Wedding anniversary 25 years. Silver wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary and what to give for it


Think of those ceremonies and rituals that you can perform on this special, significant day. Start your morning with a kiss. It will remind you of your wedding day. Without getting out of bed, you need to kiss your spouse, and the longer this kiss lasts, the happier and longer your life together will be in the future. This ancient sign is the same as the “first kiss”.

Then, on the same day at dawn, you can perform another rite. In the old days, the spouses went to the river early in the morning, poured water into a silver jug ​​and, pouring from it, helped each other to wash. In modern conditions, water can be taken from the tap, the main thing is to find a silver jug. First, the wife washed her husband three times and dried him with a linen towel, then the husband did the same. Each ablution has its own meaning.

The first washing washes away the years, and the spouses become a quarter younger, the second washing washes away the hardships and sorrows experienced, and the water takes them away with it. Washing for the third time, husband and wife meet a new life. After the ceremony, the jug is put out into the courtyard or balcony until the water has completely evaporated, which symbolizes the departure from them in the future life of all sorrows. The faster the water evaporates, the more carefree and happier life will be.

Following tradition, invite parents in advance. In the old days, the washing ritual ends with their arrival. They check if the water in the jug and the towel is dry, and only after that. If the water is not dry, they will have to wait. To prevent this from happening, the spouses should get up early and perform the ritual of washing at dawn.

Exchange silver rings, as on the first day of life together. This is the most important, significant and beautiful rite of the day. A solemn ceremony can be arranged at home, in a restaurant and even in the registry office. The bride puts on an elegant dress, and a white wedding dress is also possible. At this ceremony, there must be those witnesses who were present at the registration of the marriage. They will confirm your love one more time.

Try to perform the ceremony at noon, when the sun is at its zenith. And if it shines on the celebration, it means that your feelings have not faded away at all for such a long period.

If you wish, you can invite the holy father. This ceremony in the old days was performed by the priest, again crowning the spouses. But if you still haven't got married in a church, then a silver wedding is the best suited for this purpose.

By exchanging gold rings for silver ones, you will remove the first ones for 25 years and carefully save, as well as your love, until the celebration of the golden wedding, where you will exchange them again.

Adhering to modern trends that have come into use not so long ago, a husband and wife can wear silver rings over gold rings. But this new trend is very criticized by the older generation.

If held at home, before removing the dishes from the table, you should arrange a tea party for yourself at an uncleaned table. Remember today's solemn day, past years, make plans for the future. And now you can start cleaning. And the husband, of course, should help his wife, thereby showing her his respect and care.

Do not limit yourself to the rituals described above. Presenting flowers remains the main tradition. The husband should congratulate his wife in the morning and give her a bouquet of her favorite flowers. These can be magnificent roses, or they can be modest field daisies, which the “bride” loves so much.

Be sure to invite the same guests who attended the most. Send out the invitation at least 25 days before the main event. It is also believed that at least 25 people should be present at the silver celebration, but more can be.

Treat your guests with various dishes. Like 25 years ago at the wedding itself, the anniversary should not be complete without a loaf or cake, which the spouses cut again together. Keep in mind that all guests must receive a piece so that each of them shares your happiness with you! Don't forget about champagne - the first toast is always offered for this sparkling drink.

Make a gift for yourself too - invite a toastmaster if you want to get maximum pleasure and minimum problems.


  • where to celebrate 25 years of marriage

On the fortieth anniversary of married life, it is customary to arrange a celebration called a ruby ​​wedding. To live 40 years in a happy marriage is already a real talent. A ruby ​​wedding is a celebration of a long and beautiful love that has gone through all the obstacles of fate and the difficulties of family life. Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate her spouses in such a way that they and all the guests present will remember this celebration.


You can mark ruby ​​​​both at home and in a restaurant ordered in advance. Invite all your family and close friends, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to the celebration. Decorate the chosen room with red and pink curtains, festive ribbons, bows, garlands, heart balloons.

Congratulations on your silver wedding

You take care of this silver.
Take it as a badge of distinction!
Let there be only goodness in your house!
Live and dream about the future!

How quickly the years fled into the distance
And they covered your heads with silver.
How fleeting everything is. But it doesn't matter:
You are together! You are family! And it's great!

The years have passed by
And the anniversary arrived.
A quarter of a century il argentum,
As Mendeley would say.

You are a quarter of a century together! Has come
Beautiful and wise time -
There are still feelings, there are desires, strength
After all, to live on in the brilliance of silver,
We hope the spouses do not get tired?
And in a toast we want to wish ours:
Let twenty-five become fifty
And then - fantasize together!

A quarter of a century side by side, together
Flew like a moment

You divided by two.
Never let them get tired
Beat in unison of the heart
And love will be the result
Two silver rings!

Anniversary of silver rings
We will celebrate with you at last.
You have lived in love for so many years
Protecting your family from harm.
We will pour glasses to the brim,
So that your house is a full bowl.
You are in health, in joy to live in it,
To deserve a golden wedding.

