What to remove the bruises under the eyes of cosmetics. How to hide bruises under the eyes

Well-chosen cosmetics can work wonders. A few skillful crackers in the hands of professional makeup artists and, unreasonable, at first glance, the features of the face become expressive. With the help of cosmetics, you can make thin lips to make plump, a big nose to visually reduce, and make eyelashes long and thick. You can also disguise some defects, such as pronounced nasolabial folds, small wrinkles, bruises under the eyes.

Often the reason for the appearance of bruises under the eyes is lacking, but you do not want all this to be reflected on your face. For extraneous eyes, you always want to remain cheerful, fresh and rested. And it doesn't matter that all night I had to spend the crib of crying baby, or the whole day was so loaded that the night sleep was not enough to relax. Sitting for a long time for a computer, communication on the forums and in social networks, also impose their prints on the face. And in the morning in the mirror again a sad picture. But even if you always hide well, the bruises under the eyes can be a gift of the mother-nature.

To solve the problem of dark circles under the eyes, you have to use a whole range of measures - these are expensive drugs, various vitamin supplements, daily masks and eye stamps. All this requires a lot of time and, unfortunately, does not always give quick and positive results. The most unpleasant when all efforts are in vain. In this case, without help adjusting cosmetics can not do.

Bruisies under the eyes give the face a tired look and get it at least for several years. If you will master the secrets of makeup, then you will not have any more questions, how to remove bruises under the eyes. The lack of a large stock of time in order to get rid of bruises under the eyes using special procedures, the reason for choosing a simple and quick solution is to disguise the problem areas.

To the choice of corrective means it is worth it very responsibly. After all, the final result will depend on your choice. All this costs money and for errors will have to pay in the literal sense. The main thing is that you should remember, it is impossible to use only powder or tonal cream to shock bruises. What is it connected with?

If only tonal cream is used:

With highly pronounced dark circles under the eyes, the tool does not hide them;

The use of darker tones of the tonal base, deprives the face of naturalness (because the main principle of good makeup is naturalness!).

If you use only powder:

The skin around the eyes is very gentle, and the texture of the powder only more dry these sections and exacerbates the problem;

Starting the face due to what is going to the folds of the skin around the eyes, (for example, during a smile) and makes small wrinkles more noticeable.

The perfect option for masking bruises - a consigner. This corrective remedy was specifically designed for a delicate and sensitive zone around the eyes and is intended to eliminate small skin defects. The texture resembles a tone cream. The most common form of release is a pencil with a tassel. You can meet in cosmetic stores and ready-made sets that include the main and additional corrector. Their combination helps to achieve the most good results: the skin looks the most natural, healthy and without fatty gloss.

Classification of consistency proofreaders:

  • liquid;
  • creamy;
  • in the form of fluid.
If, in addition to dark circles around the eyes there are also small wrinkles, then it is better for the first two options not to use so as not to make wrinkles more noticeable. The most suitable option is a cream fluid, which has reflective particles in its composition. Thanks to him, the skin acquires radiance, not only bruises are masked, but also shallow wrinkles.

Tips for the selection of a consistent

1. If it is too light tone, it does not disguise the shortcomings, but, on the contrary, it will attract additional attention to them, i.e. it is desirable that the tone of the corrector is 1.5-2 times lighter than the natural color of the skin.

2. If you need to make a conservaler more transparent, add a little cream to it that you usually use for the skin around the eyes.

3. To ensure the effectiveness of the masking properties of the Consilers, apply it with a thin layer on a vein (on the inside of the wrist).

4. Pigments of the consistent correspond to certain shades of bruises. So, for example, for blue and purple bruises, you need a yellow consilet, if the color of bruises brown-red is green, and for greenish - red pigment of the consiler.

5. Too bright artificial lighting can be the reason that the consilet will be selected incorrectly.

If you doubt whether you have done your choice, contact your consultant.

As a consilet to remove bruises under the eyes

Now that you are already armed with information, you can proceed directly to the coating procedure under the eyes. Everything is performed in stages.

