Cruelty of adolescents: causes and prevention. Difficult teenager. Children's aggression and cruelty and its prevention

Consultation for parents. Prevention of cruelty and domestic violence

Neglecting parenting or child abuse means

that his physical or mental health, well-being is damaged.

Cruelty involves the infliction of one person on another person or another living

the essence of suffering, harm, harm, expressed in action or inaction, in words, in psychological impact, etc.

The psychological essence of cruelty is violence against needs, intentions,

feelings, attitudes of a person, especially a child, humiliation or compulsion to actions,

contrary to his aspirations.

Violence can be intentional or impulsive, conscious or unconscious.

According to research, parental abuse occurs in 45-49% of families. However, considering

cuffs, threats, intimidation, spanking, etc., then almost every child faces

with manifestations of parental violence.

The main reason for the dissatisfaction of parents with their children is dissatisfaction with their educational activities - 59%.

Children are praised for completing their homework - 38.5% of parents, and scolded and even beaten - 30.8%.

More than a third of parents answered the question: "What is your child?" - gave their children the following characteristics: "bad",

Unsuccessful, sloppy, troublesome, etc. To the question: "Why did you give your child such a characteristic?"

The parents answered: “We are raising him. Let him know his flaws. Let him strive to become better. "

Among the motives of parental cruelty towards children, 50% mention "the desire to educate",

30% - revenge for the fact that the child brings grief, asks for something, requires attention.

In more than 10% of cases, parental cruelty becomes an end in itself - screaming for the sake of screaming, beating for the sake of beating.

The most typical causes of violence in the family are, first, the traditions of patriarchal upbringing.

For many years, a belt and flogging were considered the best educational tool not only in the family, but also at school.

Remember: "More cuffs - fewer fools."

Secondly, the cult of cruelty promoted in society. Drastic socio-economic changes,

occurring in society, a rapid reassessment of values ​​lead to the fact that parents often find themselves

in a stressful state, they are experiencing an explosion of hatred towards the weaker and more defenseless - children. "Relief from stress"

often also happens in children, especially often in preschoolers and younger students who do not understand

why parents are angry with them.

Thirdly, the low level of social and legal culture of our society. A child in such a society acts

as a rule, not a subject of interaction, but an object of influence. This is why some parents seek

their educational goals precisely by cruelty, and not by other means.

Such parenting methods and attitudes on the part of adults exacerbate intellectual development problems,

lead to the formation

the child has cowardice, deceit, the emergence of complexes of guilt, fear, the appearance of unmotivated aggression,

inadequate self-esteem. Parental cruelty towards children gives them an idea of ​​their social

insecurity, uselessness, distorts the child's idea of ​​what is good and what is bad.

The child begins to be afraid of communicating with adults, cannot find a way out of this situation.

The hardest work is the upbringing of a person, and not a single parent escaped mistakes and difficulties along the way.

There are times when the actions of children baffle us and it seems that screaming is a completely adequate reaction to what happened.

Stop! Shouting has not yet helped anyone resolve the situation, but it is very easy to scare a child, lose his trust and sincerity in this way!

Never try to solve a child's problem if you cannot control yourself.

Take it easy. Exercises to quickly relieve strong emotional stress will help you cope with your emotions.

Exercises to relieve strong emotional stress:

1. Close your eyes, slowly inhaling and exhaling air, count to yourself to ten.

Imagine in your mind that you have a lemon in your hands. Start to squeeze it slowly

and squeeze until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. You can squeeze with two hands

immediately or in turn. After "squeezing" the lemon to a drop, relax your hands and enjoy the state of rest.

2. Imagine that you are a large balloon filled with air. Tighten all the muscles in your body

inhale as much air as possible, freeze for 3-5 seconds and start slowly releasing air from your lungs,

relaxing the muscles of the body: hands, muscles of the shoulders, neck, trunk, legs, and so on.

3. With strong psychological stress, you can do 10-20 simple physical exercises

(squats, jumps, hand waves).

Now you have coped with your emotions and you can calmly talk about the problems that have arisen.

If you have any problems in raising a child, if you cannot establish contact with him,

if you are worried about changes in your child's behavior or school failure,

do not rush to apply extreme educational measures.

Talk to your child. Tell him that difficulties and problems have also happened in your life.

and that now you do not live quite the way you would like. Ask for advice on what your child would do

in this situation, in your place, maybe this is how you can solve the child's problem,

without losing his trust, respect and belief that the wisest, the best parents in the world.

Consultation for parents

Prevention of cruelty and domestic violence

The relevance of the prevention of child abuse is due to the fact that violence against children or neglect of their basic needs have a negative impact on the mental development of the child, disrupt his socialization, give rise to neglect and delinquency of minors. Many children - victims of violence - leave home or childcare, become involved in antisocial behavior, start using alcohol or drugs. Early prevention is the most effective way to protect children from abuse. In those cases when a child has suffered from one form or another of violence, he needs psychological help, since the results of research by psychologists convincingly indicate that violence experienced in childhood is inevitably accompanied by emotional and behavioral disorders.

"Work plan"


on work aimed at preventing cruelty and violence against children



The number of events held in the period from ………………………… ..

the date of the

(indicate the date of each event)

Form (method)



(venue of the event, I&C specialists)

Preventive measures for students

"Through the mouth of a baby" - stories of children about the family.

"My Family" is an artistic activity.


"I am in the world of adults"

simulation of situations.

"That there was no trouble"

training game

"Who is a badass?"

"Learn to be kind"


"What am I entitled to"

(legal education)


"Let's live in peace!"

"Sun, cloud, rain"

diagnostic technique

"Family" (attitude of children in the family)

"My family"


Preventive measures for parents (persons replacing them)

"Be a friend to the child"

questionnaire (consultation)

"Education without physical violence"

questionnaire (consultation)

"The reasons for the emergence of child aggression"

consultation on inquiries

Child Abuse

article on the stand

"How to Punish a Child"


"Family climate"

"Should I scold my child for poor academic performance?"

"Useful tips for parents about raising children"

"There are no other people's children"

"Pedagogical situations - ways to solve them"

workshop for parents

"Let's talk heart to heart"

"Round table"

(conversation with a psychologist)

"We are against violence"

poster design

"Let childhood take place"

"How I Raise My Child"


Classroom teacher:

View document content
"parent-teacher meeting"

Preventing child abuse

Parent-teacher meeting

Children are the main gift for the world
With them the earthly picture is more wonderful.
Understand everything, take on everything
The best human life with them
Often weak, their hands are inept,
But the guys have no time to think about boredom.
In their movements, worries, their time passes,
Good luck comes to the diligent over the years.
In childhood, dreams bloom
Adults are often unaware of this.
We need to explain to the kids the right
There is a lot to teach them.
The world will be a better place on our planet
If all children are happy!

Victor Pavlov

Today we will talk about such a familiar and at the same time very personal topic as punishment of children. Each of us has our own experience on this topic: both for children and for parents.

To begin with, I want to propose the rules of work for today:

Confidential communication style;

Communication according to the principle “here and now” (talk only about what worries the participants at the moment, and discuss what is happening);

Sincerity in communication (say only what we really feel, or be silent; openly express our feelings in relation to the actions of other participants);

Activity, constant participation in work.

Child abuse is an extremely difficult topic to discuss. Why is there a misunderstanding between parents and children? How to completely avoid unpleasant punishments and what do our children expect from us?

So what do our grandmothers say? "Good children - the crown of the house, bad children - the end of the house."

So, in order for our children to be good, we must know how to choose the keys to all the locks in the child's soul.

Why doesn't the child obey?

From the first year of life, most children learn that their calm behavior does not attract the attention of their parents, so they become restless. They shout, twirl, push, knock, throw objects and thus draw attention to themselves.

The very first and most basic reason why children misbehave: the struggle for attention, the need for your attention.

If a child does not receive the necessary amount of attention, which he needs so much for normal development and emotional well-being, then he finds his own way to receive it: disobedience.

Parents now and then tear themselves away from their affairs, pouring out remarks ... It cannot be said that this is very pleasant, but the attention is still received. Better than none! This is how our children sometimes fight for our parental attention.

But, “Everyone knows how to raise children, except for those who have them” (Patrick O'Ruri)

Child abuse is an act (or omission) by parents, caregivers and others that is detrimental to the physical or mental health of a child.

Corporal punishment is unacceptable in any situation, in any form. Parental behavior is a role model for the child. Parents, showing their child their intemperance, cannot teach him self-control, do not instill in him the ability to cope with negative emotions. We very often blame ourselves for the very fact, as it seems to us, of “inevitable punishment”.

How can we make sure that we don't need punishment? Hard? But there are some very wise words: “Having children does not make you a parent, just as having a piano does not make you a pianist” (Michael Levin). Universities do not teach this, and difficulties arise literally every day, so we will together improve our “parenting qualifications.

One of the undesirable results of frequent beating is that the child begins to see in him a way to pour out the accumulated anger and solve the problem.

Children, in relation to whom physical punishment is often used, do not at all assess it as something terrible, undesirable, they get used to it, perceiving it as an aggressive reaction of adults. Thus, for them it loses its pedagogical function.

In Russia, domestic violence leads to an increase in the number of social orphans and an army of homeless and neglected children by 100 thousand every year.

In 2010, 1,914 children died from child abuse, 2,330 children were maimed (according to the Federation Council);

about 10 thousand parents are deprived of parental rights by courts and more than 2.5 thousand children are taken away from their parents without such deprivation, since the presence of a child in a family poses a threat to his life and health.

80% of cases - children end up in orphanages and orphanages due to parents' failure to fulfill their direct parenting responsibilities, which poses a real threat to their life and health.

Child abuse leads to a variety of consequences, but they all have one thing in common - damage to the child's health or danger to his life.