The embodiment of all justice
Good dad, support, husband
I dreamed of a husband just like you,
Our family advisor and friend!

Soul to soul you lived happily
Twenty-five amazing years.
I promise you wonderful grandchildren
Give as a bouquet for a wedding!

There are only two in this group
Husband and the one from the rib.
Let them hold the tail with a pipe
Silver Anniversary!

Today is a big date:
Not five, not ten - twenty-five!
And we are both extremely happy
Congratulations on this date.

Husband and wife. Everything is very simple:
Live together, eat and sleep together
Give each other stars
Love, protect and respect.

We wish you much happiness
And a sea of ​​stars above your head
May the road lead us all
For the wedding celebration GOLDEN!

I wish you always love

With a silver, friends, wedding to you!

After all, your life is true!
Nobody thinks to weave intrigues!
And in the heart of gold, let it happen more often
Love sparkles with joy!

Two people met
And they have been living together for a quarter of a century!
We congratulate you on this!
And we wish family happiness together!
To keep it from going anywhere
And in your house always remained!
Birds fly over the silver wedding
The crazy world will shout about you!

Mendeley was cunning Dmitry,
Invented tables.
So let's dry our lips
Let's kiss a group of people.

Gray hair faded.
You've been married for 25 years!
Just whatever happens
Let love warm the blanket!

Twenty-five lived silvery years.
How did you keep your love light,
And not tired of each other for a moment,
And managed to drive away everyday boredom ?!

Today we ask you to reveal the secret to us.
In the meantime, all the guests give you a bouquet
Warm congratulations, best wishes.
Let the time come to remember the dates!

That's a quarter of a century together
You have walked in life.
There were springs, there were songs,
There were smells of grass.

Let tears of happiness shine in your eyes -
Silver date has come to you!
And all that was - joy and bad weather,
You have become more valuable, twice!
Today is a quarter of a century since the wedding day!
I wish you always love
I wish you happiness, sincere laughter,
Your love capable of keeping!

Happy wedding anniversary, we
Dear, we want to congratulate
Glad to see you together now
Glad you two are doing well!

We wish you not to know illnesses,
And never meet trouble
And continue to love each other
As on your wedding day, admire!

I want to thank you all the time
That I am not tired of giving myself,
For all those twenty-five years together -
happy life dropped ticket

A quarter of a century side by side, together
Flew like a moment
Happiness, joy, sadness and songs
You divided by two.
Never let them get tired
Beat in unison of the heart
And love will be the result
Two silver rings!

For a silver wedding, the husband and wife must exchange silver rings with each other, which will henceforth be worn on the middle finger of the right hand, next to the wedding ring. Also, in addition to the rings, the spouses exchange bouquets of 5 flowers.

You have an anniversary today
And a great date.
How many months and days
Gone since you've been married!

Oh, how to scream
Such a beautiful couple "Bitter!".
What is "twenty-five"?
A hundred times you live so much.

Today is the Silver Day
And silver is a sacred metal.
Let the head shine
And the feelings will remain the same.

Already the twenty-fifth anniversary
And it seems not so much.
But feelings are stronger and brighter,
The road has already been paved.

We wish you not to break
Those bonds that tightly bound you,
And do not be sad, and do not be bored,
Even if they got tired somewhere.

And there's another stage ahead
Now we must strive for it -
Survive to the golden wedding
And enjoy this moment.

Happy, wonderful anniversary!
You have been together for 25 wonderful years.
May your life be happy
And keep your joy a secret!

As before, walk hand in hand
On the long path of life
Respect each other, adore,
To save love from various storms!

I congratulate you with all my heart on the 25th anniversary of your family life - on your silver wedding. I sincerely wish you to pass the second half of the way to the golden wedding just as beautifully, happily and successfully. I wish prosperity to your home and peace, true love and good luck.

How quickly the years go by
They can not be returned and not caught up.
You have a silver wedding
You are exactly twenty-five together!

You are our role model
Anyone will envy you.
Now we wish you the main thing -
Survive until the golden wedding!

Fate brought you together for a reason,
Led difficult roads.
But if the hand is in the hand and the heart is sweet,
The couple will be together forever!

We heartily congratulate you on your anniversary,
Not a joke - a quarter of a century outside the window.
How important it is to meet a person in life
And share a common home with him.

We wish you well, love and respect,
But, the truth is, we know it's all with you.
The key to family comfort is the height of patience.
Today all words are for you!

You have come a long way together
Together we reached the silver
Let's raise our glasses,
So that your house is full of happiness!

I wish you no stress
Now to drive to gold!
And only great pleasure
Always receive from life!

I wish you to live fifty years,
In health to wait for great-grandchildren,
Each other, understanding and loving,
Forgiving and enduring all mistakes!

Let beautiful love flare up again
To enjoy life again and again
Only joy, happiness from children,
May you have more fun every day!

Twenty-five is no longer ten
A quarter of a century is a long time.
you lived these years
Strong, friendly family.

