Ectopic pregnancy: signs and symptoms in the early stages. Signs during examination. Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a pathology in which the embryo is fixed outside the uterus and continues to develop.

The physiology of a woman is an amazingly well-oiled mechanism in which all processes are closely interconnected and smoothly flow along the path outlined by nature. So, a mature egg leaves its follicle and rushes to the funnel of the fallopian tube. If she meets a spermatozoon here, then they merge - fertilization occurs.

The germ of a new life travels a long three-day journey through the fallopian tube before reaching the uterus and implanting itself in its wall. The peristaltic movements of the oviducts and the villi of their mucous membrane help him in overcoming this distance, diligently moving him to a place that will become a home for a developing and growing baby for the next 40 weeks.

But sometimes this well-established process fails: the zygote never reaches the uterus and attaches in the wrong place - this phenomenon is called an ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy: what is it and why is it dangerous

According to the location of the embryo, ectopic pregnancy is classified into 6 types:

  • abdominal, when the embryo is attached to the peritoneum;
  • tubal - the most common option with fixing the embryo inside the oviduct;
  • cervical - with implantation of the zygote in the cervical region;
  • interligamentous, with the location of the fetal egg on the serous membranes of the abdominal cavity;
  • ovarian;
  • with a pathological bicornuate uterus, the embryo is able to be fixed in one of its horns.

Developing according to the scenario of a normal pregnancy, an ectopic can cause significant damage to women's health: a growing fetal egg compresses the surrounding tissues, which often leads to their rupture and internal bleeding. Interrupted ectopic pregnancy becomes a source of infection and intoxication, triggers the development of peritonitis. Therefore, identifying it in the early stages can literally save a woman's life.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

Signs of early pregnancy are always individual, including ectopic. As with normal conception, in the first 5-6 weeks a woman may feel unwell, nausea and dizziness associated with early toxicosis, but the most powerful argument is the absence of menstruation and a positive pregnancy test.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy are complemented by a number of alarming symptoms:

  • aching and pulling pain in the lower abdomen signals a stretching of the fallopian tube;
  • scanty menstruation with a positive pregnancy test, and sometimes bloody or brown discharge outside the cycle;
  • pain during ectopic pregnancy can acquire an acute, cramping character - and this is a very alarming sign, indicating a rupture of the oviduct;
  • an integral symptom of internal bleeding, provoked by detachment and death of the embryo, is weakness, pallor of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips;
  • with an interrupted ectopic pregnancy, the fetal egg begins to disintegrate and provokes an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity, so one of the signs can be a sharp increase in body temperature.

The question of how to determine an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, when it has not yet caused significant damage, remains open. After all, its symptoms are nonspecific and largely coincide with the early signs of normal pregnancy.

The only way to reliably diagnose an ectopic pregnancy is with an ultrasound of the genitals and abdominal cavity. With the help of the equipment, the specialist will see the location of the fetal egg, assess its size and be able to draw up a plan for getting rid of the pathology.

Menstruation and ectopic pregnancy on the test

For the mother's organism, the nascent embryo is a foreign body with a different genotype. Therefore, in order to protect it from an attack by the immune system, the body makes a number of rearrangements:

  • from the very moment of conception, the level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) rises in the blood - a hormone under the influence of which the corpus luteum of pregnancy ripens in the ovary;
  • the progesterone produced by this temporary formation inhibits ovulation and completely stops the cycle - which is why menstruation stops during pregnancy.

The same processes occur during an ectopic pregnancy. The only difference is that the level of hCG often fluctuates, and decreases when the embryo dies. Therefore, menstruation during an ectopic pregnancy may stop, as in the normal process of bearing a fetus. Much less often there are scanty spotting that does not correspond to the calendar cycle of a woman.

Whether the test shows an ectopic pregnancy is a controversial issue. In most cases, the level of hCG by the 5-6th week is high enough to clearly color two test strips. But in cases of interrupted or frozen ectopic pregnancy, the result may be negative. Therefore, if the test was positive 2-3 weeks ago, and today it is negative and the body temperature is elevated, this is a good reason to contact a gynecologist.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a rare occurrence. It happens in only 2% of the total number of conceptions. And it is quite logical that there are prerequisites for its development, which must be taken into account along with the symptoms for an early diagnosis.

The fetal egg is fixed in the fallopian tube or peritoneum only if it is not able to move further into the uterus - anatomical or physiological obstacles stand in its way:

  • Inflammation of the appendages and fallopian tubes. At the same time, their inner surface is covered with mucous exudate, the villi are partially destroyed and lose their sensitivity. As a result, the processes that normally promote the zygote to the uterus freeze, excluding the process of implantation of the embryo into the uterus.
  • Inflammatory processes experienced in the past. As a result, adhesions are often formed in the fallopian tubes that disrupt their patency.
  • Tumors. Benign and malignant, they are able to block the lumen of the oviducts and not let the zygote into the uterus, or even completely push it into the abdominal cavity.
  • Anatomical anomalies. A bicornuate uterus, branched in two, and double fallopian tubes are developmental pathologies that are perfectly visible on ultrasound and serve as a reason for classifying a woman as a high-risk group.
  • Hormonal dysfunctions. Polycystic ovaries, hormonal cycle regulation failure, and even thyroid pathology can lead to a stop in the peristaltic movements of the oviducts, as a result of which the embryo will lose the ability to move into the uterus.

An additional risk factor is past illnesses and operations "on the female part." Any intervention and inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of adhesions and impaired patency of the fallopian tubes.

Elimination of ectopic pregnancy and rehabilitation

It is possible to get rid of the embryo located in the abdominal cavity or in the lumen of the oviduct only by the surgical method. At the same time, the prognosis and treatment regimen largely depend on how long the pathology was detected:

  • With early detection, when the fallopian tubes are not yet deformed and not torn, the prognosis is favorable. The patient is scheduled for a laparoscopic operation, during which the embryo is removed and the oviduct is sutured.
  • With significant deformations, the embryo is removed along with the fallopian tube, and sometimes the ovary. But the woman still has a chance for a quick rehabilitation and the birth of a child.
  • The most unfavorable prognosis for rupture of the fallopian tube - severe internal bleeding can be fatal. One of the negative scenarios is the development of peritonitis: inflammation of the peritoneum in the absence of proper treatment can lead to sepsis.

After the operation to remove the fetus, the woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics to prevent surgical infection, the introduction of isotonic solutions intravenously to restore the water-mineral balance, as well as enzymatic therapy to prevent the formation of adhesions in the operated tube.

Pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy

Fortunately, the ovaries and oviducts are paired organs, so a woman will be able to give birth to a child and experience the joy of motherhood after an ectopic pregnancy, even after surviving the removal of one of the tubes. But surgery, even if it is performed laparoscopically and does not leave scars on the body, has certain consequences for the body. The restoration of the epithelium and hormonal levels after the operation lasts about 6-12 months, so during this period it is absolutely impossible to make repeated attempts at conception.

  • undergo a course of physiotherapy that prevents the formation of adhesions and improves the health of a woman as a whole;
  • 4-6 months after the operation, go to a sanatorium treatment in a specialized institution;
  • protection for 12 months after an ectopic pregnancy.

If you re-conceive a year later, you should immediately go to the gynecologist, undergo an ultrasound scan and become registered for pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy is a rare and dangerous pathology, in order to avoid complications of which you should consult a doctor immediately after the cessation of menstruation and a positive pregnancy test. Early ultrasound diagnosis and registration will dispel your doubts.

Obstetric pathology, which is an ectopic pregnancy, belongs to the category of the most difficult diagnoses during childbearing. This difficulty arises because the woman experiences a colossal nervous shock, and also because the diagnosis is difficult, and the consequences for the mother depend on the period of the diagnosed pathology: the earlier the anomaly was determined, the more likely it is to give birth to a healthy baby in the future.

If there are pathologies in the parent organism (mother or father) or in the baby's gene pool, then an anomaly in development occurs. The fertilized egg is attached not in the uterine cavity, but in a place unsuitable for the growth of the fetus: ovaries, tubes.

It is rarely reborn at a later date, and therefore the mother should come to terms with the fact that the baby, who has not attached herself in the right place, threatens her life.

An ectopic pregnancy, determined in the early stages, is considered the least dangerous. A woman who has identified an anomaly before this period has a chance to leave the reproductive internal organs intact, removal of the tube or ovary is not required.

2 weeks

There is no standard and uniform clinical picture that would suit all pregnant women. pathology is further complicated by the fact that for a very short period, for example, in the first month, the ectopic localization of the zygote is not felt by the mother herself. Signs characteristic of gestation and toxicity are still absent.

4 week

The 4th week of an ectopic developing pregnancy is accompanied by characteristic signs for girls in an interesting position. Of course, it is impossible to visually determine the position, but the delay in menstruation is already present.

5 week

The first month of development (already an embryo) is accompanied by:

  • characteristic absent menstruation;
  • the delay is usually 10-16 days;
  • the woman herself does not yet experience nausea;
  • frequent urination is fixed;
  • pain in the abdomen is not localized.

Occasionally there is a pulling pain in the peripubic zone (bikini zone), there are no sharp pains.

7 and 8 weeks

7 and 8 weeks for an ectopic pregnancy is considered late, or thus the "line" after which it is recommended. Signs:

  • delay 14-20 days;
  • nausea;
  • pregnancy test - two strips;
  • reaction to smells;
  • dull but tolerable abdominal pain;
  • frequent urination.

With a negative response to the pregnancy test, but in the presence of a delay and symptoms of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to conduct an additional study on ultrasound.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

The symptomatic picture and diagnosis also differ, depending on the duration of the ectopic advanced pregnancy. There is no specific system for the first weeks, each doctor takes into account his individual diagnostic methods.

3 week

The increase in the uterus does not occur, but the body already produces an increased amount of prolactin and progesterone, irritability of the nipples is observed, the breast is not yet increasing in size.

4 week

The second line will be visible. The following clinical picture is also observed:

  • swelling of the cervical canal and a change in the color of the labia to a darker color;
  • delay about 7-10 days;
  • the chest is edematous, but not enlarged;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples.

>Swelling and discoloration of the outer labia are the result of the hormonal effects of progesterone. Symptoms are determined on the gynecological chair when examined by a doctor.

5 -7 weeks

The above symptoms are accompanied by a painful sensation in the right or left side, depending on the type of attachment of the child.

If the fetus is attached to the thin part of the fallopian tube, then spotting is determined at intervals after physical activity. Additional symptoms:

  • positive test;
  • nausea in the morning;
  • vomiting or gag reflex to food;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • pressing sensation in the rectum;
  • irritability;
  • pain during intercourse.

The number of discharges, their color is unimportant. The main thing is the timely treatment to the hospital. Even weak spotting indicates the presence of injuries to internal organs.

10-11 weeks

For a period of more than the second month, this is already a risk. At this age, the baby is already quite large, so its growth provokes deformation of the internal organs. If the fetus is attached to the walls of the tube near the exit to the uterus, then the maximum age of development without organ rupture is 10-11 weeks. After this period, the woman risks her life, because the rupture of the tube or any other part of the reproductive organ provokes internal bleeding.

In the later period, a woman feels sharp spasmodic pains, spotting increases in quantity, red and dark blood appears. This is a deadly condition that requires immediate hospitalization.

How many weeks can an ectopic pregnancy develop?

The ectopic location of the fetus is a threat to the life of the mother. It is impossible to save the fetus or move it into the uterine cavity. Such a pathology also cannot come out on its own, and therefore the risk of developing internal bleeding is high.

A positive result on the test strip indicator can sometimes turn into an unexpected problem: a fertilized egg begins to grow and develop outside the uterus. The complexity of diagnosis lies in the lack of specific clinical data in the initial period. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early period of 2 weeks are of a certain nature.

Signs of pregnancy at 2 weeks early

Dangerous signals must be known in order to avoid serious complications. The cause of the pathology may be due to the presence of chronic inflammatory processes, as a result of which adhesive formations occurred that affect the patency of the egg. The reasons include malformations of the reproductive organs, hormonal imbalance and too “slow” spermatozoa. The nature of the signs indicating pathology depends on the place of attachment of the egg. From the first week of pregnancy, it is very difficult to determine the anomaly. The manifestation of toxicosis is a normal picture in the symptoms of pregnancy.

The manifestation of symptoms directly depends on the place where the fetal egg is attached. The more room for its growth, the longer the patient may not experience the characteristic symptoms of a pregnancy that develops under abnormal conditions.

From the second week of pregnancy, pain sensations of aching and pulling nature signal a problem. This may indicate that the egg is attached in the fallopian tube. According to statistics, this picture occurs most often. With the localization of the embryo in a wide area of ​​​​the tube, obvious signs are noticeable in the period of 7-8 weeks. And in the cervical region, symptoms may appear much later.

