You are sure that a man is in love with you, but how to understand this if he is hiding his feelings. Why does a man hide his feelings

It often seems that women and men live on completely different planets and, if love for women is embodied in them, then men perceive it as something external. Most men involuntarily stay away from the emotional side of relationships, while women, on the contrary, tend to them. Psychologists point out that precisely because women do not understand how men hide their feelings, and men are not even going to publish them, they most often do not understand each other's thoughts or feelings.

According to statistics, most women are "persecutors", while most men are, on the contrary, "distancers." In other words, this means that women want to be closer to men, especially if in a previous relationship or even in childhood they felt “abandoned”, and men prefer to hide their feelings because they are afraid of being drawn into intimate relationships. They try to keep a safe distance to avoid both painful addiction and obligations arising from feelings of guilt or unfounded promises.

Childhood injuries of boys

At the beginning of a relationship, men often act like "stalkers" in order to seduce the woman they like. During this period, women do not even think about how men hide their feelings: it seems to them that they have a man, "in full view." However, if they want, for example, just to marry successfully, then, noticing that the predetermined outcome scares them or that they are drawn into too intense a relationship, they instantly become “distancers”. If a woman refuses them, then this further increases the desire for persecution, but if her behavior is due to the fear of disrupting the nascent relationship, then subconsciously it pushes men even further.

Such relationships arise in each of us in childhood and are mostly based on the experience acquired at the same time. Boys are usually afraid of getting lost, but they strive to maintain their masculinity and independence. Mothers rarely give them enough autonomy, so most of them feel guilty when they are distanced from their mother. When such men grow up, they run away from too demanding women, because they feel guilty if they do not meet her "requests" or even if they do not follow her lead.

Why relationships go in the same circle

In order to understand how men hide their feelings, it is important for a woman to analyze how she grew up and why she had certain problems in relationships with men. If the father always rejected the girl or, on the contrary, was too close to her, she will treat her mother as a rival and at the same time feel that she is to blame for her and therefore alone. Girls-"distancers" try to escape from circumstances and their pathological dependence, and "persecutors" dream that their father (or someone else) rewrote their relationship from scratch.

It is important to understand that the main goal of "persecutors" is close relationships and partnerships, and for "distancers" their own freedom and independence is more important. Grown men are subconsciously drawn to the "distancers", but these women run away from them faster than they can pursue them. Many men have many girlfriends with whom they will never be able to enter into a serious relationship, because they will be afraid of being rejected and abandoned. Most of them have already tried to enter into a relationship with a “distant” mother, so they already have a negative experience of such a relationship: they cannot believe that someone can truly love them.

How adult men traditionally behave

To understand why and how men hide their feelings, you need to come to terms with the fact that for the most part they are "distancers": after all, since prehistoric times, they are used to keeping a safe distance. This method of "survival" is understandable and reliable for them, since even in those days they learned to fight, and if they cannot cope with their opponent, then run away. They try to fulfill their family responsibilities exactly according to the same principle: while courting a woman and conquering her, they forget about flight, not realizing the danger, and when the relationship turns into a more serious stage, men begin to feel discomfort and stress, which makes them run away.

It is known that women perceive gender differences as a danger to get an impartial reputation or even get pregnant. From the experience of acquaintances, each of them knows that such closeness will reduce their attractiveness in the eyes of men and they avoid it. At the same time, such behavior provokes men to be even more stubborn, and in case of refusal, they can harbor resentment against a woman, transferring it to other beauties, however, warmth, sensuality, talkativeness and other emotional female characteristics literally drive him crazy, because he cannot live without feelings, although he hides them from the eyes of others.

If a woman and a man manage to treat each other with understanding, then they will surely find the very compromise that will allow them to live happily ever after in love and harmony. But for this you need to fully take into account all the fears and fears of your partner and make him feel his own weakness. In fact, this is not at all easy, but it is quite possible, especially at a time when the relationship is just beginning and both partners are losing their innate caution.

People are different from each other, especially men from women. They think and act differently. Their actions defy explanation. A woman is able by nature to read information by gestures, expression of eyes and face. How to understand that a guy you know is in love, but hides his true feelings? Let's figure it out together.

Why does a guy hide his feelings

The young man likes the girl, he does not show feelings for her. Consider, perhaps there are reasons for this:

  • believes that feelings and tenderness are a manifestation of weakness;
  • afraid to look funny;
  • fears being misunderstood and rejected;
  • he has a family;
  • is in shock from what happened.

