Application on the theme of "winter" for kindergarten children. Winter. Winter theme applications

Abstract of educational activities in the middle group using non-traditional forms. Collective application "Winter tree".

Continue teaching children to use a non-traditional type of application;
Develop dialogical speech, activate the dictionary;
Promote the development of cognitive interest;
To cultivate accuracy when working with glue;
The development of fine motor skills of the hands of preschool children through the use of non-traditional forms of application.

Material: White napkins, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth, brush holder, wet napkin, tinted Whatman paper, illustrations depicting trees in winter, interactive table.

Preliminary work: Examination of paintings on the theme "Seasons. Reading stories and poems about winter. Listening to the album" Seasons. Guessing riddles about winter.

Organization and methodology of educational activities.
Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now? (children's answers).
Educator: Let's remember with you the main signs of winter, and for this I suggest you play a game:
Playing on the interactive table "Seasons": children choose from the offered items those that are suitable for the winter season (fixing the signs of winter).

Educator: Guys, do you want me to tell you a fairy tale about winter? (children's answers).
Educator: Then sit back and listen, the tale begins. Children sit on the rug near the teacher.
- Far, far in the North, where it is always cold, there was an ice castle. It was very handsome, and its walls and windows were decorated with frosty patterns. Winter lived in this castle.
Guys, what do you think winter is like? (children's answers).
Educator: You said everything correctly, but, despite the fact that the winter is cold, it is very caring. Day after day, winter flew around the world and sheltered young grass and flowers from frost. But most of all she liked to wrap the trees in silvery frost and snow. Let's look out the window at the beautiful snow-covered trees (if there is no snow on that day, just show pictures of trees in winter). Show pictures of trees on the board (remember the structure and names of trees).
Educator: Guys, do you want to make such a beautiful tree? (children's answers)
Guys, what does winter cover the trees with? (children's answers)
Educator: But we have neither snow nor frost. What can we make our winter trees from? (children's answers). If the children are at a loss with the answer options, then I ask them leading questions.
Educator: That's right guys. Today we will be working with napkins. What color of napkins do we need? (children's answers)
Educator: But before we start our work, I suggest you turn into "White Fluff" for a while.
Children stand near their seats and perform finger exercises.
Finger gymnastics "White fluff"
Pours white, snowy fluff, (Smoothly lower the hands from top to bottom)
Coats everything around. (We spread our arms in different directions)
Down on the caps (We point to the named things)
Fluff on fur coats, (or alternately bend our fingers)
Down on the sidelines
Fluff on the lips.
How ticklish - wow! Tickle ourselves and shake ourselves
Who tickles - fluff! Palms in front of you, blow on them
Children sit at tables with blanks of napkins.
Educator: I show the children a tinted background, with a pre-glued trunk and snowdrifts, the children must finish the tree branches by twisting napkins into bundles.

Educator: The tree already has a trunk, what is missing? (children's answers)
Educator: Right, now I will show you how we will make branches. We take a napkin and twist the strip into a bundle, this will be a branch for our tree, then we twist the balls, we will make snow from them.
Then let's get to work.
Children perform a collective application.
Educator: We take a brush in our hands, put glue on it, spread our bundles with glue and glue it to the tree trunk, we get a branch. And so on until the tree is ready. Then we twist balls (snow) from napkins and glue them around the entire perimeter of the sheet. The teacher oversees the work of the children, and, if necessary, provides them with assistance.
And now I propose to play again, go to the table and draw "Winter Landscape"
Playing on the interactive table "Winter Landscape": children take turns creating a winter landscape, choosing the necessary items for this, explaining why they are needed in winter, thereby consolidating the ideas about winter, winter fun.

Educator: Well done guys, you tried very hard. Everyone worked together and you have a very beautiful winter tree.

Alexandra Ignatenko
Summary of the application lesson in the senior group "Winter-Winter"

Summary of the application lesson in the senior group

Theme classes: « Zimushka - winter» .

Target classes: To form the ability to create a winter landscape from napkins and using the breakaway technique applications.


1. To expand the idea of ​​children about winter, about the signs of winter;

2. Continue to teach children symmetrical cutting and sticking of finished paper forms on the base, to form the ability to make snowflakes using the break technique applications.