The main reason for child abuse is internal aggression - an emotional state that arises as a reaction to the experience of the insurmountability of some barriers or the inaccessibility of something desired.

There are several types of abuse:

Physical violence;

- neglect of the child's needs;

Sexual assault;

Mental (emotional) abuse.

Physical violence - causing physical harm, corporal punishment, as well as involving children in the use of alcohol, drugs; deliberate or reckless injury to a child that causes physical or mental impairment or developmental delays.

Some forms of physical abuse include:

1. When a big, meaningful adult hits a small child, the child feels helpless. These feelings can further make the child depressed or aggressive. Teach your children how you want them to behave. Young children usually don't understand what they are doing wrong. Be sure to be consistent in your examples.

2. When you hit a child, you are not teaching him how to solve problems. You only make him feel bad about himself. Low self-esteem can remain with him for life. And watch your words - they can hit even harder.

3. Physical abuse leads to the fact that the child has a desire for revenge. Teach your children with words, speech. Try to make them understand the rules that you have set in your home. These can be safety rules, time and order of eating or going to bed. Do your best to keep the rules as simple as possible and to be followed by all family members.

4. Physical punishment displaces the child's understanding of "right and wrong." Just think - does it make sense to hit a child for just hitting someone? Take away, remove the child from the place where he just hit someone. Be consistent and tough (in following the rules). Each time, let your child know what behavior you expect from him and what will happen if he does not do it (goes to his room, does not watch TV, or loses some other privilege).

5. If you hit a child, you are showing him that hitting is normal and acceptable. Children will think it's normal practice to get what they want with violence. Teach your children other ways to express their emotions, such as words. Then - accept, show them that you accept their feelings and emotions. Show that you care.

6. Physical abuse traumatizes the child's emotions. It can also affect your child's performance in school and relationships with friends. Notice and support all the good things your child does. Let him know that you love him just for having him.

7. Physical abuse does not teach children self-control. Never spank a child. A spanked child will never learn to control his behavior: he will always look for someone else to tell him what is right and what is wrong. Such children are usually guided by the principle: "I must not do anything, otherwise I will be punished," instead of "I must not do bad things because they are bad." Your expectations should be as clear as possible. Encourage your child to be friendly and cooperative. Support him as he makes good choices of his own.

It happens that the child got it. Really got it. And my mother was tired and broke. What to do? Apologize. Apologize for precisely this own reaction and calmly explain what actions of the child so upset the mother. If it was not a matter of the child, but he just fell under the arm, all the more to apologize and explain his condition.

8. Physical abuse of any kind scares a child. Control yourself. Nothing helps a child who is out of control better than an adult who remains calm. Teach children to deal with their own anger and emotions, and do not let them take over. Remember that you are an adult.

9. Never hit a child to stop any of his unwanted behavior "in public." Unfortunately, many moms and dads are embarrassed that the child gets out of control from time to time and other people see it (and sometimes comment). And they prefer to stop this behavior with violence. Understand that how uncomfortable it can be for you that a child is capricious on the street, in a store, at a party, it is a hundred times more difficult for a child to survive violence committed in front of others (and even worse - with the approval of strangers). In addition, you make it clear to the child that his emotions and his opinions do not mean anything to you. Remember - a child cannot and should not be “comfortable” to those around him, this is not a toy that can be put in a box or turned off at the right time. Try to adapt to the child, knowing his schedule, addictions and thinking in advance in which cases conflicts are possible.

Physical abuse is indeed physical assault (torture) and is almost always accompanied by verbal abuse and mental trauma.

Physical abuse of children refers to torture as:

Striking the face;

Shaking, jolting;

Cracks, slaps in the face;


Confinement in a locked room where they are held by force;

Beating with a belt, ropes;

Cauterization with hot objects, liquids, lighted cigarettes;

Mutilation with heavy objects, even with a knife.

In addition to the above, the concept of physical violence also includes the involvement of a child in the use of drugs, alcohol, as well as giving him poisonous substances or drugs that cause intoxication (for example, sleeping pills not prescribed by a doctor).

Most often, children with physical or mental disabilities, premature babies, with low birth weight are subjected to physical violence in the family, since they are usually more irritable, cry more, and are less attractive in appearance.

Recognition of the fact of physical abuse of a child.

Damage nature:

Bruises, abrasions, wounds, traces of being hit by a belt, bites, burning with hot objects, cigarettes, located on the face, body, limbs;

Burns by hot liquids to the hands and feet in the form of a glove or sock (from immersion in hot water), as well as on the buttocks;

Injuries and fractures of bones, swelling and soreness of the joints;

Broken and loose teeth, tears or cuts in the mouth, on the lips;

Areas of baldness, bruising on the head;

Internal organ damage.

Psychological abuse includes:

Threats against a child, manifested in verbal form without the use of physical force;

Insult and humiliation of his dignity;

Open rejection and constant criticism;

Depriving the child of the necessary stimulation, ignoring his basic needs in a safe environment, parental love;

Making excessive demands on the child that do not correspond to his age or capabilities;

A single gross mental impact that caused mental trauma in the child;

Intentional isolation of the child, deprivation of his social contacts;

Involvement of the child or encouragement to antisocial or destructive behavior (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.)

Features of children, experiencing emotional (mental) abuse:

Impaired mental function;

Inability to concentrate, poor academic performance;

Low self-esteem;

Emotional disturbances in the form of aggression, anger (often directed against oneself), depression;

Excessive need for attention;

Depression, suicide attempts;

Inability to communicate with peers (ingratiating behavior, excessive compliance or aggressiveness);

Lying, stealing, deviant (or "deviant", antisocial) behavior;

Neuropsychic and psychosomatic diseases: neuroses, enuresis, tics, sleep disorders, appetite disorders, obesity, skin diseases, asthma, etc.).

Preventing cruelty is better than fighting it. The most difficult part of family violence prevention work is working with parents. Violence against minors is often hidden and is only discovered when the child already has serious physical or mental trauma.

Junior school age:

The desire to hide the cause of damage and injury;

Loneliness, lack of friends;

Fear of going home after school;


Runaways from home;

Suicidal attempts;

Delinquent behavior;

Alcohol, drug use.

Structures of work with families in a socially dangerous situation. The main work to eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to violence against minors is entrusted to:

1. Employees of bodies and institutions of the prevention system upon detection of obvious signs of child abuse.

2. Employees of medical institutions.

3. Employees of educational institutions.

4. Employees of the guardianship and trusteeship body:

State protection of children.

1) Convention on the Rights of the Child.

protection from unlawful interference in the privacy of a child, from encroachments on his honor and reputation (Article 16)

ensuring measures to combat disease and malnutrition (Article 24)

recognition of the right of every child to a standard of living necessary for physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development (Article 27)

protecting the child from other forms of abuse (Article 37)

measures to help a child who is a victim of abuse (Article 39)

We all grew up in families, not always full ones. It would seem that everyone should know what a family is. The family has its own laws, its own rules. The laws of creating a family are complex. Everyone should be ready to take responsibility for their actions in front of the person who is next to us.

And only if the behavior of the parents or other persons who abused the child remains unchanged, despite the joint efforts of employees of the internal affairs bodies, guardianship and trusteeship, doctors, teachers, relatives and neighbors, then repressive and punitive measures are applied. as:

bringing the perpetrators to administrative or even criminal liability;

deprivation of the rights to the child;

placement of the child in an orphanage, foster family, foster family.

In Russian legislation, there are several types of liability for persons who abuse a child.




"The child must be protected from all forms of neglect, abuse and exploitation."

Look around if you see:

A CHILD who is begging;

A CHILD who is dirty or out of season dressed;

A CHILD who misbehaves, drinks or uses drugs;

A CHILD who is not attending school;

A FAMILY that leads an asocial lifestyle and does not take care of the child;

FACTS of child abuse;

FACTS involving minors in the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs;

FACTS involving minors in criminal activity.

Call us!

What every child needs to grow up to be a healthy and full-fledged person:

1. Respect. Your child's ideas about what is most important may be different from yours. Try to keep this in mind when your child wants to tell you something urgently, even when you are very busy.

2. Physical care. This includes warmth in the home, adequate clothing and adequate food, immunizations, treatment, child safety, etc.

3. Praise and prizes. They will help your child feel respect for themselves and trust in adults.

4. Attention. Listen to children, and not only when they say something with words, but also when they try to show it to you with all their behavior.

5. Trust. Let your child know that you trust him, and no matter what happens, you will believe him and help,

6. Love. This is the most necessary thing that any person needs.

The advice to give ... it is like castor oil, giving is easy, but not easy to take, but listen nonetheless.

If the child is guilty:

- Don't make a decision in a bad mood;

After the comment, touch the child and let him feel that you sympathize with him and believe in him;

Do not extort promises, they mean nothing to the child.

When punishing a child, you need to remember:

The forgiveness of an offense has a much greater educational power, and punishment frees one from the pangs of conscience;

Punishment should not be the norm, but the exception;

The right to punishment can be exercised by one person, the most respected, beloved of the child;

Do not always punish immediately after the offense (“Okay, I'll think until tomorrow what to do with you”);

Don't be reminded of the wrongdoing.

The fatherland and society need strong families in which healthy children would grow up to the delight of everyone. Children who know a mother's affection, and a father's strict gaze. Children raised in love and raised in godliness. A child needs not only to be loved, this is not enough. He must be respected and seen as a person. Do not forget also that upbringing is a "long-term" process, there is no need to expect instant results. If the baby does not live up to your expectations, do not boil. Calmly consider what you can do to change the situation over time.

The child learns

What he sees in his house:

Parents are an example to him.

