Interview marathon. Top ten! Interview with marathon runner Alexei Reunkov. RG: And who was rooting for you in London

Marathon accelerated

The increase in the total number of finishers in the main two distances (21,948) was 6.3% compared to 2017 (20,653). 8,969 people finished the classic distance, 16.7% more than the last race (7,681). The top ten remained at the same level: 12,979 finishers, only 5 people more than a year earlier. The limit of participants for 10 km was reached in advance, so more people could not run.

42.2 km were run by 1,568 women - 17.5% of the total number of finishers. In 2014, women made up 13% of marathon runners. In 2015 - 19%, in 2016 - 18.5%, in 2017 - 18.8%.

But for 10 km, the numerical superiority of women is obvious - 6,571 people or 50.6% of the participants.

Despite the chilly weather, the Moscow Marathon accelerated again. The steady trend is illustrated by the following figures.

Out of 2:20 - 3 people / 2017 - 2 people / 2016 - 4 / in 2015 - 1

From 2:30 - 21 people / 2017 - 12 people / 2016 - 11 / 2015 - 10

Out of 3:00 - 303 people, incl. 18 women / 2017 - 248 people, incl. 12 women / 2016 - 203, incl. 11 women /2015 - 150, incl. 13 women

Missile Missile

Vladimir Nikitin became the champion and new record holder at a distance of 10 km. The result of the Perm athlete is 28:48. This is 15 seconds faster than Rinas Akhmadeev's time shown in 2016.

In an exclusive interview with our website, Vladimir said that with this performance he put an end to the summer season of 2018:

It was very cold and windy, and rainy too. I was very cold, I thought I would warm up over the distance, but it didn’t work out. Somehow I've been unlucky with the weather lately. When I ran in St. Petersburg, it was cold and rainy. I recently fled to Perm - it also rained. Under these conditions, I'm happy with my run today. The opponents were worthy, he fought to the end and looked around so that he would not be overtaken. The organization of the start is very good: we were met, placed, brought here. In short, they take care of us like children.

Artur Burtsev, who became the bronze medalist with a time of 30:34, echoes Vladimir:

For participants, this is a great holiday and an example for organizers in other cities. There is no other such cool event in Russia. I hope others will catch up to this level and there will be many more such starts.

Thanks a lot to Vladimir - he was a guide for us from the beginning to the very end. We tried to follow him, but he ran like a rocket. Last year I took fifth place here, and at the same time I said that I wanted to get into the prizes. Everything came true this year.

Like Artur, silver medalist Denis Vasiliev represented St. Petersburg at the race. The result of Denis is 30:26:

I ran a marathon here three years ago. There was a complete opposite with the weather, at the finish line it was +25 0 C. But the wonderful organization and atmosphere of the holiday remain unchanged. I am dissatisfied with my result: I wanted to go a little faster, but today it was very difficult. Cold, windy. Perhaps it was influenced by the fact that he could not arrive in Moscow the day before and arrived early in the morning. My personal ten is 29:40. And although I lost 40 seconds with a penny, I am satisfied with the second place. Vladimir Nikitin is out of reach, I think. This is the leader of our stayer run. I hope that soon Russia will be released abroad, and Volodya will be able to show himself there.

The rest of the competitors were about my level. There were no really strong runners today. To be honest, we were lucky that we decided the fate of the second and third places among ourselves. There are guys who can confidently run a minute faster.

Football players on the track

Reigning Russian champion in the 10,000 m and 5,000 m, Elena Sedova, also set a new women's 10 km record of 33:23, improving her last year's result by 4 seconds.

Until the last meters, it was not known which of the three leaders would win this race. Svetlana Simakova (Moscow) was only 1 second behind Elena. And the bronze was taken by Irina Sergeeva (Kursk), finishing in 33:28.

In addition to professional runners and amateurs, famous football players overcame the distance. Alexey Smertin ran the top ten in 47:37, Alexander Kerzhakov showed the result of 55:28.