Maybe there were disputes
We don't care, we see
That today you are into each other,
As always, we are in love.

Let the past bad weather
They melt away like smoke.
Twenty-five is the number for happiness
Let's shout "bitter!" young!

Your family is twenty-five today!
How many years have passed since the cherished date,
Today we want to wish you
So that you are rich in life:

You are rich in love and understanding.
Rich in children, grandchildren, friends.
May you have enough tenderness, attention.
You create your own happiness.

Wedding ring,
It brought so much happiness.
Silver all around
A heartbeat is heard.

25 - lived together
And do not tell the bride.
It was different in fate
You didn't break anywhere.

We wish you only health,
On your brilliant anniversary.
And we hope that happiness
Will last for many days.

Silver song floats across the sky
Song about marriage, about friendship,
Silver ringing in the heart lives
A song about a fiery feeling!
Today the silver wedding call -
And you are not happier in the world
Let your corner be cozy
And the children will be healthy!

Native mom, dad,
Happy wedding anniversary to you -
With silver.
With all my heart today
We wish you
So that your house is full
Comfort and warmth.

Not much passed
For this quarter of a century.
Not much experienced
But both!
After all, the main dream
In a person -
Build a small, family
Warm house.

And on this anniversary
We wish you
Health, happiness, joy
All around.
With a silver wedding
Smiles to you, fun
And flowers.

You are a quarter of a century, what is your name
Wife, children - his big family,
You will always lend a shoulder to them,
You always risk your head for them. We wish happiness to you and the children,
You have a silver wedding today
You went to her for a long time - in the heat and in the cold,

Not tired, not regretting, but loving,
Verna has always been to the family, and to her husband!
After all, he is ready for a feat for you,
Let the years of feelings not cool,
Only twenty-five years old
You love each other so dearly
We wish you boundless love,

But we wish you not only silver,
Be happy, beautiful and healthy
May fortune be generous to you!
And that means - together for many years. The secret is how to live in love for so many years.

The secret is how to be forever young
And how to look with a loving look.
And we will come to congratulate you again,
Somewhere in twenty-five years. We have young people today with experience,
We can only tell you sincerely:
Well done for so many years
Divide the worries in half

And here is a gift of fate - silver!
Let only goodness flourish in the house,

May love help you overcome all hardships and difficulties, may they be so few that you don’t even notice them!
Friends! On your anniversary, I wish you not only a full house of silver, but also family happiness - forever, joyful moments - every day, smiles to each other - in the morning and in the evening.

Congratulations on your Silver Wedding!
And we want to sincerely wish
To you: health, success, good luck,
And always understand each other.
Quarter of century! After all, it's a lot
To test your feelings.
We will fill the glasses today
On this holiday of great LOVE!

Congratulations on your silver wedding
Twenty-five is truly valuable
You are strong and rich with each other,
Your bonds are strong and imperishable.

Your destinies are intertwined
For two, one life is the road,
You, as a whole, two halves,
You were created by God for each other.

May your marriage be like a thousand springs
Blooms with love and passion.
And fate will bring on the dressing
You are happy in silver glasses.

Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can not forget about it!
Silver wedding is the most beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment
Silver wedding - the wealth of common years!
You celebrate the silver wedding with soul,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

I am very glad to congratulate you, relatives,
Happy silver wedding now!
You are my parents
What is difficult to convey ... well, just "Class!"
Health to you, mutual understanding,
Prosperity and family warmth!
May every wish come true
May your life be happy!

A quarter of a century is a wonderful date,
In tender feelings, magical power -
Love once married you
Happiness has given you forever.

The silver wedding is knocking at your door.
There have been so many ups and downs in life!
But you didn't break that thread of love
What connected you on the path of life.
We wish you longevity, warmth,
Family comfort, health and kindness,
Look into each other's eyes, and feel the thrill,
And in the starry evenings hug with love!

We hasten to congratulate you on your silver wedding:
You had to go through a lot.
However, we wish you to continue this path.
And do not leave your hand out of your hands for a moment.
Such unity is unknown to many,
For you, it is family law.

Silver wedding means
That the Lord has ordained you for each other,
So let your dreams always come true
We wish you happiness and love.
Help each other in the future
Support and don't be discouraged!
Let all good things happen
And a smile will light up your face!

I instantly congratulate mom and dad,
I wanted very, very, very much.
And I won't lie here
I prepared a gift at night.
As a gift, I will read the lines,
So sincere, tender, colorful.
Accept congratulations from your daughter,
My good, beloved, relatives.
I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I will give you my heart again.
The only thing I'll say here, I know
That I will never betray you!

The date today is long-awaited,
Silver wedding desired
And we wish the young
Intimacy to be always cool
So that peace reigns in every corner,
And there was no place for trouble
Love burned like a star
And your dream come true
Union so that it is strong like steel,
And in my heart I sang for spring!

