Cleaning a sheepskin coat at home from suede. Proper care and cleaning of a sheepskin coat without leaving home. Caring for an artificial sheepskin coat

When self-cleaning a natural sheepskin coat, you can easily make a mistake in choosing the right product and lose much more than the money paid in dry cleaning. Purchase of special tools may be required. If there are fur accessories on the product, they will have to be stripped off or sheathed with fabric so as not to damage, and shiny parts and old stains should be treated in a fundamentally different way than just worn and dusty ones. It is impossible to wash a sheepskin coat by throwing it into the washing machine: natural sheepskin coats are not washed at all. And there are no special devices, like in dry cleaning, at home.

When self-cleaning a natural sheepskin coat, you can easily make a mistake in choosing the right product and lose much more than the money paid in dry cleaning

The problem is not easy to solve also because the sheepskin coat can be made of materials that are fundamentally different in thickness, strength, quality, processing technology, and even decorative components. All this will require a balanced and sober approach, preliminary testing of the compatibility of funds and fabrics, and careful consideration of possible risks. The process is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Preparatory examination and preventive measures

The question, first of all, is the purpose for which the purge is being undertaken. If in the middle of winter you just need to update your sheepskin coat to make it look less worn out, the process should be quick and efficient. There can be no question of a wet method of care, because the natural material dries for a long time, it is contraindicated to dry it near heating devices, and it is strictly forbidden to go out into the cold in wet outerwear. If a winter item is being prepared for summer storage, then the methods here will be completely different. You can use those that take time, so as not only to give the sheepskin coat a marketable appearance, but also not to get an unpleasant surprise in the late autumn in the form of spots that appeared over the summer, matted fur, warped skin. Because of this, the thing will look completely old and unusable.

How to quickly clean your comb

Having thoroughly cleaned the pockets from the contents (it is also best to clean them with a brush in an inverted state), it is necessary to spread the thing on a flat surface under bright lighting and carefully assess the size of the upcoming work front. First, they inspect the places of greatest pollution:

  • sleeve cuffs;
  • collar and cuffs;
  • fastener bar;
  • floors below;
  • chest and abdomen;
  • gluteal region.

The functionality of using winter clothes is such that it is these places that get dirty in the first place. The fastener and cuffs get greasy and shiny from constant friction, the buttocks from sitting in public transport. Grease stains from food intercepted on the go or from someone's shopping bags may show up on the chest and abdomen. All together and gives the sheepskin coat an untidy look. The best and fastest way to treat the thing is with a special cleaning spray or foam released at the factory.

But there are circumstances when there is no money for expensive factory care products. In this case, prophylactically, you can also clean it with improvised means.

When cleaning for the winter, the thing must be prepared more thoroughly, so you cannot do without special means. With their help, it is necessary to process the entire sheepskin coat, wait until it is ventilated, cover it with a special protective spray and carefully pack it in a clothes bag or cellophane. It does not interfere with taking care of its safety from moths or possible pests that can eat natural materials. High-quality cleaning of sheepskin coats before packing for the summer season is a guarantee that at the right time it will return to the owner in proper form.

How to clean a sheepskin coat (video)

Ways to remove stains

The easiest way to remove fresh dirt stains found in the evening of the same day or at least the next. Old stains of any origin are equally difficult to remove from any surface. Of the available tools, the most commonly used are absorbent or absorbent-abrasive kitchen substances:

  • semolina;
  • crust of stale bread;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • dentifrice;
  • wheat bran.

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Any of these methods involves applying a layer of this product to the stain, after which it is necessary to apply some effort, rubbing it in with a soft brush or cloth. When the agent gets dirty, it must be replaced with a fresh one and then continue cleaning. When the problem is resolved, then the tool should be removed. Regarding table salt, expert opinions differ: some recommend it for use, while others believe that it can damage the skin. The same goes for sandpaper. If in doubt, it is better to refrain from these funds. For such cleaning, a ball made of breadcrumbs or an ordinary school eraser are perfect, but not very hard and always new. Although hard and old, you can first soak in milk and dry for this purpose. It will become just the perfect hardness to tackle the problem.

