Ectopic pregnancy. Pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy. Manifestation of ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a complicated pregnancy in which the zygote is attached outside the uterus, for example, in one of the fallopian tubes, the ovary, the cervix, or even the abdominal cavity. In this case, it will not work to bear fruit. In addition, there is a real threat to a woman's life. In order to diagnose a pathological condition in time, it is necessary to know the early symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

There are a fairly large number of reasons that can provoke the occurrence of a pathological pregnancy. For clarity, they are presented in the table.

Cause a brief description of
Inflammatory and purulent diseases of the reproductive organsDue to the pathological processes occurring in the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs, their structure is disrupted, which negatively affects muscle contractility. Therefore, the fertilized egg is not able to reach the uterus and is fixed in the fallopian tube.
Anatomical abnormalities in the structure of the fallopian tubesCongenital pathologies in the anatomical structure of the tubes greatly complicate the process of advancing the zygote.
Complications after surgeryAfter surgery, adhesions can form in the abdominal cavity, which are also an obstacle to the attachment of the fetus in the right place.
Complications after long-term use of oral contraceptivesThe risk of ectopic pregnancy increases in direct proportion to the time that a woman takes hormonal contraceptives (this includes the use of a protective coil). If taking the pills lasted 2 years, then the risk of ectopic pregnancy is doubled. This is due to the fact that under the influence of synthetic hormones, the ciliated cells of the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes disappear.
Additional factors - hypothermia, infectious diseases, disorders in the hormonal systemThese factors negatively affect the process of conception and the entire pregnancy.

Signs of pathology

Pregnancy with pathologies can proceed in different ways. Therefore, the signs do not appear immediately or are absent altogether, up to the development of an emergency situation, when bleeding occurs, a pipe rupture, etc. Therefore, it makes no sense to wait for negative symptoms.

The first symptoms are similar to intrauterine pregnancy:

  • there is a delay in menstruation;
  • general weakness of the body and drowsiness;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • toxicosis immediately begins, which is manifested by nausea and vomiting.

However, there are some differences:

  • Spotting discharge. When the ovum is fixed in the uterus, slight bleeding may also appear, which lasts less than a day. If the embryo attaches in a different place, then the discharge will be longer and more intense.
  • Pain. With a normally developing pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen is pulling in nature and develops in connection with an increased tone of the uterus. With an abnormally developing pregnancy, pain makes itself felt in the place where fertilization took place. Later, the painful sensations spread throughout the abdomen. In addition, there is an increase in its intensity - at first the pain is almost imperceptible, and after a few days it is sharp and cramping.
  • General malaise. With a normal pregnancy, there is a decrease in working capacity and drowsiness appears, however, with an ectopic pregnancy, this condition will be more pronounced, accompanied by dizziness and fainting.
  • Toxicosis. Also, its manifestations (nausea and vomiting) are much more pronounced.

The longer the period, the stronger and more pronounced the symptoms become. In a critical situation, a sharp drop in pressure occurs, combined with an increase in body temperature.

When the fallopian tube ruptures, bleeding occurs, which is accompanied by severe pain, shock and loss of consciousness. In this case, you need to urgently seek medical help.

Each type of ectopic pregnancy can be recognized by its characteristic features:

  1. 1. With tubal pregnancy, pain appears on the side from which fertilization occurred. If the embryo is fixed in the tube itself, then the symptoms will appear only at the 8th week, if in the isthmus, then at the 5-6th week. Pain sensations become more intense during movement.
  2. 2. The ovarian may not manifest itself for a long time. This is due to the fact that the ovary for some time is able to grow under the size of the growing embryo. In the future, when the organ can no longer stretch further, severe pain will appear, localized in the ovary region. Gradually, painful sensations spread to the lumbar region and intestines. Pain occurs during bowel movement. The attack lasts from several minutes to several hours, combined with dizziness and loss of consciousness.
  3. 3. Cervical and ischemic pregnancy does not cause pain. But there is spotting, from minor to profuse, that is life-threatening. An enlarged cervix interferes with urination.
  4. 4. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy located in the abdominal cavity cannot always be distinguished from normal. But as the embryo grows, disturbances occur in the gastrointestinal tract - the woman is nauseous, constipation, vomiting, sharp pain and bloating appear.

Bleeding during early pregnancy - when do you need to urgently call a doctor?

How long and how is an ectopic pregnancy determined?

The sooner the fact of pathological pregnancy is established, the more successfully it can be eliminated. Usually, a woman comes to the clinic to register in the period 8-12 weeks after conception. But for a pathological pregnancy, this period is too long, by this time there will already be a rupture of pipes or other dangerous complications.

Ectopic pregnancy can be suspected through the following methods.

Measurement of basal temperature. BT for ectopic pregnancy can be:

  • Reduced if the fetus stops developing.
  • Increased in the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Normal. During the development of the embryo (no matter where), BT is kept at the level of 37.2-37.3 degrees Celsius. Therefore, these temperature indicators do not exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

A pharmacy pregnancy test has a fairly high sensitivity. It can be applied 3-4 days before the expected delay. The level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) increases with any type of pregnancy. But there are signs due to which an ectopic pregnancy can be suspected:

  • In this case, hCG rises much more slowly, therefore, a positive test result will be seen much later (by about 3-4 days). It is possible that the test will be negative in the first days of the delay.
  • After the delay, the test strip will not be bright. It is also associated with a slow rise in hCG levels.

If you suspect an abnormally developing pregnancy, you should consult a specialist. He will order a series of studies.

Blood test for hCG. This hormone grows more actively in the blood than in the urine. Confirmation of pregnancy with this analysis is already possible on the 5-6th day after conception. To find out if the pregnancy is developing normally, you will have to pass this test several times and compare the results. Normally, this hormone should double every 2 days. In other cases, hCG increases slightly. The norms of hCG are indicated in the table.

Blood test for progesterone. This hormone is produced by the corpus luteum and supports pregnancy. With an ectopic fetus, the progesterone level will be lower. Normal indicators of this hormone are shown in the table.

These rates are relative. HCG and progesterone will also be reduced in case of miscarriage and the threat of miscarriage.

To clarify the diagnosis, the specialist will recommend to undergo instrumental examinations:

  1. 1. Transvaginal ultrasound. With the help of ultrasound, the fetus is detected when the hCG level is above 1500 IU / l (approximately 4-5 weeks). If the specialist cannot determine the position of the ovum, then a re-examination is prescribed after a few days. In some cases, a woman is hospitalized for constant medical supervision. Ultrasound is the most reliable way to determine an ectopic pregnancy. A gynecologist without an ultrasound will never make this diagnosis. But even this study in about 10% of cases can give false results: if the ovum is determined as a blood clot. Therefore, an ultrasound scan is performed simultaneously with an analysis for hCG.
  2. 2. Laparoscopy. This procedure is carried out only in the direction of a doctor, when the tests indicate any violations, but it is not possible to confirm this on an ultrasound scan. Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. Punctures are made using special tools. A special tube with a camera and light is inserted into them. Thanks to this, the doctor examines the organs. When a fertilized egg is found outside the uterus, it is immediately removed. It happens that during the operation, the fallopian tube itself is removed. It depends on the term. The last period when complications can be avoided is 6-8 weeks.