Dear, my beloved husband,
You are not only a husband, you are also my friend.
I am very glad that we are together
It's very interesting with you
Congratulations on your silver wedding
I wish you with great tenderness.
So that life flows like a stormy river
Bypassing all the thresholds and potholes.
And so that together we are like a husband, wife
We also celebrated our golden wedding anniversary.

The day of the silver wedding has come -
Your couple is celebrating!
Silver is a precious metal
He protects the owner from troubles!
So these properties are magical
And for your happiness pledge!
Be joyful, believe in the best!
Take your piece of luck!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
We congratulate you, keep it up!
There were strife and joy.
But you were able to hold each other.
And love gives birth to your pride.
We will test it to the fullest.
Congratulations on silver today.
Let the wave of happiness cover!

Surprisingly, after a quarter of a century
Two wonderful people together.
Congratulations on this important date
And we wish you guys love!

Silver wedding - twenty-five!
What toast can we say here?
And who could come up with the perfect
For the case of such a rhyme?
No, all the words sound awkward here,
And a long toast is completely, completely unnecessary.
And all I need to say here is:
You are as happy as on the morning of your wedding!
Let the gray hair of whiskey turn silver,
But your ardor has not cooled!

Silver wedding - feelings are burning in the hearts,
Great holiday - a masterpiece for art!
The husband is serious, and the wife is beautiful and colorful!
Looking at you, eyes rejoice.
And the bright radiance of silver,
He says that life is not in vain!
We do not wish for wealth,
And happiness, but we wish you love without guile!

I am grandma and grandpa, so I want to congratulate
And with verses of congratulations, I'm flying on wings.
Lived together for a long time, you are twenty-five years old,
And there was a lot of sense, from you - from good fellows.
I want you to live forever. Love, always bloom
So that everything was fine, and never be sad.

Silver wedding - a quarter of a century,
How did you connect life for a reason.
And the years flew by very quickly -
And touched the whiskey already gray hair ...

But it doesn't matter, everything around doesn't matter,
After all, the main thing is as before, you are young,
Eyes sparkle with boundless love,
Such as a flame, in a crazy spring.

May this date give you tenderness,
Attention and care from children.
Well-being will become endless,
So that you live many bright days.

Another twenty-five years, or even more.
After all, you have enthusiasm for this.
Shine your happiness longer,
Protecting your love again.

Today is your silver wedding day!
I congratulate you, my dear ones!
I wish you happiness, love each other!
And make your hopes come true!
May your dreams and wishes come true!
Parents, Happy Holidays! I love you!
I wish you joy, laughter, smiles,
Let only goodness and comfort reign in the house!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
And today is our wedding anniversary!
There is no more reliable person in the world -
For each other you are the most valuable!
We wish you peace and care,
Be a little wiser every day.
Let all adversity go around your house,
Sunny and joyful days to you!

Silver wedding - love reward!
You are walking hand in hand.
And more, it seemed, was not necessary,
Than to feel loved care.

Another hundred years you live together together,
Do not know any grief or sadness of days!
We shout "Bitter!" bride and groom!
So that your fire of love burns stronger!

You are so close! Isn't that a miracle!
And for friends an example of great love!
The interweaving of your two faithful destinies,
What a young dream come true!

Dear friends and spouses!
For the twenty-fifth anniversary
You came through downpours and blizzards,
Keeping the sparks of love in the souls,
At the time of the school gave the ovary.
I believe feelings hardened
Enough for you to live all the envy.
Congratulations and I'm glad with all my heart,
What a worthy distance covered.
So I want love to flare up
So that you can warm yourself with its warmth,
And when the date will be tripled.

Today is exactly twenty-five years old,
How pure love was born.
She lives, not melting, not burning.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

On your silver wedding day
I wish peace in the family!
So that you live together, happily,
Well, just like in a fairy tale dream!
May everyone in the house be healthy!
Let there be only grace in it!
I wish you joy, laughter,
Sorrow and grief do not know!

Silver wedding - silver medalist,
The high peak of everyday difficult mountains.
Silver horses will not reach the goal,
When the good family harmony does not rule on the way.
Hand in hand always - both in happiness and in adversity,
The crystal string is ringing on the most tremulous note.
A luxurious garden will not grow the wealth of love,
Silver wedding is more expensive than all awards!

Silver anniversary today
The most wonderful people!
So pour, rather, do not regret
Let's celebrate this glorious anniversary!

After all, a quarter of a century behind them,
And how many cases were decided for two!
And how many restless days!
And, of course, sweet nights!

Guys, you are so great!
In the eyes - fire, in the soul very youngsters,
Keep love, we remind
That the next wedding is gold!

I hasten to congratulate mother-in-law and father-in-law,
I want to say a lot of tender words to them,
Today they have a dear holiday,
I congratulate you with all my heart and soul.
25 years old, how are they in the place,
May all your days be happy!