1st stage. Moisturizing. On the clean face to apply a moisturizing cream. It should be absorbed 2-3 minutes, and then remnants can be removed with a napkin. If this is not done, the consigner may hardly rub. The mirror should choose the usual, and not increasing to not overdo it with applying the means.

2nd stage. Application. You can take a brush and apply a thin layer along the contour, or put several points, and then carefully grow. It is better to do with the tips (pillows) of your fingers, as if driven by a tool into the skin. It should only be slightly to go beyond the borders of the bruises to align the whole color of the face. If applied a large number of The consilertes simply on the skin, then the bruises appear again. 3rd stage. Completion. Now, when the skin color was leveled, you can apply a tonal basis or point the face. It all depends on what you usually use. Next, apply makeup as usual. You can put a little Rumyan on the cheekbones so that the face has a more recent look. And it is not necessary to bring the lower eyelid, as well as paint the lower cilia. The focus on this part of the person is not needed.

Cosmetics give only a visual effect, while not eliminating the cause of bruises. Therefore, if you do not want to spend daily in front of a mirror with a ritual of the disappearance of blue circles under the eyes, it is worth aware of the cosmetic salon. These procedures do not sleep, but guarantee a long positive effect. It is very important to comply with the prescriptions of the cosmetologist.

Cosmetology procedures for eliminating bruises under the eyes

Lipophiling is a rather radical method. Indications for its use - age-related changes or anatomical predisposition. The essence of the method is to use the patient's own fat. It is usually taken from the hips or buttocks and with injection is injected into the problem zone. The procedure under anesthesia is performed. The only minus is a short time, that is, after time it will be necessary to repeat everything again.

Microforefting - The same procedure as lipophiling. But thanks to the use of a thinner needle, the effect of its use is preserved for a longer time.

Use microtokov - Electrical pulses of certain frequency, strength and duration affect the skin. Indications for use - disorders of lymphotock and blood circulation. The essence of the method - thanks to microcrokes, there is a positive effect on the skin at the cellular level. Blood circulation and lymphs are activated, inflammatory processes are leaving.

Laser correction. Indications for use - bruises have a pigment origin. The essence of the method - with a laser, a leather layer is removed, which has an increased level of pigment. After the procedure, the skin is slightly weakened and needs high protection from the sun.

Before conducting any cosmetology procedure, it is necessary to consult on the subject of the conclusions to use.

No need to assume that bruises under the eyes are just a cosmetic defect. Try to reconsider your life mode: walk more in the fresh air, pour, drink more water and try to abandon bad habits. If, observing all the rules, you still constantly notice the bruises under the eyes, do not delay the visit to the doctor. After all, it can be a signal to the fact that there are some problems in the body.

Often, Dark Circles are formed around the eyes around the eyes. To get rid of this problem, it is not enough to easily hide it, you must first find the root cause and try to eliminate. But the resolution of the situation is often necessary here and now. In this case, the effective method will apply the proper makeup, which will help disguise the unpleasant defect.


Right make-up will help disguise dark circles. You can hide the problem area with a consideration and corrector. Tonospectics has high resistance - up to 16 hours. These cosmetics do not cause irritation, anti-allergenic, have a sufficiently light structure and are manufactured in various colors and shades - from yellow to orange.

Masking rules for dark circles under the eyes

How to disguise dark circles under the eyes, it is best to learn from experienced makeup artists or cosmetologists. Make circles less visible, make the appearance of faces lightness and freshness can be used by the basic rules of disguise:

  • cream for eyelids from the refrigerator will be more efficient, since the cold removes the swelling, tones the skin and tightens the pores;
  • corrector and consillion, which will be used, should be on the column lighter skin of the face, have a homogeneous structure;
  • masking dark circles under the eyes are not followed by a tone cream, as it quickly rolls up;
  • if the skin around the eye is dry, you must use the corrector with the effect of moisturizing;
  • blush in make-up creates a bright accent and are able to shift all attention to themselves;
  • the use of masking powder will only increase the effect of dark circles, as it settles in the pores around the eyes;
  • reflective particles in a consigner or a highlyer will make circles less noticeable and hide wrinkles;
  • daily care in the form of a nutrient cream or serum, which contains elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, will make the area around the eyes more elastic and healthy;
  • often, dark circles appear due to excessive stay in the sun, so you should use cosmetics with SPF effect.