On examination, the doctor will notice that the uterus does not increase in size, since the ovum is outside of it, which is also a sign of pathology. Therefore, if any unpleasant symptoms are found, you should immediately contact your gynecologist.

An ectopic pregnancy, the signs of which in the early stages are no different from carrying a child in the uterus, is a very dangerous condition that threatens a woman's life. Unfortunately, even doctors do not always manage to identify this pathology in the first weeks after conception, when even surgical intervention can be avoided (yes, now there are such techniques!) health. Every woman should know the signs of an ectopic pregnancy. So what are these symptoms and distinctive features of the development of the fetus outside the uterus?

In the first weeks of fetal development, a woman feels everything the same as those women who carry children in the uterus. That is, the signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the first days after the onset of a delay in menstruation are not much different from the uterine one.

2. Toxicosis.

3. Soreness of the mammary glands.

4. Frequent urination.

5. Slightly elevated basal temperature.

And now, what should be alarming. As a rule, these signs of ectopic pregnancy at 4, 5 weeks from conception appear in the first month of delay in menstruation.

1. If the chorionic gonadotropin (its concentration) is lower than it should be at a given stage of pregnancy.

2. Pregnancy tests show negative or slightly positive results.

3. If there is bloody discharge from the genital tract.

4. If there is pain in the uterus and ovaries.

5. An increase in body temperature is recorded.

6. Low pressure.

7. Dizziness.

The last 3 of the signs we have listed are often manifested in the uterine localization of the ovum.

For doctors, such signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages play a role, such as: a reduced level of chorionic gonadotropin, pain, the absence of an ovum in the uterine cavity according to the ultrasound results, whereas at this time it should already be there. In addition, the doctor at the gynecological examination notices that the size of the uterus is somewhat smaller than it should be at this stage of pregnancy. Of course, this may indicate a frozen pregnancy. Therefore, a control examination is carried out in a week and if the uterus remains small, the woman is sent to donate blood for hCG and for an ultrasound examination. So it is possible to pull for 7-10 days only if there are no other ailments, otherwise the diagnosis is carried out immediately, and in stationary conditions. Another relative sign of pregnancy outside the uterus is an increase in the level of leukocytes (determined by laboratory tests).

If an ultrasound scan reveals an ovum in the uterus, then the diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy" is immediately removed - cases when uterine and ectopic pregnancies occur simultaneously are very, very rare. A woman is diagnosed with either a threatening miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy.

Why is an ectopic pregnancy scary? The fact that a woman can die from blood loss ... Not a single pathological pregnancy of this kind can end happily, no matter what type it is: with localization in the cervix, ovary, fallopian tube or peritoneum. It's just that its spontaneous interruption occurs a little differently and at different times. The most common ectopic tubal pregnancy. In very rare cases, the ovum freezes in its development, dies and no medical intervention is required. It is not uncommon for an overgrown ovum to rupture the tube, causing severe bleeding. So what are the signs of an ectopic ruptured tube?

1. Soreness of the uterus when examined by a doctor and palpation. Through the lateral fornix of the vagina, the doctor can feel the ovum in the area of ​​one of the appendages.

2. Acute pain in the abdominal cavity, more often - from the side of the tube where the ovum developed. The pain radiates to the rectum.

3. Perspiration, pallor of the skin, lowering blood pressure, darkening of the eyes or loss of consciousness.

4. Bleeding from the genital tract.

These signs are already indications for surgery. The type of surgery is determined by the doctor on site. Depends on the localization of the ovum, the amount of blood loss, the patient's condition, etc.

What to do if you are afraid that you have an ectopic pregnancy - signs - test negative, low hCG, etc. What should be done in this case?

First, go to the gynecologist and as soon as possible. The diagnosis may not be what you think it is. A negative test can be not only in case of an ectopic pregnancy, but also in the absence of pregnancy. Therefore, it is too early to worry. Low chorionic gonadotropin, or rather a slightly reduced one, may indicate a lack of progesterone due to some hormonal disorders, but this can also be solved with the help of modern medicines. In addition, hCG can be increased not only in expectant mothers, but also in certain diseases in persons of any gender and age.

It is possible to confirm 100% of the diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy" only with surgery. If the pipe does not rupture, and doctors simply suspect an ectopic pregnancy, then the approximate course of action is as follows. For women who want to leave the child, if everything is in order, laparoscopy is performed immediately. With the help of special instruments, through small punctures in the abdominal wall, surgeons examine the organs. If a fertilized egg is found, then it is removed. Removal of the fallopian tube is not always carried out - the task of doctors is to preserve the woman's fertility and minimize the risks of a repetition of the situation. However, sometimes the tube is so affected by adhesions that it is better to remove it than to keep it ... If a woman does not plan to keep it even if uterine pregnancy is confirmed, then the uterus cavity is scraped out first. And if the obtained histological material contains chorionic villi, then we can state with a high degree of confidence that the pregnancy was uterine. And then the woman is observed a little more and discharged, since there is no longer a need for laparoscopy.

If there is WB, then the choice of the type of surgical intervention depends, to a greater extent, on the localization of the ovum (even the segment of the fallopian tube it develops plays a role). In very rare cases, extirpation (removal) of the uterus may be required. In other cases, only laparotomy is possible - a classic operation through an incision, usually if the diameter of the fallopian tube already exceeds 5 cm.

In addition, in some cases, it is possible to carry out an artificial tubal abortion (the doctor squeezes the ovum through the abdominal opening of the tube). This is possible in very short terms.

Also, for short periods in the absence of contraindications, conservative, non-surgical treatment with Methotrexate is possible.

Often, an ectopic pregnancy occurs for no good reason at all, as it seems to a woman. But this is not the case. For example, inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes can be almost asymptomatic, but lead to the formation of adhesions - the main cause of ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, take care of your health from a young age, properly protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and do not forget to make preventive visits to the gynecologist at least once a year.

Ectopic pregnancy, what is it?

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the ovum begins to develop not in the uterine cavity, but outside of it. Most often, the embryo develops in the fallopian tube; abdominal and ovarian pregnancies are much less common. There are also completely exotic options for the location of the fetus, for example, in the cervix or in the uterine ligament, the essence is the same, the embryo is attached in a place not suitable for gestation, and the uterus remains empty during an ectopic pregnancy.

How does an ectopic pregnancy work out?

Ovulation, the release of an egg ready for fertilization, usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Then the egg is picked up by the fallopian tube, and by the delicate villi of its mucous membrane, by the peristaltic movements of the tube itself, a stream of fluid is directed into the uterine cavity. This is a long journey, usually taking about a week.

During this time, the egg is fertilized, turns into a zygote, and makes the first divisions. As a rule, by the end of the menstrual cycle, the embryo has already reached the uterine cavity and is implanted (immersed) in the endometrium. If, for some reason, it is not possible to reach the uterine cavity by this time, the unborn child is forced to attach where he managed to get, since his own strength and reserves of nutrients are completely depleted.

Most often, with an ectopic pregnancy, it is attached to the fallopian tube. It cannot stretch like a uterus, has too thin a wall and a delicate lining, and is unable to support the development of the fetus.

According to the obstetric calendar, the period when an ectopic pregnancy begins is 4 weeks (that is, it is impossible to determine an ectopic pregnancy before the delay, and in a normal pregnancy the embryo is not yet in the uterus).

