What time do ultrasounds get pregnant. Examination of the blood flow of the umbilical cord. Planned and additional ultrasound: indications. When is an ultrasound done during pregnancy in trimesters

For every girl, the time of waiting for the birth of her beloved child is the happiest and most exciting. I would like to know what he is, how he develops, what happens to him even at the very early stage of pregnancy. Every pregnant woman worries about her baby being healthy and developing properly. It is ultrasound that allows you to monitor the process of fetal development throughout all 9 months.

What is an ultrasound

Ultrasound has been known for its special capabilities for a long time and longer than x-rays. Their properties and capabilities are different, but in the field of obstetrics, ultrasound has become just a panacea for solving many problems and has provided answers to the most common questions. In addition, ultrasound makes it possible to diagnose a variety of congenital diseases or pathologies in the early stages with an accuracy of 95-100%. It began to be applied in the middle of the twentieth century and since then every pregnant woman has the opportunity to see her unborn child. What is the purpose of this device?

The apparatus consists of a sensor and a receiver. The sensor sends invisible ultrasonic waves, which, when they enter the body, are converted, and the receiver decodes them and creates a picture. Modern equipment makes it possible to conduct ultrasound examinations at the highest level of quality and opens up many opportunities for doctors and future parents to monitor the process of fetal development.

Today, obstetricians and gynecologists perform several ultrasound sessions during pregnancy without fail. And to be precise, three. Why is this research necessary? What is the timeframe for doing this?

Ultrasound in the first trimester

The first ultrasound examination is performed at 9-14 weeks of fetal development. Already on this to see whether the baby is growing and forming correctly and in a timely manner. It is at this time that the first deviations and pathologies can be determined (all organs have already been formed in these weeks), and timely actions can be taken to solve such problems. Ultrasound in the first trimester allows you to get answers to the following questions:

  • The maximum exact gestational age is established;
  • Single or multiple pregnancy;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • Condition of the uterus and placenta;
  • The size of the fetus is measured;
  • It is possible to determine the gender of the child;
  • The most accurate due date is calculated.

In addition, ultrasound in the first trimester is also carried out in order to determine the size of the collar zone - the correctness of chromosomal development is also very important. If this zone exceeds 2.7 mm, then doctors can talk about the presence of pathologies such as Down syndrome. If ultrasound finds this kind of deviation, then additional studies and blood tests can confirm the diagnosis. The main thing is to identify the threat in time at an early stage of development. Unfortunately, Down syndrome is not treated by modern medicine. But its timely determination enables the mother to prepare for this kind of responsibility.

Ultrasound in the first trimester is extremely important, and a pregnant woman should not miss it. Thanks to him, your doctor will be able to establish the correct and most accurate monitoring of the development of your child. Also, after the study, you can get the first photo of your baby - the ultrasound doctor can do a screening for you.

It is worth noting that it is not recommended to conduct a study at an earlier date. Ultrasound, while providing many benefits, can still have some side effects. If you are not worried about pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, then postpone the first examination until the deadline of the first trimester. An examination in the early stages can only be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor and for good reasons.

The second ultrasound examination is carried out for a period of 20-24 weeks. At this time, you can learn a lot more about the baby. The doctor measures the size of the fetus: the circumference of the abdomen, the head, and the length of the femur. These parameters will help determine developmental deviations. In addition, you can determine how well developed the blood flow inside the placenta, as well as the uterus, the level of their maturity, as well as where and how they are located. The condition of the placenta can tell a lot. If there are seals in it, then this is a harbinger of various infections, and its detachment can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent such situations.

In addition, it is on the second ultrasound that the sex of the child is determined with 100% accuracy. The genitals become larger and more pronounced. It is during these weeks that you can talk about who you will have - a boy or a girl.

At the second ultrasound, amniotic fluid and cervix are examined. This allows you to prevent a number of pathologies. Timely undertaken therapy or timely hospitalization will help normalize the process of fetal development and lead to the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Unlike the first trimester test, the screening this time will allow you to have a more accurate picture of your baby.