Signs of a guy in love

Love is a magical feeling that makes people change for the better. No matter how a man tries to hide her, behavior and actions betray the true nature. If so, look for signs of sympathy.


The man becomes docile and caring. It is important for him to see his beloved woman more often, looking for any excuse for a meeting.

She tries not to offend her beloved, selects the necessary words, pays more attention. He listens to advice and agrees with the lady of the heart in everything. If the passion needs help, he will immediately substitute his shoulder.

A relationship of trust is established between them. He shares plans, experiences, talks about the past and dreams. But this is not so easy to do, even if you have a friend in front of you.

How else to understand that a guy is sincerely in love, but desperately hides his feelings? He is cheerful and witty. Shows off achievements, successes, financial capabilities.

With all her might she wants to show her best. It is important for him that the woman sees in front of her a serious, promising and responsible person. The best best wishes.


The lover is given a look full of tenderness and delight. The guy keeps him on his passion for a long time. But at the same time it is difficult for him to withstand her gaze, he averts his eyes to the side. After a while, he again examines his beloved woman. And she intuitively picks up his feelings.


Another sign of falling in love is a sudden change in appearance. He is all clean and shaven, smells of perfume. Changes her hair. Some men start going to the gym, because they so want to please the object of worship.

The guy becomes more tidy, tries to dress tastefully. New beautiful things and accessories appear. Many change their style drastically.

If a young man experiences only sexual attraction, his back is straight. He shows the woman that he is strong and stout. In a person in love, on the contrary, there is a certain stoop, awkwardness in movements.


How to understand by gestures that a guy is in love, but does not make attempts to get closer and hides his feelings. You can always see a lot if you look closely at a person.

Such a man gives out trembling excitement, he is not calm. Hands are constantly in motion: he shifts various small objects, pulls them in his palms.

The guy wants to touch his beloved woman. He uses every moment for close contact with her (straightens his hair, removing a leaf from it, etc.).

Looks intently into the eyes. Often he straightens his curls with his hand, smoothes them. This gesture suggests that the young man wants to please the lady.

An exception

It so happens that in the general picture of the manifestation of love there may be exceptions. Many men do not show their feelings, because they do not know how to do it. They are too proud, unsure of the true motives of love.

However, such a man can be "declassified" by his behavior. He avoids communication with his sympathy, keeps away from her. Afraid to show feelings, hides them behind a mask:

  • indifference;
  • increased attention to other women (causes jealousy);
  • hypertrophied care (tries to please, be gallant);
  • jealousy of other potential competitors (if the person is not jealous at all).

Women's tricks - options for "exposure"

How to understand that a guy is in love if he shows interest, but hides his feelings? Let's go for little tricks!

Option number 1. If you are planning a party that will include your worshipable object, allow the other man to give you some attention and some courting. Or arrange in advance with a friend to come as a fan.

Look at the reaction of the "subject". Its behavior can change:

  • requires attention to itself;
  • speaks louder than usual;
  • jokes a lot;
  • deliberately unleashes a quarrel with an imaginary gentleman;
  • restless.

Option number 2. Ask your crush on a date. Come up with an easy reason to meet without hints of intimate relationships:

  • go to a classical dance lesson together (you need a partner);
  • spend time at the rink;
  • visit the opened art exhibition (if the guy understands, invite him as an expert);
  • go to a concert of your favorite singer (there is an "extra" ticket).


Maybe you will have other ideas to communicate with the object of adoration and check his attitude towards himself.

By his behavior, he will betray his true intentions. How to understand that a guy is in love if he is not indifferent, but at the same time hides his feelings?

The guy's first reaction is the most sincere and truthful. If a man loves, he will gladly respond to one of your suggestions and postpone things.

If you tried in every possible way to cause jealousy on the part of the chosen one, and in return received complete indifference, this speaks of indifference. And do not have any illusions about the guy's secret love.

Sometimes you yourself need to take the first steps towards, sort out the existing relationships, feelings. Sometimes it is they who help the beloved man to open up, give him the opportunity to confess his feelings, to get closer to his beloved.

There are several key principles for identifying strong attachment or falling in love. The first thing to look out for is trying to show concern. A man in love will not be able to remain indifferent to the problems and difficulties of a woman dear to him. The expression in the eyes also speaks volumes: the look will be either gentle or embarrassed, but not indifferent. Emotions are clearly manifested in gestures and body position. It is worth remembering that some men, trying to hide their feelings from others, can behave aggressively.

