Auspicious dates for a wedding in a year. We approach the choice of the date of the wedding with all responsibility

The wedding day is one of the most important and exciting days in the life of a newly-made family. This day is accompanied by many traditions and superstitions that have come down to us from our ancestors. Believing or not believing in such things is determined solely by you. The determination of the most suitable (favorable) and inappropriate (unfavorable) days for marriage can be made by various criteria: the advice of astrologers, numerologists, in accordance with the lunar calendar, feng shui, church calendar and others.

Many people believe that choosing the best day for a wedding can strengthen a family and bring them happiness and money. What date to set for the wedding in 2017, so that it brings only positive things to the relationship between future spouses?

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2017

In most cases, the future bride and groom choose such a date for the future wedding so that it first of all looks beautiful in the passport and marriage certificate, but they do not pay much attention to whether it will be an auspicious or unfavorable day for the wedding.
What dates are considered beautiful, and what beautiful dates for a wedding will occur in 2017? These are actually all months whose numbers have the numbers 7, 17, 20, as well as:
January 1, January 10, February 2, February 20, March 3, March 30, April 4, May 5, June 6, July 1, July 7, August 8, September 9, October 10, November 11, December 12, 2017.
Indeed, such dates look quite impressive and attractive, but they will have a positive effect on further life together only if they coincide with a favorable phase of the moon or any other phenomenon favorable for marriage.
Often, such dates, on the contrary, negatively affect the couple's future family life.

Favorable wedding dates in 2017 according to astrology

Perhaps one of the most unfavorable days for marriage is February 11, 2017 and August 7, 2017 - the days of the lunar eclipse. Also, such days will not bring any joy for a future wedding: new moon, full moon, first and last quarter.

According to mythology, Venus patronizes love in all its manifestations. Therefore, to get married on the days of the greatest activity of Venus is to provide the family with an abundance of love and understanding. Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces are lucky signs for this planet.

Aries, Virgo, Scorpio are signs in which Venus is weak (not recommended for a wedding).

Probably the most unsuitable month for marriage in 2017 is May, as it combines various intense star influences that negatively affect human love relationships.

The fourth, fifth, seventh, tenth and eleventh month after the birth of one of the spouses is the most favorable month for marriage. For example, if you were born in March, then you are recommended to get married in June, July, September, December or January.

Which of the months the spouses will coincide with will be the most favorable for their marriage.

Favorable days for a wedding according to the lunar calendar

Positive days according to the lunar calendar are determined depending on the influence of different phases of the moon on the human mood and the body as a whole.

New Moon: the energy state of a person is at a minimum. The number of physical activities and sports should be reduced at this time. It is favorable for starting a healthy lifestyle, following diets and fighting bad habits.

Growing moon: human activity increases, the immune system becomes more stable.

Full Moon: heightened sensitivity; emotions dominate the mind.

Waning moon: a favorable period for the completion of the work begun.

The most unsuitable for a wedding are the days of the new moon and full moon, as well as the quarter change of the moon (3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19 lunar days).

The most favorable lunar days for a wedding celebration are the tenth, eleventh, sixteenth, seventeenth, twenty-first, twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh. Attention! The lunar day does not match the numbers of the days of the month!

The most favorable and unfavorable wedding days of 2017

The days of the months that will bring only positive changes to the post-wedding family life
January - 1,8,29;
February - 3,5,10;
March - 3,10,31;
April - 2,10,28;
May - 1.7.8;
June - 4,9,30;
July - 7,28,30;
August - 2.25.27;
September - 3,4,22;
October - 1,2,29;
November - 3, 20, 24;
December - 1,22,24.

Dates for organizing a wedding in 2017 according to Feng Shui

The most favorable dates for marriage in 2017 are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 12, 21 of each month.

Orthodox calendar for weddings in 2017

The church calendar defines its own specific days on which you can get married and on which it is strictly forbidden to marry (Orthodox calendar).

It is impossible to carry out the wedding process during fasting time, namely:

Dormition Fast - From August 14 to August 27 (except August 19);
Advent - From November 28 to January 6;
Easter or Great Lent - From February 27 to April 15 (except April 7 and 9);
Petrov Post - From June 12 to July 11 (except July 7 and 12).

Auspicious days for marriage (and church words for wedding) are May 08, the period from January 20 to March 7, autumn (with the exception of fasting, fasting days).

