... .. if you write a wish on a sheet and put it in a box, then it will come true in an instant. Just you nobody, okay? I'll take a nap for now, the path is not close yet, eh .... Varenka…
(stretches sweetly and lies down under a tree (decoration) falls asleep)

// To the sounds of a fairy tale, Goblin comes sneaking out, examines the sleeping Alyoshenka, addresses the audience //
/sings a song to the tune of the song "we are little children"/

The sun is shining above you
Not life but grace
But who will answer me
Who can you play with
There are only insects in the forest
And a strange beast
But who will answer me
Answer "Yo, mine"

And they tell me enough is enough
You must be boring
And I say - I will not
I'm tired of this burden
Everyone in the forest is afraid of me
I'm scarier than the clouds
And I want to play
Well, who will teach me?

Goblin: Hello guys! (children answer)
(quietly) Oh, what good fellows, only be quieter, otherwise wake Alyoshenka, and he will drive me away, and all because I'm terrible and ugly, right? (children answer) Do you know, I became so green from boredom, there is no one to play with, so you will play with me? (children answer) Really? Then listen, I'm starting, and you continue together, okay?
He is an elephant, she is an elephant,
He is a moose, she is a moose,
He is a cat - she ....
Well, of course it's a cat!
Well, you made a mistake.
So let's play again
I want to beat you!
He is a walrus, she...
He is a hare, she...
He is a bull - she ...
Well, of course, the cow
Let's play kids again!
He is a tiger, she is...
He is a donkey, she ....
He is a goat, she ....
Well, of course, the goat
For the space of the game all for.
He is a lion, she is...
He is a wolf, she...
He is a kangaroo, she is...
Well, of course, kangaroo,
We continue the game!
He is a hedgehog, she ....
He is a beaver, she...
He is a horse, she is...
Well, of course, the horse
Everything is almost smooth!
He is a sparrow, she ....
He is a mosquito, he ....
He is a goose, she ....
Not a goose, but a goose
Know it all from now on...
He is a hippopotamus - she ...
He is a sperm whale, she ....
He is a sheep, she ....
Well, of course, a sheep!
Played to the end!!!

(A yawning sound is heard) Leshy: Hush, guys, shh…. (approaches Alyosha) Bye-bayushki, bye, do not lie down on the edge.

(snoring sound is heard)

Goblin: Phew, sleeping ... (draws attention to the box) Wow, what a beauty, (opens, reads)
“... If you have a desire, just write,
And in this box, put a leaf,
All dreams come true, so don't yawn
Only one wish - just make a wish .... "

Wow, but the box is not mine, but I want it so much, I am only one thing, the most cherished.

(A melody sounds, Leshy finds a sheet, a pen and writes, folds, and stealthily, looking around, lowers the sheet into the box and waits .... There is a sound of thunder, a smoke screen, instead of Leshy on the stage, Spider-Man.)

Spider: Oh, it worked, guys! Now I'm not Leshy, whom everyone doesn't like, I'm now a Super Hero, everyone play with me
/music beat/
Spider: I am a spider man, a web of hands
(proudly) I will fly through the forest, I will capture all the villains!
/beat, smoke, disappears/
(Alyosha wakes up, gets up, stretches)
Alyosha: Guys, I've been sleeping for so long
Apparently I'm very tired.
I had a dream
As if Leshy sang to me here,
And then... I don't remember
Do not tell friends?

/ The guys shout out, tell the events about how Leshy turned into Spider-Man /

Alyosha: Like this Leshy, like this...
Make honest people laugh
Spiderman, web from hands,
I'll go to the forest and find him
To not cause trouble
/ A beat, the light is dimmed, Alyoshenka leaves, the beam highlights the box, the sounds of approaching steps sound. Baba Yaga appears, carefully, looking around, picks up the box, examines, admires, does not believe her own happiness.

Baba Yaga:/performs a song to the tune of "Musi Pusi", dancing with the box/

I was in a hurry, I flew to you
I knew you were alone
Here in the forest you stand ownerless
And no one needs
Here we are together and you will be mine
Fulfill my desire
Don't know how but I don't care
Fulfill my desire.

Musi - Musi - Musi -pusi, my box
I wish that I was beautiful
And like a butterfly fluttered over everything
And all without problems
Otherwise, I'll eat you.

