The diet of children at 7 months. Daily routine and diet of a seven-month-old baby. Combined dishes: what to combine with what

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A few months ago, the baby was very tiny, helpless. But more than six months have passed and the child begins to learn the world. The development of a 7-month-old baby moves to the next stage, he now explores everything around him and brings his parents the first trouble. More often these chores become moments of joy, because at this age nothing bad can be done.

Daily regime

The regimen of a 7-month-old baby is individual, you should not particularly focus on it, but it must be present. With him, it will be easier for a young mother to plan her own day. In general, the regime is developed over time, and by this age it is usually formed. If there are periodic failures, it's okay, it means that the child's body is rebuilding, growing. The main issue is timely feeding and sleep. With a full day's sleep, the baby will be calm, feel good. Naturally, the mother will also become less irritable, because during the child’s sleep, she will be able to do everything around the house.

The ideal daily routine is the one that has been formed over the past 6 months of life. In general, for the whole day a child of this age should sleep for about 15 hours, how they are distributed during the day is completely unimportant. Some children sleep all night without waking up to eat, while others cannot even sleep for 3 hours without food. Physiological needs shape sleep patterns. Of course, a lot depends on the mother, as the doctors say, but in practice, the child dictates the conditions of nutrition and sleep. It should be understood that all children are different and it is simply impossible to establish a single daily routine.

The approximate regimen of a child at 7 months during the day should be as follows:

  • morning feeding;
  • walk;
  • feeding;
  • feeding;
  • games;
  • feeding;
  • walk;
  • feeding;

There is no need to argue that such a regimen should be in every baby. A young mother should look at the behavior of the child, his development, and from this already build her own daily routine.

Diet or what to feed a baby at the age of 7 months

If a baby at this age knows about the existence of a spoon, this is very good. Complementary foods introduced from 5-6 months should change the diet. Ideally, if the time interval between feedings is 4 hours. Five meals a day is considered sufficient for development and growth.

It is difficult for those mothers whose babies continue to eat at night. This habit is best weaned at an early age, until the child shows his full character and can be rocked for a later night's sleep. Daily feeding should be accompanied by wakefulness. The child, after eating, requires games, and sleep comes a little later.

Approximate feeding times for a 7 month old baby:

  • 6:00;
  • 10:00;
  • 14:00;
  • 18:00;
  • 22:00.

If the baby wakes up later, then the feeding time may be shifted. Many mothers leave everything as they are and adjust the child for these feeding hours. Thus, by developing a clear meal schedule, based on it, the full daily routine is automatically built.

Diet for 7 month old baby

At this age, the first complementary foods should already be introduced. The diet of the baby fully includes juices, mashed vegetables and fruits, egg yolk, milk porridge, kefir or low-fat cottage cheese. You need to continue to breastfeed your baby, so it will be easier for him to accept new foods.

You can start expanding the range of juices and purees. If earlier everything was limited to an apple, now you can try to give a pear, peach, raspberry, strawberry. But it is worth understanding that all fruits must be grown in natural conditions, so to speak, natural, without the addition of chemicals. An ideal option for such complementary foods is possible if you have your own fruits. Only the dosage of each new product should be minimal. Adaptation of the body to a new product should pass without exacerbations or allergies.

At this age, you can safely replace two breastfeeds with mashed potatoes, juices, kefir or cottage cheese. Egg yolk is necessary as a source of vitamins for the development of the baby. Ideally, if it is taken into the diet after meat complementary foods. Boiled chicken meat must be passed through a meat grinder several times, or use a blender. A baby at this age can be given 20-30 grams per day. It is better to alternate the yolk on one day and the meat on the other. Thus, the burden on the stomach and intestines will be minimal.

Feeding plan for 7 month old baby:

This is an approximate feeding scheme, it fits perfectly for someone, but for someone, the feeding time may be different.

Baby games 7 months

At this age, the baby is interested in everything, he is ready to play with his mother's nose, earrings, anything. His handles are developed, a grasping reflex appears. You can lure a baby of this age with almost anything that makes a sound or has an interesting shape and color. Children are very fond of something that can be held in their hands, grabbed, pressed, and it is not at all necessary that the object be soft. Beads of various shapes and colors are perfect for playing.

But the baby is not limited to tactile sensations. He is still attracted to various sounds. Rattles with bells, musical toys, you can try to give the child a thin foil, when compressed, it makes a special sound that was previously unknown.

Physiology and psychology of the child

Quite often, at this age, the baby has the first tooth. This may happen sooner or later, but around this age the lower incisor erupts. This is individual for everyone, and even if the teeth did not erupt in a year, you should not worry that the child is lagging behind in development, he has such physiological characteristics.

First of all, the two lower teeth will appear, then the upper ones, or vice versa. During this period, the child may become more irritable, capricious. In order to avoid this, he needs to be given special toys for teething. In the process of chewing them, the baby ceases to notice itching.