Thus, if an ectopic pregnancy has occurred, the signs will appear later, at 6-8 weeks, as the embryo grows, and the consequences can manifest themselves altogether, by 10-12 weeks, when the tube ruptures during an ectopic pregnancy.

Sometimes there is a uterine pregnancy and an ectopic pregnancy at the same time. This happens in cases when ovulation occurred in both ovaries, but one of the embryos failed to overcome the path to the uterus, while the other reached safely.

The embryo, which is delayed and fixed in the fallopian tube, begins to develop, as laid down by nature. The ovum grows and stretches the wall of the fallopian tube until the limits of its strength are exhausted and it ruptures. The result is bleeding during an ectopic pregnancy, which can be so significant that it puts a woman on the brink of death.

Ectopic pregnancy is almost always interrupted, fetal death is inevitable, and most often it occurs in the first trimester, for a period of 6 to 10 weeks.

You cannot give birth with an ectopic pregnancy. The literature describes isolated cases of prolonged ectopic (abdominal) pregnancy until late, 27-28 weeks, when the fetus was already viable. He was born in an operative way, while doctors had to remove parts of the mother's internal organs over a fairly large extent, resection of the intestines, uterus, fallopian tubes, omentum, and even the liver and spleen, since the placenta grew like a malignant tumor, through and through, and to separate them in another way it was not there. It is clear that these women never had good health in the future.

Ectopic tubal pregnancy occurs in 99% of cases, it never develops until late. In some cases, a tubal abortion occurs during an ectopic pregnancy. The fallopian tube itself pushes the ovum, usually after that it enters the abdominal cavity. If this is not a frozen ectopic pregnancy, the embryo is still alive, it can gain a foothold in the mother's abdominal cavity again, and then an abdominal ectopic pregnancy develops. But still, most often the pipe ruptures.

Blood in an ectopic pregnancy after rupture of the tube is poured into the abdominal cavity, intra-abdominal (internal bleeding) develops.

Discharge from the genital tract may not be, but still more often there is discharge during an ectopic pregnancy, bloody, meager, smearing, long-lasting, due to inadequate levels of pregnancy hormones.

The diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is most often made at a period of 6-8 weeks, this is subject to timely contact with an antenatal clinic. Considering that the frequency of ectopic pregnancy reaches 2 cases per 100 conceptions, it is very important to register in the early stages, since the absence of symptoms is possible for a very long time, up to the development of complications.

Considering how an ectopic pregnancy occurs, it is not necessary to rely on a normal level of hormones with an appropriate pregnancy clinic, which means that the picture will be blurry.

A woman may not even be aware of the conception that has taken place; menstruation during an ectopic pregnancy is a common thing. At the same time, even a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy is a reason for an early examination and treatment, it is desirable that the terms be measured not even in days, but in hours. The sooner such a pregnancy is terminated, the more chances in the future to give birth to a healthy full-fledged child.

Ectopic pregnancy, causes

In order to prevent an ectopic pregnancy, any woman needs to know the reasons for its occurrence. There are not many of them, and almost all of them can be eliminated.

Statistics show a manifold increase in the incidence of ectopic pregnancies over the past decade. This is largely due to the development of technologies that interfere with human reproductive health.

30-50% of women who have an ectopic pregnancy have pelvic inflammatory disease, both acute and chronic. The main culprits are gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and ureaplasmosis. The inflammation causes swelling of the fallopian tubes, the formation of adhesions, and disruption of both peristalsis and the work of the villi. This leads to the fact that the egg cannot get into the uterine cavity and is forced to attach in the wrong place.

Surgical sterilization is widespread today. This operation involves completely cutting the fallopian tubes. However, sometimes a woman who previously did not want children decides to become pregnant at any cost, and reconstructive surgeries are performed to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes.

It is also possible to develop an ectopic pregnancy after IVF, after laparoscopy and operations on the genitals, after taking drugs such as postinor and escapel. Postcoital contraception significantly increases the incidence of ectopic pregnancy in women with pelvic inflammatory disease.

Ectopic pregnancy, signs and symptoms

Does an ectopic pregnancy have signs that would make it possible to immediately say that it was she, even before consulting a doctor?

Unfortunately, there are no clear symptoms, it can be latent for a long time. If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, symptoms may resemble a normal pregnancy, or they may be absent altogether, even menstruation occurs at the usual time.

However, there are still some early signs of an ectopic pregnancy, allowing one to guess about its possible onset.

First of all, it is, of course, pain. The first sign of an ectopic pregnancy is delayed menstruation or unusual scanty periods and pain.

Menstruation can have the character of incomprehensible spotting discharge that lasts too long, and the pain is localized most often on one side above the pubis on the side, on the right or on the left (as with appendicitis, everyone knows where a person hurts with appendicitis, only with ectopic pain not necessarily on the right, maybe on the left).

What are the pains of an ectopic pregnancy?
Most often it is a feeling of constant, dull or aching pain, sometimes it has a stabbing character. Pain during an ectopic pregnancy before complications is not so strong that the woman attaches great importance to them. Similar pains may be simply due to the fact that during early pregnancy, the rapidly enlarging uterus stretches the uterine ligaments. If this is the first ectopic pregnancy, and the woman has no experience, she is unlikely to recognize the first signs ...

Even bleeding during menstruation, exactly the same as with an ectopic, may also be normal. However, menstruation with an ectopic pregnancy lasts a long time, and with implantation bleeding, which is normal when an embryo is implanted into the endometrium, it is a couple of drops literally 2 days and no more.

Other early symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, such as pain, also have an important feature: pain and discomfort on only one side, while pains due to an increase in the size of the uterus occur on both sides.

If a woman keeps a chart of basal temperature, then the temperature during an ectopic pregnancy rises and does not decrease anymore while the embryo is alive, only a frozen ectopic pregnancy leads to a decrease in rectal temperature, therefore, BT is not a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Why do menstruation go on during an ectopic pregnancy?
The reason is the critically low amount of pregnancy hormones. Although the corpus luteum is and functions, the placenta cannot form normally in an uncharacteristic place, which leads to a reduced amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and a violation of the hormonal background characteristic of a physiologically proceeding pregnancy.

How does an ectopic pregnancy manifest if a tube ruptures?
When the fallopian tube ruptures, the woman feels an increase in abdominal pain, lightheadedness and severe weakness, and may lose consciousness. Dizziness worries, in the lying position the condition improves somewhat. On examination, the doctor reveals symptoms of internal bleeding: palpitations, decreased blood pressure, pallor of the skin. If timely assistance is not provided for an ectopic pregnancy, death threatens every third woman.

What signs of an ectopic pregnancy help to recognize it in time?
An ectopic pregnancy clinic is all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy, expressed in one way or another. , there is fatigue, impaired appetite and mood swings, increased sensitivity to odors and even advanced early toxicosis.

What symptoms during an ectopic pregnancy can indicate its presence?
These are pains, prolonged spotting (at the time of menstruation), or a delay in menstruation. Only a doctor can correctly recognize the symptoms, distinguish them from a normal pregnancy, and a standard examination is not enough, an examination is necessary. It is important to register with the consultation early, even if you do not have any suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy, diagnosis

If an ectopic pregnancy has occurred, the timing of an inevitable catastrophe is forcing a diagnosis as early as possible, a tube rupture can happen as early as 6 weeks, and this is only 2 weeks from the delay.