If children see and hear everything,

We are responsible for our deeds

And for the words:

Easy to push

Children on a bad path

Keep your house decent

In order not to repent later.

Every child has the right to live and be raised in a family,

where he is loved and cared for!

Don't be indifferent!

Children should not be strangers.

In the end, I really want to once again ask the parents not to break their children. Surely you do not want to see your child as a coward or a liar, or a mentally unstable person. Think now as you raise your hand over your child. Stop! Count to ten, calm down, weigh the situation and sit down with the little man at the negotiating table.

The parents, the parents alone, have the most sacred duty to make their children human, the duty of educational institutions is to make them scientists, citizens, members of the state at all its levels. But whoever did not become, first of all, a man, he is a bad citizen. So let's make our children human together. So let's think about the future, and the future is our children.


Parable "The comfort of love and approval."

“The Master argued that most people are not looking for the joy of awakening and activity, but the comfort of love and approval. And he illustrated this idea with a story about his youngest daughter, who demanded that he read her fairy tales every night before going to bed.

Come on, honey, you know how to turn on the tape recorder.

I know, ”the girl answered,“ but I cannot sit on his lap. ”

I wish you comfort, warmth, understanding, patience, joy in communicating with your child. Peace to your home!

The consequences of child punishment

If you haven't talked to your child for a long time. To be deprived of communication is the most severe test for him. The child can not cope with the feeling of guilt without that, torturing himself with doubts. In difficult times, like no other, a child needs a loved one who can be trusted.

Therefore, in adulthood, a child can become unbearably chatty, he is oppressed by the very prospect of not being heard. It is as if he expects that the parents are about to intervene in the conversation and say: “Shut up! We don't want to talk to you. " This is probably why the interlocutors of such a person perceive him as an unbearable bore, repeating the same thing ten times.

If the parents used corporal punishment. Parents do not think about which method of raising a child is best suited. They simply beat him, often for preventive purposes, thus solving two problems at once, frightening the child and providing themselves with emotional release. The penalty depends on the number of parental failures in personal life or career.

It is not known for what, for what transgressions it can strike like a bolt from the blue. By doing this, you deprive the child of vigorous activity. Having already started this or that activity, he fearfully thinks: "Isn't it better to stop in time so as not to get hit?" His natural spontaneity, but finding a way out, manifests itself in unexpected bursts of uncontrollable excitement. This is exactly the kind of energy that could be used for peaceful purposes. But your child was not accustomed to a peaceful life.

If the child was ashamed in front of friends and acquaintances or publicly compared with other children is far from in his favor, then these comments will lead the child to the idea that he is a failure. Rewards and praise give such a child wings, public censure cuts those wings, and he directs his imagination to invent various excuses explaining to his parents why he failed once again.

If the parents restricted the child's freedom... Many parents dream of their children keeping pace. By forbidding a child to participate in common noisy games with friends, you will experience his craving for freedom, strengthen the belief that he will not cope with anything without your help, undermine his authority in front of peers. Gradually, the child's thirst for freedom is replaced by the desire to escape from addiction at any cost. However, once again in a difficult situation, he relies deep down on the help of omnipotent parents - the child is not used to relying on himself.

If a child was deprived of a loved oneclasses. Most of all, the child appreciates his hobbies, putting his whole soul into them. Guessing that, as a punishment, parents take away their favorite toys, books, constructors, etc. from the child. - separate him from an interesting occupation. Such educational measures lead to the fact that the child emotionally withdraws from others in order to protect himself from possible disappointments and pain, when no one else will prevent him from doing what he loves. The child does not find any arguments convincing him to trust people even a drop more. Having learned to withdraw into himself at the slightest danger, he is unlikely to fall for someone's bait.

If parents read lectures for a long time. As a result, the child's already heightened sense of conscience becomes even more acute. Parents use lectures only to increase guilt beyond measure and force them to consider all good intentions as something dirty, shameful and, to some extent, dangerous. The child develops the habit of apologizing in advance and making excuses to everyone in a row, which does not give him weight in his own eyes and certainly does not contribute to the respect of others. He sees someone else's anger, irritation and impatience as an attempt to reject him and deprive him of his location. At such moments, the child feels unhappy. Having drunk the bitter cup of self-humiliation to the bottom, the child considers self-love a luxury, and not a normal phenomenon.

If the parents attacked the child with shouts and abuse. The child is reverent about his own importance and values ​​his status. Parental screams and swearing at him every time shatter his fragile self-esteem. After another flurry of attacks, the child finds himself standing alone among the spoiled things and debris. The saddest thing is that this childhood experience will carry over into his adult life. With or without reason, he will attack others with curses and stinging remarks, causing return fire on himself.

If a child put in a corner he painfully perceives any comments in his address, just in case he keeps himself apart from the rest of the children and is mostly silent, so as not to accidentally incur anger. The child is afraid that in the midst of the fun, if it is a holiday, a formidable parental exclamation will sound: "Now stand in the corner." Most of all, he longs for a sensitive attitude towards himself, but his detached conduct hardly inspires anyone with the thought of this.

If the child was left without dessert and sweet, he will get used to gorge himself for the future and have everything he needs, just in case, at hand. This is how an irrepressible passion for hoarding and gluttony arises. The child's main concern is to have fun without delays or interruptions. This teaches the child to maintain the achieved successes, but discourages the desire to strive for new ones.

What instead of punishment?

Psychologist's advice

    If you do not know what to do with your child in a particular situation, ask him the appropriate question. But not so "Flog you today for this or not?" The child will give advice himself. Or, for example, a child does not want to wear a warm hat, instead of violence or scandal you ask “How is it on the street? Coldly? What should mom wear today? "

    Children's whims and stubbornness most often arise from a lack of trust or respect for the child's personality on the part of the parents. Try to find flaws in yourself first.

    Praise your child more often. Say "thank you" to him for all the good deeds, for helping adults. This advice is simple, but try to count how many times a day you gave your child an order in the form of a shout, order, or prohibition. How many times is it affectionate? How much advice did you ask him for? By controlling oneself, in this way, the number of conflicts with the child can be minimized.

    Any negative character traits, habits can be directed in the "right direction."

    If the child is capricious and because of this you have to often punish him, then adhere to the following rules:

    try to understand the reason for whim, anger;

    if the "scene" is just beginning, try to distract the child (especially the little one);

    if you could not distract the child, leave him alone for a while, do not pay attention to his whims, try to remain completely calm;

    choose the right tactics of behavior with children and stick to it, starting from the very first whims of your kids;

    pay attention to your emotional state, if you are nervous, then this is quickly transmitted to the child, and he does not know how to restrain himself;

    never blackmail children. You cannot say "If you do not shut up, I will not love you." In this way, you teach the child to tell a lie;

    when the child stops being capricious, talk to him lovingly. Do not identify him with a misdemeanor, assure that you love him, but his act upset you.

Screen Violence

Today, children are exposed to more violence from screens than ever before. By screen we mean TV screens, video screens, computer games, and the Internet.

According to a US study, young people spend 16 to 17 hours a week watching TV, starting at age 2. If videotapes and video games are added to the home, some teens may spend 35 to 55 hours a week watching TV.

At the same time, according to one of the national polls, by 1996, about 5 million American schoolchildren were using the Internet. We have no reason to believe that a survey among urban schoolchildren and students of Kyrgyzstan would give different statistics. According to our observations, senior schoolchildren and students of the capital's universities can spend at the computer from 3 to 8 hours daily.

What are our children watching? (by Victor C ... Strasburger and Edward Donnerstein)

    61% of programs contain violence;

    26% of violence is shown with the use of weapons;

    22.4% of all music videos include some form of violence;

    Every year, teens hear about 15,000 sex-related jokes and innuendos.

    The Internet contains a large number of pornographic sites.

    Alcohol, cigarettes or drugs are shown in 70% of programs, as well as in 38 of the 40 most popular films and in half of all music videos.

There is still no fundamental work on the dangers of screen violence on the psyche of a child, but some research shows that children who are often exposed to screen violence have common characteristics:

    They copy what they see on the screen and begin to behave violently themselves;

    Copy harsh speech;

    Get an idea that violence is normal and an integral part of everyday life;

    Or they become more timid and fearful.

Prolonged sitting in front of a TV or computer screen also reduces physical activity, reading, and socializing with friends.

What each parent should do to provide all the needs of the child:

    Feed your child well and correctly, treat on time, dress appropriately for the weather and age.

    Monitor your child's development and school progress.

    In most situations, children under the age of 8 should not be alone, especially in large cities. Even when they play with other children, a close adult must look after the child.

    Never leave children unattended in places such as parks or shops. Also, do not leave them in the car or near the store, even if you are only out for a few minutes.

    If you are in a crowded place, do not let go of the child's hand for a minute. Do not stray too far ahead of the child.

    Once the child is able to remember, teach him his full name, address and phone number. Practice with him until you are sure he has memorized.

    As early as two or three years old, you can start teaching your child about personal safety. Tell him in very simple language that he should never leave with anyone before he asks for permission from his parents.

    Teach older children how to cross the road correctly, shop and ask adults for directions if they have forgotten it. Children should always tell you where they are going, with whom and when they will return.

    Write down for yourself the names, addresses and phone numbers of all friends who may have your child.

    In very crowded places, you need to discuss in advance where you will meet if you lose each other (near the information desk or ticket office number ...). Make sure that the child knows who to contact for help. It should be not just an adult, but a reliable adult - a police officer, an adult with a small child, a store employee.

    Help build self-esteem in your child with lots of encouragement, love, and attention. Dangerous adults or those who raise their children poorly (leaving them unattended, feeding them poorly, etc.) should be excluded from your child's social circle.

    Teach your child that he should never do for adults what they don’t want or like, even for those they know well. Never force children to kiss or hug adults with whom they do not want to do it.

