Redemption of the bride in a private house: scenario. Poems for the ransom of the bride. Fabulous bride ransom in a private house

It is not often possible to meet a wedding, the script of which would have done without the ransom of the bride. Despite the fact that this is a matter for an hour, they are preparing for the ransom in advance, drawing up a script and decorating the house. It will be much more fun on a private territory, because in an apartment you can't turn around like that.

You will not only have no shortage of free space, but it will also be possible to conduct tests in the yard, rooms, hallways. The ransom will become much more interesting. The most important part of a foreclosure is home decoration.

From a distance it should be seen that it is here today that joy, happiness and, of course, a wonderful ritual will take place, during which the groom will be able to fully show his best character traits.

How to decorate?

First of all, the brightest juicy poster with the inscription: "The bride lives here!" Will look amazing and very informative. The yard can be decorated with a variety of colorful balloons, or they can be decorated with long garlands or fancy figurines. Ribbons or pots with fresh flowers will work well.

Various wall newspapers can be useful to you, on the creation of which you will have to work hard. Do not forget about the posters, which, being made with all sorts of the brightest applications and drawings, will instantly make it possible to understand: today there will be a ransom for the bride in this private house.

Photos of the bride and groom will complement the poster nicely. Having some connections, having an artist friend or being one, you can get several cartoons or perky pictures.

Acquaintances who know how to play the guitar, accordion, violin, and have tender feelings for romances or inviting ditties, can sit in the yard. This will make it possible to make the script of the ritual even more alive.

In terms of folklore, ditties can also be performed by bridesmaids. These representatives of the fair sex, who are assigned one of the most significant roles during the celebration, will be able to improve the mood of themselves, the groom, the guests, and also tune everyone in the right mood. Stopping your choice on posters, giving preference to all kinds of various decorations, deciding how the courtyard will look like, you need to take into account the season and weather conditions.

The fact is that in winter it will look somewhat inappropriate for a poor, numb violinist, sadly "singing" a love song that promised to be perky, through clenched teeth. Don't torture the musician.

The bridegroom is unlikely to come to the gate of a private house; he must be met, be it a presenter or a witness. It can be one of the bridesmaids, if these are “available”, and the mother of the chosen one of the future husband will perfectly cope with the essential role assigned to her.

The script can be so cool like this

Witness. Well hello dear groom! How long did you come to us ... All eyes overlooked, while they were waiting for you. Have you come for a bride? Yes, our red girl is smart, beautiful, caring, and even hard-working! You need to earn it. Are you ready?

The presenter of the bride's ransom should stand near the fence, blocking the path of the future spouse. The girl should leave only when she receives the consent of the groom.

If you are not afraid of experiments, and a wedding implies creativity, then young people dressed as bodyguards will “come to the court” and threaten their husband “without 5 minutes” that, being pampered, he will be sent off with white hands. The scenario can be perfectly illustrated.

Witness. Well, get the first problem. A chain made up of words will give you the opportunity to approach the doorstep of your daughter-in-law's house. However, the right to pass can be obtained only when I hear the exact answer to the question posed.

First test

Multi-colored footprints, drawn with crayons, in the direction of the alleged abode of the bride. The answer to the question is a new step. One wrong - and the groom will either have to go back two stages, or pay with the bride ransom, moving back only half the "fine".

As for the questions, the scenario assumes a flight of imagination:

  • What gift did the bride receive from you for the previous anniversary of her acquaintance?
  • How old is your future mother-in-law?

As soon as the future husband gets to the doorstep of the house, having passed test number 1 with blood and sweat, almost literally, he is accepted by "dad" with a malicious smile.

Father-in-law. Will you be a stone wall for my daughter?

Second test

Having received a number of tools: a hammer, a nail, a board - the chosen one of the father-in-law's daughter must find the correct use for the objects. Daddy-to-be gives the groom the opportunity to hammer in a nail with just one blow.

If the "son" succeeds instantly, he can go further. Otherwise, you will have to pay the ransom for the bride. Having coped, having passed the test, the "dove" goes to the entrance, where he is accepted into open arms by his beloved girlfriend.

Friend. Hello. Your chosen one is powdered with might and main, the marriage is not far off. Only now, as always, I managed to forget about the time. Hurry her up. To get through, decide which key will come in handy for you!