In the seventh month of life, the gastrointestinal tract is ready to digest foods such as egg yolk and meat.
From a psychological point of view, this is a period of very active maturation, psychological development. It is necessary to give the baby the opportunity to communicate, you can even enter into a dialogue with him. Now he begins to perceive the reaction of his parents to his actions, the timbre of the voice and the frequency of the sound tell him how to behave in this or that situation. The child must understand the difference between the intonation of praise and education.

Freedom, that's all the baby needs, he tries to get to know the world as quickly as possible, so forbidden items can be missed.

At the end of the seventh month, the child can play educational games, leaf through books. The first book can be a brightly colored rag with the image of animals or birds. All images must be commented on and soon, the child will be able to independently show the animals, having heard their name.

Let your child explore the world on their own. He makes his first discoveries, it is vital for him to move around the entire apartment or house. Parents will have to make a small rearrangement, remove heavy, sharp, unstable objects from the access zone.

Watch and beware, that's what is required of parents at this age. If a child has taken a forbidden item, you should not raise your voice at it, it is enough to simply explain that it is not necessary to take it.
It is strictly forbidden to force-feed a child with those foods that he does not like. The child's body itself knows what it lacks.

And of course, try to stick to the feeding and sleeping regimen. With them, it will be much easier for you to build your own daily routine.

Useful video about the development of a child at 7 months

The seventh and eighth months of life is the most crucial stage - the beginning of the transition of the baby from specialized infant to adult type of nutrition. Let's help mom and baby get through it without any problems.

The diet of a child 7-8 months

Both infants and artificial children eat densely 5 times during the day, approximately 200 ml of breast milk or each. For super-caring mothers who have maintained lactation and forget about the need to give the stomach not only food for digestion, but also time to rest, the child can have a bite to eat many more times. Surely this habit was not formed overnight, and provided there is enough milk, there is nothing terrible in it. But this style of eating can be a serious obstacle to. If the baby does not get hungry, he will refuse new, completely unfamiliar food. Therefore, it is important to try to gradually increase the interval between feedings up to 4 hours a couple of weeks before the start of complementary feeding, at least in the morning.

Most infants still continue to eat at night, withstanding only 4-6 hours. Artificial milk replacers are absorbed more slowly, more slowly, so babies who eat them are already beginning to please their parents with longer sleep without waking up to give a bottle.

Introducing basic foods

Regardless of which one you choose to start accustoming the crumbs to "adult" food, there are ground rules:

  • in order to be able to follow the reaction of the baby and not overshadow the upcoming night with colic in the tummy, it is necessary to give new food in the morning;
  • if abdominal pains appear, regurgitation becomes more frequent or the stool becomes very relaxed, it means that the peanut is not yet able to digest this dish, and it is necessary to replace it with a similar one (for example, instead of buckwheat, try introducing rice);
  • if allergic manifestations aggravated or first appeared, then it is necessary to cancel the introduction of this complementary food for a week, be sure to tell the pediatrician about it so that he can assess the child’s condition and decide whether it is possible to continue giving this dish or “forget” about it for a long time;
  • start with half a teaspoon, increasing daily by ½ - 1 spoon until a full serving is reached (for a 7-month-old baby, this is an average of 170 ml, for an 8-month-old - 180);
  • after complete addiction to the first complementary food, it is transferred to lunch or evening time, “freeing up” the first half of the day for the second, and then, according to the same scheme, for the third complementary food.

Another important rule

Before forcing your baby to grind pieces of food with incisors (they are designed for biting off) or swollen gums, try to chew the meat thoroughly with only your front teeth. The first foods should be ground into a homogeneous mass using a blender or a very fine sieve (twice). And so it is necessary to do until small molars capable of chewing (that is, grinding food) erupt. Otherwise, you will not achieve anything but an aversion to food due to an unusual consistency in the mouth and abdominal pain from indigestion.

Vegetable puree for complementary foods - introduction features

Read more about which vegetables are healthy, and how to give vegetable puree to babies, read.

Why do pediatricians more often advise starting with it?

  1. Due to acceleration, more and more large children with excessive weight gain are born every year. Thanks to plant fiber, the problem of childhood obesity recedes.
  2. Vegetables are very different in taste from milk or mixture and, even more so, from sweet porridge. The older the child, the more difficult it will be for him to get used to them.

To make it easier for the baby to get used to the new taste, you can “hide” it by diluting it with the usual breast milk or an adapted mixture, and at first give it very liquid. As the proportion of puree in the feeding volume increases, it is made thicker, and less milk is added. At first, it is also necessary to drink milk (not juices! - after all, the baby has not tried them yet).

You need to start with a one-component puree, and then gradually, one by one, introduce other vegetables into it. Each new product should be given at least 3 days to make sure that the child takes it normally. Cook only in water, not in meat broth, do not add salt or add any spices. Only a few drops of vegetable oil are useful (introduce gradually, from one drop), dill or parsley, but in very small quantities.

