How to wash clothes for newborns? Brief recommendations from life experience. How to properly wash baby clothes

Newborn babies are very sensitive to external influences, which in particular can be attributed to clothes that need to be washed correctly. Many mothers simply do not know how to wash baby clothes for newborns and how to do it, considering that washing such clothes is not much different from regular washing. This is the wrong approach, because such a thing as washing the clothes of a newborn is a very delicate process that must be approached with all responsibility. In this guide, you will learn how and what you can wash baby clothes so as not to irritate the baby's skin and not cause him many other inconveniences.

What do you need to know before having a baby?

Before the question of how to properly wash the baby's clothes of a newborn, the question usually arises about the correct preparation of things before being sent to the hospital. Some women believe in omens and do not buy clothes until the baby is born, but this is not entirely correct - you need to prepare things before the newborn is born. Here are some tips:

  • Be sure to wash the purchased items before sending to the hospital. This is necessary to remove starch (manufacturers often add it to clothes to improve their appearance), which can have a negative effect on delicate baby skin. You will learn how to wash clothes for newborns in the right way below.
  • Use delicate clothing to dress your newborn. What soap do you wash? Ordinary? Remove it before the child grows up - all things for a newborn should be washed exclusively with baby soap that is safe for the baby's skin.
  • After washing things for a newborn, be sure to iron them thoroughly on both sides - the high temperature will finally kill all remaining germs that can cause illness (newborns have very weak immunity).

Don't forget to handle new baby clothes. If you do not know what is the best way to wash baby clothes - wash them with special baby soap, or use the products listed below.

Getting ready to wash

It is imperative that before washing baby clothes for newborns, a young mother should do a little preparation, which includes the following mandatory steps:

  • Buy a separate laundry basket for your baby's belongings.
  • Pre-sort things by color - white separately, color separately.
  • If the stains are not stubborn, scrub thoroughly with a soap and a brush before washing.

Of course, preventing stains from forming is much better than washing children's clothes, but this is almost impossible, because children tend to get dirty. Therefore, almost all mothers have a question about how to wash baby clothes for newborns most effectively.

Choosing a detergent

How to wash clothes for newborns? There are many answers to this question, but not all will be correct. So, when choosing a detergent, one should be guided by the following tips:

  • Do not use adult laundry detergents - they contain too much chemicals.
  • When choosing a baby powder, pay attention to those compositions that do not contain substances such as chlorine, phosphate compounds and surfactants - they can be very harmful.
  • Look for an inscription on the packaging of the product that indicates use for children.

If you still do not know what is the best way to wash clothes for a newborn, take several small packages of suitable products, and then test them on individual items.

Ordinary soap - is it possible?

Many young mothers are actively looking for information on the Internet about whether it is possible to wash children's clothes with laundry soap. You can, if used correctly. Here are the benefits of regular soap:

  • Good soap contains a minimal amount of harmful chemicals that can be harmful to your baby's skin. Before washing a newborn's things with soap, make sure of its quality - it is best to take, of course, baby soap.
  • Good regular soaps will make fabrics very soft, while many powders and other products will make things rough and hard. Baby soap is even better at keeping the fabric soft, use it whenever possible.
  • High-quality soap, even with frequent use, does not spoil the structure of the fabric.

If you have a question about how to wash baby clothes with soap, take baby clothes. The usual can also have a positive effect on tissue, but in some cases it can provoke an allergic reaction in a newborn baby and harm the skin.

So, have you already decided how to wash your newborn's clothes in the washing machine? Then it's time to learn how to wash your newborn's clothes. The following guidelines will help you:

  • If your washing machine supports a baby wash, select it.
  • For effective washing of the newborn's clothes, the temperature should be set from 60 to 70.
  • Remove adult items from the machine before washing baby clothes.
  • Do not use fabric softeners with a very strong odor on your laundry.
  • Avoid using bleaches - they can cause allergies in children.
  • Before washing items soiled with feces, thoroughly clean them with a brush.
  • Use an extra rinse when setting.