"Went to run for real"

In the men's marathon, the record did not happen. Artem Alekseev's 2:13:40 result in 2016 will continue to set the bar next September.

The champion of the VI Moscow Marathon and the winner of the half marathon "Northern Capital" Stepan Kiselev told us why it did not work out to run on the record:

Today the weather is quite cool. Feeling good, but the legs got up "oak". In the middle, I felt that if I continued to run fast, my legs would stand up. So he ran carefully. When I overtook Alexei Troshkin, I had strength. He held himself back the entire distance in order to run the last 8 km. Prior to that, he ran calmly, just watched. And when 34 km came, I went to run for real.

Rounding out the top three are Alexei Troshkin 2:16:01 (Saransk) and Artem Aplachkin 2:19:54 (Barnaul).

Overtake the idol

The Yakut woman Sardana Trofimova again triumphantly completed the race. Second record in a row! At the finish, the runner was the first to be congratulated by her coach Tatyana Zhirkova. The famous ultramarathon shared that the result of Sardana is a minute behind the planned milestone. “I make allowances for the weather and the hilly track. We were ready to fight, to fight to the last. I wish Sardana to improve her time, as well as participation in international competitions.”

Sardana first of all thanked the pacemakers Ruslan Khoroshilov and Renat Kashapov for their support:

It was great to run, because the guys were literate and helped very well, protected me from the wind. It felt like it was much easier to run last year than it is today. Then we started quietly and the second half was faster. This year it turned out the opposite: the second half is slightly worse than the first. The opponents were strong. I have a lot of respect for everyone. Tatyana Arkhipova is an idol for me. I followed her when I wasn't running a marathon yet.

The idol of the champion Tatyana Arkhipova from Cheboksary took second place in 2:35:08. In third place is Maria Osokina from Perm with 2:37:31.

The autumn track and field season is in full swing. Last Sunday, the Moscow Marathon took place - the main running event of the autumn. An interesting struggle unfolded not only at the main distance, but also at the ten-kilometer race. The victory among women with the result of 33:50 was won by Elena Sedova.

Two weeks ago, at the half marathon in her native Novosibirsk, Lena confidently won with a result of 1:12:18, which exceeds the standard for an international master of sports. Thus, the runner makes a kind of “double” for the second year in a row, winning two prestigious Russian races with an interval of a couple of weeks.

Lena, congratulations on your win! How was the run? Was two weeks enough to recover from a quick "half"?

Thanks for the congratulations, Denis. Tried not to bring the case to the final showdown. From the start, I took a comfortable pace, broke away from my rivals and managed to keep the speed until the finish line. Of course, I wanted to update the last year's record (33:27), but in general, I'm satisfied with this end of the season. It is always a pleasure to start in Moscow - good organization and a strong line-up of participants. There were no supertasks for this top ten. After the home half, I had a rest, but I don’t think I could exchange 33 minutes on this track today - my legs, after all, are not quite fresh and the wind made itself felt.

I really want to know about your training, preparation, plans for future competitions, but first, tell us a little about yourself.

As you have already noted above, I am from the capital of Siberia - Novosibirsk. I was born in a very athletic family: my mother is a master of sports (and I have not yet broken her records at some distances), my father is a MSMK, my sister is also a master of sports.

In the 6th grade, she began to go in for athletics under the guidance of her father Sedov Sergey Vladimirovich. At first it was a section that supported general development, and somewhere in the eleventh grade, more serious training began. I started with distances of 400 and 800 meters, but at that time, I did not show any fast seconds. And after graduation, we decided to try longer distances. And so they came to stayer disciplines. Now my main distance is 10,000 meters. This summer she became the champion of Russia in the top ten, showing 32:14:43. I play for CSKA.

Long distance running competitions are held at the stadium and along the highway. How do you manage to combine these two specializations? Are there any fundamental differences for you in preparing for them?

Indeed, now I combine stadium and road running. The start calendar is quite conveniently structured, and I can prepare for the official national championships in the stadium and then switch to runs.

