Everything you need to know about mustaches. What are thin mustaches: types and photos

A beard and mustache have become a stylish accessory for most modern men, thanks to which the representatives of the stronger sex can show their courage, brutality and some kind of charisma. Since ancient times, many women have selected their husbands with good genetics for a thick, long beard, today ladies remain true to traditions and in most cases approve of the facial hair of a man.

Due to the great popularity, beard types are constantly growing and replenished with new styles. Barbers, as specialists in beard styling and cutting, offer many alternatives and options through which you can adjust the shape of the face. Politicians, actors, singers, athletes, stylists and other bright personalities become propagandists of one form or another of the beard.

Today, a beard for men is a significant plus in creating his image, external image and the advantage of his external attractiveness. Many men do not have the patience to grow a long and thick beard, and for those who do, it is difficult to choose the right type of beard for themselves. To choose the best option, just look at the most popular types of beards and photos of men for a visual assessment.

For reference! A beard trim is usually carried out after 2 months, as a man stopped shaving and cutting it. This length allows you to choose any type of beard offered by barbers.

In the complex, a beard and mustache can have several forms and options:

  1. Arabic beard- such a beard accepts all types of mustaches, and the length of the beard of Muslim men should be such as to fit in the hand. The beard can be arbitrary in appearance and style, so the Arabic beard can be square, round, triangular.
  2. lumberjack style- in this case, the beard should be large and voluminous, but always well-groomed. Ryan Gosling and Hugh Jackman became prominent representatives of this style.
  3. Russian beard- a similar beard shape to the lumberjack style, but in this case it should be a short beard with a mustache, covering the chin, the area around the mouth and neck to the Adam's apple.
  4. Anchor style- a special beard style with a small mustache, which is separated by a thinly shaved strip right in the center.
  5. Brett- a small beard with a mustache from Hollywood, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich covers the lower jaw and chin. Sideburns are supposed to be separate.
  6. box- the triangular shape of the face accepts just such a beard with a shovel, the style of which starts from the 60s. A beard can be compared to a ducktail, but only the length of the hairs can be absolutely any.
  7. Sail- in this form of beard, the sideburns should grow together with the line of the mustache, forming an interesting composition. But the chin area is smoothly shaved.
  8. Garibaldi- this type of beard was named after the Italian politician and general D. Garibaldi. The broad form of the beard fuses with sideburns, while the beard and mustache should be thick and up to 20 cm long. Different types of mustaches are combined with such an Italian beard, but most often it is a handlebar mustache.
  9. Irish beard-begins with a fu-manchu mustache that runs down the cheeks, fringing the upper lip and hanging down.
  10. Italian beard Balbo- an incomplete wide beard with a mustache, which should cover only part of the cheekbones, is also supposed to be designed under the lower lip. The author of the beard was the Italian politician and military Italo Balbo.
  11. french beard. Another such beard is called a French fork - it is a full beard with a mustache, coming from the sideburns and covering the cheeks.
  12. Beard Verdi- has a rounded shape and partially shaved cheeks with a lush mustache.
  13. round beard. This is a simplified version of the classic beard with a rounded shape on the chin.
  14. square beard. To get this beard style, grow sideburns and a beard, then square your hair.

Advice! If a man cannot decide on a suitable style of beard and mustache, almost all barbershops offer a computer modeling service on a client's photo.

Many types of beards can be done at home by almost all men. But there are quite specific options for beards and types of mustaches, which will not be possible for everyone to cut correctly. Therefore, you can carry out the first haircut in the salon, and then maintain and care for the beard, while maintaining the result.

All types of beards without mustaches

Without a mustache, numerous forms and types of beards are no less in demand, as there are men who do not wear vegetation at all over the upper lip. Modern names for beards without a mustache are as follows:

Without a mustache, a beard is distinguished by rationality, a special style, and men choose this type of beard for good criteria and reasons. Most often, we are talking about a different shade of mustache and beard hair, as well as chaotic and chaotic mustache growth. In any case, it is not advisable to refuse a luxurious beard due to mustache problems.