Old stains of any origin are equally difficult to remove from any surface

After dry cleaning of stains and greasy surfaces, the sheepskin coat can be cleaned with an ordinary old brush. This can be done on the balcony or by vacuuming. Fur parts must be wiped with a damp cloth with soapy water and vinegar.

If the fur has a dense pile, such as sheepskin, you can additionally brush it with a clothing brush dipped in water with dissolved fish oil (5-6 drops per glass of water). The fur will be thick, shiny, almost as good as new.

You can dry clean a light sheepskin coat using professional products. It can be milk with soda or ammonia dissolved in water, followed by processing with vinegar. Both of these methods involve wet processing, and you do not need to wear a sheepskin coat the next day. You should not use bleach for a white sheepskin coat. Experts advise not to do this in any case.

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There are even fewer options for cleaning a suede product. It is best to use semolina, bran, or bread crust. An eraser helps a lot, but after any dry treatment processes, you must definitely use a special brush to even out the pile and avoid bald spots. Compliance with the same conditions is required and a sheepskin coat made of artificial suede. This is not to say that the acquisition of more complex coating options greatly facilitates the owner's life, but a laser-treated sheepskin coat, the surface of which contains a lot of natural resins, still gets dirty much less. The risk of spoilage when using wet cleaning products is much less.

After dry cleaning of stains and greasy surfaces, the sheepskin coat can be cleaned with a brush

Wet ways

There are also cardinal wet cleaning methods with the use of subsequent drying in the fresh air, treatment from pests or methods with long-term application of a cleaning agent. Using more effective wet methods, you should be careful and discreet in choosing the right product. No need to try cleaning a blood stain with a tissue soaked in plain water or using liquid bleach. Using pure rubbing alcohol to remove makeup stains on delicate items such as laser-cut suede will not work because it can dissolve tiny particles of resin, causing bald spots.

You don't have to use all methods at home. A solution with laundry soap or washing powder without active ingredients is always the best choice. Steam treatment is also optimal, as it promotes natural tissue rehabilitation, smoothing, softening and renewal. If you do not have a professional steamer that is used for dry cleaning, you can use an iron or a bowl of heated water. The main thing is not to forget after using steam, to remove the remaining moisture from the surface of the skin and dry clothes properly. Drying is carried out on a hanger away from batteries and heating devices in a natural way. If it is cleaning before summer, you can treat the product with a solution of a spoonful of alcohol, glycerin and ammonia in a glass of water. This will give the sheepskin coat a fresh look and will not allow the skin to warp. Dry the sheepskin coat in the open air so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

Any light tone can be treated with a soapy solution with a couple of drops of ammonia, after which you need to use a solution of borax, ammonia and glycerin - 20 mg, 5 mg, 5 mg, dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. When cleaning any item made of leather of intense colors, you should never use substances containing active ingredients, otherwise, instead of a beautiful and extraordinary thing, there will be a rag covered with whitish spots. When purchasing winter clothes of this quality and unusual color, you should think in advance how to wash a light green, bright blue or orange thing.

When washing is prohibited

The sheepskin coat cannot be washed either in a washing machine or by hand. It doesn't matter if it is artificial, suede or natural. Washing sheepskin coats, in which the coating material completely gets wet, leads to its complete deformation and subsequent disrepair.

Sheepskin coat requires constant care from the moment of purchase. A tanned coat is susceptible to various contaminants, and not every product is suitable for cleaning it. But it is not necessary to carry the item to dry cleaning. You can also clean the sheepskin coat at home using proven tools at hand. They must be used carefully so as not to spoil an expensive item.