Of course, the difference in preparation is palpable - firstly, in the starting shoes (studded shoes at the stadium, marathon shoes for running on the highway), and secondly, in speeds - the speeds are higher at the stadium.

To be honest, I like preparing for a longer road run more - you can run quieter and not in a 400-meter circle.

There is a desire to try a marathon, although it is still a little scary to run for a result of 42.2 kilometers. The number is scary. Last year I tried it in St. Petersburg at the White Nights, but it was without preparation and just for the sake of experience.

How was that start? I remember that the heat was unbearable - I myself ran 10k and it was not easy. What was it like running a marathon?

That launch is another story. I have never specially prepared, but, nevertheless, last year I went to the start of the marathon. It was a spontaneous decision - after the Russian championship at 10,000 meters, there were no starts on the calendar until the fall. The break in the competition was more than two months. The form was good, we looked at the calendar - the marathon in St. Petersburg was just right after the championship. Without thinking twice, I registered - I'll try, suddenly I'll run.
I wasn’t afraid to run, because the speed is much quieter than the usual competitive speed (Elena ran 10,000 meters at last year’s national championship at an average speed of 3:13.4/km), and if it gets hard, I’ll just stop. With such thoughts, I went to the start.

St. Petersburg is famous for its warm summers, and I had the honor to get into the hottest marathon - the temperature at the finish line was over 30.

During training, I practically don’t drink, but at a marathon I can’t do without food. As a result, after 22 kilometers, my stomach cramped, but I didn’t want to go. At the 38th kilometer I stopped a couple of times. But going to the finish line was longer than running, as a result, I hobbled for 2 hours and 51 minutes. It was interesting to test myself, but I will not do it again. If a marathon, then only with preparation! I feel confident in the half marathon. And 42.2 kilometers, after all, require a different preparation - the legs must get used to a long run for more than two hours. And, nevertheless, you need to learn to drink and "eat" at a distance. The rest is practice and more practice.

What does your weekly training cycle include? Do you pay attention to strength work?

If we consider the weekly cycle, then most often these are two works, one long cross. One or two development crosses may be present, depending on the stage of preparation. Five days a week, two workouts a day. Invariably, after hard days, there are always easy recovery. After crosses or evening workouts, I periodically do a set of physical training, but, objectively speaking, I need more. Sometimes laziness, sometimes not enough time. In general, there is still work to be done.

Tell me a little more about the training regimens. How do you choose the right speed? What do you focus on with the trainer first of all, on the pulse or on the sensations?

We have been using a lactometer for more than four years in training, and based on the state at the time of work, we choose a training mode. Most often, the speed is slightly higher than the competition in short segments, and in the middle segments in competition mode. For example, before the national championship I did 10x1000 meters at 3:12-3:13 after a short rest. As a result, at about this speed, it turned out to run the entire competitive top ten.

We also focus on the pulse - developing and restorative crosses are held in a fairly strict framework. I also feel like running. But sometimes, during work, I get excited and can go too far, and this is fraught. Fortunately, almost always I am under the watchful eye of a coach.

What heart rate values ​​do you follow in tempo, recovery, and long-distance training?

Heart rate is very important in training. Personally, I do not have the highest maximum heart rate. Therefore, I try to run recovery crosses up to 130 strokes. Developing at 150-155. In such trainings, “climbing” higher can be fraught, therefore, all developing ones always have a heart rate monitor.

In the works, approximately the same values ​​- long segments up to 168 beats, and in short segments I rarely look at the pulse. But after the finish, 180 rises.

I run short stretches without a heart rate monitor and measure my heart rate at the finish line in 10 seconds manually. We look at the recovery after 30 seconds and a minute. I usually have 30(29)-23(25)-21(19) beats in 10 seconds. This is an indicator of a good recovery and, accordingly, a good form.

I run long runs up to about 150. Sometimes there is an onslaught, then I can disperse my heart to 160 beats.