Skin Makeup Rules

In order for makeup to hide problem areas of the skin, you need to adhere to some rules. So, the skin you need to prepare to makeup. For this, a moisturizing or softening cream is applied. It feeds the skin, making it softer and gentle. Do not be fat to try to dry, it needs to be properly moistened.

The area around the eye is covered with primaries with light scattering properties. The skin will become smooth, all small wrinkles and irregularities will be filled. Dark circles are best masked by a consilet. The corrector should be as long as possible and combined with a touch of face skin. To the dark skin, peach shades are well suited to light - pink, purple. Cutting capillaries and purple overflows are eliminated by yellow shades. Consiller is applied over primer.

Then the tone consileter is used. It fully lines the area around the eyes. You should not use cream or fat consilets, as they can roll and accumulate in skin folds. This is due to the too mobile skin around the eyes.

The final barcode is the use of a highlyera. Dedicated eye corners attract attention and look more attractive. It is applied in the corners of the eyes - from the inside edge to the external. More pronounced will be a look with a heylyter applied under eyebrows.

The final stage is to apply to the area around the eye of the crumbly powder of a translucent shade with a clarifying effect. It should be applied with a thin layer.

So that makeup gives the skin freshness and youth, it should be done more natural. Matte tone cream, green and purple shadows emphasize the flawbacks of the skin, so you should not use these means, at least before eliminating the causes of dark circles.

Video: how to eliminate the problems around the eyes alone

Choosing cosmetics

Before buying a cream, you need to know the type of skin. For dry skin, a moisturizer is necessary, as it works as a conductor, collecting moisture outside and betraying in the upper layers of the epidermis.

Verified goods of famous brands are designed not only to eliminate the shortcomings, but also to deal with the causes of their occurrence. Before buying consilers, a haycelifera and a tone cream, you need to determine the tone of your skin:

  • the masking means must be halftone and above lighter;
  • dark circles and reddish spots, the distinguished capillaries disguises the green tool;
  • for purple and blue skin defects, yellow is suitable;
  • if the eye around the eye needs to be illuminated, pink or peach shades are used;
  • the yellowness of the skin masks a purple or lilac consileter;
  • dark skin shades are suitable for orange products;
  • highlight should be used white.

Powder should be crumbly enough, it will make the makeup more resistant. As part of a good fund, natural products are present, but they should not swell from moisture.

Causes of the formation of dark circles

Wrong lifestyle, excessive fatigue, professional burnout, stress at work and at home lead to a sense of constant fatigue, which over time passes into chronic. Standing, troubled sleep, frequent awakening, especially in people with work at night, also do not contribute to the beauty of the face.

Incorrect metabolism, the use of fast food and spicy food, bad habits - all this causes problems like the skin of the face and body and the area around the eyes. It is this site that gives a lifestyle, and sometimes adds several unnecessary years.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

For a healthy and tightened skin you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day, thanks to this, the immunity is also rising. High pillow will help to remove the fluid on behalf of the face and get rid of edema. Before going to bed, make makeup and carry out skin cleansing, clogged pores. The ventilation in front of the sleep will saturate the room with oxygen, so necessary for breathing human skin.

Moisturizing masks should be used twice a week. Gymnastics, carried out with eyes closed daily, contributes to maintaining skin tone and useful for vision. Elimination of skin problems is sometimes impossible or it takes a long time, so they are easier to prevent than then get rid of.

Healthy, full and fairly long sleep.

But what to do if the rhythm of your life does not allow you to get enough sleep, and the bruises give the face an exhausted appearance?

Take advantage of cosmetics! Let's talk about what means to solve this problem and how they correctly use it.

About how to remove bags under the eyes without surgery, read in ours.

How can I use?

How to disguise bruises under the eyes?

Arsenal of cosmetic agents that help visually hide dark circles and bruises under the eyes, wide enough.