Signs of pregnancy in the early 2 weeks may be indistinguishable from physiological manifestations. In the second - third week, anxious moments are expressed in this way:

At the first signs indicating abnormal development, immediate medical attention is required. Pathology threatens the health of a woman. If you do not see a doctor in time, there is a risk of developing peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), rupture of the fallopian tubes and bleeding.

At terms of 2 weeks, a pathology is determined due to the implantation of an embryo in a narrow lumen of the tube or ovary. Sometimes there is a spontaneous separation of the fetal egg, which leads to a tubal abortion. This situation is relatively favorable, because it does not entail pipe rupture.

At what time can you see pregnancy on ultrasound

The gestational age is set from the end of the last day of the menstrual cycle. It may not coincide with the value set on the basis of an ultrasound examination. At what time can you see pregnancy on an ultrasound, many women are interested. The fetus in the uterus can be seen from the 3rd week. This is the difficulty in determining the development of the embryo in the tube or ovary. Sometimes, before the onset of 5 weeks, it is not possible to determine the abnormal position of the fetal egg. Therefore, ultrasound in the early stages does not give a 100% guarantee of diagnosis. An important aspect for accurate diagnosis is a set of special measures.

HCG during ectopic pregnancy weekly rate table

From the moment of fertilization, the female body begins to produce a hormone called gonadotropin (hCG). Laboratory studies allow you to monitor the growth of gonadotropin readings. During physiological pregnancy, the growth of hCG is expressed in 1 unit per day. Sometimes, when the embryo is located outside the uterus, the hormone continues to increase its performance until a critical moment.

Below are the physiological norms for the growth of hCG in pregnant women.

weeks of pregnancy HCG indicator
1. Missing pregnancy 0 to 5
2. Questionable 5 to 25
3. 3 – 4 25 – 156
4. 4 – 5 101 – 4870
5. 5 – 6 1110 – 31500
6. 6 – 7 2560 – 82300
7. 7 – 8 23100 – 151000
8. 8 – 9 27300 – 233000
9. 9 – 13 20900 – 291000
10. 13 – 18 6140 – 103000
11. 18 – 23 4720 – 80100
12. 23 – 41 2700 – 78100

HCG during ectopic pregnancy may vary, the rate for weeks is tracked in the table. The value of the hormone from 0 to 5 is considered negative.

A deviation from normal values ​​by 20% requires a re-examination of the hormone level. A change expressed in 50% upwards or downwards is considered critical. This situation indicates a pathology.

The diagnostic complex includes ultrasound, monitoring of the hCG index, bimanual examination, monitoring of the level of progesterone growth in the blood serum. The level of progesterone in an ectopic location of the embryo is significantly lower than in a normal pregnancy. A bimanual examination reveals the presence of an abundant secretion, cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the neck and its slight induration.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage of 2 weeks photo

Painful sensations are localized in the area of ​​​​attachment of a fertilized egg. After 2 weeks, clinical manifestations are revealed that indicate the position of the egg in the fallopian tubes or ovary (isthmic, interstitial, ovarian). Later, at a period of 5 to 8 weeks, a pregnancy is diagnosed that develops in the abdominal cavity, in the widest part of the fallopian tube (fimbrial, ampullar). The biggest threat is the cervical location of the egg. Such a pregnancy can be asymptomatic for a long time, which poses a threat to the woman.

A diagnostic ultrasound examination performed for a period of 5 weeks or more will be able to establish the location of the fetal egg. Earlier, in particular at a two-week period, there is no guarantee of an accurate result, which complicates the identification of the pathological process.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage of 2 weeks - pain is intense and prolonged. Such manifestations should not be ignored.

What is the discharge during an ectopic pregnancy for a period of 2 weeks

The presence of discharge is a dangerous symptom, when they appear, you need to consult a gynecologist. What is the discharge during an ectopic pregnancy for a period of 2 weeks:

  • in most cases, spotting is characteristic;
  • when bleeding into the abdominal cavity, bloody discharge from the genitals appears.

These symptoms are always accompanied by aching pain.

If the pregnancy is ectopic, will the test show 2 strips

Many women ask the question: if the pregnancy is ectopic, will the test show 2 strips? From the moment of fertilization of the egg, the female body begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin, which is responsible for the reaction on the test strip. Therefore, the test will be positive regardless of where the implantation of the embryo occurred.

When diagnosing the incorrect position of the fetal egg, its removal is required. In the future, after a course of treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of the pathology, a woman has a chance to become pregnant and safely give birth to a baby. An ectopic pregnancy is not a sentence, but an accidental coincidence. For the prevention of pathologies of the reproductive function, it is necessary to carefully monitor health, to prevent hypothermia.

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The first signs of ectopic pregnancy in the early stages 4729 0 26.02.2017

In the early stages, it is extremely difficult to determine pregnancy outside the uterus, since the symptoms are in no way different from the normal course of pregnancy. Physiological signs begin to appear as early as the sixth week, but due to the incorrect location of the egg, the body does not have confirmation of pregnancy, so the test may give negative results. In this case, a woman should focus on well-being and not hesitate to visit a specialist.

With untimely provision of specialized assistance, an ectopic pregnancy leads to serious complications in the form of infertility. Cases were noted when due to bleeding and peritonitis there were deaths. Therefore, in order to protect women's health and life in general, it is necessary to focus on early symptoms and have an idea about the types of pathology.

The first signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages

Causes of pathological egg attachment

Root cause Brief description
Inflammatory process in the reproductive organs, purulent diseasesDue to the pathological process, a structural disorder occurs in the mucosa of the pathways, which significantly impairs muscle contractility. As a result, an already fertilized egg cannot normally advance into the uterine cavity. Because of this, the egg can be fixed directly in the fallopian tube.
Physiological pathologies of the fallopian tubesThe inherent anatomical structure of the tubes can greatly complicate the process of a normal pregnancy. This is explained by the curved or elongated shape of the tubes, which makes it difficult to transport a fertilized egg.
The consequences of surgical interventionsAfter surgery, adhesions may occur in the abdominal cavity, the resulting adhesions also prevent the attachment of the egg in the right place.
Consequences of contraceptivesIf a woman takes oral hormonal contraceptives for a long period of time or uses the protection of a spiral for many years, then an ectopic pregnancy is not excluded.
Additional factors (hypothermia, consequences of infectious diseases, hormonal disorders)All these factors negatively affect the process of natural conception and the subsequent course of pregnancy.

The main causes of ectopic pregnancy

It is important! If you take care of women's health (timely refuse to take OK, remove the spiral), regularly undergo examinations at the gynecologist, then, in the absence of congenital pathologies, the woman excludes the possibility of pregnancy outside the uterine cavity.