Preparation for long distances, as a rule, is characterized by a large running volume. What is your usual weekly mileage?

I can’t say that I am a supporter of exorbitant volumes. In this regard, I'm still a full-fledged middleweight. In the base period, usually 135-150 km per week. When you need to load, it comes up to 160-165. But after such weeks we always reduce the running load to 140. The maximum was 172 km, but only once. In competition weeks, of course, it is much less - it can go up to 90 km. Usually I do a cycle of three working weeks, and then there is a fasting week.

Your load is serious! How do you recover after them?

For me, the bath is an integral part of the training process. There is no complete recovery without it. One, sometimes twice a week, I go to the bathhouse. When there is an opportunity - a massage, but not always a good specialist is nearby. In my case, the regularity of the massage is out of the question. Sometimes, I can drink wine, within reason, of course. During heavy loads, I also use sports nutrition: isotonics, sports drinks, complexes of vitamins and minerals, BCAA amino acids.

Bath and massage are not the biggest set of recovery tools for a professional athlete. What about cryosauna, lymphatic drainage, other popular physiotherapy methods?

Yes, you are right here. Not enough happens sometimes. At the Olympic base in Kislovodsk, where I often go to training camps, there is a good recovery center with a wide range of useful procedures. Charcot shower, currents and lymphatic drainage are my favorites. At home, it is not always possible - a big city and sometimes you just want to relax between workouts. But if there is a need, then I can make currents in the ShVSM. With serious clogged muscles, currents help me best.

I can also stand in cold water immediately after a workout. Also a good option for a quick local recovery.

I know that you also have enough time for coaching - you advise amateur runners. What principles do you follow in preparing your students? What do you pay attention to first of all?

Yes, there are guys whom I help prepare for competitions. The basic principle, in my opinion, is “it is better to undershoot than overshoot”. But at the same time, the training is quite intense. Of course, I take into account that the guys work and it’s not always possible to have a normal rest after training, and running should first of all bring joy. I think that it is important for amateurs to run according to the pulse (this, probably, is my first guide). I definitely pay attention to general physical training in order to prepare the musculoskeletal system for running loads, and adjust nutrition. After all, proper nutrition is an important element of recovery, both for professional athletes and amateurs.

What are the future plans? Are you still performing this fall? How are you spending your off-season?

This start was the final one of the season. Now I'll rest for a week - swimming, light running, it looks like yoga and Pilates. I can’t do without activity at all - the body asks for at least some kind of load. In the autumn I plan to collect in Kislovodsk. I have not yet decided on my plans for the winter, but I will definitely start 5000 meters at the championship. Well, hope for admission to international starts. Use photos in the article

Lena, thank you for an interesting conversation. New victories and personal records!

The article was prepared by Vasiliev Denis, trainer and curator of the running club in St. Petersburg.

Photos used in the articleMarathon-Photo - official service Promsvyazbank Moscow Marathon

At the age of 14, John Vanilar trains 6 days a week and runs marathons. Read about the interest in running, the most difficult marathons and motivation in this interview.

John Vanilar is a unique child. Having taken up running at the age of 10, at 14 he already participates in marathons and brings home medals. We learned from John himself about how it all began, whether it is difficult to combine serious sports with studies, and how parents treat his hobby.

- Why did you start running? Please tell us about how you got on the path of a “marathon runner”?

He started because in physical education classes he ran worse than all the girls and constantly sat on the bench. They laughed at me, I was a little overweight, although I was not fat. So I asked my dad to help me learn how to run. We started on vacation from June 1, I was 10 years old. At first it was very hard, I even cried sometimes. But for the first six months we practiced without days of rest, and so we gradually got involved.

At first they ran 1.5 km and increased all the time. After 3 months, I could already run 10 km without stopping, after another three - 20 km. It didn’t work out with short distances, I still ran badly, but I felt good at long distances. A year after the start of classes, we decided to run the first marathon, then we tried 30 km, and everything was also in order. That's how the idea for the marathon came about.