You can mix vegetable puree with other products only after the introduction of all three main complementary foods, which means after 8 months of age.

Complementary porridge - how to give

What cereals are useful for babies, and how to introduce cereals into infants' nutrition - read.

After the little one gets used to one cereal, another can be introduced either as an additive to the first, or as an independent dish in a separate (morning!) Feeding. You need to start with about one tablespoon, adding one more every other day. According to the same scheme - and all other cereals.

Cook cereals in water until completely softened, and then add breast milk or an adapted mixture. If the mother expressed it no more than 20 minutes before feeding, then it is not necessary to bring it to a boil. The same applies to mixtures that form hard small lumps from exposure to high temperatures. It is most useful to give dry baby cereals, crushed to the desired crumb consistency and enriched with all the useful ingredients necessary for health and harmonious development.

Complementary foods meat - the norm for 7-8-month-old babies

Choosing what kind of meat to give the baby Remember: you need protein, not fat. That is, it should be red meat, and only muscles, and not offal rich in cholesterol. The liver of animals is “stuffed” with antibiotics used in feed, hormones, harmful impurities (heavy metals, pesticides) that enter the body. Therefore, it is better to postpone the acquaintance of a child with her until the age after a year. The exception is children's canned meat with liver. The products used for their manufacture undergo very strict, including toxicological, control.

The most tender, easily digestible and least allergenic meat is horse meat and rabbit meat. In second place in terms of nutritional value are pork and beef. Unfortunately, the proportion of babies with cow's milk protein allergy is increasing every year. They should not be given beef or veal. The meat of waterfowl (goose and duck) is considered the toughest and most difficult for a child's stomach.

The attitude towards chicken meat is twofold. On the one hand, it is not much inferior to the leaders in quality, while being much cheaper. On the other hand, the rapid growth of brollers is achieved, among other things, by hormonal supplements in the feed. In addition, at poultry farms, chickens must receive antibiotics, including antibiotics that accumulate in bone tissue. Therefore, such meat can be the culprit in the development of gynecomastia in boys, allergic reactions, intolerance to certain groups of antibiotics, early caries and a tendency to obesity. Because we recommend giving chicken from a personal farmstead or from children's canned meat.

Meat complementary foods are introduced from ½ teaspoon, adding the same amount every day and bringing it up to 30 grams in about a week, if the child is 7 months old, and up to 40 grams. per day - if the 8th month. Give it separately, and after getting used to it can be mixed with porridge or vegetable puree. Salt or seasoning (except dill and parsley) is not necessary. If the meat is fatty, then the first broth must be drained.

Considering that it takes an average of 20 days to introduce one complementary food, the 7th and 8th months of life will be devoted to just this. As a result by 9 months, the child should receive daily (with an approximate distribution by meal):

  1. Breast milk or the usual adapted milk formula - 2 times 200 ml - early in the morning and at night or at dinner.
  2. Porridge on water or breast milk (adapted mixture) - 180 gr. + as a supplement, milk, boiled water or a mixture (20 gr.). Is it breakfast or dinner. Babies who do not want to part with frequent “snacks” at night can try to give porridge before bed.
  3. Meat homogenized puree - up to 40 gr. and about 150 ml of milk or formula. More often at lunchtime.
  4. Multi-component vegetable puree or soup puree with vegetable broth - 180 ml - for dinner or in the afternoon.

Important: do not forget that after eating dense and more difficult to assimilate complementary foods, the baby will need to be supplemented with boiled water, which can occasionally be replaced with the usual (!) Children's herbal tea.

Today, many mothers, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to breastfeed their baby, so the problem of compiling the right diet for the baby is relevant for them. This issue becomes especially important by the age of 7 months, when the baby’s mental and physical activity sharply increases: the baby is already sitting, perhaps crawling or even standing on its legs, holding on to a support. There is an intensive process of cognition of the world.

At this age, the child's body spends a lot of energy. To make up for it, the child needs a full menu that will bring him maximum benefit. In order to make an approximate diet for a child at 7 months, you need to figure out which foods are mandatory for him.

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    The difference between the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding and artificial feeding

    The menu for a 7-month-old formula-fed (FW) baby has a much greater variety of products than the menu for a 7-month-old breastfed (FW). This is not surprising, because nursing mothers introduce the first complementary foods to their child much later - at about 5-6 months. For such children, mother's milk is the main component in the daily diet.

    Artificial babies are introduced to complementary foods much earlier. This is necessary to replenish those essential substances that are in breast milk, but not in mixtures. In addition, due to the mixture in such children, the digestive system begins to rebuild earlier to receive adult food, and therefore problems in the form of an allergic reaction at this age are less likely.