3. To develop fine motor skills of hands, accuracy, attention, imagination, creativity;

4. To develop the ability to answer questions, to promote the activation of the speech of children;

5. To cultivate love for the winter season, for nature, for beauty.

Equipment and materials: CD-player with P.I.Tchaikovsky's melody recording "Seasons" "January", white napkins with drawn outlines of trees, the basis for dark appliques, glue stick (for each child, sample applications, reproductions of the painting by I. Shishkin "Winter", illustrations depicting winter natural phenomena, magnetic board.

Preliminary work: examination of illustrations depicting winter landscapes, acquaintance with poetry, proverbs, riddles about winter, reading the tale of H. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen", on a walk, molding various shapes from snow, observing and examining snowflakes.

Methods and techniques for working with children:

Verbal (story, questions, conversation, explanation); visual (demonstration of a reproduction of a painting by I. Shishkin "Winter", illustrations depicting winter natural phenomena, correctional (physical minutes, finger gymnastics, game (riddles about winter, about winter natural phenomena).

Structure classes:

Main part (Motivational and indicative stage)

Making riddles about winter, talking about winter, making riddles about winter natural phenomena, physical education "We'll build a snowball", viewing a reproduction of a painting by I. Shishkin "Winter", conversation on the picture, finger gymnastics "Snowballs", performance applications.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

(The teacher and the children gather on the carpet in a circle.)

Minute entry per day "Circle of joy".

Educator: Good morning children! This morning, snowy, cold weather! I didn't want to leave my warm, cozy home. But I so wanted to meet you and I am very glad about it!

Let's join hands and greet each other friend:

Good morning, good light!

With a kind word and greetings!

Children: (The words of greeting are repeated.)

2. Motivational and indicative stage.

Educator: Guys, guess riddles:

Powdered the tracks

Decorated the windows.

I gave joy to children

And I gave it a ride on a sled.

Children: Winter!

Educator: Well done! Next mystery:

Snow in the fields, ice in the waters

The blizzard walks.

When does this happen?

Children: In winter!

Educator: That's right! How many of you love this time of year and why?

Children: You can build a snowman, sled, ice skate, play snowballs.

Educator: Winter is a wonderful time of the year. Many phenomena are associated with it in nature. Guess what winter natural phenomena I will tell you about. (For each guessing of a riddle, the teacher attaches an illustration showing the answer to the board.)

From the sky - a star

On the palm of your hand - with water. (Snow.)

The children sat on the cornice

And everything grows down and down. (Icicles.)

Transparent as glass

Don't put it in the window. (Ice.)

Not snow or ice,

And he will take away all the trees with silver. (Frost.)

Educator: Well done! All the riddles have been guessed, but now let's we will rest:

Physical education "We'll build a snowball"

We went out into the street (Marching)

Snow covered! (Hands up and to the sides)

Here we will take the shovels, (Work with shovels)

Yes, and we will rake all the snow. (Work with shovels)

Let's plow the path (Stomp their feet)

To the very threshold (Stomp their feet)

Making round snowballs (Making snowballs)

And huge lumps (Showing a big lump)

We'll build a snow house (Marching)

We will live together in it. (Clap)

Educator: Have a rest?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, look how I saw and depicted winter artist And... Shishkin (showing a reproduction of a painting by I. Shishkin "Winter").

What is shown in the picture?

Children: Winter, forest, snow all around.

Educator: What can you say about snow? What is he?

Children: White, silver, cold, fluffy.

Educator: Name the snow affectionately?

Children: Snowball.

Educator: Look how the snow covered the whole earth and trees, how it sparkles, glitters beautifully in the sun. Let us and you and I try to depict a snow-covered forest. Please sit down in your seats.

Before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Snowballs".

We will take a little snow,

We make snowballs in our palms.

They threw them amicably -

Our hands and stretched.

And now it's time to create -

Snowy forest "Sculpt".

(Remind the rules for working with scissors).

Educator: First, we take scissors in our hands and cut out the silhouettes of trees from napkins, then glue them onto blue cardboard.

Children: (Carry out the task.)