It is forbidden to get married during:
- Easter - April 16;
- Holy Trinity - June 04;
– Palm Sunday – April 09;
- days dedicated to the memory of the dead: February 18, March 11, 18 and 25, April 25, May 9, June 3, November 4.

In order for the wedding to take place on the most appropriate day, try to match these days in accordance with auspicious days from one category with days that bring positive from another category. In general, if you want to be happy, just be that way. Any family life built on love, patience and mutual understanding will be favorable regardless of the day, place and time of your wedding.

The wedding day is a significant date in the life of the newlyweds. Folk wisdom advises choosing it with all seriousness, because the wedding ceremony is shrouded in many beliefs and prejudices. It is believed that the date, month and year in which the marriage was concluded can bring happiness to the couple or, conversely, quarrels and sorrows.

When choosing a wedding day, the advice of astrologers and numerologists, as well as some popular beliefs, are taken into account. It is worth paying attention to the dates of Christian fasts. During this period, as well as on the eve of great holidays, the church does not recommend getting married. What else do you need to know about choosing a date for a wedding, and how to determine the perfect day for a celebration?

Marriage in 2017: what will it be like?

When choosing a wedding date, do not forget: the future of the couple is affected not only by the day, but also by the year of marriage. According to the Chinese calendar, 2017 will be ruled by the Red Rooster. This sign promises the future family loyalty to traditions, order and responsibility in relationships. During the ceremony, all wedding customs must be observed and special attention should be paid to the parents of the newlyweds. Then the symbol of the year will be favorable to the newlyweds.

Beautiful dates in 2017

Many couples try to choose a number that will look good on their marriage certificate. In 2017, such dates should contain units, twos, sevens. For example, 02/17/2017 (Friday), 07/17/2017 (Saturday), 05/07/2017 (Sunday), 07/07/2017 (Friday) ... Numbers like 05/04/2017 or 11/10/2017 are considered lucky for marriage, where the first digit is one less than next. However, beautiful dates do not always make a marriage happy, and also often run counter to folk and religious traditions.

Wedding according to the Orthodox calendar

Perhaps the most stringent requirements for marriage dates are determined by the church. Suitable time for a wedding is the period from January 20 to March 7, May 8, as well as the whole autumn (with the exception of fasting). You cannot marry during the following fasts: Assumption (August 14-27, except August 19), Christmas (November 28 - January 6), Easter (February 27 - April 15, except April 7 and 9), Petrov (June 12 - July 11 except July 7).

The marriage ceremony is also not held on the eve of important church holidays: Christmas (January 7), Palm Sunday (April 9), Easter (April 16), Holy Trinity (June 4). Wednesdays and Fridays are not suitable for weddings. However, the date of painting in the registry office and the day for the church ceremony may not coincide.

The month of the wedding and the fate of the couple

Our mothers and grandmothers probably know the superstitions regarding the month of marriage and its influence on the future of a young couple. These signs have been known since time immemorial and are still respected. According to popular wisdom, the best periods for marriage are February, June, August, September and December. If a boy and a girl get married in July, they are destined for a rich life, rich in both joys and troubles.

Difficulties portend a spring wedding. “If you get married in May, you will toil all your life,” says popular belief. It is explained by the fact that this month was one of the most difficult for our peasant ancestors. A difficult fate promises young people a wedding in January, March and October. The alliance, concluded in April, with its instability will resemble a roller coaster. Marriage in November will bring the couple material wealth, but not love.

Choosing a date according to astrological forecasts

There is an opinion that the location of the heavenly bodies affects our well-being and mood. A decision made at a favorable or not very favorable moment can determine the fate of a person. According to astrological forecasts, the best times for marriage in 2017 are the following dates:

  • in winter: 1.01, 8.01, 29.01, 3.02, 5.02, 10.02, 1.12, 22.12, 24.12;
  • spring: 3.03, 10.03, 31.03, 2.04, 10.04, 28.04, 1.04, 7.05, 8.05;
  • In summer: 4.06, 9.06, 30.06, 7.07, 28.07, 30.07, 2.08, 25.08, 27.08;
  • autumn: 3.09, 4.09, 22.09, 1.10, 2.10, 29.10, 3.11, 20.11, 24.11.