Fashion trends for cutting beards

Fashion trends of recent years dictate to men thick facial hair in the form of sideburns, mustaches and beards. But the following beard haircuts are considered the most relevant and at the peak of popularity:

Also, the fashion of the current year approves such types of beards as goatee, Suvorov beard, screen, Garibaldi stubble and goatee. Fans of extravagance and shocking can resort to the beards of famous movie characters, for example, the beard of Jack Sparrow or Tony Stark, the style of the Vikings and other colorful characters.

How to choose the right beard and mustache shape?

To choose the best beard option, a man should pay special attention to his face shape, appearance features and hair type. The shape of the beard and mustache must be determined by the shape of the face, namely:

  • for oval shape faces will suit all kinds of beards;
  • for diamond shape- a beard with dense vegetation, for example, Wolverine, a screen;
  • for an elongated face shape- any kind of beard of medium length with sideburns and a horseshoe-shaped beard haircut;
  • for round shape- to lengthen the face, you can wear a goatee or goatee, as well as massive stubble from one temple to another;
  • for a square face- the skipper and Hollywood beard is ideal;
  • for a triangular face- Lincoln or Balbo beard can increase the chin area.

Important! In order for the beard to look organically with the image of a man, you need to compare height and equipment. For example, a long thick beard will look ridiculous on a short man and vice versa.

Clothing style and beard shape

A man needs to choose varieties of beards and mustaches not only according to the type and shape of the face, but also based on secondary criteria. Namely:

  • style and rhythm of life;
  • external data;
  • professional features;
  • style and image of clothes;
  • length, structure and color of hair;
  • free time for hair care.

For sports lovers, Canadian-shaped beards and a small stubble are ideal. Classics in clothes today are often combined with sports shoes and a beard of medium length and density. The casual style also accepts those types of beards that are most often worn by young men today, such as a goatee, goatee or Balbo beard. The fashionable Grunge style in clothes is ideally combined with dense vegetation and colorful long beards.


Light or dark, long or short, thick or minimal, in any form, the beard will transform the face of a man. The correct choice of the shape and type of the beard will not only give the appearance of solidity, age and experience, but also correct any shortcomings and features of the male face and general image. In any barbershop, a specialist will advise on the choice of a beard, and how to cut it.

"Antennae is a ticket to panties," says folk wisdom. The presence of hair above the upper lip means that a man is standing in front of you, not a boy. We are talking about lush vegetation, and not about a virgin, untouched by a cannon blade.

Mustaches save those who have an ugly bald patch on their cheeks, like an Indian. They make you look like an adult, respected Azerbaijani, an enterprising millionaire collective farm chairman, a senior researcher, an 80s porn actor or a trendy hipster. All the tough guys wore mustaches: Albert Einstein, Hulk Hogan, John Carpenter, Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, Soso Vissarinovich and even Adolf... Haha, no, not the one you thought of, but Adolf Sachs, whose surname with the addition of the suffix "von "was the name of a musical instrument.

Of course, the choice of mustache is entirely up to you. Their diversity causes envy even among bearded men. But before you choose your uniform, a little educational program about what a decent guy and what is not.

If you have thick, like the jungle of Cambodia, dark hair, then you will feel the greatest comfort with forms such as "Pencil", "Fu Manchu" and "Toothbrush". But no, forget it, it was worn by Charlie Chaplin, and in history there was another Austrian with a mustache, like Chaplin.

Rice. 5.11. Mustache "Salvador Dali"


Salvador Dali is a Spanish artist, painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director (Fig. 5.12). One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. In life, he was distinguished by eccentricity and shocking outrageous behavior.

Rice. 5.12. Salvador Dali

Semicircular full mustaches (Fig. 5.13) belong to the "fathers of the families." These are good-natured and balanced people for whom peace and family well-being is the ideal of life.

Rice. 5.13. Semicircular full mustache

Today, mustaches and beards have become a real trend in the world of men's fashion. Clean-shaven men are not held in high esteem these days. It is believed that a young man becomes more sexy and attractive if he has a mustache or a beard (or both). But choosing a mustache and beard is a purely individual process, since the wrong shape and length can have a completely opposite effect.

How to choose a mustache

Mustaches have always been popular and in demand among the male population. They serve as an ornament and a means for a radical transformation of appearance. After all, with the help of such a detail, you can hide flaws and correct the shape of the face. Mustache haircuts can be very diverse, and it is necessary to select exactly those that will be in harmony with the appearance of a man.