Twenty-five is a big date.
This is a tribute to your long love.
And she only decorates
It only reveals its secrets.
Twenty five! How long has it been
How many difficulties were along the way.
Only what has not cooled down in the chest,
Didn't dare to cool down and leave.
Twenty five! With a silver wedding
We congratulate you today.
Let your happiness grow stronger
Every year, every day and hour.

You are two wonderful people!
And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you more fun!
Let the glasses be in your hands
Fireworks are beautiful in the sky,
Smiles of family and friends
And the whole world for you two!

Happy anniversary to you, wife,
A quarter of a century together you
So congratulate each other
With the new wisdom of an owl.

You deserve silver
Bitterly we will shout
So that they are friends like this all their lives,
And they didn't back away.

Your union is strong
May it grow stronger every day
And your ancestors are proud of you
So that the house is full of happiness.

Silver wedding - a quarter century!
Your love has been ruling the ball for many years.
It's a sin for us not to mark such a date,
May the sun shine on you every day!
And the silver that we give you for happiness,
May it bring good luck and joy.
And keep love in your power,
Live together - there is sweetness in this life!

A quarter of a century lived in love,
You took great care of your relationship.
You raised good children
And the silver anniversary has come to you.
Live with love behind you
And enjoy our speeches.
Put the chest of success in a corner,
You add a drop of love to it.

Silver, silver
This wedding is like snow
25 years old you are together
There is no happier couple!

So caring for each other
What the soul enters
You have passed the fog and blizzard,
Life has seen the wind.

You have not forgotten how to love -
Learned to survive
Learned very wisely
Resolve all problems.

Have become stronger and dearer,
You know the taste of happiness
And silver threads
Let them bind you stronger!

You are together exactly 25
Happy, long years
And I want to wish you
Luck and victories!
You have a wonderful family!
We are proud of you!
And there are children, and friends,
Wish you love!

Your love is admirable
Even lyrics are hard to convey.
All the importance and solemnity of the moment,
Not a joke - a quarter of a century to exchange!
Glasses clink now only in your honor,
And noble wine flows
After all, better and more beautiful than your couple,
In the world there will not be the same!

My beloved husband, we are with you,
A quarter of a century bride and groom.
I congratulate you and smack-smack on the cheeks,
Accept this day from me a poem.
I love you so much, my heart aches,
Tells me about love for you
To let adversity pass by,
You stay only with me.
Native, dear, awesome,
Strong and my most incomparable.

Anniversary of silver rings
We will celebrate with you at last.
You have lived in love for so many years
Protecting your family from harm.
We will pour glasses to the brim,
So that your house is a full bowl.
You are in health, in joy to live in it,
To deserve a golden wedding.

My parents are beloved
In my destiny irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years
And, I believe, you are not happier!
I wish you longevity
To celebrate your centenary
Joint life is golden,
And let love make you happy!

A quarter of a century, how are you together
And we want to tell you -
Just like a feminine bride
And the pen can not describe.

And the groom is handsome and stately
As if the years had not passed -
Charming, gallant.
Well, confess you found

Unravel the secret of happiness
How to live life in love
As without grief and bad weather
Only joy deserve.

You are an example for many. Know
All glory and honor to you.
Accept congratulations
May you continue to be lucky!

Here is the silver wedding
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Never let it be
In the relationship of winter.
25 years is a long time
So we want to wish.
So that three times the number
You should have noted.

Congratulations on your anniversary!
We shower you with silver!
You've been together for a quarter of a century
Well, how not to admire?
And watch with love
How not to be touched?
Great day,
And the holiday is yours!
And captured the guests courage!
We wish you happiness and good
So that joy every day!
Happy moments - mess,
And to away adversity and laziness!

You passed the test of a quarter of a century,
At the same time, preserving the hearth of the family,
And celebrate the silver anniversary
You can deservedly now!
Thank you for raising us!
Live happily, good health to you, good!
We love you! We wish you success!
And on the way only the sun is warm!

The joyful wedding broke out -
25 happy years!
Silver shines again
Aroma streams bouquet.
Dear, congratulations,
And we wish not to grow old,
So that happiness does not melt,
To ring out the voice.

On this day you celebrated your wedding!
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge!
A quarter of a century in joy, in sorrow!
Silver sparkles at the temples!
Congratulations on your silver wedding!
But we wish you not mountains of silver!
Love, happiness be you rich!
And may luck be generous to you!

A great day, no doubt!
Happy to announce today:
Silver is a priceless metal!
Young people will confirm.

Though the whiskey has turned silver -
They are not spoiled by this shine.
This wisdom manifested
Traces of happiness for two.

Don't get tired of love
Rejoice in it every hour.
And with a silver wedding
Congratulations to you today!

Accept congratulations from children
On your joyful joint anniversary!
Turned 25 today
Family, and we will congratulate you!
We wish father, mother to love,
And more often he gave flowers just like that,
And we wish mom that always
You supported your father in everything!

Today the wedding is twenty-five!
And the heart confuses beats, -
Such honor and grace
Congratulations to the glorious anniversaries:

You are together for so many years and winters,
that have become an inseparable whole,
And I want to wish two
All the best in the world without limit!