    Listen to children, especially when they are trying to tell you about things that bother them. Let the children know that you always take them seriously and that you will do everything to make them feel safe.

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"Prevention of cruelty"

Consultation for parents

Prevention of cruelty

and domestic violence.

Neglecting parental responsibilities or being abusive to a child means that their physical or mental health and well-being are harmed.

Cruelty involves the infliction by one person of another person or another living being of suffering, harm, damage, expressed in action or inaction, in words, in psychological impact, etc.

The psychological essence of cruelty is violence against the needs, intentions, feelings, attitudes of a person, especially a child, humiliation or coercion into actions that contradict his aspirations.

Violence can be intentional or impulsive, conscious or unconscious.

According to research, parental abuse occurs in 45-49% of families. However, if we take into account the cuffs, threats, intimidation, spanking, etc., then almost every child is faced with manifestations of parental violence.

The main reason for the dissatisfaction of parents with their children is dissatisfaction with their educational activities - 59%. Children are praised for completing their homework - 38.5% of parents, and scolded and even beaten - 30.8%.

More than a third of parents answered the question: "What is your child?" - gave their children the following characteristics: "bad", "unsuccessful", "sloppy", "bringing a lot of trouble", etc. To the question: "Why did you give your child such a characteristic?" - the parents answered: “We are raising him. Let him know his flaws. Let him strive to become better. "

Among the motives of parental cruelty towards children, 50% mention "the desire to educate", 30% - revenge for the fact that the child brings grief, asks for something, requires attention. In more than 10% of cases, parental cruelty becomes an end in itself - screaming for the sake of screaming, beating for the sake of beating.

The most typical causes of violence in the family are, first, the traditions of patriarchal upbringing. For many years, a belt and flogging were considered the best educational tool not only in the family, but also at school. Remember: "More cuffs - fewer fools."

Secondly, the cult of cruelty promoted in society. The drastic socio-economic changes taking place in society, the rapid reappraisal of values ​​lead to the fact that parents often, being in a stressful state, experience an explosion of hatred towards the weaker and more defenseless children. “Stress relief” often occurs in children too, especially in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, who do not understand why their parents are angry with them.

Thirdly, the low level of social and legal culture of our society. A child in such a society is, as a rule, not a subject of interaction, but an object of influence. That is why some parents achieve their educational goals by cruelty, and not by other means.

Such methods of education and attitudes on the part of adults aggravate the problems of intellectual development, lead to the formation

the child has cowardice, deceit, the emergence of complexes of guilt, fear, the appearance of unmotivated aggression, inadequate self-esteem. Parental cruelty towards children generates in them the idea of ​​their social insecurity, uselessness, distorts the child's idea of ​​what is good and what is bad. The child begins to be afraid of communicating with adults, cannot find a way out of this situation.

The hardest work is the upbringing of a person, and not a single parent escaped mistakes and difficulties along the way. There are times when the actions of children baffle us and it seems that screaming is a completely adequate reaction to what happened. Stop! Shouting has not yet helped anyone resolve the situation, but it is very easy to scare a child, lose his trust and sincerity in this way!

Never try to solve a child's problem if you cannot control yourself.

Take it easy. Exercises to quickly relieve strong emotional stress will help you cope with your emotions.

Exercises to relieve strong emotional stress:

1. Close your eyes, slowly inhaling and exhaling air, count to yourself to ten. Imagine in your mind that you have a lemon in your hands. Begin to squeeze it slowly and squeeze until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. You can squeeze two hands at once or in turn. After "squeezing" the lemon to a drop, relax your hands and enjoy the state of rest.

2. Imagine that you are a large balloon filled with air. Tighten all the muscles in the body, inhale as much air as possible, freeze for 3-5 seconds and begin to slowly release air from the lungs, relaxing the muscles of the body: hands, muscles of the shoulders, neck, body, legs, and so on.

3. With strong psychological stress, you can do 10-20 simple physical exercises (squats, jumps, hand waves).

Now you have coped with your emotions and you can calmly talk about the problems that have arisen.

If you have problems in raising a child, if you cannot establish contact with him, if you are alarmed by changes in the child's behavior or his school failure, do not rush to apply extreme educational measures.

Talk to your child. Tell him that difficulties and problems have also happened in your life and that now you do not live quite the way you would like. Ask for advice on how your child would act in this situation in your place, maybe this is how you can solve the child's problem without losing his trust, respect and belief that the wisest, best parents in the world.

When faced with child abuse, adults are often at a loss. Indeed, how can you imagine that a smiling baby with dimples on his cheeks is able to torment kittens and puppies, throw stones at birds, hurt someone who is weaker than him? However, this behavior is quite common. Why are small children cruel? And most importantly, how should parents and educators behave with them?

Why children are violent

“If a person is taught good, they teach skillfully, intelligently, persistently, demanding, the result will be good. Teach evil (very rare, but it also happens), the result will be evil " .

There is aggression in each of us. This personality trait is necessary for a person to protect himself and his loved ones. With age, a person learns to control his negative emotions, but a child who is just beginning to learn about the world is not able to cope with it on his own. He needs the help of the closest people - mothers and fathers, who will teach him how to cope with his feelings, explain how to act, and how unacceptable.

The cruelty of young children is fundamentally different from the cruelty of adolescents. In most cases, preschoolers do not understand that they are causing pain and are unaware of the consequences of their actions. This is a certain stage of growing up. In addition, if the student's behavior is strongly influenced by an aggressive external environment (television, computer games, the Internet, negative processes in society, etc.), then preschoolers, due to their age, are still free from such influence. They have in the foreground the family and the inner circle in which they revolve.

“Children are, in every sense, our future.
If we don't want to have a violent future
We have a responsibility to confront cruelty and violence in the present. ”

T. Golikova, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

It is very important to respond appropriately to the child's abusive behavior. On the one hand, it cannot be ignored, and on the other, severe punishment can lead to even more serious problems. For a better understanding of the situation, it is necessary to know the reasons for such actions. Unconscious cruelty in children can be due to a number of factors. Let's consider them in more detail.

Curiosity and misunderstanding. Children want to know how the world works, they explore the objects around them in order to understand and study, it is very important for them to find out what is inside a typewriter, a doll, or a tumbler. To such "Study" everything that interested the child is exposed. He still does not see the difference between a living being and a toy. The child does not understand that a bird, a kitten, a butterfly can be hurt, and hurts them unconsciously, unknowingly. The task of adults is to put this knowledge into it.

Imitation. Kids study not only objects of the surrounding world. Their attention is attracted by different models of behavior, which they try on themselves in much the same way as we try on clothes. Children adopt the actions of adults and peers, imitate characters from cartoons, books, games. Such imitation is necessary for them to understand how to behave in different situations.

Compensation or revenge. Often parents and caregivers notice that a child "Punishes" toys. He scolds them for certain "Misconduct" or character traits, can apply to them and physical punishment. Sometimes he transfers similar actions from toys to pets or younger children in the family. Most of this is due to the behavior of adults in relation to him. Sometimes he compensates for the insult inflicted on him by his peers. In this case, cruel behavior makes him feel strong, powerful, invulnerable. This is a way of self-affirmation, as well as an opportunity to take out your anger on those who cannot respond.

Attracting attention or manipulating. In the book by A. Lugovskoy, O. Shevnina "Let's be friends!" an example of a child's cruel behavior caused by the desire to earn his mother's love is given: the boy tortured kittens, because his mother repeatedly said in front of him that she hated cats.

By such actions, children try to attract the attention of adults when they lack parental love. Perhaps the child is simply trying to draw the attention of adults to his problems or get them to do something for him. In this example, one more aspect can be traced - aggressive statements by adults increase aggression in children.

Protest. A child can show cruelty in response to the infringement of important needs for him: suppose they took away some important thing from him, invaded his personal space, broke his creation, etc.

The desire to be like everyone else. Even young children can exhibit the so-called herd instinct. (committing violent acts as a result of collective action)... The child, perhaps, does not want to hurt others, but steps over himself, because everyone in his company does this.

Family model of behavior. At preschool age, the main source of knowledge for children is the family. Examples of aggressive behavior, approval and justification of cruelty, application of physical punishment to a child form an aggressive model of behavior in him. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that it is precisely this pattern of relations that he will apply to others.

Burst of energy. Often, outbursts of aggressive behavior are directly provoked by the attitudes or prohibitions of adults. Children, especially active ones, accumulate a lot of energy, which must be expended.

According to the first law of physics, energy does not disappear without a trace, but a child has enough of it. If you forbid children to play, run, jump and even make noise and hum, then you will certainly face childish aggression. The child's body will find just such a way out of the situation so as not to "explode" from an excess of energy.

Sometimes children commit violent acts for no apparent reason. The very purpose of such behavior is deliberate harm, the child deliberately and cold-bloodedly gets pleasure from inflicting pain on a living being. In this case, you need to contact a specialist (psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist), which will help to find the cause and correct the behavior of the preschooler.

How can the problem of child abuse be prevented?

The opinion that cruelty and aggression are characteristic only of children from disadvantaged families is completely wrong. This problem can come to any home, so the work on preventing cruelty should be started at an early age, because raising a kind, sensitive child who will always lend a helping hand to those in need and will not offend the weak is the dream of any parent.