    So, what foods can you feed a child for seven months if he grows on a mixture:

    • cereals on water or mixtures (gluten-free);
    • fermented milk - cottage cheese and kefir;
    • meat puree:
    • egg yolk;
    • vegetable and fruit puree;
    • juices and compotes;
    • cookies, drying, croutons.

    Based on the total amount of food, the daily amount of food for a 7-month-old baby is 1/8 of his weight. The resulting number must be divided by the number of meals (at a given age 5 times) - this is the norm for a single feeding of the baby. This includes formula feeding.

    Rules for the introduction of adult food

    The appropriate time to introduce complementary foods should be determined strictly on an individual basis, depending on the condition of the child. Be sure to consult with the doctor observing the baby before this.

    The health of her crumbs depends on the responsible approach of the mother to this issue. It is important to follow simple rules for the introduction of complementary foods, which will be relevant throughout the entire period of introduction of new types of foods into the diet.

    • A new product should be introduced very carefully, starting with half a teaspoon . If there is no allergic reaction, then after two weeks the baby can eat its full portion, corresponding to the norm of this age. A single feeding of a child at 7 months consists of approximately 200 grams of food. Based on this, the volume of one specific product should be calculated.
    • Two or more new types of foods should not be given at the same time, because in the case of an allergy it will be difficult to determine what exactly the child has reacted to.
    • At seven months, the crumbs are actively teething, which may be accompanied by fever, loose stools and other "charms". Therefore, mothers are strongly advised to stick to the old diet for this period without introducing something new. The same can be said about the timing of routine vaccinations.
    • The food of a baby at this age should be in consistency like a puree, for which you can use a blender or strainer. But if sometimes small soft pieces come across, then it's okay. The child should already gradually get used to coarser food.
    • It is advisable to give new food in the first half of the day, during which it would be possible to track the food reaction.

    When introducing products, you should try to maintain the same diet that is typical for 7 months of age. You can not overload the child's ventricle at night - it is better to feed him with a mixture in the morning and in the evening in order to unload digestion after hard work.

    Some mothers have a desire to transfer the child completely to adult food as soon as possible. In no case should this be done, since the infant formula is still the main source of useful nutrients and vitamins. Depending on the appetite, the baby is fed with it 2-3 times a day or even more. Regular food at this stage is only an addition to the main diet.

    A bit of ethics

    The child is growing before our eyes. At the age of 7 months there is an active knowledge of the environment. Looking at the parents, the baby learns behavior in society. Therefore, it is important to instill in him useful skills and good manners from an early age.

    1. 1. The child should eat in a sitting position. For their child, parents can purchase a special feeding table that meets safety requirements. Such a table is very convenient not only for the baby, but also for his mother.
    2. 2. Be sure to feed with a spoon. If a child takes a spoon from his mother in order to "work" with it in a plate, do not interfere with him. So he will gradually work out his pen and learn to eat on his own.
    3. 3. If the baby wants to get acquainted with the contents of the plate in the traditional way for children, do not interfere with him. Food-stained walls are an essential attribute of the presence of a child in the house.
    4. 4. No need to force-feed, against your will. It’s better to keep a child busy and put a spoon in his mouth in between than to try to achieve this through screaming and crying.
    5. 5. You should personally set an example of behavior at the table.

    Main products for the menu

    The diet of a child on IV at 7 months must necessarily contain the main categories of products that will help the baby grow strong and healthy. Let's look at each category in more detail.

    Porridge is our strength

    Porridge for a 7 month old baby is the main source of carbohydrates. At this age, he probably already got acquainted with gluten-free cereals, which are useful at any age. What cereals are cooked from these cereals:

    • Buckwheat is the main source of iron and other trace elements. Always like the kids.
    • Rice - contains not only proteins and vitamins, but also envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting them from irritation. Good for babies with loose stools.
    • Corn - one of the main products for allergy sufferers, contains iron, potassium and other useful substances. It is a good prevention against constipation.

    These cereals should be on the menu of every bottle-fed baby at 7 months. They are hypoallergenic. They can be boiled in water, vegetable broth or with the subsequent addition of the mixture.

    Russian pediatricians agree that gluten cereals should be introduced to children after 1 year. The only exception is oatmeal, famous for its beneficial properties. It, like all new products, should be introduced carefully, without haste. You can add a little to the main cereals, gradually bringing to the age norm.

    Vegetable puree - a source of fiber

    Along with cereals, it is one of the first complementary foods for babies. A child at 7 months should continue to receive vegetables as an indispensable source of fiber that is good for each tummy. Vegetable purees are easy to digest and do not irritate the intestines.

    Up to six months, the baby has already tried zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli - leaders in baby food. Now he can be offered carrots and pumpkins - sources of retinol (vitamin A). A little later - try the potatoes, but only a little, as they strengthen the chair. By 8-9 months - corn puree, very tasty and sweetish.

