Application on the theme of me and my family. Summary of a lesson on applications for Family Day. Collective work "Daisies". Topic: My friendly family

Summary of productive activities

application in the middle group

on the topic: "My family".

Target: create conditions for the child to realize his place in the family.

Educational tasks:

Educational: Foster a caring attitude towards family members. Make children feel happy and proud that they have a family.

Educational:Teach children to cut round appliqué details, distribute shapes on the workpiece (tree) and glue them.

Developing: Develop fine motor skills of the fingers and interest in the application.

Educational areas:social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Activities:play, communicative, visual, perception of fiction and folklore.

Preliminary work:family talk, poetry recitation"Mom is the best friend" M. Skrebtsova, " Poem about the Pope "R. Eidelman.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical, playful.

Materials and equipment:pictures with trees (apple trees), glue stick, glue board, container for applique details, scissors, napkins.

Educator: Guys, today we'll talk about family ...

(knock on the door)

Educator: I wonder who this came to us?

(the teacher looks out the door and brings a basket of apples into the group, and in it a letter.)

Educator: Guys here a letter (reads) “Hello guys, Fedya the Hedgehog writes to you, I sent you presents from the forest. Although our family is large, the harvest this year was good, and I give you apples. Because I know that children love to eat them, like my hedgehogs. "

Educator: The family can be large and small, but the main thing in the family should be love, friendship and respect. Who is your family member?

Children's answers.

Educator: Listen to my riddle. Who is she about?

Who is the most tender in the world?

Who's making us lunch?

And who do children love so much?

And who is not more beautiful?

Who reads books at night?

Doesn't she scold my brother and me?

Educator: Who is this? Our mother). Now listen to another one:

Who is serious, not joking

Will the nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach the courage to be?

Having fallen from a height, do not whine?

And scratching my knee,

Don't cry. Of course (dad)

Educator: And now we will stand by our chairs and prepare the handles.

Physical education “Who lives in our apartment? "

1, 2, 3, 4-who lives in our apartment?

Dad, mom, brother, sister, cat Murka,

Two kittens, my cricket, a puppy and me.

That's my whole family.

Educator: Okay, sit down quietly. Mom and Dad love you, take care of you. How do you help mom and dad?(children's answers).

Educator: I liked the way you talked about your family. I suggest you count how many family members live in your home.

(children count mom, dad, themselves, brothers and sisters, if any)

Educator: Now imagine that your family is a tree, and you are apples, let's stick as many apples on your trees as there are family members in your house.

Show the kids the basis for the applique, the details that need to be cut out. If necessary, help the kids correctly calculate the composition of the family, help in the process of cutting apples.


What have we learned about family?

Did you enjoy the lesson today?

Educator: Let's assign our appliques to the parent insert. Look what a beautiful garden we have! I have a verse for your works:

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my relatives
And it is for me - the family. The family is WE. Family is me
The family is my dad and my mom, the family is a celebration at the round table,
Family is happiness
Family is home
Where they love and wait, and do not remember about evil!

Bottom line: once again consider the resulting applications, praise for the work done, for the good work.

MADOU "Tatarinovsky kindergarten of general developmental type" Kolobok "

Stupino urban district


OOD by application

on the topic: "My family"

in the older group

Prepared by: teacher of 1 category


Yulia Vladimirovna


Target: systematize and expand knowledge about the family.


    foster a sensitive attitude towards adults, foster a sense of pride in your family;

    learn how to create appliqués from geometric shapes, decorate work according to a sample;

    develop artistic and aesthetic imagination;

    to clarify ideas about geometric shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval and their main features;

    exercise in the analysis of various properties of figures;

    develop visual-figurative and abstract thinking;

    learn to select material for the applique.

Preparatory work

    Conversation on the topic "My family";

    Repeat safety rules when working with scissors;

    Carving geometric shapes in the evening.

Equipment and materials :

Drawing depicting a family, applique pattern; a set of geometric shapes, scissors, colored paper, landscape paper for the base, PVA glue, brush holders, napkins, colored pencils.

OD move

Children enter the group one after another, the teacher invites the children to join hands and form a circle.

Educator: “All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we will smile at each other. "

I will look at your faces, who would I be friends with here?

I am Tatiana Nikolaevna, and who are you? Tell me what your affectionate name is (Ira, Sasha ...).

Hello dear guys, you are the most beautiful in the world. Here are such good-looking, I invite you to play.

Educator: Show what expression dad and mom have when they are happy, when they are in a good mood.

And if they get angry, frown?

Children show facial expressions. Educational activities with children. Children sit on chairs in the playroom .

Educator: Guys, look at this picture. Who do you think these people are?

How can you call them in one word? (Family.) Yes, of course, it's a family.

Educator: Now let's go to the tables and imagine a little. I propose to make an applique on the theme "My family" out of colored paper, but exercise your fingers before work.

Finger gymnastics "Friendly family".

(In accordance with the words of the nursery rhyme, the children alternately bend their fingers, starting with the thumb).