How to avoid a child abuse problem:

  • from an early age, use every opportunity to show and tell your child the rules of behavior in this world. It is continuous and continuous work;
  • Set an example with your behavior. Parents for the baby are the only undisputed authority, so it is important that your words do not diverge from your deeds;
  • tell your child about your love, praise him for good deeds, even if they seem insignificant;
  • try to prevent the child from seeing aggressive behavior patterns either in reality, or on TV or on the Internet;
  • tell him about wonderful animals and their heroic deeds, about the need to protect and protect all living things around;
  • tell your child that you need to forgive others, those who, willingly or unwillingly, offended him. Such conversations have a positive effect on the character of the baby and form in him the right attitude towards life and those around him;
  • draw the child's attention to the fact that all people are different. They may look different, speak differently from him, think differently, but we all live on the same planet and must be able to love and respect each other;
  • find an interesting activity for your child in which he can prove himself. This can be sports, games, creativity, etc .;
  • show good good cartoons and movies, listen to children's songs with him;
  • read and discuss books with your child. May good always prevail in fairy tales! Talking about the actions of fairytale heroes, you can give examples from life, ask the opinion of the child himself. This will help to form in him an understanding of what is good and what is bad.

In modern society, human cruelty has become the No. 1 problem. Newspapers, television, the Internet prove this fact to us every day. Only people themselves choose - to live in a cruel world or try to change it. It is quite simple to do this: from early childhood, prevent the penetration of anger, hatred, aggression into the lives of children. If every adult teaches a child to do good, then such a concept as cruelty will simply disappear.

How to deal with child abuse?

If a problem appears, first of all you need to calm down, not panic and not look for demonic traits in the child, assuming the worst. This can aggravate the situation and it will be difficult to solve it without a specialist. While any deviation in the child's behavior is a signal of help that must be provided in a timely manner. So where do you start?

1. Don't ignore.

Do not close your eyes to the cruelty of the child. Do not justify his actions, for fear of being accused of his own failure and helplessness. If the problem is ignored, then the changes in his personality can become irreversible.

2. Find out the reason.

Children are inherently very sympathetic creatures, there is no anger in them, they do not want to hurt. Therefore, every violent behavior has its own reasons. They need to be understood and eliminated.

3. Give a negative assessment.

Making the kid on "Crime scene" , one should behave very strictly and severely. He must understand that his behavior is unacceptable and his parents are very upset.

4. Punish pedagogically.

Every unacceptable action of the child must find a response from the parents. However, physical punishment not only does not solve the problem, but is also one of the causes of child abuse. Therefore, it is recommended to look for pedagogically justified punishments. For example: a remark, a reprimand, deprivation of something pleasant, etc. The type of punishment is chosen depending on the severity of the offense.

5. Analyze the style of family relationships.

In preschool age, the influence of the family on the actions of the child is especially strong. The likelihood of his aggressive and violent behavior depends on whether he sees manifestations of aggression at home. It is important to try to manage your negative emotions, to take into account the fact that shouting, insults, approval of cruelty, raising your voice are also a manifestation of aggression.

6. Pay enough attention.

It is very important for a child to hear from his parents that he is loved. Therefore, it is important not to miss a single opportunity to remind him that dad and mom are happy to be the parents of such a wonderful child like him, and are proud of him. It is important to listen to his problems, no matter how small they may seem. The child simply needs the opinion or advice of the parents.

7. Explain.

A small child knows practically nothing about this world. He does not understand why one can do one thing and the other cannot. Parents need to explain everything to him. If you do not discuss the reasons for the prohibitions with him, then this effect in itself can be absolutely meaningless.

8. Praise.

It is important to celebrate and support any positive actions and qualities of the child. This will form in him a clear idea that being kind, sensitive is good, and cruel, evil is bad.

9. Provide an opportunity to express emotions in another way.

Sometimes the child just needs to express his feelings. You should show him constructive ways of expressing anger and aggression: arrange a fight with a punching bag; crumple, discard, tear a few sheets of paper; draw your anger, etc.

10. Be patient.

Childhood cruelty is a serious problem. It cannot be solved by one word or one action. Gradually, if adults constantly work in this direction, the child will understand what is good and what is bad.

In conclusion, we present a list of literature for parents and caregivers, which will allow you to learn more about the problem raised and options for solving it.

  1. Alekseeva E.E. Psychological problems of preschool children. How to help a child. - SPb .: Rech, 2008.
  2. A.I.Barkan Ultramodern child. - M .: Drofa-Plus, 2007.
  3. Barlozhetskaya N.F. Tips from an experienced nanny. - M .: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2007.
  4. Georges J. Children's stress and its causes. - M .: RIPOL classic, 2003.
  5. Kolosova S.L. Childhood aggression. - SPb .: ID "Peter" , 2004.
  6. Kravtsova M., Shevnina O. Little robber. What to do if the child misbehaves. - M., Eksmo, 2006.
  7. Lugovskaya A., Shevnina O. Let's be friends! How to help your child overcome communication problems. - M .: Eksmo, 2006.
  8. Manelis N.G. 5 days with a super baby who will teach you how to communicate with your child. - M .: Reed Media, 2013.
  9. Pentin R. Aggressive, hyperactive, irritable child. What to do? Psychologist's advice. - SPb .: ID "Peter" , 2012.
  10. Svirskaya L.V. 76 Recipes for Correct Communication with Your Child: Tips for Parents and Caregivers. - M .: AST; SPb .: PRIME-EVROZNAK, 2008.
  11. Shapiro E.I. Fights, bites, also calls names! Psychological assistance to parents of aggressive children. - SPb .: Litera, 2013.
  12. Engelhardt L.O. What is good and what is bad? The book to help the kid. - M .: Eksmo, 2012.

The material was prepared and implemented by Oksana Klyueva, teacher-psychologist at MBDOU "DSOV" Fairy Tale "

Oksana Nikiforova
Consultation "Children's aggression and cruelty and its prevention"

Target: indicate reasons

aggressive and violent

student behavior; factors,

affecting child cruelty;

give examples prevention

child aggression and cruelty.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is cruelty?

Forms of manifestation cruelties.

2 Reasons child cruelty.

3 Prevention of children


“If a child is taught good, in

the result will be good, teach evil

the result will be evil - for

baby is not born ready

a man, he needs a man


V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The topic of our meeting is serious and difficult, and in

recently it has become very relevant.

This is the theme of the manifestation of our children

cruelty and aggression... Unfortunately,

these manifestations live among us,

adults and children. What is this

phenomenon and should we talk about it?

Costs. And if so, let's consider

what is aggression and

cruelty and how are we, adults, can

help children overcome it.

What is cruelty?

Cruelty is human

a feeling that knows no pity,

regrets, sympathy. it

ability to inflict

suffering to people or


Why are children indifferent and cruel? - often

we ask. How to help children become empathetic

generous, merciful, as timely

put up a barrier cruelty and callousness? Each

of us wants to raise children so that of them

turned out to be good people. But when baby

becomes aggressive or violent,

parents give up. Why is the baby so

behaving? Children are naturally inclined to be

self-centered. Some of their actions are simply not

fit into any framework. At the same time, parents

perplexed: where did the kid get this?

Forms of manifestation cruelties

purposeful cruelty

hostile cruelty

straight cruelty

indirect verbal


Peculiarities violent behavior

Victims aggression often becomes

close people

Not all cruel children are brought up in dysfunctional families

Violence often occurs

for no real reason

Many violent acts of adolescents,

are the result of a personality crisis

Cruelty in children under three years of age, unconscious.

Parents may feel that the baby

does it on purpose and is needed brutally

punish. For example, a child may

throw the cat against the wall. Doesn't he feel sorry for him

kitties? Actually, the kid does it

not to get revenge on her. So he

plays. Children do not yet know all the sensations -

what hurts and what doesn't. He

may simply not understand that the cat

this is in pain.

Such cruelty a child is only a stage in his development and

personality formation. When he's the same way

hit the wall with a soft toy, mom will not

resent, because it is a non-living thing. Moreover,

parents with understanding for this will react: child

learns the world. But in fact, children play the same way with

alive and with inanimate objects. The only difference is

that it's easier to play with live ones. The cruelty of children

preschool age is unconscious. It's just

the stage of personality development, which he will soon outgrow.

Another thing - deliberate cruelty when baby

deliberately harms another (always more

weak, enjoying it and not experiencing

feelings of guilt. It is imperative to consolidate skills

socially acceptable behavior in preschool


It should be noted that cruelty preschoolers usually have

other reasons than in older children. In-

first, behavior contrary to the attitudes of adults

typical for the age of 3-4 years due to the fact that the child

begins to realize his "I", and with the help of an unacceptable

behavior is trying to dissociate itself from the rest. Secondly,

cruelty small children is based on many

physiological reasons - for example, children with reduced

pain threshold just do not understand how they can

harm someone if they themselves do not feel anything in

a similar situation. Third, children like this

react to poor psychological conditions in the family -

quarrels, scandals, contempt for individual family members.

The main thing is that up to 6 years old, such behavior in principle

amenable to adjustment. Sometimes it's enough just

for adults to correct their behavior.

Our world cruel and the kids start acting the same

methods that they see around. Parents don't show

a proper example, and children first of all look at

your family. Children often protest if they

see a discrepancy between what parents say,

and what they do. This protest is brewing inside and may

spill over into various problems, including

cruelty... It is important for a child that an adult is

feels good. The most effective method

(however, this applies to almost all children's

problems) is a personal example.

It happens that a kind child who cries over

cats and dogs, can offend their

peers. Why? Dogs and cats -

this is something fabulously toy, for them

child as a patron, and children's team

This is a kind of society where you have to fight for

survival. V children's team often

one child begins to perceive the other

as a competitor, rival. It's the same for

adults feel sorry for dogs, but people

hate. And it turns out that we teach children to live

according to law Jungle- it is sad.

Aggressiveness and cruelty children may show if:

Parents do not set rules for the behavior of their children at home.

Do not track the whereabouts of children.

Do not apply appropriate educational measures

(punishment or reward)... Great value in

raising children has encouragement: in a word, with a look,

gesture, action. It is very significant for a person and

It immediately follows the misconduct.