The most sought-after and popular Of these are the following:

  1. in stick. Means with very thick consistency. It is convenient to carry with you, helps to quickly "smell" bruises, even very bright. Equally loses its skin, does not roll. You can apply with your fingers or with a brush.
  2. Concealer. Liquid, pigmented to the skin of the skin cosmetic. Masks not too pronounced dark circles, hides small scars in the field of the eyelids, economically spent. Apply better or special sponge. Fingering is difficult to grow.
  3. Masking pencil. The hardest means to eliminate minor defects. Usually weakly pigmented, so it helps to disguise not too pronounced "blue" under the eyes.

Thus, to mask the blurred bruises in all the beauty of bruises and the hematomas, the consilet helps the consilet, eliminate the strong dark circles under the power of the tonal cream, and small traces of fatigue erase the masking pencil.

Which color to smell?

It is important correct to achieve the perfect effect. The features of the combination of colors should be taken into account:

It is erroneously the opinion that the corrective means must be necessarily tone the skin.

Often girls are trying to hide dark circles under the eyes using funds bodily shades. And in the end only emphasize traces of fatigue on the face and bags under the eyes.

Important Council from the editorial

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, it is worth paying special attention to the creams that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of the creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Methylparaben, PropylParaben, EthylParaben, E214-E219. Parabens adversely affect the skin, and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this dizziness falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by means of the company Mulsan Cosmetic - leader in the production of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store Mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

With a tonal cream

Tonal cream is not the perfect remedy for bruises under the eyes. He, rather, it is the final stage Masking makeup. And does not have sufficient density.

But it is necessary to hide traces of corrector And align the skin tone under the eyes in the complexion.

Therefore, first use the proofreader or consilement of suitable color, and then cover the skin with a tonal cream.

How to use the basis for makeup? Learn right now.


Remove bruises under the eyes better by consilers with sufficiently dense texture. Color pick up according to the recommendations that we led to above.

To disguise dark circles, it is necessary to outline by the console region of triangular form. The base of the triangle must pass in parallel lines of the lower eyelid, and the tip is at the tip of the nose.

Draw such a triangle, gently grow in, and in the end, apply suitable tone cream on the skin.

The skin in front of the makeup should be well cleaned. After cleansing required apply base: Moisturizing cream, serum or gel. If you use Korean BB or CC creams, they need to be applied after using a consuming instead of a tonal cream. On top of necessity - powder.

The makeup artists are offered some tricks.

They will help you perfectly disguise bruises and dark circles under the eyes:

  • to Makeup make compresses forever: Moisten cotton discs in a strong tea, remove into the freezer for 10 minutes and attach to the eyes for 5 minutes;
  • before sleeping korean patches;
  • you can also make a bullion with helm Aloe Vera;
  • corrector for disguise circles under the eyes should be on tone lighter Skin.

Still, try to sleep more! Perhaps the extra hour of sleep instead of spending time on social networks in the evening will solve the problem and without the use of camouflage means.

We summarize: Color the corrector choose depending on the color of the bruise. Draw a triangle with a conservaler, then growing. At the end, align the skin tone with a suitable tone.

About how to disguise bruises under the eyes with cosmeticsYou can learn from the video:

If even professional cosmetics do not help. In fact, you should simply get knowledge that will help cope with the problem. As you know, the resulting bruises and natural bruises cannot be removed the same methods. Such a problem, how to disguise the bruise under the eye from the impact is the most common and difficult to solve. After reviewing the basic principles of disguise, provided in the article, the task will greatly ease and suffer from bruises MiG will cease.

Care around the eye

Before you know how to disguise the bruise under the eye, it is necessary to consider the basic rules for the area around the eyes. This procedure is needed to each person in everyday life. When the problem appeared, it will be much easier to solve it if the skin is well maintained and healthy. Total 3 rules will provide a healthy appearance without the "Panda effect":

  1. 3-4 minutes per day should be applied to the eyelids pre-harvested ice cubes made on the basis of ragger of healing herbs.
  2. Regularly it is necessary to make moisturizing masks that can be prepared independently using fresh cucumbers, raw potatoes, grapefruit and strawberries.
  3. Systematically recommended to make a massage that promotes the improvement of blood circulation and the outflow of lymph. For this, special skills will not need: finger pads need to do neat patches, heading from external to the inner corner along the external agent, and then in the opposite direction along the top. In this case, when the bruise appears, it does not have to mask for too long, since he will quickly pass by itself.