This ultrasound procedure is performed at 32-34 weeks. By this time, the intrauterine development of the fetus is coming to an end, and the fetus itself is turning upside down. Ultrasound can confirm or refute this fact. And then the obstetrician - gynecologist can plan in advance a strategy for how the birth will take place. If the baby has not rolled over by this time, the doctor can take a number of actions to correct his position. Head presentation is very important for the correct and normal course of the birth process. At this stage, thanks to ultrasound, you can find out how much the child weighs and how tall he is. The latest study will also help determine when you can give birth. This is especially important if you are having a caesarean section.

During these weeks, the position and condition of the placenta are also examined. It is this fact that can tell whether a woman can give birth herself - in the event that the placenta is attached to the very top of the uterus. If it is shifted to the cervix, then such a placenta previa is an indication for a caesarean section. The maturity of the placenta indicates the readiness of a woman for the birth process. If the placenta matures ahead of schedule, then this indicates that the birth must be carried out ahead of schedule in order to avoid the transfer of the fetus.

At the final ultrasound, you have the opportunity to see your baby as he will be born.

Is it safe to do an ultrasound?

Many women are very worried about whether the ultrasound examination will harm the baby. Medicine does not give unambiguous answers to this question, but no obvious threats to the baby have been identified. It is precisely because of this ambiguity that the number of sessions is reduced to a minimum - 3 on clearly defined dates. On the territory of our country, the maximum number of ultrasounds can reach 10. But they are carried out exclusively for good reasons and the urgent recommendation of a doctor. This will protect the development of your baby and make it as correct as possible in the presence of various kinds of threats.

Also today it is possible to conduct a 3D study. It makes it possible to get a three-dimensional picture and view the child from all sides. 3D ultrasound is a real joy for the expectant mother. Thanks to him, you can quite accurately examine the face of the child, especially in the weeks of the last trimester, to consider how he moves and breathes.

Thanks to modern equipment, we can see our baby even in the womb. Ultrasound during pregnancy at various times gives you the opportunity to take care of the baby even when you cannot touch it.

At what gestational age do ultrasound for pregnant women and fetal diagnosis? It is better to consult with your doctor about this.

Every pregnant woman looks forward to seeing her baby. Thanks to the widespread use of ultrasound during pregnancy, it has become much easier for women to fulfill such a desire.

What is an ultrasound?

Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) is the diagnosis of various diseases or conditions using ultrasound. In simple terms, the device consists of a sensor that also acts as a receiver that sends ultrasonic waves into the body that are not audible to the human ear. When passing through various tissues of the body, the characteristics of ultrasonic waves change, which is perceived by the receiver. The received signal is converted in the ultrasound machine into an image visible on the monitor.

It should be noted that ultrasound has been known to man longer than X-rays, but in obstetric practice it began to be used only in the second half of the 20th century. Prior to this active introduction into the practice of ultrasound research, obstetricians were guided by the condition of a pregnant woman to assess the degree of development of the baby, which, of course, was subjective. Thanks to the use of ultrasound diagnostics, it was possible to get rid of subjectivity and diagnose various congenital malformations of the fetus at the earliest stages.

Types of ultrasound and their features

The ultrasound technique can be used to diagnose diseases:

  • abdominal organs;
  • thyroid gland;
  • kidneys;
  • pelvic organs;
  • prostate;
  • mammary glands;
  • vessels.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of ultrasound:

  • dopplerography;
  • echo contrast;
  • standard ultrasound

Doppler ultrasound evaluates blood flow in large vessels and chambers of the heart. Dopplerography can take place in several modes: continuous (constant wave), pulsed (periodic assessment), color mapping (correcting the color of the result), energy (reflects the density of red blood cells in volume, which indicates the degree of tissue saturation with blood) dopplerography. There are also combined options and a three-dimensional Doppler study.