    You can mix vegetable purees with a small amount of pea and bean puree - sources of vegetable protein. Individually, it is better not to offer them, as they are known digestive irritants. But in combination with vegetables, they are absorbed quite well.

    To the puree, you can add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive or linseed). A small pinch of salt is allowed, just a few crystals.

    Meat is a must

    The menu of a child of 7 months every day should contain a meat dish. Meat is a source of protein and iron, which is necessary to prevent the development of anemia. Turkey, rabbit, veal (lean beef) are suitable for this age. You can try chicken, remembering that it is an allergenic product. Other types of meat are heavy food for the baby, for which he is not yet ready at all.

    At home, the meat should be boiled well and then chopped with a blender. If the child suffers from allergies, it is recommended to boil the meat twice, draining the primary broth. When preparing mashed potatoes, it is recommended to add some water or meat broth to it so that the consistency is semi-liquid.

    It is permissible to mix vegetable and meat puree - such a dish will certainly please the baby. Or you can cook light soups on the broth with the addition of a small amount of cereals. This diversifies the diet of the baby and accustoms him to the right dinners.

    Egg yolk to prevent rickets

    To avoid an allergic reaction, pediatricians often prescribe quail egg yolk for feeding babies. If there is no reaction, then you can smoothly switch to the yolk of a chicken egg. Protein up to a year is not recommended, as it is considered a strong allergen.

    The egg must be hard-boiled (about 10 minutes) - soft-boiled or in a bag for small children is prohibited. The baby needs only a fresh egg to cook. To distinguish fresh from stale, it is enough to lower it into water: in the first case, it will immediately sink, and in the second, it will float.

    Egg yolk is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals. Most of all, it is valued for the presence of vitamin D3 in it, which prevents the development of rickets in infants. The yolk also contains potassium, calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for a growing body to strengthen bones. Of the vitamins - retinol (A), tocopherol (E), niacin (PP), as well as some B vitamins.

    It is desirable to introduce this product to children on IV at about 5-6 months, and with GV - at 8-9 months. To do this, it is divided into eight parts and given one part, mixed with porridge or vegetable puree. At seven months, two chicken yolks should be distributed per week, that is, you can give the child about 1/3 of the yolk or ½ of the yolk 3-4 times a week per day.

    Dairy products

    The nutrition of the child must necessarily include fermented milk products. For children up to a year, these are cottage cheese and kefir. These foods are rich in calcium, minerals and protein.

    These are foods that are quite heavy for children's digestion, so their daily norms are relatively small: for cottage cheese - no more than 30 grams, and for children's kefir - about 100 milliliters. For the first time, both products should be introduced, starting with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing to the daily allowance.

    If a child develops an allergy to fermented milk products, the entire dairy diet containing cow's milk protein, including butter, should be discontinued.

    Butter - to improve taste

    In the absence of an allergy to lactose in the seventh month, it is very good to add about half a teaspoon of butter to the porridge. When buying it, you should pay attention that it is oil, and not a spread. It should not contain vegetable fat.

    By seven months, an artificial baby is most likely already getting apple, pear and banana puree - these fruits are ideal for the first year of life, as they improve heart function and increase blood iron levels. If the season allows, you can try giving a peach or apricot. It is not recommended to give imported fruits and berries, as they can be treated with preservatives, to which the baby may have an allergic reaction.

    At this age, it is allowed to give the crumbs juices - apple and pear. At an earlier age, this should not be done, since the fragile intestines can be severely irritated by the acids contained in the juices. They begin to inject juice from half a teaspoon, after diluting it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1, and bring it to a volume of 50-60 milliliters.

    Juices at this age can be given separately, or served with porridge. It is allowed to cook compotes, which are also loved by all children.

    Feeding regimen for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby

    The menu for a breastfed baby at 7 months contains less variety of foods than their formula-fed peers. So, knowing now what a seven-month-old baby can and should eat, as well as his approximate daily routine, you can make a daily diet for him.

    This table displays an approximate child's menu for one day. It is listed in some children's medical records. At will or if necessary, products can be added or removed every day.

    If the child does not eat enough, it is allowed to increase the single serving or add one feeding. For all questions regarding the diet, you should contact your pediatrician.

    What to do if a child has an allergy

    Unfortunately, in recent years, allergic children have become more and more, even from early infancy. If your baby is such, then when drawing up his diet, this factor must be taken into account. Some products will either have to be completely removed or replaced with others. For example, cow milk products can be substituted for goat milk products.

    It would be ideal to contact an allergist, who will not only prescribe tests to identify specific allergens, but also suggest the necessary diet appropriate for the age of the child.

    Now, having understood the basic diet of a seven-month-old baby, it will be easier for mothers to properly prepare food for their child. And although even among pediatricians there is no consensus on many issues regarding baby food, still only a mother can decide exactly how her child will be better.