When choosing a mustache shape, you want it to fit perfectly with the features and shape of your face. It is also important to consider the shape of the nose and the position between the chin, mouth and nose. In general, mustache haircuts should be done by professionals who approach each client individually, his appearance and style.

Mustache Varieties

Mustache shapes can vary in size and length. There are almost a hundred types of different types of mustaches. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Dali. This variety was named after the famous artist Salvador Dali and is an elongated mustache that twists up. When choosing this form, you need to know that they require a lot of time for laying.
  • Horseshoe. Such a mustache got its name due to the shape, similar to an inverted horseshoe. They grow along the edges of the corners of the mouth and end when they reach the level of the jaw.
  • Imperial. This form was preferred by monarchs and the nobility. The mustache should be dense and located along the entire length of the lip, their ends twisted up.
  • Chevron. The mustache should be thick, large in size and completely obscure the upper lip.
  • Fu Manchu. The length of these whiskers should be below the level of the jaw. They are released above the upper lip and all hair, of course, except for the mustache, is shaved off.
  • Shade. The simplest and easiest form that you can do yourself at home without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • English. Such mustache cuts were popular among the British military. They are long and thin, they should be released from the middle above the upper lip. The tips of the mustache should certainly be sharp.
  • Artist's brush. Whiskers grow along the entire line of the mouth, not long, but can be quite lush. Today, such mustaches are very popular in youth circles.
  • Pencil. To represent this form, the image of Johnny Depp should be revived in memory. It is he who prefers such a mustache - thin and narrow.
  • Pyramidal. The whiskers are very narrow at the top, where they originate and widen towards the bottom, covering the entire length of the mouth.
  • Toothbrush. They start just under the nose, small width and very thick. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler preferred these.
  • Walrus. They are large, thick and can completely close their mouths.
  • Handlebar. In their appearance, the mustache is similar to a bicycle handlebar, since their ends are twisted up. The handlebar mustache was popular among soldiers during the First World War.
  • Only there. The question of how to cut a mustache does not arise with this form, because in fact it is just stubble that was left to grow over the upper lip. Such mustaches are adored by men who do not like to shave.

Mustache care tips

Haircut of a beard and mustache is the business of professionals, since only a master can make the perfect shape that suits the appearance and oval of the face. But there are also generally accepted rules that you should know. The sharp tips of the mustache should always be milled with a sharp razor. Thinning with scissors should be done to make the mustache less lush. It is carried out strictly along the bottom edge.

Before you cut your mustache, they must be combed in different directions. After that, the excess length can be removed with scissors and the mustache combed from the center to the left and right to give it shape. You can also use tongs to shape. They should be flat and have stable heating.

Mustaches and beards should only be trimmed dry. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a huge difference between what you wanted to get from a mustache trim and the final appearance.

Mustache Trimmer Tools

Cutting a beard and mustache requires some preparation, or rather, the availability of the necessary tools. In order to trim your beard and / or mustache at home, you need a trimmer, scissors, comb-comb and, of course, a mirror.

Scissors are used to align the mustache and/or beard line and cut off protruding hairs. It is recommended to use a professional tool, but its price is quite high.

The mustache trimmer is a versatile tool that can be used to trim mustaches, beards, and even hair. For this, trimmers are equipped with special nozzles. The price of this tool is not very high, so it is available to absolutely everyone.

How to choose a tool

In order to choose the right mustache trimmer, you need to familiarize yourself with several principles and rules.

  • If the hair is very coarse, you need to choose a model with a blade that is adjustable in length. If you have soft and manageable hair, this is not necessary.
  • Depending on the area of ​​​​use, you can choose wired or Today there are even models for a car that can be powered by a cigarette lighter.
  • In one set with a trimmer, you can immediately purchase tools and attachments for the care of eyebrows, hair in the nose and ears, etc. They cost more, but they are equipped with all the items for caring for vegetation on the head.
  • The tool should fit well in the hand and be comfortable.

How to trim your mustache

And now - about the process itself.