Can a newborn's clothes be machine washed together with adult clothes? It is not recommended to do this, since children's clothes can get a wide range of microbes from an adult - they will only be harmful to an immature organism. Try to separate the washing days for children and adults; for convenience, you can create a special washing schedule for clothes.

We wash the baby's diapers

Diaper washing is a separate topic that deserves consideration. Instead of buying new diapers in large quantities, it is better to wash them promptly and correctly. You already know how to wash clothes for a newborn, but here's how to do it? Follow these instructions:

  1. Rinse the diaper in cold water to clear it of the newborn's urine.
  2. Prepare a soapy solution of warm water (temperature 40), then soak things.
  3. Leave the diapers soaked in the solution for 15-20 minutes and then rub them.
  4. Remove items and rinse thoroughly in warm water three to four times, with the last rinse using cold water.

Also, diapers can be washed in a regular washing machine, using the mode for washing baby clothes. What are the things of a newborn in a typewriter? Take baby powder.

Iron or not?

The question of whether it is necessary to wash new clothes for newborns is not worth it - this is a mandatory procedure. But is it possible to iron the washed things of the child? Yes, this is highly desirable as:

  • Ironing has a detrimental effect on microbes living on the surface of clothing.
  • Ironing removes sharp folds from clothing that can damage delicate skin.

If you care about the health of your baby, the question of the correct ironing of linen and clothes should interest you no less than the question of how to wash things for newborns.

Even if you know well how and what is the best way to wash the clothes of a newborn, you will definitely not be disturbed by the following tips that will extend the life of baby clothes:

  • Rinse clothing thoroughly after washing to remove any soap and powder from it. Otherwise, the baby's skin may react to the effects of the products with a rash.
  • If possible, wash your clothes with soap nuts. They do not contain harmful substances and are highly environmentally friendly due to their natural origin.
  • Wash things immediately after they get dirty - it will be quite problematic to wash off fecal masses and urine that have stuck in the tissues, even with all the desire.

When thinking about how to wash things for a newborn, choose only high-quality and proven products recommended specifically for washing children's clothes (you can usually find out about this from the inscription on the pack with the product). Take care of your baby's delicate skin and follow the instructions in the guide for washing newborn clothes. This is the only way to protect your child from possible skin and health problems.

Having a child always brings a lot of changes to the life of a family, and after returning from the hospital, it is very important to provide good care for the baby. Baby's skin is very sensitive, so washing is one of the first problems. How and with what to wash the clothes of a newborn so that they are clean and the detergent is not harmful?

When choosing a detergent for children's clothes, you must carefully read its composition and characteristics.

How to wash?

For washing diapers and clothes of newborns, you need to use special products for at least six months of age (see also:). Today we have various options, but this choice boils down to two main ones: soap and detergent. It is important to understand what requirements a product suitable for babies should meet. The main requirements for the tool:

  • lack of aggressive components, including chlorine;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • easy rinsing;
  • low content (or better, complete absence) of fragrances;
  • high quality washing in the absence of a negative impact on the quality of the material.

Which remedy should you choose?

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All of the above requirements are met by an old, proven tool for decades - regular baby soap and is suitable for both hand and machine wash. Of course, using the soap in the car requires some preparation. Why is baby soap good?

  • First, it ensures complete safety for your baby's health.
  • Secondly, the modern assortment of this product is quite diverse and allows you to choose “pure” soap or with herbal additives - for example, string or chamomile.

Laundry soap also has a completely natural composition. You can use it, but only that which does not have any additives. Children's skin is very sensitive, and this soap contains coarser components that are more difficult to rinse out - in particular, it has a high alkali content, which, even when remaining on the fabric in minimal amounts, irritates the skin. Therefore, when using it, you must ensure a thorough rinsing so that the newborn's skin does not come into contact with the components of the detergent.

Laundry soap will cope with the most difficult stains without harming the crumb. Is it important to rinse things well

It is best to use such a soap when washing or washing very dirty things and stubborn stains, and for the basic procedure of putting things in order for a baby, you should give preference to a special baby one. It is produced with the appropriate labeling and does not harm children's skin.