Echo contrast is based on the intravenous injection of gas bubbles to accurately diagnose the disease. Allocate dynamic angiography and tissue echocontrasting.

In medical practice, ultrasound is additionally used for the introduction of drugs into tissues, for crushing stones and diagnosing various serious head injuries.

At what stage of pregnancy do ultrasound?

During pregnancy, ultrasound is performed three times: at 9-11 weeks, at 16-21 weeks, at 32-36 weeks. According to certain indications, the doctor may refer the pregnant woman to ultrasound examinations even at an earlier stage of pregnancy.

How many times to do an ultrasound during pregnancy?

To date, in obstetric practice, it is customary to conduct ultrasound during pregnancy at least three times. If necessary, the number of studies can be increased, but there must be objective reasons for this. In addition, ultrasound can be performed immediately before childbirth, when the possibility of childbirth through the natural birth canal is determined.

The first ultrasound is done at a period of 9-11 weeks, while:

  • normal pregnancy is confirmed;
  • the duration of pregnancy is determined;
  • the fetal heart rate is determined;
  • multiple pregnancy is detected;
  • an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage is detected;
  • problems of the placenta and uterus, as well as the pelvic organs, are revealed;
  • the size of the collar zone is determined (an increase in size characteristically indicates the possibility of malformations);
  • exact due date.

When to do a second ultrasound during pregnancy?

The second ultrasound is performed for a period of 16-21 weeks, while:

  • the fetus is measured;
  • an assessment of the condition of the fetus;
  • an estimate of the amount of water is given;
  • malformations are revealed;
  • the gender of the baby is known;
  • problems of the placenta, uterus are revealed;
  • the comparative characteristic of the received results at the first and second research is carried out.

When is the third ultrasound done?

The third ultrasound is performed at a period of 32-36 weeks, while:

  • the fetus is measured;
  • malformations are revealed;
  • problems of the placenta and uterus are revealed;
  • the normal development of organs and systems of the fetus is confirmed;
  • the structure of the lungs is studied;
  • the blood flow in the vessels of the baby, uterus and umbilical cord is assessed.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, ultrasound is not recommended, since ultrasound, like any other study, has its own indications and contraindications, as well as possible side reactions. For these reasons, ultrasound in the early stages in the absence of pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, bloody discharge from the genital tract is best ignored.

How often can an ultrasound be done during pregnancy?

On the territory of the CIS, ultrasound during pregnancy is performed at least three times, while the number of studies can be increased up to 10 times if there are good reasons for this. For example, developing placental abruption, the threat of premature birth, the threat of miscarriage, specialist advice to identify malformations, etc.

Is it safe to have an ultrasound during pregnancy?

To date, there is no objective data confirming the harmfulness of the use of ultrasound during pregnancy. But, despite this fact, the appointment of ultrasound in early pregnancy is undesirable, especially before the 10th week, when the main organs and systems of the fetus are formed. For certain reasons, the doctor has the right to prescribe an ultrasound scan at an early stage if the fetus is expected to develop roughly or there is a threat of miscarriage (for example, starting placental abruption).

Determination of the sex of the child with ultrasound, a boy or a girl?

During the passage of the second ultrasound, the doctor is already very likely to tell the pregnant woman the gender of her unborn child, since by this time all the main organs and systems, in particular, the genital one, have already been formed. In some cases, it becomes difficult to determine the sex of the child. For example, during the study, the baby turns away or closes with arms and legs, as a result of which external sexual characteristics are not visible. It is for these reasons that in rare cases the sex of the child is determined after childbirth.

What is 3D ultrasound?

3D ultrasound (three-dimensional examination) refers to a type of ultrasound examination in which a three-dimensional image is created instead of the usual two-dimensional image. With this type of examination, ultrasound waves are directed at different angles, and not from top to bottom, which allows you to get a three-dimensional picture. So the baby can be viewed from all sides.