One of the first signs of a pathological pregnancy

All the way, from the ovary to the destination - the uterus, the egg can find a place of attachment. Incorrect attachment can occur due to the presence of an adhesive process or chronic inflammation, so an egg can attach even in the abdominal cavity.

Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy

Then, after three to four weeks of development, the embryo begins to make itself felt, symptoms appear that are similar to the normal course of pregnancy:

  • the first warning sign of pregnancy manifests itself in the form of a delay in menstruation;
  • taking a test can confirm pregnancy (two clear or one barely visible line) or show a negative result. The lack of reaction to the test may indicate that the body during an ectopic pregnancy produces an insufficient amount of a certain hormone, which appears on the test;
  • changes in emotional states;
  • the general temperature rises to 37 degrees, the basal temperature is no different from the indicators during a normal pregnancy;
  • the mammary gland, when touched, is characterized by increased sensitivity;
  • the urge to urinate will become much more frequent;
  • toxicosis characteristic of the state of pregnancy will appear.

The nature of pain during ectopic pregnancy

Note! All the primary signs of pregnancy outside the uterine cavity are no different from the symptoms that appear during normal pregnancy, therefore, when such signs appear, a woman needs to go for an examination and exclude the possibility of an ectopic conception. After all, statistics show that in most cases, the detection of pathology occurs already when bleeding opens or a rupture of the organ where the egg was attached (ovary, fallopian tube) occurred.

Types of ectopic pregnancy

Schematic representation of an ectopic pregnancy

In order to have a more detailed understanding of an ectopic pregnancy, all its possible types should be considered, because the symptoms that have arisen may depend on the place of attachment.

Type of ectopia What is characterized by
TrubnayaIn medicine, it is defined as the most common type of pathology. For some reason, an already fertilized egg, heading to its destination, is not able to move along the fallopian tube. Thus, there is an attachment at the location. The development of the egg occurs most often in the ampoule part of the organ. At the sixth week of active growth, the tube may burst. Characteristic symptoms: a significant decrease in blood pressure, not typical for the patient; possible loss of consciousness and severe dizziness; in the lower abdomen on the left or right side there is a sharp pain (the location of the pain will depend on the place of attachment in one of the tubes); profuse bleeding from the vagina; mucous membranes are characterized by increased dryness;

there is an increase in body temperature

OvarianThis pathology is noted much less frequently, since it is associated only with defects in the uterine cavity. If a woman knows about health problems, then when primary symptoms appear, it is necessary to go for an examination. Thus, it is possible to determine the exact place of embryo attachment and start urgent surgical treatment in order to preserve the possibility of normal functioning of the ovary in the future.
AbdominalOne of the most difficult species to diagnose. An egg is attached near the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal organs of the peritoneum. In this case, the symptomatology is similar to that with the normal development of the embryo in the uterine cavity. This pathology has an increased risk, since bleeding opens into the abdominal cavity and is extensive. However, medicine was aware of cases when it was this type of pregnancy outside the uterus that could be preserved and carried out as a full-fledged child. But the chances of a successful pregnancy are too small
heterotopicIt is characterized by the simultaneous development of two or more fertilized eggs. That's just one embryo develops normally in the uterine cavity, and the second in an atypical place. At the same time, hCG indicators remain within the normal range. It is difficult to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, since ultrasound can only show a uterine pregnancy. Therefore, most often there is an incorrect diagnosis of the condition of a woman.

Types of position of the embryo

Carefully! Symptoms in the early stages with the development of the embryo in the wrong place will be completely similar to the normal course of pregnancy. Only in the absence of untimely diagnosis can bleeding occur, which is fraught with serious complications.

What are the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy?

At an early stage, the following signs will help determine an ectopic pregnancy:

  1. There is scanty discharge after a long period of delay, which resembles menstruation, but is characterized by a brown or brown color. There is a high probability of bleeding, but there may not be visible manifestations as such if the bleeding has opened into the abdominal cavity (with abdominal attachment of the embryo).
  2. There is a strong pain syndrome in the abdomen, while the exact localization of pain will depend on the place of attachment of the fertilized egg. Pain is aggravated by movement or attempts to change the position of the body.
  3. Chills and general malaise begin, resembling the development of a cold.
  4. Temperature increase.
  5. The presence of bleeding (urgently need to call an ambulance, as this can be fatal).

Signals of the body about an ectopic pregnancy

Signs during the examination

If, when the above symptoms appear, a woman seeks qualified help, then an ectopic pregnancy can be confirmed in two ways:

  • according to hCG indicators, that is, the blood contains chorionic gonadotropin, which during pregnancy begins to be produced by the body in large quantities, so pregnancy can be determined already in the first weeks after conception. When an atypical pregnancy occurs, hormone production is slowed down and a pregnancy test may be negative, but laboratory tests can determine;
  • according to the level of progesterone, this is a special hormone responsible for the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, if the symptoms indicate pregnancy, but the progesterone level is too low, then there is a risk of an atypical pregnancy.

These indicators are the main diagnostic methods that are also used in determining a pregnancy that does not develop in the uterine cavity. Additionally, an ultrasound examination is prescribed (confirmation can be found as early as the fourth week). If there is no embryo in the uterine cavity, then specialists examine other areas where attachment of a fertilized egg is possible.

You can learn more about ectopic pregnancy and its dangerous consequences here:

Video - Ectopic pregnancy signs, symptoms and advice from doctors

Ectopic pregnancy: symptoms, signs of tube rupture

Ectopic pregnancy is considered by doctors to be the most insidious and unpredictable gynecological disease. Ectopic pregnancy is not so rare, in about 0.8 - 2.4% of all pregnancies. In 99 - 98% it is a tubal pregnancy. After a disease, especially a tubal pregnancy, a woman's chances of remaining childless increase. What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, the causes of its occurrence, treatment, complications - this is our article.

Ectopic pregnancy: how is it classified?

An ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy is a pathology characterized by the fact that the embryo is localized and grows outside the uterine cavity. Depending on where the implanted egg was “deployed”, tubal, ovarian, abdominal and pregnancy are isolated in the rudimentary horn of the uterus.

Pregnancy in the ovary is divided into pregnancy that progresses on the ovarian capsule, that is, outside and pregnancy directly in the follicle. Abdominal pregnancy is primary (the conception and implantation of the egg to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity occurred initially) and secondary (after the fetal egg is “thrown out” of the fallopian tube, it is attached to the abdominal cavity).