You can calculate the ideal time for a wedding like this: add four, five, seven, ten or eleven to the serial number of the month of your birth. For example, you were born in February (the second month). This means that a marriage concluded in June (6), July (7), September (9), December (12) or January (1) can bring happiness. The coincidence of the dates of the bride and groom is a good sign.

You should not marry and generally make important decisions on the days of the lunar eclipse - February 11, 2017 and August 7, 2017. Astrologers warn that May is not a very good time for weddings, as well as the numbers 8, 9, 15, 19, 29 of each month. The location of the luminaries during these periods is badly reflected in the relationship of the newlyweds. But Feng Shui experts believe that the numbers 1, 2, 3, 12, 21 of each month are suitable for a wedding in 2017.

It must be admitted that there are a lot of approaches to choosing a wedding day. It is up to you to decide which of them are trustworthy. However, remember: no signs will be able to upset the union of two loving hearts. Even a marriage entered into at an unfavorable time can become strong and happy.

For every couple in love, the wedding day is special and unique. You should try to choose the date in advance, guided not only by the beautiful sound of the number, but also by its favorableness for future family life. Favorable days for a wedding in 2017 are pre-registered in the church, lunar calendar, so you should definitely pay attention to such tips.

The best day

Couples who decide to legalize their relationship in 2017 should know that it will be held under the auspices of the Red Fire Rooster. This bird is very domestic by nature, and therefore the whole year is suitable for creating a new family. Astrologers say that if you marry by choosing the right date, then not only love will reign in the relationship, but also harmony, mutual understanding and stability.

Before you start planning a future celebration, you should definitely think about which calendar you need to refer to - the lunar or the church. Some couples pay a lot of attention to the wedding, considering it a true catharsis of their feelings. If the newlyweds are far from religious prejudice, then they can just look when the stars are advised to enter into an alliance. Everyone will receive answers to their questions.

Orthodox calendar

According to the Orthodox calendar, couples in love can get married almost all year round. It just needs to be clarified when is the best time to do it. It must be remembered that during strict fasts it is forbidden to get married. Advent is considered one of the strictest in terms of restrictions, so lovers should not plan a wedding for this period. Great Lent, which is observed before Easter, is the most important in Orthodoxy, weddings during this period are also prohibited. Peter's post, as well as the Assumption post, is considered to be quite significant. The father will surely tell the lovers about all this when they come to him with such a question.

Many do not even suspect that there are certain days of the week when it is best to conduct such a solemn ceremony. Newlyweds mistakenly choose Saturday for their wedding, but in fact it is better to come to church on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. It must also be remembered that it is undesirable to get married on the 13th, no matter what day of the week it falls on, because this is the number of the Devil.

The church calls the periods after the autumn feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos the most prosperous time for a wedding. In winter, during the period from Epiphany to the beginning of Maslenitsa, church marriages can also be entered into. In summer, it is best to pay attention to the time from Petrovsky to the Assumption post. Every year there is one most favorable day for a wedding - this is Krasnaya Gorka, in 2017 it will be celebrated on April 23.

Also, you should not plan a wedding ceremony on the days of the great Orthodox holidays, because according to all church canons, a person should spend this day praying to the Lord, you should not think about your joys.

For many centuries, church signs for the newlyweds have already developed, which have not lost their relevance today. If the marriage is concluded in August, then the spouses will have a long, happy family life, filled with joy and mutual understanding.

Getting married on May 22 is also a good omen. This is the day of Nikola Veshny, he will bring love, fidelity, harmony to the young union. The union can also be concluded in September or November, the wedding at this time will strengthen the bonds of marriage, filling them with love. You can also set a wedding date for July 21 or November 4, when the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. Another suitable day for a wedding is October 26, this is the day of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God.

If we consider the option of marriage in the registry office and weddings that will take place on the same day, then the priests do not recommend doing this. Spouses must prepare spiritually for the wedding. It is best to arrange it for the wedding anniversary, a few years after registration.

Lunar wedding calendar

The wedding day according to the lunar calendar of 2017 also plays a very important role, because the Moon quite strongly influences the fate of people and the fate of a young family. You can first get acquainted with the favorable days for marriage, which are specially developed by astrologers separately for each month. This will allow you to choose a good date in advance, plan the celebration correctly, with the support of the stars.


In the first winter month, the most successful dates for marriage will be January 1, 8, 29. All these days fall on Sunday. Since the 1st is an official holiday, just like the 8th, there is only one day left, according to astrologers, on which it is best to plan a wedding.


