What you need to do to give birth to a girl. How to conceive and give birth to a girl - methods, signs and advice

Many parents are absolutely sure that they got a girl because they adhered to a certain diet, made love in certain positions, etc. However, mainstream medicine does not recognize these theories and methods.

If you dream of your daughter more than anything else, what is stopping you from even trying? After all, when it comes to a dream, all means are good!

Stick to the lunar calendar

This popular gender predictor calendar was created by a Chinese scientist. For 700 years, the calendar was in the royal tomb, until archaeologists discovered it during excavations. Using this calendar, you can determine the gender of the child, knowing the age of the mother and the month of conception.

The calendar is 99% accurate. (I have to admit that he correctly predicted the gender of my son). This calendar is very easy to find on the Internet. You just need to find out the months in which you are more likely to conceive a girl at your age and get down to business. Please note that when the favorable month for conceiving a girl has just begun or is coming to an end, you should not risk it, in the first and last days it is better to protect yourself. Such precautions are due to the fact that sperm cells continue to live in the woman's body for several days, and therefore, conception may occur in the wrong month in which you planned to conceive.

Eat a special diet

Many parents and experts believe that eating this diet a few days before conceiving can increase your chances of conceiving girls. This diet is believed to change the acidic environment in your body that affects your baby's gender.

According to this theory, you need to eat as much acidic foods as possible: grapefruits, oranges, lemons, etc. It is believed that the acidic environment adversely affects the sperm of "boys", so the sperm of "girls" have an increased chance of fertilizing an egg first. Proponents of this theory also believe that it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium, but low in salt and potassium.

Get in the right posture

Proponents of this theory believe that during the conception of a girl, you need to use certain positions. Many scientists agree that shallow penetration during intercourse increases the likelihood of conceiving a girl. This is explained by the fact that the most acidic environment is at the entrance to the vagina, and the further, the less acidic it is. Thus, the less deeply your partner penetrates, the more the sperm of the "boys" will be traumatized by the acidic environment, and therefore the chances are high that the sperm of the "girl" will be the first to reach the eggs. Simply put, those who really want to conceive a girl are better off using the "missionary" position. But if you get bored with it, you can safely experiment, not forgetting that the penetration should be shallow.

Choose the right time

It is believed that the spermatozoa of the "girls" move more slowly than the "boys", but the lifespan of the spermatozoa of the "girls" is much longer than that of the "boys".

And what does this mean, you ask? Everything is very simple! You should have sex every day for 2-4 days, this period should be scheduled no later than 2 days before ovulation starts. As soon as 2 days are left before ovulation, you need to stop engaging in unprotected sex for at least 4-5 days. Thus, you enable the slow sperm "girls" to be the first to fertilize the ready egg during ovulation, since all the sperm of the "boys" by the time of ovulation are likely to die. Some women feel when they should ovulate, but to reduce the risk of error, we recommend that you purchase special tests to determine ovulation from the pharmacy.

Warm up your senses

Another theory is that "female" sperm are more resistant to heat. Therefore, according to this concept, your partner should take a warm bath before intercourse in order to increase the chance of conceiving a girl. But here it is dangerous to overdo it, if the overheating is too strong, the sperm can lose its fertilizing properties for several days. A complete renewal of sperm in a man's body occurs every two months.

Don't have an orgasm

Another theory claims that the female orgasm plays an important role in determining the sex of the unborn child. The fact is that when a woman has an orgasm, her body produces a substance that increases the level of alkali in the body. A high level of alkali is favorable for the conception of a boy. Therefore, if you want to conceive a girl, then a woman is better off not having an orgasm during intercourse.

Slow down the pace

Many mothers who have both daughters and sons agree that a long sexual intercourse with romantic foreplay is needed to conceive a girl. There is no scientific evidence for this theory, but couldn't popular rumor be more convincing?

Spend a big sum

If you want to be 100% sure of the result, then there is one very expensive but effective way - artificial insemination. Scientists have made incredible progress in predicting gender. To do this, the egg and sperm must meet in the laboratory, and not inside your body, then the resulting embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity. Since this procedure is not only expensive, but also a very complex medical manipulation, which puts a serious burden on the female body, and also has serious risks, this method is used when there are no other opportunities for the couple to become pregnant.

We wish you that your children were welcome and healthy!