  1. Do not wear a sheepskin coat in rainy weather. This material does not tolerate moisture well.
  2. If the tanned fur coat is still wet, then you should dry it by hanging it on a hanger and leaving it in a well-ventilated area. It is strongly not recommended to use batteries, radiators and fan heaters for drying. As a result of this impact, the product is deformed. In addition, in no case should a wet thing be put into the closet.
  3. It is necessary to store the sheepskin coat in the summer season on a hanger in the closet, putting it in a clothes cover. Such a bag should be made from natural fabrics, as they are breathable. Otherwise, a musty smell will appear. You can put a cloth soaked in lavender oil inside the cover.
  4. Other things should not put pressure on the sheepskin coat. The closet where the product hangs should be spacious.
  5. From time to time it is recommended to get the tanned coat out of the closet and inspect it. Any dirt that appears should be removed immediately. This can be done once a week.
  6. Only a clean sheepskin coat can be removed for long-term storage. Therefore, after the end of the winter season, it is thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  7. Do not try to wash an expensive item in the washing machine. It will be irrevocably damaged.

Before using the selected cleaning agent, check its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

How to clean a suede sheepskin coat?

A suede sheepskin coat requires special care. This material does not tolerate an abundance of moisture and rough mechanical stress. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a special rubber brush for cleaning. You can also use a regular stationery eraser and fine-grain zero-grade sanding paper.

To remove stains at home, you can use proven tools at hand.


Table salt will help get rid of greasy stains and other contaminants.

Algorithm of actions:

  • sprinkle the contaminated area with salt;
  • rub gently without pressing too hard;
  • then shake the thing and knock out the remaining salt from it;
  • brush the cleaned area with a rubber brush.

You can use semolina instead of salt.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid can cope with more serious dirt. Would need:

  • dilute 1 teaspoon of oxalic acid in a glass of water;
  • add a pinch of baking soda there;
  • moisten a soft cloth with the resulting solution and wring it out thoroughly;
  • erase the stain;
  • blot the area with a dry cloth;
  • comb the pile with a special suede brush.

Do not wet the suede too much, as the material can deform.

Refined gasoline

Stubborn stains can be removed with organic solvents. For this you need:

  • moisten burlap or other rough cloth with refined gasoline;
  • gently wipe the dirt;
  • blot the cleaned area first with a damp cloth and then with a dry soft cloth.

If you don't have gasoline at hand, you can take ammonia.

Special means

To care for a suede sheepskin coat, it is advisable to immediately purchase special products. These can be various sprays and aerosols that create a protective layer on the product that repels moisture and dirt.

They should process a tanned fur coat several hours before going outside, so that they have time to absorb and take effect.

Light sheepskin coat

For cleaning a sheepskin coat of light shades, you must use special means. They will not be difficult to find in almost any home.

Methods for cleaning a white sheepskin coat cannot be used for cleaning dark-colored items. Otherwise, untidy stains will remain on the suede.

Semolina, chalk, tooth powder

Bulky substances such as semolina, crushed chalk and tooth powder cope well with stains.

Cleaning steps:

  • sprinkle the contaminated area with the chosen agent;
  • rub it a little into the fabric;
  • then shake the thing and rub over the surface with a rubber brush, removing the remains of the substance.

Peroxide and ammonia

Almost any first aid kit contains hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. They will help to quickly remove dirt from a light sheepskin coat.


  • add 1 teaspoon of peroxide and ammonia to a glass of water;
  • moisten a cotton pad with the resulting solution;
  • wipe the stain;
  • rinse the area with a slightly damp cloth.

Then you need to thoroughly dry the tanned coat. This should be done at room temperature.

Milk and soda

You can also make a weakly concentrated baking soda solution. You will need:

  • mix a glass of warm milk and 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • stir the composition well;
  • using a soft cloth to apply the mixture to the dirt;
  • blot the area with a dry cloth after a few minutes.

This method will help restore the sheepskin coat to its previous whiteness.

Cleaning a leather sheepskin coat

It is easier to care for a sheepskin coat made of leather. However, just like suede, it cannot be washed. Excessive moisture will cause the product to lose its shape.

Proven folk remedies will help to cope with various pollution.

Soap solution

You can safely and effectively clean a leather sheepskin coat with a soapy solution. This will require:

  • dissolve shavings of laundry soap in warm water;
  • stir the solution until smooth;
  • moisten a soft sponge with the resulting mixture;
  • wipe contaminated areas;
  • wipe the skin dry.