- At what point did you feel that running is yours, and you are ready to set big goals?

I tried a lot of things: playing games, drawing, rollerblading and cycling, even writing poetry. But nothing serious came of it. Meanwhile, running all the time brought new results, new distances. My health has also improved, I was already the first among boys in physical education classes. After a couple of years of training, sports plans and big goals in running appeared. We competed a lot all this time. Everything happens gradually: there are plans for a week, a month, a year and even two.

- Tell us about your feelings before and after the first marathon? Was there fear and anxiety? How did you manage to deal with emotions?

On the track of the first marathon, my dad and I, who is also my coach, ran almost every day, so it was interesting to compete on a long distance. I was very glad that I was admitted to the marathon officially - at the peril and risk of the organizers.

It was the 34th MMMM (Moscow International Peace Marathon), about 100 people ran. The circuit is 3.2 km long, 13 laps in total. Of course, I was worried, but after the first lap, the excitement went away. The most difficult part of the marathon was the weather: the air temperature that day was +30, and it is very difficult to run such distances in the heat. You need to drink a lot and calculate your strength, but I didn’t know how to do that then. In general, after 30 km I had to switch to a walk, then I ran again, then again switched to a walk. Dad suggested many times to retire, but I really wanted a medal, my first marathon finisher's medal. Everyone was supportive: both participants and volunteers, so I ran even though I had no strength left.

- Do you have any hobby that allows you to relax after hard training and competition?

I collect coins from different countries, exchange with friends and acquaintances. But music helps to relax and be distracted, I listen to it all the time. I also read a lot, I love historical books.

What do you think about when you run?

As a rule, only about running. About pace, distance, how much time is left, what is my margin of time or behind schedule. It's hard for me to think of anything else. Sometimes there are no thoughts at all, I just enjoy the process. But if I'm not running alone, I can chat with pleasure on various topics. if of course the pace of running allows it. There is even such a concept - "conversational pace", it is different for everyone. Previously, even at a pace of 6 min / m I could not talk, but now even at 4.30 it is easy.

- How to overcome laziness in yourself and really “get sick” with your sport?

I don't think it's about laziness. You need it for classes, but it can be impossible to find it for yourself on your own. Therefore, it all depends on the coach or the one who will guide and stimulate you. Then it becomes easier, the goals come in the process and there is motivation for classes. It is especially important for hard training - they are often more difficult than the competition itself.

Do you do any other sports besides running?

No, I don't, I've already talked about it. There is neither time nor desire for anything else. Maybe I'll do something else later. For example, 100m world record holder Usain Bolt has now taken up football after a career in running, so anything can happen.

- Do you have time for everything? Studying, training, socializing with friends, hobbies…

There is not enough time, this can be a big problem. I study in the cadet class, and there study takes the whole day, and the requirements for academic performance in the class are also high. I have to do homework after an evening workout, and there is little time left for sleep. Then - get up at 6 in the morning, and again for training. But I try to keep up with everything, both parents and teachers help me in this.

- Do your parents support your choice? Did they insist that you stop running?

My parents are very supportive, my dad is my coach, he monitors my regimen and goes to competitions with me, my mom also runs and often wins prizes in competitions. And the little sister is generally a “rocket”. True, he runs shorter distances, but almost all the time he wins competitions. She already has her third adult at 8 years old! Her favorite distance is 1000 m. In general, our whole family is running.

- The day of competition has come. How to prepare for victory? What advice would you give to future athletes?

I tune in to a victory or a result long before the competition, so on the day of the start, the main thing is to remain calm and in a good mood. If you're ready, nothing should get in the way. I advise future athletes to try hard in training and do everything that the coach says. And also believe in yourself - then you will definitely win.

Thanks John for the interview!

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It is becoming more and more popular, and now no one is surprised by the ambitious goal to get out of the comfort zone and run a marathon. All that is needed for this is systematic training with a professional trainer, good health and crazy motivation for results. But if for some it is already a great achievement to reach the finish line, then for someone it is important not only to go the whole distance at their maximum, but also to become the first.