In recent years, 4D ultrasound has been used in obstetric practice, in which time is added to the three-dimensional image, that is, it becomes possible to see the baby in motion.

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother needs regular examinations and monitoring of the process of bearing a child, so you need to know how many weeks to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy.

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This examination allows you to always keep the situation under control and obtain data that can guide the gynecologist on further actions, if necessary. In addition to many indicators that are understandable only to a doctor, the expectant mother will be able to obtain visual information about her baby.

The principle of the study is based on echolocation: ultrasonic waves are reflected from the tissues into which they penetrate. At the same time, images of these tissues appear on the screen. The reflected rays are received by a sensor that perceives the received signals depending on the density of the tissues. This allows a clear image of the fetus to be displayed on the screen.

Today, such a study is the safest and most effective. It has been used for 40 years, but so far no negative impact on the unborn baby has been noticed. Let's figure out when is the best time to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy.

Time of first examination

Every expectant mother needs to know when the first ultrasound can be done to confirm pregnancy. It is carried out for a period of 3-5 weeks after the start of the last menstruation. Today in obstetrics two diagnostic methods are used:

  • through the abdominal wall;
  • transvaginal using a vaginal sensor, on which a special condom is put on.

It is worth knowing that no matter how long you do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, it is the vaginal examination that increases the reliability and accuracy of the information received, since the sensor is in contact with the internal organs. In this case, there is no need to fill the bladder before diagnosis. Already at 4-5 days of delay, you can confirm the fact of the lesson. It turns out that embryological pregnancy is determined for a period of 2 weeks.

Vaginal examination

At the moment when you can already do your first ultrasound in the presence of pregnancy, the diameter of the fetal egg is only about 5 mm. To determine the exact date, it is necessary to measure the size of the embryo from the head to the coccyx. The probability of error in this case is no more than three days. If there is no need to confirm the fact of conception, and the absence or presence of uterine pathology was established in another way, the first planned ultrasound visit is carried out during pregnancy for up to 12 weeks.

We figured out when you can go for the first ultrasound during uterine pregnancy, and now let's understand what it shows:

  • 7 weeks - the head of the embryo;
  • 8 weeks - fetal limbs;
  • 9-11 weeks - bones of the limbs and ossification points;
  • 11-14 weeks - the presence or absence of the stomach, kidneys, bladder, all fingers of the fetus.

When the first ultrasound examination is done during pregnancy, the “collar space” must be measured. The normal size is a maximum of 3 mm. At 3 mm or more, the fetal neck begins to swell, which indicates a chromosomal disorder and a risk of Down's symptom.

"Collar space" is important to measure when carrying twins. The sooner you detect it, the more accurate the result of the examination for the presence of Down syndrome will be, since it is with a large pregnancy that errors are possible in detecting this symptom.

Collar space

Carrying out ahead of schedule

Sometimes the doctor decides to prescribe an ultrasound diagnosis earlier than it is usually done. This happens when there is a risk of developing any pathology.

There are several cases when the first ultrasound examination when pregnancy occurs is done ahead of schedule.

  1. The risk of anomalies in the development of the genital organs.
  2. Differential diagnosis of a woman with a uterine tumor or fibroma.
  3. Suspicion of hydatidiform mole, incomplete pregnancy.
  4. Suspicion of the development of tubal and other ectopic pregnancy.
  5. Possible miscarriage.

In these cases, the woman has certain symptoms, which is why the doctor changes the period at which he makes the first ultrasound of the pregnant woman. The most serious symptom is bleeding after a missed period and a positive test. Pro .

Bleeding may indicate any of the conditions that were listed above. With an ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage in women, the lower abdomen hurts a lot.

If a cystic drift is observed, then the fetus does not develop, and the fetal membranes begin to grow in the form of blisters that grow into the uterus, can enter the brain and lungs. This condition can be determined by the size of the uterus, which begins to grow faster than expected. The woman's health worsens and, if no action is taken, a fatal outcome is possible.