Explained to the child. It is harsh, but not cruel.

It evaluates the action of the child, not his human

Do not try to resolve emerging

problems and crises

through compromise solutions.

"Gold" parenting rules:

Learn to listen and hear your child.

Try to make it so that only you

removed his emotional stress.

Do not prevent children from expressing negative

Learn to accept and love him as he is

Obedience, obedience and

diligence will be where they are

are presented reasonably.

TO aggressive behavioral manifestations

brings the child family aggressiveness.

Cruelty and violence among children is a very scary phenomenon. But

there is something really terrible - indifference, indifference

parents in relation to their children and their problems. Exactly

this is the root of all troubles.

All people need kindness

Let there be more good ones.

They don't say in vain when they meet

"Good day" and "Good evening".

And it's not for nothing that we have

Wish "Good hour".

Kindness - it is from the century

Human decoration ...

thanks for


PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE AND AGGRESSION IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT AND METHODS OF OVERCOMING IT Maltseva O.A., Ph.D. ., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Androgogy, TOGIRRO Skryabina O.S., student of IPPSU Tyumen State University

Violence in school School violence is a type of violence in which force is used between children or teachers against students or — which is extremely rare in our culture — between students against a teacher. Violence is any behavior that violates the rights of another. School violence is a type of violence in which force is used between children or teachers against students or - which is extremely rare in our culture - students against a teacher. Violence is any behavior that violates the rights of another.

School violence Taunts, nicknames, endless remarks, biased assessments, ridicule, humiliation in the presence of other children, rejection, isolation, refusal to communicate with the victim, etc. Physical abuse violence

Classification of different types of violence Physical. Sexual abuse or seduction. Mental (emotional) abuse. Disregard for the interests and needs of the child. Physical. Sexual abuse or seduction. Mental (emotional) abuse. Disregard for the interests and needs of the child.

In a school setting, direct signs of mental violence against students are considered: threats to the student; deliberate isolation of the student; presentation of excessive demands on the student that do not correspond to age; insult and humiliation of dignity; systematic unfounded criticism of the child, leading him out of mental balance; constant negative characteristics of the student; demonstratively negative attitude towards the student. threats against the student; deliberate isolation of the student; presentation of excessive demands on the student that do not correspond to age; insult and humiliation of dignity; systematic unfounded criticism of the child, leading him out of mental balance; constant negative characteristics of the student; demonstratively negative attitude towards the student.

School violence is fueled by: The anonymity of large schools and the lack of a wide range of educational institutions. Poor microclimate in the teaching staff. Indifferent and indifferent attitude of teachers. The anonymity of large schools and the lack of a wide choice of educational institutions. Poor microclimate in the teaching staff. Indifferent and indifferent attitude of teachers.

The influence of the family on the propensity of children to violence Single-parent families. Families in which the mother has a negative attitude towards life. Powerful and authoritarian families. Families with conflicting family relationships. Families with a genetic predisposition to violence. Single-parent families. Families in which the mother has a negative attitude towards life. Powerful and authoritarian families. Families with conflicting family relationships. Families with a genetic predisposition to violence.

Levels of prevention Primary prevention: 1. Studying the mechanisms of the formation of maternal and paternal behavior, the type of family and upbringing. 2. Study and correction of violations of maternal-child relations, which are the cause of a decrease in the emotional well-being of the child and deviations in his optimal mental development in infancy, early and preschool age. 3. Formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional strategies of behavior and personal resources. 4. Directed awareness of the available personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. 5. Development of personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. 6. Development of highly effective strategies and behavioral skills. Primary prevention: 1. Studying the mechanisms of the formation of maternal and paternal behavior, the type of family and upbringing. 2. Study and correction of violations of maternal-child relations, which are the cause of a decrease in the emotional well-being of the child and deviations in his optimal mental development in infancy, early and preschool age. 3. Formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional strategies of behavior and personal resources. 4. Directed awareness of the available personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. 5. Development of personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. 6. Development of highly effective strategies and behavioral skills.

Secondary prevention: 1. early intervention in the correction of clinical and biological disorders in a child; 2. research of the family genogram; 3. correction of family relationships, physical and emotional ties, determination of parent-child boundaries; 4. definition of clear family roles. Tertiary prevention is carried out for adolescents who have committed an offense, and its goal is to correct the adolescent's behavior and its development. Secondary prevention: 1. early intervention in the correction of clinical and biological disorders in a child; 2. research of the family genogram; 3. correction of family relationships, physical and emotional ties, determination of parent-child boundaries; 4. definition of clear family roles. Tertiary prevention is carried out for adolescents who have committed an offense, and its goal is to correct the adolescent's behavior and its development.

The main factors provoking cruelty in the student community are intrapersonal aggressiveness of students, depending on individual characteristics; the previous experience of the life of schoolchildren, including the manifestations of their own aggressiveness and the observation of similar manifestations in the immediate environment; intrapersonal aggressiveness of students, depending on individual characteristics; the previous experience of the life of schoolchildren, including the manifestations of their own aggressiveness and the observation of similar manifestations in the immediate environment;

Insufficient development of communication skills, including the lack of examples and experience of non-violent relationships and knowledge about their own rights; traditions of the school environment that provoke and stimulate violence. These include: an insufficient level of development of communication skills, including the lack of examples and experience of nonviolent relationships and knowledge about their own rights; traditions of the school environment that provoke and stimulate violence. These include:

A) the general psycho-emotional background of the educational institution; b) the "political" system of the educational institution; d) a system of relationships within the classroom; e) the presence of generally recognized social roles, including the roles of "victim" and "master"; f) traditions in society, promoted by the mass media. a) the general psycho-emotional background of the educational institution; b) the "political" system of the educational institution; d) a system of relationships within the classroom; e) the presence of generally recognized social roles, including the roles of "victim" and "master"; f) traditions in society, promoted by the mass media.

Not demanding work from students, but working with them. To give students the opportunity to adopt a working position by identifying themselves with a (beloved) teacher, and not by fulfilling the (abstract) requirements of the "super-I", manifested in the process of pedagogical manipulation.

Forms of realization of aggression Forms of realization of aggression (according to the method of 13TA G. Ammon) Forms of realization of aggression Forms of realization of aggression (according to the method of 13TA G. Ammon) Social acceptability of manifestation of aggression, the ability of an individual to resist harmful influences for him. Social acceptability of the manifestation of aggression, the ability of an individual to resist harmful influences. A direct manifestation of aggression associated with violation of moral and ethical norms, destruction and deformation of relations with others, there are delinquent and criminal components of behavior, and various personality disorders play a significant role. A direct manifestation of aggression associated with violation of moral and ethical norms, destruction and deformation of relations with others, there are delinquent and criminal components of behavior, and various personality disorders play a significant role. Low level of social activity, insufficient development of behavioral skills that contribute to the implementation of aggressive impulses. Low level of social activity, insufficient development of behavioral skills that contribute to the implementation of aggressive impulses. "Constructive" form "Constructive" form "Destructive" form "Destructive" form "Deficient" form "Deficient" form

The system of psychological and pedagogical prevention, diagnostics of the psychoemotional environment and motivational and educational work with the administration; advisory and educational work with teaching staff and parents; counseling and correctional work with children who have been abused; information and educational work with children; the formation of the psycho-emotional environment of the educational institution, which includes a system of relationships between all subjects of the educational process. diagnostics of the psycho-emotional environment and motivational and educational work with the administration; advisory and educational work with teaching staff and parents; counseling and correctional work with children who have been abused; information and educational work with children; the formation of the psycho-emotional environment of the educational institution, which includes a system of relationships between all subjects of the educational process.

Activities aimed at uniting the school community Improving the psychological climate at school; increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of adults (parents, teachers); increasing the level of communicative culture of students. Improving the psychological climate at school; increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of adults (parents, teachers); increasing the level of communicative culture of students.

Working with personal constructs Prevention and correction of deviations in the emotional sphere of adolescents; reducing the antisocial behavior of schoolchildren; development of stress-resistant personality traits of students; Prevention and correction of deviations in the emotional sphere of adolescents; reducing the antisocial behavior of schoolchildren; development of stress-resistant personality traits of students;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional strategies and behavior skills; skills in assessing a social situation and taking responsibility for one's own behavior in it; skills of perception, use and provision of psychological and social support; skills to defend their borders and protect their personal space; skills to protect your Self, self-support and mutual support; skills of conflict-free and effective communication; directed awareness and development of available personal resources, contributing to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior. the formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional strategies and behavioral skills; skills in assessing a social situation and taking responsibility for one's own behavior in it; skills of perception, use and provision of psychological and social support; skills to defend their borders and protect their personal space; skills to protect your Self, self-support and mutual support; skills of conflict-free and effective communication; directed awareness and development of available personal resources, contributing to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior.

The content of the psychological and pedagogical module includes psychological and pedagogical approaches to the correction of aggressive behavior; recommendations for correcting aggressive behavior in adolescents; recommendations for working with children prone to suicidal behavior; recommendations for the prevention of anxiety and fears in children and adolescents; individual work with a child. psychological and pedagogical approaches to the correction of aggressive behavior; recommendations for correcting aggressive behavior in adolescents; recommendations for working with children prone to suicidal behavior; recommendations for the prevention of anxiety and fears in children and adolescents; individual work with a child.