Educator: This is what a wonderful forest we have turned out, but the snow has not yet fallen. And now it starts to snow. But we'll make the snowflakes unusual way: made of white paper, tearing it off with your hands.

(The teacher shows how to make parts applications torn paper.)

Educator: Now we need to think about how to stick the resulting "flakes" onto our landscape. Think about how to do this to make it look beautiful, like a real artist.

Children: Snow, when it falls, falls on tree branches, swirls in the air.

Educator: Then you also glue your "flakes" on tree branches, on a Christmas tree. And some snowflakes, perhaps, will swirl in the air?

(In the course of the explanation, the teacher shows the techniques for gluing parts.)

Educator: I wonder what kind of winter forest will you get?

(Children perform the task under the musical accompaniment of P.I.Tchaikovsky "Seasons" "January".)

3. Reflexive-evaluative stage.

Educator: Guys, now we will arrange an exhibition, post your work on the board.

(Children carry their work and hang it on the board. (Annex 1)

Educator: What beautiful pictures of the winter forest did we get, what picture did you like the most?

Children: This one, there is a beautiful snowfall on it.

Children: And on this one there are interesting trees.

Children: And the most accurate job is this one.

Educator: What application or what"winter" drawing would you like to draw?

Application in the senior group "Visiting the Snowman". Abstract of GCD

GCD summary for applications in the senior group "Visiting the Snowman"