Case example: A young nulliparous woman was brought to the gynecology department by ambulance. There are all symptoms of bleeding into the abdominal cavity. During the puncture of the abdominal cavity, dark blood enters the syringe through the Douglas space of the vagina. Diagnosis before surgery: ovarian apoplexy (no delay in menstruation and the test is negative). During the operation, an ovary with a rupture and blood in the abdomen are visualized. Ovarian apoplexy remained as a clinical diagnosis until the histological results were known. It turned out that there was an ovarian pregnancy.

How early can an ectopic pregnancy be diagnosed?

The disease is easiest to determine after the pregnancy is terminated (either a ruptured tube or a completed tubal abortion). This can happen at different times, but, as a rule, in 4 to 6 weeks. In case of further growth of pregnancy, it is possible to suspect its ectopic localization with a probable period of 21-28 days, the presence of hCG in the body and the absence of ultrasound signs of uterine pregnancy. Pregnancy, which "chosen" a place for itself in the rudimentary horn of the uterus, can be interrupted later, at 10-16 weeks.

Early symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

When do early symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy appear? If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, this pathology can be suspected if there is a delay in menstruation. However, an ectopic pregnancy that continues to grow and develop is practically no different from a pregnancy that is in the uterus in the early stages. The patient usually notes the following first symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy:

Firstly, this is an unusual regular menstruation - its delay or meager menstruation. Secondly, mild or moderate pains of a pulling nature due to stretching of the wall of the fallopian tube due to the growth of the fetal egg. The test for ectopic pregnancy is most often positive.

  • delay in menstruation is noted by women in 75-92% of cases
  • pain in the lower abdomen - 72-85% both weak and intense
  • bloody discharge - 60-70%
  • signs of early toxicosis (nausea) - 48-54%
  • enlarged and painful mammary glands - 41%
  • pain radiating to the rectum, lower back - 35%
  • positive (not all) pregnancy test

The erroneous opinion of many is that if there is no delay in menstruation, then the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy can be excluded. Very often, smearing vaginal discharge during ectopic pregnancy is perceived by some women as normal menstruation. According to some authors, it is possible to identify WB in 20% of cases before the delay in menstruation. Therefore, a thorough history taking and a complete examination are very important for the timely establishment of this diagnosis.

During examination by a gynecologist, he reveals cyanosis and softening of the cervix, an enlarged, soft uterus (the first signs of pregnancy). On palpation of the area of ​​the appendages, it is possible to determine on one side an enlarged and painful tube and / or ovary (tumor-like formations in the area of ​​the appendages - in 58% of cases, pain when trying to deflect the uterus - 30%). Their contours are not clearly palpable. On palpation of the tumor-like formation in the appendages, the doctor compares the size of the uterus and the delay in menstruation (obvious discrepancy) and prescribes an additional study:

  • Ultrasound of the internal organs of the genital area
  • Analysis for the content of hCG and progesterone
  • The progesterone level in an ectopic pregnancy is lower than in a normal pregnancy and there is no increase in hCG after 48 hours if the pregnancy is ectopic

For an interrupted ectopic pregnancy by a tubal abortion, a typical triad of symptoms, signs is characteristic:

  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract
  • as well as delayed menstruation

Pain in the lower abdomen is due to an attempt or pushing the fetal egg out of the fallopian tube. Hemorrhage inside the tube causes its overstretching and antiperistalsis. In addition, the blood that enters the abdominal cavity acts on the peritoneum as an irritant, which aggravates the pain syndrome.

A sudden, dagger-like pain in the iliac regions against the background of full health helps to suspect a tubal abortion. Pain, as a rule, occurs after 4 weeks of delayed menstruation, radiates to the anus, hypochondrium, collarbone and leg. Such attacks can be repeated repeatedly, and their duration is from several minutes to several hours.

If the internal hemorrhage is minor or moderate, an ectopic pregnancy may remain unrecognized for a long time, without any special signs. Some patients, in addition to the listed symptoms, note the appearance of pain during defecation. The pain attack is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, nausea. A slight increase in temperature is due to the absorption of the outflowing blood in the abdomen.

If intra-abdominal bleeding continues, the woman's condition worsens, and the pain intensifies. Bloody discharge from the genital tract is nothing more than a rejection of the mucous membrane in the uterus, transformed for future egg implantation (decidual layer), and they appear a couple of hours after the attack, and are associated with a sharp drop in progesterone levels. A characteristic feature of such secretions is their persistent repetition; neither hemostatic drugs nor curettage of the uterine cavity help.

When a fallopian tube rupture occurs, its symptoms

The timing of damage to the fallopian tube is directly related to in which part of the tube the embryo has settled. If it is located in the isthmic section, the rupture of the fetal site occurs at 4-6 weeks, with the "occupation" of the interstitial section by the fetal egg, the terms are lengthened, up to 10-12 weeks. If the embryo has chosen a place for further development of the ampullar part of the tube, which is located next to the ovary, the rupture occurs after 4 to 8 weeks.

Fallopian tube rupture is a dangerous way to end an ectopic pregnancy. It occurs suddenly and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • with severe pain
  • drop in blood pressure
  • increased heart rate
  • general deterioration
  • cold sweat and loss of consciousness
  • pain radiates to the anus, leg, lower back

All of these signs of ectopic pregnancy are due to both severe pain attack and massive bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

During an objective examination, pale and cold extremities, increased heart rate, rapid and weak breathing are determined. The abdomen is soft, painless, may be slightly swollen.

Massive hemorrhage contributes to the appearance of signs of irritation of the peritoneum, as well as muting of the percussion tone (blood in the abdomen).

A gynecological examination reveals cervical cyanosis, an enlarged, soft and less than the expected gestational age of the uterus, pastosity or a tumor-like mass in the groin on the right or left. An impressive accumulation of blood in the abdomen and in the small pelvis leads to the fact that the posterior fornix is ​​smoothed or protruded, and its palpation is painful. Bloody discharge from the uterus is absent, they appear after the operation.

Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix yields dark, non-clotting blood. This procedure is painful and is rarely used for pipe rupture (pronounced clinical picture: sharp pain, pain and hemorrhagic shock).

Case example: A primigravida young woman was referred from the antenatal clinic to the gynecology department to maintain her pregnancy. But as soon as she arrived, the pregnancy was disrupted by the type of pipe rupture. At the reception in the area of ​​the appendages, the alarming formation was not palpated, and the diagnosis sounded like a pregnancy of 5-6 weeks, the threat of interruption. Fortunately, the woman went to the doctor. There was no time to conduct a gynecological examination, the pressure was 60/40, the pulse was 120, severe pallor, significant dagger pain, and as a result, loss of consciousness. They quickly opened the operating room and took the patient. There was about 1.5 liters of blood in the stomach, and the pregnancy was about 8 weeks in the burst tube.