When working with aggressive adolescents, it is possible to use the following diagnostic techniques Bass-Darki Questionnaire (aggressiveness); Spielberger-Khanin scale of reactive and personal anxiety (anxiety); Freiburg questionnaire for identifying propensity to aggressive behavior; Risk appetite test; Cook-Medley's Hostility Scale; PDO (A.E. Lichko); Methods for express diagnostics of neurosis (K. Heck and H. Hess). Bass-Darki questionnaire (aggressiveness); Spielberger-Khanin scale of reactive and personal anxiety (anxiety); Freiburg questionnaire for identifying propensity to aggressive behavior; Risk appetite test; Cook-Medley's Hostility Scale; PDO (A.E. Lichko); Methods for express diagnostics of neurosis (K. Heck and H. Hess).

Organization of a safe environment for the educational process 1. Teacher The dual role of a teacher - guides learning and promotes the development of children; plays the role of a leader. 2. A set of special events with the help of the teaching staff. 3. Publicizing acts of violence in the school. 1. Teacher The dual role of the teacher - guides learning and promotes the development of children; plays the role of a leader. 2. A set of special events with the help of the teaching staff. 3. Publicizing acts of violence in the school.

Specificity: - adults and adolescents take part here on equal terms; - such games presuppose a high level of independence and responsibility of each participant, freedom and independence of his actions, the constant need to make choices and make decisions; - the distribution of roles, regardless of the age and social status of the participants, the modeling of unusual systems of relationships - all this makes it possible to change the existing situation and build relationships between children and adults in a new way. Specificity: - adults and adolescents take part here on equal terms; - such games presuppose a high level of independence and responsibility of each participant, freedom and independence of his actions, the constant need to make choices and make decisions; - the distribution of roles, regardless of the age and social status of the participants, the modeling of unusual systems of relationships - all this makes it possible to change the existing situation and build relationships between children and adults in a new way. Role-playing games

According to R. Baron and D. Richardson, the training of social skills in aggressive behavior consists of the following procedures: 1) modeling, involving the demonstration of examples of adequate behavior to persons who do not have basic social skills; 2) role-playing games, offering to imagine oneself in a situation where the implementation of basic skills is required, which makes it possible to test in practice the models of behavior that the subjects learned in the process of modeling; 3) establishing feedback to encourage positive behavior ("positive reinforcement"); 4) transferring skills from a learning situation to a real life setting. According to R. Baron and D. Richardson, the training of social skills in aggressive behavior consists of the following procedures: 1) modeling, involving the demonstration of examples of adequate behavior to persons who do not have basic social skills; 2) role-playing games, offering to imagine oneself in a situation where the implementation of basic skills is required, which makes it possible to test in practice the models of behavior that the subjects learned in the process of modeling; 3) establishing feedback to encourage positive behavior ("positive reinforcement"); 4) transferring skills from a learning situation to a real life setting. Social skills training

As measures for the formation of a non-violent environment of an educational institution, the following are also distinguished: - expansion of freedoms and opportunities for choosing types of activity; - introduction of the principles of "pedagogy of cooperation" and "pedagogical support"; - expansion of the system of joint activities of all subjects of education; - creation of a psychological climate of mutual respect and trust. As measures for the formation of a non-violent environment of an educational institution, the following are also distinguished: - expansion of freedoms and opportunities for choosing types of activity; - introduction of the principles of "pedagogy of cooperation" and "pedagogical support"; - expansion of the system of joint activities of all subjects of education; - creation of a psychological climate of mutual respect and trust.

Forms of school bullying 1. Student behavior: Physical aggression; Verbal bullying; Intimidation; Insulation; Extortion; Property damage. 1. Student behavior: Physical aggression; Verbal bullying; Intimidation; Insulation; Extortion; Property damage. 2. Adult Behavior: Humiliation of a student who does not do well / does well in school or is vulnerable in other ways. Negative or sarcastic comments about the student's appearance / background. Intimidating and threatening gestures or expressions. 2. Adult Behavior: Humiliation of a student who does not do well / does well in school or is vulnerable in other ways. Negative or sarcastic comments about the student's appearance / background. Intimidating and threatening gestures or expressions.

Typical traits of students inclined to become bullies (D. Olveus) are experiencing a strong need to dominate and subjugate other students, thus achieving their goals; are impulsive and easily enraged; - often defiantly and aggressively towards adults, including parents and teachers; - do not feel empathy for their victims; - if they are boys, they are usually physically stronger than other boys; - feel a strong need to dominate and subjugate other students, thus achieving their goals; are impulsive and easily enraged; - often defiantly and aggressively towards adults, including parents and teachers; - do not feel empathy for their victims; - if they are boys, they are usually physically stronger than other boys;

(According to I. Kolmen) - in the lesson constantly attracts attention to himself, enters into wrangling when receiving a negative mark, is quick-tempered and rude; - manipulates a circle of friends and acquaintances, many children are afraid of him or curry favor with him; - can lie or cheat to avoid responsibility for their actions; - there are complaints about his behavior from both children and adults; - skips school, often in the company of peers from other schools, districts; - is part of a small deviant group terrorizing a class or school; - speculates on misunderstanding, hostile to society, avoids socially useful activities, since this can be interpreted as a sign of weakness. - in the lesson constantly attracts attention to himself, enters into wrangling when he receives a negative mark, is quick-tempered and rude; - manipulates a circle of friends and acquaintances, many children are afraid of him or curry favor with him; - can lie or cheat to avoid responsibility for their actions; - there are complaints about his behavior from both children and adults; - skips school, often in the company of peers from other schools, districts; - is part of a small deviant group terrorizing a class or school; - speculates on misunderstanding, hostile to society, avoids socially useful activities, since this can be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

The most frequent victims of school violence are children who have: - physical disabilities - wearing glasses, hearing impairments or motor impairments (for example, with cerebral palsy), that is, those who cannot protect themselves are physically weaker than their peers; - behavioral features - withdrawn, sensitive, shy, anxious children or children with impulsive behavior, not self-confident, unhappy and have low self-esteem; - appearance features - red hair, freckles, protruding ears, crooked legs, a special shape is ready, body weight (fullness or thinness), etc.; - physical disabilities - wearing glasses, with hearing impairment or with motor impairments (for example, with cerebral palsy), that is, those who cannot protect themselves are physically weaker than their peers; - behavioral features - withdrawn, sensitive, shy, anxious children or children with impulsive behavior, not self-confident, unhappy and have low self-esteem; - appearance features - red hair, freckles, protruding ears, crooked legs, a special shape is ready, body weight (fullness or thinness), etc.;

- undeveloped social skills - often do not have a single close friend and communicate more successfully with adults than with peers; - fear of school; - lack of experience of life in a team (home children); - diseases - epilepsy, tics and hyperkinesis, stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence), encopresis (fecal incontinence), speech disorders - dyslalia (tongue-tied), dysgraphia (impaired writing), dyslexia (reading disorder), dyscalculia (impaired counting ability ) etc.; - low intelligence and learning difficulties. - undeveloped social skills - often do not have a single close friend and communicate more successfully with adults than with peers; - fear of school; - lack of experience of life in a team (home children); - diseases - epilepsy, tics and hyperkinesis, stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence), encopresis (fecal incontinence), speech disorders - dyslalia (tongue-tied), dysgraphia (impaired writing), dyslexia (reading disorder), dyscalculia (impaired counting ability ) etc.; - low intelligence and learning difficulties.

The victim's behavior is determined by the following indicators (I. Kolmen); his school supplies (textbooks, notebooks, personal belongings) are often scattered throughout the classroom, or hidden; in the classroom, he behaves covertly, fearfully, when he answers, noise, interference, comments begin to spread in the class; during recess, in the canteen, keeps away from other schoolchildren, hides, runs away from peers and older students, tries to stay close to teachers, adults; his school supplies (textbooks, notebooks, personal belongings) are often scattered throughout the classroom, or hidden; in the classroom, he behaves covertly, fearfully, when he answers, noise, interference, comments begin to spread in the class; during recess, in the canteen, keeps away from other schoolchildren, hides, runs away from peers and older students, tries to stay close to teachers, adults;

He is insulted, teased, given offensive nicknames, he reacts with a stupid smile to aggressive actions on the part of other children, tries to laugh it off, run away, cry; gets along well with teachers and poorly with peers; is late for the start of classes or leaves school late; during group games, classes, he is ignored or chosen last. he is insulted, teased, given offensive nicknames, he reacts with a stupid smile to aggressive actions on the part of other children, tries to laugh it off, run away, cries; gets along well with teachers and poorly with peers; is late for the start of classes or leaves school late; during group games, classes, he is ignored or chosen last.

Comparative table of psychological portraits of the victim, aggressor and self-confident child Action program Attitude towards others Victim Sacrifices himself, suppresses his desires, feelings and emotions, suffers, experiences anxiety; allows others to make choices for themselves; avoids conflicts, does not achieve his goals Feels sympathy, guilt or contempt for rivals, achieves his goals through perseverance and integration outside of school Aggressor Achieves his goals at the expense of other children; prefers to demonstratively express his emotions and harm others, makes a choice for others or insults if his opinion is ignored Feels like a winner, attacks more often than defends himself, like an outsider, may be isolated from peers Confident child Asserts his own position ; acts in their own interests; expresses his feelings adequately; respects the rights of other people, usually achieves his goals, maintains respect for himself and others Feels respect for his needs and is able to openly express his thoughts and feelings; has the ability to achieve the goal; endures conflict situations

Psychological aspects of bullying prevention With regard to the post-stress consequences of bullying, primary prevention is implemented in three directions. 1. Creation of conditions for non-bullying. 2. The earliest and competent separation of the child (adolescent) with the corresponding stressful influences. 3. Strengthening the defenses of the individual and the body in resisting bullying both for conditionally healthy children and adolescents, and for those who already have somatic or mental pathology. With regard to the post-stress consequences of bullying, primary prevention is implemented in three areas. 1. Creation of conditions for non-bullying. 2. The earliest and competent separation of the child (adolescent) with the corresponding stressful influences. 3. Strengthening the defenses of the individual and the body in resisting bullying both for conditionally healthy children and adolescents, and for those who already have somatic or mental pathology.