A big dream and constant meaningful work on yourself and your body are two components of success that led to the finish of the Moscow Athlete Marathon Stepan Kiselev. He came first, and this could not be prevented by rain, wind and the capital's autumn that began too early.

Read about the path to the coveted 42nd kilometer and much more in an interview with the winner Moscow Marathon - 2018 Stepan Kiselyov.

Styopa, it's probably not a secret for you that running is becoming more and more popular. This year, so many dissimilar and different people came to the start of the marathon distance. Can you describe the portrait of an average Moscow marathon runner? Who is this person for you?

First of all, of course, these are people who are interested in running. But if they decide to run a marathon, then most likely they want not only to be interested in it, but also to delve into running as a profession, as a serious sports hobby, a real adult hobby. So they set themselves new goals. They do not stop at 10 or 21 km, but go through this running path to the end.

Of course, it all starts with the fact that a person just goes for a run and it is addictive. As a result, someone gets to their top ten, and someone goes even further and thus reaches the marathon. There is no limit. You can set yourself goals, new numbers. You get pleasure when you achieve something with your work.

- How did the marathon drag out for you personally?

For me, it was a balanced and conscious decision. All professional runners have one road, and the final stop is a marathon. Personally, my running path began with 800 meters.

Do you remember that turning point, your first marathon?

The marathon itself is not as hard as the training. It's like on a journey, you have to go through everything, and then the final goal, in the end, will not be so difficult. If you didn’t follow this original path well, skipped training, didn’t take your health seriously enough, the marathon will kill you, it should not be underestimated. Even I sometimes make a mistake when I stop respecting the marathon, I think that I’m already quite ready for the start, as a result, it’s hard on the distance because of this.

My first marathon happened in 2014. It used to be not so popular to start in Russia, so I ran in Zurich. It is now because of the suspension that professional athletes began to attend the Moscow Marathon.

Are weather conditions important to you? At what temperature can you run your best time, have you ever wondered?

My ideal temperature is around 12-14 degrees. It could be cloudy, but no rain. Cold rain and wind are not very good for the condition of the muscles. But the marathon is unpredictable, and it doesn’t even depend on the venue, it’s hard to get into that perfect weather. Therefore, they usually say that the stars must converge for everything to go perfectly.

- And how important are weather and temperature conditions for beginners at the start?

The most important thing for an amateur is a good mood. I thought that due to weather conditions this year people would not go to the Moscow Marathon, but there were people. Still, marathon runners have come a long way in training, so it's a real disgusting to quit everything at the last moment. At the start of a marathon, there are no random people, those who were stopped by rain or wind. At the start of the marathon, people who are completely immersed in running gather.

- How much do you train? What workouts would you recommend that have proved to be the most effective?

You can use any type of training. We (professional athletes) have a very varied training. This happens in order to remove the monotony so that the running process does not become too routine. For example, we smooth out stress with recovery crosses, jogging. After them, you want to work hard to invigorate the body. The same goes for the surface. You can run during training on asphalt, on the ground, on the track.

But the most important thing is to train regularly, otherwise you will again and again step back or stand in one place.

- How does running ease appear (acquired)?

First of all, you train your muscles. On the other hand, you become mentally stronger. There is an understanding that if I could do it in training, then I will definitely do it in a marathon. Sometimes I guess with what speed I will run in competition and in training I will run with it. It's very hard. But experienced athletes understand that when they start, adrenaline will do its job and all the resources of the body will be mobilized. So it is possible that you will even run twice as fast and more than in training.

Many amateurs are advised to immediately run a marathon, because, having run a half at first, then it is psychologically very difficult to dare a distance twice as long. What do you think about this?

It may be better for a beginner to focus on the marathon right away. But I would still advise you to plunge into the process gradually, bend your own line, go your own way. Run a 10 one year, try a half marathon the next year. Surely there will be mistakes in the alignment of forces, in technique, but everyone goes through this. Just gain experience and patience, and then proceed to the marathon.