May this wedding be silver
Brings happiness to your couple,
well-being, goodness,
The warmth of love and joy gives!

A strong and happy marriage of 25 years is a solid achievement that not every couple can boast of.

A quarter of a century is collectively referred to as the silver wedding. How best to celebrate this joyful event and what guests traditionally give to the heroes of the occasion - you will learn from our article.

origin of name

The tradition of assigning the name of a material to marriage originates in Europe. The material is selected taking into account what features marital relations have during this period of time. Paper, leather, tin - many associations cause marriage at first. But the union of spouses acquires the highest value precisely after 25 years. That is why the anniversary is called silver.

Silver is an amazing metal. In addition to the obvious superiority (for example, value and beauty), it has healing properties, is able to protect its owner. Exactly the same family ties with such a long history involve taking care of the spouse, getting rid of all sorts of ailments. Silver is durable. No small troubles are no longer able to destroy family happiness. Many crisis milestones have been passed, and it seems that marriage can no longer destroy anything.

Silver also has a sad property - without proper care and attention, it becomes dull over time, and then blackens. This is a great metaphor for family relationships, which spouses should not forget.

25 years of marriage - what a wonderful date and what a serious occasion! Therefore, as a rule, the “young” cannot avoid a noisy celebration. The holiday can be held:

  • At the restaurant. It will be especially symbolic to receive guests in the same institution where 25 years ago, and all together remember what a wonderful wedding it was.
  • At home, you can't find a more comfortable place. In addition, joint preparation for the celebration will help the spouses get even closer.
  • At the recreation center. This option is ideal to celebrate the anniversary of the "summer" marriage.

If we turn to traditions, they prescribe that the number 25 should become a real leit motif of the celebration. A husband can give his wife a bouquet of 25 roses, there must be at least 25 guests at the table, and if other references are possible, you should also not miss the chance (for example, if there is an institution in the city whose name contains this number).

The celebration should be decorated in silver tones, look luxurious. It is not at all necessary to spend fabulous sums at the same time, you can get by with materials that imitate silver - polished cutlery to a shine, serving dishes, balloons, foil decorations ... However, one silver object should still lie on the table to serve as the personification of the value of marriage .

If life circumstances have developed in such a way that the “young” cannot afford a feast for the whole world, you can spend a holiday together. For example, arrange a romantic dinner for two or go on a trip with your children. As a rule, the latter at this time are at an age when they are able to make their financial contribution to the trip.

No matter how you celebrate this day, you need to start it with a strong kiss from your other half. It is believed that the longer this kiss lasts, the more happy years the couple will have together.

Since ancient times, it has been said that the Silver wedding should largely repeat the Green one (that is, the wedding day itself). This is explained by the fact that the holiday is the beginning of a new life for the spouses. You can take care of the festive outfits for the "groom" and "bride" in advance, and be sure to invite your boyfriend and boyfriend. The latter must “report” how valuable the marriage they witnessed 25 years ago is. Well, what is a wedding without the cherished “Bitter! » ? During the celebration, this exclamation should sound literally after each toast.

Silver wedding gifts

What to give parents? The choice of a gift for 25 years of marriage to parents depends on your financial situation. Gifts can be valuable:

  • tickets for a romantic trip for two;
  • decor items with silver elements;
  • silver jewelry (for example, a bracelet for mother and a ring for father);
  • custom-made silver souvenirs (for example, engraved jewelry or a specially minted medal).

From inexpensive gifts parents can please:

  • tickets to the theater or cinema;
  • a table booked for two in a cozy cafe;
  • congratulations, made in multimedia format.

The last point deserves to be discussed in more detail. Video, audio, photo-congratulation - a wonderful gift! It often does not require any costs, but has every chance of becoming the highlight of the program. Record a song for parents (if you have the appropriate talent, of course) or prepare a video presentation. For this purpose, you can go through all the friends and relatives of the parents, let them also take part in the congratulations. You can use everything: from children's photographs and excerpts of surviving letters to good wishes for a couple.

What to give to friends and family?

If you are holding a cherished invitation to the anniversary of your friends, then it's time to think about what to give them for such a solemn event. 25 years of marriage is a serious date. And what date, so, respectively, should be a gift. Therefore, you will have to fork out properly. The most common presentation options:

  • silver photo frames with photos of spouses;
  • genealogical tree inlaid with silver;
  • crockery (plates, trays, glasses);
  • cutlery;
  • silver jewelry.
If the holiday is just around the corner, and the financial situation is not the best, give preference to symbolic gifts that will matter to the newlyweds: memorable photo souvenirs; love stories in digital format, etc.

What to give each other?

Traditions and customs contain many answers and allow you not to think about what to give. For 25 years of marriage, it is customary to give silver. Therefore, a variety of jewelry made of this metal is suitable as a gift for your other half. For example, as a present to your spouse, you can choose:

  • silver box;
  • ladies' mirror or powder box;
  • silver chain;
  • bracelet;
  • brooch;
  • earrings;
  • pendant or pendant;
  • medallion with a commemorative photo.