Recommendations for teachers, psychologists, school administrators 1. Start with an accurate definition of bullying that is acceptable to your educational institution. 2. Establish forms of bullying that take place in your school. 3. Find out in what ways teachers, administrators, and school students maintain their authority. 1. Start with an accurate definition of bullying that is acceptable to your educational institution. 2. Establish forms of bullying that take place in your school. 3. Find out in what ways teachers, administrators, and school students maintain their authority.

4. The organization of actions should be started after researching the problem of violence in school with the help of questionnaires, study of special literature and video recordings. 5. Discussion of the problem. Conversations with students, both individually and in a group, are very important and useful. 6. Identify school staff behaviors that promote positive interpersonal relationships among students. 4. The organization of actions should be started after researching the problem of violence in school with the help of questionnaires, study of special literature and video recordings. 5. Discussion of the problem. Conversations with students, both individually and in a group, are very important and useful. 6. Identify school staff behaviors that promote positive interpersonal relationships among students.

7. Do not exclude "offenders" from your field of vision. Be sure to talk not only with the perpetrators, but with their parents, even if it is difficult to do so. Basic ideas for working with offenders' companies Working with offenders, “divide and conquer” - offenders need to be urgently and effectively exposed; not pushing for punishment, this will only strengthen the group solidarity of the offenders; working with one person, you need to skillfully use the power of confrontation of everything, for example, a cool community. 7. Do not exclude "offenders" from your field of vision. Be sure to talk not only with the perpetrators, but with their parents, even if it is difficult to do so. Basic ideas for working with offenders' companies Working with offenders, “divide and conquer” - offenders need to be urgently and effectively exposed; not pushing for punishment, this will only strengthen the group solidarity of the offenders; working with one person, you need to skillfully use the power of confrontation of everything, for example, a cool community.

8. Help the child who has become a victim to solve the problem himself, of course with the help of others. 9. Work constructively with your parents. 8. Help the child who has become a victim to solve the problem himself, of course with the help of others. 9. Work constructively with your parents.

Technology for responding to identified or established facts of bullying (bullying) 1. When establishing a fact or suspicion of the existence of a bullying situation, the specialist informs the administration representative of the situation. 2. The administration, together with the psychological service of the school, makes a decision on the urgency of responding to the revealed fact of aggression. 3. Direct work with victims and persecutors. 1. When establishing the fact or suspicion of the existence of a bullying situation, the specialist reports the situation to the representative of the administration. 2. The administration, together with the psychological service of the school, makes a decision on the urgency of responding to the revealed fact of aggression. 3. Direct work with victims and persecutors.

Psychological and pedagogical approaches to correcting aggressive behavior The first step is to achieve harmonization of the emotional sphere of adolescents through the organization of various events and psychological actions: school-wide events such as "Minute of Fame", "Star Factory", etc. "Board of acquaintances" or "Our discoveries". "Day of the Star", "Day of the Name". Organization of the "Exhibition of Achievements". Organizing games that encourage negative emotions to respond. The first step is to achieve harmonization of the emotional sphere of adolescents through the organization of various events and psychological actions: school-wide events such as "Minute of Fame", "Star Factory", etc. "Board of acquaintances" or "Our discoveries". "Day of the Star", "Day of the Name". Organization of the "Exhibition of Achievements". Organizing games that encourage negative emotions to respond.

The second step is rehabilitation "I". Activities: Organization of clubs or studios in which different children will participate. Great psychological games. Individual correctional classes. The third step is reorientation of behavior through various programs and trainings, the purpose of which is to modify behavior. The second step is rehabilitation "I". Activities: Organization of clubs or studios in which different children will participate. Great psychological games. Individual correctional classes. The third step is reorientation of behavior through various programs and trainings, the purpose of which is to modify behavior.

How to work with aggressive children: recommendations for parents and teachers Depending on the identified causes of aggression in working with adults, it is necessary to make several accents: changing the negative attitude towards the child to a positive one; changing the style of interaction with children; expanding the behavioral repertoire of parents and teachers through the development of their communication skills. Depending on the identified causes of aggression in working with adults, it is necessary to make several accents: changing the negative attitude towards the child to a positive one; changing the style of interaction with children; expanding the behavioral repertoire of parents and teachers through the development of their communication skills.

Practical advice to parents and educators on how to behave correctly with children showing aggression towards adults or peers. 1. Calm attitude in case of minor aggression. 2. Focusing on actions (behavior), and not on personality. 3. Control over your own negative emotions. 4. Discussion of the misconduct. 5. Maintaining the child's positive reputation. 6. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior. 7. Reducing the tension of the situation. 8. The work of restorative reconciliation. 1. Calm attitude in case of minor aggression. 2. Focusing on actions (behavior), and not on personality. 3. Control over your own negative emotions. 4. Discussion of the misconduct. 5. Maintaining the child's positive reputation. 6. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior. 7. Reducing the tension of the situation. 8. The work of restorative reconciliation.

Types of aggression in children and ways of building relationships with them 1. A hyperactive-aggressive child. Such children, brought up in a family like an "idol" or in an atmosphere of permissiveness, falling into a peer group, can become aggressive. It is necessary to competently build a system of restrictions, using, among other things, game situations with rules. Encourage children to admit their own mistakes. Teach them not to blame others. Develop a sense of empathy, compassion for others - peers, adults and all living things.

2. Aggressive, resentful and exhausted child. A child's sensitivity can be associated not only with shortcomings in upbringing or learning difficulties, but also with growing pains, the characteristics of the maturation of the nervous system and the body. Hypersensitivity, irritability, vulnerability can provoke aggressive behavior. Help your child to release mental stress, tinker with him in a noisy game. And try to avoid situations of overexertion if the child is almost always aggressive.

3. Aggressive child with oppositional defiant behavior. If a child is often rude, but not to everyone, but only to his parents and people he knows, then, probably, something is wrong in your relationship. You rarely study and communicate with your child; you are no longer a role model like you used to be; the child is bored, has nothing to do, and he transfers his own mood and problems to you, shifts responsibility for his behavior. Try to solve problems together, in cooperation with the child, but not for him.

4. Aggressively fearful child. Hostility, suspicion can be a means of protecting a child from an imaginary threat, "attack". Work with fears, simulate, that is, create, a dangerous situation and overcome it together with your child; in this case, the situation should be on the verge of pleasant with unpleasant with a predominance of pleasant.

5. Aggressively insensitive child. There are children whose capacity for emotional response, empathy, compassion for others is impaired. The reasons can be in unfavorable conditions of family upbringing, violations of the child's intellectual development, as well as in the features of emotional coldness, callousness, flattening, increased affective (emotional) excitability, which are transmitted from the parents or relatives of the child. At the same time, it is difficult for him to understand what is to the other, that is, the offended 5. Aggressively insensitive child. There are children whose capacity for emotional response, empathy, compassion for others is impaired. The reasons can be in unfavorable conditions of family upbringing, violations of the child's intellectual development, as well as in the features of emotional coldness, callousness, flattening, increased affective (emotional) excitability, which are transmitted from the parents or relatives of the child. At the same time, it is difficult for him to understand that the other, that is, the offended one, is bad or hurt. Try to stimulate humane feelings in such a child: have mercy, pet cats and dogs, take care of animals; Draw the child's attention to the sad, depressed state of the other person and stimulate the desire to help. If this does not help, teach the child to take responsibility - to “work out” for his aggressive behavior (“Now go and apologize”, “Pat on the head”, “Shake hands”, “Offer a toy to the offended child” and the like).

Directions of correctional work with aggressive children 1. If aggression is a deliberate, controlled act on the part of a child, then it is important for an adult not to succumb to this manipulation. 2. If aggression is an expression of anger, it is possible to use a variety of strategies of influence: Teaching children to control their emotions and ways of expressing negative feelings without harm to the people around them; Learning the ability to present your feelings to a communication partner through their articulation and invitation to cooperation; Formation of such qualities as empathy, trust in people. 1. If aggression is a deliberate, controlled act on the part of a child, then it is important for an adult not to succumb to this manipulation. 2. If aggression is an expression of anger, it is possible to use a variety of strategies of influence: Teaching children to control their emotions and ways of expressing negative feelings without harm to the people around them; Learning the ability to present your feelings to a communication partner through their articulation and invitation to cooperation; Formation of such qualities as empathy, trust in people.

LITERATURE Berkovits L. Aggression: causes, consequences, control. SPb .: Neva, S. Beron R., Richardson D. Aggression. SPb .: Peter, S. Guggenbuhl A. The ominous charm of violence. SPb .: Akademicheskiy prospect, - S. 98. Grebenkin E.V. Prevention of aggression and violence at school. - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", Kleybert Yu.A. Psychology of deviant behavior. M .: Sfera, P. 47. Romanova O.L. Violence Prevention Program Stop Violence. - M .: Globus, Semenyuk L.K. Psychological features of aggressive behavior in adolescents and the conditions for its correction. M .: Flint, - S. 27. Berkovits L. Aggression: causes, consequences, control. SPb .: Neva, S. Beron R., Richardson D. Aggression. SPb .: Peter, S. Guggenbuhl A. The ominous charm of violence. SPb .: Akademicheskiy prospect, - S. 98. Grebenkin E.V. Prevention of aggression and violence at school. - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", Kleybert Yu.A. Psychology of deviant behavior. M .: Sfera, P. 47. Romanova O.L. Violence Prevention Program Stop Violence. - M .: Globus, Semenyuk L.K. Psychological features of aggressive behavior in adolescents and the conditions for its correction. M .: Flint, - p. 27.