Why does an ectopic pregnancy occur?

Attachment of the fetal egg outside the uterine cavity is due to a violation of the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes or a change in the properties of the fetal egg. Risk factors:

  • inflammatory processes in the pelvis

Inflammatory processes of the appendages and uterus lead to neuroendocrine disorders, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and ovarian dysfunction. Among the main risk factors is chlamydial infection (salpingitis), which in 60% of cases leads to ectopic pregnancy (see chlamydia in women: symptoms, treatment).

Intrauterine contraceptives in 4% of cases lead to ectopic pregnancy, with prolonged use (5 years), the risk increases by 5 times. Most experts believe that this is due to the inflammatory changes that accompany the presence of a foreign body in a woman's uterus.

Abortions (consequences), especially numerous, contribute to the growth of inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, adhesions, disruption of peristalsis and narrowing of the tubes, 45% of women after artificial termination of pregnancy in the future have a high risk of developing an ectopic.

In a smoking woman, the risk of developing an ectopic is 2-3 times higher compared to a non-smoker, since nicotine affects the peristalsis of the tubes, the contractile activity of the uterus, and leads to various immune disorders.

  • malignant neoplasms of the uterus and appendages
  • hormonal disorders (including stimulation of ovulation, after IVF, taking a mini-drink, impaired production of prostaglandins)
  • fallopian tube surgery, tubal ligation
  • abnormal development of a fertilized egg
  • sexual infantilism (pipes are long, twisted)
  • endometriosis (causes inflammation and adhesions)
  • stress, fatigue
  • age (over 35 years old)
  • congenital malformations of the uterus and tubes
  • genital tuberculosis

What is the danger of an ectopic pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy is terrible for its complications:

  • severe bleeding - hemorrhagic shock - death of a woman
  • adhesions in the pelvis
  • secondary infertility
  • inflammation and intestinal obstruction after surgery
  • recurrence of ectopic pregnancy, especially after tubotomy (in 4-13% of cases)

Case example: A woman was admitted to the emergency room with classic symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. During the operation, the tube was removed from one side, and when the patient was discharged, recommendations were given: to be examined for infections, to be treated if necessary, and to abstain from pregnancy for at least 6 months (pregnancy was desired). Not even six months have passed, the same patient comes with a tubal pregnancy on the other side. The result of non-compliance with the recommendations is absolute infertility (both tubes are removed). The only good news is that the patient has 1 child.

An ectopic pregnancy is an emergency and requires immediate surgery. Salpingectomy (removal of the tube) is the most common, because in most cases the fallopian tube is severely damaged (regardless of the gestational age) and a future pregnancy has a serious risk of being ectopic again.

In some cases, the doctor decides on a salpingotomy (pipe incision, removal of the fetal egg, suturing the incision in the tube). A tube-preserving operation is performed when the size of the fetal egg is not more than 5 cm, the patient is in a satisfactory condition, and the woman’s desire to maintain childbearing function (recurrence of an ectopic). It is possible to carry out fimbrial evacuation (if the ovum is in the ampulla). The embryo is simply squeezed out or sucked out of the tube.

Alternatively, a segmental resection of the tube is used (removal of the damaged section of the tube, followed by suturing of the tube ends). In the early stages of tubal pregnancy, drug treatment is allowed. Methotrexate is injected into the tube cavity through the lateral fornix of the vagina under ultrasound control, which causes the dissolution of the embryo.

Will the patency of the tube remain after the operation? It depends on many factors:

  • Firstly, early activation of the patient (prevention of adhesions) and physiotherapy
  • Secondly - adequate rehabilitation therapy
  • Thirdly, the presence / absence of postoperative infectious processes


  • How to protect yourself after an ectopic pregnancy?

The use of pure progestin (mini-pill) drugs and the introduction of an IUD is not recommended. It is advisable to take oral combined contraceptives.

  • Can a pregnancy test show where it is located?

No, the test shows that pregnancy is taking place.

  • The delay is 5 days, the test is positive, and the fetal egg is not visualized in the uterus. What to do?

It is not necessary that an ectopic pregnancy has occurred. It is necessary to repeat the ultrasound in 1 - 2 weeks and conduct a blood test for hCG (in the early stages, pregnancy in the uterus may not be visible).

  • I had acute adnexitis, so I have a high risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy?

The risk, of course, is higher than in healthy women, but it is necessary to be examined for sexual infections, hormones, and to be treated.

  • When can I plan a pregnancy after an ectopic?

Obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Sozinova

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy early - 2 weeks

Of course, expecting a baby is a pleasant and exciting process, during which it is important to be under the supervision of a doctor and take care of yourself. The pregnancy itself is divided into "uterine" - the normal development of the fetus in the uterus and "ectopic" - when the fetus is in another area of ​​​​the internal genital organs and cannot reach the uterus. What are the signs of an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage of 2 weeks?

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic (or ectopic) pregnancy is a pathology characterized by the fact that the embryo does not develop in the uterine cavity as usual, but remains somewhere else (fallopian tube, uterine horn, ovary). Therefore, it is considered "ectopic", that is, "outside the uterus." According to the signs of an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage of 2 weeks in such cases, it is necessary to identify it as early as possible in order to consult a doctor.

As a rule, spermatozoa try to penetrate the egg, barely overtaking it, and when one succeeds, fertilization occurs. Then the egg needs to move towards the uterus, if there are no obstacles that prevent it from doing so. Pathology occurs precisely when there are obstacles in its path.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy at 2 weeks early

With regular menstruation, it is easier for a woman to suspect pregnancy when a delay occurs. In addition to her, a woman can note in herself:

  • Strange menstruation - delayed or scanty discharge;
  • If the embryo remains in the fallopian tube, there may be pain in that area of ​​the abdomen due to stretching of the tube;
  • An ectopic pregnancy will also show two strips on the test.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage of 2 weeks, reviews that can be used to compile statistics on the detection of early symptoms per 100 women:

  • Of these, 75 to 90% noted a delay;
  • From 72 to 80% felt pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity;
  • 70% noticed a weak discharge, similar to menstruation;
  • Early toxicosis (weakness with nausea) - up to 50%;
  • Change in breast shape, sensitivity -41%;
  • Pain radiating to the rectum and lower back was felt by 35% of women;
  • The test for diagnosing pregnancy did not show two strips to everyone.

Alas, a delay in the menstrual cycle cannot be a 100% indicator of the absence of an ectopic pregnancy. Many women notice spotting and attribute it to menstruation. Some authors of scientific publications and doctors claim that the delay may be a sign of WB in only 20%. Doctors need to perform all tests and carefully examine the patient before making a diagnosis.