Whatever gift you choose, complement it with a chic bouquet of roses.

Giving a watch to a loved one is considered a bad omen. According to legend, this is how you doom your couple to a break in relations. Therefore, if you consider yourself superstitious, refuse such a gift.

The best gift for a husband will also be a silver item. There is an opinion that it is much easier for a woman to pick up a precious product. We assure you it is not. For a 25th wedding anniversary, you can give your husband the following silver gizmos:

  • ring;
  • cufflinks and tie clip;
  • various key rings for house or car keys;
  • a silver flask;
  • cigarette case;
  • a silver-coated pen with a commemorative engraving.

The “male” gift for the 25th wedding anniversary will be complemented by homemade cakes. If your husband has a sweet tooth, you can bake or order holiday cupcakes. If the spouse does not like sweets, please him with a meat or fish pie.

In addition to the main, an additional gift to each other should be new wedding rings. From now on, “newlyweds” should wear neat silver rings without removing them on the middle finger.

It is not necessary to dwell on traditions at all. If you have long dreamed of getting something "for the family" or your significant other dreams of a digital gadget or a newfangled device for your hobby, give what you want. After all, the main function of a gift is to please its recipient, and not to settle some formalities.

What not to give

When thinking about what to give for the 25th wedding anniversary, do not forget that some gifts should not be given to spouses. Popular rumor ascribes mystical, frightening properties to many objects. Gifts with bad energy can affect relationships or even the health of spouses. Even if you are not a superstitious person, before buying one of the items listed below as a gift, make sure that the "young" are skeptical about signs. Otherwise, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. So, you can not give:

  • piercing and cutting objects: in ancient times it was believed that evil spirits live on their tip;
  • wall clock: according to popular beliefs, they count down the time until the parting of lovers;
  • wall mirror: unlike a lady's mirror, such a mirror constantly “looks” at the owners and performs an energy exchange; mirrors in your home should be chosen exclusively by yourself;
  • pearls: this stone is called "widow's"; to give pearl jewelry, wait for the pearl anniversary;
  • medical devices.
If you unknowingly purchased a “bad” gift and found yourself in an awkward situation, do not be upset. Invite the heroes of the occasion to “buy” an item from you for a coin. Such a token payment will neutralize the bad omen, as the item will no longer be considered a gift.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of any couple. With its atmosphere, it brings together under one roof relatives and friends who are not indifferent to the happiness of the young. Wedding anniversaries are no less solemn - on this day, the spouses celebrate the birthday of their family and enjoy each other's company. To preserve and carry love through a quarter of a century, through troubles, omissions and experiences is the highest good. Therefore, try to make this holiday held at the highest level!

At the 25th year of married life, a silver wedding is celebrated. For a quarter of a century, the marriage union has become harmonious, feelings are stable, and existence without each other is impossible. The anniversary symbolizes the silver-plated metal strength of the union, its nobility and beauty. A couple that has managed to maintain a marriage union, overcome obstacles and maintain love is worthy of compliments and can rightfully be proud of their achievement.

About the number 25

The number 25 is very controversial from the point of view of the science of numerology. The neighborhood of two numbers is not the best combination. "Two" is the Moon, and "five" is ruled by the planet Mercury. The Moon is neutral to Mercury, but the warlike planet is most hostile to the Moon. What does this mean in light of the anniversary? It means that end of unstable lifecycle. Having gone through contradictions, resentment and troubles, the couple learned to find compromises and get out of difficult situations with honor. With the help of their close friends, relatives, relationships become stable and strong. You can be proud of the achievements on the path to happiness and well-being. It is after this period that life experience comes, which allows you to avoid quarrels and be more tolerant of others.

Silver Magic

The symbol of the anniversary is noble silver, which has the most magical properties among all metals. All the religions of the world claim that silver is God's gift, many beliefs are associated with it, protective and healing properties are attributed to it. Let's watch a video in which we learn a lot of interesting facts about this precious metal: In addition, metal is under the magical control of the moon, carries great energy and protects from negativity. Due to this, it is in demand for the manufacture of jewelry, amulets, dishes. The chemical element is able to store information about the state of mind of the owner, redistribute negative energy and is used to cleanse the aura. It is also a well-known antiseptic and water purifier. From the point of view of astrology - metal symbolizes the purity of the soul, awakens sensitivity and helps control emotions.

The symbol of the solemn event is a silver ring, symbolizing the beauty, strength and nobility of relationships. This is not an ordinary ordinary gift, but a sign of gratitude of the spouses to each other for patience, mutual understanding and care.

Ceremonial Day Traditions

The twenty-fifth anniversary of living together is a serious anniversary, which must be celebrated in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of close people. A fancy party is a desirable event, but above all, it is necessary to observe the wonderful traditions of the solemn day. By doing this, you will pay tribute to folk wisdom, bring spirituality and deep symbolism to the celebration.