An ectopic pregnancy in the early stages can be diagnosed by a doctor using a blood test for hCG, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, clinical picture and gynecological examination data.

Many people wonder if the test shows an ectopic pregnancy?
If we talk about tests for the rapid diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, I must say that there are no such tests. There is a regular pregnancy test, an ectopic pregnancy is determined by it in the same way as a regular one.

Another thing is that the second strip may appear later in time and be weaker, which is due to the fact that the level of hCG during an ectopic pregnancy grows more slowly, since the chorion of the embryo cannot normally gain a foothold and develop.

Chorion is the future placenta of the fetus, its connection with the mother, in the early stages it produces hCG, the chorionic gonadotropin necessary for the development of pregnancy, and it is the presence of this hormone that determines the pregnancy test.

Thus, despite the fact that a woman has an ectopic pregnancy test is positive, in some cases it can be negative within 1-2 weeks from the delay.

The test identifies an ectopic pregnancy, like any other, but does not determine that it is an ectopic pregnancy.

But in this case, how to define an ectopic pregnancy?
It helps to diagnose that the level of hCG in an ectopic pregnancy in a woman's blood increases more slowly than during a normal pregnancy.
A woman donates blood for analysis, while if the level of hCG in the blood is more than 1500 mIU / ml, the fetal egg should already be clearly visible on the ultrasound. If he is not seen on ultrasound, and the blood test for hCG has a level below 1500 mIU / ml, the analysis is repeated after two days. With a progressive uterine pregnancy, its level during this time will increase by more than one and a half times, but if hCG grows more slowly, or even drops or does not grow at all, it may be an ectopic pregnancy.

How long can an ectopic pregnancy be suspected according to transvaginal ultrasound?
A normally proceeding pregnancy is visible on an ultrasound scan within a week from the delay, that is, at a 5-week obstetric period. If there is no ovum and a blood test indicates pregnancy, there is a high chance that it is ectopic.

If tests and analyzes, ultrasound do not allow to exclude an ectopic pregnancy, the last way to determine it is diagnostic laparoscopy. When the diagnosis is confirmed, it becomes a medical procedure.

Ectopic pregnancy, treatment

If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, surgery is not the only option. In the early stages, it is possible to use methotrexate, mifegin, mifepristone for conservative treatment, without surgery.

If the term does not allow terminating an ectopic pregnancy in this way, prompt removal of the ectopic pregnancy is required.

As a rule, laparoscopy is performed. It is possible to preserve it until the tube ruptures, but this is not always correct, since a second ectopic pregnancy may develop in the saved tube in the future. Removing the tube during an ectopic pregnancy is in most cases the most rational solution.

The operation to remove the tube in an ectopic pregnancy can be performed directly during laparoscopy.

Ectopic pregnancy, consequences

An ectopic pregnancy has serious consequences. Even with timely and full treatment, repeated pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy in some women is also ectopic. This is due to the fact that the fallopian tube, on the other hand, is also in most cases affected by the pathological process, and if there is a hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, the result may be the formation of multiple adhesions here.

However, the first ectopic pregnancy is not a verdict, half of women later carry and give birth to children. You can get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy no earlier than 6 months later, but it is better to wait for a year.

After the operation of an ectopic pregnancy, all the doctor's recommendations should be strictly followed, rehabilitation is always quite long and difficult, includes physiotherapy, taking medications to strengthen the general state of health and combating adhesions, and treatment of the underlying disease.

The likelihood of a second ectopic pregnancy is lower in those women who have received medical treatment and have not been operated on for the first ectopic.

Planning a pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy should be responsible, since failure is the loss of the second tube, pregnancy after two ectopic ones is not possible on its own, which means that in the future pregnancy will be possible only by the IVF method. Reliable contraception is vital.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus itself. Ectopic pregnancies are of several types:

  • tubal: the fetus remains in the fallopian tubes and attaches to them;
  • ovarian: the egg is attached to the ovaries;
  • cervical;
  • abdominal.

It is extremely important to determine such a pregnancy at an early stage, since it is possible that in this case, too, it will grow and develop. At some point, a crisis occurs, in which a rupture of the organ on which the fetus is located occurs. In addition to severe pain, a woman runs the risk of dying from the loss of her blood. An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous, but if everything is dealt with on time, then these dangers can be avoided.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

One of the reasons that the egg is outside the uterus is the abnormal anatomical structure of the fallopian tubes. Sometimes the tubes form with defects such as kinks or kinks, which prevent the egg from moving naturally into the uterus during fertilization.

But even more often, the cause becomes a careless attitude towards oneself during puberty. Girls are ready to sacrifice their health, not realizing that problems cannot be avoided later. Hypothermia of the body, especially the legs, leads to inflammation of the appendages and the entire genitourinary system. Over time, infections join, which only add complications. So, the habitual cystitis in a chronic form can also become the cause of an ectopic pregnancy.

In addition to these reasons, there are several more factors that serve as provocateurs:

  1. hormonal disorders;
  2. complications after abortion;
  3. using a contraceptive coil;
  4. long-term use of hormonal drugs, including birth control;
  5. tumors, fibroids in the uterus;
  6. endometriosis;
  7. weak sperm activity.

You need to understand that after each inflammation, abortion or surgery, adhesions remain, which often lead to such a pregnancy. Sometimes there are so many adhesions or they are so large that the patency of the pipes is impaired.

Usually, the first signs are very similar to a simple pregnancy. But everything is individual, for one, menstruation will disappear, while for the other, they may well continue. Should alert the appearance of pulling pain in the groin or from the ovaries. In the second week, spotting appears, not always intense. Women define them as "daub" before menstruation, but the menses themselves often do not happen.

Often, girls, especially during their first pregnancy, have other signs:

  • nausea in the morning;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headache;
  • frequent urge to bladder.

In some, from the first days, real toxicosis begins, there is no pathology in this. In this case, the test can be negative or slightly positive. This is due to the fact that the body is still not enough of the main hormone: gonadotropin.

For an ectopic pregnancy, the main symptom is the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. Such pains can appear at any time, depending on the location of the egg. The narrower the location, the faster the pain will appear. If the fetus is frozen in the wider part of the tube, pain will appear in 7-8 weeks, subject to the development of the fetus. Approximately the same period can pass in those cases when the fetus "settled" on the ovary or in the peritoneum. The earliest term: 3-4 weeks is typical when the fetus is located in a narrow part of the fallopian tube.

In rare cases, the egg can sink so low that it becomes attached to the cervix. This is where the real threat lies, which is harder to recognize than others. There is much more room for development here and therefore the fetus can grow unnoticed for a long time. This is the most dangerous pregnancy in which most often the embryo is removed only with the uterus itself.

HCG for ectopic pregnancy

Gonadotropin (HCG) is a natural hormone that is activated during any pregnancy. It is by the level of hCG that early pregnancy can be determined and recognized in the laboratory. Normally, if the fetus develops without pathologies, the hCG content increases by 1 unit per day. But with a frozen ectopic pregnancy, there is no growth, but this can only be seen with everyday measurements. A growing ectopic fetus can be confused: until a critical moment, the level of hCG increases as in a normal natural pregnancy.

Since hCG is not an unambiguous indicator, an ultrasound scan is required in order to accurately recognize a pregnancy. You also need to consider: some medications can affect the level of the hormone. For example, taking drugs in the NSAID group can change the level, which can lead to false conclusions.