Examination in the first trimester

The first screening ultrasound is done at 10 to 14 weeks of gestation. It is prescribed to detect fetal abnormalities, genetic abnormalities, and also helps diagnose possible problems with placental blood flow and fetal position. Screening can be done vaginally and through the abdomen.

First planned trip

In the first case, you will have to undress below the waist and lie down with your legs bent, after which the doctor inserts a thin probe into the vagina. The procedure does not bring discomfort, however, a little bleeding may appear the next day. When examining through the abdomen, you need to undress to the waist or lift your clothes. The specialist applies a special liquid to the abdomen and moves the sensor over it.

After screening, the doctor draws up a protocol where he writes down the main parameters determined during the study. These include:

  • heart rate;
  • coccyx-parietal size;
  • visualization of the embryo;
  • the size of the collar space;
  • chorion structure;
  • the location of the chorion;
  • structural features of the uterine walls;
  • features of the uterine appendages.

After the ultrasound, the patient is sent for a biochemical study, which is also included in the first screening procedure. The specialist takes blood from a vein to obtain the necessary information. The last meal should be four hours before the study.

Once you have figured out when to do the first screening ultrasound during pregnancy, you should not hesitate. With the help of diagnostics, it is possible to set the period up to the day, find out how the fetus is developing, whether there are defects or features of the genital organs that can complicate the process of bearing a child or even interrupt it.

Ultrasound helps to determine the period of position

Preparation for the study

Once you have decided on when it is better to go to the doctor and do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, you should prepare for the study. If the diagnosis will be performed through the abdomen, two hours before the procedure, you will need to drink about two liters of water without gas. You should not urinate before the procedure.

If you are deciding how to prepare for the first ultrasound during a short pregnancy, you need to know what you need to take with you to the doctor:

  • condom;
  • towel;
  • shoe covers;
  • diaper.

A condom is needed to put it on the transvaginal probe. Some paid clinics provide their own consumables, which are included in the cost of admission. So you don't have to carry them with you. Please check with your administrator for this information. Use .

Also, before the examination, you need to wash the external genitalia and put on clean underwear. The day before the planned study, it is necessary to completely exclude fried and fatty foods, limit the consumption of seafood, chocolate, citrus fruits.

Once you understand what time doctors do the first ultrasound with a short pregnancy, make an appointment. You are now a future mom, so take care of your baby and do everything to protect him from various diseases.

Thank you 0

Ultrasound diagnostics is the main type of examination of the condition of the fetus during its gestation.

Thanks to ultrasound, it is possible to monitor changes in the growth of the embryo and timely identify possible pathologies of its development. Every expectant mother worries and worries about the health of her unborn child.

Ultrasound allows you to distinguish the developing new life on the monitor screen. Since when can a tiny embryo be seen during an examination? At what time can pregnancy be determined?

Determining the fact of conception is possible starting from the 5th week of the term. But this is only possible for experienced medical professionals. The size of a fertilized egg at this stage is not more than 2 mm. At the same time, on the screen of an ultrasonic device, it will look like a small dot, from which a full-fledged organism will grow in the future.

The total number of ultrasound sessions is usually limited to 3 or 4. Each procedure is prescribed by the obstetrician-gynecologist who manages the pregnancy. For certain indications and possible risk factors for fetal loss, the study may be performed more frequently.

There is no strict schedule for the implementation of diagnostic procedures. The frequency of ultrasound depends on the age and health of the expectant mother, the number of fetuses, the course of pregnancy with or without complications. If the gestation period passes without excesses, then the doctor will set the timing of the procedures and tell you how many weeks it will be necessary to undergo examinations. Usually the date is determined and 3 procedures are done for the entire period from conception to the birth of a child.