HCG in ectopic pregnancy

The production of the hCG hormone during any pregnancy is increased. It is he who makes it possible to reveal “two strips” on the test, doctors call it the “pregnancy hormone”, produced by the chorion to form the future lining of the uterus.

To diagnose WB, the doctor must take an analysis of the amount of the hormone in the blood for a certain period from the moment of conception. In this case, the amount of hCG will also increase, but more slowly when compared with the course of a normal pregnancy, and the growth dynamics is weak. Therefore, monitoring hCG helps the doctor either establish or exclude the occurrence of WB.

Normally, the level of hCG begins to rise on the 5th day after the embryo is fixed. In non-pregnant women, it is up to 15mU per ml. During pregnancy, hCG rises weekly.


An ectopic pregnancy is a serious pathology that needs to be detected as soon as possible if present! Complications can be not only harm to health, but also the death of a woman in severe cases.

The most common is a tubal pregnancy, when the embryo is attached to one of the fallopian tubes. The result can be a rupture of the tube, after which the embryo can enter the abdominal cavity and internal bleeding begins. With timely surgical intervention, there is a chance to save the tube and remove the pregnancy without consequences.

Abdominal pregnancy, when the fetus develops in the abdominal region, is also dangerous, but there are cases in the world when women gave birth with such a diagnosis - they were helped by a timely operation.

Unfortunately, in more than 90% of cases, doctors stop the development of the fetus and remove it, trying to protect the mother's condition and the possibility of bearing in the future as much as possible. Refers to the signs of an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage of 2 weeks and a photo, namely an ultrasound scan, which helps specialists to diagnose and take action on time. Modern equipment allows you to accurately see in which area the embryo has settled. At a two-week period, the doctor may prescribe such a procedure if, during a personal examination, he suspects pregnancy.

Pregnancy test 2 weeks after conception

2 weeks pregnant can be seen on ultrasound

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An ectopic pregnancy is not common, but it cannot be called a rarity either. According to statistics - 2 out of 100 pregnant women have this dangerous pathology.

Its causes have not been thoroughly studied, so any woman who does not avoid sexual activity can face it.

An ectopic pregnancy, even in the mildest cases, does not pass without a trace for a woman - she is always accompanied by inflammation, bleeding, anemia and scars in the appendages.

About 30% of women remain infertile, about 20% are at risk of repeating this unpleasant experience. However, almost half have every chance of a subsequent normal pregnancy with the birth of a healthy child.

These chances increase if, without wasting time in the early stages, as soon as the first suspicions and signs of ectopic fixation of the egg appear, take the most active measures to avoid rupture and removal of damaged organs.

There is not enough space for the growth of a rapidly developing embryo outside the uterus, tissues of other organs are not adapted for fetal implantation and do not have the necessary elasticity.

As a result, the embryo itself either exfoliates from the wall of the appendage or breaks it. Both cases cause internal bleeding and threaten the death of the woman.

Important to remember! It is impossible to do without surgical medical intervention in case of spontaneous abortion or rupture, and with an increase in the period, the risk increases.

It is very important to have an idea of ​​​​how an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages. Recognizing the first signs of this dangerous pathology, you can solve the problem with minimal consequences.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy before a delay

Before a delay in menstruation, not every woman succeeds in suspecting serious changes in the normal course of the cycle, including dysfunction or pregnancy (both normal and ectopic).

At this stage, many do not think about a possible problem.

Especially since the very first evidence of conception is very similar to PMS:

  • decreased tone and drowsiness;
  • appetite changes;
  • dizziness, absent-mindedness and mood variability;
  • the chest fills up, becomes sensitive.

ectopic early pregnancy manifests itself in the same way as a normal one, and its first signs may not be pronounced.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in the first week, as it manifests itself in the early stages

The egg begins to move towards the uterus during fertilization. Within 5-6 days, the embryo (still in the form of a single cell - a zygote) exists in a state not associated with the mother's body.

By the end of the first week, he is already completely ready for implantation - for subsequent development, he needs nutrition and oxygen. If it was not possible to reach the uterus by this time, the process of fixing begins where it is at that moment.

It happens (but less often) that a fetal egg that has already entered the uterus is pushed out of it and attached to the surrounding tissues of the peritoneum or in the ovary.

To fix the shell of the fetal egg begins to form outgrowths-villi - chorion(from which the germinal part of the placenta subsequently develops).

These villi actively penetrate into the tissues of the uterus (and in case of ectopic pregnancy - into the walls of the organ to which the embryo tries to attach), destroying them and the walls of blood vessels. This process takes about 2 days.

Note! The very first sign of conception is a slight discharge of blood about a week before the expected period. They are called implantation bleeding.

At this stage, it is still impossible to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a normal one.

Unpleasant sensations (if any) are often explained by the body's reaction to restructuring, and not by the presence of any pathology.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy at 6-8 weeks

How an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages (its first signs) depends entirely on which of the organs the fetal egg is implanted in.

There are such types of this pathology:

Type of ectopic pregnancy How it manifests itself in the early stages First signs
TrubnayaUsually the embryo stops in the widest part of the fallopian tube. Then the first symptoms become noticeable by the 8th week and later.

But in 1/3 of such pathologies, it is located closer to the uterus, where the walls of the tube are narrow and inelastic. Then sharp, painful sensations appear as early as 5 weeks.

With this position of the embryo, the risk of rupture of the tube is very high.

  • Stitching pains from the affected oviduct;
  • Blood discharge (usually weak, spotting);
  • Convulsive pains under the peritoneum;
  • Incessant, drawing pain;
  • Lethargy, dizziness, low blood pressure are signs of internal bleeding.
AbdominalAppears closer to 5 weeks.
  • Discharge, weakness, pallor - indicate bleeding;
  • Pain can be both on the side and in the middle of the abdomen.
CervicalUsually it does not arouse suspicion for a long time, because in this organ there is enough space for the growth of the embryo at first.
  • Very rarely causes pain or discomfort unusual for pregnancy;
  • Has a tendency to prolonged and profuse vaginal bleeding, because there are many blood vessels in the attachment zone;
  • Blood loss can be significant and can cause shock and life-threatening.
OvarianThe walls of the ovary are well stretched, so the embryo can develop with little or no deviations up to 18–20 weeks (begins to move).

A woman at this time does not notice any discomfort. After that, an inevitable rupture of the organ occurs.