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    The main signs of falling in love

    To begin with, you need to figure out how a man who has feelings for a woman behaves. Even if a colleague or acquaintance tries to hide his emotions, he often, without noticing it, manifests himself.

    Often, a caring man behaves as follows:

    • Listens attentively and delves into the essence of what the woman said. This is almost always a clear sign of a special attitude on the part of a man.
    • He speaks openly about his loved ones and himself. Usually they talk a lot about their own life if they want to get closer to a person. Therefore, stories about difficult situations passed, voicing the principles of life and stories about hobbies give a woman every reason to think that they feel sympathy for her.
    • Shows concern. Even when a man is in love and hides his feelings, he is unlikely to be able to maintain complete detachment. The minimum that a guy in a state of love will show is taking care of the lady. This is about offering help in everyday matters, trying to take a heavy bag in your own hands, etc.
    • Begins to follow the appearance. If a man, who previously did not pay too much attention to his appearance, suddenly begins to noticeably improve his own image, then perhaps he does this to please the girl.
    • Makes compromises. When a guy likes a woman, he agrees to make concessions. Therefore, if a man is in love, but hides his feelings, the woman needs to create a situation that requires a compromise solution. It will be difficult for a young man who is not indifferent to a lady to completely ignore her interests.
    • Begins to think about improving the financial situation. Love in a man's heart leads to the fact that he thinks about a serious relationship. And since this means a new level of spending, the young man tries to earn more.

    Emotions, hiding their feelings, often show up in their gaze. Even pronounced leaders are not always able to look into the eyes of their beloved woman for a long time and calmly - it will be difficult for them to withstand the gaze because of the embarrassment they experience. And if a man is truly in love, he will look often, but in such a way as to remain unnoticed. Therefore, a woman will be able to catch his eye without much difficulty.

    Signs of a man in love


    In addition to changes in behavior, you need to pay attention to the gestures and body position of representatives of the strong half of humanity. This will help to reveal even carefully hidden emotions. If you fall in love, then you can notice the following signs of a special relationship:

    • Body stiffness and tension during dialogue. This state indicates that the interlocutor does not want to make his feelings for the woman noticeable.
    • Reducing distance during communication. Without noticing it, a person who is in love will try to get closer to the object of his feelings.
    • Shaking hands. For caring men, during a dialogue, due to excitement or embarrassment, palms may sweat and hands tremble.
    • Arms crossed on his chest and an embarrassed look. So the man closes himself in order not to betray his true attitude.
    • Frequent attempts to approach or touch. Sometimes this behavior is the result of purely sexual interest. But a man in love will also subconsciously want to touch a woman who is not indifferent to him and be as close to her as possible.
    • Pulling in the abdomen and straightening the shoulders. This suggests that the young man seeks to show his figure in the best possible way in order to please the girl.

    The non-verbal part of communication allows you to notice hidden emotions, because gestures and body condition are more difficult to control than words or intonation.

    Mimicry also plays an important role in the process of expressing feelings, and, like gestures, it is difficult to fully control.

    If a man wants a woman signs

    How men try to hide their feelings

    Sometimes the behavior of a man in love, trying to hide his feelings, is a little aggressive. This can be explained by the desire of a young man to attract the attention of a woman, without revealing his true emotions. As a result, the guy can behave abruptly and even offend his girlfriend.

    So, if a previously calm man suddenly begins to behave defiantly towards you, there is reason to think about his hidden sympathy.

    Another sign that they have fallen in love with you, but they are trying to hide it, is the manifestation of jealousy on the part of the guy when other men try to win you over. It will be difficult for a lover to tolerate obvious competitors, even if he wants to remain in the shadows.

    When a man realizes that he has fallen in love, but is not sure if he wants to take the initiative, he may start flirting with other girls in your presence. On the one hand, he does not show his interest in you, on the other hand, he tries to see if there is interest in him on the part of the object of his feelings. In other words, this is an attempt to find out how you feel about yourself without giving out your own emotions.

    Sometimes caring men behave as if the object of their adoration is completely indifferent to them. This behavior boils down to the fact that the guy does not show attention, does not give compliments, avoids glances and even ordinary conversations. If there is a dialogue, then he will not make a noticeable effort to support it. So the obvious, sometimes feigned indifference, allows you to determine the presence of strong feelings.

    If we talk about the manifestation of love within the office, then the first thing that an indifferent colleague will start to do is to spend more time with the girl. A special attitude will also manifest itself in the form of questions about whether the day went well or how things are with a new complex project. Moreover, the guy who fell in love will be aware of all the actual and possible difficulties associated with the work of his beloved woman. Any opportunity to work with a girl who is not indifferent to him, such a man will be sincerely glad.