February is the best time to get married 3rd- It's Friday. You can also arrange a celebration February 5th, Sunday or Friday the 10th. These days are considered the most favorable for the creation of a marriage union.


All lovers who want to seal their union in March should pay special attention to three Fridays in the month - 3rd, 10th, 31st. The stars will be the most supportive, giving the young family happiness, love, harmony.


The best days for those wishing to tie the knot and get married in the second month of spring, astrologers have named the following dates: Sunday - April 2, Monday - April 10th and Friday - April 28th.


According to legend, May is not the best month for a wedding. However, in 2017, May prepared three happy wedding dates for lovers - May 1st, 7th, 8th. Taking into account weekends and holidays, the celebration should be planned in advance, having learned how the registry office will work.


It is believed that the marriage concluded this month will turn the whole life of the newlyweds into a honeymoon. For the first summer month, astrologers have selected several particularly auspicious dates on which it is best to marry. This June 4th Sunday, June 9th Friday, June 30th Friday.


In the midst of summer, the most successful dates for marriage will be 7th, 28th and 30th. Astrologers say that this is the most favorable time for the development of a future family. This month's weddings will bring an eventful life to the newlyweds.


August 2, 25, 27 it is best for lovers to go to register their marriage. The stars will converge exactly the way it will be best for a love union. The family created on these dates will live in love, joy, harmony.


The month will give couples who have played a wedding a calm and harmonious life. In September, several dates favorable for the wedding have been allocated - these are 3rd, 4th, 22nd. All numbers fall on weekdays, so you need to adjust future plans in advance.


The month of October is good not only because it adds a beautiful autumn color to wedding photos, but also, according to astrologers, it is just perfect for marriage. It is best to plan a celebration for 1, 4, 22nd number.


The union, concluded in November, will bring prosperity and financial stability to the young family. When submitting an application to the registry office, planning to get married in November, the newlyweds should, according to astrologers, carefully look at 3rd, 20th, 24th. These days are ideal for future celebrations.


The first month of winter can be the happiest in life for those who get married 1st, 22nd, 24th. The month is very successful for bonding relationships, love, trust and mutual respect in a couple will grow stronger day by day.

The lunar calendar of weddings in 2017 is full of favorable days for the celebration, so each couple has a great opportunity to choose in advance the number that they like and will be happy for the future family.

Numerology number

Numerology is quite closely entered into the daily life of almost every person. Experts working in this field recommend that lovers, before setting a wedding date, calculate what number will be lucky for them.

The procedure is quite easy, you must first select the number you like, and then simply add up all its numbers. The result will be a two-digit number, the digits of which must also be added. The resulting figure will be the number of the family. Designations can be found independently by looking at how the figure will affect the fate of a young family in the future.

In terms of numerology, the most favorable and happy for a marriage union are the dates that result in the sum 1, 5, 7, 8. Dates that give the sum 3, 6, 9 will not be so favorable, but can also be chosen. If the final digit is 2 or 4, then such a date should still be abandoned.

Of course, you can simply navigate according to your preferences, the future newlyweds have already named the most beautiful and desirable dates for marriage today. This 07.01.2017 , but it is worth remembering that this is Christmas. 17.02.2017 also belongs to the list of beautiful dates, all numbers are harmoniously combined. 17.07.2017 And 07.07.2017 is easily perceived by ear and remembered, therefore, in the year of the Red Fire Rooster, we should expect a large number of lovers who want to get married these days.

Choosing a date for a wedding according to the church, lunar calendar is correct and reasonable, but it is worth remembering that a strong family will not rest only on the correct, harmonious number. It is necessary to invest in each other as much love and understanding as possible, and then not only the wedding day will be remembered, but every moment of a happy life.

In every year there are dates that, for one reason or another, are best suited for celebrating a wedding, have a harmonious and positive effect on the relationship of the newlyweds. Now we will find out which days are best to choose for a wedding in 2017.

Ideal date 2017

Newlyweds wishing to celebrate their wedding in 2017 should know that this will be the year of the Red Fire Rooster - it is great for wedding celebrations and is a symbol of strong, reliable and pure relationships built on trust, mutual respect and sincere love. According to astrological forecasts, newlyweds who marry in this favorable period will have a harmonious and happy life together for many, many years.