Third trial

All rooms in the house should not only be locked, but they should be numbered in advance. To implement the scenario, three or four lights are enough. The task of the future husband is as follows: he must get a key that matches the lock of each of the little rooms.

He will have the opportunity to do this by passing the appropriate tests. The friend, in turn, must hold a tray with cards numbered by the number of rooms on it. The groom, choosing each, does what is required.

So that the bride's ransom does not become long and routine, you can also connect a witness to the execution.

The first task is "Mosaic". The witness receives a postcard that is cut into tiny pieces. The time allotted for the task is 2 minutes. Using a children's mosaic, you will be able to provoke the subject, they say, and the child will cope. A witness who does not meet the time limit must treat those present with sweets, which had been prepared in advance, and also pay the bride price.

The second task is "Where is my beloved?" Posters with prints of hands, lips, fingers of the bridegroom's beloved girl will be very useful. And not only her. The challenge is that the young man must recognize the prints, the mistress of which is the bride.

The third task is "Name, Karl!" The groom and the “boyfriend”, “scraping along the bottom of the barrel”, having found the small change in the depths of the pockets, must, within 2 minutes, recreate the bride’s name exclusively from “improvised materials” that have just been found.

The fourth task is "Compliments". The groom receives from the witness a "chamomile" with letters written on the petals. The subject must invent a tender nickname for his beloved, starting with the proposed letter. The failed groom must pay the bride ransom.

Fourth Hot-Cold Test

Having opened every door, the future husband should find: there is a window wide open in the upper room, but the bride's trace is gone. The witness must offer help: knowing perfectly well where the bride-in-law has hidden, she can coordinate the actions of the groom. The bride hides at her discretion: in a neighboring hacienda, in the nearest foreign car, standing under the windows, behind a birch tree.

Description: If the wedding is planned in your home or garden, then this scenario of redemption is easy to carry out without a toastmaster.

When buying out in a private house, you should take into account some peculiarities when choosing tenders, as well as when drawing up and planning the program itself. An example is the following scenario of buying out a private house. The wedding cortege arrives at the bride's house and all the guests leave, as well as the witness with the groom. They approach the gate of the house, where guests, bridesmaids and a witness await them. It is best to entrust the conduct of the ransom to a witness.

- Look, dear guests, our long-awaited groom has finally arrived. We are already tired of waiting for him. You probably came to us from distant wanderings. In the whole world you have not found such a beautiful, intelligent and kind bride as ours. But we just won't give it to you. You need to be sure that you are a worthy half for our beauty. Check it out only in trials. Are you ready to test your strength, to prove your love for the bride?

- Yes!

There are paper-cut hearts next to the gate. On the back of them is written a task or ransom. For example, as a ransom, you can specify a certain amount of money, wine, champagne, a box of chocolates.

- Here are the trails by which you can come to your beloved. This is the road of love to be traversed. But be careful, many of them will require you to complete difficult tasks. They need to be dealt with.
The groom walks through the hearts and performs the indicated tasks, gives a ransom. This scenario assumes that in this way he comes to the gate of a private house.

- What should a real man be able to do?

The groom and guests:
- Build a house, plant a tree, give birth to a son!

- Give birth to a son! Let's see how it gives birth!)))
- Now, by how to give our beautiful bride in marriage to you, you need to check whether you are ready for this. First, let's check how ready you are to build a house. Here's a hammer, a board, and nails. And we'll see how skillfully you work with the instrument.

The groom is given a tool and a board. He drives a nail. Everyone supports him with applause. The task can be made more difficult by hammering in 2 nails at the same time.


End of introductory snippet. To purchase the full version of the script, go to your shopping cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and by the link that will come to you by e-mail.

Price: 99 R kill

Bride ransom is a classic custom that begins the modern wedding of almost any nation. By tradition, a huge number of guests and ordinary onlookers gather to watch the groom come to pick up his beloved at the registry office. This action is carried out, as a rule, accompanied by noisy, cheerful tests, through which the groom must go. This is probably the most crucial moment for the future spouse, so all participants should carefully prepare by coming up with a funny scenario for this interesting scene.