    At a corporate party, an employee in love will try to choose a place next to his beloved. This will allow him to unimpededly look at the object of his feelings, be the first to fill the glass, and increase the chances of frequent communication while relaxing. But a loving colleague will hardly dare to invite a lady to dance.

    How to understand that a man at work likes you

    Online communication

    You can also find out that a man likes you in the process of virtual communication. During correspondence, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

    • The man writes often. The reasons can be very different. It will not deliberately hint, but it is unlikely that he will be able to completely abandon contact with the woman with whom he is in love.
    • The guy shares personal information.
    • The young man asks additional questions. If a woman writes first, then a man, instead of a dry answer strictly to the point, may ask questions not entirely on the topic in order to get to know the girl better. An interlocutor's attempt to get more information in a conversation is a clear sign of interest.
    • The man quickly responds to messages sent to him. He may deliberately hesitate with answers in order to seem emotionally not involved in the dialogue. But from time to time, answers will come quickly, because the lover is always happy with the initiative from the beloved woman.

    Obviously, it is possible to understand by correspondence whether a guy has feelings. The degree of interest of a young man in a particular girl is also manifested in how quickly he calls back. Seeing a missed call from a lady who is not indifferent to him, a man will not miss the opportunity to hear his beloved voice. And since this is only an answer, and not his own initiative, he will be more relaxed than usual.

    Behavior by zodiac signs

    Those who are used to taking into account information related to the signs of the zodiac should pay attention to the peculiarities of the behavior of guys due to their date of birth. Here's how various signs show their love:

    • Aries. If a young man tries to spend as much time with a woman as possible, invites her to his home, introduces her to friends, then there is every reason to think that love was born in his heart. The fact is that Aries men are very strict about the boundaries of their personal space, and if they let a woman into it, then only if they are sincerely interested in her.
    • Taurus. These men love humor, therefore, even hiding feelings, they will try to make a girl who is not indifferent to them laugh. Since Taurus is very fond of sensual pleasures, they will not be able to deny themselves touching the object of their sympathy.
    • Twins. If a man born under the sign of twins is captured by feelings, then he tries as often as possible to be next to a woman who is important to him. In social networks, such a young man will also show himself actively: constant messages and a willingness to continue the dialogue, regardless of the topic, are inevitable.
    • Cancer. The first thing to expect from such a man is attention and frequent attempts to provide help in a variety of situations. Trying to maintain strictness in behavior, he will actively act in order to win the trust of his beloved woman. Girls can easily notice the views of Cancer lovers, since they are not distinguished by the ability to hide non-verbal manifestations of their feelings.
    • A lion. The Leo man, being in love, has difficulty controlling his jealousy, and at times he does not succeed at all. Since this sign of the zodiac is characterized by openness in communication, such guys do not cope well with suppressing their emotions, which is why their concern is easy to notice.
    • Virgo. If this sign of the zodiac falls in love, then for real. Such a young man will look for every opportunity to look at his love, while trying to remain unnoticed. Virgo men are bad at masking their feelings. Sometimes they are not averse to using the help of friends to find out the attitude of their beloved lady towards themselves.
    • Scales. Like other men, they want to be closer to the object of their love. Wanting to hide emotions, Libra guys can periodically ask a woman for help or often turn to her for advice. Such men will talk a lot about their victories and achievements, not forgetting to show the cups and certificates received in the previous active years.
    • Scorpion. The first thing that betrays a Scorpio in love is his look. Such men can look directly in the eyes. Young people born under this sign will often touch an important girl for them and make attempts to get as close to her as possible.
    • Sagittarius. These men will actively visit those companies in which the beloved spends time. Having struck up a dialogue with a girl, Sagittarius may not express themselves clearly and say something abstract. In an attempt to please the woman who has awakened a feeling in their hearts, such young people significantly improve their wardrobe and style in general. Also from them it will be possible to receive a bouquet of flowers, presented as a manifestation of simple friendly attention.
    • Capricorn. Although these men are completely captured by the feeling, they do not strive for frequent meetings at first. Such guys can understand themselves for a long time, reducing the manifestation of their feelings to a minimum. But in the end, in order to get a more complete picture of the woman they love, Capricorns will definitely make friends with her and begin to devote a lot of time to communication.
    • Aquarius. Aquarius men love to tell their favorite stories and treat them with sweets. They easily build friendships with the opposite sex, in the process of which their true feelings can be noticed.
    • Fishes. Men born under this sign are in no hurry to touch a girl who is not indifferent to them. But they will look at the object of their feelings, and for a long time. So the girl will not need a lot of effort to catch a caring look.