  1. It is necessary to comb the mustache so that they lie in one continuous, even line.
  2. Using a trimmer (in a vertical position), we determine the contour of the mustache.
  3. We make a frame, holding the trimmer with the marking side towards us.
  4. Holding the trimmer away from you with the marking side, we process the line of the mustache and lips, thereby giving the vegetation the desired contour.
  5. We make the final shape by holding the tool with the blade towards us.
  6. To fix the shape of the mustache, you can use special wax.

Everything is important in physiognomy, including facial hair. The fact that a person covers part of his face with a mustache or beard does not prevent you from reading this section at all. What's more, it gives even more clues to a person's character than if they had no facial hair at all!

In physiognomy, the upper lip is associated with female energy. If a person wears a mustache, this may mean that he is embarrassed to express the feminine. A person hides his upper lip under his mustache because he is afraid that others, having learned about his sensitivity, will no longer respect him. A person just wants to always look strong. And he is very offended if his masculinity is called into question.

But psychologists interpret the presence of a mustache in a person in a slightly different way. They believe that the shape of the mustache can be used to “calculate” not only certain properties of a person’s character, but also to determine how much he is inclined to individuality or, conversely, to imitation. Combining the opinions of psychologists and physiognomists, the author gives the following characterization of a person's personality by his mustache. But first of all, I would like to note the fact that the shape and size of the mustache is primarily determined by the anatomical structure of the face, the size of the nose and lips. Therefore, the mustache is usually divided into long, short, short, curly, curly, narrow, and so on.

A lush, but drooping mustache, slightly curled at the ends, indicates that their owner does not really care about his surroundings. He is tempted by life without tension, when you live for your own pleasure and do not think about anything. Restaurants, women, gambling - what could be better for a man with such a mustache? True, life sometimes hurts, and if there is nowhere to go, only then is a person able to make the right and right decision.

Voluminous long mustache parallel to the lips. There is nothing bad to say about this man. As a person - self-confident and strong. As a specialist - very knowledgeable and reliable. As a family man, his wife and children always come first, and he tries with all his might to create everything possible for them. And he has the opportunity to do so.

Short mustache. If a person is active, knows how to create not just something, but his own business and develop it, making incredible efforts for this, not giving up under the blows of both fate and the state, then he can wear such a mustache. Even if he loses everything he has achieved over many years, he will not give up, but will catch up with the lost. This is a person who is quite confident in himself and his abilities.

Mustache shapes: a - lush, but lowered mustaches; b - voluminous long mustache parallel to the lips; c - short mustache.

Mustache curled up. Most often, such a mustache can be seen in a person who is trying to stand out both in actions and in appearance. In this regard, the author recalls the story of Aram Khachaturian, composer, author of the famous ballet Spartacus, about his audience with Salvador Dali. The fact that Dali was distinguished by his outrageousness is no secret to anyone. But what Khachaturian encountered... After waiting for several hours for Dali in the huge hall at his villa, Khachaturian tried to get out, but the doors were closed. Suddenly, the famous “Sabre Dance” from the ballet “Spartacus” was heard, a huge double door opened, Dali jumped out of it on a saber, in a negligee, galloped the whole hall and disappeared into other, equally huge doors. Then a servant came out and announced that the audience was over. This is all to the fact that Salvador Dali had a thin and twisted mustache. Usually, the bearers of such mustaches are associated with art, bohemia, they try to find something new - and they find and do what in the future makes them famous almost all over the world.

Semicircular bushy mustache. A very good-natured person, balanced, calm, interesting interlocutor - that's what can be said about this person. In addition, he loves his family very much and cannot imagine life without a calm family environment.

Hussar mustache. They have the appearance of an elegantly designed, thin, beautiful mustache. This is a man who is not afraid to stand up for a girl and go to unknown lands, firmly believing in his success. Courage, courage, assertiveness, the ability to solve the most difficult problems - this is his characteristic. At the same time, a person with such a mustache is distinguished by some kind of hussar recklessness. To party - so to the fullest, to love - so to the fullest.

Mustache shapes (end): a - mustache connected to a beard; b - short mustache with ends down; c - thin straight mustache; g - mustache, smoothly turning into sideburns.

What do we know about such a part of the male image as a mustache and what types of mustaches are there? The fashion for wearing mustaches has been around for many years. Mustaches have always been considered a sign of aristocracy, masculinity and strength. In tsarist times, they were worn by monarchs, nobles, officers. Later, the mustache became a self-evident element of the appearance of a man. Closer to our time, the fashion for a mustache either disappeared or reappeared. And today they are considered a trend of male appearance.