Does the test show an ectopic pregnancy

The coloration and intensity of the color depend on the level of hCG. With a normal pregnancy, a woman notices changes in herself after 3-4 weeks, with rare exceptions. The first impulse is to make a test. But how much can you trust him? The hormone is sensitive, it grows by 1 unit. If the period is very short, then the test may well show one strip or one and a half. This result is more positive, but for confirmation it is necessary to repeat the study in a week.

If after a week the second band does not appear completely, there is a reason to do an ultrasound to confirm the anomaly. With an ectopic pregnancy, the hormone does not increase so quickly, therefore, the strip will not appear so brightly. If both stripes appear equally bright, then, most likely, the pregnancy is normal and the fetus is developing. It is important that you feel normal and not experience any pain.

How to identify an ectopic pregnancy

The most accurate study to determine such a pregnancy is an ultrasound scan. Only the device can scan each organ, identify blackouts and determine the exact location of the embryo, if any.

Gynecologists always require tests to be done, but do not rely on their results. The test may give an error, the hormone may become unstable due to other factors, so the accuracy of the test may be erroneous. But if there are suspicions, then it is better to make a double measurement with a gap of one week. Then this will be a more accurate result, especially for those who often ask: is it possible to determine an ectopic pregnancy at home.

But there is one interesting point to keep in mind. A woman and even men can experience signs of pregnancy without having one. Therefore, you should not focus too much on the nausea or morning vomiting, dizziness, if the test says “no” several times. There is a concept of false pregnancy, which is accompanied by real symptoms. This often happens to women who desperately want a child and cannot get pregnant.

Do menstruation go with an ectopic pregnancy?

When any pregnancy occurs, the body begins to change. And the first to react to changes in the hormonal background, hormones begin to be produced, which exclude the appearance of normal menstruation. With any pregnancy, it starts a process that stops menstruation for the entire period of gestation. However, girls can observe, in their position, a bloody discharge of varying intensity. This indicates the presence of pathology inside. During normal pregnancy and ectopic blood, the appearance of blood indicates that the embryo has torn off from its place or that self-abortion is about to occur.

Most often, the discharge is not very similar to the usual: dark, not very abundant, as if something is interfering with them. This discharge is the result of injury to the organ where the fetus is located. Only sometimes for the first two months an anomaly can be observed: real menstruation passes through the fetus. Some doctors consider this a pathology, but it is temporary and usually by the end of the trimester everything returns to normal.

How long does the pipe burst?

Tubal rupture depends on the age, shape and location of the embryo. If the pipe is flat, without bends, with a wide part, then the fetus can stay there for up to two months. Moreover, you will not even notice anything until it starts to press on the walls. The pipes cannot stretch very much, so a rupture occurs at 6-8 weeks.

If the fetus has stopped in the middle, then the gap cannot be avoided at a maximum of 5 weeks. This is the narrow part and can only stretch up to 2 mm. As soon as the embryo becomes larger, severe pain will begin from trying to stretch the tube under you. Bloody discharge will appear as a sign of trauma to the pipe itself. Usually a woman has only a few days left to avoid a rupture.

But sometimes the fruit goes down and is attached to the very bottom of the pipe. This is a very unfortunate place because the uterus begins there. This place is well supplied with blood and due to the dense layer of muscles the embryo there can develop perfectly up to 15 weeks. The woman does not feel pain, it hurts at the same time. And only when the fetus begins to gain weight more rapidly, it can fall into the peritoneum. These are indications for immediate surgery.

The consequences of an ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious and dangerous test for the body of any woman. The consequences can be different, even fatal.

The first danger is when a woman knows nothing about her position and at some point ruptures the fallopian tube. Moreover, such a pregnancy is difficult to diagnose, there is a risk that even with a rupture, the diagnosis may be incorrect. Therefore, the mortality rate from abdominal bleeding with such ruptures is quite high.

The second and most dangerous: a gap can deprive a woman of her chances of becoming a mother in the future. If doctors manage to perform an operation such as laparoscopy, then the woman can simply remove the embryo and save the tube itself. But if a rupture has already occurred, the embryo will be removed along with the rest of the tube. Sometimes the situation is repeated and then the woman is deprived of both pipes. In such conditions, it will be impossible to have children naturally.

In this respect, the situation is easier with an ovarian pregnancy. Even if the ovary bursts, the main thing is to save at least part of it. The ovary consists of living cells and after a while its integrity will be restored. Such an operation is carried out in the case of removing not only the fetus, but also the cysts. Complete removal, and even both ovaries, is rare.

An asymptomatic pregnancy can lead to loss of the uterus if the fetus is located on the cervix. In this case, the embryo develops for a long time, the crisis can occur only at the end of the trimester. Alas, by this time it is almost impossible to save the uterus. This is exactly the trap from which a woman comes out barren forever.

An ectopic pregnancy is not a punishment or a curse, and it does not always put an end to happiness. All you need to do is to monitor your health more and not to neglect the recommendations of doctors.

Ectopic pregnancy: all about early signs and ways to diagnose pathology

According to statistics, in about 1-2% of cases, the fertilized egg does not enter the uterine cavity and is fixed in the wrong place. A developing ectopic pregnancy excludes the possibility of bearing and giving birth to a child and can threaten the mother's life in the absence of timely medical care.

Types of ectopic pregnancy

Pathology develops when a fertilized egg, for some reason, grows into the tissues of a woman's internal organs. The process is dangerous in that it cannot always be diagnosed in the early stages and treatment can be started.

Depending on the place of attachment of the egg, four types of ectopic pregnancy are distinguished with different symptoms and consequences for the female body:

  1. Pipe. This type of disorder is most often diagnosed. Pathology develops when a fertilized egg cannot leave the fallopian tubes, growing to their walls. It usually ends in miscarriage in the first trimester, but the ovum can continue to develop, provoking a rupture of the tube and the need for emergency surgery.
  2. Ovarian. Diagnosed in every 100 cases. If a mature egg does not leave the follicle and was fertilized before ovulation, the embryo is fixed in the ovaries. For ultrasound specialists, such a violation will look like a small tumor. In the absence of medical care, the ovary will burst after a few weeks, damaging the surrounding vessels, and the fetus will die.
  3. Cervical and cervical-isthmus. This type of ectopia is diagnosed in only 0.3% of cases. The zygote successfully leaves the follicle and fallopian tubes, but cannot gain a foothold in the uterine cavity due to the pathological state of the endometrium or the egg itself. The ovum is implanted into the cervical canal or isthmus, leading to severe inflammation and bleeding. In severe cases, removal of the uterus is required.
  4. Abdominal. There is a 1: 300 chance that an ectopic pregnancy will begin to develop in this scenario. There are two scenarios for the development of events. In the first case, the egg enters the abdominal cavity and fertilizes there. In the second case, a miscarriage occurs, but the embryo is fixed again on the patient's internal organs. At the initial stages, ectopia is difficult to diagnose. Usually, the problem becomes known when ruptures and squeezing of the peritoneal organs appear.

Causes of pathology

If doctors can easily explain the symptoms and signs of ectopic pregnancy, then the causes of this disease are not fully understood. This pathology can develop in any healthy woman, but the main risk factors are:

  1. Disorders of the reproductive system (obstruction of the fallopian tubes, endometritis and inflammation of the genital organs).
  2. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Surgical operations on the genitals and in the abdominal cavity.
  4. The consequences of combating infertility, both with medication and with the help of artificial insemination.