You can also use shampoo. You will need to combine a glass of water with 1 teaspoon of shampoo and half a teaspoon of ammonia. Then carry out a similar procedure.

Starch or flour

Starch can be used to remove greasy stains.


  • sprinkle generously with starch;
  • rub it lightly with your hands;
  • leave for several hours;
  • after the allotted time, shake off the remnants of the substance and wipe the skin first with a damp and then dry cloth.

Flour and semolina work in the same way.

These products can also be used to clean black or ginger leather goods. They will not leave white streaks on the material.


A mixture of toothpaste and ammonia will help to update the light sheepskin coat. Using this method, you can get rid of scuffs on sleeves, collars and pockets.

Mode of application:

  • mix toothpaste and ammonia to the state of gruel;
  • process overwritten places;
  • wipe these areas with a stiff brush slightly moistened with water;
  • wipe the product dry.

After such a procedure, the thing will look like new.

Refined gasoline

A dark tanned coat can be cleaned with refined gasoline or kerosene. Would need:

  • wet a cotton pad with the selected solvent;
  • wipe the contaminated area until the stain completely disappears;
  • then wipe off the remnants of the substance with a damp cloth;
  • blot the material with a dry cloth.

This procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, protecting your hands with rubber gloves.

You should not use gasoline and kerosene to clean a light-colored sheepskin coat, as these substances will leave dark spots on it.

Artificial leather

An imitation leather sheepskin coat is less prone to dirt. In addition, it is not afraid of water as well as a laser-coated sheepskin coat. Therefore, you can safely use wet cleaning.

As cleaning agents you can use: dishwashing liquid, ammonia, laundry soap.

Even a light-colored sheepskin coat made of artificial leather should not be treated with chlorine-based bleaches.

After wet cleaning, the product is wiped with a dry cloth and dried in a well-ventilated area. Then it is advisable to apply a special protective agent.

Cleaning fur items

If the sheepskin coat has fur decorative elements, then they should be cleaned separately. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Oily stains can be sprinkled with chalk or baby powder. You can also use a solution: 3 teaspoons of table salt with 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. The selected product is applied to the fur and then combed out with a brush.
  2. You can moisten a sponge with lemon juice and treat the fur. After combing it with a comb.
  3. Shampoo for cats is also used. It is diluted with water and whipped until foam appears. The resulting foam is applied to fur items and washed off with clean water.

The sheepskin coat looks expensive and impressive, but in order to preserve its useful properties and appearance, regular care and cleaning with proven means is necessary.

Sheepskin coat is a beautiful, status and warm type of clothing. After a long period of use and improper care, stains and dirt appear, and shine is lost. To clean the sheepskin coat, you can use the tools that every housewife can find at home at hand.

Before you learn how to clean a sheepskin coat at home, you need to figure out what it is made of. Not every type of skin will work with the same cleanser. For some, it can only harm, for example, not show any result at all (stains will remain on things) or spoil the appearance.

Usually sheepskin coats are made from sheepskin. However, the skins brought from different countries have different characteristics. The skins from America are the heaviest and the skins from Spain are the softest. Turkish, French and Bulgarian manufacturers are considered to be of average quality in sheepskin coats.

Sheepskin coats can be divided into two types - those that get dirty quickly, and the more practical.

Lightly soiled sheepskin coats are made from uncoated velor. These sheepskin coats look very impressive and expensive, but if you figure it out, they are nothing but polished leather, which is made from high quality skins.

Sheepskin coats from the second group, called more practical, are also sewn from fur velor, but with a coating. In addition to the fact that high quality skins are used for these sheepskin coats, they are treated with a special composition of natural resins, which protects the leather of the sheepskin coat and helps to keep it clean for much longer.

It is with these sheepskin coats that you need to be careful in case of home cleaning. You need to find an individual approach to different coatings.

If you are going to clean a sheepskin coat at home, be sure to look at its label and read all the characteristics of the leather chosen to wear.