How to use baby soap?

So, baby soap can be used for both hand and machine wash. With manual everything is simple: take a whole bar of soap, lather soiled diapers or baby's clothes. Machine wash is also not difficult: you just need to grate a piece of soap on a fine grater. You will get a kind of powder, which is poured into the compartment for washing powder. For 5 kilograms of dry laundry, you will need about a third of a standard bar of baby soap.

Washing powder

Of course, washing powder should be specially designed for newborns' clothes - in this case, your baby will be safe. Today the manufacturer offers us a fairly large selection of baby powders. When buying, you need to take into account some of the nuances and recommendations:

  • if possible, choose a proven product;
  • make a purchase in a supermarket or specialty store, where you can be provided with all the information and documents you are interested in;
  • do not hesitate to check the availability of certificates of conformity and their validity period;
  • always check the expiration date of the powder;
  • make sure that the powder is suitable for washing clothes for newborns from 0 (this must be confirmed by the appropriate labeling);
  • choose a product labeled "hypoallergenic".

Be careful! If you notice any signs of allergies in your baby, the detergent may be the cause. Try changing it or rinsing more thoroughly. If even minor symptoms of allergy appear, special baby washing powders should be used up to one and a half, or even up to three years.

If the baby does not have allergy symptoms, the product can be used for regular washing of his things.

We wash baby clothes

When washing a newborn's linen, certain requirements must be followed to ensure that the baby is clean and safe. Everything for children is washed separately from the adult; there should also be a separate basket for folding the baby's dirty things. The general washing rules are as follows:

  • temperature regime;
  • the correct choice of the machine program;
  • regularity.

At what temperature to wash? Hand wash should take place at the highest possible temperature, usually 40-50C. Machine wash will be optimal at 80-90C, as it will provide a boiling effect, that is, sufficient cleanliness in terms of germs.

Machine mode

Today there is a washing machine in every home, which makes life much easier for the family. It is good when your machine has a special “baby wash” program, but if this is not the case, then you need to choose a program in accordance with the composition of the fabric and the desired temperature. Lingerie for newborns, as a rule, is made from natural fibers, therefore, a mode is selected for such fabrics with a high temperature.

If possible, it is worth choosing a program in which a more thorough rinsing occurs, but it is still better to start an additional rinse in order to completely rid the baby clothes of the detergent residues. Do not load the washing machine to the maximum, then the rinsing will be better.

How often should you wash?

  • The newborn's linen and clothes will have to be washed daily.... If the baby was wearing a romper or undershirt today, then the next day you need to put on new ones, and these should be washed, even if they look clean.
  • Bed linen is changed at least once a week if it is not stained.
  • Everything that gets dirty should be immediately sent to the wash, it is not worth saving up children's things - you need to wash it within 24 hours.

What to do with diapers?

If the baby has described the diaper, then it already needs to be washed. Such diapers are rinsed in cold water and then washed with soap or powder by hand or in a typewriter. For the best effect, the diapers are soaked for 15 minutes. It is very important to rinse thoroughly several times, gradually lowering the temperature of the water.

If your baby pooped and stained the diaper, then it should be washed thoroughly in cold water right away. Hot at this stage will only fix the stains, and they may forever remain on the fabric, then it will be impossible to wash off. After this procedure, dirty diapers will be easier to wash. Compliance with the rules of washing clothes for newborns will help the baby grow up healthy.

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I don’t know about you, but in my environment there are more and more allergic children. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from food to ecology. But very often allergic reactions appear on the detergents for washing children's clothes.

Why is this happening? What is it about them? And how to choose a product that will wash the linen with high quality and will not harm the baby? I will try to understand this issue.

Harmful substances in detergents

Any synthetic detergent is harmful to both humans and the environment. But this is a too broad topic, I will dwell only on those components that are especially dangerous for the health of a newly born baby.