Also, if you have a history of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion, the risk of recurrence of problems with bearing a child increases many times over.

Symptoms of pathology

The main danger of the disease and the cause of shock for many patients is that the signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages do not differ from the symptoms of successful conception:

  • delay in the menstrual cycle;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • swelling of the breast;
  • toxicosis;
  • smearing vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

The test strip usually confirms conception, but over time, dangerous symptoms develop:

  1. General deterioration in health. Drowsiness and weakness translate into regular dizziness and fainting.
  2. Bleeding. If the discharge gradually increases and becomes longer, these are possible signs of an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Pain. Normally, discomfort is provoked by an increased tone of the uterus. But with ectopic pregnancy, pain appears due to the attachment of the embryo to the tissues of other organs. The pain syndrome increases with the growth of the fetus.
  4. Toxicosis. The difference can only be felt by a woman who is carrying more than her first child. Ectopia increases nausea and vomiting, and the intensity of the unpleasant manifestation will constantly increase.

If the problem is not identified in time, the pathology will continue to develop. At the next stage, it will be possible to determine the type of ectopic pregnancy by its symptoms:

  1. Pipe. By the end of the first trimester, the fallopian tube will reach its tensile limit. Depending on the position of the implanted embryo, pain will be felt on the right or left side. It is easiest to feel it with active body movements and loads on the lumbar region. If you do not pay attention to the symptom, after a while the tube will rupture with severe internal bleeding and loss of consciousness due to shock.
  2. Ovarian. Follicular tissue is able to stretch well. Therefore, in the first weeks after conception, no symptoms should be expected. Gradually, the fetus will enlarge and begin to press on the intestines. The movement of stool will cause severe pain, accompanied by lightheadedness, weakness, and dizziness. After a few days, the ovary may rupture.
  3. Cervical. The main symptom of this type of ectopia is severe bleeding in the absence of pain. The danger is the loss of large amounts of blood.
  4. Abdominal. Symptoms in the first trimester will not differ from those of a normal pregnancy. As the fetus grows, the pressure on the affected organ will increase, and signs of a violation of its normal functioning will appear. Pathology will be accompanied by digestive disorders, sharp pains and loss of consciousness.

An ectopic pregnancy usually manifests itself fully in the first trimester. If during this time the pathology is not diagnosed and cured, there is a risk of infertility and even death. Therefore, it is important for every expectant mother to monitor her health and register with the antenatal clinic in a timely manner.

Ectopic pregnancy can hide

Consider how to identify an ectopic pregnancy. The diagnostic method using test strips helps to determine the fact of conception by the content of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine, a hormone responsible for changing the functioning of the entire female body during the fertilization of an egg.

Within two weeks after conception, its concentration rises and the test shows two clear lines. With ectopia, the production of the hormone is weakened due to a violation of the natural course of processes in the woman's body. Therefore, one of the symptoms of pathology is a negative test in the presence of all signs of pregnancy.

Sometimes, when the first symptoms of conception appear, the test confirms conception, but after a few days menstruation begins. So bleeding caused by an abnormal position of the embryo can manifest itself:

  1. With cervical ectopia, bleeding will be profuse, so an ambulance should be called as early as possible.
  2. If the fallopian tube or ovary ruptures, the hemorrhage will be accompanied by severe pain and shock.
  3. Damage to the abdominal tissue, stretched by the ovum, is accompanied by thick dark brown discharge.
  4. Miscarriage. This outcome can be considered the most favorable. Together with the blood, the ovum will be released, and damage to the internal organs will be minimal. The patient may need additional cleaning to make sure that any debris of damaged tissue has been removed from the reproductive system.

Any unusual discharge should alert the woman and become a reason for immediate medical attention.

Diagnosis of ectopia

A woman can independently determine the violation only by her own feelings and the absence of a second strip on the test. An accurate diagnosis can be made based on the examination performed:

  1. Physical examination. A specialist can reliably determine ectopia, starting from 2-3 months after conception. Usually, by this time, a miscarriage has already occurred, but if the fetus continues to develop, the gynecologist, by the size of the uterus, can determine the absence of the ovum, as well as probe the localization of the embryo and determine the type of pathology.
  2. Laboratory research allows you to diagnose pathology as early as 3 weeks after fertilization. Usually, ectopia is accompanied by a significant increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood. Also, an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed by a reduced content of progesterone and gonadotropin in the blood.
  3. Ultrasound effectively diagnoses pathology from 4 weeks with the use of an abdominal probe and from 6 weeks with a transvaginal examination. If there are tumors or accumulations of secretions in the uterine cavity, a specialist may mistake them for a fertilized egg, and additional diagnostic methods will be required for an accurate diagnosis.
  4. Laparoscopy. With three abdominal punctures, a precise diagnosis can be made and, if necessary, the embryo can be removed immediately. This method provides the most accurate data on the location and nature of the course of ectopia, helps prevent possible complications.

With the exception of laparoscopy, the research methods used have a high error. Doctors may confuse the course of an ectopic pregnancy and its symptoms with other disorders:

  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • uterine miscarriage;
  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute appendicitis.

Therefore, most often, several types of examination are used simultaneously for diagnosis.

Pathology treatment

Modern medicine offers two effective ways to treat a dangerous disorder:

  1. Abortive drug "Methotrexate", used in the early stages.
  2. Laparoscopy. Surgery allows you to remove the fetus with minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. If the violation was diagnosed in the first weeks, the consequences of surgery will be completely absent. Otherwise, after the operation, it will take time for the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Particularly acute for a woman is the issue of the preservation of the organs of the reproductive system after ectopia. If the fallopian tube or ovaries have not been destroyed by the embryo, there is no cause for concern. In other situations, it may be necessary to remove the damaged uterine appendages.

Complications after ectopia

In the absence of timely assistance, dangerous consequences develop:

  1. Bleeding. With severe tissue damage, profuse hemorrhage can lead to hemorrhagic shock and death.
  2. Inflammation after surgery. Surgical intervention does not go unnoticed. A woman's body can react with severe inflammation, sometimes intestinal obstruction develops.
  3. Adhesion processes. After the fetus is removed, the damaged tissue can heal incorrectly, forming scars, adhesions and narrowing, which create additional problems during subsequent conception.
  4. Secondary infertility that develops against the background of the removal of the fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries due to damage caused by the ovum.

It must be remembered that a postponed ectopic pregnancy increases the likelihood of recurrence by up to 15%. Therefore, when planning the next conception, careful medical monitoring of the state of health is necessary.

Rehabilitation and prevention

The duration of the recovery period after an ectopic pregnancy has been identified and the fetus has been removed depends largely on the period after conception. The earlier the intervention of doctors or a miscarriage occurs, the less restrictions are imposed on a woman. In the worst case, when the tissues were damaged, and the removal of the fallopian tube was required, the following procedures are prescribed:

  1. Taking medications to relieve inflammation and prevent the development of adhesions. Otherwise, the healthy tube may also be affected, leading to infertility.
  2. Treatment of the cause of ectopia if it was caused by an infection or malfunction of the genitals.
  3. A gentle diet to minimize the stress on the digestive tract and help restore energy lost during illness.
  4. Decrease in the level of physical activity. Do not lift heavy objects, avoid injury, wear a postoperative bandage if necessary, and do gentle exercises.
  5. Hypothermia protection. Even in summer, it is advisable to give up clothes that leave the lower back open. It is recommended to wear thermal underwear during the cold season.