Preparing for redemption

The process of preparing for the bride's ransom takes place directly on the wedding day, a couple of hours before the groom arrives with his noisy company. The script has long been ready and is in the hands of the witness. It is imperative that you familiarize other participants with it, who will be needed to implement such a plan. And to make the ransom go without a hitch, here are some tips to help you:

  • Take care of the decor of the entrance to the bride's house and the porch in advance. Hang balloons generously over the door, decorate an impromptu arch with ribbons, hang various posters with humorous wedding-themed messages.
  • For the convenience of performing this or that competition, put tables on the street to meet the groom. Take care of drinks and snacks. If the wedding takes place in winter, do not keep your dear guests outside for a long time.
  • Prepare a special box in which you will collect money for the bride.
  • Appoint a responsible person who will carefully monitor the money. It is important that nothing was lost during the day, and that it fell into the hands of the newlyweds safe and sound.
  • Select bridesmaids to assist with the foreclosure process.

Redemption details

Writing a script is a responsible business that will not work if you do not think about the necessary additional details. After the words are drawn up, interesting contests are invented, it will become clear to you what necessary accessories will be useful for the implementation of a particular scene. So, what exactly you might need to carry out a funny scenario of a bride ransom:

  • Buy in advance a large number of balloons with which you will decorate the entrance.
  • For the design of humorous posters with caricatures of the bride and groom, prepare a lot of multi-colored markers, paints, crayons.
  • Design a piggy bank beautifully, in which you will collect money, candies, and so on for redemption. Use ribbons, bows, artificial flowers.
  • For some contests, you will need: a glass half filled with water, a large basin, baby photos of the bride and her bridesmaids, rope, clothespins, 10 chupa-chups.
  • Draw with chalk footprints of different sizes, including the natural footprint of the bride (make it along the contour of her foot).


The script for a funny bride buyout involves the presence of characters, so you should decide in advance on the people whom you will involve in your performance. Be sure to put them on the script list. You should describe in detail in your script the order of the dialogues of the event participants, the words that accompany certain actions. List each speech by name. It might be more interesting if you use prose.

As a rule, the most important participants in any bride ransom are: the presenter (a witness who prepared and invented funny contests or toastmaster), her assistants, the groom, the witness and the rest of the assembled guests (they also help the future husband to cope with certain tasks, suggest and morally support). At the end, the bride's parents and the beauty herself in a wedding dress appear.

Venue decoration

Much in the couple's future married life depends on how the bride meets her lover. The first thing to be careful about is decorating the venue for the merry bride price. Everything should shine, smell sweet, talk about how happy and awaiting the head of the future family is here. Below you will find a few parting words to help you prepare and decorate the bride's courtyard beautifully for the arrival of the groom.

  1. Cleanliness is a guarantee of a pleasant and impeccable experience, therefore, the courtyard must be thoroughly cleaned in advance. Thoroughly wash the staircase floors, remove unnecessary items, you may first need to make some minor repairs, paint some details (creating the perfect image will not hurt you).
  2. Next, proceed with the decoration and decoration. Tie a beautiful drapery with bows on the railing, attach small bouquets of natural or artificial flowers, some of which can be placed on the windowsills of the entrance. Use generously the colorful ribbons hanging from the ceiling.
  3. Decorate the walls with various cool cartoon-style pictures or wedding-themed messages. Everything should be consistent with one theme - bride ransom and a fun wedding.
  4. At the entrance to the staircase, put an impromptu arch made of balls. If possible, drape the entrance with a beautiful fabric in the form of an arch.
  5. If the ransom takes place in the village, then decorating the yard will turn out much easier: you will need less material for decoration (for example, use a large number of balls).
  6. Do not forget to colorfully decorate the room in which the bride will be waiting for her lover.

Bride Ransom Scenario

First action. The groom with his parents and friends drives up to the bride's house in an elegant car. A meeting takes place here: the witness and the bride's friends gathered at the entrance to the entrance and do not let dear guests in. She is the first to start a conversation and ask this question:

Do you keep your way far, good fellow?

Why, I'm looking for my beloved. I want to take it down the aisle!

Found the right way! However, the path to the beauty is not easy: trials await you here. Think well if you are ready for them.