History of popularity

If you want to radically change your style, be sure to start wearing a mustache. At first, you may feel a little uncomfortable, because the new image will not be easy to get used to. But later on, you will most likely like your new image. With a mustache, you will look more determined and masculine.

Mustache Varieties

Mustaches come in different shapes and sizes. There are many types of them. To some extent, every man must have come up with his own individual style of mustache at some point. In this article we will tell you what are the most famous and popular types of mustaches.


These elongated and sharply twisted mustaches bear the name of such a famous creative person as Salvador Dali. In order to wear this style of mustache, you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time styling it.


Often these are lush mustaches, at first glance resembling a wrapped horseshoe. The mustache should grow along the edges of the corners of the mouth and end only when it reaches the jaw line. This form of mustache is typical for many bikers. Also, such a famous actor as Terry Hulk Hogan wears them throughout his life.

A dense mustache, which is located just above the upper lip along its entire length and twists slightly towards the top. They were very fond of wearing by monarchs and nobles, hence their name. It is interesting that Budenov had such a mustache.


Solid large mustache, completely obscuring the upper lip. Tom Selleck enjoys wearing this style of mustache.

fu manchu

This mustache bears the name of the protagonist from the work of the British writer Romer Sachs. A long mustache is released above the upper lip, which should not be shorter than the lower jaw line. At the same time, the hair above the edges of the mouth is carefully shaved off, which is a hallmark of this style.


The name speaks for itself. This form of mustache strongly resembles a lampshade. It is very easy to give a mustache this shape on your own at home in front of a mirror.

The corners of the mouth should be shaved, and the mustache itself should be let go from the middle of the upper lip. They should be thin and long with sharp tips. During the war in England, such mustaches were worn by the military.

Artist's brush

Not long lush mustache, growing along the entire length of the mouth line. With such a mustache, we have seen Brad Pitt more than once. This form is now popular among young people.


A narrow, thin strip of bristles above the upper lip. They were worn in the 40s-50s of the last century by Hollywood actor Clark Gable.

The whiskers are wide at the base and narrow at the top, resembling a pyramid in shape. Very comfortable and popular among men.


Dense little mustache, released right under the nose. Mustache characteristic of Hitler and Charlie Chaplin. They are suitable if a large mustache bothers you.


A large mustache, often completely covering the mouth. These were worn by the famous writer Mark Twain, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche and even Joseph Stalin.


A mustache reminiscent of a bicycle handlebar, as their tips are twisted up in rings. The Italians call them spaghetti mustaches. They were often worn by soldiers during the First World War.

Mustache "only there"

Small almost invisible antennae. In fact, this is just a stubble left above the upper lip. If you hate frequent shaving, then this type of mustache is just for you.

Not all types of male mustaches are listed above. But having an idea about their main types, you can come up with something unique for yourself. Everything here is limited only by your own imagination. Add a pinch of creativity to your life and create a bright, memorable image with a mustache.

Apparently, in 2016, beards have become a real trend in men's fashion. We are not joking, we even have a serious schedule to prove it. Representatives of both the older and younger generations are happy to wear beards of various shapes and sizes. The beards of many of these men make a huge impression on us. However, we found that some people (employers, parents, and influencers) still hate the unkempt vagrant-style appearance. But those beards that their owners take good care of look really awesome.

The main purpose of this article is to tell you about several beard styles that can be a great example for you. Regardless of the current state of your facial hair (suitable for a Bandholz beard or just a small classic stubble), you can take the style you like as a model and create a brutal stylish look. In this kind of guide, we will start with the largest beards and work our way down.

It's a very luxurious beard and I'm sincerely sorry that I can't seem to be able to grow one. This style was popularized by Eric Bandholz. Once he had to leave work, because the authorities did not like his long, thick beard. But he did not lose heart and founded his own brand of beard care products, Beardbrand, which produces a wide range of products from beard oils to scissors and combs. Eric Bandholz has become something of an inspiration to the beard community.

Face shape: oval, rhombus, triangle.