It is possible to get pregnant again after an illness if the uterus is not damaged. Even with the removed faloppian tubes, it is possible to carry out artificial insemination using the IVF system.

More on the topic:

If an ectopic pregnancy ended without global consequences, doctors recommend starting sexual activity 2-3 weeks after a miscarriage and a month after laparoscopy. It is worth planning conception no earlier than six months later, so that the hormonal level can stabilize and the menstrual cycle improves. The doctor will tell you more exact terms based on the patient's health condition.

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Early signs of ectopic pregnancy

As a rule, during the "interesting position", the fertilized egg is located in the uterus, where the embryo is grown. But there is also such a dangerous disease as the ectopic position of the zygote. This condition of the female body can result in a number of serious complications if you do not consult a doctor in time. What are the signs of an early ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy test negative

Usually, the intrauterine position of the embryo is the norm for female physiology at conception. And only in 2% of all cases it is outside this organ. In medical language, such a pregnancy is called ectopic, and, alas, every woman can face a similar condition. How do you know when nature's terrible mistake has occurred? Here is what is known about it today.

During ovulation, the egg enters the fallopian tube, where it is met by a cell with male genes. There fertilization takes place and the epithelium propels the zygote into the uterus, where implantation takes place. If this process is disturbed for some reason, then the development of the embryo outside the uterus may occur. The ovum can adhere to the surface of the fallopian tube, ovary, and abdominal cavity. And in some cases, a situation even happens when one zygote is in the position of the uterus, the other is outside it. This condition is called heterotopic pregnancy. It is very rare. Most often, the zygote is implanted in the area of ​​the tubes - this is 98% of all cases when the ovum develops in the wrong place.

At the stage when implantation occurs, it is almost impossible to determine the presence of a fetus in the uterus. This can only be done after the expected period has not arrived. Some tests can determine on the very first day whether a pregnancy has occurred or not. But in all sorts of situations, the test does not immediately show the result. Since a special hormone that is produced in the female body may not be produced immediately or in the wrong amount for the test to determine it. Only in exceptional cases, in the presence of pathologies in a woman's body, the test can be negative. Therefore, it is possible to determine whether there is an embryo at all or not by using several tests at once.

Usually, a negative result in the presence of the development of an embryo in the body is obtained if a woman chose the wrong day for the onset of the expected menstruation. Or there are hormonal disorders and disruptions in her body. Remember that the test detects pregnancy, not shape. Therefore, if it is negative, it is recommended to repeat it for several days and see the result. Remember that much depends on the quality of the test, as well as on the individual characteristics of the lady's body. Therefore, if you notice signs of life developing in your body or feel a strange condition, see your doctor immediately. Remember that an abnormal ectopic pregnancy requires mandatory medical intervention.

Ectopic pregnancy test negative or positive

It is believed that in this condition the test may be negative, but this is not the case. In fact, it reacts to a special hormone that appears in the body only if life develops in the uterus or outside it. It is not difficult to determine whether it is positive or negative. However, during an ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy in general, it is worth paying attention to other signs and symptoms that indicate a change in your condition. Therefore, even if you get a negative result, but you feel strange, this is a reason to go to a medical facility. The doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of your discomfort.

Therefore, it is worth trusting not only the test, but also the doctor. If it turns out that all the tests do not show a positive result, and the long-awaited menstruation does not come, and even at the same time you feel bad, this is a cause for concern. As well as the presence of positive and negative tests, if you use them for several days at the same time. This situation should definitely be discussed with a doctor.

Ectopic pregnancy 2 weeks signs and symptoms

If menstruation does not occur in any way or is unusual (for example, 3 days instead of the prescribed 5), you notice unusual discharge, smears, interruption of menstruation or clots, this is a serious reason to pay attention to your own health. Signs of an early ectopic pregnancy may be subtle. As a rule, the symptoms of an abnormal pregnancy are similar to those of a normal pregnancy. First of all, these are:

  • a slight increase or decrease in body temperature without signs of a cold;
  • delayed menstruation or unusual discharge;
  • soreness of the mammary glands, their increase, the appearance of discharge from the nipples (photo);

  • nausea, vomiting, changes in food and taste habits and addictions. Moreover, it can turn out to be quite sharp and unpleasant, unusual. For example, you may be drawn to caviar or sushi, although you did not like these products before. Or you might want melon ice cream, even though you hated it before. There may be an aversion to your favorite perfumes, with which you simply did not part before, or to drinks;
  • frequent urination.

These signs may indicate the presence of the development of the embryo in the female body, but do not determine its nature. They can be characteristic of both a normal and an abnormal fertilized egg. For a period of up to 2 weeks, even doctors cannot always determine the pathology. In some cases, the tubal position of the zygote can be interrupted by itself - a tubal abortion occurs, due to which the operation is canceled. Don't worry: pipe ruptures are extremely rare. However, the ectopic position of the fetus always requires attention. She can manifest herself for 4, 5 or even 6 weeks with the following signs:

  • tests that are positive may show 1 bar or 2, but indistinct. This is due to the low production of the hCG hormone;
  • discharge of red or brown color, more rare than with menstruation;
  • pain in the abdomen, sometimes very sharp and cramping.

If you notice such signs, then immediately call an ambulance. But, if the symptoms are tolerable, you need to contact a medical center or antenatal clinic. The doctor will prescribe accurate tests for the hCG level, in some cases you need to wait for the ultrasound to show. Usually, in medical centers, the result can be obtained on the same day. According to the indications of an ultrasound scan, an operation is prescribed, if there is a need for it.

Ectopic pregnancy 4 weeks from conception

Typical signs at this time are the same as listed above: general symptoms of toxicosis, nausea, vomiting, changes in the perception of taste and smell, the appearance of smearing brown or red discharge (see photo). What to do in such a situation? If the condition allows - go to the doctor. In some cases, signs of ectopic pregnancy signal themselves with sharp abdominal pains, nausea. In this situation, call an ambulance immediately: jokes with health can be dangerous. The doctor should inform about the reasons for his concern. The same can be said about earlier operations, especially on female organs, artificial insemination, if you have resorted to this procedure, taking hormonal drugs. Usually in the hospital you will be offered to sign up for an ultrasound scan, they will carry out the procedure and then the action will be according to the circumstances. Indeed, even a modern and most experienced doctor, with symptoms, cannot be 100% sure of the presence of an ectopic embryo. Only a detailed examination and ultrasound can confirm this diagnosis.

Ectopic pregnancy 5-6 weeks symptoms

If menstruation has not occurred for a month or more, then the following symptoms may indicate changes in the body. The following are signs of an early ectopic pregnancy:

If the results of an ultrasound scan or hormone delivery at 6 weeks of hCG confirm an ectopic pregnancy, an operation will be necessary. It takes about 30 minutes, but it can save the mother's life in some cases.