    There are many resources on the Internet where you can find out everything about the development of a child, for example, the website of Dr. Komarovsky, Mama Lara, or regional blogs of pregnant women and successful mothers. Studying the information, mommy will be able to take note of the main points for her and in the future apply them to the benefit of herself and her child.

Seven-month-old babies are inquisitive, active and quite independent. They are tirelessly busy exploring the world around them, which requires special attention from their parents. A more active lifestyle requires a change in the child's diet, he needs more nutrients. The norms of feeding, which were suitable for him before, cannot fill this need. Therefore, the child's menu at 7 months should be more varied.

The baby does not stop eating mother's milk or specialized mixtures. It is gradually enriched with new food, characteristic of the "adult" cuisine, during this period it is important to properly accustom the baby to new food.

The norm of food consumption at this age is 1000-1100 g per day. In the menu of a 7-month-old breastfed baby, the amount of mother's milk should be 900-1000 ml.

To calculate the rate of food intake necessary for a child, you need to divide his body weight by 8. For example, if a baby weighs 8 kg, then his daily intake is 1 kg.

At the age of seven months, the child should receive complementary foods daily. It can be vegetable or fruit puree, liquid milk porridge, yolk, cottage cheese.

The norms for eating food developed by doctors and nutritionists are advisory in nature. It must be borne in mind that the amount of food eaten may depend not only on the weight of the baby, but also on its individual characteristics:

  • physical activity, mobility;
  • physique;
  • metabolic rate.

By observing the baby and assessing whether he is getting enough food, parents should control how quickly the child gains weight, how many times he urinates, how often he has a stool. Insufficient or unbalanced nutrition can lead to negative consequences:

  • beriberi;
  • decrease in the immune defense of the body;
  • rickets;
  • anemia;
  • developmental delay.

Doctors remind that it is important not only to feed children, but also to prevent the appearance of excess weight, which will interfere with fully learning to crawl, walk and get acquainted with the outside world. This can cause problems with physical and mental development. With age, body weight may return to normal. The predisposition to obesity sometimes persists for life.

Differences in the nutrition of infants and artificial

Often, mothers believe that if they have a sufficient level of lactation so that a seven-month-old baby is full, then it is not necessary to feed him.

To make it clear to parents what the child’s diet should be at 7 months, there are developed complementary feeding schemes:

Meal time Nutrition for children with natural feeding Menu for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby
Products Weight in grams Products Weight in grams
7.00 breast milk specialized blend
10.00 liquid milk porridge,

fruit puree

150 liquid milk porridge,

fruit puree


50 ml compote (juice)

150 meat puree or vegetable puree,

80 ml compote (juice)

18.00 baby cottage cheese,

100 ml of kefir,

40 baby cottage cheese,

150 ml of kefir,

half an egg yolk

22.00 breast milk specialized blend

Pediatricians say: if a child at this age willingly consumes mother's milk, the body still needs vitamins and minerals. The kid can get them with new, healthy foods.

Therefore, children who are breastfed need to introduce complementary foods. This should be done carefully: starting with small portions.

The needs of formula-fed or mixed-fed babies are no longer fully satisfied by specialized milk formulas at 4-5 months. The diet of children of the seventh month of life and the approximate amount of food consumed no longer coincide with the menu of peers who feed on mother's milk.

The feeding regimen for infants and artificial babies is the same. Feeding frequency - 5 times a day. Breaks between them should be less than 4 hours.

New foods to include in your diet

The diet of a seven-month-old child is enriched gradually. First, vegetable purees are introduced into it, a week later - cereals, a few weeks later - cottage cheese, yolk, meat dishes. Kefir is introduced last.

Vegetable purees

The best choices for first foods are zucchini, carrots, broccoli, and pumpkin. After the child gets used to these products, you can gradually introduce potatoes, beets. Puree must be ground to a homogeneous mass, without adding salt and spices to them.


By the age of 7 months, many children are already familiar with some types of cereals. The most useful are:

  • buckwheat porridge, rich in iron and other useful trace elements;
  • rice porridge, which is highly nutritious and suitable for babies prone to loose stools;
  • corn porridge, which is well accepted by allergy sufferers, does not contain gluten.

Various types of cereals should be present in the children's menu daily.

Egg yolk

The yolk is an allergenic product, so it must be administered with caution. The first time you can give 1/8 part and follow the reaction of the baby. Subsequently, portions can be increased to half the yolk per day. This product is rich in iron, phosphorus, vitamins.


Meat is an important source of protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins. It is recommended for children with low weight, anemia. Meat products are introduced into the children's diet in the form of canned food, or cooked at home. Babies of the first year of life are allowed to give turkey, rabbit, beef, veal and chicken. It is not worth eating offal at this age.

Dairy products

Pediatricians believe that children under 1 year of age should not be given cow's milk, as it can cause diathesis and is difficult to digest. But fermented milk products are a great choice for seven-month-old babies. Cottage cheese is good for the child's body, due to its rich calcium content, and kefir helps digestion.