These certainly include:

  • Anionic surfactants (A-surfactants) are salts of fatty acids. Children's detergent should not contain them at all or contain in very small quantities (no more than 5%). And this quantity is easy to determine on your own: the stronger the powder foams, the more A-surfactant it contains... They are poorly rinsed, especially from fabrics with a complex fiber structure: wool, flax.

  • Phosphates. Acts as hard water softeners to increase washing performance. By themselves, they are not so dangerous, but in a company with A-surfactants, they increase the toxicity of the latter and facilitate their penetration into the body through the skin. According to European standards, their content should not exceed 5%.
  • Optical brighteners. These are substances that have a reflective effect and turn ultraviolet rays falling on clothing into a bluish tint. In other words, they do not bleach things, but only create such an illusion, visual deception. Optical brightener does not rinse out of the laundry at all, otherwise it would not work. The point is to keep it on the fabric. But, striving for such "fake" cleanliness, we harm the newborn with our own hands, since harmful substances easily penetrate the body and accumulate in it.

  • Zeolites. Along with carbonates and silicates, they are harmless substitutes for phosphates. Yes, they do not pose any health risks, but they make the fabric hard and rough to the touch, since they do not dissolve in water. But it is better to wash the clothes of the newborn with a product with zeolites, not phosphates.

The listed substances in one amount or another are contained in most products for. You can't get away from this if you don't want to dress up your baby in gray clothes with spots.

However, you should always carefully study the composition of the soap or powder before buying, choosing those in which there are fewer or no harmful components. Especially if the child is prone to allergies.

In order not to waste time on this in the store, let's explore some of the popular tools right now.


Older people believe that they know better than modern lazy youth how to wash children's clothes correctly. And they argue that soap is much safer than powder, and hand wash is better than machine wash.

Whether to agree or not is up to you. I think that you still need to look at the composition and compare. Modern eco-friendly powders are much safer than baby soap, and even more so household soap. Well, I see no reason to give up the benefits of civilization.

The main active ingredient of any soap is fatty acid salts. That is, those same surfactants. Baby soap for newborns also contains them. If they are of plant origin, it is normal. If the origin is not specified, it is most likely refined products.

In this case, it is better to use powder without PVA, and wash only stains with baby soap. And while the baby is only breastfed or formula, any soap can handle them. But after the introduction of complementary foods, a special one will already be required.

If you still prefer this option, but do not want to waste time on hand washing, then you probably use a grater for preparing soap shavings. Indeed, otherwise washing things in a typewriter with soap will not work.

But now there are ready-made shavings on sale, including for children's things. It is better to use it, since it is very difficult to determine the dosage of a homemade one. And the finished packaging has instructions for use.

Compliance with the dosage affects not only the effectiveness of the wash. The fact is that if you pour more than necessary into the machine, the foam will turn out to be too much, and it will crawl out of it.


Do not think that if a cute picture is drawn on the pack and the word "childish" flaunts, then this is already a guarantee that the powder does not contain harmful substances and is fully adapted for babies. Very often this is not the case, and some phosphate-free powders without child labeling are much safer.

Therefore, I will repeat once again: be sure to study the composition! Let's start right now with the example of the most popular brands. For convenience, I will highlight especially hazardous substances in bold.

Child Tide

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Phosphates – 15-30%;
  • Optical brighteners;
  • Polycarboxylates;
  • Nonionic surfactants;
  • EDTA less than 5%;
  • Enzymes;
  • Chamomile extract;
  • Odorant.

In my opinion, it is obvious that the composition does not inspire confidence. This was also noted by Roskontrol, recognizing Tide children's laundry detergent toxic and dangerous for babies.

By the way, you can also compare the cost of one wash by different means. Since prices are constantly changing, and they differ in different regions of the country, I will give the amount of powder required for one wash, and you yourself can calculate how much it will cost based on the weight and cost of the package.

For example, the same Tide at one time needs about 150 g. At the cost of a six-kilogram pack of 850 rubles, one wash will cost about 21-22 rubles.