How to grow it: It will take a long time to grow a Bandholz beard (at least six months). For a while, you will look not too neat, in the very vagrant style that we advised you to avoid. But a few months of hardship and deprivation are worth the result that you get. Do not use scissors and razors to achieve maximum length and volume of hair. Once you have reached your desired beard length, trim it to your taste and keep it tidy.

Garibaldi is another great option for fans of a long beard. The goal is to achieve a more rounded beard shape that complements an oval face shape. The mustache needs to be trimmed regularly, while the beard itself can be grown as long as you want.

Face shape: oval and rectangle.

How to grow it out: The process of shaping such a beard is similar to working on Bandholz. We advise growing it to as long as possible. While the beard is growing, trim the mustache and cheek hair. After your hair grows out, give it a rounded shape to complete the look.

This is another fairly long beard. She resembles the style of a lumberjack, and is somewhat similar to Garibaldi: a voluminous and long beard, but without a mustache. Thick and long hair grows on sideburns, as Dutch men were forbidden to wear mustaches. To compensate a little for this injustice, they grew a thick beard right from the tanks.

Face shape: oval and rhombus.

How to grow it out: Let thick and lush hair grow out both on the chin and in the sideburn area. Grow a small goatee too.

Face shape: square, oval.

How to grow it out: This is one of the most unusual beard styles. It will take a lot of time to create it, but, my God, it looks just incredible. This is the absolute maximum of how impressive a beard can look. With such facial hair, you will look like a real Viking. To do this, you will need to grow as long hair as possible, and the sideburns should form a single whole with the beard. Mustaches should also grow long, do not cut them. The most important thing is, of course, two pigtails, in which you can braid your hair when it grows strong enough.

Face shape: any.

How to Grow It: This beard starts with fairly short sideburns that blend into the thicker hair on the lower face. Outside the tanks must be carefully trimmed. It requires attention, but at the same time, it is quite simple. For the best look, do not forget to regularly shave the hairs on other areas of the skin of the face.

Face shape: round, square.

How to grow it: This is a beard, thanks to which others will perceive you as a "good person with an unbridled disposition." This is a voluminous, thick beard, but it needs to be trimmed on the sides and bottom to give it a certain shape and structure. Trimming the edges of the beard, it is necessary to give it a neat, well-groomed appearance from all sides. The best thing about this is that you only need to use the trimmer for a few minutes a day to achieve a pleasing appearance.

Face shape: any.

How to grow it out: This beard style is unlikely to ever go out of style. You can get it by growing out the sideburns and letting them pair with a thick, voluminous beard. You don't need to cut the edges and give them a certain shape, but keeping them neat, of course, is necessary. A mustache, the tips of which are slightly rounded upwards, ideally complements such a beard. Below the chin, the hair should be long, directed down, but clearly cut off at the lowest point.

Hussar mustache and beard

Face shape: any.

How to grow it: Technically, a hussar mustache is not a beard style, but it looks fantastic when paired with a well-groomed long beard. In order to create a similar look, grow your hair to a length of about 10 centimeters below the chin. Give them a shape that resembles the shape of your collar. Also grow a mustache and use wax to curl it into a sort of "W" shape. Together with a well-styled beard, such a mustache will look great!

Face shape: square, oval.

How to grow it: Starting from overgrown sideburns, smoothly connecting with the rest of the facial hair, such a beard, in fact, cannot be considered very long, but from the outside it looks just like that. To get it, grow sideburns and a beard, then square your hair. The length of the hair from the chin to a clear cut in a flat horizontal line should be about 7.5 centimeters. An additional highlight of the image can be a hussar mustache.

Face shape: square, oval, round.

How to grow: The length of the hair in this beard should be the same everywhere. This is not the longest beard. It should end about 2 inches below the chin, in a neatly rounded shape. The mustache should also be the same length in all of its sections to blend in with the beard.

Face shape: elongated, square, oval.

How to grow it out: This is one of the most serious varieties of beards. It looks more brutal than most other styles and is great for those who work a lot with their hands. Start with the hair on the head: it should be cut fairly short, leaving longer hair on one side only. The sideburns should grow down and connect with the beard. Let the hair grow a few centimeters below the chin, then give it a square shape with rounded corners. Hair should grow freely, you should not constantly cut and trim it.

Face shape: oval, round.