Planned ultrasound during pregnancy is usually prescribed:

  1. At 11-14 weeks.
  2. At 20-23 weeks.
  3. At 29-32 weeks.

Each study in a certain period has its own goals. If pregnancy is suspected, an initial diagnosis should be made. Here, future parents have a question, for how long. At 3-5 weeks, the doctor will confidently determine the "interesting position" of the woman. An ultrasound examination will help make sure that the fetal egg is attached to the uterus and there is no threat of an ectopic pregnancy.

Carrying out early unscheduled ultrasound

In the early stages, you should undergo an ultrasound as prescribed by the gynecologist who is observing your pregnancy. Indications for an unscheduled inspection may be the following reasons:

  1. Deviation of the size of the uterus from the norm during the current gestational age.
  2. Frequent or single spotting during the period of gestation.
  3. Disturbing pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen with possible fertilization of the egg.
  4. To determine the "frozen" pregnancy and the possible rejection of the fetus by the woman's body.
  5. During pregnancy by artificial insemination, additional procedures are performed that show the condition and level of development of the embryo.

Carrying out the first diagnostic procedure

The first ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to show how the embryo develops correctly and determine if it has a heart rhythm. The size of the unborn child at this time allows the doctor to distinguish between vital organs.

Therefore, you can see serious malformations of organs: pathologies of the brain, heart, the presence of various formations that may not be compatible with the life of a child. In case of detection of severe pathologies, it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons.

In addition to negative aspects, it can bring good news for future parents about the presence of two or more fetuses in the uterine cavity. With the help of ultrasound, carried out at 11-14 weeks, it is possible to accurately determine the gestational age, which cannot be achieved with certainty during a gynecological examination. The doctor measures the length of the fetus and determines whether its size corresponds to developmental standards.

Ultrasound assesses the thickness of the collar space. This indicator allows you to exclude the presence of chromosomal abnormalities. With a TVP value of more than 2.7 mm, there is a possibility that the unborn child will develop Down syndrome and other anomalies. The presence of such a threat is not a reason to immediately panic. The doctor will definitely prescribe additional procedures, including a blood test, to make a final diagnosis.

Conducting a second ultrasound examination

In the period of 20-23 weeks, a second ultrasound is performed during pregnancy. The health worker applies a gel to the growing belly of the expectant mother and drives a special device over it. Diagnostics will decide the issue of determining the sex of the unborn child. Boy or girl? This question worries, perhaps, every parent.

If the fetus did not turn its back during the examination, then the doctor will resolve all your doubts. The second ultrasound during pregnancy makes it possible for the expectant mother and father to hear the clear heartbeat of their baby, see the movements of the little man and his movements with his arms and legs on the screen.

Diagnosis during the second trimester includes examination of the condition of the cervix, the amount of amniotic fluid. The specialist carefully examines the placenta, its location, age and structure. Be sure to consider the blood flow, which is installed in the umbilical cord. With early placental abruption, drug treatment is prescribed, and to maintain pregnancy, the woman is kept under observation in stationary conditions.

At the second ultrasound during pregnancy, the doctor measures certain parameters of the fetus, which determine its possible developmental delay. The doctor takes readings of the length of the femur, the circumference of the abdomen and the size of the head.

Carrying out the third examination

The third ultrasound is done during 29-32 weeks of pregnancy. It is considered the last before childbirth. By this period, the fetus already occupies a certain position and is located in the uterus with its head or pelvic end towards the birth canal. Ultrasound examination helps to determine the approximate weight of the baby and his height. Using ultrasound, the doctor calculates the possible date of birth and determines their method (conventional or caesarean section).

Polyhydramnios and poor condition of amniotic fluid are reasons for the possible occurrence of infectious diseases in a child. At the third ultrasound, these points are necessarily considered, as well as the presence of congenital surgical pathologies in the fetus.

The location of the placenta is an important criterion for examination. Normally, it should be at the top of the uterus. When the placenta is displaced downward, it can block the cervix and block the natural path for the birth of the baby. In this case, childbirth occurs by caesarean section.