Goals: consolidation of the theme: "Winter"; expanding the range of techniques for breaking applications (tearing, tearing, plucking); development of fine motor skills; development of a sense of form and composition.
1. To fix: the “breaking off” technique (snow flakes), stick them on the surface of the sheet;
2. Contribute to the creation of the image of a snowman, as accurately as possible conveying the shape and proportional ratio of its parts; make snow trees from cotton swabs and cotton wool;
3. To develop in children: creativity; fine motor skills of the fingers; the ability to arrange "snow" compositionally on a sheet of paper; make a snowman's hands from cotton pads or ear sticks;
4. To educate children to love the nature of their native land; friendly attitude towards each other; the ability to interact in a group of children.
GCD move:
Children enter the ass to the music and stand around The teacher says:
Look at each other and smile:
- Is everyone smiling? Are you in a good mood? Let's guys say hello to our guests and give them a good mood
"White fluffy snow
Whirls in the air and quietly to the ground
Falls to lie down "
Children: Winter
Educator: Well done. And on what grounds can we define winter? (Snow, blizzard, frost, blizzard, blizzard, wind). Guys, what do you hear?
Children: Sounds of a strong wind. Educator: What a strong wind arose, even the window was opened. I'll close it now.
See what it is?
Children: Letter.
Educator: Where did it come from?
Children: Flew into the window.
Educator: Guys, feel how cold it is. (Children touch the letter with their hand) Where do you think such a cold letter could have come to us?
Children: from the street, from frost, from the north (other options for children)
Educator: Let's open the letter and read (open the letter and read)
“Hello, guys, I’m very glad that now we can be friends every day, so I had a problem. I'm sad and not happy about anything. Help me please. And what is my name, you will recognize by solving the riddle:
I was not raised, I was blinded from the snow.
Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.
Eyes - coals,
Lips are bitches
Cold, big,
Who is that?
Children: snowman.
- And to get you into my forest, take the snowflakes lying in the letter and say the magic words:
"Fly, fly snowflake,
Circled around the earth
Take us to the snowman in the forest "
Educator: Guys, can we help the snowman? Do we need to get dressed to hit the road? What should we wear?
Children: We put on warm jackets, boots, hats, scarves, mittens,
Imitation of movements
Educator: Look, guys, we are in a beautiful snowy meadow, but where is our snowman? Let's call him, Ay, snowman, where are you?
Snowman: I'm here. You guys received my letter and decided to help me.
Children: Yes
Educator: Hello snowman, you are very sad. Why are you sad?
Snowman: Because I have no friends. During the day, the animals and I play together, but when evening comes, they go to their burrows, and I am left alone. And that's why I'm very sad.
Educator: Come on, snowman, we will be your friends. And we know how to help you. Will the guys and I help you and give you snowman friends?
Snowman: Of course I want
Educator: And when everyone goes to their burrows and houses, you will not be bored. Children, and in order to give my friends a snowman, I invite you to a snow workshop. Today I will be the master and you will be the apprentices. Apprentices are assistants to the master. (Children enter the workshop and sit down), And you, a snowman, watch how the children will do the work.
Before we get started, let's take off our warm mittens and warm up our hands.
Finger gymnastics with a brush Finger - boy, where have you been,
Where did you go with your brothers?
With this I was lying in the snow,
I rode down the hill with this,
I walked with this in the woods
With this I played snowballs.
We are all finger friends, where are they there and me.
Well done.
Educator: Guys, let's take a closer look at the snowman. He has a torso, consisting of two lumps (shows), a head (shows). What shape are they? (Round)
What size are they? (Large)
How many large lumps? (Three, many)
The snowman also has handles. What size? (They are small.)
What's on a snowman's head? (Bucket)
What's on his face? (Children are called with the help of a teacher: nose-carrot, eyes-buttons, eyebrows-sticks, mouth-stick)
What's on his neck? (Scarf)
And what's in his bunch? (Broom)
That's what a beautiful snowman. It is made of round white lumps, large and small, it has a bucket on its head, a long carrot nose on its face, button eyes, and its eyebrows and mouth are made of twigs. He has a broom in his hand.
Look, children, you have blue cardboard on your tables and material for making an applique: cotton swabs, cotton pads, napkins, cotton wool. We will create snowmen from this material:
1. We will cut a fluffy white snowman
Guys, what parts does a snowman consist of? (Out of three). Look at what you can make a snowman?
Children: From cotton pads.
Educator: Well done, we will leave the lower disk as it is, and cut the middle and small, joining the edges.
When you work with scissors, be careful - the ends of the scissors look straight away from you, after cutting we put the scissors in the stand.
Guys, look carefully, from which geometric shapes can you make a nose, a bucket for a snowman?
Children: rectangle, square.
Educator: right guys
a) Diagonal cut rectangle can be used for carrots.
b) a square, folded in half, rounding the corners for the bucket.
c) tear off a strip for making a panicle from brown paper, and tear the edges of the strip.
Hands can be made from cotton swabs or cotton pads)
When you glue the parts of the snowman, you need to glue the middle of the discs with glue, and spread the rest of the parts with glue from the middle to the edges.
I'm not afraid of the frost
(Children walk in place.)
I will make friends with him,
(They join hands.)
The frost will come to me
Touch your hands, touch your nose
touch with the right hand with the left.)
(Touch with the left hand with the right.)
So you shouldn't yawn
(They touch the nose.)
Jump is fun, jump
(They jump up.)
Come on in, children, to their jobs and continue to work.
2. Execution of wood and snow
The season is winter, what else can we do on the applique: a snowy tree and snow.
- To make a tree, you can use ear sticks, narrow them together, smear the place lying on top of the tree with glue, and attach.
- Look at the material at hand and tell me, from what can you make snow?
- Children: napkins.
Educator: Right. For snow, we use paper napkins by tearing them off. Snow can fly as flakes (for this we use large tear napkins, and with small snowflakes we cut napkins into small pieces of paper and roll up balls, dip in a saucer with glue, and glue all this material onto paper, depicting falling snow.
3. Before the parts are glued, you need to place them on the cardboard, make a composition. You can arrange the details in different ways. We start to work. Children perform the application "Snowman"
(Calm music sounds)
(During the lesson, it is necessary to monitor the posture of the children); how children fold, cut, tear off and glue parts. Remind the children that the children should properly spread the parts with glue - from the middle to the edges, use a napkin to remove the sticky glue; so that after cutting, the scissors are removed in the stand. Provide advice on where to place the character figures.
- We finish the work (Give instructions 1-2 minutes before the end of the work).
Educator: Well done! You did a good job. And now we will present our works to our friend. Do you believe in miracles? Would you like the snowman to come to life?
Children: Yes.
Educator: To do this, guys, close your eyes tightly and say the magic words: One, two, three.
Revive the snowman.
A snowman appears, and the children give him their works.
Educator: look children. The snowman became cheerful again.
The snowman thanks the children for making many friends.
Snowman: Thank you guys for giving me such beautiful friends, I became cheerful again, and I want to play my favorite game with you
game "Snowballs"
Snowman: Oh, what good fellows,
played from the heart,
and for this you friends
I'll give snowballs. (rafaelki)
And now it's time for you to go, again to kindergarten. Goodbye!
Educator: take snowflakes and say the words:
Fly, fly, snowflake,
Circled around the earth
And take us to kindergarten!
Guys, who did we visit? What did we do in class? Well done. And now let's say goodbye to the guests, go to the group, take off warm clothes and try a snowman's treat.