How to grow it: There are beards designed to tell the world that their owner is a Man with a capital letter. This is just such a style, very respectable and authoritative. Let the hair grow thick and voluminous and grow below the chin, where it can be given a pointed "goatee" shape. Then you will need to dye the middle part of the beard a different color, or get rid of all the black hairs and leave only gray hairs in this area. Whitening should not start from the very roots. A neat, short-cut mustache will perfectly harmonize with such a beard.

Face shape: round, oval.

How to grow it: This is a very simple short beard. However, if you do everything right, such a beard will look very impressive and stylish. First, the hair on the head should be short, the edges of the hairstyle should be outlined in straight lines. Sideburns on top should be almost invisible until they begin to smoothly "flow" into the beard at the level of the middle of the cheek. A small mustache should merge with the beard, while maintaining the same length of hair at the confluence. Trim the hair right under the chin, tapering it towards the middle and rounding it slightly. For the perfect look, leave some hair under the lower lip as well.

Face shape: any.

How to grow it out: This is a very popular beard style that allows you to create an image of a bold and self-confident person. Sideburns should be connected to the beard, while all facial hair should be approximately the same length. The upper edge of the beard should go exactly diagonally from the sideburns, and under the lower lip it should rise a centimeter and a half up. Hair can be grown to about 2.5 centimeters below the jaw line, after which it is trimmed to give the beard a slightly rounded shape. The mustache should be short, with a thin line of hair running close to the corners of the lips and connecting them to the beard.

Face shape: oval, round.

How to grow it: This beard is quite similar to short and tapered, but here the emphasis is on the front view, not the profile. Looks great with longer hair. Let your sideburns grow into your beard. At the same time, cut the beard itself close to the cheek, with the exception of the area near the chin: here the hair should be somewhat longer. Grow goatee without any restrictions. The edges of the beard along the cheek should not be too sharply defined. Grow your mustache about the same length as your beard hair for a harmonious look.

Face shape: any.

How to grow it out: This is the perfect beard for those who don't have the time to do regular grooming. Celebrities like David Beckham love this style. Let your hair grow freely, then style it into a pointy shape instead of going straight diagonally across your cheeks. Let the sideburns connect with the beard, and let it grow back down the neck, but not too far. Also grow a small goatee. To such a beard, you can add short mustaches with downward tips, but do not connect them with the rest of the facial hair.

Face shape: oval, square.

How to grow it out: Grow a beard along the jawline and let the thin sideburns connect with it. Shape your beard into the shape of your chin. Grow a mustache and shape it into an inverted "U" shape, with the mustache not touching the beard. Trim your mustache and beard regularly, and shave other areas of your face thoroughly.

Face shape: square.

How to grow it: This is one of the shortest beard options. Grow your hair long enough at the bottom of your chin. Also grow a hussar mustache, using wax if necessary to slightly round off the tips. Maintain a patchy, slightly "tousled" beard look. At the same time, in the lower part of the chin, it should be quite thick, and higher - more rare.

Stripe on the chin

Face shape: square.

How to grow it out: A chin bar is a type of beard that grows quickly and goes great with short hair. Grow a small stubble from the sideburns to the chin and give it a clear, even shape, not allowing the hairs to grow beyond it. Shave off the mustache and leave a small, almost invisible goatee for the best effect.

Face shape: oval, square.

How to grow it: This is a fairly short beard that looks appropriate in any situation. It goes well with a short haircut, made in any style. To get it, let the cropped and well-defined sideburns go down to the beard, whose hair should be about the same length. Don't cut the edge of your beard too sharply, but trim it periodically to make it look brutal but neat. Grow a mustache of about the same length, descending to the beard through the areas near the corners of the lips.

Face shape: any.

How to grow it out: This is a beard with beautiful borders and transitions. Let the short sideburns expand into a full beard at about mid-ear height. Outline the edges with an even diagonal and add a small goatee to the image. Grow also a small short mustache with the tips directed towards the beard, but not in contact with it. Make sure all lines are well defined and don't allow any hairs to appear outside of them.

So you got it! Twenty-three beautiful beard styles in various sizes for men with different face shapes, hairstyles and facial hair preferences. Whatever beard you dream of, among these styles you are guaranteed to find the perfect embodiment of your fantasy. Grow it out and keep looking great.