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Now it is very fashionable to plan the sex of the child with the help of dietary nutrition, folk signs, postures, etc. The French studied families who planned children using special diets, and found a relationship between the foods used by the parents and the gender of the unborn child. Based on the results of their research, the products can be divided into 2 categories - and contributing to the conception of girls.

First of all, no matter what gender you wish to have a baby, the body should be prepared. 3 months before conceiving a child, both parents should consume the following foods / drugs:

  1. Fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, especially those that are. It will cleanse the parents' body, energize, and give strength.
  2. Folic acid tablets (). Folic acid is a very important element in planning pregnancy, it prevents the development of congenital neural tube defects, ensures the correct formation of the placenta. Eat foods rich in folate such as milk, meat, herbs, and green vegetables.
  3. The drug containing, more often it is Iodomarin, and, walnuts, which serve as a source of iodine. Iodine deficiency can cause miscarriage in the early stages, negatively affect the mental abilities of the child.

Women are advised to normalize their weight, to lose some weight. It has been proven that it is easier for women who are slim or thin to become pregnant with a girl. By the way, women who were on a low-calorie strict diet give birth to girls more often.

What is there for conceiving a girl

Vegetable salad without added salt will successfully complement the diet of a woman who wants to get pregnant with a girl.

In order for the egg to attract the sperm with the X chromosome, you need to eat rich foods and avoid salty foods. It will be just great if you switch to dairy and egg food with the addition of boiled meat, fresh vegetables and always sweet desserts.

  • Sweet tooths become pregnant with girls. Note that most of your sweet tooth girlfriends give birth to girls. Therefore, chocolate, sweets, marmalade - all of this will benefit you now.
  • As it was written above - milk diet. This means that milk should be present in cereals and mashed potatoes, added to hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa), you can just drink milk with cookies. For pancakes and pancakes, choose a filling of cheese and cottage cheese, serve this dish with sour cream. Pamper yourself and your beloved spouse with glazed curds, yoghurts and curds.
  • ... Be sure to cook egg dishes - fried eggs, soufflés, omelets. Add eggs to dough for pancakes, baked goods, dumplings, and more.
  • Bread and pastries. In this diet, baked goods are welcome in abundance. If you bake yourself, then add milk and eggs to the dough, but you should not take salt and yeast.
  • Almost everything is possible from vegetables - eggplants, bell peppers, green peas, beans, onions, lettuce and other greens. Vegetables are best eaten raw or cooked; pickled vegetables are high in salt.
  • From fruits, give preference to apples, pears, grapes, citrus fruits, you can eat berries - raspberries, cherries, strawberries.
  • From drinks, pay close attention to calcined waters and drinks based on milk, whey.
  • For parents who want to give birth to a girl, it is better to take raisins and nuts (cashews, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts) from the dried fruit department. Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and bran are rich in magnesium.

What is undesirable to eat if you want to give birth to a girl

Salt and all salty foods. In addition to the contained sodium, which interferes with the conception of a female fetus, salt interferes with the absorption of calcium necessary for a girl.

Animal fats are lard, fatty meats, and even butter in large quantities.

Dairy products: salted cheeses, salted butter, vegetable and butter spread.

Prepared meat products with salt content - smoked, uncooked smoked sausages, ham, meat rolls, pates, canned meat.

Eat fish less often. Refuse from dried red fish, any types of salted, smoked and dried fish. Canned fish is strictly prohibited.

From vegetables: you should not eat pickled vegetables, you should limit the amount of potatoes and pumpkin. Don't eat mushrooms. Well, if you really want to, then prepare fresh light-salted champignons.

Fruits and berries: Limit stone fruits (apricots, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines), bananas, avocados, melons, and pineapples.

Meat. Of course, you need to eat meat, but not more than the required daily norm, that is, 220 g will be enough for two per day. Better to eat lightly salted boiled meat or steamed.

A fish. It is better to eat fish no more than 1-2 times a week, but it is better to replace it with shrimp, squid, crabs and caviar.

The use of foods that slow down the absorption of calcium should also be limited: carbonated drinks (especially Coca-Cola), strong black tea and coffee, oxalic acid from sorrel and spinach also interferes with calcium absorption.

After conception, you should quit the diet and eat whatever you want until toxicosis occurs, which occurs much more often and much stronger during pregnancy with a girl than when carrying a boy. The woman's body should get what it lacked during the diet, usually those foods that were forbidden, and refuse sweets and milk for the sake of fish and sausages with a slice of bread and a tomato.