Methods and techniques: Visual and verbal: showing, explanations, encouragement, artistic word, play, cutting off.

Purpose: Anchoring the topic:" Winter" .


Anchor: "breaking off" technique (snow flakes), stick them on the surface of the sheet; to clarify the idea of ​​children about the multicolored snow; encourage the use of different shades of paper for snowflakes.

Develop in children: creation; fine motor skills of the fingers; the ability to arrange "snow" compositionally on a sheet of paper; dictionary (snow flakes, snowflakes); the ability to coordinate their actions with the work of the entire team.

Educate in children: love for the nature of the native land; friendly attitude towards each other; the ability to interact in a group of children. Evoke positive emotions in children.

Prior work: Classes on the topic "Winter"; viewing paintings, illustrations about winter, observing snow while walking; making riddles, poems, stories about winter;

physical minute

Equipment: TSO (tape recorder), discs with recordings of musical works.

Material: paper of different colors and quality, PVA glue, brushes, napkins, ready-made winter landscape on A-3 paper.


Educator: Hello children!

D: Hello

"Who guess,

The Gray-haired Mistress?

Shakes with a feather bed -

Over the world of fluff! "(Winter)

(Answers of children)

Educator: Correctly winter, but let's go with you to the winter park?

(Answers of children)

Educator: Okay, then let's hit the road - the track.

(Children sit on the rug and hit the road. The physical minute "Bus" is spent).

Educator: Look guys, how beautiful it is in the park in winter. Let's take a look at the illustrations on the theme: "Winter". Discussion with the children of what they saw.

(Answers of children)

I will ask you a riddle

And you guess it:

"He sits on everyone,

Not afraid of anyone! "(Snow).

(Answers of children)

Educator: Now let's play. (There is a physical minute "Snowball").

"Snow falls quietly on the meadow on the meadow

Snowflakes falling white fluffs

But suddenly a breeze blew, our snow whirled

We flew, rushed and lay down on the ground

Snowflakes and white fluffs are sleeping quietly.

Look guys how it shines "

(Answers of children)

Educator: Children, I want to invite you to my snow workshop. Do you want to go there?

(Answers of children)

Educator: One, two, three, go into the workshop.

(Children enter the workshop).

Educator: Children, let's remember what snowflakes can be made of?

(Answers of children)

Educator: Correctly cutting method. And you can also make snowflakes, snow by cutting off, then you get “snow flakes” that look more expressive than when cutting with scissors.

Educator: Children, "snowflakes" can "fly" through the air.

"... White fluffy snow

Spinning across the sky

And quietly to the ground

Falls, lays down ... "

Educator: When snowflakes “fall” on the ground, they are not located strictly side by side, randomly.

Are all snowflakes the same size?

(Answers of children)

And now let's remember with you before work how to use scissors correctly (carefully cut strips of colored paper and tear them into pieces). Use glue, a brush (remove excess glue on the edge of the saucer) and a napkin (stick to remove excess glue).

(Answers of children)

Educator: Guys, how much snow have you made, well done, and now let's stick the "flakes" on whatman paper.

Discussion of the picture in the process of work (If the children took the initiative and used paper of different shades, the teacher asks why they did so. If the choice was not made by chance, then he praises the child and reminds of the multicolored snow).

Educator: guys, let's pay attention to the sun, the clouds that should be reflected on the snowy surface. As a result, snowy multicolor appears, which is easy to depict using paper of different shades.