- How important is it to choose equipment for a marathon?

Yes, this is a very important point. First of all, you need to pay attention to shoes. We usually have two pairs of competition shoes. In one you only compete (they are always clean, not worn down). In the other pair, you do speed training, where you have to merge with them, feel them, learn all the pros and cons of this model, and even your running must adapt to this model. And most importantly, you should not be afraid to kill them, since training takes place in different conditions, and you, first of all, should develop, and not spare your shoes.

- What clothes did you have on? Is it important to be aware of the weather?

I ran in shorts and a T-shirt. And I regretted a little that I didn’t fake a T-shirt, you could also wear short Thais instead of shorts. Because of the cold rain, the muscles were stiff, and the work did not go so smoothly. Sometimes it's hard to calculate everything.

Rain is not a hindrance to records: how was the Moscow Marathon-2018

2000 foreign participants at the start, unpredictable weather and the largest running exhibition in Russia.

As a rule, leaner athletes get cold quicker. I advise you to find a balance: not too easy to dress and not turn into cabbage from clothes. The main thing is not to freeze before the start. Put on some unnecessary clothes, which you will not be sorry to throw away in the waiting cluster later. And during the race you will not freeze.

The biggest mistake: to stop respecting the marathon, to think that you are already ready enough to complete the distance.

Do you see running as a profession?

I only do running. Sometimes, of course, you want to quit everything and go to work in the office. But when you see how people work even without a change of scenery and with vacation twice a year, you begin to somehow especially love what you do. Because I am free and work only for myself. This is great. But there is one thing: you can not stop. If you take a break, you'll go off the rails.

At what age did you start running consciously?

From the age of 13 it was a hobby, a hobby. But then it turned into a matter of life.

Are you glad you chose to run?

Yes, I'm happy. As I said, freedom allows me to spend a lot of time with my family, with my son and wife.

- Do you plan to send your child to sports or should he come to this on his own?

I want him to choose for himself. I will not insist, but perhaps I will secretly try to guide him, however, it is difficult to manipulate him ( laughs).

What moments are you grateful for in your running history?

I got out of the small town of Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region. I have a favorite thing, big plans, wonderful people around. There were not the most successful moments in my running career, but they are forgotten, and only good things remain.

What people inspired you as a child?

Previously, due to the lack of internet, it was difficult to collect information about runners. Unless there was a track and field athletics magazine and there were broadcasts on Channel One. For many runners, Vyacheslav Shabunin was a legend then. Despite the fact that he did not occupy high places, he ran very beautifully and skillfully. Of course, I was also inspired by the victory of Yuri Borzakovsky at the Olympics. Now my idol and part-time friend is Sergey Ivanov, the Russian record holder in the 10,000 meters.

- How does the geographical location affect the style of the athlete?

There are not very favorable conditions for running in Russia, but it all depends on motivation. If you are motivated, you can show results here as well. But in order to run faster, special conditions are needed, one of them is being in the highlands, for example in Kenya, where there is a big lack of oxygen.

Recently, I went to a training camp there and realized that it is hard for me to train in a group with the Kenyan guys, although gradually I acclimatize and my body becomes stronger. Thanks to these training camps at the Moscow Marathon, I had no breathing problems. I felt at ease and calm. Because of the height and cleanliness of the air, Kenyans run faster than us, it's not about genetics at all!

- How do you train with the onset of cold weather? Is it real?

You can and should exercise on the street, the running season for me, as you understand, never ends. Even with the onset of cold weather, I only go to the arena twice a week. It is impossible to work productively and for a long time there, you get psychologically very tired. And when it's really cold outside, I use a treadmill. Often, when I am completely bored, I run with music. And in a marathon, it’s better to listen to yourself. Control your condition, navigate the distance - these are the two most important conditions for overcoming the marathon.

My first marathon: 20 weeks to prepare

Training plan to prepare for 42 km 195 m.