Eared nanny

Not so long ago, many media outlets trumpeted about the dangers of this means of Ukrainian production. Opinions were also expressed about the political background of the ban on its import into Russia. However, it is enough to study the composition to make an independent conclusion.

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Phosphates – 15-30%;
  • Optical brighteners;
  • Sulfates - 15-30%;
  • Oxygenated bleaches;
  • Silicates - 5-15%;
  • Carbonates - 5-15%;
  • Nonionic surfactants;
  • Enzymes;
  • Defoamer;
  • Odorant.

Well, what kind of laundry detergent is it for newborns? True, later I came across information that he was rehabilitated. Perhaps the manufacturer has corrected the composition, so again: we study it carefully.

The amount of this product per wash is 160 grams.

our mother

Quite another matter! Judge for yourself:

  • Enzymes - up to 5%;
  • Sodium citrate;
  • Sodium carbonate;
  • Sodium percarbonate;
  • Biodegradable non-ionic surfactants - 5-15%
  • Sodium sulfate - 15-30%
  • Functional polymers.

This is a real baby powder for newborns. In addition, it is very economical: it only needs 50 grams per wash.

Baby spesi

There are really no phosphates in this product, let's look at the rest of the composition:

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Zeolites - 15-30%;
  • Optical brightener;
  • Nonionic surfactants - up to 5%;
  • Polycarboxylates;
  • Soap.

Phosphates have been replaced by zeolites, which is good. But anionic surfactants and optical brightener are present. Moreover, it is not clear what is meant by the general name "soap".

The price of this powder is quite high - I met 1.8 kg for 580 rubles. If you count 115 g at a time, then one wash will cost 37 rubles.


I'll tell you right away: this is not a baby powder. Plain, versatile. But compare its composition with at least the same Tide or Eared Nanny and, as they say, feel the difference.

  • Natural salts of fatty acids - 30% and more;
  • Soda - 60% and above;
  • Citric acid - up to 5%.

Everything! So isn't it better to wash children's clothes with them, and not with advertised means, the whitening properties of which are "optical"?

Consumption per wash - 60 grams.


  • Anionic tensides – 5-15%;
  • Non-ionic surfactants - up to 5%;
  • Zeolite - 15-30%;
  • Polycarbonate;
  • Enzymes;
  • Soap.

In addition, the powder contains substances that retain the brightness of the color, which makes it convenient for washing colored items. And the composition is not particularly frightening, and the consumption is economical - 50 grams.


Like Nasha Mama, this product occupies the first lines of the safety rating, since it contains neither surfactants, nor phosphates, nor even zeolites or dyes. Although not so long ago there were phosphates in it, so we study the label - suddenly you come across a product from an old batch.

What is in it?

  • Enzymes - up to 5%;
  • Biodegradable non-ionic tensides - 5-15%;
  • Sodium sulfate - 15-30%;
  • Sodium carbonate;
  • Sodium percarbonate;
  • Sodium citrate;
  • Functional polymers.

Consumption - 70 g.


  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Phosphonates(better than phosphates, but also not ice);
  • Ionic surfactant - up to 5%;
  • Oxygen stain remover;
  • Soap.

Attractive with low consumption: only 45 g per wash. If the child does not have special skin problems and allergic manifestations, it is an entirely acceptable remedy.

Chu chu baby pigeon

An excellent baby detergent without a hint of any harmfulness:

  • Pure soap reagent - 54%;
  • Sodium fatty acids - 3%;
  • Alkaline reagent;
  • Polyoxyethylene alkyl;
  • Water softeners;
  • Carbonates.

Of all the above, this is probably the most expensive powder: in terms of 1 kg it costs about 400 rubles. But you only need 30 grams for one wash.


Aistenok became phosphate-free not so long ago, before these substances were in it. As for the other components, here they are:

  • Nonionic surfactants - up to 5%;
  • Natural fat-based soap - 5-15%;
  • Oxygenated bleach;
  • Optical brightener;
  • Whitening activator;
  • Polycarboxylates;
  • Sodium silicate;
  • Foam regulator;
  • Aromatic additives.