Baba Yaga (box): My dear, how long have I been looking for you,
Nights and days I didn’t get enough sleep (refers to children)
And what are you despondent,
Gape, have you forgotten everything?
I am a very kind Yaga -
And there is one good game…. (thinking)
And let's play
You help each other
Answer questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Kindly give me an answer.
If "No" you say
Then tap your feet
If you say yes
Clap your hands then.
An old grandfather goes to kindergarten.
Are these really children?... (No - children knock with their feet)
Does he take his granddaughter there?
Answer in unison ... (Yes - children clap their hands)
Is today a fun day?... (Yes)
Are you waiting for games and fun?... (Yes)
Are you okay with humor? ... (Yes)
Now we are doing exercises.?... (No)
Will we scream loudly? ... (No)
Maybe we will growl? ... (No)
Do cats say “meow”? .... (yes) _
Is there warm water in the faucet?... (Yes)
Do we dream of being fatter?... (No)
Do we want to grow up more? ... (Yes)
To be healthy, smart, strong?... (Yes)
And noisy, and pugnacious? ... (no)
So that parents love? .... (Yes)
With a strap to beat more often? ... (No)

oh ok no no no
I'm tired, I don't have the strength
Played with the baby
I need old peace
/picks up box/
I went to my house
Through the groves, dense forest
There I covered the girl
Handyman of all trades
(to the box) You are my gold
I want to be the same

/ Music sounds, Baba Yaga, clutching the box, runs around the stage, through the scenery, the light flashes, hides behind the scenes, the music changes, Aleshenka comes out, looking for the box /

Alyosha: Guys, have you seen my box?
/answer of the hall/
Not a single trouble around can do without Yagi
Only someone will turn away, and she is already right there.
Here she took the box, our grandmother Yaga,
Only now she does not know what to do with her, how to be here
After all, Yaga will not read, you have to go to school.
If I attended school, then Yagusha would know
How to write on a piece of paper to make a wish.
But she is not literate, the box will not help her
How old Yaga was, and she will not become younger!

/ The light is dimmed, Alyosha goes backstage, music sounds, Spider-Man appears, a whisper is heard “Help, save ... ..” Spider-Man makes his way through the thicket /

Spiderman: Who is calling for help, who is in trouble?
If you show me, I will help then?!
Winx voice: I was imprisoned in my hut
Evil and harmful old woman,
If my hero is not found,
I'll never get home-oh-oh.... (crying)
Spider-Man: Do not cry, young beauty, Spider-Man will cope with Yago!
/to the guys/
Guys, I prepared a trap,
For the most harmful old woman,
A few chains in the trap are missing
Are there children in the hall who know a lot?

/ The spider-man takes out from behind the curtains an already prepared “net” of long balloons and calls several (3-4) children onto the stage to help complete the trap for Baba Yaga, offers them already inflated long balloons (twisting) to they got caught up in the trap. During the action, Alyosha enters the stage, scratches his head, at a loss from what is happening. /

Spider: Oh Alyosha, come in, don't judge me strictly...
Alyosha: That's what a miracle beast you are, who are you with us now?
Spider: I am Spider-Man, web from the hands ....
Alyosha: But what about Leshy, all on foot and on foot?
Spider: It's in the past all friends, I'm a hero, I'm Spiderman!!!
Alyosha (mockingly): Quiet, quiet miracle - the beast ...
He is a hero, a spider .. what's your problem?
Spider: Baba old Yaga, hid
Young beauty, help me cope.
Alyosha: I have my own scores with Yaga, we will give her work.

/ The heroes build a trap to the music, the guys help them, for their help they are given a balloon each. When everything is ready, Alyosha shakes hands with Spider-Man and hide behind the scenes or behind a trap. /

/ To the tune of an enchanted forest in the twilight, from the other wings, holding a magic box, Baba Yaga stealthily comes out, looking around, approaching the trap, turns away in the opposite direction and “sticks” to the trap with her body, but holds the box with one hand /

Baba Yaga: Let go, let go, I said... I got stuck when there was already order in the forest, it was impossible for normal people to move around without problems. Let go, I tell you!... What kind of web is this!... Let go, for good....