Some helpful tips.

  • Before cleaning, be sure to check the cleaning agents used on a small area of ​​dirt. If the skin does not deteriorate from the product and the stain begins to appear, then apply it to the entire surface of your product.
  • It is absolutely impossible to wash sheepskin coats made of leather and natural suede! After such a procedure, the thing will lose its shape and may decrease in size. Also, its color will fade, and you will have to forget about the shine after cleaning.
  • Suede can only be cleaned dry!
  • Laser coated products can be easily wet cleaned.
  • The skin can be cleaned with dry and wet methods.

If the pollution on the sheepskin coat is not very serious, then you can use ordinary table salt. With the help of it, you will return the velvety of your thing. To get rid of a small stain, apply salt to the stain and rub it lightly with your hands or a brush. The most important thing in this process is not to overdo it.

The movement should be really light, you just need to barely touch the thing. Pressing too hard can damage the texture of the fabric, or worse, make your garment "bald". After removing the stain, remove the salt with a dry sponge.

5 ways to clean a natural sheepskin coat

  1. Petrol. Gasoline is one of the best ways to remove greasy stains. Soak a piece of rough cloth in the gasoline and rub very carefully. This cleaning method is only suitable for dark colored sheepskin coats.
  2. Semolina or starch. Using strong movements from the edge of the stain to its center, rub flour or starch, which must first be scattered over the place of contamination. The entire procedure must be carried out with cloth gloves or gloves. When you have removed the main spots, continue moving, but only over the entire surface and with a stiff brush.
  3. Dried bread crust. In order to perform the stain removal procedure, you need to vigorously rub the stains with several bread crusts. When finished, remove them with a soft bristled brush. This method is the most gentle for sheepskin coats with little dirt.
  4. Dentifrice. The product must be applied with a rubber brush and rubbed just as lightly until the stain is removed. This method is a real fighter against greasy spots on the collar and pockets.
  5. Tea soda and milk. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of milk. Apply in circular motions over the stain until it comes off. After that, treat the previously contaminated area with a solution of one teaspoon of vinegar in a liter of water, wipe with a soft cloth and dry. This method works well with suede.

Wet cleaning

How to properly clean a sheepskin coat using wet cleaning? Consider 3 ways to clean.

  1. Ammonia. Dilute 4: 1 with water. Wipe dirty spots with a soft impregnated sponge. After that, quickly remove the ammonia from the product with a dry sponge. This method can remove the most severe dirt from the surface of the sheepskin coat.
  2. Soda and milk. Before starting the procedure, remove dust from the sheepskin coat. Dilute 10 g of baking soda in a 200 g glass of warm milk. Moisten a cotton pad and wipe greasy stains on the surface of the product with it. Just as in dry cleaning, treat the site of excretion with a cloth that is slightly saturated with a solution of vinegar and wipe with a dry sponge.
  3. Soap solution and ammonia. For this method, you will need a third tool - shampoo. Dissolve 10 ml of shampoo and 5 ml of ammonia in a glass of warm water. Saturate a soft sponge with this solution and wipe the stained area. After processing, it is recommended to leave the sheepskin coat to dry on a hanger.

A light sheepskin coat is a rather problematic thing to care for. On her white villi, dirt and dust are much more visible even after a single walk. In order for such a thing to serve you longer, it is recommended, after several hours of coming from the street, to clean the entire surface with a special suede brush. These steps will help shake out the dust and keep the product shiny for a long time.

Of course, such complex things can be given to professionals for cleaning, but it all takes up your personal time, and you spend large sums of money on it. And it's not a fact that any salon will take up a light-colored sheepskin coat.

If you urgently need to clean a light sheepskin coat, then we can offer you three similar, but in their own way effective methods of cleaning at home.

  1. Tooth powder, chalk or semolina. The steps are exactly the same as for dry cleaning. Apply one of the listed products to the contaminated surface and rub in with a cloth glove. As you continue cleaning, the product will change color. Use a dry sponge to wipe off the already stained product and take a fresh handful. Repeat this procedure until you see the pile of the color you want again.
  2. Tooth powder and ammonia. A coarse brush is needed here. Dilute some tooth powder in ammonia and use a brush to rub into the dirty surface. This is a good way to remove greasy stains.
  3. Ammonia and water. Dilute the two products in equal proportions and moisten a cotton pad to treat any areas where dirt and dust has accumulated. Particular attention should be paid to the most polluted places that most often come into contact with our body: cuffs, collars, pockets, areas around buttons.

Many people wonder which sheepskin coat is better to buy: natural or artificial? Which one will be less problematic to care for? We have analyzed several types and methods of cleaning natural sheepskin coats. Let's now look at ways to clean an artificial thing and compare.

How to clean an artificial sheepskin coat at home?

The rule is also distributed on artificial leather - do not wash.

In order to clean an artificial sheepskin coat, you do not need many different means and great care. It is enough just to dilute the soap solution or washing powder and treat all the contaminated areas. The only condition is that the powder and soap must have no bleaching effect.

We can say that if you choose for practicality, there will be less hassle with artificial sheepskin coats. Genuine leather and sewn are more capricious materials. But is this time saved for cleaning worth the spectacular and elegant status of a sheepskin coat made from natural materials? You will answer this question yourself.

What could be better than a warm and practical sheepskin coat in winter? Perhaps nothing! And it is warm and looks beautiful! However, improper care and prolonged wearing can slightly spoil the aesthetic appearance, deprive the thing of its original gloss. Instead, stains and dirt will appear on it.

In order for the sheepskin coat to become clean and fresh again, it must be ensured with proper cleaning. If you do not want to suffer, then you can trust the dry cleaner. And if you don't want to spend, then do everything with your own hands.
General Tips

To perform this procedure efficiently, you must first look at all the labels on the clothes. They will help you understand what material was used to make your sheepskin coat. This is important because for each material it is necessary to select an individual cleaning agent and cleaning method:

  • dry method is used for suede;
  • the wet method will be effective when cleaning things that have a laser coating;
  • both dry and wet methods are suitable for the skin.

Before cleaning the entire product, test the effect of the cleaning agent on a small area of ​​the product. If you get rid of the stain, then you can safely proceed to cleaning all the dirty surface.

Under no circumstances should suede or leather products be washed with a washing machine. This will lead to the fact that the shape is lost and it becomes smaller in size. And the surface will be dull and hard.
When the sheepskin coat gets wet in the rain, then the product must be hung on a hanger so that it dries at room temperature.

As soon as the cold weather ends, do not rush to hide the product in a bag, for the manufacture of which, by the way, artificial fabrics are used. The most sensible solution is to pack the product in a cotton cover. Plus, it is also recommended to add lavender or a napkin soaked in lavender oil there.

What is the sheepskin coat made of?

Before you start cleaning, you need to clearly understand what kind of material you will have to work with. Sheepskin is most often used for the manufacture of sheepskin coats. The fact is that in each country the skins differ in quality. The lightest and most pleasant to the touch are the skins from Spain, and the roughness and heaviness are inherent in the American ones. Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey and France are of average quality.

For sewing sheepskin coats, fur velor with and without coating is taken. Uncoated velor is the same as sanded leather. Only high quality skins are selected for its production. Such products look impressive and expensive. Only such models are more often contaminated.

The manufacturing process for coated sheepskin coats is slightly different. In this case, not only high-quality skins are used. To cover sheepskin coats, a special composition is used that contains various additives and natural resins.

The protective layer makes the coating more practical. It is easier to keep them clean. But the problem of cleaning is more complicated here. Because each coating requires an individual approach. So always consider the specifics of the product.

How to choose a cleaning agent?

For leather goods. Leather sheepskin coats have always enjoyed special respect and testified to the status of their owners. But only for leaving you need special knowledge. Folk councils suggest using semolina, starch, rubber, gasoline or kerosene, ammonia, or tooth powder.