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family

Educator: Guys, look at the finished sample on the board, tell us what geometric shapes the little people are made of - mom, dad, son, daughter?(The figures of men consist of circles, rectangles, squares, triangles).

Educator: And what is the difference between a circle and a square, a rectangle from a triangle? Why did we take a circle for the face and a rectangle for the torso?(A circle has no corners, but a square has four. A rectangle has four corners and four sides, and a triangle has three corners and three sides. A circle is shaped like a face, and a rectangle is like a torso).

Educator: Why are the sizes of men different? What does it depend on? (Because adults are older than children and taller).

Educator: Well done, and now let's get to work. You need to place the geometric shapes on the canvas. Thens Fasten the details of the applique on the base with a brush and glue. Complete the applique with colored pencils with details (eyes, nose, mouth, hair, mustache, beard, etc.).

Lesson summary

Educator: What did we do in class today, what did we talk about, what did we like the most, what did we learn? (Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, you all tried very well today, you got wonderful applications. Thank you for your study.

Application for children 3-4 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week "My family"

Theme of the week "My family"

Lesson 21. Palm (Colored paper. Applique from the prepared silhouettes of objects)

Software content. Teach children to apply glue to a part and stick it on a sheet; combine applique with drawing. Learn to pronounce the words of the nursery rhyme loudly and clearly, accompanying them with actions corresponding to the text. To cultivate responsiveness and kindness.

Handout. Half of an album sheet, colored paper, a circle cut out of white paper a little smaller than a child's palm (without fingers), a simple pencil, felt-tip pens, glue, glue brush, cloth, oilcloth-lining.

Course of the lesson

Start your activity with finger gymnastics:

For the first five lines, each child takes turns taking each finger on one hand, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger. On the last line of the poem, the children squeeze and unclench their fingers on both hands.

Invite each child to place their hand on a piece of colored paper and circle their palm; cut out the palm yourself.

If you are working with a large group of children, it is better to circle and cut out the palms in advance.

Give the children the circles cut out of white paper and invite them to paint a portrait (face) of their favorite family member or even their own portrait on them. The child sticks his palm on the album sheet, and in the center of the palm - a circle with the portrait he drew. Be sure to ask each child who he portrayed and why.

From the book Modeling and Applique with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the book Modeling with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Professions" Lesson 24. Rooster and paints (Drawing with a brush. Gouache) Program content. Expand children's ideas about the visual possibilities of paints. To consolidate the ability to name the main colors, to learn to select the desired color when creating a specific

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "My family" Lesson 25. Family of tumblers (Drawing with a brush. Gouache) Program content. Encourage children to consider children to consider dolls of different sizes. Learn to draw a tumbler from life with a simple pencil of a certain size; hand over

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week "Feast of mothers" Lesson 26. A sprig of mimosa (Drawing with a brush and finger. Gouache) Program content. To teach children to draw a sprig of mimosa with a brush from nature. Continue learning how to draw flowers with your finger. To cultivate love for loved ones. Material. Live branch

From the author's book

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From the author's book

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From the author's book

Topic of the week "My home" Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Strengthen the ability of children to bring the product to the desired image with the help of plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the author's book

Topic of the week "My home" Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to introduce children to cool tones. Learn to convey the characteristic features of objects using a cold color scheme. Introduce opportunities

From the author's book

Topic of the week "My family" Lesson 21. Palm (Colored paper. Applique from prepared silhouettes of objects) Program content. Teach children to apply glue to a part and stick it on a sheet; combine applique with drawing. Learn to pronounce words loudly and clearly

From the author's book

Topic of the week "My home" Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. To cultivate responsiveness and kindness. Teach children to make a whole from several parts; apply glue to the part and stick

From the author's book

Topic of the week "My family" Lesson 21. My mother (Drawing with colored pencils) Purpose. Teach children to name and talk about family members correctly. Learn to sketch a person, consisting of a circle, a triangle and lines, with colored pencils. Strengthen the skill

From the author's book

Topic of the week "My home" Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Drawing with a brush. Gouache) Purpose. Continue teaching children how to draw various objects using line combinations. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations in the book. Develop speech, thinking.

Summary of the lesson on the application "My family"

Target: systematize and expand knowledge about family, cultivate a sensitive attitude towards adults, cultivate a sense of pride in their family... Learn to create crafts based on a cone, design work with selected images.

Dispensing equipment: scissors, 2-3 circles of colored paper, divided into 4 equal parts with pencil lines, colored paper for additional details (hair, beard - the width and length of the stripes depends on the length of the hair, PVA glue, brush stands, napkins, colored pencils.

Guys, how do you understand the word a family? What it is?

(children give answers, the teacher summarizes).

You are absolutely right, family is the world where love, friendship and devotion reign. Family is home where you want to return after a hard day. Family is the most precious thing. A family consists of close relatives - parents, brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts. All in family take care of each other, help, love.

I propose to recall the tales that contain references to family

(children list "Turnip", "Swan geese", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Morozko", "Princess Frog" etc.).

Guys, today in our group the photo exhibition “My a family"... Who wants to talk about their family?