In order to determine the most favorable days for a wedding in 2017, you need to decide which calendar forecast is most important for newlyweds: church, astrological or lunar. There are also many couples who, for some reason, do not want to start from astrology and church recommendations, and simply choose a beautiful date for their wedding celebration, which pleases the eye with harmonious numbers - which are combined numerologically, are easy to remember and look quite original.

Orthodox church calendar 2017

According to church recommendations, the most favorable time for the official creation of a family is from January 20 to March 7, May 8, from September 1 to November 30. All fasting days are, of course, an exception. It is also categorically not recommended to marry and get married on the days of commemoration of the dead (February 18, 11.18, March 25, April 25, May 9, June 3, November 4), Palm Sunday (April 9), Easter (April 16) and on Holy Trinity (June 4).

Astrological calendar 2017

Most astrologers believe that there are a number of lucky days for a wedding celebration in 2017:

Winter. In general, the winter period is not considered happy for marriage. The only exceptions are some dates: January 1, 7, 29, February 13, 22, 23. In December 2017, it is better to get married on the 20th, 22nd or 27th.

Spring. According to the astrological calendar, it is better to marry in the first two spring months. It is not recommended to play weddings in May, as the spouses are waiting for complex, unstable relationships. The following numbers are considered the most suitable: in March - 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, in April it is 12, 13, 19, 26, May 8.

Summer. The summer period is similar to the spring one. According to the astrological calendar, there are no favorable dates for a wedding in 2017 in the last month of summer, although according to the observations of LenArt employees, August, on the contrary, is the most favorable month for weddings (but where are we up to astrologers?). Among the suitable days are noted: June 5, 9, 30, July 3, 17, 28.

Autumn. The best months are October and November. Among the most suitable days for a wedding, they note: September 1, 3, 25, at the beginning of October - 1 and 2, at the end of the month - 26, 28, 30, in November - 22, 24, 25, 29 and 30.

Lunar calendar 2017

It has long been proven that the moon and its position in the sky significantly affect the human body, well-being and mood of a person. Not only the general condition of people, but also how it will affect relationships and the future life of a person as a whole depends on the phase in which the moon is in a given period of time. According to the lunar calendar, the most suitable time for marriage is when there is a new moon, a full moon and the 4th change of the moon.

Among the suitable days according to the lunar calendar, note:

There are newlyweds who want to celebrate their wedding only on favorable days of a certain calendar: church, astrological or lunar, and sincerely believe that the date of the wedding plays a huge role in determining the future of their family. Other couples want to get married on a day that is considered lucky according to all calendars - so as not to miscalculate. Since it often turns out that the dates recommended by astrologers are not favorable in church recommendations and are absolutely neutral according to the state of the moon and vice versa, you can find dates that will be considered successful in all respects.

Based on this, the best days in 2017 for weddings are:

These dates are considered the most suitable according to all calendars: church, astrological, and lunar, and do not contradict any of them.

Beautiful numbers for marriage in 2017

Many newlyweds, when choosing a wedding day, focus on numbers, and do not bother with the recommendations of numerous calendars, which often contradict each other and thus make people doubt the choice. There are couples who want the numbers on the wedding date to be combined, memorable and beautiful. Since the number of the year consists of two pairs of digits: 20 and 17, dates that have combinations with these digits look good.

07.2017, Friday. This is the most beautiful date of this year, suitable for a wedding;

02.2017, Friday. One of the most beautiful dates where all the numbers are combined with each other.

04.2017, Saturday. The number combines 0 and 7, and since 4 is a multiple of 2, the number is easily perceived by ear;

10.2017, Saturday. Since 10 looks good on any date, it is also suitable for a combination of 7 and 0.

In addition, all options that will contain the numbers 7, 17 and 20 will look spectacular, regardless of the month.

wedding numerology

Since numerology has a huge impact on the character of people, their lives and relationships, many newlyweds try to get married on a day that is favorable according to this science. By correctly calculating the date, you can choose a day that will become significant and bring good luck to the future family.

Tip: In order to correctly use numerology in determining the appropriate day to connect the fates, it is necessary to add up all the numbers of the expected date, for example, 07.07.2017 - 7 + 7 +2 +1 +7 = 24, then 2 + 4 = 6. Then you need to see what interpretation the received figure has in relation to the wedding, and what impact it can have on further life together.

According to numerology, the most favorable days for a wedding are those whose date consists of numbers whose sum is 1, 5, 7, 8, 3, 6, 9 are less suitable, 2 and 4 are not recommended.