How to give your child new foods and dishes

It is good if the child is happy to try and eat new foods with appetite. When introducing complementary foods, parents should observe the following rules:

  1. You can not force a child to eat if he refuses. It is worth trying to offer the baby a new food later. He may be full, he may be teething, or the new food may be hot.
  2. When introducing, gradualness is important. Each dish should contain no more than 1 new ingredient in small amounts.
  3. Another secret of proper feeding is the uniform consistency of food. It should not contain lumps and separate pieces. Products should be passed through a blender or rubbed through a sieve.
  4. The best time to get to know a new product is breakfast or lunch. Until the evening, parents have the opportunity to observe how the food is digested.
  5. After feeding, the child can be given compote or juice to drink. It is better to give water as a drink between feedings.
  6. The child needs to be gradually taught to eat not with his hands, but with a spoon.

The diet and menu of the child for each day of the week

Pediatricians and psychologists advise accustoming to the regime, starting from an early age. To do this, the diet can be divided into 5 meals:

  • 6.00-7.00 - first breakfast;
  • 10.00-11.00 - second breakfast;
  • 14.00-15.00 - lunch;
  • 18.00-19.00 - afternoon tea;
  • 22.00-23.00 - dinner.

The first breakfast and the last meal before bed should include light meals. The baby should receive the main amount of calories during the day. If the formed meal schedule deviates from the generally accepted one, and the child feels great at the same time, you should not change it.

Adults should remember the need for regular meals. The intervals between meals should not be more than 4 hours.

To help mothers, tables have been developed with an approximate daily menu, taking into account the age and needs of children. As the first and last feeding in the diet, either a milk mixture should be present.

Recipes for delicious and healthy dishes

Many mothers of seven-month-old babies are in a hurry to replenish their cookbooks with healthy and tasty dishes. Here are some food recipes:

  1. Oatmeal with pumpkin. You will need: 15 g of porridge, 50 ml of water and milk, 50 g of pumpkin pulp, a little butter. Peel and rinse the pumpkin, cut into small pieces, add water and simmer for 30 minutes under the lid. Add cereal, milk and leave on low heat for another 20 minutes. Pass the finished dish through a blender.
  2. Soup puree with zucchini and cauliflower. It will take 100 g of zucchini and cauliflower, 200 ml of water. Rinse vegetables, cut into small pieces, cook. Grind in a blender.
  3. Fruity apple and pear puree. You can cook this dish yourself. It is a substitute for canned products. You will need: 250 g of apples and pears, 600 ml of water. Rinse, peel, chop, pour water over the fruits, cook until tender, rub through a sieve or grind to a homogeneous consistency with a blender.

Knowing what and how to feed your baby is extremely useful. Proper nutrition and a regimen instilled from an early age is the key to the health and normal development of the child.

The motor activity of a seven-month-old baby is growing, the body spends a lot of energy. Breast milk becomes insufficient to make up for these losses. Therefore, nutrition must be expanded by adding high-calorie foods containing useful components.

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By following simple rules when introducing complementary foods into the diet of a 7-month-old child who is breastfed, unwanted reactions from the body can be avoided.

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  • Start feeding with one teaspoon. If the body has accepted the product, then the portion is increased. It takes approximately 7-10 days to get to know each other.
  • You can not give two new products at the same time. It is allowed to mix a new product with an already familiar one.

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  • Feed with a non-metal spoon. This is how swallowing and chewing skills are formed.
  • The nutrition of a 7-month-old baby should consist of dishes without lumps. Getting used to solid foods should be gradual. First, you can grind food with a blender, then knead it with a spoon and fork, and after that you can cut it into small pieces.
  • A new complementary food product is introduced into the menu before lunchtime. This makes it possible for the rest of the day to observe the condition and behavior of the child.

An approximate menu for a child of 7 months for a week, given that he is breastfeeding, table.

Day of the weekMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
Times of Day
6 hoursMom's milk, about 190 ml
10 hoursBuckwheat, apple pureeOatmeal, banana pureeRice porridge and banana-apple pureeCorn porridge and prune pureeRice-buckwheat porridge and pear pureeBuckwheat, peach pureeCorn porridge and apricot puree
14 hoursBroccoli meat puree, pear puree, apple juiceChicken broth, meat and squash puree, dried fruit compoteMashed potatoes and meat, jellyCarrot and meat puree, pear juiceRagout of allowed vegetables, meat patty, apple juiceCauliflower and Meat Puree, Banana PureeCarrot-pumpkin puree with meat, compote
18 hoursCottage cheese, cookies, yogurtCottage cheese, kefir, cookiesCottage cheese, apple-banana puree, cookiesCottage cheese, biolact, biscuitsCottage cheese with raisins, cookiesCottage cheese, kefir, banana puree, cookiesCottage cheese, apricot puree
22 hoursMom's milk, 190 ml

Variety of food

Complementary foods for breast-fed children are introduced into the diet later than artificial ones. Therefore, by 7 months, breast milk is still the main item on the menu.