Educator: Your fingers are tired, let's give them a massage. Finger gymnastics "Snowball":

"One, two, three, four - Bend the fingers starting with the thumb

You and I sculpted a snowball - "Sculpt" by changing the position of the palms

Round, strong, very smooth - Show a circle, squeeze your palms, stroke one palm with the other

And not at all, not at all sweet - tasted

Once we throw it up, we throw it up

We will catch two - we substitute our palms

Let's drop three

And we will break ....... we stomp "

Educator: Well done! You did a good job. And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten, and in memory of what you have done, we will take into the group the composition that you made on the theme: "Winter - Winter". (Children go to the rug).

Educator: And now it's time for us to go. We need to say magic words, repeat after me so that our bus starts up.

Children repeat:

"Fly, fly, snowflake,

Circled around the earth

And look into the kindergarten!

Educator: Let's say goodbye to the winter park

Children: Goodbye!

(the song "Bus" sounds).



Synopsis of a collective lesson on applications in the middle group on the theme "Winter-winter".

Occupation type: game - travel.

Methods and techniques : Visual and verbal: showing, explanations, encouragement, artistic word, play, cutting off.

Purpose: Consolidation of the theme: "Winter".


Anchor : "breaking off" technique (snow flakes), stick them on the surface of the sheet; to clarify the idea of ​​children about the multicolored snow; encourage the use of different shades of paper for snowflakes.

Develop in children: creation; fine motor skills of the fingers; the ability to arrange "snow" compositionally on a sheet of paper; dictionary (snow flakes, snowflakes); the ability to coordinate their actions with the work of the entire team.

Educate in children: love for the nature of the native land; friendly attitude towards each other; the ability to interact in a group of children. Evoke positive emotions in children.

Prior work:Classes on the topic "Winter"; viewing paintings, illustrations about winter, observing snow while walking; making riddles, poems, stories about winter;

Health-saving technologies: physical minute

Equipment: TSO (tape recorder), discs with recordings of musical works.

Material : paper of different colors and quality, PVA glue, brushes, napkins, ready-made winter landscape on A-3 paper.


Educator: Hello children!

D: Hello

"Who guess,

The Gray-haired Mistress?

Shakes with a feather bed -

Over the world of fluff! "(Winter)

(Answers of children)

Educator: Correctly winter, but let's go with you to the winter park?

(Answers of children)

Educator: Okay, then let's hit the road - the track.

(Children sit on the rug and hit the road. The physical minute "Bus" is spent).

Educator: Look guys, how beautiful it is in the park in winter. Let's take a look at the illustrations on the theme: "Winter". Discussion with the children of what they saw.

(Answers of children)

I will ask you a riddle

And you guess it:

"He sits on everyone,

Not afraid of anyone! "(Snow).

(Answers of children)

Educator: Now let's play. (There is a physical minute "Snowball").

"Snow falls quietly on the meadow on the meadow

Snowflakes falling white fluffs

But suddenly a breeze blew, our snow whirled

We flew, rushed and lay down on the ground

Snowflakes and white fluffs are sleeping quietly.

Look guys how it shines "

(Answers of children)

Educator: Children, I want to invite you to my snow workshop. Do you want to go there?

(Answers of children)

Educator: One, two, three, go into the workshop.

(Children enter the workshop).

Educator: Children, let's remember what snowflakes can be made of?

(Answers of children)

Educator: Correctly cutting method. And you can also make snowflakes, snow by cutting off, then you get “snow flakes” that look more expressive than when cutting with scissors.

Educator: Children, "snowflakes" can "fly" through the air.

"... White fluffy snow

Spinning across the sky

And quietly to the ground

Falls, lays down ... "

Educator: When snowflakes “fall” on the ground, they are not located strictly side by side, randomly.

Are all snowflakes the same size?

(Answers of children)

And now let's remember with you before work how to use scissors correctly (carefully cut strips of colored paper and tear them into pieces). Use glue, a brush (remove excess glue on the edge of the saucer) and a napkin (stick to remove excess glue).

(Answers of children)

Educator: Guys, how much snow have you made, well done, and now let's stick the "flakes" on whatman paper.

Discussion of the picture in the process of work (If the children took the initiative and used paper of different shades, the teacher asks why they did so. If the choice was not made by chance, then he praises the child and reminds of the multicolored snow).