Thus, you can choose the best day for marriage in 2017 based on the Christian church, astrology, lunar phase, numerology, or simply choose a beautiful number. What to believe and what to focus on, each couple is able to choose independently. At the same time, the main thing to remember is that not a single marital union will be happy without love, understanding and respect for each other.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the happiest day in the life of loving people. Most of them have extremely deep roots in history and culture, but some of them are modern. It makes no sense to argue with those signs that have been established for centuries - our ancestors were observant and wise.

Those superstitions and signs that originated in the age of the Internet should be treated with suspicion. For example, it is believed that a person born in a leap year will not find happiness and will not be as lucky as everyone else. It is absolutely clear that this is an absurd prejudice and it is not necessary to listen to it.

As for the fact that people pay attention to the lunar calendar when planning some important events, this is quite justified, since the influence of the moon on people and their lives has been scientifically proven. Therefore, choosing auspicious wedding days 2017, you can and even need to turn to the lunar calendar and find out which days will be happy and promising success in family life.

2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster, which means it will be a year of complete control over all spheres of life. We can say that the marriage concluded this year will be very distinguished by special conservatism in the relationship of two loving people.

All family obligations, to which marriage obliges, will be fully performed both by the spouses themselves and by their future children. The main thing in such a family, in addition to, in fact, love, will be an extraordinary order and one hundred percent mutual respect.

The wedding itself in 2017 should be quite strict, prim, with the obligatory observance of all traditions and, most importantly, with showing respect and special respect to the parents of the newlyweds.

Beautiful dates in 2017 for a wedding

The most favorable day for a wedding is Friday. The most beautiful and prosperous day for a wedding in 2017 can be called Friday 17 February 2017.

It is worth noting that other beautiful dates for a wedding that fall in 2017 are:

  • April 7, 2017 (Friday);
  • January 7, 2017 (Saturday);
  • July 7, 2017 (Friday);
  • October 7, 2017 (Saturday).

Happy wedding days 2017

In order for a marriage to be successful, full of love and happiness, you need to choose the right day for marriage, according to the lunar calendar. A long time ago it became known that the Moon has a huge impact on people, their lives, their destinies. Also, the Moon can change our family life in one direction or another.

To find all-round happiness in marriage, pay attention to the following list of auspicious days for a wedding in 2017.

  • IN January 2017 The moon has a positive effect on such dates: Sunday January 1, Sunday January 8, Sunday January 29.
  • February 2017 also has some good wedding days. Marriage in the second month of the year is best concluded on Friday, February 3, on Sunday, February 5, or on Friday, February 10.
  • Those wishing to marry in March 2017, you need to pay attention to the following dates: Friday March 3rd, Friday March 10th, Friday March 31st.
  • IN April 2017 are truly auspicious: Sunday 2 April, Monday 10 April, Friday 28 April.
  • May 2017 has such happy days for marriage: Monday May 1, Sunday May 7, Monday May 8.
  • IN June 2017 wedding is best played on the following dates: Sunday 4 June, Friday 9 June, Friday 30 June.
  • For those who want to get married in July 2017, auspicious dates are: Friday 7 July, Friday 28 July and Sunday 30 July.
  • August 2017 also has several auspicious dates for a wedding. For those wishing to get married in the last summer month, you need to pay attention to the following days: Wednesday August 2, Friday August 25 and Sunday August 27.
  • IN September 2017 is best to play a wedding on the following days: Sunday 3 September, Monday 4 September, Friday 22 September.
  • October 2017 is incredibly good for a wedding. More specifically, the best days are: Sunday 1 October, Monday 2 October, Tuesday 24 October.
  • IN november In 2017, future newlyweds should pay attention to the following dates: Friday November 3rd, Monday November 20th, Friday November 24th.
  • December 2017 can be truly happy for those who choose one of the following dates for their wedding: Friday 1 December, Friday 22 December and Sunday 24 December.

However, every person should know that choosing one of the auspicious days based on the lunar calendar for a wedding is not at all a guarantee of fidelity and love. Without mutual respect, care, sincere trust and other obligatory "attributes" of a happy married life, the heavenly body is not able to save the union of two people.

Nevertheless, the above dates may well in one way or another encode the consciousness (more precisely, the subconscious) of a person to create true family happiness and prosperity in the future.