The amount of vitamins and minerals that the child received with breast milk up to 6 months becomes insufficient in this period, in particular, a lack of iron leads to a decrease in anemia.

Therefore, the age of 7 months is characterized by the introduction of meat and liver into the diet. Dairy products are also new.

To prepare meat puree, you need to boil a small piece of meat and pass it through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with vegetable puree (zucchini, pumpkin). You can include in the diet of a breastfed baby and meat broth. You just need to know that they give a secondary broth. The meat is dipped in water and boiled after boiling for 10 minutes, after which the water is drained and new is poured. Primary broth can be used to make soup for adult family members.

You can try to introduce complementary foods in the form of chicken or quail egg yolk into the diet. The latter is less allergenic, so it is preferable to start with it. The product is rich in vitamins, trace elements and fats. It should be given no more than twice a week. You need to start with 1/8 of the part, then they give 1/4, later it is allowed to eat 1/2 of the share.

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Already familiar apple, pear and banana can be supplemented with fruits such as peach, apricot.

Familiar complementary foods from vegetable dishes (zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower), you can replenish with mashed potatoes, beans.

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Vegetables contribute to the production of enzymes and stimulate intestinal motility. They are a source of minerals and vitamins.

At this age, it is allowed to try brightly colored vegetables: carrots, pumpkin.

When compiling an approximate nutrition menu for a 7-month-old baby, you need to take into account some of the properties of the products. If the child belongs to the category of children who are concerned about colic, bloating and increased gas formation, then it is better to abandon legumes, as well as raw vegetables and fruits. Children who are prone to constipation should not be given rice porridge often, as well as bakery products.

It should be borne in mind that fruits and vegetables that have a pale color are first introduced into the menu. Do not include red foods in your diet. They most often cause unwanted reactions from the body (vomiting, diarrhea, rash).

A sample menu for a seven-month-old baby should consist of the following dishes:

  • Gluten-free dairy-free porridge (rice, corn, buckwheat).
  • Cottage cheese. This product is considered too heavy for the digestive organs of a child of this age, so you need to enter it in small portions. The maximum volume should not exceed 30 grams.

  • Puree from vegetables and fruits. The dish still needs to be brought to a puree-like consistency. By this time, the child should already be familiar with apples, pears, bananas, cabbage, zucchini. Foods familiar to the body are allowed to be mixed. For example, you can offer banana-apple puree.
  • In the diet of a child of 7 months, you can introduce complementary foods in the form of cookies, but not more than 5 grams.
  • Starting with the first feeding, the child should drink water. It should be offered between feedings.
  • It is necessary to add vegetable oil to vegetable dishes, but not more than 5 g. You can put a small piece of butter in porridge.

The child is fed five times a day. Sample menu for a 7-month-old baby for a day, table.

If any food product caused an allergic reaction, it should be excluded from the menu. Again, you can try to introduce the product into the diet only after a month and in a small amount.

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Features of feeding this age

The child gradually gets used to such concepts as breakfast, lunch, dinner. The interval between feedings is on average 4 hours. By this time, most children refuse night feedings. Food included in the menu must comply with certain rules.

  • The earliest breakfast should consist only of breast milk. Feeding helps to maintain lactation, and, accordingly, the baby's body receives all the necessary nutrients.
  • The second breakfast should be fed at about 10 o'clock. You need to cook porridge that is familiar to the baby. For dessert, you can make fruit puree from familiar products. This feeding should be complete, as it does not involve the inclusion of breast milk.
  • At lunchtime, the most satisfying food is served. A new product that can be introduced is meat. You need to choose low-fat varieties, such as turkey, chicken, veal. At the same time, you can cook cottage cheese with the addition of dried fruits, compote or juice.
  • Dinner should be light and not overload the baby's stomach. In the evening, new foods should not be introduced into the diet. As food, you can serve cottage cheese, cookies, fruit puree or kefir.
  • The day should end with mother's milk. The baby near the chest calms down from the impressions that he received during the day.

Table of introduction of foods to complementary foods, starting from 7 months.

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Name of productsAge, months
7 8 9-12
Breast milk650 450 400
Porridge165 185 195
Vegetables175 185 195
Fruits75 85 95
Butter½ teaspoon
Vegetable oil1 teaspoon
Cottage cheese40 45 50
Meat35 50 70
Juice65 75 95
Yolk¼ part½ part
Rusks, cookies4 7 10
Fish 30 50
Bread 7 12
Kefir100 180 200

If the child is breastfed, then you should not rush with complementary foods. All useful substances the baby receives from mother's milk.

But do not put off getting to know other foods for a long time. Mom needs to know the list of products with which the introduction begins, and their quantity.

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