Remember that diets do not give one hundred percent guarantee, but they allow you to bring your cherished dream closer.

Many women are interested in ovulation. Almost all families want to decide on the gender of the unborn child. For this, various methods are used. But you should be aware that not all the proposed techniques are suitable for each specific case. Genetics cannot be planned. It is laid down by nature. But you can increase the chances of conceiving a girl. You just need to decide when and how conception occurs.

People want to plan the sex of the fetus since ancient times. For this, several techniques have been developed, which have come down to modern families. There are also signs that should contribute to the establishment of the desired sex of the embryo.

So, Russian girls had to put a scarf under the pillow before conception. It was believed that this ritual helped to get pregnant with a girl. In Europe, a woman should lie with her head to the west during sexual intercourse. The reasons are the same. The girls approached planning more competently in Ancient China. To determine the sex of the unborn child, a special table was created. It noted the full age of the mother and the month of the alleged conception. At the intersection of the lines, the sex of the fetus was marked.

The original of such a table has survived to this day. It is kept in Beijing and is strictly guarded. Modern scientists have examined the table and made their own changes. A more complex gender determination table was constructed. The first part of the table indicates the month of birth of the mother and father. A certain number is put at the intersection. Knowing this figure, you can start studying the second half of the table.

The second table consists of numbers and months. Gender is displayed opposite each month. By following this chart, a couple can figure out how to conceive a 100 percent girl.

This technique has a lot of evidence. But there are also errors. To increase the chances of a girl, you need to find out what features of her conception exist.

What is needed for pregnancy with a female fetus

In order to become pregnant with a girl, the process of conception must be understood. The essence of the process is the fusion of the male and female reproductive cells.

The female ovum does not carry the genetic code of sex. The sperm is the carrier of the gene pool. There are two groups of sperm:

  • carriers of XX chromosomes;
  • owners of XY chromosomes.

The first group is responsible for the birth of girls. They have certain qualities that are characteristic only of girls' sperm. When studying germ cells with a different gene, it was noticed that they have a number of differences. Carriers of the female chromosome have little physical activity. Such sperm slowly move through the uterine cavity. To increase their chances of conceiving, nature has adjusted the timing of viability. Girl sperm have a long life span. They can persist in the uterus for up to 5 days. This feature is taken into account when planning a pregnancy with a girl.

Boy sperm also have a number of distinctive features. They have a short life cycle. It is believed that these cells die after 2 days. But the short vitality is compensated by physical activity. They have a high speed of movement. This helps them to reach the fallopian tubes in a short time and meet with the egg.

It is these features of male germ cells that are taken into account when planning a pregnancy with a girl.

Female ovulation is of primary importance. It is necessary for the release of the egg into the fallopian tubes.

Female fertility function

To calculate ovulation for conceiving a girl, you need to know when it occurs. The ovulatory phase occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It is formed under the influence of various hormonal substances.

The main role is played by the first and middle phases. The estrogen phase begins at the end of your period. The hormone gradually increases in the bloodstream. This triggers various preparatory processes in the uterus. Initially, an additional layer appears in the uterus. It serves as a bed for a fertilized egg. The endometrium is rapidly enlarging and stratifying. This phenomenon is observed with the active growth of estrogen. From the seventh day, an additional substance is produced. Follicle-stimulating hormone is responsible for activating one of the ovaries. Each ovary contains a certain number of germ cells. The hormone helps the cell get into the pocket located under the ovarian membrane. At this point, a follicle is formed.

The follicular pocket is gradually enlarged. Its walls are stretched. The cavity is filled with luteal fluid. By the time of ovulation, the follicle can grow up to 23 mm. The preparation of the endometrium and follicle is completed. Estrogen drops.

A new stage of the cycle begins - ovulatory. Its duration is 1 day. The stage begins with the appearance of luteinizing hormone in the blood. This substance affects the density of the follicular fluid. The solution becomes clear and viscous. Due to this, its volume also increases. The thinned walls of the follicular pocket cannot withstand the pressure of the liquid and rupture. The most favorable time for successful planning is coming.

How to set the fertile phase

The calculation of ovulation for conceiving a girl can be done using various methods. Doctors suggest using the following methods:

  • determination of signs of ovulation;
  • using home tests;
  • visiting an ultrasound examination;
  • basal temperature table.

Every girl knows what signs accompany ovulation. It is easy to calculate the fertile period by the characteristics of cervical secretions. A few days before ovulation approaches, a woman notices a large amount of mucus from the vagina. It appears in the glands of the cervical canal. Its function is to protect the uterus from infection by pathogens. In the normal state, the channel is tightly closed. Before ovulation, it opens up. The protective function is enhanced, the volume of secretions increases. This phenomenon is often observed 3-4 days before the rupture of the follicle.

Also, some women experience an unpleasant sensation in the lower peritoneal zone. The pain can appear for various reasons. Often the main cause of painful sensations is the increased pressure of fluid on the walls of the follicle. The most severe manifestation of pain accompanies the removal of the egg from the follicular pocket. This will help answer the question of how to calculate the onset of ovulation.

Some girls notice an increase in their sex drive. Attraction depends on the work of various hormones. Estrogen influences the onset of sex drive. The activity increases with the appearance of luteinizing hormone. After ovulation, the attraction subsides. This phenomenon is necessary to increase the chances of cell fertilization.

You can also catch ovulation with the help of special tests. You can buy them at any pharmacy store. The tests should be used strictly according to the instructions. Testing should not be done in the morning. The highest concentration of LH is observed at lunchtime. Cycle times should also be considered. If it is 24-26 days, then testing should start from the seventh day of the cycle. With a longer cycle, the tests are used from the ninth day. The woman should do the testing before comparing the stripes for color. This is a sign of a surge in LH. Testing can be stopped.

A more accurate method of catching ovulation is folliculometry. The doctor examines the ovaries using an ultrasound machine. A dominant follicle is required for ovulation. You should also know how it grows. This knowledge allows the doctor to determine the exact onset of ovulation.

If this is not possible, there is another reliable method for self-calculating ovulation. To do this, a woman must draw up a basal temperature table. It is easy to build. You can also use a special internet schedule. The temperature is measured by the rectal method. A mercury thermometer is recommended for measurement. Each measurement result is entered into the ovulation calendar to calculate the conception of a girl. The approach of the favorable phase is accompanied by a sharp decrease in indicators.

How to plan your baby's gender

Many women ask how to get pregnant with a girl by ovulation. To do this, you must use one of the listed methods. The conception calendar should contain clear data on the onset of the fertile period. For this reason, the planning of the girl for ovulation is carried out on the 3-4th cycle.

To conceive a girl, you should start active planning 5 days before the follicle rupture. For 2-3 days before the onset of the ovulatory phase, you should refuse sexual intercourse. This is necessary due to the duration of the activity of the boy's sperm. They will completely disappear from the uterus during this time. If sex falls on the day of ovulation, the chances of having a planned sex are reduced.

You should also follow certain rules before conceiving a girl. A man should reduce physical activity. It affects the metabolic processes in the small pelvis. The concentration of boy sperm in the seminal fluid decreases. Adherence to a special diet also allows you to increase the number of sperm with a female gene. Before conception, a man is advised to give up the increased consumption of spicy food and meat dishes. Protein foods should be preferred. It has a positive effect on testicular function.

Both partners should stop sexual activity one week before planning. Failure contributes to an increase in the concentration of sperm with the female chromosome. Before ovulation, the couple should be sexually restful. All these actions in combination will help to obtain the desired effect.

It is not easy to plan and calculate the gender of a child. There are a number of features in the female and male body. They do not always allow the couple to accurately calculate the gender of the baby. The most effective method of obtaining a girl is only in vitro fertilization with the choice of sperm from a specific gene pool. But you should know that the calculated period also contributes to a successful conception.

The birth of a child- the most joyful and happy event in the life of every family. For some, the gender of the unborn baby is not important, for others it can become a matter of principle, especially if the family already has a child. Most women dream of a daughter, want to buy her beautiful dresses, braid pigtails, keep secret with her when she grows up.

For preimplantation genetic diagnosis

100% conception of a girl is possible only thanks to preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), carried out in the framework of IVF (in vitro fertilization). PGD ​​is usually used to examine an embryo for genetic diseases, and it can also be used to determine gender. However, this diagnosis is very expensive, therefore it is carried out only for medical reasons. PGD ​​is used to determine the sex of the embryo if there is a high probability of giving birth to a baby with a gender-related genetic disease. For example, hemophilia is a rare hereditary disorder that can only be transmitted to boys.

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Men are thirsty, then almost all women want to know how to conceive a girl. Especially if this is the first child.

The gender of the unborn baby is 100% dependent on which chromosome the dad's sperm will share with the egg. Therefore, the role of mom in such a responsible business is negligible.

And it would be right to "blame" the man for the fact that the child is not of the sex that she would like and the woman gave birth to a girl.

If your goal is to get pregnant with a girl, then the specialists from the antenatal clinic may help you. An experienced doctor will recommend several ways to conceive, and your individual situation will tell you which one is better to choose.

But, let's talk a little about the sacrament of conception itself. Correctly they say: there is a lot of the Divine in this process, however, modern medicine is currently quite well versed in this matter.

Let's start with this: a baby's gender depends on several factors.

As noted above, a woman has practically no influence on this process. It is the dad, or rather his sperm "charged" with a genetic set, who bear the main responsibility for the sex of the baby.

Dad's role

The egg cell has only one female X chromosome. Sperm has both an X and a Y chromosome.

Moreover, which of them he shares - depends, again, only on the father himself. It affects the likelihood of conceiving a girl.

The most important factor is the moment of intercourse after ovulation. It's all about the survival of sperm in a woman's body, taking into account the high temperature.

Male reproductive cells very poorly tolerate an increase in temperature above +28 degrees. That is why the anatomy of the male body provides for the scrotum - a repository of genetic material located outside the body.

Cryptorchidism and hydrocele transferred by dad during childhood can significantly reduce the ability to conceive a child. Both diseases can be associated with overheating of the testicles.

Sperm cannot be viable for a long time in the body of a mother-to-be. They die very much within 3-4 days after intercourse, without giving the mother the opportunity to conceive a baby under unfavorable circumstances.

But, it depends on the process of death whether conception will occur by a daughter or by a son.

After all, each sperm has both chromosomes, they are divided into cells with a "female" and "male" principle.

Those cells that during conception could be responsible for the birth of a male heir die very quickly, usually on the first day.

The feminine principle in the sperm, which affects the chance of giving birth to a girl, gives them incredible vitality, and they quite comfortably endure a long stay in the fallopian tubes, waiting for the moment they meet with the egg.

Calculation by the time of ovulation

So, the viability of sperm directly affects the sex of the baby. A woman is capable of getting pregnant on any day of the cycle. But only a certain day guarantees 100% the beginning of pregnancy.

It is to find out this day that a table with an ovulation schedule should be kept.

In order for the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a daughter to be the highest, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature over the course of several previous months in order to know for sure.

Sexual intercourse should be completed at least 2-3 days before ovulation, or, taking into account the dad's break for the previous ejaculation in 4-5 days, after, for 2-3 days.

In such a "hard" schedule, sperm with a "male" origin will lose their viability and become unsuitable for fertilization. This means that they will give way to cells that, when merged with the mother, will give her a chance to conceive a little girl.

By the way, you can also control the right moment by means of the calendar.

Let's try on the calendar

The calendar for calculating the sex of the child was invented a long time ago. Even in ancient China, the sexual acts of emperors were aimed only at the birth of boys and were painted as required by the table.

The effectiveness of this method is very far from a 100 percent guarantee.

Perhaps that is why there were a lot of pretty princesses in the families of the rulers of the same Celestial Empire. Although, probably, the wives of the greats of this world were also not averse to giving birth to a little girl.

The main criteria for calculating the calendar are the age of the mother and the lunar phase. No one will undertake to deny the influence of subtle structures and materials on gender planning and pregnancy, as such.

But you can always resort to more scientifically based methods. Especially if the woman is firmly convinced to conceive a girl.

Calculating gender by blood group

Since the time when scientists discovered blood groups, a clear relationship has been established between the Rh factors of parents and the gender of children. "Calculate" a girl by blood can now be prompted in any antenatal clinic.

There is a table by blood group of mother and father, suggesting the likelihood of having a "specific" child. But, it is better to take into account the way when ovulation is controlled. After all, then it is possible to fairly accurately calculate the time required in order to become pregnant with a girl.

Compliance with a specific diet

Often on the Internet you come across materials that talk about wonderful things not only for weight loss. But can eating any food affect the unborn baby? Yes, absolutely.

But it is the quality of the food and the regularity of the meal that has an impact, not the preference for certain foods.