Traditionally, after waking up in the morning and kissing, the newlyweds should draw clean, preferably spring water into a silver dish and proceed to ablution. Lovers wash each other three times, washing away sorrows, problems and experiences. After that, the spouses gently wipe each other with a towel and put the dishes with the remaining water in the sun until it has completely evaporated. It is believed that all family misunderstandings and illnesses go away with evaporating water.

Ring exchange

Immediately after the bath, the spouses exchange rings, which are put on the middle finger of the right hand and worn until the golden wedding anniversary. Of course, the rings must be made of silver, and to make them mysterious and unusual, perhaps with the help of engraving, the meaning of which will be clear only to lovers.

At the same time, gold rings are removed and stored in a box for a year, after which they can be worn on an adjacent finger. The ceremony can be made solemn by inviting the closest and dearest people to it: parents, children, friends.

Evening tea

Important! The rite can be performed only after the departure of all guests. The wife must brew strong fragrant tea, after which the newlyweds drink it while sitting at a table with uncleaned dishes. The rite symbolizes comfort, warmth of relationships and confidence in a happy future, despite the hustle and bustle.

How to celebrate a celebration

You can celebrate a silver wedding according to a predetermined scenario, chosen to your taste and focusing on opportunities and circumstances.

  • A celebration classic - invite former witnesses and guests to the same registry office and restaurant where the wedding took place. The event will be remembered for a long time, and all those invited will have something to remember and compare with;
  • Celebrate the anniversary in the country or at home in a close family circle. This option is for those who value family comfort and prefer a more relaxed environment;
  • Theme party. The option is suitable for energetic spouses who have not lost their young enthusiasm. The heroes of the occasion choose a theme and everyone dress up in the chosen images: fabulous, fantastic or aristocratic;
  • romantic celebration. There are couples who on a solemn day want to enjoy only themselves and their love. They can relax in an expensive restaurant, go on a trip to an exotic country or visit the city of eternal love - Paris.

But no matter how the lovers celebrate the celebration, one tradition remains the apotheosis - the exchange of silver rings. The hero of the day can put on a white dress, and the spouse needs to thank her life partner for the years lived together by presenting a gift and flowers. The celebration will not do without a lush loaf or cake, cooked to order. As in their youth, the spouses cut the dishes so that all the invitees taste them - together with the anniversaries, they must share the joy for family happiness and mutual love.

What to give "newlyweds"

A silver anniversary gift should be distinguished by sophistication and beauty. to emphasize the strength of family ties and the ability of a couple to cherish love. The icon "Peter and Fevronia" in a silver frame, embodying fidelity, love and the significance of marriage in Christian culture, can become such an exquisite present. And of course, traditionally, on such a significant day, the newlyweds are presented with items made of precious metal - jewelry, vases, figurines, dishes.

Favorite among gifts - silverware

The first place is rightfully occupied by silver cutlery: forks, spoons, piles, knives. The gift is standard, but necessary every day. If engraved, it will remind the couple of the solemn event for a long time.

The hit of the parade is an assortment of souvenirs: vases, goblets, figurines.

The price of silver products is very significant, so it is better to choose functional items that will bring a special touch to the household's life: milk jugs, coffee pots, trays.


If you know that anniversaries love silver, then feel free to give bracelets, pendants, chains. At the same time, there is a necessary condition - gifts must be paired. Friends can present a tea or table set with a delicate silver pattern or luxurious silk bed linen, and relatives can present a honeymoon trip to warm countries.


I always want to congratulate close, dear people on their anniversary with memorable words. Living together is a huge mental work, finding compromises and overcoming life's troubles.

Pick up congratulations, toasts in advance and you will pleasantly surprise the anniversaries. Today you can find a lot of options for every taste.

But the most important thing is not how long and how long the congratulation will be, but what feelings and emotions the congratulator will put into his greeting. It is important to remind the anniversaries of their achievements, of the events experienced together, and with all my heart to wish the very best!



  • “We want to congratulate you on a wonderful silver wedding day! As not every bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper, so far not every married couple is able to overcome the path of a quarter of a century. And you made it, you made it! You have a wonderful family, wonderful children. On the road, you have not lost your feelings, kindness, youthful enthusiasm. Saved friends, parents and gained our love and pride for you!”
  • “A silver wedding is an extraordinary event and proof that the union of two loving hearts is as strong as magic metal. You convinced everyone that for a long time it is possible to cherish and store feelings without spilling a single drop of the divine drink of love. You exchanged anniversary rings, and we wish you that your future path will be as unhindered, strong and beautiful as these jewelry. We wish you harmony, happiness, strong love. Bitterly!"

A silver jubilee happens once in a lifetime - and this is a confirmation of real feelings and a role model. Prepare in advance for the solemn event and do not forget about the traditions of this day. Congratulate yourself on the triumph - together you have come to a wonderful life milestone - when everyone knew, learned everything, fulfilled their main mission - raised children and still have the strength for new achievements!