Second action. Bridesmaids approach the groom with a piggy bank and the words:

Once you have firmly decided to marry - fill up your piggy bank, fill the future family budget. Let your friend not be shy and also put in a heel or two!

Satisfied with the monetary tribute, the girls hand over a filled glass of snacks to the guys and disperse, letting the groom closer to the entrance to the entrance.

Third action. Trials and punishments.

Competitions for the groom and witnesses

  • The first competition. The presenter lays out the drawn traces in advance and says the following verse:

Here the girls ran -

They stomped it very hard!

See your beloved trail

So that she loved for a thousand years!

If the groom gives the wrong answer - each time he puts part of the ransom in the piggy bank, the witness helps him.

  • The second competition. The groom with the guests moves forward and gets into the vestibule of the entrance. Here he can see funny pictures of the bride hanging on a rope, mixed with her bridesmaids in childhood. He must guess the photo of his future wife. The guests are helping. The witness says:

We'll see now -

How your sharp eye works!

One two Three -

Where is she: find it!

  • The third competition. At the entrance, the groom must lay out the name of his beloved in banknotes. The money is then put into a money box for redemption. Friend's words:

For the future wife to love -

Write her name with money!

  • The fourth competition. Having risen to the floor above, the witnesses put a huge basin in front of the groom, with the words:

And now, generous fellow,

Put a present for the bride here.

It must be valuable

The most, the most extraordinary.

Here the guy has to guess that it is himself. Jokingly give hints to the newlywed, for example, with what object the bride will have to live together all her life, etc. Guests should present funny and funny ideas, give suggestions.

  • Fifth competition. "Over the edge". The witness gives a half-filled glass to the groom so that he can pour in a lot of change and the water overflows. Her words:

Show the abundance of your wealth, gild the glass with coins!

  • Sixth competition. There remains the last flight with steps to the doors leading to the bride's apartment. The groom should write on each step with crayons the reason why he is getting married. The presenter hands him a crayon and says:

And now, good fellow, you must engrave on stone twelve reasons why you are getting married.

Better prepare the groom by advising him to come up with these reasons at home. And at the end of the competition, demand the last ransom in the form of sweets, champagne, and various coins.

Video: funny bride ransom

It is easy to understand that you cannot imagine a good scenario for buying a bride in one day. You need to look through a lot of information, ask your friends what traditional contests to fill the first minutes of this rite, so that everything turns out to be interesting and fun. Do not spare humor while drafting your bride ransom, make extensive use of your own imagination and creativity. Check out the video below on Funny Bride Ransom to help you learn more about how this should look live.

In a private house there is where to turn around with the ransom of the bride, no cramped porch walls, stairs and tiny spans. Therefore, the tests for the groom will be more serious. The scenario of buying a bride in a private house always begins with a meeting of the groom at the gates of the estate.

Meeting at the gate

A modern private house always has a driveway, so it is on it that it is worth meeting the groom, the host and the bridesmaids. They ask in verse or prose who is that and why he came, And after the groom's announcement of his intention to marry, they say that the bride will not go for just anyone. The path will tell you why he is so good that it is worth letting him into the yard for the bride.

If the groom mumbles, refuses to praise himself or is completely confused, then he can pay the ransom in money to enter the courtyard. Or bribe girlfriends with champagne and sweets so that they do not see how he entered the yard.

Let's walk around the yard

The next stage of the groom's torment begins in the courtyard. If the groom of the city and the village saw only on TV, it will be a particularly funny competition.

After the eulogies in front of the gate, it is worthwhile to prove in practice that he is worth a lot and can replace everyone and everything for the bride. For this, the groom is shown domestic animals. They ask who it is, they are forced to depict each animal and speak its language, explaining that the bride, leaving her father's house, will cry a lot for her beloved cow or pig, and they will need to be replaced. For every mistake or refusal to participate, the groom will have to pay with money, sweets and alcohol.

Into the garden, so into the garden

Another way to test the groom is to scare him by going to the father-in-law with his mother-in-law in the garden. The father-in-law in this test invites the groom to check whether he can replace him in the beds while the bride's father is fishing.