Actions when injured

Only units are known about how to disguise the bruise under the eye from the blow, only units know, since not every person owns even the elementary basics of makeup. In this regard, it will be necessary to do everything necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of the appearance of a bruise as much as possible. Of course, the stronger the blow will be, the brighter after it will remain a trace, but instantly reacting, it is possible to make it less pronounced.

In the first few seconds after the strike, it is necessary to attach something cold, thanks to which hemorrhage will slightly suspend, and the hematoma will become not so noticeable. Keep the cold follows 15-25 minutes, depending on the strength of the bruise.

After the bruise is fully formed, a warm compress can be applied, providing rapid absorption of baked blood.

Selecting a masking means

Before disguise the bruise under the eye, you should choose the most appropriate means in order not to become a strong allergy or other problems. In most cases, people use ordinary tone or powder. Of course, they perform their functions, but still do not suit in order to make less noticeable bruises under the eyes. How to disguise the cosmetics problem - the question is not from the lungs. In addition, if it does not work out the dark spot from the first time, one only thought comes to mind - to impose an even greater layer, which is an erroneous solution. As a result of such actions, the face will look unnatural, turn into a mask, and a huge layer of a tonal cream will accumulate into noticeable wrinkles.

The best tool is a consiletor, and how to properly disguise the bruises under the eyes with its help is written below. It is designed specifically for use in the field of the eyelid, therefore it has the highest possible structure and copes with the task of masking quickly and efficiently.

Guess how to disguise the bruises under the eyes are not so difficult, because it is required to choose clearly under the skin of the skin.

Even if it does not work independently, the store consultant will come to the aid, where this tool is sold, and will recommend the most appropriate tone, as well as the best manufacturer. In the event that there is no needed consultant nearby, you can choose the goods yourself by following the following recommendations:

  • test a consilet should be in daylight to see better if it is suitable for the skin;
  • you can check the camouflage properties by applying a small amount of the means to Vienna (the back of the wrist);
  • consilters in the form of pencils are better to avoid if wrinkles are present around the eye;
  • bluebirds of purple and blue colors are masked better than yellow, brown - green, slightly greenish - red.

Stages of disguise

In just one incorrect movement can spoil all the efforts of disguise, so it should be in stages:

  1. Moisten the skin in the field of the century using a special cream.
  2. Apply a slim layer with smooth movements, slightly going beyond the borders of the dark spot.
  3. If you wish, you can consolidate the effect through a transparent powder in small quantities.

Makeup Makeup

Masking bruises under the eyes with cosmetics, of course, you can. This will require a little longer, because there will be not only one consileter, but many other means. In addition, it is also worth noting that all of the above methods are suitable for both women and men, but disguise by makeup is unlikely to love the real macho.

So that the dark spot around the eye was less noticeable, it is necessary to make the right makeup. Fundamental rules:

  1. Dark-colored thick and long eyelashes are capable of creating a perfect contrast with a skin tone in the eye area, thanks to which the bruises will find a lighter color.
  2. Eyebrows should be raised as high as possible (plugging) and, if necessary.
  3. The lines of the eyeliner must be as clear as possible in order to create a contrast and visually make the eyes more and brighter, while the bruises will die.
  4. People who prefer bright colors in make-up can distract the attention of those around the bruises using color eyelbs or shadows.

What to do men

In terms of masking of the dark spot around the eye, men are much simpler. With a strong floor, you can hide this problem in many ways, but the most popular of them are glasses and plaster.

Dark glasses are the easiest option for which you will have to spend some money, if there are no glasses in your own collection of accessories. It should be found the usual summer glasses as dark and large enough to close the bruise completely.

Another good way is the plaster. On the face of a man, any bruise can be sealed with a plaster, which will look more brutally and worthy.