Inspection of the umbilical cord on ultrasound equipment allows you to identify the presence of entanglement, its location, determine the number of turns. Timely identification of complex cases helps to avoid troubles in the birth process. Tight or repeated entanglement may be an indication for childbirth with the help of surgical intervention.

Ultrasound for determining ectopic pregnancy

If pain and spotting occur during early gestation, a woman may be diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fertilized egg, for some reason, is fixed outside the reproductive organ. An accurate diagnosis is determined by an ultrasound examination.

Usually, an ectopic pregnancy is determined in the period from 4 to 8 weeks of the term. The specialist determines the age and location of the embryo. When this pathology is detected, procedures are prescribed that will help correct the course of pregnancy or it is terminated.

The presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy and its diagnosis

The gestational age in case of threatened abortion does not matter. Pathology can occur both at 8 and 22 weeks. In this case, an ultrasound is done during pregnancy immediately.

The woman is sent under the close attention of doctors to the hospital. Here, additional procedures are carried out, the necessary tests are taken, and medication is prescribed. After correcting the course of pregnancy, a second examination is carried out.

When is an additional ultrasound needed?

How long do additional ultrasound procedures? This question can only be answered by an obstetrician-gynecologist who controls the course of a particular pregnancy.

For every woman, an “interesting position” can cause various changes in the body. It is not for nothing that some female representatives feel great at this time, while others, on the contrary, do not know how to get rid of the constant feeling of nausea.

The anamnesis may determine the indications for additional examinations:

  1. Previous miscarriages and premature births. Additional diagnostics are assigned to monitor the condition of the cervix.
  2. If a woman has already given birth by caesarean section, then close attention is paid to the condition of the scar.
  3. With multiple pregnancies, additional examinations are mandatory in the last weeks of the term. Diagnostics determines the position of children and their parameters.
  4. An unscheduled ultrasound is prescribed by a doctor if a woman has had a viral or other infection, which was accompanied by fever. The procedure shows whether the disease has affected the development and condition of the fetus.
  5. If the pregnant woman has ceased to feel the movements of the embryo, then an urgent examination is mandatory. In the worst case, this condition may indicate hypoxia or fetal death.

At what frequency should ultrasound be performed?

On this issue, there is still no consensus among doctors. One half considers ultrasound to be an absolutely safe procedure that does not affect the condition of the embryo and the health of the expectant mother and does not limit the number of procedures.

The other part is inclined to believe that additional examinations should be avoided. The negative or positive effect of ultrasonic waves on the human body has not yet been determined. It is not known whether ultrasound can damage the growing cells of a small embryo that develops in the womb.

Some scientists believe that ultrasound can affect the body of a tiny man and cause mutations in its development. Animal studies have shown slight developmental delay and reduced reproductive function with frequent ultrasound treatments. But no one says that you need to do an ultrasound during the period of gestation every day or week.

How to decide a pregnant woman? The main recommendation is to listen to the opinion of your doctor. If there are indications and possible threats, it is worthwhile to undergo an examination immediately. Some problems identified during ultrasound can be resolved in a timely manner.

The body and well-being of a woman during the period of bearing a child are individual. No need to believe in signs, pay attention to other pregnant women and compare yourself with them. It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound as prescribed by a doctor. Follow all the recommendations and you will give birth to a healthy and strong baby!

Ultrasound examinations, which are prescribed during pregnancy, help the doctor determine whether the baby is developing correctly, how much the embryo corresponds to the gestational age. For any mother, ultrasound is an opportunity to see her baby, listen to his heartbeat, examine parts of the body of the crumbs and his organs.

Screening studies are carried out 3 times during the entire pregnancy.

Types of ultrasound indications

Research is routine and planned. They are carried out, as a rule, 3 times during pregnancy at 10-12, 20-22, 30-34 weeks. Also, at the request of the mother, she can undergo a study at 26-38 weeks of pregnancy, usually, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, a 3-time study of the baby is enough.

In addition, if pathologies are detected in the fetus, selective studies are carried out.

Third ultrasound during pregnancy

The third routine fetal examination is the most important. It is during this period (30-34 weeks) that the doctor examines the pregnant woman to identify abnormalities and defects in the fetus.

The course of the study during the third planned ultrasound is no different from the course of the previous ones: the doctor evaluates the number of fetuses, their position in the uterine cavity, measures the size of the head circumference, the circumference of the tummy and the length of the baby's femur. In conclusion, the doctor writes how many weeks the pregnancy corresponds, that is, how much the size of the fetus is proportional to the average norms for a given gestational age.

In addition, the specialist determines the location and thickness of the placenta, pathological changes in the placenta, the degree of its maturity. Determining the amount of amniotic fluid is one of the main directions in the course of the ongoing study at 32-34 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor must exclude complications that may interfere with the birth process.

Ultrasound at 30-34 weeks of pregnancy - attention to the placenta!

As already noted, the last third ultrasound is aimed not only at studying the fetus, but also at studying the placenta. Let's dwell on this in more detail and find out what is the reason for such an increased interest in the placenta at these gestational ages.

So, the specialist needs to accurately determine the location of the placenta, which of the walls of the uterus it is attached to - this information can greatly help the doctor in the process of delivery, especially if the woman has indications for a caesarean section.

Also important is the ratio of the lower edge of the placenta to the opening of the cervix. This measurement is very important to determine the likelihood of prenatal bleeding and bleeding during labor.

The width of the placenta is also measured in the place where it is attached to the umbilical cord, the insufficient or excessive thickness of which, detected by ultrasound at 32-34 weeks of gestation, can be characterized as placental insufficiency. The internal structure of the placenta is also very important to study on the third ultrasound during pregnancy. The doctor, examining this indicator, determines the degree of "maturity" of the placenta. All these indications will help the doctor who leads the pregnancy determine how ready the woman's birth canal is for childbirth and whether there are any risks that may interfere with the normal course of the birth process.

The norms of the development of the baby and the interpretation of the results of ultrasound at 30-34 weeks of pregnancy

Specialists conducting an ultrasound examination of the fetus determine the size of the baby and compare them with special tables that indicate the norms for the development of the baby at this stage of pregnancy. Sometimes deviations from the norm of 1-2 weeks are possible, which in no way is an indicator of a fetal lag in development.

It is worth noting that all generally accepted norms are conditional and you should not panic if your future baby falls short of certain indicators. If you are very concerned about this issue, then it is worth showing the results of the study to the doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy, he will give the necessary explanations.

During the ultrasound, the specialist measures the fronto-occipital (LZR) and biparietal dimensions (BPR), head circumference (CG) and tummy (OC), the length of the leg bone and the length of the femur, the length of the shoulder and forearm of the fetus, as well as the size of the bones of the nose. If the size of the fetus is significantly smaller than the norm, then in the conclusion the doctor indicates intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus (IUGR).

If intrauterine growth retardation is detected, additional studies are prescribed to determine the fetal heartbeat and blood flow in the uterus, in the vessels of the embryo, and the umbilical cord.

You should not try to independently decipher the data obtained on ultrasound and compare them with normative tables, only a specialist will be able to give a complete and accurate conclusion about the course of fetal development, as well as the presence of deviations, if any.

Additional ultrasound at 35-38 weeks of pregnancy

If a future mother or baby has any problems that may affect the course of the birth process, the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound examination in the last weeks of pregnancy.

A pregnant woman can conduct additional research at her own request. At 35-38 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the date of birth, the weight of the baby and the amount of amniotic fluid, and confirm the gender of your unborn baby. Very often, additional ultrasounds at 37-38 weeks are prescribed to determine whether a woman needs to go to the hospital before giving birth.