By nature, guys are very secretive, it is difficult for them to share their feelings and experiences. When they open their souls to another person, they fall into psychological dependence, and this does not fit with the concept of a real man.

Women are more emotional, this is how nature works. Men have more developed logical and rational thinking than creative. Perhaps that is why it is so difficult for them to understand the feelings and feelings of each other. But it's still worth trying if this is a dear and beloved person.

First of all, why are they doing this?

In fact, young people are simply forced to hide their feelings, believing that a real man should control himself, to show feelings and emotions is a woman's lot. Unfortunately, in the modern world, the bright manifestation of emotions by men is accompanied by ridicule from the representatives of the same sex.

In relationships, they also have to be strong, maybe even rude, because this is what the women themselves want. Feelings are hidden in order not to show the girls how much they are in love, believing that having learned about this, they will lose interest in them. The state of love, according to the guys, is a weakness and can be called henpecked. The woman pesters him with questions, takes offense, not receiving an answer. However, it is worth considering what is more important than words or deeds that prove feelings. And words very often turn out to be empty.

Men mistakenly assume that their ostentatious indifference is the best way to gain female attention. Even if they want to spend every day together, they will never admit it. Most of all, they are afraid of losing their independence, so they keep their beloved at a distance. They try to suppress their emotions, believing that as soon as a woman feels her power over him, she will manipulate him.

The reason for hiding their feelings may be severe pain that they once experienced. Perhaps it was non-reciprocal love. Men are afraid to appear defenseless, so they have difficulty opening up. It takes time and trust to be completely honest.

Another reason is the lack of confidence in your feelings. He thinks for a long time whether he did the right thing. It seems that only he needs her, but suddenly love will pass and what, he wasted time and money. Uncertainty can also arise if it has been rejected in the past.

In intimate relationships, men depend on women, and are in no hurry to initiate them into this. Making the lady wait is one of the tactics, because when starting a new relationship, guys think soberly without emotions, otherwise it will be a sign of weakness.

Considering all this, we can conclude that there is no mystery in male behavior. They just conquer a woman only in a way known to them. It is unlikely that a guy, because of his girlfriend, will forget about the conventions established by society.

Hopefully, they will understand that the main thing for a woman is not only masculinity in her beloved, but care, kindness, and attention.

How men act so as not to show their feelings.

They look tough, rude, indifferent, but in their souls they are the opposite. This, of course, is not always, all people are different, but for the most part they are like that. A man who loves, but tries to hide it, contradicts himself. Shows with all his appearance that he is indifferent, and he himself is trying to meet.

If a man is indifferent, he does not show interest in events in a woman's life, in her feelings and desires.

A loved one can react aggressively to manifestations of tenderness, pity, desire to help him, but this does not mean that he does not need it. In this case, the girl needs a lot of patience.

It has always been considered a woman a mystery, the guys also succeeded in this field. Their thoughts, feelings and desires have always remained a mystery to the opposite sex. Assuming mysteriousness, a man thinks that, in this way, he seems more attractive.

Of course, not every guy is a kitten inside, but a wild beast outside, banging on the table with his fist is not always a manifestation of tenderness. He can really turn out to be an indifferent and insensitive person who does not hide anything. Sometimes, showing aggression is one of the ways not to show your feelings.

It is generally accepted that the strong half of humanity must decide everything on its own, although they so want to have some of the problems removed from them, but they cannot admit it.

Many guys try to show that they are very popular with women by increasing the real number of their girlfriends, trying to cause jealousy, thus, stir up feelings.

Every man prides himself on being a representative of the stronger sex and showing strength is one of the methods to impress his lady.

Another way to hide your true feelings is through overt indifference. Realizing that a woman is liked, a man can begin to avoid her, not losing sight of her, being nearby, for example, in the same company, even communicating with other persons.

By hiding their emotions deep down, men can look very distracted due to their inability to think logically while doing so. Young people are afraid to be frank because of their vulnerability, becoming defenseless, because it is so easy to offend someone who loves you.

How he behaves to hide love.