At one time, this powder was banned by Roskontrol due to its increased toxicity. As now - I do not know, I will not lie. There are harmful substances in it, but it costs ridiculous money, so decide for yourself. Consumption 75 grams.


If we talk about which product is better - powder or gel - then I would choose a gel. The size of the active particles in it is smaller, so they are rinsed out much better. Accordingly, allergies are caused less often.

The price of washing gels in comparison with powders is higher if you bring them to one unit of measurement. But thanks to the economical consumption, they last for a long time. In addition, they become cheaper every year, ceasing to be a novelty on the market.

Let's analyze several types of this tool.

Meine liebe

  • Nonionic surfactants - 15-30%;
  • Enzymes - up to 5%;
  • Soap - up to 5%;
  • Glycerol;
  • Preservatives;
  • Sodium citrate.

All components are harmless or relatively safe. Consumption - 60 ml.

Ocean baby

Here the picture is somewhat sadder:

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Nonionic surfactants - up to 5%;
  • Soap;
  • Fatty acid of coconut oil;
  • Phenoxyethanol;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Glycerol.

Earlier I came across a tool with the same name, but made in Denmark. There was no A-surfactant in it. So we read the label before buying. Consumption - 75 ml.


An old acquaintance - we have already examined the powder of the same company. The composition of the gel is practically the same:

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Nonionic surfactants;
  • Phosphonates- up to 5%;
  • Soap;
  • Preservatives;
  • Odorant.

But inexpensive and economical, this cannot be taken away. Consumption - 40 ml.

Pigeon Act'z

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Diethanolamine;
  • Akyl benzene sulfonate;
  • Lauric acid;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Myristic acid;
  • Citron extract.

Consumption - 36 ml.

Perhaps this is the only guaranteed natural remedy, completely hypoallergenic and safe. Unfortunately, soap nuts can only handle lightly soiled laundry. For example, wet diapers and linen without stains.

But they can be used in washing machines, packed in a cloth bag. It is often included with the product. This product is washed only at high temperatures.


So, how to wash the clothes of a newborn, so as not to harm him and get rid of stains? I think this requires an integrated approach and attention to the baby's reaction to this or that remedy. But it is better to refuse powders and gels with a large amount of harmful substances right away, without experimenting. I hope the information provided in this article will help you make the right choice.

And if you have already done it and are happy with the result, it would be interesting to hear your feedback. Rather, see them in the comments to the article.

The skin of a newborn baby is special, it is not only thinner than the skin of an adult, but also very delicate. This means that she requires a more careful attitude towards herself. And in this regard, properly prepared clothes will be a guarantee not only of a clean and tidy appearance of your baby, but also a guarantee of his health, since the child's body does not yet have a sufficient degree of protection.

Should I wash the new baby clothes I just brought from the store?

Everything should be washed before wearing, even if it is completely new. Think of the clothes being dusty in the store, and many people picking them up, so the surface is probably not as clean as it seems.

Washing rules for children's clothes

Cut off all labels from purchased clothing. The child's clothes, if they do not require washing, need to be washed throughout the day, then the dirt will not have time to deeply eat into the fabric and it will be relatively easy to clean it. Washing is possible, both by hand and in a washing machine. It is advisable to use a special "baby" regimen. Of course, if such is provided by the manufacturer. Washing of children's clothes should be carried out completely, and not separately only in dirty places. Very heavily soiled clothing should be soaked in baby powder or in soapy water immediately before washing. Wait, let it sit for 20-30 minutes.


During the washing process, you do not need to mix children's clothes with adults. After the hand wash is finished, you need to rinse your baby's clothes well under running water. If there was a machine wash, then you should select a mode that has an additional rinse. You can additionally turn on rinsing after the end of the wash.