(children, at will, approach the photo of their families, tell who is depicted).

Along the way classes caregiver asks about members families, who is called.

Now let's go to the tables and imagine a little. I propose to make crafts out of colored paper on the topic "My a family» , but exercise your fingers before work.

Finger gymnastics "Friendly a family»

(In accordance with the words of the nursery rhyme, the children alternately bend their fingers, starting with the thumb)

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - friendly a family!

(The teacher invites the children to make their members out of the materials families, explains the sequence of work, shows individual techniques).

Now let's get down to fulfillment:

1. Take a circle and cut 1 piece along the contour.

2. Make a cone by joining the edges with glue. The size of the cone depends on the size of the circle.

3. Face - draw and carefully cut an oval on a sheet of pink paper, glue it to the base. Eyes, nose, mouth can be drawn or cut out of paper and glued. When gluing the nose and mouth, it is necessary to leave room for the mustache or beard.

4. Hair made from yellow, brown or black paper (at the discretion of the child)... Cut it into thin strips, not reaching the edge of about 1.5 cm. Pressing lightly with scissors, twist each strip. Glue your hair along the top edge of the cardboard.

5. A mustache can be made from the same paper as hair: Cut a small strip with a thin fringe. Tighten slightly with scissors, apply a little glue in the middle of the part and press it onto the little man's face.

6. Draw on a piece of paper and carefully cut along the contour of the handle, glue it onto the cone.

7. Colored pencils or felt-tip pens can be added to the work at the discretion of the child.

Guys, what charming moms and strong dads you have. Happiness to your families... Thank you for the lesson.

Application note: "Photo frame for family photo"

GCD tasks:

Learn oblique (diagonal) cutting techniques by superimposing a square on
a square to get multiple triangles;

Fasten straight cutting techniques; knowledge of square subjects,
rectangular and triangular shapes and their various positions in space;
careful use of scissors, brush, glue.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognition: develop perception, the ability to highlight the various properties and relationships of geometric shapes (color, shape, size, location in space);

Communication: the ability to maintain a conversation; encourage the desire to express their point of view and share it with the teacher and other children;

Security: to consolidate the idea of ​​observing safety precautions when working with scissors, glue;

Health: finger gymnastics;

Work: to consolidate the ability to tidy up your workplace; develop a desire to help each other;

Socialization: form the need to behave in accordance with generally accepted norms.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Red cardboard, album sheet, 2 yellow stripes, 2 blue stripes

  1. scissors, glue, glue brush, cloth, oilcloth, tray;

audio recording "Lonely Shepherd".

Preliminary work:

  1. Making the base of the frame for decoration.
  2. Examination of family photographs in frames, illustrations.
  3. Family conversation.

GCD move:

Children stand in a semicircle around the teacher.

Educator: Tell me guys, where are you in a hurry after kindergarten? Children: Home. Educator: Why?

Children: (children's answers).

Educator: It's good that you have a family. You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, they all live happily and amicably together. This is the most important thing when there is peace, friendship and love in the family.

Who lives in your families?
Children: (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, you know that we are preparing a photo exhibition in the group. You have already brought me photographs, look how many there are (the teacher shows the envelope), but they need to be beautifully decorated.

How do you think you can make the photos look beautiful and their
Was it convenient to hang in a group?

Children: (offer different options).

Educator: That's right, you can make a beautiful frame for each photo.

Let's take a look at how we can style our frames beautifully.

Children sit in their seats, the teacher hangs out samples of the design of the frames.

Educator: Liza, tell me, what geometric shapes are the patterns on the frames made of?

Right. These are the geometric shapes that we will compose today
the pattern of our frames.

Look, guys, each of them has two stripes of different colors on the table.

What colour?

Educator: From these strips we will cut squares, and from squares

Katya, how do you think you can get squares from a strip.

Child: It is necessary to fold the strip in half, then again in half, then unfold the strip and cut along the fold lines. Educator: You are right, well done!

Sofia, and from a square, how can you make a triangle?

Child: Cut the square obliquely (diagonally), from corner to corner. Educator: That's right, and I'll also show you how you can cut out several triangles at once by superimposing a square on a square (teacher's show).

Now let's take a break and get our fingers ready for work.

Children stand near their tables, the teacher conducts finger gymnastics:

This finger is grandfather, This finger is grandmother, This finger is dad, This finger is mom, This finger is me, That's my whole family.

Gymnastics is performed alternately on two hands.

Educator: Well done! Sit down, let's get to work, but first let's remember the safety precautions when working with scissors and glue. Children: (children's answers).

Calm music is played while children work.

Educator: Children finish work, clean up jobs.

Now let's get to our frames and see what we got.
(Children become a semicircle in front of the board).

Nikita, whose work did you like the most? And why?

The teacher, together with the children, notes the accuracy and brightness of the work, the combination of colors and composition. Educator: Guys, what have we learned today? (children's answers).

Well done, you all did a good job and nicely designed the framework for
photos. After sleep, we will glue the photos to the frames, hang them in a group and
we will invite parents to our exhibition.