  • Shows with all his appearance that he has a lot of fans, even if this is not so.
  • He often turns to a woman for various invented reasons, surprising her with stupid questions.
  • Changes in the presence of the object of adoration. Only the one who was discussing some issue in the company is silent and shyly smiles.
  • Demonstrates his indifference, speaks with anyone, but not with her while throwing furtive glances.
  • Being in the same company, he does not try to hug or joke, as with everyone else.
  • He tries to find out from his acquaintances information about the woman of interest, while avoiding her.

All this is strange, but falling in love works wonders. Such behavior can indicate to a woman the attitude of this person towards her. All men are different, but everyone can fall in love in their own way, not as emotionally as a woman. Nothing will reveal male secrets like female intuition. Simple human attention and patience will help you figure things out. You can't rush things. You may not like the result. After all, men are the stronger sex, you do not need to openly try to control them. Let them make their own decisions.

You can

As practice shows, a man does not always openly demonstrate his feelings. But the woman is incredibly curious about how the young man treats her. This is not difficult to find out if you know some tricks. Let's try to figure out how a man hides his feelings for a woman, and what his motive is.

The five most important reasons

Men, like women, can be very unpredictable. Sometimes their behavior just does not fit into my head. And all because men and women think differently. Representatives of the fair sex believe that they must be achieved. But if a man does not take steps to meet, does this mean that the lady is indifferent to him? Of course not. If a man is in love, but hides his feelings, for this, apparently, he has his own reasons. The most common are the following:

  • he is married to another,
  • not ready for a serious relationship,
  • afraid of rejection
  • doesn't want to look weak.

In fact, all but one of the motives are fairly obvious. It is the latter that causes a lot of bewilderment among the fair sex. Why weak? Everything is very simple. For women, this love is a wonderful and strong feeling that everyone wants to experience. But some men tend to believe that no feeling should take over them. And if, after all, they are overwhelmed by love for a girl? Then, of course, they try to hide it in every possible way. In most cases, they do it on purpose.

How does a man hide his feelings for a woman? It's very simple - he constantly controls himself: his words, actions. But is it possible to hide absolutely all the signs? Of course, this is incredibly difficult, and yet some details help to recognize a man's sympathy.

In love or not?

If you ask yourself this question many times, then most likely you are not sure about the feelings of a man. In order to understand what is actually going on in his head, one should carefully observe him. And this must be done exactly when you are near. Despite the fact that men are strong and morally stable, they do not always manage to hide their sympathy for the girl. And what is most interesting, the more he tries not to show it, the closer he is to exposure. Despite all the man's attempts to hide his feelings, the signs will surely betray him.

He will definitely try to look his best. Most men don't pay too much attention to their appearance until they fall in love. Everything in their life changes immediately. They dry their shoes thoroughly before a date, get a couple of new things. Another important nuance is perfume. Both women and men, trying to look stunning, spray too much eau de toilette. If your friend goes through all these steps, most likely, he is not indifferent to you.

Why do guys hide their feelings?

For many girls, it is completely incomprehensible why men do this. Love is a wonderful feeling, so why not shout about it to everyone? Male logic, on the other hand, is arranged somewhat differently. They don't like being pressured. On the one hand, every man is a conqueror, and on the other, doubts prevent him from doing what his heart tells him to. A girl cannot hide her emotions the way a man hides his feelings for a woman. And this is also explained by the fact that everyone experiences sympathy in different ways. The girl falls in love. She forgets about everything in the world: about friends, studies and work. All thoughts are focused on only one thing.

Men, on the other hand, are calmer and more practical. The guy liked the girl. To begin with, he will appreciate all its advantages and disadvantages, analyze the prospect of a relationship. At the same time, he can calmly work or communicate with friends. While he is in thought, the man hides his feelings. How do you know if this is happening? It is only he who thinks that nothing is noticeable. But in fact, you can find out everything based on the following tips.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

As you know, the look betrays a person in the first place. And so the first thing to look at is his eyes. Men who hide their feelings usually can't stand the girl's long stare. Try to look him straight in the eyes and at the same time mentally ask him: "Do you like me?" You will see the answer for yourself. If he is embarrassed and looks away - most likely - yes, but if he keeps his gaze and looks in bewilderment - most likely, he has a different interest in you.

It is also important how a man looks at a lady. If he has sympathy for her, then when he looks at her, his pupils dilate. Men love with their eyes, and therefore they can gaze at the object of their desire for a long time. If you accidentally notice that a man is constantly watching you from the sidelines, he will undoubtedly like you.

Drastic changes

It is always visible when a man is in love. A strong release of hormones leads to a dramatic change in behavior. For example, a sleek, outgoing and self-confident handsome man suddenly becomes timid and insecure. And more often than not, a sharp change occurs precisely at the sight of an object of love. Or, on the contrary, a quiet, calm and judicious guy suddenly begins to do unpredictable things and becomes just a tomboy. All this can be explained quite simply. When a man sees his beloved, a huge set of chemicals enters the body from the brain: adrenaline, pheromones, dopamine, etc. It is they who radically change human behavior.

Lack of emotion

Many women think that men are less emotional. But this is not the case. Regardless of gender and age, almost all people experience a whole range of different emotions during their life. But it is precisely men who manage to hide them best. This is such a way to show your strength, courage and will. And since many of the fair sex do not understand why and how a man hides his feelings for a woman, many couples do not reunite. The girl thinks that she is indifferent to the guy and therefore does not show himself, and he, in turn, carries his affection for her somewhere deep in his heart.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that if you do not see emotions in a man, this does not mean that they do not exist. And it’s the same with feelings. A man may think that hiding his attitude towards a girl is very courageous. In addition, some men need time to think about how to prove themselves, what to say, how not to get rejected. And perhaps, while you are tormented by the question of why a man is hiding his feelings for a woman, he is almost ready to act.

How do you know about your partner's feelings?

For every girl, this question is very important. I would like to quickly find out how the man treats her. Best of all, if he just is crazy about the girl. Then she can successfully manipulate him. Of course, the fair sex is very fond of men courting, giving gifts, not giving a pass. What happens in the opposite situation? If a man hides his feelings for a woman with indifference, she literally starts to go crazy. Women's pride was greatly infringed. And men know this very well.

This is a great way to get a girl's attention. As a rule, in this case, men act on the same principle. At the first stages, the partner is very polite, open, he invites for walks, gives flowers. It's nice to talk to him about everything in the world. But he deliberately delays this stage. While the girl can't wait to be kissed, the guy tells her funny stories with might and main. From the outside, it seems that the relationship is just friendly and the girl is already losing all hope, but in fact the man is in love, but hides his feelings. The signs will be as follows:

  • he constantly tries to cheer her up,
  • is often at a fairly close distance,
  • practically does not take his eyes off the girl,
  • when an opponent appears, he becomes very jealous.

If you are watching all this for your young man, he is definitely not indifferent to you. It remains only to find out why he hesitates. And this should be done very carefully.

What if he hides his feelings?

At the initial stage of a relationship, many girls make gross mistakes. They begin to ask their partner about his feelings. The question: “Do you love me?” Sounds so often that a man just gets bored. One simple rule should be remembered: a guy will tell about his feelings only when he is ready for it. Excessive persistence and interrogations will lead to the fact that even the sympathy that already exists will disappear. If you do not know how to understand the hidden feelings of a man, you should not ask him about them. There are other ways to find out the truth.

Non-verbal communication

Have you ever wondered how psychologists so quickly determine when a person is cheating and when he is telling the truth. An experienced specialist within 10-15 minutes will say with exact confidence about a person what others do not see. In fact, it all lies in the fact that every psychologist knows body language well.

In the process of communication, a person uses almost the entire body. The position of the arms, legs, eyes, facial expressions - all this helps him to express his emotions. And what is most interesting, sometimes the body "says" absolutely not what we hear from the mouth. For example, a person is asked: “Do you trust me? Things are good?". He nods his head, smiles and replies that he has no reason to doubt. But if, at the same time, his arms are tightly crossed in front of him, this clearly indicates that the person is in a defensive position. He does not trust the interlocutor and thus defends himself against him.

Body language can help you find out how your partner feels about you. Signs of a man's hidden feelings are easy to spot if you are more attentive.

The most important indicator of emotion

Have you ever noticed how some people actively gesticulate with their hands when telling a story? It is this part of the body that so often helps to determine what a person is really thinking about.

  • Arms crossed in front of him - the man is defending himself from you, this is a defensive position.
  • Constantly touches the face - such gestures mean that the person is very sincere towards the interlocutor, or, in any case, is trying to show it.
  • Touching a lady is another cunning trick of men. Thus, they show that they are claiming to be a lady. It is interesting that most often they do it completely by chance.
  • A man who straightens his clothes definitely wants to please his lady. He is a little worried that he is not worthy of her, and, being nervous, constantly pulls himself back.
  • Active gesticulation suggests that a man treats his interlocutor well. He trusts her and is completely open to her.

What can facial expressions tell about?

Many women do not know that many emotions and feelings can be identified by the face. When a person is sincere, his eyes and smile become one whole. On the contrary, if he is lying, they will enter into dissonance. A man may smile broadly, but you will see anger or sadness in his eyes. You should beware of such a guy. If a man has a crush on a woman and hides feelings, then when communicating with her, the corners of his lips will be slightly raised, and his eyes will shine with joy.

Let's say, using the experience from this article, you found out that your close friend is crazy about you. But only he is still silent about it. His gestures, facial expressions, actions - everything betrays him, but why does a man hide his feelings for a woman, if everything is already known? And the guys are real conspirators. And even if you pin him to the wall with questions, you may not get the desired answer.

Therefore, this should not be done. Try to switch. Have fun together, chat, joke. Show him that you are interested with your partner, but do not speak openly about your feelings and do not demand it from him. He will take the first step when he is completely ready for this.

As a last resort, you can try to make your partner jealous. It will be good if another man appears on the horizon who is not indifferent to you. Most often, the fear of losing a loved one overcomes the fear of rejection, and the guy takes a step forward. But here, too, one cannot overdo it. If a man is weak, he may concede you to his rival.

Married men

Of course, at the beginning of dating, it is quite difficult to determine whether a man likes you or not. He can be secretive and not talkative, but at the same time, a girl can be very nice to a man. A married man is another matter. It looks simple enough. After all, the wedding has already passed. Can a married man hide his feelings for a woman in this case? It turns out that it can, and this is a fairly frequent occurrence. Married women often ask themselves the question: "Does he love me?" And psychology has its own explanation for this.

We have already figured out the first factor. Men rarely show their emotions and feelings, and this is a fact. In addition, a married man has many more responsibilities. He, like a real man, must make sure that the family has enough money so that the wife can afford to wear beautiful things. And if the couple also has children, the responsibilities become many times greater. A man immerses himself in work and at the same time devotes less and less time to his family. All his thoughts are occupied with precisely this. This is a fairly common situation when a married man hides his feelings for a woman and goes headlong into work.

But there is also a downside to the medal - a man may simply not be interested with his wife, he could have another, and the feelings, perhaps, have long faded away. Many women understand this and, naturally, are very worried.

Test: like it or not

It is quite simple to understand that a man is hiding his feelings and he is not really indifferent to you. To do this, you just need to analyze the behavior of the spouse. Check the items that match:

  • constantly angry
  • refuses sex
  • he doesn't like surprises
  • refuses to discuss relationship problems,
  • rarely appears at home (while it is not known where he is and with whom),
  • does not give gifts,
  • offends and offends.
  • constantly criticizes.

If you answered yes to more than 4 statements, most likely the man is not hiding his feelings. It seems that it's time to seriously think about whether the person is next to you? There is a small chance that he may have problems at work, and therefore he behaves in this way. But in this case, over time, everything will work out.

If a man hides his feelings for a woman with indifference, but at the same time takes care of the family, brings in all the income and calmly discusses the problems that have arisen, then everything is not so bad. A man needs support. As soon as he feels that his wife understands and loves him, he will become more kind and gentle.

Can the situation be changed?

Many girls and wives sorely lack tenderness and affection. But is it possible to demand from a person what he, for example, is not able to do? Perhaps expressing strong feelings is not in his rules? Many men believe that their direct responsibility is to provide for the family, and tenderness and mercy are all stupidity.

And in fact, as practice shows, words should always be backed up by deeds. Many men are able to sing for hours about eternal love, but at the same time it is difficult to wait for some male actions. At the same time, it is very rare when a man not only cares about the family, but also shows enough tenderness and care.

In any case, the situation can be changed. And first of all, you need to talk to your soulmate. Psychologists all over the world argue that many families collapse precisely because they do not know how to talk. The spouse does not understand why a man hides his feelings for a woman and silently takes offense at him. In turn, the husband also does not understand why his beloved behaves this way. Then it is possible that feelings will begin to fade and sooner or later the family will collapse.

To avoid this, you should talk with your soulmate as much as possible, understand him, support him, and only in this case, it is possible to get a response.

To summarize, we can say that many men hide their feelings for a woman, and for this they have a lot of reasons. And no matter how it seems to a woman that all this is stupid and pointless, a man will still think differently. For this reason, the silence of the stronger sex should be taken as a normal state. It is best to pay attention to what the man's body says and his actions and deeds in relation to you. These factors are a more reliable source of information than words.