If the gates to the garden are not on the way to the house, then you can take all the props into the yard and place them against the wall of the house. You will need working tools to cultivate the beds, the more the better. Hoists, pitchforks, rakes, cultivators and lawn mowers, various "diggers" and "rippers". Everything is set in a row and the groom tells what it is and shows how it works, an especially cool moment is obtained when trying to depict the sound of a lawn mower or other equipment.

At the end of the line with tools, you need to put a brazier and put coal, and the father-in-law will try to find out how and with what the groom will meet the "dad" from fishing. To pass the tests correctly, the groom and his friends will have to light up the grill. Tell how they will regale their father-in-law with barbecue in the evening and buy a bottle of beer or moonshine from the host in order to appease the father-in-law and go to the porch of the house.

Pick up the key

The father-in-law, telling everyone what the right guy came to (and he is good, and knows how to work, and will help with animals, and will take care of food and drinks for "dad"), complains that he forgot the key to the house for joy. And he offers the groom a large bundle and warns that if the key does not guess right the first time, then you will have to pay for the next attempts.

The groom picks up the key to the door, paying accordingly with fruit, alcohol or sweets for each attempt. If they are over, then money and creative numbers are used. It does not matter whether the youth composition of the guests at the wedding or is already older, everyone can fool around here.

Guess the room

When the key is picked up and the door is open, the groom enters a room with several closed doors and must guess behind which the bride was hidden. And you can guess her only if the bride herself prompts, you can try to shout to her or sing a song for her, if you like it, she will open it.

The groom has no choice but to sing the song, but louder so that the bride can hear well what is being sung. When the song is sung, one door opens slightly, no one comes out and the groom is offered to enter and take his betrothed. When he enters, there is no one in the room, except for granny, who says that he sang very well, she listened directly, she opened the door ajar so that she could hear better, and all the windows were wide open.

The presenter begins to ask the grandma about the bride, did she see, maybe she knows where she is hiding in which room to go. To which the grandmother says that there was a bride here, but they profited her, waited a long time and ran out the window, but their bride or some other, it must be decided.

Tell me who to look for

The grandmother hands out a dish or a bag with letters made of cardboard to the groom, and says: “Take out the letter and tell me who your bride is, what your bride has for this letter, and everyone will listen, how you tell everything and describe it in detail, let's go look for the runaway together , we will help you. "

For a particularly interesting effect, you can put more letters such as w, w, b, b, x, i, e, y in the bag. If you could not name the quality of the bride for an elongated letter, then you can buy the opportunity to pull out the next letter for chocolate, alcohol or sweets. After the letters are over, the contests also end. The grandmother says that she knows somewhere here there was a girl suitable for the description, they say, look for her in the yard, and sends everyone to the yard, where they quickly find a bride.

The advantage of such a ransom is that the bride, hiding in the yard, will be able to watch many of the groom's performances herself and will not be nervous alone. And the minus is that in winter you can't hide like that and you can't keep the windows open, so you just have to hide in another room, and the grandmother will send everyone not to the courtyard, but to the light opposite.

Own house at all times had advantages over an apartment in a high-rise building. And if your bride lives in a private household, you are just fabulously lucky! Wedding traditions and ceremonies, in particular, the ransom of the bride, will not be limited by narrow flights of stairs, dark porches and apartments that cannot accommodate everyone who wants to participate in the wedding ceremony. In addition, wedding video and photo chroniclers will be lucky to shoot the beginning of the celebration in daylight, which means that the output will be bright and colorful.

We offer you several contests that can be successfully held outdoors.

Dear readers!

The site provides only introductory information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I don't sell anything;)

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01. Customs gives (or does not give) the go-ahead.

02. Fortune telling in pots.

To hold this competition you need to get:

  • 5 real rustic clay pots,
  • 4 pacifiers,
  • Car keys,
  • faceted glass,
  • a piece of paper with the words "Money. A lot",
  • spoon,
  • women's fishnet stocking.
We put the above-mentioned items in each pot and fill them with any cereals, grain, etc. (1 pot - 4 pacifiers, 2 - a glass, etc.).

Some of the girls announce the terms of the competition: the groom takes objects out of the pots at random, the girl comments. What the groom gets first will start family life.
  • Pacifiers - 4 children,
  • a glass is a drinker,
  • spoon - a lover of food,
  • car keys - buy a car,
  • fishnet stocking - comes off to the left.
The groom refutes the predictions if he does not like them. A ransom is paid for a glass and a woman's stocking.