Very "small" things

Diapers with undershirts for babies under the age of 3 months should be machine washed only at a temperature of at least 90 ° C, this will replace boiling them. Baby clothes do not need to be starchy, as tough fabrics can injure the baby's delicate and sensitive skin. Washing of children's clothes is carried out with special means. The same should be done also with mother's home clothes, since the mother is in direct contact with the newborn all the time. Many mothers "transfer" absolutely the whole family to baby powders and this is partly correct.

How to wash baby clothes

For washing, you need to take special - baby, preferably also anti-allergenic powders, as well as baby soap. If so desired, you can use appropriate conditioners or mild bleaches. Fortunately, there are those in the store that are specially designed for baby clothes. But it is not at all necessary to boil things in a solution of laundry soap, as our mothers and grandmothers did in their time. Ideal if phosphate-free detergents are used to wash baby clothes.

How to iron baby clothes

Clothes for a newborn can be ironed with an iron or with a steamer. The iron is more familiar to most, it can be seen more often in everyday life, but modern types of steamers, in addition to ironing things itself, also have the function of disinfecting and removing unpleasant odors. They can be used in the future, in the care of soft or textile children's toys.

Ironing both sides

It is necessary to iron all children's clothes on both sides, both on the front and on the wrong side. At least until the baby reaches 3 months of age. This is mandatory until the umbilical wound is completely healed.


Washing baby clothes is a must. They wash not only dirty clothes of children, but also new ones that have just been bought. In modern conditions and with the availability of appropriate means, this process does not have any particular difficulties.

How to wash baby clothes

Washing baby clothes

How to properly wash baby clothes

With the advent of a child in a young family, many concerns arise. Buying new clothes is one of them. Before putting on cute tiny socks and a vest on the baby's delicate body, they need to be washed and ironed. Here, the newly-made mom is wondering how to wash the clothes of a newborn? It would seem that there is nothing simpler, in any modern apartment there is an automatic washing machine - an irreplaceable assistant to the hostess. But what mode and powder should you use? After all, washing children's clothes requires a special approach.

Do I need to wash the clothes of the newborn separately

Experienced mothers know very well that a baby can stain all supplies of clean linen in a couple of days. Especially if the practice of staying without diapers. The basket in the corner is rapidly filling up with wet diapers and romper suit. The stories of grandmothers are presented with horror, how they had to grate laundry soap and rinse out mountains of linen while the baby sleeps. Now this can be avoided. But the peculiarities of children's washing still have to be observed.

Newborn babies have weak immunity. All bacteria with which adults live peacefully can be dangerous for them. Therefore, in the first year, it is advisable to wash all things and underwear of the baby separately from other things in order to protect him from unwanted contact. It is also necessary to store dirty or washed baby's linen separately from adult things. For clean clothes, you need to allocate several shelves in the closet or a whole cabinet. Place a small basket under the changing table, where it will be convenient to hide stained pants.

Detergents for washing children's clothes

A lot depends on the chosen detergent. First of all, it is the health of the baby. His skin cannot yet protect itself from substances remaining on the tissue that cause allergic irritation, itching, rashes and flaking. Some mothers, noticing redness in the child's legs and tummy, do not even suspect that it may not be a matter of nutrition and a disturbed diet, but of powder.

Important! During machine washing, it is necessary to close the room where it is located. If this is not possible, limit the child's stay near a working device. Household chemicals contain aggressive volatile components that enter the lungs. Contacting them, the baby runs the risk of getting a serious allergy.

What is the best way to wash the clothes of a newborn so as not to harm him? The main detergents are:

  • soap (baby or household soap);
  • special powders.

Using soap

Pediatricians advise mothers of newborns to use baby soap for the first time when washing. It does not contain dangerous allergens, fragrances, dyes, and includes:

  • animal and spermacetic fat;
  • glycerin / lanolin;
  • vegetable oils;
  • beeswax;
  • boric acid;
  • antibacterial extracts of various herbs.