  • Usual toxicosis and spotting;
  • Tolerable point pain at the implantation site;
  • Later - severe attacks of pain radiating to the lower back and anus, accompanied by dizziness and nausea;
  • Pain during bowel movements.

Be careful! It happens that an ectopic pregnancy is asymptomatic and does not cause any unusual sensations until an emergency. This leads to its delay and threatens with irreversible consequences.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy for more than 8 weeks

By the way the first signs of pregnancy appear in the early stages, it is difficult even for qualified specialists to distinguish a normal process from an ectopic pathology.

8 weeks is considered a critical period - at 8-10 weeks of tubal pregnancy, a rupture of the oviduct is likely. Therefore, doctors try to remove the fetal egg before the 7-week period.

It is already possible to assume ectopic implantation at week 8 with a high degree of certainty:

However, all of these factors cannot give complete confidence in the presence (or absence) of this pathology:

  • Low hCG it can be a symptom of problems with a normal pregnancy - this is how the first signs of a threatened miscarriage, delayed fetal development, pregnancy fading appear;
  • Dimensions of organs and seals in them, with a manual examination, they can also indicate both an ectopic pregnancy and other causes, especially against the background of already existing diseases;
  • With ultrasound in the early stages of fluid accumulation, blood clots or folds of the epithelium are easily mistaken for a gestational sac.

That's why if necessary, confirm suspicions, diagnostic laparoscopy is prescribed– internal examination of the abdominal cavity using a telescopic tube connected to a video camera.

Holes for insertion of instruments have a minimum size, and the method is considered one of the most forgiving.

If pathology is present, such equipment allows you to continue the procedure, such as surgery to remove the fetal egg and cauterize the damaged vessels.

Timely laparoscopy allows you to save the appendages in which implantation has occurred, and reduce the risk of infertility.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy due to rupture of the tubes

Without medical intervention, tubal pregnancy leads to two results:

  • tubal abortion- the dead embryo exfoliated (sometimes partially) from the wall of the oviduct enters the abdominal cavity. Based on such a natural solution to the problem, doctors sometimes choose a temporary tactic of monitoring the course of pregnancy without intervention;
  • pipe rupture- if a spontaneous abortion has not occurred before the 10th week or measures to remove the embryo have not been taken.

Tubal abortion is accompanied by:

Pipe rupture symptoms:

  • Unilateral, "dagger" pain in the lower abdomen with nausea and intense sweating;
  • Internal bleeding, causing a sharp decrease in pressure, fainting, shock, threatening the life of a woman;
  • Since the blood flowing into the abdominal cavity painfully affects the nerve endings, and there are fewer such endings in the pelvis, pain relief comes in a sitting position. However, when you try to sit down, the loss of blood results in severe dizziness (sometimes with loss of consciousness). This characteristic symptom is called the Roly-Vstanka symptom.

Methods for determining an ectopic pregnancy

The most reliable ways to identify how an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself, to detect the first signs of this pathology in the early stages:

  • monitoring changes in hCG levels;
  • Ultrasound studies compared with the results of laboratory tests.

Low hCG level, as an indicator of HMP

HCG (chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced by the chorion (embryo membrane) from 6 days after fertilization.

By 7-11 weeks, the production of hCG increases several thousand times, and after that it decreases.

This period is the most productive for identifying various pathologies in the early stages, because with an abnormally developing pregnancy, the level of hCG lags behind the indicators inherent in a healthy process.

To determine the increase in hCG, a series of analyzes is performed with a small difference in time, the results of which are compared with normative tables.

During a pregnancy that proceeds without problems, the level of chorionic gonadotropin increases by at least 1.6 times in 48 hours.

If the test results showed a slower growth rate, this is a reason to suspect an ectopic pregnancy, a pathology of fetal development, or a threat of miscarriage.

When the hormone level is above 1800 mU / ml, a fetal egg is already clearly visible with transvaginal ultrasound. If, with such indicators, it is not detected in the uterine cavity, the doctor suggests ectopic implantation of the embryo.

How to identify HMP with a pregnancy test

On the 10-11th day after the conception of hCG in the urine of a woman, it is already enough for an express test to react to it.

And although it is impossible to distinguish an ordinary pregnancy from an ectopic one, some features of the result should be taken into account in order to conduct more reliable analyzes later.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the concentration of hCG in the urine of a woman is lower than expected by the term, and the test can show:

  • Absence of pregnancy. If it is later confirmed, the woman should inform the doctor about this, strictly observe the regimen of tests and studies, carefully consider any unusual sensations, even if they are not directly related to pregnancy;
  • The test confirms pregnancy, but only one strip is clearly colored. This should also alert, because it indicates a low level of hCG. Therefore, either it is too early to conduct the test (or it was not sensitive enough), or not everything is in order with the embryo.

Two or three repeat tests can be done 48 hours apart. If they show the same result or do not confirm pregnancy at all, there is reason for concern.

Interesting fact! An ectopic pregnancy (or other pregnancy-related problem) is just one possible reason for this result. The most harmless of them is an erroneous calculation of the gestational age.

If the rapid test showed the content of the hormone (at least the minimum), but the pregnancy was not confirmed, you should check for the presence of neoplasms.

When to see a doctor

Ectopic implantation of the embryo should be suspected if at 4–5 weeks (from the end of the last menstruation) the following are observed:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, sometimes chronic or associated with stress, walking, changing position;
  • discharge of blood (usually small, spotting), which is often mistaken for menstruation;
  • signs of bleeding - low blood pressure, anemia, dizziness, cyanosis of the lips, nails and eye sockets;
  • slow growth of hCG indicators;
  • the size of the uterus does not reach the prescribed time;
  • increased level of leukocytes;
  • elevated temperature (indicates tissue injury and the onset of inflammation).

Although The cause of ectopic pregnancy is not fully understood. s, they are mainly associated with violations of the patency of the pipes and their insufficient activity.

The egg does not have the ability to move independently, and the role of the vehicle when delivering it to the uterus is played by the cilia of the epithelium and the muscle contractions of the walls of the oviduct.

In this process, the balance of estrogen and progesterone, the absence of bends, adhesions and scars, as well as the mobility of the cilia, play an important role.

That's why The most at risk group are women who:

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to determine the presence of this pathology in time, even with all the considerable arsenal of modern medicine.

Judging by the reviews of women who have personally encountered this problem, an erroneous diagnosis is not uncommon. They advise, in case of any doubts, not to waste time, and check with several specialists in different clinics who have the necessary equipment and a reliable reputation.

This video will acquaint you with how an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages:

In this video, you will be shown and told about the main and main signs of an ectopic pregnancy: