What to do with wedding paraphernalia after a divorce. Storage in a box: how not to wrinkle the material? What to do with wedding glasses

For every girl, the most important thing at the wedding after the groom is the wedding dress. He is chosen long before the day of the ceremony, spending a lot of time and money on it. After all, any bride wants to look unique and dazzling at her own wedding, and the dress plays the main role in her image.

However, in addition to the mission to emphasize the beauty and charm of the newlywed, her toilet is designed to become a real family talisman. And here all its characteristics play a significant role, from color and length to any incidents that happen to the outfit.

Signs before and during the wedding

Signs associated with the marriage toilet, there are a great many. And all because even the most convinced materialists on the eve of their wedding become a little superstitious. Brides remember all the beliefs they once heard that guarantee family happiness, and try to adhere to folk traditions.

  • When choosing a dress, a girl should choose a snow-white version, and if you want to look original, you should pay attention to pastel colors, categorically avoiding shocking red or gloomy black. Too bright shades will bring an excess of passion or mourning notes to family life.
  • There are very specific requirements regarding the style of the outfit. It must certainly be one, and not consist of separate elements like a corsage and a skirt, so as not to invite a divorce.
  • Pay attention to the length of the dress. It is believed that the shorter the robe, the less happy years you will spend with your chosen one. For a bride in a mini marriage can end very quickly. In order not to invite trouble, remember that separation occurs not only as a result of a divorce, but also because of the death of a spouse.
  • If you want to live in abundance - sew or buy a new toilet. Saving on a dress from someone else's shoulder will add material problems and additional troubles to family life.
  • Never show your outfit to the groom before the day of the ceremony. Let him imprint in your memory your unique image, linking it with the moment of reunion. Otherwise, the marriage will not last long.
  • When putting on a wedding dress, remember that you need to do this only over your head. And a relative who has already happily married should certainly help in dressing.

Outfit after the celebration: what to do with it

But now the wedding fun has died down, and an elegant dress is no longer needed. Common sense dictates that a practically new outfit can be sold. However, it is often very difficult to part with an expensive and beautiful thing, a witness to the happiest moments in life. And is it necessary to do so?

  • Many generations of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers carefully kept their wedding dresses all their lives, passing them on in the family from generation to generation. After all, they firmly believed that the wedding toilet becomes a real talisman, a talisman for a young family. If you live a happy life in marriage, then it will certainly become the same sacred thing for your daughter or granddaughter. To keep the dress for a long time, it must be thoroughly cleaned and packed in an opaque bag.
  • Festive attire, carefully stored in the closet for many years, can be worn on one of the significant anniversaries of married life. So it will play the role of a talisman for the second time and guarantee you further family well-being. It is not necessary to use the dress in its original form. It is quite possible to limit it to individual elements, supplement it with new accessories, or completely alter it.
  • In the modern world, a practical approach to things is highly welcomed. Therefore, you can try to capitalize on a costly cash investment by selling it or renting it out. Many not too wealthy brides will only be grateful for the opportunity to look elegant and spectacular, spending the minimum amount on their transformation.
  • If you categorically do not want to part with a reminder of the moment of the birth of your family, then give the wedding toilet a second life. A great idea would be an envelope for the firstborn, sewn from a wedding dress. So he will gain even greater value, becoming a witness to another significant event in your destiny.

In Denmark, broken dishes are by no means thrown away, but kept until New Year's Eve and given away to their loved ones. It is believed that the well-being of the one who brought them depends on the number of fragments.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what's in store for you in the near future.

Signs after divorce

Divorce is rarely associated with positive emotions. Even if you insisted on it and are very glad that you have freed yourself from marriage ties, mental trauma will still take place. So that in the future she does not interfere with building new relationships, it is recommended to conduct a series of rituals in relation to old things that remind of a past marriage. Psychologists in this case are in full solidarity with folk signs.

What to do with a wedding dress and veil after a divorce


Usually such an important attribute is kept for many years, sometimes even passed on from generation to generation - although today this is becoming less common. But what to do with the dress in which you married the wrong person? It's best to get rid of it. Give (but not for the purpose of using as a wedding, but, for example, dolls for outfits), alter, sell to strangers.

A wedding dress after a divorce can even be completely destroyed by signs - burned, shredded with scissors, buried under an old spruce. In a word, perform any action with him that will help you throw out negative energy, resentment and anger and feel investment.


A veil after a divorce, according to signs, also carries a piece of the negative energy of a past marriage. Since it usually does not cause strong negative emotions, it is enough to give it to dry cleaning, and then sell it. Even if for a symbolic price - the main thing is to get rid of it. At the same time, do not give it to your daughter or girlfriend - strangers will take the path of the veil.

What to do with the matrimonial bed

Other signs after a divorce from a husband or wife

Not only the dress and the bed remain from the former life. What to do with other things?

  • It is recommended to wear a wedding ring during the divorce process and remove it only after the final point is put in the relationship.

After that, it must either be melted down or sold / handed over. Do not store the ring with other jewelry or wear it on the other hand.

Hello again, dear readers of my blog! I often tell you about how to have the perfect wedding, choose the best dress and bring the celebration to perfection. However, not only before, but also after the holiday, the bride will have a lot of trouble. In particular, she will have to answer the question: is it necessary to store a wedding dress after the wedding?

Do you believe in omens, or dream of practicality? Are you going to squeeze the maximum benefit out of the outfit or save it for fond memories? In any case, you will have to weigh all the pros and cons, and this is worth scrupulous attention and work. I will tell you what to expect with any decision and give you some useful tips so that by the end of the article you will know exactly what to do with a wedding dress.

Save the outfit as a keepsake: pros and cons

Let us assume that you nevertheless dared to keep the vestments valuable to you. You washed it from sweat stains, traces of makeup and varnish from a luxurious holiday hairstyle, and already imagined how you get it ten years later, and your heart is filled with warm memories ... But what next?

What do the omens say?

Signs in this case are very different. Many brides equate wedding dresses with rings, preferring to keep them to avoid an unhappy marriage.

On the other hand, ruining or soiling a dress after a wedding is considered a bad sign... And the event is basically unpleasant: after so many years, brushing off a nostalgic tear and discovering that your favorite and expensive outfit is irretrievably damaged!

Recently, the tendency to deliberately spoil a wedding dress as part of a photo shoot is gaining immense popularity. Water it with paint, ride on the grass or swim in the lake in a wedding dress: what could be more fun and extreme? However, signs in this regard have a whole bunch of nightmarish predictions: from petty quarrels in the family to widowhood!

They say that if the spouses divorced, then after the divorce, you should not keep the outfit. With his reputation, however, it will not be easy to sell him or rent him out. Still, not every girl will agree to purchase an "unlucky" outfit.

Practicality of storage: is it so simple?

Looking ahead, I will say: it is not easy. You have to spend a lot of time if you want to save the dress and keep it for several decades.

But you won't believe me so easily, will you? That is why I simply have to substantiate my warnings.

Storage in a package: a find or a mistake?

Most often, brides receive dresses in this package. It is convenient to transport an outfit in it, and it may seem that storing it in it would be a great idea. Actually this is not true. Or rather, not at all.

  • Contrary to popular belief, storing your outfit in a plastic bag is a bad idea. Not only because of the resulting folds and creases, but also because the polyethylene cover is intended exclusively for transportation. Leave the dress in it for a long time, and after a couple of months you will get a wrinkled, moth-eaten, yellowed and irretrievably damaged dress.
  • Some people prefer to use paper bags because they allow the fabric fibers to breathe. They allow, but at the same time they will not protect the dress from sunlight, or from bacteria, or from dampness, or from mold, or from moths, in general, from anything that can ruin the outfit.

Storage on a hanger: a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifficulties!

Decided to store the dress on a hanger in the closet? Not a bad decision.

Storage in a box: how not to wrinkle the material?

Many brides store dresses in boxes and don't even know what it could turn out to be.

Collect dust in the closet or find an alternative?

On the other hand, the dress does not have to be stored in such a “corked” way, even if you are not going to give it or sell it.

So, in large cities, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the practice of handing over an order is widespread.

A wedding is the most long-awaited and grandiose event in the life of every girl, so the brides do not spare money for it, because they want to look at least one day in the dress of their dreams. After the wedding, most women keep things that remind them of this joyful day all their lives. But family relationships do not always work out, so divorces in our time have already become commonplace.

After a divorce, when negative emotions are thrown out and all the experiences are behind, and the formalities are settled, it comes to things that there was no time to think about before. Always a favorite wedding dress after a breakup begins to annoy, as it reminds of an unsuccessful marriage. After a while, the question arises: what to do with a wedding dress after a divorce? It began to take up space, and no longer delivers the joy for which it was kept for a long time. Naturally, you can just throw it away, or you can get rid of it with some benefit for yourself. The tips below will help you get rid of unnecessary things, as well as get pleasure and peace.

Sale of wedding dress

The easiest and most emotionally detached way to get rid of a wedding dress is to sell it. If the dress and veil are in good condition, they can be sold through any marketplace located on the Internet. It also makes sense to try to rent it to a bridal salon. They constantly update the assortment, because after several rentals the dress loses its attractiveness, and sometimes it is simply not returned back.

With the proceeds from the sale, it’s nice to arrange a holiday with your girlfriends in honor of a failed marriage, thereby saying goodbye to an unpleasant situation in your life.

They can also be spent on yourself, this time they will bring more benefits than the cost of an unsuccessful marriage.

What can you do with a wedding ring and a dress after a divorce?

Divorce is a strong emotional shock for both spouses, regardless of who filed for divorce. In the whirlpool of one's own experiences, it is difficult to think about the good: there are resentments and broken hopes inside. Awareness of the situation of divorce comes later.

When the passions subside a little, quite appropriate thoughts may arise: what to do with the wedding ring after the divorce and other wedding attributes left on the hands of the former newlyweds (glasses, icons, towels, veil, dress)? Many people, regardless of gender, do not realize that they continue to wear the ring. Most people easily throw things in the trash, forgetting forever the divorce, the wedding, the past moment.

It's all about the subconscious. Many are afraid of change. To remove a wedding ring is to “close” a stage of the past, to cross out joyful moments, to throw out a loved one, familiar people, events from the memory.

Often, the past, along with the bad, contains a lot of good, which you don’t want to let go at all.

Many find it hard not to wear, it is impossible to see the ring. What to do in this situation? Finding a definitive answer is quite difficult. There are several development scenarios:

  • You can return the symbol of endless love and fidelity to the “torn off” soulmate. But does the ex-husband need a ring? Perhaps he is now pondering where to put his own ring;
  • You can continue to wear by moving the ring to your left hand. But psychologists and the wisdom of nations are very skeptical of such a decision. Psychologists say: the ring awakens unpleasant, painful memories. Folk signs say that the negative energy of a broken marriage prevents the construction of new feelings, strong ties;
  • You can take the ring to a pawnshop, sell it, melt it down, make earrings, a chain.
  • Getting rid of wedding attributes?

    Things associated with the happiest moment are dear to the former newlyweds, and keep bright memories. Perhaps it got worse later, but on a significant date with a dress, veil, candles and glasses, everything looked fabulous! Love, hopes, happy smiles, wedding glasses filled with champagne...

    What to do with wedding attributes? Just throw away? For many, "the hand does not rise." Of course, the dress and veil can be sold. But according to folk signs, things absorbed the energy of a failed marriage. Accordingly, I do not want to doom outsiders to unsuccessful marriage bonds.

    You can destroy things by throwing out your own negative emotions. Psychologists say that this is a fairly effective method to let go of the past, to look into a brighter future. For a greater psychological effect, it is advised to have a party as a sign of the beginning of personal freedom. Solemnly break glasses, tear (burn) the dress and veil.

    It is worth thinking before destroying the attributes of the wedding. Folk signs say that dresses, glasses, a ring have powerful energy. It is better to sell to those who do not believe in bad omens. The proceeds will be donated to the church.

    It is highly discouraged to store and wear wedding items - a bad omen. Catching sight, they invariably deliver mental suffering. On a psychological level, this is a negative pastime.

    Signs relating to getting rid of wedding attributes (wedding rings, dress, glasses) appeared as a result of negative feelings, memories. Negative feelings appear at the sight of wedding things. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer on their storage. This is purely a personal matter.

    • For the former bride, the groom, dear objects are an important component of memory, getting rid of wedding things, you will not be able to feel relief.
    • Wedding attributes cause moral suffering - you can not store. Sell, donate, donate.

    It should be remembered: life closes one door, but it always opens another! The next stage of life will become bright, memorable, fateful! It is worth believing in the best. Focusing on the past is a bad sign.

    What to do after a divorce: a brief guide to getting back to life

    Solving the problem of what to do after a divorce with marriage symbols, you can go in different ways. The main thing is to outline specific steps and strictly follow them.

    Be prepared for the fact that it will still hurt for a long time. Family psychologists believe that after a breakup, a person continues to be in the atmosphere of the previous relationship for 2 years, transferring to new acquaintances the negative that he received from his partner. You will overcome spiritual anxieties sooner or later, but what to do with the material legacy of a failed marriage? It is better to act, following the saying "Out of sight, out of mind." By removing memorable joint things, after a divorce, you will open the door to a new life stage.

    Wedding dress - alter, sell, donate

    The question of what to do with a wedding dress after a divorce is asked by many women, especially when you consider that according to the statistics of divorces, there are more and more divorces every year. The simplest advice is to sell. But if you have gone through a difficult gap, then your dress cannot be called happy, and it is wrong to transfer the opportunity to experience misfortune of the same plan to another bride through a wedding dress. Therefore, other options should be considered.

    A wedding dress can be both an unnecessary, burdensome memory of the relationship's unloaded weight, especially if you yourself made the decision to leave, and a burning element of resentment when you are faced with betrayal. In both cases, the best way out is to get rid of the wedding dress in order to block the negative “hook” in the memory that reduces your self-esteem.

    Help yourself. Arrange a solemn rite of "burial of the wedding dress", which will allow you to enter a new life, continue to live on. Alone, if you have the strength for this, or with the help of your friends, organize a trip out of town or to the country and lay down a “funeral pyre”: burn the wedding dress in a cleansing fire. The smoke will dissipate, and with it a bit of bitterness will disappear from your heart.

    Wedding ring - a talisman of love and a painful reminder

    Of course, what to do with the ring after a divorce, everyone must decide personally. Maybe you want to continue to wear it on the other hand, declaring loudly to the whole world: “Although we got divorced, I will remain his faithful wife and will wait for his return. And I don’t need any new acquaintances and relationships.” This position is also worthy of respect. But perhaps the following options will be acceptable for you:

    • Throw into a large body of water
    • Take it to the church as a donation
    • Smelt down and make at the jeweler an item that you will not wear, but you can pass on to the children as a memory of their father
    • The best way to take out your indignation, pain or other feelings on this object is to cut it into thin strips, which can then, with a calm heart, be sent to the trash can. In the process of destroying this detail of the wedding suit, a powerful release of negative energy occurs, which will help the veil turn into a pile of meaningless transparent shreds. The process will take a sufficient amount of time, and for a monotonous lesson, you can consider all the pros and cons of the situation. When the process is completed, you will understand that negative emotions have gone through the edge of the scissors into the shredded fabric. Having vindictively sent a bag of scraps to the garbage chute, spend the failed marriage there as well. And then you should look back and see that the world has not stopped, and everything around continues to live. Do the same!

      What to do with the wedding dress after the wedding?

      A beautiful wedding dress costs almost a fortune, but is used for its intended purpose for only a few days, or even less than a day. But you can find a useful use for it even after the wedding, for example, sell it or make amulets out of it.

      When deciding the future fate of the wedding dress, it should be remembered that there are many superstitions in this regard.

      Is it possible, according to signs, to sell your wedding dress after the wedding?

      Signs categorically forbid selling a wedding dress even to close friends. According to one of the superstitions, along with the wedding dress, the love of the spouse, as well as his fidelity, also leaves. Another reason why you can not sell a wedding dress is to keep the energy of the first bride on it. When the energy of the next bride is applied to her, both marriages may suffer.

      Should I sell a veil from a wedding dress? No, because it also carries a strong energy charge. Other accessories and decorations are not so significant, so they often become a means to replenish the budget of a young family. However, modern brides are not particularly superstitious, many do not miss the opportunity to sell a new dress at a nice price with four or even five zeros.

      Photos of wedding dresses that can be worn after the wedding

      How to sell a used wedding dress?

      Before asking where you can sell a used dress, you need to bring it to perfect condition: wash, iron, make minor repairs if necessary. The more attractive the appearance of the product, the more money you can get for it..

      One of the best ways to get rid of your wedding dress is to take it to a specialty store or boutique. In this case, you will have to pay about 30% of the cost of the goods for mediation services. Not all salons accept wedding dresses, some prefer to buy rent.

      You can return the wedding dress to a specialized store or boutique

      The chances of selling a wedding dress will increase if go to a thrift store. But even here there are no guarantees - the outfit can stand in the window for several months, after which it will be returned to the bride. There is a monthly fee for storage, usually 10%.

      Thrift stores are designed for a buyer with a modest budget, so you should not put up a luxurious designer outfit for sale in it.

      But you can turn in an old custom-made wedding dress for a commission.

      Another way to get money for a wedding dress is to sell it by hand. Surely one of the acquaintances of the newlyweds is going to follow their example. If there are none in the environment, you can place an ad for the sale of a wedding dress on the Internet. The chances of selling quickly increase if the dress is in good condition and beautifully photographed, the ad is written correctly, the price is up to date.

      Sample description of a used wedding dress for sale:

      Sample description of used wedding dress for sale

      Finding where to turn to sell a new dress is not a problem. And what to do with the old, lost its presentation?

      What to do with a wedding dress after a divorce?

      Signs forbid the bride to sell a wedding dress so as not to spoil relations in a young family. If she has already broken up, then nothing is holding back the owner of the outfit. But over the years of an unsuccessful marriage, the dress could lose its presentation: turn yellow, acquire rust spots or other defects. In this case, you can, again, take it to a thrift store at an extremely affordable price. Can be slightly redrawn by cutting off areas with defects. In this case, instead of a defective wedding dress, you will get a good ordinary one. For those for whom the issue of material gain is not fundamental, it is best to donate all the attributes of the wedding ceremony to the church.

      Most will accept about where to put the dress after the ceremony, affect happy couples. But there is a superstition for divorced ex-brides. It is believed that with the proceeds from the sale you need to buy rags, mops and detergents. After that, thoroughly wash the house with them and discard. This the rite helps to cleanse the girl and her home from the negative energy of a previous marriage, symbolizes her readiness for a new one.

      After the divorce, with the proceeds from the sale of the dress, you need to buy rags, mops and detergents, wash the house with them and throw them away.

      Can I throw away my wedding dress?

      Divorced women and widows can do whatever they want with the dress: throw it away, burn it, tear it to shreds, or destroy it in any other acceptable way.

      It is believed that this wedding attribute has a special mystical power - it is able to bring good luck, heal from diseases, strengthen family relationships. Ideally, it needs sew amulets adding them to the interior of the house.

      Can you burn a wedding dress?

      Can I burn my wedding dress?

      A wedding dress can and should be burned by girls whose family life has developed unsuccessfully. Widows and divorced women get a good opportunity to clear their own energy and start life from scratch. The dress can be safely burned by the bride, whose wedding never took place. The wedding dress of a dead woman can also be burned.

      Can I wash my wedding dress after the wedding?

      You can wash the dress, and it is advisable to do it immediately after the wedding. The bride may decide to keep it or try to sell it for a profit, in both cases it must be restored to good condition. Expensive wedding dresses with luxurious decor better to take it to the dry cleaners so as not to accidentally damage them.

      You can wash a wedding dress, but you need to approach the issue wisely!

      Is it possible to try on the bride's dress after the wedding?

      Signs forbid unmarried girls to try on someone else's wedding dress. Married even more so. There are two superstitions about this. The first says that by trying on a friend's wedding dress, the girl steals her family happiness. The second threatens a woman who has tried on someone else's dress with eternal loneliness. The bride herself can put on her solemn attire many times, superstition does not contradict this.

      What should a widow do with her wedding dress?

      It is advisable for a woman whose marriage ended tragically to get rid of her wedding dress as soon as possible. But you can’t sell it, because a very powerful negative energy is embedded in the widow’s dress. The best option is to burn.

      What can be sewn from a wedding dress?

      Charms from the wedding dress after the wedding

      From a wedding dress, you can sew an ordinary one or turn it into a beautiful carnival costume. But more often it is used for sewing amulets for newlyweds and their future children. A snow-white outfit becomes a good basis for various accessories: belts, hair bands, handbags, pillowcases, etc. The more such gizmos there are in the house of a newly-made wife, the her family life will be happier, says the belief.

      Throw away wedding dress after divorce

      I wander through bridal salons. All at a loss - luridly, heaped up with tasteless wedding props, brands-prices, the eye does not stop at anything.
      WEAR ONCE? And then?
      Did you buy, sew or rent your dress? What's wrong with him now - gathering dust like a memory, resold? Share your opinions, experienced))))

      Woman.ru experts

      Get an expert opinion on your topic

      Starostina Lyudmila Vasilievna

      Psychologist, Practical psychologist. Specialist from b17.ru

      Tankova Oksana Vladimirovna

      Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from b17.ru

      Kurenchanin Alexey Vyacheslavovich

      Psychologist. Specialist from b17.ru

      Bakai Igor Yurievich

      Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from b17.ru

      Kaminskaya Anna Alexandrovna
      Julia Orlova

      Psychologist, Kinesiologist Coach RPT-therapist. Specialist from b17.ru

      Shakhova Alisa Anatolievna
      Garganeev Sergey Valerievich

      Psychotherapist. Specialist from b17.ru

      Anastasia Shesterikova
      Fomina Marina Borisovna

      Psychologist, Existential Analyst. Specialist from b17.ru

      So I left it with me. For some next anniversary of living together, I will definitely wear it. 10 years for example.

      Mom somewhere at home has been keeping it for 11 years (we live far from her). I would have thrown it out a long time ago, but if she likes it so much, then I don’t feel sorry for it.

      I had a fantastically beautiful dress. Now it hangs in the closet, but every time I see it I remember how beautiful and happy I was that day. I will never give it to anyone.

      I want to sell, but no one calls ((The dress was inexpensive - everyone understood that for 1 day it’s stupid to buy a dress even for 15 thousand, if in ordinary life I can’t afford it, I bought it for 8. Now it’s lying around somewhere at In general, I wanted to take it to the box office, only there weren’t such ones that I needed.

      I came up with the style myself, I sewed it myself.
      Where it went, I don't remember. still got divorced.

      I don’t remember where the case is, it seems, I sold it. My happiness has not suffered from this, it’s already scary to say how many years.

      I don't have any prejudice. After the wedding, I put my dress in the pantry, took it out a month later and washed it, then put it away again. A piece was torn out there - it caught on the railing - I will sew it up, it will be like new. I will not sell or throw away anywhere. There is not asking. If a friend asks for a rental, I will give it for free.

      I was in evening dress.

      Well, see for yourself: if you want to be a queen, buy what you like, for as much as you don't mind. And if you consider it a waste, then buy more modestly, as you may feel uncomfortable every time, remembering its price at a time.

      10. Dunka Razdolbaeva

      Three years after the wedding lay in the closet. Then I borrowed it for a friend's wedding. She got married at the 7th month, so they had other expenses, except for the dress. Then another 5 years lay
      in the closet. When moving three years ago, they threw it out in FIG. If anything: we live with the same husbands - both me and my girlfriend.

      I have the same thing with my dress, part of the hem came off during a walk (because I climbed all sorts of places and even climbed on a tank, because the wedding was not supposed to be the most important day in my life, but as a big fun party where the bride and groom can everything!) As a result, I did not regret that I did not rent it, but bought it)))) Then, of course, I put it in order)) After 2 months))

      I was in evening dress.

      It hangs in my closet, I wore it 2 more times.

      I was in evening dress. http://s54.radikal.ru/i146/1011/35/47c4edca31e5.jpg It weighs itself in the closet, put it on 2 more times.

      Are these used as a wedding? It would be a dress just white, but at the same time evening, then yes. And it's not really a wedding.

      Did I call it wedding? I called it evening.
      Yes, we didn't have a wedding.
      Limousine, registry office, photographer, carriage with horses, to the restaurant, a table for two, and after 3 days for 2 weeks in the Seychelles.
      Although my friend, AT THE WEDDING, was in a blood-red, chic, evening dress.

      sewed. the dress has colored embellishments, so I wore it once to dinner where evening dresses should have been. No one thought that it was a wedding and praised strangers.

      And what, is it necessary to get married in a white dress? I think it is very beautiful and suits the owner.

      Girls, can you advise where in St. Petersburg you can rent an evening dress?

      hanging in closet)
      Let it hang.
      1. omen
      2. memory.
      3. measure of Slimness)

      Yes, in many bridal shops.
      And google some more.

      beautiful, no doubt. Just something white is probably better for a wedding. After all, this is one time, but you can wear the Colored Evening Mulion once again for any occasion.

      they say that to sell your wedding dress is to give your happiness to another.

      they say that to sell your wedding dress is to give your happiness to another.

      This vain faith is called=SIN.

      Do not cry later that the husband is gone.
      The sign is true.

      First, I sewed myself. It was cheap, modest and tasteful. I bought the second, chose the cheapest and most modest. Looked great. If the bride herself is beautiful (and I am, why be modest :), then no expensive dresses are needed. They said about me both times: “What a beautiful bride, and not what a beautiful dress. Both hang in the closet. Let my daughter have fun with them later, even as a snow queen at the carnival, even if she gets married, if she turns out to be as practical as I am.

      they say that to sell your wedding dress is to give your happiness to another. This vain faith is called=SIN.

      Protecting yourself is also a sin.

      The guests say that to sell your wedding dress is to give your happiness to another.

      This vain faith is called=SIN. Do not cry later that the husband is gone.

      And how long do you have to wait for it to go away? 25 years have already passed, when will this terrible retribution come?

      I bought an expensive, beautiful dress. Hanging in the closet. I won't sell it for anything.

      Do not cry later that the husband is gone. The sign is true.

      My mother gave me a dress and lived with my father for 35 years.
      According to your faith, be it to you.
      That is, if you believe in omens, you will receive them.

      My grandmother told me that it is not necessary to give away a wedding dress, let alone sell it, and it’s really a bad omen and more. you can get it in a few years and if you suddenly see a stain on a large dress, it’s like a trace of a strong quarrel with my husband. and I decided to take a look and was stunned - there was a huge brown spot in the entire sleeve and it could not come from anywhere on it, and I remember exactly that such a spot could not have been, as it was flooded with something, believe it or not, but here so. Somewhere so still with my mother and lies in the old apartment and we are married to my husband. It's scary to think that on December 8th it will be 26 years already))

      Jennifer Popes Guest I was in an evening dress. http://s54.radikal.ru/i146/1011/35/47c4edca31e5.jpg It weighs itself in the closet, put it on 2 more times. Are they used as a wedding? It would be a dress just white, but at the same time evening, then yes. And so it is not wedding at all. Did I call it wedding?? I called it evening. Yes, we didn’t even have a wedding. A limousine, a registry office, a photographer, a carriage with horses, to a restaurant, a table for two, and after 3 days for 2 weeks in the Seychelles. Although my friend, AT THE WEDDING was in blood red , chic, evening dress.

      Oh, I remember you on the topic, it seems, about whether it is worth walking a wedding on a grand scale. Nice dress. I also believe that the bride can wear what SHE wants, and not what is allegedly accepted. And celebrate the wedding as well. Happiness to you. You are very beautiful)))

      On the subject - my beloved friend gave me a dress. I didn’t want to party at all and thought about buying a white silk dress so that I could wear it later. Well, a friend persuaded her to at least be in a traditional dress in the pictures. Both have been living in a strong marriage for more than a dozen years. And we don't believe in omens.

      And I rented mine. 22 YEARS TOGETHER. so shta. bullshit all this))))

      They sewed me a rather modest, delicate white dress. He's at home, he hasn't gone anywhere yet.

      33. Guest with irony

      I bought it, I sold it after the wedding, of course, because I don't see any point in keeping it. Memories are stored, not clothes (The only thing I keep for my daughter is wedding jewelry, but these are more exclusive and beautiful things than sentimental)

      I keep it because I really like it and I'm just a doll in it) Sometimes I put it on and admire myself.

      Mine is still hanging. I don’t know where to put it 🙂 Beautiful, infection .. I can’t imagine that someone else will show off in it

      Initially, it was set up for an inexpensive dress, but white without unnecessary frills and tinsel, only new. The budget was initially determined at 10 thousand, I think it’s more and it’s not worth paying.
      And yet I found it, I immediately understood - “mine”! Knowing very well that I will only wear it for a few hours. Now it lies in the closet on the top shelf, I didn’t even take it to dry cleaning after the wedding.
      I decided for myself that I wouldn’t sell it, I wouldn’t rent it, I wouldn’t even give it to anyone and I wouldn’t let my children or girlfriends try it on, I’ll keep it) Maybe in 10-15 years I’ll wear it again for an anniversary.
      You, the author, do as your inner feeling tells you. Someone talks about signs (I personally think that there is something in this), the second question is how you feel about this. Bulgakov also wrote: "everyone will get according to his faith," so.

      By the way, yes, I would like to be a bride in a dress, not a dress on the bride))) On the one hand, I want something insanely beautiful, expensive - but stop! And where am I going to be seen?)) I don’t complain about appearance, but really, probably, the dress should not set off the BRIDE ITSELF with any props.
      I am very practical and do not suffer from excess financial resources)) I will probably focus on something universal - so that it would be appropriate to wear it to other events. For such money, just taking up space in the closet is not rational.
      By the way, if you get married, frivolity and experiments with color, length and style are not welcome. Below the knees, always light and the church is more for modest luxury.

      I had a pretty dress. This was the first time she got married. Mom kept the dress. Fortunately, a year later, a divorce. She got married for the second time, a daughter was born, and for the New Year my mother sewed her a princess dress from my wedding dress. My daughter has a small copy of my dress: the corset is embroidered with stones, the bottom is puffy, the corset is pulled in. The daughter was 2 years old. We plan to dress for another Christmas tree. So it came in handy for me, although the first marriage was unsuccessful, but at least something beautiful remained.

      39. Mouse faded

      The dress was sewn for me, because it is dark in our salons. Now it sits on the top shelf in the closet. I will keep it, it is dear to me as a memory :)) I won’t give it to anyone, I won’t sell it, I won’t give it, I won’t lend it.
      By the way, it's an interesting idea to wear the dress again for the anniversary 🙂 And we have bride parades in our city, you can participate, there is a dress)

It seems that a wedding dress is the most impractical thing in the world and the most unprofitable investment in the world. Is it so? Does a dress have life after marriage?

1. An elegant dress after the wedding can be worn for a meeting, going to the theater

The likelihood of a second life largely depends from the style of the wedding dress and length. So, for example, a strict and elegant classic knee-length outfit may well serve in the future. Put on a jacket or bolero over it, similar in shade (but not white is better) or contrasting. Alternatively, in a tight-fitting dress just above the knees with a gray jacket and blue accessories (beads, shoes), you can go on a date - business or not.

2. After the wedding, it can be changed into a skirt or cocktail dress

After the wedding, it can be changed into a skirt and put on a party with a denim shirt. A short dress (tunic, retro or even "a la princess") is quite useful for beach parties and discos - just add bright accessories to it. Plain shoes, beads, a bag and a belt will do their job, turning a wedding dress into a trendy club or cocktail outfit. Some long wedding dresses can be shortened (Greek style, for example) to achieve the same effect, and even dyed!

3. Sew your daughter's wedding dress into a princess or christening dress

By the way, you can completely change the wedding dress: after all, it will make an excellent carnival costume. Your daughter will be the best Snowflake, Fairy, Princess or Snow Queen at school!

4. If your ethics allow, dress up as one for Halloween.

Add makeup and you yourself can shine on Halloween in the image of the Dead Bride (not everyone dresses up as mummies and nurses).

5. Selling a wedding dress is not considered bad luck.

Many ladies, thinking about what to do with the dress after the wedding, decide to sell it. This is not considered a bad omen, and, in general, even noble. After all, for some, buying a used wedding dress is the only way out. You can try to attach your outfit to a rental salon or rent it yourself, including for photo shoots.

6. Arrange an unusual photo shoot

If it’s a pity to cut your favorite dress, but selling it is not handy, you can organize a memorable photo shoot with his participation. It's a sweet thing to go with your loved one to the sea and plunge into romance with your head, and in the literal sense too. Don't forget to bring in a creative photographer to give you tips on how to best capture the water scenes.

7. Color it!

Another idea for shooting is using paints. We all want to make life bright - so why not start it immediately. Of course, after the execution with paints, your wedding dress will not be used. But if you really disappear, then with the music!

8. Let go for crafts

Sentimental newlyweds often make original art objects featuring wedding dresses and other paraphernalia. For example, they frame them like a picture and hang them on the wall along with ordinary photos. Another idea is to use lace on a pendant for a pendant, a children's keepsake, New Year's toys with white decor, decorative pillows.

9. Participate in a runaway brides flash mob

In late spring or early summer, activists across Russia take part in the colorful Runaway Brides flash mob. This is a race in wedding dresses, photo shoots, dancing.

10. Sew new clothes

You can ask the seamstress to rip off the lining of the dress, and then dye the lace and lining separately and sew the dress again, but in a different length.

11. Change into a canopy and skirt for the cradle of a newborn

The time of a newborn passes very quickly. It will be remembered for royal shots if you sew a skirt and a canopy for a cradle from your old wedding dress.

12. Leave for posterity

Many ladies, by the way, from the very beginning decide the fate of the wedding dress in favor of the attic, chest or basement - because "it's a pity." And so there remains the hope that someday a daughter will be born who will gather at the altar and decide to wear this dress that has already become vintage.

In any case, it is up to the bride to decide what to do with the dress after the wedding: for women, things related to the sacrament of marriage are very important. And men don’t understand why their spouses have been keeping their wedding dress in the closet for years, along with blouses and skirts, as if planning to wear it some other time.

What did you do with your wedding dress? Thrown out?