No matter, " cut"You are in the face of a fist or you yourself hit the forehead about the cant, the very day after impact on the skin around the eyes there will be a riddled Fingal. The reason for this is that the fabrics around the eyes are very gentle and loose, so getting the blood in this area of \u200b\u200bthe face easier Total. To narrow the vessels and slow down blood spreads, it is recommended immediately after receiving a blow to an embarrassment of a cold compress - ice, a compress with cold water or a metal object.

However, if the blow was strong, prevent the appearance of the fingal under the eye is not so simple. After all, the skin and soft fabrics are already damaged after impact, the small blood vessels burst. On the first day, only a bump is formed on the point of impact, and the next one will arise under the eye. A few days later, the bruise acquires yellow, then green and gradually becomes brown. Without the use of ointments and masks, accelerating healing by the hematoma, earlier than in 2 weeks the Fingal under the eye will not disappear, which is very upsetting those who cannot sit at home and wait when the bruise resolves in itself.

Fingal under the eye of beauty does not add. To wear dark glasses in this situation, too, no way out, but only an excess reason for woven and doubt about the adequacy of the sexual partner. To the Fingal under the eye become inconspicuous, and you were able to go to work without fear, to go to work or meet friends, there will be a bruise to disguise with makeup, with the subtleties of which we want you and familiarize you.

For makeup Bright hematomas need "heavy artillery", disguise the Fingal, using only a tone cream or powder, will not work. To significantly hide a defect, they will have to impose several layers, and this immediately rushes into the eyes. It aggravates the situation and the fact that the tonal agents are overpowered by the skin of the eyelid, which makes all the wrinkles around the eyes more noticeable.

It is naive to believe that the bruise can disadvantaged by a special pencil. It is not intended to work with gentle skin, so it will have to buy a consilet to quickly solve the problem, which is an excellent cosmetic masking agent. Consilers are produced several types to hide a large-scale and pronounced Fingal best to stop their choice on high-quality consilet. For example, use the consolers that have a more dense texture.

Consiller It contains in its composition ingredients that improve blood circulation and circulation of lymph in capillaries that are damaged. The color of the consilertes is selected in each case individually. If the bruise is fresh, it is better to use a light green or yellowish consigner, in a tandem with a blue fingal, they will give an optimal result.

If bruise Already started to fade and has yellow edges, it is best to smell it better than a cociler for a bluish or light purple. These colors mask the yellowness well and after applying a small number of tonal cream, the bruise will be immeasured. Apply a consillion to the injection place should be phased: first moisten the skin around the eyes with a nutrient cream, then smeared with a bruise with a thin layer with a thin layer, going beyond the borders of the dark spot to several millimeters. Secure the result can be a small amount of transparent powder.

For makeup The bruise under the eye, which is already almost passed, is suitable and a corrector, which is usually used to mask any skin defects, including small scars, pigment stains and freckles. For example, Corrector Full Cover Extreme Camouflage Cream from Makeup Forever. So that the Fingal was not visible, after applying the corrector, it is necessary to carefully grow in a wide and soft brush, despite the fact that this procedure can be painful.

The corrector is insanely convenient to use, but its scope - dark circles under the eyes, not luxurious bruises. Therefore, make a bruise completely imperceptible without the use of funds that are intended to accelerate the resorption of bruises, may not work. To improve the effect of bottle makeup by a consilet or proofreader, buy one of the following ointments in a pharmacy: "Synyakoff", "Ambulance from Synyakov", "Rescuer", "Lioton", "Troksevazin", "Arnica", "Industazin", " Bodhaya Forte "or" Heparin ".

Pharmacy for treatment sinyakov Today they have gained great popularity. After all, some of them (for example, bruised off) not only accelerates healing by hematoma, but also masks it. It is enough to apply to the bruised place the product in the size of the pea and lightly grow it so that the bruise becomes less noticeable. Use a tone cream or powder over ointments and gels to treat bruises. They clog pores and slow down the healing processes.

And of course any hematoma on tele, Whether it is a fingal or just a bump, it is necessary to treat, and not just mask. If you have days of unused vacation or round, take them and just overlap this period, helping the bruise faster to heal with the help of medicinal ointments. After all, the Fingal under the eye is a signal that your body is in stressful condition and needs to rest.