Educator: guys, let's pay attention to the sun, the clouds that should be reflected on the snowy surface. As a result, snowy multicolor appears, which is easy to depict using paper of different shades.

Educator: Your fingers are tired, let's give them a massage. Finger gymnastics "Snowball":

"One, two, three, four - Bend the fingers starting with the thumb

You and I sculpted a snowball - "Sculpt" by changing the position of the palms

Round, strong, very smooth - Show a circle, squeeze your palms, stroke one palm with the other

And not at all, not at all sweet - tasted

Once we throw it up, we throw it up

We will catch two - we substitute our palms

Let's drop three

And we will break ....... we stomp "

Educator: Well done! You did a good job. And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten, and in memory of what you have done, we will take into the group the composition that you made on the theme: "Winter - Winter". (Children go to the rug).

Educator: And now it's time for us to go. We need to say magic words, repeat after me so that our bus starts up.

Children repeat:

"Fly, fly, snowflake,

Circled around the earth

And look into the kindergarten!

Educator: Let's say goodbye to the winter park

Children: Goodbye!

(the song "Bus" sounds).

GCD in the senior group for the application "Zimushka-Winter"

Methods and techniques: visual and verbal: showing, explaining, encouraging; game
Purpose: to create conditions for mastering the technique of tearing and sticking pieces of paper while creating an expressive image.
Tasks :
Educational: to form ideas about winter, signs of winter, to encourage the use of napkins of different shades for the image of snow flakes.
Developing: to develop in children creativity, fine motor skills of fingers, the ability to compositionally arrange "snow" on a sheet of paper; the ability to coordinate their actions with the work of the team.
Educational: to educate children to love nature; friendly attitude towards each other; the ability to interact in a group of children: to evoke positive emotions in children.
Preliminary work: viewing pictures, illustrations on the theme "Winter", observing the snow while walking, making riddles, listening to poetry, stories about winter.
Material: paper napkins of different colors for snow flakes, PVA glue, brushes, winter landscape.

GCD move

Educator: Hello children! Guess the riddle: Who guess,
The Gray-haired Mistress?
Shakes with a feather bed -
over the world of fluff! (winter)
/ children's answers /
Educator: Correctly winter, and you want to visit Zimushka-Zima?
/ children's answers /
Educator: What do you think you can use to get to her? Tell me, can we get to the forest by bus? What would you like to take to her?/ children's answers /
And I want to offer you my own version - to fly to Zimushka on the magic path. Do you agree? Okay, then let's hit the track-track
/ children stand on the path and close their eyes /
Educator: one, two, three fly into the winter forest!
/ children "arrive" in the winter forest where Winter meets them /
Winter: I welcome you to my winter forest, see how beautiful the forest is.
I will ask you a riddle
And you guess her
"He sits on everyone,
Not afraid of anyone! "
/ children's answers /
Winter: Now let's play./ there is a physical minute "snowball" /
Winter: Children, I want to invite you to my workshop. Do you want to go there?
/ children's answers /
Winter: One, two, three come into the workshop./ children enter the workshop /
Winter: Guys, let's remember what you can make snowflakes from?/ children's answers /
- In the correct way of cutting. And you can also make snowflakes and snow by cutting off, then you get "snow flakes" that look more expressive than when cutting with scissors.
Winter: Guys, "snowflakes" can "fly" through the air.
"... White fluffy snow
Spinning across the sky
Falls, lays down ... "
I have a picture, guys, tell me what is missing in this picture?
/ children's answers /
Winter: Right. Take your places on the desks, you see napkins and glue in front of you. First, we take napkins and cut off small pieces, you see, we get "snow flakes". Now roll our Christmas trees with these flakes ...
- Well done! You did a good job. And now it's time for you to return to kindergarten, and in memory of the fact that you were visiting me, I give you New Year's coloring pages.
- Well, now it's time for you to go. Here is a snowflake for you, it will help you on the way, find a kindergarten. To do this, you need to say "magic" words.
/ children get up on a magic path and say "magic" words /
"Fly, fly, snowflake,
Circled around the earth
And look into the kindergarten "Firefly"! "
--- Bye.