The lather quickly absorbs dirt and rinses out easily from the fibers. The main advantage is safety for the sensitive skin of the baby and mother's hands. The disadvantages include poor removal of stubborn dirt. But the baby's discharge in the first months after birth does not have pungent odors and can be easily washed off. If the linen is soaped and soaked overnight, all stains will easily go away in the morning.

Laundry soap consists of alkali and fatty acids. It is an effective antibacterial agent. But for washing the hands and body of the child it cannot be applied... But it does an excellent job with stains, although it does not have a very pleasant smell. When buying, you need to look at the composition, and not buy a soap with a whitening effect. This product contains many chemicals and fragrances that are not suitable for baby washing. Manufacturers took into account the needs of housewives and began to produce soap shavings. It dissolves well in warm water, giving a lot of foam.

Special powders

The selected powder should contain a minimum of harmful components. When rinsing, it is impossible to completely get rid of particles embedded in the fabric. They remain on the clothes and come into contact with the baby's skin. Therefore, when buying a powder (it remains the most popular among mothers), you need to look at the packaging. The “0+” badge or the “Child” mark is not enough: the main thing is to read the composition.

The powder should not contain:

  • phosphates that negatively affect the skin and penetrate through the pores into the blood;
  • chlorine, which dries and irritates the skin;
  • optical (fluorescent) brighteners remaining in the fibers after rinsing;
  • surfactants (surfactants). In the selected tool, there should be a minimum of them. They are able to penetrate the bloodstream, disrupt redox processes, and destroy some enzymes.

Powder packaging must be undamaged, with marking, composition, expiration date. The contents of the chemical must be friable (shake the plastic bag and touch it to check).

Washing rules for children's clothes

First, the baby's things are laid out according to color: white separately from color. If there are remains of feces or food pieces, they must be washed off with running water. It is advisable to soak and rub in the stubborn stubborn stains with a soapy brush.

  • small, not very dirty clothes can be washed by hand, and it is better to wash diapers and bed linen in a washing machine;
  • do not use rinse aid or fabric softener. They contain a lot of chemicals and have a pungent smell that the baby will have to breathe;
  • bleaches can cause allergies in newborns. They cannot be used;
  • starching undershirts and caps should also not be;
  • it is necessary to use an additional rinse to get rid of the smell and traces of powder as much as possible. When washing by hand, the clothes of a newborn are rinsed in clean water several times;
  • it should be noted that when washing by hand, soap rinses out worse than powder in a washing machine. And it is much easier to wring out the laundry using the technique;
  • you can dry things in any convenient place: on the balcony, at home, on the street, in a tumble dryer.

Features of machine wash:

  1. If there is a children's wash mode, you need to select it. It differs from the usual mode by a higher heating of water and a larger volume of liquid when rinsing. Things washed in this mode will be softer.
  2. If there is no such function, you need to select a mode depending on the type of fabric and how dirty the laundry is. It is important not to pour a large dose of powder into the container.
  3. Diapers and bed linen are washed at 90 degrees, clothes at 40-60.

Hand washing process:

  1. Dissolve the powder or shabby soap in hot water, stirring to form a foam.
  2. The linen is immersed in soapy water and left for 15-20 minutes, depending on how dirty it is.
  3. Tissue rubbing is especially active in dirty areas.
  4. Things are rinsed in cold water

Diapers become complex stains over time. You can save them by boiling them in water and laundry soap.

Video: How to wash baby clothes correctly

Do I need to iron things

As they grow up, the child gets more and more dirty things, and the mother does not have enough time to iron. Many people, after washing and drying, fold the laundry so that it does not wrinkle. This is okay, but not for newborns. Laundry becomes stiffer after washing at high temperatures and drying in the sun. Rough tissue can chafe and injure delicate skin. Wrinkles that dig deep into the body are especially dangerous.

Until complete, all things in contact with it need to be ironed at a high temperature (preferably with steam) on both sides in order to kill germs. In the future, ironing on only one side is sufficient. Ironed clothes and linen look not only neat and tidy. They are disinfected due to the high temperature, which is especially important for babies.

Life hacks for mothers: how to wash baby clothes