/Spiderman and Alyosha come out from behind the scenes/

Baba Yaga: Alyoshenka, dear friend, set me free, well, be gentle ....
Alyosha: Look how you started talking, wailing, and the casket is in your hands, oh friend, can you tell me where you got it?
/ B. Yaga tries to escape /
Baba Yaga: I won’t give it back, and don’t ask, she was ownerless, which means a draw ... (presses to her chest)
Alyosha: Did the guys tell you that she's mine? I bought it for my Varenka ... and you?
Baba Yaga: Will not give it back!
Spiderman: You want to become younger, it's time to give the box,
And free the beauty that is in your captivity toils ....
Baba Yaga: The girl chatted all the time .. Look, she’s not feeling well ...
And you first find where she is, because the hut is not simple
It's three miles away
Spiderman: You bewitched her, dressed her invisibility
Speak the answer as soon as possible. How to find a trace for the girl.
Baba Yaga Alyosha save me from this miracle - the beast ...
Spiderman: I'm Spiderman, web of hands!
Baba Yaga: In, in - from him! Take your box Alyoshenka, it is better to be ugly, but alive than .... Oh, woe to me, woe!

Alyoshenka (takes the box): Guys, I already feel sorry for this old woman ... Come on, make your last wish!

Baba Yaga (frightened): Alyoshenka, as this is the last, I will not do it again, have pity on the old woman, Alyosha!
Alyosha: Joking, joking... Well, say it before you change your mind (takes a sheet and a pen - a pen), E, ​​Miracle - a man (turns to a spider-man) you seem to be literate - write Yagi's wish.
Spiderman (aside): I will write to her... (to Yaga) What do you want?
Baba Yaga: One, yes! I want to ... oh, no, I don’t want it, A! I want to .... Oh, I don’t want that either, Or maybe it? .... oh, I don’t know ...
Alyosha (terribly): Speak before I change my mind!
Baba Yaga: Yes, so that my eyes do not see you anymore!
/ the light goes out, Yaga falls to the floor with a trap, she is covered with a green material, the light turns on, Alyosha and Spider-Man disperse the smoke and the Winx Fairy appears /

Alyosha: Just don't tell me that you are the former Baba Yaga, I can't stand it.
Fairy: What are you? Do I look like her?
Spider: Alyoshenka, this is that beautiful girl who was lured to her hut by Baba Yaga.
Fairy (to the spider): Are you my hero? Did you free me from captivity?
Spider: I just wrote the wish of Baba Yaga, and now she will not be on our way.
Alyosha: And my magic box fulfilled the desire - sent it somewhere to the lands invisible to us.
Fairy (to the spider): How can I thank you, my hero?
Alyosha: Guys, I have a box
and the way home two days,
There Varenka is waiting for me,
My dear beauty ... (leaves)
Spider: How happy I am that good has conquered evil,
but without the guys we would not have coped,
Fairy, how can we surprise the audience?
Fairy: how can I thank you?
I have a magic game
All attention, kids,
Now, there will be a rainbow world
Get ready for the Bubble Game!

(Fairy and Spiderman play with the audience with the help of soap bubbles, active guys are awarded with prizes)

Fairy: I played with you
My family is waiting for me at home
My protector, my hero
I will not part with you.
Spider: We will always be together
Do good deeds!
(beat, leave)

(to the sounds of "Varenka" Alyoshenka comes out from behind the curtains to meet him Varenka, hugging, singing, dancing. He hands her the box, she is glad, puts the box near the green fabric on the floor, dance. The music changes from under the fabric - Baba Yaga, grabs the box)

Baba Yaga: That's it, now I will enchant you all, (terribly) and you will all be motionless, like stones, I know how to write, I can do it myself.

(runs around the stage looking for a leaf, at this time Varenka, so that Baba Yaga does not see, writes and puts a note in the box. Baba Yaga then runs up and makes her wish, everything is accompanied by music)

Alyoshenka and Varenka pretend to freeze.

Baba Yaga: this is how you need it, darlings froze (approaches touches them, they do not react)
I want to be nicer than everyone, all blush and whiter.

(Baba Yaga is waiting for the fulfillment of a wish, Alyosha and Varya can’t stand it and start laughing ..)

Baba Yaga: Deceived, deceived...
Varenka: I quickly made a wish
So that you do not conjure
To happiness in the whole world,
The children laughed merrily.
Alyosha: Yagushenka to become prettier,
Gotta be a little better
Varenka: good deeds, smile and kindness
The world will be made more beautiful, and everyone will be warm!

(Baba Yaga takes off her scarf - it becomes more beautiful, all the characters go out to the final song)