If you want to get rid of a stain from a leather product with semolina, then sprinkle the dirty place with cereals, then you need to rub. Semolina is able to absorb dirt and moisture. It can also rid you of fat.

Starch is used in the same way as semolina. Does not lighten natural dark leather products.

With rubber it is a little more difficult. To begin with, it is soaked. For this, kerosene is used. The stain should also be allowed time to dry. Now take the soaked rubber and wipe the dirty spot. This method perfectly removes non-greasy stains.

You can clean the sheepskin coat at home from old stains using the following method. A cotton swab is taken or a napkin should be moistened with gasoline or kerosene and carried out a couple of times in a dirty place. As soon as the stain is removed, the product will need to be dried in the fresh air.
Even if you do not notice any contamination after the season, the product still needs to be freshened. For this, and the same for getting rid of worn-out places (sleeve lapel, shoulder, pockets), a mixture of ammonia alcohol solution and tooth powder is very suitable. A stiff brush is suitable for cleaning problem areas.

If you are cleaning your skin, never use water. If wet spots appear, they must be allowed to dry at room temperature.

For those who have light sheepskin coats

To return your light natural leather sheepskin coat to cleanliness at home, you can resort to any method. The only thing that doesn't fit is gasoline and kerosene.

On the features of cleaning suede sheepskin coats

Suede items require even more special care than natural leather items. Such materials better reflect both stains and settled dust. So care in this case should be more frequent and careful.

Before you start cleaning a suede sheepskin coat, you need to stock up on some means such as sprays and aerosols for suede plus a special brush. Funds designed for suede shoes will do just fine.

If the product is white

Any white item needs daily brushing. This is necessary in order to maintain a presentable appearance. If you feel that the color has become some kind of dull, then at any time it will help to fix the home bleach.

To prepare it, you will need to prepare a glass of water, a teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of three percent peroxide. You can start cleaning the product that has already been cleaned of dirt and dust. Prepare a swab to apply the product. And the leftovers can be washed off with a regular napkin. Naturally, after the end of the procedure, the product must be dried.

But there is another way to help you restore whiteness. It is a combination of milk and soda. Take a glass of milk and add a small spoonful of baking soda to it. The sheepskin coat is cleaned with this warm solution, and then wiped with a damp gauze cloth (which was previously soaked in vinegar).

What kind of dry cleaning products are there?

  • Eraser. They can rub a dirty place on a sheepskin coat, and then get rid of the dirty "pellets" with a soft brush.
  • Semolina. Any hard-to-remove stain is not a problem at all for this product. Even an old stain or greasy. Find the stain, cover it with semolina, rub in a circle. As soon as the old batch of semolina has become dirty, replace it with a new one.
  • Bread. Dried bread crust is suitable for getting rid of recent stains.

If the sheepskin coat has a varnish or "silk" coating, then you can resort to using both dry and wet cleaning.

What products are available for wet cleaning?
The product is very easy to clean with a piece of gauze soaked in kerosene or gasoline. Only this method is not suitable for every product. For example, do not even try to clean a white or suede product with gasoline.
Light-colored ones can be cleaned with such moist products:

  • ammonia plus hydrogen peroxide (the same amount), dissolved in a glass of milk. This mixture is applied to a soft cloth, which is used to wipe the dirty area.
  • soap solution plus a couple of drops of ammonia. Everything is done in the same way as in the previous method.

If you have suede, then only dry cleaning is allowed for it. But it is better to play it safe and use a special tool that is created for such purposes.
Unfortunately, there is no one perfect home remedy for cleaning a sheepskin coat. Each coating requires its own suitable product.

What mistakes should you avoid?

There is no way to find a completely safe way to clean it up. But, as practice shows, many mistakes can be prevented. To do this, you must clearly follow the rules for cleaning.
Under no circumstances should you perform the following actions:

  • If there are stains on the leather surface, do not sprinkle them with salt. The product will be damaged and you will not fix anything.
  • the washing machine cannot be used for washing.
  • use electric heaters or batteries for drying.
  • when cleaning, avoid getting the product wet.