Signs of early ectopic pregnancy brown discharge

Quite often, an ectopic fertilized zygote does not signal itself in any way. The only symptom may be brown discharge, unlike the one that occurs during your period. In some women, they may last for 2 or 3 days before their period. However, if there is an embryo in the body outside the uterus, they last for quite a long time (sometimes from 5 days or more), and menstruation does not occur. Or, instead of it, bleeding opens, which significantly worsens your condition. If there are such signs, you need to contact a medical facility. After accurate tests, the doctor will determine the cause of the condition. Remember, an ectopic pregnancy can lead to serious complications and even death if you do not take action in time. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of it, you need to contact a medical institution.

Sometimes signs of an early ectopic pregnancy are difficult to confuse with various hormonal interruptions in the body or natural delays. However, with any suspicion, it is worth contacting a medical institution, because such a condition cannot be ignored.

We looked at the early signs of an ectopic pregnancy. Read more.

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Signs of an ectopic pregnancy, how to recognize pathology at an early stage

Pathological pregnancy can occur in women of any childbearing age, and in medical statistics, a similar condition is indicated by numbers of almost 15% in relation to cases of the correct location of the ovum - in the uterus. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage practically do not differ from the symptoms of a classic pregnancy in the first weeks after a delay in menstruation. This pathology is a difficult to predict process, because not every woman undergoes a deep examination of her reproductive system before planning a child. So what is the danger of an ectopic pregnancy? What it is? Now the diagnosis of a pathological condition and the prevention of the wrong initiation of pregnancy occupy a worthy position in the medical environment, which makes it possible to successfully treat the problem without leading to serious complications in the future.

Ectopic pregnancy and its causes

A normal fetus in the uterus is born by the unimpeded passage of the ovum through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity, where it develops until delivery. Pathological pregnancy is characterized by its attachment outside the uterine cavity. Doctors are still puzzling over the occurrence of such an anomaly, because they have to surgically remove the ovum from the peritoneum, ovaries, fallopian tubes. The main site of localization of ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tubes. The pathological development of pregnancy does not occur without good reason. There are a number of prerequisites for the possibility of such a state:

  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the woman's reproductive system;
  • the woman's age is over 30-35 years old;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • surgical abortion, other surgical operations on the internal organs of the small pelvis;
  • bad habits and uncontrolled sex life.

The obstruction of the egg through the tubes indicates an excessive narrowness of their lumens, damage to the walls, deformations that do not allow the ovum to enter the uterus without hindrance. Why it happens? Why is there an ectopic pregnancy? Such questions are of great interest to women who are planning an attempt at repeated gestation after an unsuccessful outcome. The main reasons for the occurrence of this condition, doctors include the following factors:

  • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • burdened life history of the patient;
  • abortion or complicated labor;
  • infantilism (underdevelopment) of the walls of the fallopian tubes.

As the ovum develops, villi (chorionic villi) begin to appear for attachment, nutrition and obtaining a full blood supply. If during a certain period the egg has not reached the uterine cavity, then it is fixed in the place where it is. The walls of the tubes are thin, inelastic, therefore, under the influence of a growing ovum, they are not capable of stretching, like the uterus, therefore, their rupture is possible. A woman can get complications in the form of purulent peritonitis, severe bleeding. There are known cases of death when larger vessels rupture.

Symptoms and clinical picture of ectopic pregnancy

All women experience some changes in overall well-being when a normal early pregnancy occurs. The difference varies in the intensity and strength of the sensations. How an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself at different stages of development, the primary signs are:

  • delay in the onset of menstruation;
  • toxicosis in a different course;
  • thickening of the mammary glands and their soreness;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • a slight increase in basal body temperature.

Find out if pregnant women can drink soda.

When Atenolol is used during pregnancy, you can read it here.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages are rarely pronounced, therefore, it is quite difficult to diagnose the pathology right away. Often the symptoms are latent and do not particularly bother the woman. It is at the initial stage of the development of a pathological condition that the problem can be solved by non-invasive methods with the further preservation of fertility.

Secondary signs:

  • the concentration of chorionic gonadropin is below normal;
  • unclear results of pregnancy tests (one, two strips);
  • smearing discharge from the genital tract with bloody blotches;
  • increased body temperature is regular;
  • the occurrence of pain with the main localization in the uterus, ovaries; dizziness, weakness;
  • a decrease in blood pressure or its sharp jumps.

Another important question is whether menstruation occurs with an ectopic pregnancy. Many gynecologists say that your period may not stop, but your discharge may get a little thinner. A similar condition is observed in some women in the usual pregnant state (sometimes lasting up to 4 months). Such phenomena are carefully investigated, and there is no exact answer about the cause of menstruation against the background of pregnancy. Some of the listed symptoms also occur in pregnant women with correct attachment of the ovum. Often, already at 4-5 weeks of ectopic pregnancy, the ovum strongly presses on the walls of the fallopian tubes and can already cause them to rupture.

Signs of tubal rupture

Tubal rupture often has serious health consequences for a woman. An ectopic pregnancy is difficult because the diagnosis occurs at a later date, when there is very little time left before the damage to the tubes. But most often, an ectopic pregnancy is detected when bleeding from the genital tract has already begun.

The main symptoms are:

  • feeling of severe pain on palpation or physical examination;
  • sharp, cutting pain in the epigastric region (often unspecified localization);
  • sweating, pallor of the skin;
  • lowering pressure up to loss of consciousness;
  • bleeding of varying intensity.

Rupture of the fallopian tubes is a direct indication for surgery. The urgency of the operation does not leave doctors the opportunity to decide on tactics in advance, therefore, the course, outcome and consequences of an ectopic pregnancy proceed from the general condition of the patient and the degree of damage already caused by the pathological condition. Many women are then worried about a completely natural question: "Is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy?" Doctors give ambiguous answers, because it all depends on the course of treatment and the severity of the defeat of the fallopian tubes. Previously, the tubes were removed and pregnancy was not possible. Now there are a number of effective innovative techniques that allow you to maintain the integrity of the fallopian tubes, even after rupture.

Diagnostics of the ectopic pregnancy

In gynecology, there are many effective methods for determining a condition such as an ectopic pregnancy. Signs and symptoms (a negative test is not always a guarantor of the absence of pathology) at an early stage can manifest themselves in the same way compared to a normal pregnancy. Pregnancy test indicators can show positive as well as negative results. This is due to the low level of hCG during the development of the ovum outside the uterus.

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The main methods for detecting pathology:

  • ultrasound: is the correct method for determining pregnancy;
  • Ultrasound by inserting a special sensor into the vagina (transvaginal examination): the method can be used after the first week of pregnancy;
  • laparoscopy: if all signs of a pregnant state are present, litmus or electronic tests determine a positive result, and the chorion in the uterus is not visualized, then doctors prescribe diagnostic laparoscopy (laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy allows you to more accurately determine the pathology and prevent its development with serious complications);
  • analysis (expanded) blood for hormones: chorionic hormone can be significantly reduced.

Both with ectopic and normal pregnancy, the onset of bloody (sometimes blood clots) discharge, prolonged pain, sudden surges in blood pressure and simply depressing health should be the reason for contacting specialists. The question of what to do with an ectopic pregnancy should not torment a woman for a long time. You must immediately consult a doctor. You should not think out the reasons and analyze the symptoms on your own. An ectopic pregnancy is a real threat to the life of any woman, therefore, timely research and adequate treatment will not only preserve fertility, but can save the life of a young woman.