03. Helping a mother-in-law is a sacred thing.

The host of the competition asks if the groom respects the future mother-in-law. He crumbles into assurances.

The presenter asks if the son-in-law is ready to help the mother-in-law in an emergency? He again swears that he is always ready.

The presenter says that the mother-in-law's chickens have scattered. Some of the girls are releasing previously closed chickens. The task of the groom and the team is to catch all the chickens. The amount of the ransom depends on the number of chickens not caught.

Instead of chickens, you can use a piglet. But the pig is a nimble and grimy creature, so chickens are better.

04. Wreath for the beloved

The host of the competition says that courageous and tough men are wonderful. But if, with all this, they are also romantics, this is doubly wonderful. Therefore, the task is as follows: each young man should weave a wreath for his beloved from pre-collected wildflowers.

We do not think that all young men know how to do this. The ransom is paid by those whose wreaths turned out to be so-so. You can subtly ask the creators of beautiful wreaths where the skills were acquired. Who does not answer - also pays the ransom.

05. Search

Girls in police caps approach the groom and his team, present a "search warrant" and declare that there has been a signal that some of the team have things that are strictly prohibited at the wedding.

After conducting a search, the girls extract the following unauthorized items:
"bad mood", "boredom", "melancholy", "stinginess", "depression", "unwillingness to have fun".

The punishment for this is the performance of a waltz, polka, or song. Those who do not wish can be released on bail, i.e. - ransom. A prerequisite is the presence of a musician with an accordion.

06. Tricks of the mother-in-law.

In mother-in-law dress up someone from the bride's relatives, preferably a male and a serious build. Mother-in-law stands to death in front of the door to the house and does not let the groom.

She tells the groom something like this:

Good, nothing to say. And dressed up and pomaded. But I live in the village, keep the farm, heat the stove. I will become weak and old, who will look after the house? Show me, precious son-in-law, how you will cope with my tasks.
The tasks are as follows - chop wood, mow. If the groom is from the countryside, there will be no problems, but if the city dweller ... in short, it will be fun.

Incomplete - the groom can be helped by one of his friends who are more versed in agriculture. In this case, the "mother-in-law" instead of the groom drags his hard-working friend into the house. The groom pays the ransom.

07. Tricks of the mother-in-law -2.

The girls secretly tell the groom that his mother-in-law is greedy for flattering speeches and praise. It depends on how eloquent the groom is whether he sees the bride today.

The mother-in-law protects every step of the porch. She retreats only if (by 1 step) if she is satisfied with the compliments of her future son-in-law. If not, then he says that the sons-in-law said few good words to her, and therefore he will not receive the key to the house. The not very eloquent groom pays the ransom. If the groom's tongue hangs well, then the team can break into the house for free.

08. Declaration of love for all time.

At all times, under the windows of their beloved girls, romantic gentlemen performed serenades and recited poetry.

Let's force our groom to resort to an ancient way to attract a girl's attention.

Bridesmaids prepare 2 texts of the poem in advance: one comic, one serious. It is desirable that the texts contain many verbs denoting any action. One of the girls invites the groom to convey the content of a love poem with gestures, facial expressions, movements. The bride at this time hides somewhere behind a curtain and watches all this pantomime.

The presenter girl reads slowly and expressively. If the groom is not emotional enough, the leader suggests that the whole team join. Imagine a crowd of young people depicting love, passion, jealousy - each in its own way.

The bride, as a sign of acceptance of a declaration of love, should throw a flower out of the window. If this is not followed, the groom pays the ransom.

09. Taking a snowy town.

Typically published scripts and contests assume the summer season. But winter is a great time for all kinds of fantasies to come true.

First, there is a romantic three-piece with bells harnessed to a decorated sleigh. In winter, the groom can come to them for the bride.

Secondly, it is the beauty of winter nature and snow, from which you can depict anything you want. For example, figures of animals, animals, people, which can become an obstacle on the way of the groom to the bride.

A pre-built snow town is perfect, which will be protected by the bride's team, and the groom's team, accordingly, will win. In the courtyard of a private house, you can put on a whole performance with the participation of Christmas characters, New Year's and magical heroes.