Sheepskin coat is a winter outerwear made from dressed sheep skin. This practical and versatile product has long been firmly entrenched in our life, "settling" in the wardrobes of the average housewives, and business women, and students, and socialites.

Sooner or later, every woman is faced with the problem of contamination of things. And few people know that it is possible to clean a natural sheepskin coat at home, without resorting to the services of dry cleaners.

How to clean a natural sheepskin coat at home

Before you start cleaning a winter garment, you must carefully study all the labels that are on the product: this will help to establish what the garment is made of, what cleaning requirements exist. Naturally, when cleaning, you should strictly adhere to the existing guidelines and instructions. Without knowing the material from which the thing is sewn, you can forget about high-quality cleaning: wet cleaning will destroy suede products, dry cleaning for leather sheepskin coats will be ineffective.

Under no circumstances should you wash a natural sheepskin coat: water will have a detrimental effect on natural leather and fur, they will lose elasticity, color, texture, and the skin may shrink.

Before cleaning, it is advisable to walk over the garment with a soft clothes brush or with an armchair and sofa attachment. Also, before using any agent to clean the dirt, it is necessary to carry out preliminary "testing" to avoid causing more damage. To do this, a small portion of the substance must be applied to the place of the sheepskin coat, which is invisible to prying eyes (wrong side, lapel).

When cleaning dirt with specially prepared products, you should try to change cotton swabs or discs as often as possible, so as not to create additional dirty stains. Wipe any stain from the edge to the center.

On the page you can learn how to cook cocoa from cocoa powder in milk and water.

How to restore fur to its original appearance

Excellent products for cleaning sheepskin and other types of fur are bran, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide:

  • Wheat bran is sent to a dry frying pan, slightly warmed up and poured onto the sheepskin. Lightly rubbing them into the fur, the sheepskin coat must be well shaken out and knocked out with a thin stick. The remaining particles can be "combed out" with a clothes brush.
  • A foam sponge can be moistened with lemon juice and treated with the surface of the tarnished fur, after which the fur should be combed with a comb with rare teeth.
  • Yellowed white fur can be sprayed with a hydrogen peroxide solution from a spray bottle: 1 tablespoon of the substance in 0.5 glass of water. After such manipulations, the sheepskin coat must be dried.
  • To help restore the original appearance of a fur collar or cuffs, treatment with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water with ammonia will help. After drying, fur places must be combed out with a comb.
  • A special emulsion made of water and fish oil in equal proportions, which can be applied with a brush or spray bottle, can restore the fur to its previous shine.

There are several elementary rules for caring for a sheepskin coat, the systematic observance of which will ensure that the product is cleaned only in extreme cases.

Helpful hints:

  • Before putting the sheepskin coat in the closet for storage after the winter season, it must be cleaned with a dry brush.
  • It is necessary to store the product in a closet, which is not too packed with things, on hangers, having previously packed it in a special case for storing winter things.
  • Drying a wet sheepskin coat is carried out in the same way: on a hanger, away from a radiator or other source of heat.
  • You can put a handkerchief or cotton pad in the pocket of your winter clothes, on which a few drops of lavender oil are first applied. In this way, you can protect a natural product from other insects.
  • If possible, excessive wetting of the sheepskin coat in the rain or sleet should be avoided. For this purpose, its surface must be systematically treated with water-repellent preparations.
  • It is impossible to make faded places bright. The only way out is to buy a special paint and, following the instructions, paint the faded surface.
  • If a stain has appeared, then you must try to clean it immediately: dried and old stains are removed with difficulty and require the use of special means. In addition, the worn-out place will immediately catch the eye.
  • Systematically, suede sheepskin coats must be cleaned with a special brush made of brass (hard bristle, rubber).

It is not difficult to clean a sheepskin coat at home. But if the stains are old, then it is still better to trust the professionals and take the item to dry cleaning. Your favorite thing must be worn neatly, then there will be no problems with restoring its original appearance.

In the next video, there is more useful information on how to clean a sheepskin coat yourself and with what means you can get rid of stains: